In of on of in WAIT CHANCE TO INSPECT BLAST-CRIPPLED NAZI SHIP t v. -wjO .ti vet?- wirf f yPWt-WV.'y Xs .vi 4 1 J V 'v ' SO mim V "-v x o x. A j A pause in the probe of the S.S. Vancouver explosion gave an opportunity to watch salvage operations to (left to right) Chief Assistant District Attorney Ralph Hoyt, District Attor- ney Earl Warren and Captain E. W. Moessinger, skipper ol the crippled vessel. (Story on Page 1.) Tribune photo. BiT11 i o Mis xX UljlT' if;, A" - Ai i o, 4' , V 1 yiK ; As pumping out of the Vancouver, so that it might be moved from where it went aground in the Estuary, continued, authorities, blocked from entering flooded holds, inspected the exterior of the ship as shown. Tribune photo. Sonoma Chief Loses Fugitive Suspect Escapes By Ruse From Three Officers in Cafe SANTA ROSA, Nov. 5.-W Federal Department of Justice agents were called in today to aid In hunting a fugitive whd tricked and'-es-caped from a good-natured smalltown police chief and two California highway patrolmen. The officers said the hunted man was believed to be Hulton Mosteller, 31, Colorado ex-felon, under Indictment in Grand Rapids, Mich, as fugitive from justice in a robbery case. Chief of Police Boyd Miller of Sonoma said he and two highway officers went yesterday to a restaurant where the suspected man was working as a dishwasher and.; waiter, under the name of Bob) Grabshaw. They told him they wanted him to go with them to the police station, i-t a ' "But I've got a couple of customers inside I've got to serve first," said Grabshaw, "All right,'? said ; Chief Miller, Vwe'U wait." ', , The officers waited outside. Grab shaw left by the back door.. Chief Miller said he had recog nized Grabshaw as Mosteller from an FJB.I, circular. ' ( ALASKA HUNTER ; DUE HERE TODAY IN DEATH RACE Henry L. Walther, young Chicago hunter called from the Alaska wil derness to rush to the side of his dying mother, was jdue to stop in Oakland today on'rhe last , lap of his race with death..