(I crass poor r t Cpl. Ralph Crooks, son of Mr.-. Laura Crooks of Storm I_-ike.j formerly of Nashua, received ; H?; r . discharge at Chicago the last o; le First May. after serving in Marine division two yeors anil! l two months. He was stationed j y h j n a ,,^ on Russe! Island, was in .he vasion ot Okinawa, wnere ce gfc - iceived phosphouous b -J r B ? s 'lir*/} ^i-ac: lar^i- or -"Pit-niciin !_.? later He bas heart and one besides his service came from Detroit iiing. where he had his father and is at the battle stripes. Suiuhty been vi star He -vo- uc-st at ·!..- £ a c e r a i Nash- - ence Chad wick home her James and Usher. Co.. son of Mr. Mrs. B. M. rshcr. received his discharge from the Naval Personnel Separation at Cold Springs. Florida. Recently he has been station^':