v msmrnwmmtrmrmw rraw sw p WWAtfeVft t Y rWf Ji TTOrrr - r Trv - r - vjTiyTi r l THE TORT WAY2C lAiLY NEWS SATURDAY JUN 24 Statue of a North American Indian Title His First Bullet r i C I Chief Little Turtles Village zmm On a red boulder averaging three feet in diameter nil lie placed a bronzre tablet reciting tliat here on this the l Alexander Moore farm was located ttiei Chief Little Turtles village Hero his tribe lived In their tepeea hunting wild nine In the neighboring woods and utihing llsh In Kel river and In the ike Iwo - ntid a half miles east now Hilled Lake Hverclt and the squaws iiiituateq corn on tne prairies Monuments and Statues by Henry M Williams Mny yean ago I designed these twelve monuments and statues and soma more and my hops Is now to ee them realized all but on to appear In Fori vayne the exception being the LaBalm Massacre memorial which will be placed at the mouth of the Abolte river eleven miles southwest from Fort Wayne A duplicate of Captain Weils will undoubtedly And a place In Chicago in honor of whom their Wells street was named and ours Of The Indians First Bullet I think there wilt be several reproductions and Of President Lincoln and Tad hope there will be full fifteen iq as many different cities all oer the broad pnlted States 1 he 300000 citizens of Los Angeles should not be compelled to travel 3000 miles to Boston to sea what vvlll b the best statue of the great and goodrSnd gentle Lincoln they should hate a capy at home in M Nlllnms This statue represents an IndlaiWfT4 ng cant the bow and arrow on the ground at Ills rig t 1 he nas familiar only with what kind of shooting his I rOlllvMuKVo f a bullet being this piercing of his right lung b thp liiTMVifrfTi has passed completely through his body from front to back - the lingers of his right hand are slightly compressing the bullet hub through his chi - st hit left hand feeling for the larger hole In his bnck to pull out the airovv or what It may have been that gave him that ulck pienlng wound His facial expression Is astonishment ihlellj Indians never show suffering a greatly puzzled look vvoiirWing whehec came that mvsterv passing through his lungs and v hot It was Ills shock of astonishment Is so great that he gives no thought to the encmj In the bushes In front fthe white nian his head inllneii down looking at his wound In strong contrast with his dog on his left growling andwmrling and peering into the bushes whence came the shot the while mans bullet Kentucky Soldier in Retreat First French Stockade Fort Fort Miami Itf Copright 1811 Henry M Williams This statue - to be placed on extreme end of Tast Berry street on the edge of the bluff Vort Wajne Ind Major General ltarmcrs arm had crossed the river to attack the Indian tillage had been defeated and driven hack again over the river This Kentucky soldier looking west on Berry street la leaning to the oath the direction in which he Is retreating Hut he turns his head and arms and gun pointed to the north for a parting shot at the Indian closely pursuing him lie has lost his hat in the retreat through the river his hair Is disheveled llhllj standing up but with a dellant look on his face saving I will have ope more shot at them though retreating and the killing of that pursuing Indian saved his own life i I f Mfilj i hum mMfmilliimw i - tiifii il ftjl f tiia i m wtmffc 1 M 1 i h imimMWUiym To be placed on the McCtdloch homestead grounds near the south bank of the St Marys river a little northwest from the old homestead to mark the site of the small stockade fort built by the French probably In the early part of 1700 called Fort MlanuV t i6li11l uarlnK Jle Bedford stone ft slxtfoot cube the top a little higher In the center to shed the rain the fpjnrildes carved to represent wooden slabs after the manner of the DklAontier stockade with lg - zagged rlfllo Indentations to represent th firing holes front the Insldo i Burial Place of the Famous Chief Little Turtle wriwfw The location is on the south side of Prospect avenue about 100 yards east of Spy Hun avenue A red boulder averaging three feet In diameter will be placed there with bronze tablet reciting that here Little Turtle was burled taken sick and dying here at Fort Wayne while away from his home village which was on what Is called now the Alexander Moore farm in Whltle county Indiana about two and a half miles west from Lake Everett which is ten miles northwest from Fort Wayne The Aboite River Massacre hi - i i c K A plain stone monument with bronze baa relief tablet representing the adventurous LaBalm and hi men returning to Vlnrennes Ind all the party fast ssleep on the ground near the little stream of water - at the mouth of theAbo1te river The enthusiastic French captain had left Vlncennes slraut seven weeks previous with a small band of followers expecting to duMe or treble the number at Fort Wayne and then march on to Detroit to reinforce - ther American forces there The gallant captain received no encouragement at all among the commercial traders ot Fort Wayne and much discouraged he had got as far as the mouth of the Aboite river en his return to Vlncennes But they never reached Vlncennes for just at daybreak the Indians from the neighboring Village a mile to the north swooped down upon them and massacred nearly even man among them The bas relief will show the stealthy Indian creeping towards the sleepers from the cast side - 1 Second French Fort 0 4m - WMfAimk WWfmm Monument on slle of second French fort built near the east bank ot the St Joseph river almut opposite the east end of Klverslde avenue on the west side of St Josephs river This monument will be at the base a large redbouldor six feet average diameter on top of which will be a solid blue Bedford stone three feet In diameter lm shape a round spiral foui feet In height fitting closely on top of which Willie another continuation spiral of same diameter ten feet high ending flat at thetop except a slight two - Inch rise to the center to shed rain The bronze tablets on these three sections of the monument will be as follows An inscription on the red base win state the red Indians to have been the occupants here from time Immemorial Jhe next section of blua Bedford stone will indicate the tune of the Trench occupancy unttl llty the date of the surrehdsr to the British The spiral extending flat at the top not pointed Is Intended to Indicate the new tenancy in 1760 of the British and their successors still in possession and growing spirally upward this ten feet at the top being of pure white Bedford Incidentally the three colors are the American flag colors red white and blue Smalt farms art the rule In Porto Rico 42004 heHng or less than twenty acres each Only Z07 are of one thousand acres and over and only 132 are of from Ave hundred to nine huridred and ninety - nine acres Owners operate 4J77J farms of which UMf are free ot mortgages The tenant farms number 1M and UOfvart run by managers A standing UtrKcntucklan abouti twenty - seven years of age with coonskln cap on his head and other Items of halt Indian halt pioneer dress his long rifle upright by ls side the butt on the ground In deeo meditation This statue will be placed on a broad faced stone monument with two bronze tablets on either aide of the center where the statue stands The bronze ablet to the right shows an Indian tepee with two Utile Indian girls playing In front of lt and his dark - faced In - dln wife with her bright piercing black eyes showing through the opening ot the tepee Captain Wells Is thinking of them at the same time having a hazy recollection as a boy before he was captured by the Indians ot this scene On the other tablet to the left of a log catija In Kentucky his mother standing In the open doorway with two children playing In front of that door also his father in the Held hoeing corn Captain Wells is A very deep meditation hearing the call of the wild on one side his red Indian wife and two line little girls who were afterwards Mrs Hackley and Mrs Turner the honored wives of white men both very fine women educated at the girls school In Lexington Ky and he eea on the other tablet in Imagination his white mother and father and the two children playing in the door and he Is very strongly called to them Captain Wells had fought gallantly with his Indian friends agalnet General Har - mer and later under the great chief Little Turtle against General St Clair near Rldgtf - vllle Ind the site of the battle afterwards called fort Re - oovery St Clair being on his way to this place now Fort Wayne to build the fort Captain Wells Statue aataik Jfir MFWiU if IP mivllmMlmllW tillii Hlf w htch Jtlrmer failed to build so earnostly desired by President George Washington But the Indians also defeated and utterly routed Oeneral St Clalra army and not until Washlnrton had made the third attempt with Oeneral Wayne was that much desired object accomplished the building of the fort here at mia point The cause ot Captain Wells deep meditation was the fear now overwhelming him lhat he might be killing his own Kentucky relatives in these battles in which he was fighting on the Indian elde and We know the conclusion that he could no longer do It that he must henceforth be on the aide of the whites representing the high civilization end against the Indians representing only the wlld ness and savageness ot hit - V mantty tie knew that It was safe to leave his wife with her own people temporarily that the whites would conquer the Indians and that he would have them again In a few weeks or months lie resolved to join Gen Waynes army then resting between Defiance and Maumee City and his goodbye to Little Turtle was honorable and pathetic We have been frlonds he said and shall be today until the tun reaob - es that height indicating with his hand four oclock then we are enemies You can kill me I can kill you Goodbye Little Turtle was sorryto lose him but lie appreciated Captain Wells conflicting efhatlons he probably also foresaw the coming supremacy of the white civilisation and after Gen Wayne whipped him and his tribe at the battle ot Fallen Timbers he became the Very best friend of the whites The Gentleman ot His Race the title given him Copright 1111 Henry M WllIlam The Vision of Johnny Appleseed iiiiiinuMJUUiUlU IIW11111 Copright lilt Henry It Williams This will be a bas - retlet representing the old man Johnny Appleseed on his death bedgazing straight ahead of him beyond the foot of the bed at an lmtgtnary apple tree loaded down with ripe red apples Johnny Appleseed John Chapman his real name was our first representative in Altruism giving away to all wishing them thousands upon thousands of apple seeds at each recurring season He was born In Springfield Mass 1775 died here 1147 Two Kinds o f Transportation Canal and Railroad T miniTsTnrrriT TTT l UU viJ - J TlJJL VrrvVvvT Srjw Sjsjsats4ljsJMMVsssWHsMssMsMsaMs SyW I 3 v y Coprtiatun Itenry it WHIIates A j double - bas - relief la bronze on V Targe BedtordstoDe Isse facing south onjeolumbta streetrto be placed In the triangular plot of groundowned bythe Nickel Plate railroad at foot of Lafayette Mreet Fort Wayne - Ind The bronze tablet to the left that Is to the west will represent the canal basin and a three - liorss passenger packet coming into the bastnr to dock with ladles and gentlemen standing at the bow of the boat the ladles with parasols the bowsmsn with bis rope rolled reads to throw ashore to the man at the snubbing post ready to receive and throw It over ihe post The three horse which brought In the boat so gallantly in a strut trot wilt be shown on the north shore the towing path side f the canal basla This will be a typical scene of old - style canal water transportation The bronze tablet on the riant to the east will represent a canal frettht boat hollow no deck - In lt tapachms hold bringing Its owndestructlon the first locomotive that ever entered Fort Wayne Illustrating thf sometimes Irony ot FatVthe old atdlartbe new to Jts own destruction All tin boiler wilt be risible and the tab and smokestack and more than one - halt the two driving wheels and tha tender neninq pitiara signt as canaj winging us own eesiruoiion - me irony ot rata T 4 itfiW 1 I V rf n illijltlHlfa4ll4fcU Vl t A rAa y i - A V kvtthv iiMft - ibi 3 - i les