GRAND OF OPENING BY THEAIR 1 416 - ra ImL SHIRLEY SIR j A hAb r'"qt re. J - 1 CURir J. MONDAY The MODERN SHOPFITTING CO., LTD whose work is highly reconimended bi ro : a r g y e local Architects executed the shop to The Odeon Theatre, Shirley. They have erected, supplied and fixed over 500 shopfronts in Birmingham and district, and many examples can be seen on the new estates. Am SHOPFRONTS in BRONZE. WOOD, and ' STAYBRITE.' METAL FITTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS EVERY FITTING CARRIED OUT UNDER EXPERT SUPERVISION. LATEST TYPE OF MACHINERY. Works always open to inspection. :: Estimates free : : Modem Business Requires Modern Methods. CONSULT - MI Modern Shopfitting Co., Ltd. CAMP HILL :: BIRMINGHAM 'Phone VIC. 3002. ECORATIVE METAL WORK FOR THE ODEON CINEMA, SHIRLEY EXECUTED BY PEARSON STER STREET, Telepboss: ASTON CROSS 2617-8-9 (3 lines). (B'HAM) LTD STRUCTURAL STEELWORK I MOM •NAMt IPSO PAIIIMMY lIIIIMOSMINI, I salmon. rm. Wimphim: TiPTON N Naga Telegrams t " 11011111111114 WHOLE FOR GROAT BRIDGE* OF THE STEELWORK THIS CINEMA WAS SUPPLIED AND FIXED DT WILFRED ROBBINS LIMITED GOLDS HILL IRONWORKS, GREAT BRIDGE, STAFFS. Chocolates $.31 Sweets Tobacco ARE tieltSt OPENING A V4llltt IL BRANCH ADJOINING THE ENTRANCE TO THE ODEON CINEMA , SHIRLEY. Also at ACOCK'S GREEN. MAKE YOUR PURCHASE ON THE SPOT. NEXT, 15th APRIL, 1935, ANOTHER link in the chain of modern cinema houses in the suburbs of Birmingham which are so admirably catering for the ever-increasing army of filmlovers in and around the city, will be eqmpleted on Monday evening next with the opening by Sir James Curtis, K.8.E., of the Odeon Theatre. Shirley. The latest addition to suburban houses of entertainment is prominently situated on the main Stratford-road in a rapidlydeveloping district, and is easily reached from the city as well as ironi the surrounding areas. whilst it will also attract motorists from a considerable distance. The Odeon at Shirley is one of many cinemas under the control of Mr. Oscar Deutsch, governing director of Odeon Theatres, Ltd., an association which will ensure a high standard of entertainment and a continuous supply of the best possible films at the very earliest opportunity. Associated with Mr. Deutsch in this latest cinema enterprise are gentlemen with wide experience of film entertainment, the co. directors being Messrs. W. G. Elcock, J. B. Whitehouse, J. H. Lyndon and W. W. Turner. The board of directors of the Odeon Theatre, Shirley, have given particular attention to the discriminating taste of residents in the district and have produced a cinema well worthy of the important residential area it seeks to serve. It should be pointed out that the new cinema is British throughout, both in construction and personnel. It is a fine example of the " raised tier " method of construction which has only been introduced in the last year or so, and the many advantages it offers over other forms Of construction will be at once obvious to all visitors. crushed velvet and upholstered with all pure hair. The seats have a spring edge and are identical with those installed in every Odeon theatre in the country. Clements Bros. (Displays), Ltd., of Bromsgrove, cinema and commercial display artists, who are the largest display makers in the Midlands, have been responsible for the beautiful still backgrounds and cabinets in the new theatre. All the decorative metal work for the Odeon at Shirley has been executed by J. R. Pearson (Birmingham), Ltd., of Pm.- ' chester-street, who are wellknown specialists in their particular line, and the wood-block flooring has been supplied and laid by E. A. Middleton and Wallis, Ltd., of King's Heath, Birmingham, who have carried out similar work in connection with many other cinemas and public buildings in the Midlands and elsewhere. Special attention has been given to the beating and ventilation, and the special apparatus to ensure effective heating and ventilation, has been installed by J. S. Wright and Co., of Dale-end, Birmingham, who are specialists in high-class sanitary engineering, as well as experts in ventilation. Whitehouse and Son, the wellknown confectioners and tobacconists, of Acock's Green, have acquired premises adjoining the entrance to the new theatre, visitors to which will be amply catered for in their confectionery rind smoking requirements at this well-appointed shop. The main premises of Whitehouse and Son are at Acock's Green, where they specialise in Kiln7les cakes, Midland Counties ices, and all the leading lines in sweets, chocolates and tobacco. The shop frontage attached to the new cinema was executed by the Modern Shoplifting Co., Ltd., MR. G. R. GRIFFITHS (Resident Manager), served in a managerial eapacity in several of the houses under the control of Associated British Cinemas, Ltd. It is the aim of Mr. Griffiths to create in the Odeon Theatre, Shirley, a new standard of entertainment and service, and any suggestions towards this end will receive every possible consideration. The theatre has been built, furnished, and equipped under the supervision of Cinema Service, Ltd., of Cornhill House, Bennett'shill, Birmingham, who are the technical advisers and managers to the owning company. The general contractors for the Odeon Theatre, Shirley, B. Whitehouse and Sons, Ltd., 247, Monument-road, Ladywood, Birmingham, and the numerous sub-contractors have combined with the architects in the creation and equipment of what is, undoubtedly, an ideal place of entertainment. Without question the building is a distinct asset to the district it is to serve. The whole of the steel work • , , Y. • 'war `r _ Modernity at its best will make the Shirley Odeon outstanding among the suburban cinemas of the city. The arehitect is Mr. Roland Satctiwell, 1..R.1.8.A. Every known means of art, science and hygiene have all been employed with a view to ensuring the complete comfort of patrons. The management of the Odeon, Shirley, is in the capable hands of Mr. G. R. Griffiths, who has had a considerable and varied experience in the cinema business in Birmingham, having recently used in the construction of the building was supplied and fixed tw Wilfred Robbins, Ltd., constructional engineeis, of Great Bridge, Staffs. All the chairs of the Odeon Pattern, which are roomy and comfortable, have been supplied by W. W. Turner and Co. ' Ltd., theatre seating specialists, of Station - road, Northfield, who have also provided 1,500 yards of super-Wilton carpet specially designed to match the seats, which are covered in pink The architect's drawing of the elevation of the Odeon Theatre, Shirley. of Camp Hill Birmingham, who have supplied and fixed over 500 shop fronts in the city and district. Their work, which is always open to inspection is highly recommended by leading architects, and every fitting carried out by them is subject to expert supervision. West Bromwich Casement and Engineering Co., Ltd., of 94, George-street, West Bromwich, who are manufacturers of highclass metal windows of every description, supplied and fixed the lantern lights for the Odeon. ODEON THEATRE K‘B•E. at 8 p.m. YET ANOTHER SUPER-CINEMA ! ! ! . . . TO BE ADDED TO OUR RAPIDLY GROWING LIST J.S.WRIGHT &CO. DALE END, HAVE EXECUTED THE HEATING, VENTILATION, GAS FITTING AND FIRE-MAIN INSTALLATION TO THIS MODERN THEATRE HEATING, VENTILATING AND HIGH-( SANITARY ENGINEERS Telt"hoses: CEN. 1245-6. SOLIHULL 0281. Isn't It Comfy ? ¶ Of course it is, but then Turner's did the seating. And Turner's are Theatre Seating Specialists who to date have equipped more than 100 Halls in Greater Birmingham alone. W. W. TURNER U Co., Ltd. Tlisstre Seating Ilpeadists Stalls. Seed, NardiMit Telephone : PRIORY 1171 brON STRATFORD ROAD, SHIRLEY MONDAY NEXT, APRIL 15, 1935 GRAND OPENING SIR JAMES CURTIS, K.B.E. AT 8 p.m. DOORS OPEN 7 p.m. SEATS MAY SO 1111111 KID MOW /OR OPINING NIONT. MINI: MI 111/3. A Specially Selected Programme will be shown. Supported by A. LLOYD'S RHYTHMICAL ORCHESTRA For Your Information— WEEK-DAYS CONTINUOUS FROM 2.30 to 10.45 Saturday and Holidays (Two distinct performances) 6.0 and 8.30 p.m. When Seats may be booked free in advance for Circle only. LATEST B.T.H. SYSTEM FOR THE DEAF. LARGE FREE CAR PARK. CLEMENTS BROS. (DISPLAYS) LTD. BROMSGROVE CINEMA AND COMMERCIAL DISPLAY ARTISTS The Largat Deoplay Maas in the naiads Suppliers of Still Backgrounds and Cabinets to this Cinema Telephon• : Bromsgrove 167. FOR PROMPT LANTERN SHIRLEY were supplied LIGHTS ODEON and fixed by West Bromwich Casement Engineering Co. Ltd. 94, GEORGE STREET, WEST BROMWICH Pk•se V.P. 1451. MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH CLASS METAL WINDOWS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FOR • ALL TYPES OF BUILDING. • I , sN 4. 4 ‘,..,!', v • ..; •- 4 ' •:1 , ,i . 04 - *lip. . its' .. '„ ' 4 ..! • 4 •4 4 4 1 k _ ‘,.. " 1 - , • • 'I .. • ,I - •.• illati _ . .1 ..- • , . ... 0 ���41 gr .C:Joiltr€7l..• . • . , . . . . . . ' - . , • • ~,,, 7......,...vr, , _ ~.... __,. , ••• t..1;,.* , . . .-- ....=O.-*'-vSle,ll-7-1-- •-•.: 1-, * -- = , ' . . ..1.. - .":" ....... . --• . . . • . . 1 ,....„ 0,....41•••• •• ' , , • ..." 11 1 0 0 8 , * -... ' •- • ... *V t *'. t: ^ • *. 7 ... 801, ^' . .. I'. *, li u ri . - ........... • . -.. . ..., ...,,„".„0 2 ,„,,,,,,. 1'..}...; tr.,,„.. 1 44 ':•• Nk ' - •••' * ' A* . . IN *IMO IMP" 41111.111 -g• 1 i ..* ... ' '. 1 --- . 1 ri:' a 4 0t all. " ' 11,110111 P • 4 N , , t... 5. ! , , -, t,- it ~.. 0 t 1111- 1 ;i$ 0 1 , gni ._ J ttt 1/ 1 iii, I • ~ . ...gum . _ ..., ... _ . ~... ..***, .. ' ... , ..3 "OW ~...,„..,---T-v- : %.• •••••.—,••—••:—....... —, ._ .. • .......................... 0 i B. WHITEHOUSE § AND SONS, LTD. 0 BUILDERS AND § CONTRACTORS S S 247, Monument Road 3 BIRMINGHAM § Telephone .. . Edgbaston 1977-8 0 i 8 s MAIN CONTRACTORS 0 0 8 5 TO THIS THEATRE 8 ,0 § 0 0 ococoaccococcoccoooccooseco, WOOD BLOCK FLOORING Supplied and Laid by E. A.. MIDDLETON & WALLLS, Ltd. King's Heath, Birmingham The WOOD FLOORING SPECIALISTS AU kinds of Weed Flooring supplied and/or laid eemplees. none: South 1299