Here's Letter That Won 7 Days in Hollywood The winning letter of the "Vacation From Marriage" Contest chosen by the judges for its sincerity, was written by Mrs. Bill Turnell, 341 Gore, as follows: "What a wonderful question a ,holiday all alone. "I have been married 27 years, 'ever since I was 18 years old. I have brought up three boys and one daughter. 'Two of my boys went to war in 1939, my husband in 1940, and my daughter in 1941. "I thought then that my family was grown up. But now I find they have come back from the wars, home to me again. And their problems beset me harder than when they were younger. They still look to mother to solve them. "Can you imagine, when one is 45, and when you should be settling down to a quiet time, how it is to have life start all over again? "I've often dreamed what it would be like to go away alone and be in a hotel and, for a while, worry about nobody else. There would be nobody to say, "Mom, how about making my couch up?' and 'Mom, what have you in the frig?' . "And, best of all, there would be no lunches to fix in the morning. "Much as I love my family, and, best of all, my husband, it would be a glorious rest and memory, the memory of Bing Crosby and the rest of the glamorous movie stars as far away from my little world. "If I had a holiday like that, even only for a week, I could remember It with sweetness for the rest of my life." "Yours sincerely, Minnie Turnell."