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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 3

Fort Worth, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I to pet it i he price of the DAILYQA7ETTE bv mail for thr i months is S3 end 4 10 to this oflicc and the 1UIL1 G17LTTL for three mon lis by i a and a Webster6 Dictionarj liJIO pages se prepaid to your nearest express oilice te luvertiscnient of dictionary in another co umn No commissions on this offer vidress GAJETTE Fort Worth Tex NEGKO MESSIAH hesrroos of Kansas Citys HolIlf Balt AcieDancnis Ghost Dmces jT EJC the Promised Land Is Oklahoma ani thB Black Messiah Proposes to Lead Ills Followers There treeial to the Gazette kN8ia Or Mo Deo 22 What was at lint a source of amusement to lliljf of Police Speers bus become a matter of serious consideration Early last treet a number of colored mon called upon the chief to ask permission to hold ghost dances sayinir that they had new Messiah who would load them to tt promised land The chief granted their rtiiuust and considered the whole matter huge joke The craze has however iHsumed tbo proportions of soinetliitiR uore than joke and is now rapidly i reudiuc umonif the more lRUornnt i asses of lolored people throughout the Mme ten or fifteen days ago a tall Ctiint man black as coal made his nearaiiee in what is known as Hells I Acre in the paoklnc house distriut do auuouuced himself as the Messiah sent to uvo the colored race This man i Keulien Carter and he came hero lomeroy Kan where he had lone I ten known as Cranky ltube He nt nt unionc the utKtoes and gradually converts to his Ideas and at last mnulnted quite a following among the negroes in the west bottoms i artor has been talkiup ubout the de uetion of the whole white race aud vs tho enlamltv is to occur next spring 1 wirns the blacks to follow him if would escape the general destruc ii Ho tells them that all who remain tu tho whites will sufTer their fatu i those who go uith him to the pioi 1 Wild will he plated power and tho nlth of the world will be theirs Ills rv is a ort of revised edition of the i i an craze ami he has evidently bee adlng of what is going on among th re 1 race He claims that the promised land is in tnhonia nnd sajs be will lead all the levers there in the spring and they 11 then see thnt he possesses miraculous Power He promises that cties will rse a gilt for the oicupanoy of the peo pe who tollov him and these cities will be made by the angels of God who will sent to servo him He enters into a minute description of the olties and it tallies exactly with the description of the tv described In the Kovelations of the I hie He says the city will be called tiie Xew Jerusalem nud will be built of Id and precious stones The permission granted bv the chief of police for holding ghost dances has been fully taken advantage of and the colored pi ople In the districts mentioned have 1 en holding nightly revels which they call religious dances but which are dot beginning to assume the appearance of Idolatrous orgies As the danuing con me the negroes appear to go back to their ancieut savacory and their moe treuts now resemble tho Incantat ous of the Voodoo dancers of the South nud women join in the craze and they are blooming wilder and wilder every night until now the chief of police is seriously considering the revoking of his permission and stop the dancing Carter has disappeared and the followers say that he is in retirement until Xew Years day when he will appear in all his glory nnd show his wonderful power by sign and miracles The dancing which heretofore has been publlo to any i fviitss in THE FORTJFORTH DRUG CO one who desired to witness it Is now done in secret and admission Is refused to all nuodonot believe In the power of the Messiah Thero is no doubt that the man has gained great oontrol over the ignorant people of his race and unless somo measures are taken to stop the oruze there will be trouble with the converts Take Saxot fMJi wefl rts Xeares the City for the pitys Good The new Cotton lielt night express for Mumphif flDd St Louis leaves 8 dully afr in Memphis 845 and in StjEous 730 a carry Pullman bui9if sleepers to Tetarkana and thfaugbReaches beyond ie sifcoruing train leaving at 825 a jfjilpcontlnue us heretofore arriving ia eifi iis sPunini uflSf eper ji4iJUjreugh cDflohJS to on his WtajTut orflstarS ot ralnsaJbatfeajiOlg in lemphis with tlirOifgtiyr a initio nil points east and southeast Tioket ofllco 401 Main street or at Cotton Belt depot Holidav goofla ofw rr dlscription at very low prloes afciowe Barrows 512 Main street fi A line of gold and silver styles and most presents Jkfe JOJ JUltPitreet iiig iptteu days lights Xo oharge for engrav On the eve of the hoJhiWys I have received several shipsieuts of exiiulsite jewelry from ieMft Not another such line in the city PrALiiLE Ladles flno gold wfttches very cheap at Texas Pawnbrokers 309 Houston 4rWrMWWWl tNw Big Sale of City Lots The largest auction bale of oi lots eer buld in the South will take pjaoadSUo llurglnrles nt Carrollton Correspondence of the Gazette CutioiXTOv Tn Deo 21 On last Saturday night about 1 oclock a the two principal stores were entered by burglars McKamys snfe was blown open and robbed of SCO or S0 The store of Myers was also entered aud the safe blown open Just as the burglars ready to lay hands on SOQ Myers tjRjfike and raised the alarm afforded tho their tastes in collection JtDFort4fer nexiibiilBW a lliadjfv yer torekifeTilO inornlti The Bcautifut in Art The people of Fort Worth who ciate and enjoy the truly beaut refined in art hajie iter ifer citv that thoy Eastern leoted wll iSHen lging own wellknown ilsBeurhas se ost the finest ever brought ey will be placed on in the rooms Imme ander McVeighs in street on Monday gDeoember22 Sale continuing Open every night PHILOPltOGENITIVENESS Philoprogemtiveneas is that quality of the mind which prompts the patient to look after the welfare of the offspring In the animal we tall it Instinct Under this benittceut Impulse the first thing ds are supnll edweighc I It TCllCVl is to seek nhrIti I iV Myffl nir the Fort Wort jtUJJ wSffW make its eyrie amongt iJ ftjiS on tome of the many ZSj8ihLtop Heights about Fort Wirth On the other band man the child of heaven will seek for its young somo beautiful park some natural grove like Riverside and there build a house among fruits and flowers where the grape will climb about his porch and the lovely oakgive abundant shelter St Co 610 Main st Cameron Blanohard and others agents ALSO Capita Stock fle mnko aj ppclnlfj of flttin iip ro Inil drug stores compjele fiom ccllur to rirret incTuilifltt iuniititre iixtures SIGN ting tale at a lot 11 Times INE OF ists Sundries TAYLOR Pres GEOBGE HTTBLEY VicePrea 0 TEHEELL Sr 2nd TicePres JOEDON Sao ana Man FORT WORTH MNIOM STOCK YARDS Highest market price paid for Hogs and Cattle at ygrdjufStopover privileges given shioDers of stock to Northern markets by railroaJ Finjort yards south of Chicago Accessible to lve jpisjES of railroad Two huaoere Jrnd sixtjrlcres of land immense Horsemid Mule Stables and The longest trains can be aploadW Vitha1Jt HJalay Prompt artesian water and thorouWl of The best what they pay for bpcjrjjjiXxttention intyfive acres covered by yards pens and buildings Mammoth Exchange and Hotel Pens ndanco of pure nd they can set tables whilo awaiting pries As thess to and Chicago Stockmen can avail themselves of the splendid service afforded at these yards without lncreaso of expense or loss of time Stockmen should demand of the railroads that their stock be fed at the Fort Worth Yards ELLIe Pres and Gen Man A BYERS VlcePres PAXTON Sec and Treas Visitors will be elcouie Electric street car lino froiiuUnion Depot to the Stock Yards Exchange A Veh terX im A CHRISTMAS GIFT 44 AKD 4G STFISS AVE DALLAS TEX FAT SHOOTING I The Contents of a DonblaSarrelled Shotgun PenetratB will Morgan Near ElwooJ Special to the Gazette Bonium Tex Deo 22 Andy Lank ford shot Will Morgan last Saturduy night near Elwood In this county Lankford fired both barrels of a double barreled shotgun at Morgan The gun was loaded with small shot aniTMorgau was wounded from the top of his head to the lower part of hiB stomaoh He is yet alive but not expected to live nave not been able to learn the oauso of the trouble Constable Bnley arrested Lankford brought him to this city nnd committed him to jail yesterday The city seems determined to breakup crap shooting Last night City Marshal Begerstoff raided a negro den aud taught five participants This Is the second raid made on these dens within the last few days lour ramvtjjtjrllujiictan will tell youtWat bhupaw coshosh and cin choa are amon hpRt of tonics for the female organs These Bruuouk the principal roots and herbs coingMcg Creole Female Tonic natures ereaysbonHysuffering women THJf 3ral a Great City All the different forces aud essential to the buildui tf pfjgnrWst city on tho guJj Wrtermonth8 of negqtjjjhjijp rTOVe combined to make arbor Tex the largest city in the whole Southwest Great auction sale of lots Januarv 7 oatt 8 Toilet sets eling cases cases cut at prkes th Barrows id cuff boxes trav nef and glove perfumes etc beat at Howe Sc loyy Front jIMain street Opera classes being closed Pf aeflle and aluminum Melee at a Dance Special to the Gazette iFHiitix Tts Dec 22 A fight occurred Saturday night VV general at Andy Fields about one and a half miles South of Terrell It was the occasion of ft negro dance where fluids were used to flrp up the youthful blood After the war was over the result was found at the justices court today Atlas Ingram was badly cut on the jaw and his head was well bruwed with a club Leaob Jimi sou had his throat cut almost from ear to ear but was moving about among the livina Frank Pickens bore a gunshot wound in one arm All bore evidence of severe and hard usage but uothing fatal is liable to result from the war Others there were but their wounds were too small to bring them jjto notice Theyj ouudover sk Cheap Ta 1 at Aransas Harbor VisiStty lots can be bought in Aransas Harbor Texas todav cheaper than the average price paid In vUlag JocfiMgg the interior pftntji iiiBSSBre ttfousa nd populiitiop iia eTtio city was ever startedlfnihe United States with greater resources of all the essential requisites to make a gieat city than Aransas Harbor Hold Burglary at Palestine Special to the Gazette KSTrNE Tex Deo 22 A rather bold burglary ocourred last night on Spring street just in the heart of the city and surrounded by electno lights The burglars broke the plate glass show windows of Swift Co and took from the show oase six revolvers ranging in size from the 22callber pop to ii grange Colts doubleaction pistol other goods were molested The plate glass window is a total wreck and cost 8150 There are marks of a ring on the glass which indicates that it was made by a diamond glass cutting instrument No clue to the perpetrators KhenBab Then she When she Whensie LIVESTOCK NEWS Borers and Sellers Unable to Get To aretrier on Prices Early Cattle WW Brlnr Good Figures so Mr French Thinks Election of Offlcsn Yesterday at the Stockyards There is a big difference in the prioes asked and those offered for steer cattle eaidC French to a reporter yesterday The inquiry for this class of stock has not been so brisk in years pastas it is today and the reason that more sales is not made is because the buyer and seller cant get near enough to together Is everybody holding on for the ex peoted advance But very few cattle have been sold and it is because of the erronoous idea that beef cattle to be delivered next spring are no better than feeders whioh cannot be put on the market until next August I think cattle that are fat aud In shape for early delivery say ADril will command good figures but I see no reason for any material advance in prices for stock delivered next summer Many owners who have cattle which are bj force of circumstances or otherwise unable to be put in shape for the spring market are holding them at almost the same figures as those which will be ready for shipment in March or April The Change 13 nt Hand 1 think the next year or two will show a wonderful improvement in the cattle business said a gentleman from San Antonio yesterday Why do I think so I will answer by saving that tbo shipments and deorease In the herds for the past two years has created astringency in the supply while the demand for cattle is greater than it has ever beon This will naturally oause prices to advance and let me tell you cattle will be cattle before we eleot our next nresident I do not believe in making assertions that oannot be substantiated by faots or baoked up with figures and tor this reason I have not boomed prices or said we were going to have better times when there were really no grounds for such statements Tho change is at band and facts and figures can be produoed to show the wide difference in the supply and demand of range cattle 1 have small bunch of steers which I shall hold and confidently expect to reap a good profit on them Election ot Officers The Fort Worth Union Stockyards oompany held its annual election of of hcors yesterday afternoon In the Ex ohange hotel All the stock was represented Tho election resulted in the choice of Ellis president Hurrold vicepresident Paxton secretary and treasurer and Butz superintendent The following bourd of directors were eleoted Ellis John 11 Iloxie Sellers Harrold A Byera Frey Smith Wheeler Williams The 31nrlee Prices have been drooping for several days past and yesterday was no exception Hogs brought from S250 to 330 KurnrsEvrvriVE slfs They Ara uw at Lnw James II Campbell has brought two suits in the United States oirouit court of Illinois against Andrew Snider On0 is a suit for 30000 for the failure to fulfil an implied contract and the other is a suit for 25000 damages Campbell and Snider were formerly in partnership in the cattle business and Snider disposed of his interest to Campbell some years ago Campbell bases his suits upon the claim that when bnider sold out his interest he agreed not to go into the same busmess again and according to Campbell Snider has violated the contract by establishing bis son in the same business and backing him llnauoitilly Although the firms are both Knusas City firms the suit is brought in Illinois because James Campbell the plaintiff is now a resident of Illinois and tho James Campbell commission company is incorporated under the laws of that state Mr Snider is at present in Chicago Kansas City Llvestook Indi oator Vnvr Mexicos Wool Crop A dispatch from Albuquerque says The secretary of the interior estimates the annual wool orop of New Mexioo at 10000000 pounds but his estimate is clearly unreliable since figures taken from the books of Albuquerque wool merchants show that they have bought and shipped from this point during the present year 9500000 pounds and as here is never any considerable quantity wool held over practioally all of this aWunt must have been grown during jttfe present year and that would leave according to the secretarys figuring only about 500000 pounds to be marketed through all the other towns of tho territory That is clearly a mistake hile it is true that a great deal more wool is handled here than at any other one point it is not true that such a proportion is bought and shipped by this town as would be indicated by the secre tarys figures It is estimated by competent judges that the amount handled at Albuquerque is a little more than one halt of the orop of the territory and this estimate is doubtless about right and would show the entire wool clip of New Mexico to be about 18000000 for the present year instead of 10000000 as per the secretarys report To JSocIrmeifc rcsSIB The Dally GAzrrrT BiiS ourld at caleatB Glte taa No 05 Halo street oxijijt tireopcrs house near St James hotelrSinsas City Mo The ladies of the First Baptist church will hold their Cbristmns njirttet pgar veys store i in iii JUPJW tuM WlI Ii In i dav anajfl jIfrflftTfffc before Christmas anoV fpTepared to supply everything needed for a firstclass dinner The ime of genuine novelties at worthy examina an pnre silver efiles is well CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FREE ADS JV jiersonx steling employment or desktop Ttlj of any character are invited to uss tfis column free of charge men adverttss xntrtt not to exceed three lines Actices of articles lost and oimd rt tMs eclvmn not acedmg three lines will also be inserted free Ji is thCfdesire of The Gazette to facilitate tie teareh of persons for employment and tic recovery of lost property and oB ar cordially invited to use this column for tucA rvrposes FPECIAI NOTICES Tartiei answering advertisement below must addresi the advertiser and not tho Gazette as this paper has nothing to do Kith the advertisement further than to print it The Gazette cannot undei take to foncard replies unless prepaid and addressed envelopes accompany advertisements JVo persona notices printed unless accompcried by name of the advertiser GAZETTES LETTER LIST for LIU of letters rem tntrrrfiMttnaA ra ths counting ioornItryre aay Person calling jQrtt Micwnx i leaae say aovertised Business No 11 1 1 D4 1 31 1 3 3 MBSOVAIi pEMXEMAN CORRESPONDENT A mtddle VX aged lady desires th correspondence of a centleman of fifty no triflers wanted Address Fort tt orth 5 UtblKE to find Charlie Johnson a bivede who lived in 6t Louis county Minnesota from 1S 8 to lsbi Has since lived in Mlchieaa lsconiin Kansas and is noiriq TfjASyxttttfll man stout built II Tnswl lffitiiit iT i lifl mi 1 gra Heli in i u1jiTnTm1fl irillfiliiTI dealer Utob TN sO represent parties who Jj5 KfBBs oelonging to him and will pay 5 tothe person who first gives me information of his whereabouts Thomas West corner Third and Houston streets Fort Worth Texas JJ OC1ED To know the whereabouts of James Burns His father was Mike Burns and a brother of Mrs Lawler mother of Congressman Frank Lawler of Chicago His relatives are anxious to find him He reported ar working for soiej avin firm In this cit in April or May Address Information concerning him to 6 31 Farmer City Marshal ft orth LOST Fu ry to oflico 401 Main street LOST A black velvet wrap Pendory Bros MONE FIXAACiAL ToTuTvoRTiTSKl tort OOKS Lost a number of school books tied in a flour sack Tne finder of the above books will be rewarded for his trouble bv returning same to the 1 ransfer Co 2125 ELIVERY BOOK Lost Texas Express near university Finder will please return 2W5 Lost a bunch of several keys 1 reward KEYS ward If returned to Ed Crosby at new Martin Brown building Corner Eighth and Main streets 1925 LOST Or strayed from the Mansion hotel ouo white setter dog about twenty months old with brown mar on ears and shoulders Had leather colar on wih nickle lock Answers to name of Rush A liberal reward will be paid for fcis return to the Minsion hotel Please return to 2123 OCKElBOOK lost aboutthe corner First and Main streets containing 2325 and a fine nng Liberal reward if returned to Wil burn atMaddox Ellisons warehouse 1124 pOCKETBOOK A red loalher pocketbookcon taining a 10 bill some silver and somo papers lost Wednesday evening 5 reward if left at the Fort Worth Pharmacy company 1824 AlCHELr Lost black satchel some sewinir ward for its return 2229 II Poe Grand hotel lr JLTCH Lost openlace ladies cold watch queen chain and monagrain on back Reward for its return to Gazette office NY ONE having 1500 to 2000 can KUarafllf them from 2 to SNmf same interest jaJAitirtmgj JWrTlest of sc rl JJJ TWtTTCv one year Address tdruiviicfls Security care Gazette mood watch Jia tflMP8WlJrncss strictly cor flajpwdttGrTOBjron parties when desired A large stock of unredeemed pledges for sale cheap Texas Pawnbroker 09 Hons ton street MOIEY TQ LOAN oi on diamonds watch i fij3sliMAsMMJi Tiimm MtjgtttJlMiBrgllWa li par liev fB mHttmF A Boerner 607 Main street Correspondence solicitea TO LOAN on farms rand es ate iftttMiit FORT T1QRT11 MAaPF4CTOrtlEj li BSS ftauiWBii Wm and aennmgs a imltrafBCtureis of all kinds of barrels and kegs KANITIO ROOFIhG is better than the best Cheaper than th cheaMS tandvs durable rooflngon a ji Jt ijllVltJltS ff Bcjt gefiijafcsi WBeT Eleventh and Hus i streets Fort Worth Tex TV ATritESSEb Snead Co mann 1j factu2 uut taHHi diUisriring beds and co hSr yfSl tKmttmhasi and cotlonf iCtttreSse SiFacforT16Uana 1S13 Calhoun street Fort Worth Tex TYPEWKIXERS lirTSNLTXca THE TYPEWRITE AGENTS OFFICE DESK8 FILING DEVICES EASY TERMS WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PSICB LIST 729 Main street Dallas Tez MISCLLLASEOCS EAMSTJgtnted SOi teams to wJMk on levees I in LorjpHtta and MississippiGSSpd work for sub pitricvKs with good oat fits Garey Bradbutt DonalAronville LaJ i ANTED One hundred and fifty teams 200 laborers trackmen teamsters and bridge men work let by the yard and teams hlfid by the day all wliWj iyilJ ir llTatJIITttliest countri jasUlK Derveen Waxahachie and HtllstlSro on the Dallas and Waco railroad Apply to Hughes headquarter camp 1T7 ANTED Remington typewriting machine Will pay reasonable rent Address care Gazette office tf FOK KlIMsTOnia AND 15UILL I GS BUILDING For rent I have for rent a threes story brick and stone building fifty feet by ninetyfive feet next door to the Hurley eeven story office building which Is on the corner of Main and Seventh streets Fort Worth Tex This is as good a location for either a whole sale or retail business as tl Fort Worth Jul iUPBIMKHsnUIt frgcuTiatlv ml ijih 11J ji pH WiiiMi ii Inn to the purpose of displaying goods the whole front of the lower stcry being of solid French plate glass from ceiling to sidewalk The buildinz Is accessible to about 23 miles of electric street railway Intersecting on Seventh and Main streets Possession given at once Hyde Jennings agent for 8 Jennings office over Fort Worth National bank FOR RENT torsndhflAjjjjiMyl IHMflfl i 1 Iladetudd tirigyr Apjtfy Vanzandt 2tNunnally agents FOR SALU BtJAX ESTATE 8ALE One of best sections or land la FOR Wichita county interacted by railroad Three miles from station Pnvo 13 per acre Address it care Gazette AND LOT Throe bucaes and lot HOUSES feet for sale Corner aded street and in goo neighborhood One house twostory eight rooms plastered all outhouses twotlve rooM cottages Price reasonable Addreu care Gazette FOR SALE LA1Y 1 SECOND K5 as good as new Booms 79 Hanna building auiljMain streets Fort Worth stree office THE GAZETTE FORT WORTH TEXAS TUESDAY DECEMBER 23 FOK BESTDWELLINGS rent Fiveroom house on Peach te lOuxlOOTeet No E7 West ISrrfstreet Apfe HiArtesian Artesian water on the iok Bfcsiuyons toW trade solicited also La marstrggt Transient A well farnuaed rpcfflktoCiSEt EOOM south eaafeaMJMWSsM sittimrv In a uulix iii iljfsHiUnT liiTCIiliiiilinnil to bu i ness Su9 Taylor street tor rent furnished rooms Also allow the use of dining roomaodloteben OOMb Furnished roomsjo rent on first and IXsecond ars stwSrv FOR SAllt OR EXCHANGE BaCSToU TRVDE We have two nice no mAaOi Cliff Dallas Ter to ade for a wfcsrm stock meretugdiiA ir western land vvne use six rooms sBUfh ten rooms Addtes3 Lock Box 626 MkTex FIRE INSTJRi BROS CRANE General fire insurance agents represent fifteen of the old FOK SAIA 51ISCIX1AXEOCS OB SALE Old papers cents per hundred at Gazette office FOR SALE Or will exchange good roller milla UltMTURE For sae 1 boarding hcusavtai for fresh spare ribs the furniture in 3IIS5C1 LLANFOUS ENTLEMENS 4 secondhand clothes boyjjht EAT MABKKTS QEND to Jto jn7o lO37rn 0 MaiP stieetr bjickjjojij i i gHlHHaPWil UorTh Packing OOK ton street er our venison hams anJ pure lard Rooinson Bros rilTLP WANTED FEMALE OOE AVanted rood cook and hou girl Good wages Apply to Mrj bamuels 1210 East Belknap street 7ii Wanted Inquire at 302 and 301 lions Darnell Bros 20 IS TTOUSE MAID Wanted a nico girl to do XI general housework in a small family Good pay to the right partv Address Mrs Lomax Haskell Tex 20 2b HOUSEMAID Wanted a good German or Swede girl to do general housework at 1001 West Weatherford street tf HOUfcEMID Wanted good girl or middle aged lady to do general housework for family of two Apply to Mrs Geo Lettlor 300 EastFifthJfifeet tf I ADYjpTNVASSER ij cgTMSsser Apply at offl bytersrVchurch corner Fifl fromni Ri 12 So XTURSE wanteil Li email family expert lady berlind Pres sor streets itght AD1E3 A anted Ladles to solicit In thr cwn towns and counties on commissions Lizht business Recommendations require 1 Address care Gazette tf White notnan to nurse in Apply to Mrs A Cas well 81S Hurnett etreer corner Jackson SEAMSTRESS Wanted a competent woman to sew Mra Speer 201 fourteenth street corner Rusk 124 HELP TVANTEU MALL HOOKKEEPER Wanted a firstclass book keeper that can come well recommended care Oazette 21 TJOY Wanted a white boy to take care of two 1 horses and help about house Apply to Terrell Cocorner tonrth and Rush 2330 Wanted white barber at once 12 TyARBER per week guaranteed answer bv wire Win ningkoff Granger Demson Tex 2330 BARBEH Wanted at once a good colored barber Joe Sanders Jacksonville Tex 2 ClORNETPLAYER Wanted at once a good cornetplayer to teach band be qnick Collier Tyler Tex 2127 AKMER Wanted a reliable min to tako I charge of a farm of ninety acres on shares everything furnished or for wages must be well recommended Address Murdock Claude Tex 2127 NTED Two porters colored two hell boys colored must have experience Apply at Ellis hotel 202S SITUATION WANTEDFLMALE COOK A situation as cook wanted in small family by widow lady Address Mrs 8 Gillard Houston Tex 127 OPYIsT A oung lady anxious to work wishes a position as copyist clerk oranv work of that character References given Address Anxious Gazette office 1327 lAillIEll Situation wanted as cashier and 0 dress Gazette 122j pvININGROOM GIRL Young lady wants sit 1 nation as ainlngroom girl Apply at 007 Rusk street 22 5 HOUSEKEEPER A lidy of mndle age desires a position ashousekeeper for widower or bachelor Must have no family Quiet comfortable home wanted Reasonable salary Good references given Address Muskogee I care Muskogee roller mill company 1723 ADYU COMPANION 1 4 teacher or ladys companion office Position wanted as Ga this 1023 JADY STENOGRAPHER wants position Can furnish own writing machine Address A care Gazette NURSE Position wanted by girl fourteen years old to nurse or do light housework Call at 301 South Calhoun 1730 I OSiTION Energetic educated lidv desires position ox trust Address Mrs 302 Evst Weatherford street 1723 STENOGRAPHER Position wanted with good law firm as stenographer by oung lady who has had experience in legal work will take position on trial writes the Ben Pitman system of shortband situation in Tort Worth preferred but will go elsewhere Address Miss caro Gazette 3j C1ENOGRAPIIER Lady desires situation is stenographer and typewriter Thoroughly qualified and years of exporienco In business office Best recommendations Address care Gazette tf STEVCGRAPHERbitnation wanted by an expert lady stenographer owning machine Address Gazette office STENOGRAPHER Young lady owns typewriter writes pencil svstem of shorthand thoroughly understands office work two and onehalf years experience best of reference Address 245 Marshall Tex 211 SITUATION WAMEDMaLE ABSTRACTOR Situation wanted by a competent abstractor Can furnish good references Concho Herald Paint Rock Tax 227 OOKKEEPER Exlirienced man wants a position as bookkeeper or assistant Correspondence solicited References given if required Address bog 25 Decatur Tex 237 BOY Sixteen years desires to learn a trade of some kind Bricklaying preferred Low wages Address Vernon Tex 211 COOK Wants place in hotel Firstclass strictly temperate white ne years experience twelve yars in hotel State trade and wages Ed Kent Coleman Tex 236 COOK Wants situation firstclass white experienced in both hotel and short order ttrAddresa care Gazette 213 ClOLLECTOE A position wanted as collector by an experienced man care Gazette 225 1RCGGIST Situation wanted January 1 in wholesale drug house in Dallas Fort Worth or co Al sundry man and bill clerk Have a good road trade City references Address Druggist 222 Fort Worth Ter 13b DRUGGIST Situation wanted in wholesale drug house Fort Worth Dallas or Waco Order sundries department or salesman Reference cheerfully giTen Address Drugman Gazette 1023 1 RAUGHTSMAN wants situation with engi ceering corps or in some good office experienced good references given if required Address care of Gazette tf TLS OTEL COOK tingle man wants position In Hi hotel aa chief cook or steward best oj referenca Address Mcar GuetU IBJO i 3 SldPAIlOX WASTEDMALE HOTEL COOK Situation wanted as above oy an experienced man understands thoroughly soup entrees pastry and raw moat cat ting Can furnish good references Addreas 1S12 Jones street Fort orth 1124 OTEL MAN wants place in hotel as clerk steward or manager ten years expenencs Good references can control help good buyer Alman Kent Coleman Tex li29 PRINTER Position wanted bv a printer oi two years experience Will work cheaD Address Blankenship Rockwall Tex 1915 PRINTER Situation wanted by a firstclass printer after the Is of January Give basl of references Address box 101 Thornedale Milim county Tex 1124 I RINTER Position wanted wuh some good weekly newspaper bv a firstclass printer capable or managing the editorial departmnt Address EM Quad care Gazette 1124 TJOSITION Wanted in grocery or on delivery wagon by young man thoroughly acquainted with city Can furnish good references Address care of Oazette QALLSMAN With good references wants situation with wholesale house etner irj house or on the road Address Box 55 Detroit Texas 1730 SALESMAN Situation wanted by salesman in grocery store Will work one week on trisl Can nit good city references cars Gaiety 1024 ri OBK WANTEn Employment wanted bv competent young man Am here from tho Eait and have come to stay if I can get work Willing to do anything honorable as a starter Good reference Address Work car Gazette 3323 Vp ORK Wanted a young man of good ad dress wants hoabrable work of some de lption cither in town or on farm Brown Jr cit TYM AST Address 313 WA TLUIIO lvIIWr inftl giCKTTOciisVf ornnrdrnishnd with Maxej 400 llelknip PROFESSIONAL ManM rse EVI WALKER Attornej at 1 Tvx 3pevll 0rf v5Y0lind contmercial litigations ME 11IM1II OcelcolTier Main and Second streets MAYS anJ yHIP jour tHur Aej rcSMtt pebm prairitj chidy rr IKTqtliflIfor good prlce i to Rib inson Bros ICOb Mam street Tort Worth Tex El rC1 TJ A BRAUQHOKS PRACTICAL Texarkana JU4 tcxyptxjkjttirfl Htrs rx ortseated In rtos5d by mechants bankers and practical bcoiLeeper throughout the ojth Fallr per cent of our graduites are holdiuR good positions bend for catalo ie free Go to the sj OF BAYLOR UKIYlSK Xv fihip ar pfcor uAtf NSivW lSWYnitcs for wlratcair behad at home Eaotmantrameil teachers iiooo bank counter Beautiful city rSend for our new illustrated catalogue Ad dres JCF ICYOKR BPresident WacoTet ffrUfir StJ re among the first schools of their kind in tho Union Cquro otitsjily MOiD iSo sf a tTsc ynr riaafea icrasiO pa rt rraje QMd uates holding highest positions Awaded tho vo champion gold medals at the last Dillas lair over all ohers Address It HILL President aco or Dallas Texas 1llOrEBSlOXA H7DB jE3MfG3 Lewriobt Aftofneys at Law Over Tort Worth National Bank I ORT WORTH TEXAS WALLACE HENDR3CK8 OPPICE Cor Siitli and Maw Streets Secoii Flair ALBRIGHT ATT0ENEY JULXAJI7 Will practice in all the courts of Texas and in he United tbtatet Supreme court Attorney at Lav and Land A WilLi cWtnpWrt8uTBurts of the stata nnd will bu and sell land and furnish abstracts to land in Baylor and adjoining counties Atf gj jSljaMW inTrTianil Afloat Office Upstars in Johnston Building IB cX To a MAYF1ELD BROS VTOrer ow Postofiice 503 Atli Gold Crown and Bridge Work a specialty All worg strictly firstclass Established 1570 OtfCTillboms Houston streets 1 and 2 coner rosofflce box J3 Eeooai and JJAJIS 1CVME SOBT MCABT A STIIDJi WHE liCARTi STED3A3 Hirley Ogics BnUfluig Fort Wortn Tei JT HAKGRArE Special and prompt attention to commercial business H8LL Land Agent ComancheTexas 3XT X3AXVSOBT AEGHITBGXUBifeCO Bo arii of Trade Balldlsr HEy Main Street Strict attention paid to all business crs Arroffflil M0SELs wno rvrtNAjTEX Office over First National Bank ERTLJJJ Ac BOX 7 AUSTIN ATPrJT WH HENDERSOS niLiiiO Counsellor at Law an tOOTM corner Fifth ashington Seventeen years experience including nmi in Examining Corps PatentOfficce Ssil bheteh of ilodtl jot report as ts paMiiXikili Conespopdenca invitad i i i Si I i 1.

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