AUCTION SALE : Antique car, antique furniture and collectibles. 1 mile west of Carlsbad Springs on the Russell Road. From Ottawa! take 41 7 East, exit al Boundary Road, travel north 3 miles, turn left on the Russell Road. Watch for auction signs. Saturday, June tO, 1 0:00 a.m. (viewing time from 8:30 a.m.) As Boyd's Summer Resort (Hotel) is set lor demolition, the following will be sold by public auction: 1935 McLaughlin Buick, model 4591, 2 door Sedan in excellent restorable condition and running order. This car must be seen lo be appreciated. 1 929 D Hartey Davidson Motorcycle with sidecar (gas tank missing). NOTE: Car and motorcycle lo be sold at 3:00 p.m. Large oak roll top desk. Oak bar, custom made in 1 901 . Pine Bonnell chest; 5 wicker chairs; several pressback chairs; 14 bureaus with mirrors; several sideboards; 10 tables ol various sizes; 2 settees; rocking chairs; several metal and brass trimmed beds; rose coloured hanging oil lamps; Aladdin lamps; several crocks; old bottles; old licence plates; newspapers and magazines dating back to 1911; books; several wash set pieces; old telephone and wifeless sels; antique tools; large oak doors; severaPsets of china; china toast warmers; electric fridge and slove; 2 wood lathes; drill press; gas lawn mower; 3 h.p. gas powered water pump; many, many unlisted items. ' , Refreshments available. NOTE: As Boyds Summer Resort operated from 1900-1966, this should prove to be a very unique auction for the antique and collector enthusiast. TERMS: Cash or cheque (with proper ID) Auctioneers: Carson Hill Stewart James ; Prop.: Mrs. Eva Boyd 821-2946 445-3269