Order to Show Cause THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE I* County of Alameda, State of California.. In th: matter of the application of Beulah Park Camp Meeting Association (a corpor ation), for leave to -ell real estate. Order to show cause. Beulah Park Camp Meeting Association, corporation, having file! its verified petition, praying for an order of this Court authorizing the Beulah Park ‹ amp Meeting Association, corporation. to sell and convey al! the land now owned said corp ration or that may be reconveyed by to grant ea succes-ors of the grantees under th- orders formerly made by this Court, in the tract of land described as fo lows: That certain piece or parcel of land/situated in the City of 0 kland, County of Alameds, State of California, and commencing at point in the easterly line of the town of Lynn, distant sonth thirteen degrees west one hundred and seven 74-100 (107 74-100) feet from the southerly line of the County road (or Hop• kins street): running theuce south thirteen degrees west along the line of fence between said town of Lyna and land of J. V. Webster, five hundred and fits -seven 26-100 (557 26-100) feet to an old post: thence suuth se degrees fifty, minutes east slong line of fence Ave hundred and seventy- -three (573) feet to a stake: thence north twelve degrees forty. five minutes east along a line of cypress trees and distant two (2) feet easterly therefrom six hundred and sixty-seven 20-100 (667 2-100) feet to a stake in the southerly line of said Hopkins street: thence north seven hundred and seventy (770) feet west along the last named line two hundred and fort;-two (212) feet; thence westerly along a line curved to the left with a radius of e even bundred and three (1,103) feet, three hundred and ten (310) feet to the point of commencement; containing eight and one-half (8½) acres. Now Therefore, It is ordered that all persons interested therein be and appear before this Court on Mondar, the 29th day of April 4. D. 1895, at ten o'clock A. M. of that day. at the Courtroom of this Court, Department No. 2 thereof, in the Courthouse 1a said City of Oakland, County of Alameda, State of California, to show cause, if any ther may have, why the said Beulah Park Camp Meeting Association, & corporation, should not be authorized and granted permission and leave to sell the land herein• above described. And it is hereby further ordered that: copy of this order be published daily for at least five days before the said day of hearing in the OAKLANd TRIBUNE, a newspaper printed and publisa ed in said County of Alameda FRICK, Judge of the Superior Court. Dated April 20, 1894.