Dus- Whit-aker, newly-elected JpllaridtyTneludmgHMixSKS Philippines Club Leader Visitor Here Mrs. Escoda Tells Of Progress Made in 800-Club Federation By ALICE RYAN R06d American cartoonists for many year have delighted to depict the typical clubwoman as being on the fattish side of forty with not a great deal of care spent in choosing her wardrobe. The cartoonists' idea of clubwoman, needles to ay, 1 pretty far-fetched, and It certainly needs plenty of revision when It comes to Mrs Antonio Escoda, Manila, P.I., club leader, here for the Golden Gate International Exposition with her husband, a Manila newspaper man. Mrs, Escoda, tiny as can-be, with softly waved black hair framing an olive-tinted face, high-lighted with flashing white teeth, was a guest Monday at the Oakland Women's City Club. She told a bit about the Philippine National Federation of women' Club of which sue is an officer. . 100,000 MEMBERS Only 17 years old. the federation has 100,000 member in 800 clubs It general secretary for the past eight years, Mr. Escoda declares the organization 1 Just beginning to get in its itrlde and predict in the next few year it membership and influence will be materially increased. The federation, Mr. Escoda says, is already responsible for many of the advancement made in the islands, notable among which she declared was it part in bringing about suffrage for wonien two years go. The diminutive Filipino woman, educated in her native country, with advanced tudy at Columbia University and the School of Social Wortc in New York, haa a freh un spoiled enthusiasm for women or-aanlzatlon and Intend to gpetid the next several months finding out how women of other countrle go about club work. TO TAKE PART IN MEET Mrs. Escoda will participate In the procedure of the California Federation convention in Oakland next week and the following week will be an honor guest and speaker at the council meeting of the General Federation of Women' Clubs In San Francisco. "1 am so happy to be here for these two federation meetings," she said, "I am sure It Will help in bringing our Philippine Federation closer in touch with the work oi your great State and General Federations." About mid-May Mrs. Escoda will be Europe bound for a few months where she will devote much of her time to the study of youth educa tion and Girl Scouting programs. She was entertained here yester day at a luncheon party given, by Mrs. W, H. Loving at the uakiana Women's City Club, Mrs. Loving, a former Manila resident, honored I. cmiin of her friends from the Mrs. Arsel" T wife of the com ,issioner to the G.G.I.E. from the Philippine Commonwealth; Mr. Isabel Ocampo and Miss Felir Pek-son and many Oakland friends. Mrs. Loving and her Manila friends wore island costumes, A HOSTESS; pMifiliipA If iipilif Mrs. W. H. Loving, center, entertained at luncheon at the Oakland Women's City Club, honoring a group of friends from Manila, P.I., among whom were, left, Mrs. Antonio Escoda, Philippine clubwoman, and Mrs. Arsenlo Lut, wife of the commissioner to the G.G.I.E. Tribune photo. Adelphian Club Play Presented "This Daring Generation," play of the 1840's, was presented by the drama section of the Adelphian Club at the annual reciprocity tea given at the club auditorium, Central Avenue at Walnut Street in Alameda. Presidents of district and county club federations and past presidents of the local club and over 200 other guests attended thep roduction. Mrs. George Rothaug headed the receiving line, assisted by officers and members of the advisory board. The theme for the tea was -early American, in keeping with the play. Committee chairmen . were Mrs, Fred Benson, decorations; Mrs. Carl Haas, program, and Mr. F. M. Casal, tea, Mesdames Ralph Dabadia, William Nankervis, Carl Haas and George Deeney compose the cast, with Valentine Newhouse as coach. - Delphian to Hear Pno roniuR Discussed Di,, chaoter of the Alpha Delta Chapter of the Na-, tional Delphian Society will present its 17th. program of this year t a reaular meetinfl tomorrow, 10 a.m., Berkeley Women's City Club. Discussion of "Edgar Allan Poe, Artist and Critic" will be directed by Mrs. H, P. BaUmgaertner, assisted Mesdames Ray T. Eames, TWO GUESTS Last of Bridge Benefits Set The last in the series of benefit bridge parties will be held at the. College Women's Club on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. An interesting event of the evening will be a men's fashion show when husbands of a group of club members will model the latest in men's wear for Spring and Summer, whether it be for sport or dress, hunting or lounging. Those who are to parade Will be Dr. T. C. McCleave, Mortimer Cross-man, William V. Emery, Vernon Smith, Mrs. Charles Robertson, Mrs,. George Unnewehr, Mr. Edward H. Towler, Mrs. Ernest A. Richards, Mrs. Walter Christie. Mrs. Hugh Penland is chairman for the affair with Mrs. William A. Morris, assistant. The following members are on- the committee: Mrs. R. T. Blrge, Mrs. P, R. BullOck, Mrs, Carlton Casebolt, Miss Eliza-b6th-udmmT7rsrmrtris tie, Mrs. C. F. Dimmler, Mrs. C. H. Kelly, Miss Marie E. Kinnell, Mrs. Kel Migg Marje E Mfg L th M T McCleave , Mrs. Walter A Newman, Miss AUci OMl.rflA, .. t .., , ., lice Porterfield, Mr. Louis Penney, Mr. Romnoy. S, Masters, Mrs. Leo Titus, Mrs, Edward H, Towler, Mrs, Otto Tlnnemant Mrs. George Unnowehr. Mrs. John E. Wallace, Mrs. Morris