NEW VARSITY THEATRE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT f?Sj AIM INDEPENDENT NEWS PA P E R. THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR PALO ALTO. CALIFORNIA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2C. 1927. NO. 230 $250,000 PLAYHOUSE HAS OPENING TOMORROW STRUCTURE IS FIFTH LINK IN PENINSULA AMUSEMENT CHAIN Informality to Mark First Nights Program; Photoplay and Music to Be Appropriately Atmospheric NOTHER monument to the enterprise of the Peninsula Theatres Company and the capacity of the Palo Alto-Stanford community for support of high class institutions will be unveiled tomorrow night when the New Varsity Theatre on University avenue, between Waverley and Cowper streets, offers its first entertainment. The opening of the New Varsity Theatre, together with the New Stanford, sister playhouse owned and operated in Palo Alto by the same firm, represents an investment of approximately a half million dollars in amusement equipment for this vicinity; The completion of this newest theatre represents the fifth link in the peninsula theatrical chain. The complete list of playhouses owned and operated by the Peninsula Theatres Company, of which Ellis J. Arkush is president, is as follows: Palo Aho New Varsity and New Stanford. Redwood City Sequoia. San Mateo New San Mateo. Burlingame New Peninsula. The New Varsity Theatre, described more completely in other columns of this section of theTimes, is a magnificent concrete structure of modified Spanish type, and in all its appointments offers the last word in motion picture theatre equipment. Its seating capacity is about 1000. It will be used for motion pictures exclusively. L Tomorrow night's opening of the new playhouse will be strictly informal. Mayor A. C. Hobart, who will be introduced by Manager J. Edward Lowery, will make the only address of the eyening. The remainder of the program will be devoted to entertainment features. Rose of the. Golden West," a First National Studios production, featuring Mary Astor and Gilbert Roland, will be the feature picture of the evening. Kanes Hawaiians will offer musical numbers. There will be two shows tomorrow night and every night thereafter. They will commence at 7 and oclock respectively. CALIFORNIA PICTURE RECALLING HISTORY TO OPEN NEW VARSITY Mary Astor in Rose of the Golden West, and Kanes Hawaiians Will Provide Entertainment In keeping with tile Spanish design and atmosphere of the Yaraity Theatre, Kllla J. Arkush has chosen a picture for opening night which blends perfectly with the theatre and Its general outlines. In fact, one might aay that the picture was made for the opening of the New Varsity. Palo Also will witness an early showing of one of the outstanding pictures to come ont of the big First Xi-tlonal Studios in Ixis Angeles. Rose of the Golden West is a story of the golden days of old California, a colorful romance of the Spanish dons in the early days when Monterey was the capital of the territory. The production was based on actual history of the Spanish grandees in the New World, and was Aimed in and about Monterey and Cannot. George Fitzmaurlce, who has given the screen some of Its bats known productions, directed "The Rose of the Golden West. Mary Aalnr playa a vivid Elena to Gilbert Roland's forceful Juan. Montague Love. Guatave Yon Seyffer-titz. Flora Finch and other well-known players, complete the cast. The photography is said to be unusually beautiful, and to carry one off into the old ilaya of romance, adventure and the thrill of one of the most unusual h'atories cf any state in the union. Muulcrcy, California, civilised community yeara before the Revolutionary War, the site of California's first capital and ono of the moat impressive combinations of land, sea and trees In the Americas, furnishes the background for the action in "Rose of the Golden West. Founded in 1770 by Father Serra when ho built there the second of California's 21 missions, Monterey was California's first real city and was a more important community than San FrancUco up to the time gold was found on the Sacramento river. From that time Monterey faded and San Francisco became a glaring yellow light on the Pacific coaat. It was In Monterey in 1840 that Commander Sloat landed men from an American warship anchored In the bay and with the aid of Thomas I-irkln, Amorlcan consul, took possession of the capital. It was there that Robert I.oula Stevenson lived snd wrote. Monterey claims California's first brick house. Its first customs house. Its first theatre and first whaling atation. The story of "Rose of the Golden West' 'Is built sround the stirring historical events of 1846, and much of it was filmed on the very spots where the history making action took place. Kant's Hawaiians will be the added attraction for the three day NEW EVID CITY THEATRE ENCE OF GROWTH BY M. H. HARE, President Pale Alto Chamber of Commerce The opening of the New Varsity Theatre la Just another indication of the growth of Palo Alio and of its assured future. We congratulate tho owners and operators upon their vision and appreciate their confidence in our city as in- . dlcated by this improvement Palo Alto during the last few years has taken rapid strides forward and la more and more being recognised as one of the etate's leading residential and educational cities, we believe that this growth and development ia just starting. We believe Palo Alto Is destined to become a city ot tremendous importance. We are perfectly sure that the confidence displayed by those responsible for this theatre will not have been a mistake. Palo Alto ia unusually fortunate In the character ot its attraction! and Its amusements. With the great university and many private schools, our cltlsena have an unusual opportunity to hear and ee the beet of everything. , Not the least o our advantage are our commercial amusement houses, of which the New Varsity Theatre now become an Important part We are enthusiastic over the type of architecture selected and the beauty ot Ita construction. We believe it . ia a theatre in which eTery citlien of the community can feel a great deal of pride. We wish the owners and operators every possible success and wa are sure that they will have It. Jm FAITH IN PALO ALTO IS INSPIRATION FOR VENTURE Local Playgoers Now Well Provided for With Movie Houses By J. EDWARD LOWERY Faith in the growth of Palo Alto, it's central location with a great drawing power as a shopping center, and the loyal support of Palo Alto theatregoers created a demand for another theatre. ( Ellis J. Arkush, who heads the! Peninsula Theatres, haa that fore-, sight and with the opening ot that New Varsity Theatre on Tuesday j night, Palo Alto well may boast I of two of the finest theatres in) any community. " Mr. Arkush has stated. Wei want the public to feel that we are here to serve them with the finest entertainment obtainable. Our two theatres are not merely Institutions of entertainment, but a community center, where we may help to build our community, where we may help further all community projects. We want to feel that the residents of .Palo Alto are our friends, and that they may feel free to cnll upon us at any time for aselstanre in building Palo Alto. Without faith In Palo Alto, the New Varsity would not be possible. Peninsula Theatres have that faith, and when the doors of our beautiful new theatre open, wo liopo Palo Alto will be as proud of the New Varsity Theatre as we are. Mr. Arkush states that his company lias purchased the cream of the motion picture market, and that these pictures will be divided between the New Stanford and the New Varsity Theatres. The appointments of the New Varsity have been chosen with the thought of comfort and convenience foremost in mind. The decorative features are of original conception, personally supervised by Kilts Arkush. The pitch of the seats was obtained after carerul study. ' There is not another theatre of its size in California with the distinctive features of the New Varsity. With the rapid growth of Pain Alto, and the addition of this model theatre the public will have additional room to witness the finest in photo-plays. LONDON. Sept. 2G. Ono baby, one name Is s theory going ont of date. Jasper Maakclyne, noted as a magician and entertainer, haa christened his small hoy Alistair Jasper Nevilio Douglas Maakclyne ail names of those connected with him in his "magic act. of the run of "The Rose of the Golden West, singing snd playing Spanish tongs with their guitars, Atmosphere of Old Spain Is Suggested by Theatre E Architects sketch - of the New Varsity and the photograph below) of the arcaded entranca ' court show the modified Spanish influencs. The Interior Is decorated In harmony, the Oriental note suggesting the' Moorish tradition. Mona Martinson Is the latest of continental actresses to arrivo in Hollywood. During her rlnema work in Sweden she was starred together with Greta Garbo anil Lars Hanson In "The Atonement of Costs Berling. Prince Tulllo ('arininatl. many years leading man rnr the late Eleanor Duse, will be leading man for Florence Vidor In "Honeymoon Hate. The Big Gun la a romance of the United States' navy which is now being filmed by tho Universal Film Company under the direction of Irvin WUlat, Richard Glcnilenln, University of California actor. Is the first of the tea national college Blare to win an important assignment In the Hollywood studios. He will have a featured role in "No Place To Go. with Lloyd Hughes and Mary Astor. Red Rork Canyon on the Mojave desert forma the setting for Ibra Pass, a narrow defile In the rocks of the Sahara desert country, employed in Maj. Christopher Wren's "Beau Babreur, companion picture to Henu Geste. Gary Cooper and F.velyn Brent are the featured players. In Its guide to popular enter tHlnnicnt, the National Hoard of Review includes in Its current list several Paramount pictures. They are We're All Gamblers." with Tommy Melghan; "Hurt Cushions, with Douglas Mi: I -can ; "French Fried. a two-reel comedy; a Felix cartoon, anil several other short subjerts. The lifu and well being of AI Jolson, musical comedy alar, who will shortly appear In the movies, has been Insured for 8500, (Hit) by Warner Brothers. His first pro-diirlliin will he The Jszz Singer." presented by vilaphone, the new talking giueiua machine, , (FIREPROOF building MODERN IN DETAILS; CAPACITY IS 1,000 Entrance Is Spanish Court With Fountain; Heating, Lighting, Ventilation of Highest Type F T RESIGNED in the modified Spanish style, the New Varsity Theatre, which will open tomorrow evening, features the open court entrance and the picturesque arcade. The building is entered through a court 100 feet deep which opens on University avenue. Arcades run along both sides, leading to the foyer entrances. A fountain plays in the center. . At night the court is lighted by lanterns, hung in the arches. The foyer is 30 by 60 feet, with a mezzanine floor accommodating a women's dressing room. The men's dressing room and the theatre office are off the foyer on the main floor. The auditorium, which runs at right angles to the entrance, has a seating capacity of 1 ,000. The loges and balcony are raised only a few steps above the level of the main floor. Three wide exits at each side make it possible for the building to be emptied speedily and without confusion. The exit aisles are arcaded in harmony with the general type of architecture. The 15-foot stage is designed for the showing of pictures exclusively, no arrangement having been made for the producing of plays. The 475 pipes of the orchestral organ are housed in lofts at the right and left of the stage, simulating boxes. The entire instrument is electrically controlled from the console. Both direct and indirect lighting are used in the auditorium. The decorative plan is simple and carried out in pastel shades, the general effect being of the modified Spanish, colored by the Moorish influence; Modern ventilating-and heating systems have been installed. The entire structure is of concrete, Class A type, completely fireproof. The projection room is doubly safeguarded against fire and is so arranged that in case of a blaze breaking out there the windows opening into the auditorium are automatically closed. Exclusive of furnishings and equipment, the building represents an investment of $100,000. It was designed by Reid Brothers of San Francisco. McDonald and Kahn of San Francisco are the general contractors. 29 CONTRACTORS SHARE AWARDS IN NEW BUILDING Twenty-nine contraclinK (Inns ahared in the various awards required fur the erecllnn nt the New Varsity Theatre. The names of the firm are Riven belnw: Archtlcets: Reid Bros.. Kail Francisco. Electrical KiiRlneer: V. Burchett, Kan Francisco. General Contractors: McDonald Kalin. Kan Francisco. Clumbers: Pinkerton liras., Kan Francisco. Kleclrlc Work: Decker Electric Co., Kan Francisco. I lent In and VentilalliiR: Allas llealiiiR and Ventilating Co., Kan Francisco, IluliilinR Materials: Rork Hutcheson Co., Oakland; sand- -Peninsula Building Material Co., Highway;- cement Gray, Thnrnlng Co., Kan Francisco. Metal Hash: U. K. Metal Products Co., Kan Francisco.' Sheet Metal Work: Christensen Anderson. Palo Alto. Plastering: Peter Bradley, San Franelsro. Lumber: Merner Lumber Co Pain Alto. Mill Work: 'Anderson Bros., San Prnnrisro. Structural Steel: Shrueder Iron Worka, San Francisco. Ornamental Iron Work: Fair Mfg. Co.. Ran Francisco. Roof and Tile Work; Moiclt Peterson, Kan Francisco. Keats: C. F. Weber Co., San Francisco. Glass: Tyre Bros., San Fran-ciaro, and Coast Glass Co., Palo Alto. Staining Cement Floors: Horne Produrta Cn., Kan Francisco. Hardware: Jonat Bros., San Frnnrlsni. Electrical Fixtures:. Thguxg pax PICTURES BOOKED FOR EARLY DATES OFFER FAVORITES Under Hie policy of the Now Varsity Theatre tho. bigger attractions which demand tho higher prices will be featured on Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednesdays anil Thursdays, when prices of seat! will be CO and 75 renls. Till pricea over tlio weekends, (Fridays. Kalurdaya and Sundays) will be 3J and 50 cents. These lnwer prices will lie the schedule also on other nights except when big specials are offered. Among the pictures booked for early dales are: "Painting tho Town, a Universal picture featuring Laura La Plante. "Camille," a First National picture, starring Norma Talmadgo and Gilbert Roland. "Foreign Devlin. a Metro-Cold-wyn Mnyer picture, with Tim Mr Coy. "Adam and Kvll, a Metro-Gold-wyn picture, featuring Lew Cody and Ailren Pringle. "Red Helds, a First National picture, featuring Ken Maynard. "The Underworld," a Paramount special, including in its east George Bancroft, Clirf Brooks, Evelyn Brent and Fred Kohler. CoM San Francisco. Interior Decorating: lleiniber-gen Decorating Co., Los Angalas. Awning: Sherman Co., Palo Alta Linoleum: Qutckenbush, Pslo Alto. Blsge Equipment: Armstrong Powers, Los Angeles and Saa Francisco. Carpet and Drapes: w. J. Bloane. Ban Franelsro. Electric Sign: Standard Electric Bign Co, San Francisco.