I 10 -1 I 1 RN - - letleri -VertST—TEAIUIZEST— PAT INTER " --- via a via olgtamtem AIME tillort--tr -6""' Int TA Pet - - 160 Avery Street Dallas Texas snows r FROM HEAVEN! Jeanette MacDONALD :lose ITURBI '4 Jane POWELL4 IN TECHNICOLOR PETTIGREW WORLLY and CO PM OMPANY UCTION COMPANY J R CONDRON COMPANY Lathing and Plastering Contractors 610 Nell P Anderson Bldg Fort Worth Texas GOOD MARBLE & TILE Co 'ewe yaw Nlimir lot' a V 1 SO Om VS U Imp Om NO 'yams Office and Display Room at 701 W Lancaster Fort Worth KEETCH METAL WORKS Sheet Metal Contractors 2813 Crockett Street Fort Worth Texas tri AMERICAN! SEATING CO 11 limmoll RORRINggN (00 OR 19510? 1 R 0 k ff11 Pa DD 111 Om ImmIP riggArgus nr) I-N ‘J W EVER YTIIIIIG I I We Gratefully Acknowledge the Efforts of These' Firms for the Parkway's "New Look" Architects Engineers 160 Avery- Street Dallas Texas ' McMATH-AXILROD CORP Porcelain — latnel —Neon Signs 620 Third Ave Dallas Texas EUGENE GILBOE Murals and Decorating 608 Southland Life Bldg Dallas Texas Bodiform SEATS I Symphonic DUI LIB Lifelike PROJECT1011 Pleasing COLORS &idol LOUNGES Cashipned CARPET: s 'Sooihibrig DECOR Doigod LIGHTING Spacious LOBBY AIR CiiINDITION1110 s- MILLER ELECTRIC COMPANY H Electrical Contractors — Electric Supplies Motors and Fans 1900 St Louis Ave Phone 9-1717 Fort Worth Texas BEALS PLMB & HEATING CO Heating — Plumbing — Air-Conditioning — Ventilating Industrial and Commercial — Fort Worth Texas CHAS F WILLIAMS CO INC: Building Specialties 328 Lipscomb Street Fort Worth 416-1 t4Jii g42n9- U V -1s- U::- ' 4( LA7 IN TEC II- NICOLOR 00000 I i Illii UtOilUillUlli I ' - - We Gratefully Acknowledge the Efforts of These Firms for the Parkway's "New Look" - Th PETTIGREW WORLEY and CO Architects — Engineers 1 160 Avery- Street Dallas Texas - - l- 1 PM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY McMATH-AXILROD CORP ' 160 Avery Street Dallas Texas ' Porcelain — Enamel —Neon Signs 620 Third Ae Dallas Teas v x J R CONDRON COMPANY - MILLER ELECTRIC COMPANY Lathing and Plastering Contractors Electrical Contractors — Electric Supplies —4 Motors and Fans e Anderson Texas 1900 St Louis Ave 610 Nil P And Bldg Fort Worth T Phone 9-1717 Fort Worth Texas GOOD MARBLE St TILE CO BEALS PLMB St HEATING CO Heating — Plumbing — Air-Conditioning — Ventilating Office and Display Room at 701 W Lancaster Fort Worth Industrial and Commercial — Fort Worth Texas - CHAS F WILLIAMS CO INC KEETCH METAL WORKS - Sheet Metal Contractors Building Specialties 328 Lipscomb Street Fort Worth - - 2813 Crockett Street Fort Worth Texas EUGENE GILB OE 1 AMERICAN SEATING CO Murals and Decorating 608 Southland Life Bldg Dallas Texas - 4mmelinmi4 A 1113 5 1AW 61 0 P i'p4Alp (N4' i) fR RR OM) 1)G -a obi - we I ' ): r7ct 4v i '' 6 - - 17 : 411 ) I - dt ' 'If 11 '''' IC 15:1 4WIcit - IMEMEMES' --it - 2 COLIPLETE SHOWS STRAIGHT FROM HEAVEN! "tte te7r:1) !4 eane N11-1 i MacDONALD V411411 h : fLLewig Jane POWELL 'i U Ok-Jw)k) W ( - " ---- ' '' N N st " ‘ TN - : ‘ -744-N ---------------N-----Z-2- FERST N 1:11AT - THEATRES im DEDICATED TO :1) - A A ---16111111:111311-16ERviCct - I g g gig ' ! Pv 1'1 1 4 0 1 7'N A- I r- r---1 I al - 11114T1 ' a 1) e-N 1 1r-1 1 1 : t 1111111111111i4' tire 1111111 11110:10)1311 I Atka - nummasciz k 412 mok : -futert-sr—rtAtutzr-sw-- ItAT a la a FA a sou mineri 1 TI NENpt - 1 ) taw? 1A11111Ly S 19) A 11 pm