CEREMONIES 10 DE HOI SOLDIER Standard Carried Overseas by Engineers To Be Used in . 1 Program Sunday. t Joint ceremonies will -be held Sunday to pay atrlbute to America's oldler dead and to the American flag carried overseas by Company A, .Eighteenth Engineer, The eeri monies will be held under .the aus-" plees of Claremont Parlbr, Native 8om of the Golden West and will take place In Golden Gate Play-pro tin d, Sixty-third street -and San Pablo avenue. . The services will be in celebration of the second anniversary of the return to Claremont Parlor of Its American flag, loaned to Company A, Eighteenth Engineers, and .taken by them to France during the war. It Is said that this flag 'is the only fra- ternally-owned standard taken overseas by an American army unit during the war. In the course of the ceremonies Claremont Parlor will Slant a red-" wood tree In ' the playground in memory of those who lost their lives in the war. Native Sons in large numbers from all parts of the bay district will attend the ceremony, it Is said. Among the officials invited to be present are Mayor John L. Davie and Sheriff Frank Barnet. Th speaker of the day will be former Governor George C. Pardee. Company A. Eighteenth Engineers, will be represented by Captain Frank narrow Bi4kr f hat organi- ration. PVevibua "to the ceremonies there will be a parade in the Golden Gate district Harry G. Williams is to be grand marshal. The chairman, of. the artBgneritsf committee for the ceremonies is Harry Burns of Claremont Parlor. 4 - '