, j m m.m & ft ft H J lUji'lO -V.Tfil THE G1P.L HE L Went to San Rafael and l . "... ' ' . - - ' " Married.- v - Lost vHisl Position Because JSha Visited JhdV? r v Warden? : The war at the Receiving Hospital In which W. J. Keating, then - warden for the insane enraged with Iaaae. Rarnett. has been !rJ? Jled by the marriage of Keating aha 6ftia " Barnett. the tatter the daughter ot, Keating' aged and in veterate enemy. The nuptials took place at Ban RafaaV Saturday last. . . y The Barnett family Bve opposite the Receiving Hospital, and Belina -used to find it convenient to occasionally bless seating with, her .presence at his place Of duty; j.--.!,-.: f . -. . i Her vistts to'na'hospftai were not made with her-father's-consent. Indeed. -they iew o several uveiy acenes Between Barnett pere and KeaUng, In which Barnett got the worat. tn-'a ns tie. encounter. The matter was broughttouthe attention of the Supervisory. Jr'An,'' l4veatigation was- or- aerea and..Keaunr:realgned his position as. warden forrhe tnsana. He h iIdm. however, met-the young woman, and the meeungs resuuea ia. toe nupuais ot Bat urday last. . . .. Itwas- Juat ajptaia. eJonemant,;li i ID