Negroes Protest Segregation At Ft. let! up- orities who, in turn, operate them on a segregated basis. This is from the stand taken tnr the President in IB51 when. he vetoed H. R. 5411. "That bill, as you know, contained language wruch was designed to require segregation in schools on military posts. For some reasons, mem- bers of the Department of Defense legal staff have the opinion that xi. was passed over uie President's veto. This is not the Want Correction Actually, there is not a shred of stuicalion in committee hearings . if col-ilective sub-. motor-caded Want Children In Classes on Post By MARSHALL McNEIL IcrM.Pil Wxhlmlsn Orrrinan WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. An end of segration of school children at Ft. Bliss and three other Army installations is demanded in a letter to Defense secretary Robert A, Lovett from the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People, made public by the association today. Clarence Mitchell, director of the Washington Bureau oi haau', charged that "colored children at Ft. Uliss and Ft. bam Houston in Tssas. Ft. Sill in Oklahoma and Ft. jBelvoir in Virginia, are shunted toi inferior schools. Operated Locally The letter continued: "In each of these instances, the Post command ers have turned the schools on the posts over to local education auth- or otherwise for the present practice followed in these military installations in Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia. "We Strongly urge." the NAACP letter to Lovett continued, "that in the interest of justice, morale of service people, and the annoiiTir-Prt iL-ipiei oi equanty or. treatment the Armed Scrvtrw that th department or uetense immediately correct this situation by admitting """" ' 5L-uoois on military wuuuui regard to race. Cite Communism It is well known." Mftehpll't letter added, "that an important! part of the Communist propaganda! , .umu is tQai our ugnt in Korea is for the purpose of promoting white supremacy rather than democracy. "If the Armed Services, them selves, watoniy numiiate colored' uuuu-eu ann tneir parents in country, now can we answer this! propaganda that the Communists! Bliss Negro Children Attend Douglass School C. Donnell. Dresident nf (hp! I local chapter for the Advancement oi colored People, said his group protested sen-eei-ation nf Vt RlicJ scdooi cniidren. About 3D children a falron hJ bus daily to the El Paso Douglass School for Negroes'. "Since the Ft Bliss schools are operated to some extent with federal funds, we believe there should be no segregation," he said. C. W. Webb, top school executive avauaoie tor comment today, said, "The Ft. Bliss schools are oneratcrt by the City of El Paso under the laws of Texas. The Army does not IMVC dnjining to oo witn mem. Ft. Ft Bliss officials nointed nut that while the school buildings are located on the Ft, Bliss reservation, the Army does not operate the schools. "The schools are under complete direction of the El Paso School oysiem. an oincer said.