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The Somerset Herald from Somerset, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Somerset, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JUL Thfi Somerset Herald wu i pic- BttC present. luny TIME TiLE IJil-TIMOHK A OHIO II. R. riTTsaruou division. in and ls- ln on this atll depart from and arrive at depot, burner tjraiitaiid ater Streets a lollowi: luousand -wi-nona being ILiu -v.

and 2, the Cumberland Hand arid ibo Tenth togirnent Hand en i i -i- Tle Tenth Itegiment fe' '5 tbe Prize- handsome iuuit, iur me uest lnd. Jo, 1 cue nreuiana nriav and fire the EAST WEST. siail. Mall, In 41 11:13 li 11:. II lii" 14- haltm-ore Kichnioml aMtiltirton I 'titnhcihtiid loa.iu.

Issave Sew York ap. a. ai i p.tu. a. p.

Ul. 4:11 7:11 SI 'rnVS lllf- Hair aa a i a uruica com pa I' II viwlitiaii Mineral 1'oltlt Ohio (y I iitonto-vn ri.iwanl an (Wiiicllavilie r.m. Newton H-l. in. KeesasHt 2 lit ft.

tu. llraibl-k lb 1 lUebureti S.JK p. tu ii trj nf run by Baltimore Time, 14 mtnutea 'lastcrthan Fltuhnrgh Time. vmi train leaves Pltt'hurg at 8: id P. M.

li f.miicllsvllle 10:10 P. Mineral i i i 1 A. rvtunl Express loaves al 'u A. ii rrn ma ai ai inrrai 6:12 A. Pitts- A.

M. p. 4 MVli I plcsisant route to the East hi astiington cny. Mull Imviim at 6 4i a. 4- i alVuu p.

lu. Baltimore, nlo tu. Kt-w Vurk, ii i i a. in. -i, Kin', Iravlnit 45 11.

daily, i hinirt'in in. 1 ul' Mail Ksiircw trains 1: ily. I.ii.m tr.iius Sunday. and t'aeeite ExpreM Klllh Avfnoe and Smlth-i vri-eif corner Irani and Waitr iiM'I'uriih. Pa.

M. 1K, Ocncral Ttrket Ajrrnt. A B. K. R.

raao mmcKaL roiar. iAl.roii(T ailboad. ii iter Mar IS, UTS, tralr.4 will ninncrtitiK all iiaienif it tralm w. II. K.

K. (Mall train, dally, Ex- i'l't Monday.) LEAVE. aaiUTB. 31 p. m.

V. Li 3 i. m. II a. m.

I 111 p. D. Mail r-mnccte with Xjcal West. r.i iy rasK-niri Eat Hail Wert rt. WfM.

is oo tn 12 44 p. 11 Si p. m. 4 4'i p. m.

A. tlirotich Uie r.rini. "') The Tenth Kcgimcnt Hand li the procession lollowcd by the vjintii, iwe Ironir. Tiirn m. 1' i 1 irnm Uueen wu.c mil, ana men tiie lo ner iiijse Company.

The Cumberland Hose toinpany brought up the rear, twen- ia uQiiorm. uh their hose carnage neatly decorated. The procession cme lo a halt in a shady grove on the 7.V n. tiiepliice stlfcted lor the una. nerc ainntr wan had, and the excursionists joined together to have a jolly good time.

A dancing platform, ia the of the grounds, claimed the attention of a very large number or young people during the entire day. About 1 the musical tilt between the Queen City iand and the Tenth IMnui Conncllsville, place. Three airs were played by each band. The judges took their positions ujxm the plallorm Uh the bands. The advantage ot eighteen pieces, in favor of the OnnellsvUle tand, was ijuite perceptible.

The presentation Bpccch was made bv Colon! Al- Ired Spates. It was received in great pood nmor amid hearty applause. Tle Cumberland JJaily Xcr, MJg The competitive drill came next upon, the i aiiiiiiu, aim luuK iH2.CC. in tii lt joininir the iic nic frrnnn.ia n.A 4V ajv VVU- ueiisMiic company wore gray unilorms with white Uhs, with the old army style uu uiic iMuinr. lucre w-pri tin uiunacis in line, ami ilioir noni A simple method of preventing bouses from being struck by lightning, as practiced in Dome parts ot France, amsitts of placing bundles of straw, attached to broom bundles or other sticks, upon tbe roofs of the houses in an UDrisht inanition.

In tbe Tarbrs district a large number of hirm -houses have, it is said, been completely protected from lightning in this manner. A few commercial doses like the balance of trade lor 18778 will go far to prove to somebody's satislaclion that protection does really protect something, alter all. It we stick to that uhilosophy. twenty-three we shall in a lew years owe Europe noth- uu 1 mg, anu uc receiving payment in gum ior our expnns. imr ruined commerce somehow has a very healthy sort of look.

Kuin seems to agree with it Am r-ean. Colstkkkbits. There scarcely a IlEgPEtT. At a meeting business man in Johnstown but has taken of the I'ine Hill Union school in recently counterfeit half dollars which the following resolutions wrfa adopunl: were believed in each iastance to be a I Wiierbas il been the will of Di-geoaine article, and il may not be wonder- viue lrvidence to remove from, us Hufus cd at thai so many have been deceived by and Alice Bittncr, whom we loved and the dcucscd meUl, for more perfect ImiU- respected, be it tions of the genuine were never "shoved" I Hemtlced, That iu the death of Hiifus in this locality. -We were standing in a V.

Uiltaer our sch'Mil has lost a Uiihlul store the other evening when a gentleman teacher and the immunity one of ii9 came in 10 ntaac amati purcuuue, 111 I'aj tincuiesi young men. mom ttir wincn nn 1 own wur our. ported on its liice be a lilty-cent silver piece. 1'. 11 il tuu ringol the true mclal, Ixri which laughs at locksmiths, tarns out to be no respecter ot creed or race in Cincinnati.

The handsomest daughter rf itabui Wise tell in love with a young Irish attorney, and tliev were secretly en gaged to be married. The rabbi had for bidden him to enter the house but the couple were made man and wife by Unitarian preacher. The rabbi, who has now disowned his daughter, is one ol the best-known Israelites in the United Slates and the milling could not have been more Perfect But the tradesman had been taken in seveial limes recently by trusting to appearances, so the coin was put in a small testing machine, and it tailed in weight as compared With the genuine. The half dollar is couiil-jrliL," he re- 1 1 Jtciwtreii 1 ua, 1(1 lilt? llltln 01 Alice llt- ner our scii'aii us also nai a lalllilul am obedient scholar. Iiemletd, Thai while we dcciilv feel ihp irreptirable loss of our brother an.l and sadly miss them in the chil-ro we also sympathize with the bereiivei'l ftinilies and fripnila in th lnu III, we and they have sustained.

Uetolcea, luat a copy ot tuese ielu A letter was received at the Waynes burg post-ollice recently, addressed as lol tows: To Lewis Day, Green county IV, This letter must wine its war. The county is good, the State is tetter: Hut without the town he won get the letter. So thin it to Wavnosburg without delay, For it takes three hours over the Narrow Gauge way. A lady in Springfield, Massachusetts, according to the Union, has been making some interesting experiments in putting up canned roods without cookm. Ileal ing the Iruit tends more or less to injure throuL'h all lllff nifiri'lnnnla I drill with preat nrni 1 flavor, and the lady relerred to has 2rP Th I a- 'nd fill'" the fruit.

I u.vrwl,lsl: then with pure cold water, and allowing i miuuw.a. 1 ue Bomerturt 1." crinrianv rii-M i.u.L- lutul iauu umu an me couiiucu air uus Tut 1 BV was regulation blue, while "TI tlc ol hut worn by the Connellsville ic Wr' 5 long ago the steamer Stras.KH,rg was Ireuuentlv vasue amcn. -ew lora. a lirttnr 1 0jJ Meunonitcs. These enugranU were WlllltllWD, 1 ,0 Au-trian at Schnxk.

Piv nr Kloitr at the Flour Depot of inkV Hit rili-. Tin lour Seeds und Fish at the of Cook iV. Heel its. iln'iianJ pounds (d roll butler unit lnt Schrock's. Butter nuis'.

de- 'vrc! Dr. Sailler. OculNt and Aurist. Xo. IV nn Avenue.

l'a. Eye, Kir. Tlircut md Calurrh Sim- in mcv bv ni the Enameled linn Water tubing from W. II. l'lalt.

ho will furnish and Jit it ail siir-s and fe.ieral'v leprt i.s a 1 ilratifd fciimle. clinging to a sea-washed ri but f'r simple, Iriislitiir. undefiled jmint to an editor pa ing postage rn a delimiueiit Htiljscri' er. latiiinii l.utik llir-! I11111 ji 11 with lillier the Plain, Kr. 11.1I1 or (JulvHiiicd Wrought Iron a'tr Tiibing ol unv Icnelh.

W. II. 1'LATT. A ni s.bHr man wauls anew utrvey i tin 'distance to the sun. Me savslhat Ha-last one put il down at alioiit iiiili-s, whereas he didn't think it was re lhan miles away lart week, no ir 1 IV.

Saike stui ies are coining in. The death viral monster Idatk snakis has been r. juried, liut we await more lull returns 1. ire L'iviii them puliliealion. We only 111! in note one this season, the big-l'i one.

M.i'.hs may be driven from carx.ts and lin ts l'v sprinkling the parts inlecteil iih ivi mie pcppiT, tea ami salt and ironing earjHl mi the wrong side, alter dump-i-nin; it ailli tea. will destroy the cges of tlie invader. Lis! wek was niagnilic'nt lor One larmcr rcmarkeil that il asa'in ist imnossible to get hay in too atier the grass is cut. All that was mivul in the foreman, was amply cured winrowed 111 the afternoon. Dr.

W. F. Fundeiilicrp. Oculist and Atirisl. liom CunilK rland.

Md is now "Vjipine at the 'tilade House," where all 'ii'i- Ml'i'riiii; Irom diseases of the Eye, Nose and Throat ran consult him. Ail free C'Sice hours from a. to r. Aceorling to ft late fasbion writer a inn UniH't for blidiOis is coiiipoacd sim--'y a Imw of wide black ribbon, the aud mis lorming the back, while ilk knot lorms the tront. We tiiipise i.s iv ii many other Ix.nncts.

the bill ii" liie largest purt cf it. Coops. I will receive this week, 1 new nt of Silk and Silk-lace Ties; Siik, Sal in. Fringe, anil Buttons for 'lr- trimming; Crepe and Itucbings; No-i niiii Fancy (Jood. Mks.

A. E. I'm. fVtni rAt ttnr-e Uuder Captain Scull thev ttpnt tlirniitvli .1.. iuu same inovementa txecnieil hv iii other company, but the judges decided that uieir jicrioiiiiaDce as not quite up to me standard, and the prize, a beautilul stand 01 coljis, was awarded to the Con neusviiie Urays.

Colonel liomce lfesley made the prtKcnlation sicech, hich was resjx nded to by Colonel Stewart, of Union i iw-iu. j.oiu sneaKcra wert iimriik- i- plaiidcd." 1 he trial of speed between the lire com- mes v. us wed contested, though hardly a lull shake, as in the Cumberland Com ai mere were only seventeen men at the roiie, while tbirtv six ot Hie ri slnrts tugged at the roe of the Pioneer. 1 ue 1 louier boys won bv two seconds listance. of a mil Timi- ri: 1 loiiecrs, tinny and Cumberland thirtv wo SCCOI1U3.

iiuiuing iuc Pole and oilier aimisn Irom the southern part ot Russia, and are spoken ot as the cleanest and healthiest party that had ever arrived at Castle Gar ueu. I he families were large, averaging eight persons. There were few old )cr- sons among them. They brought seeds. bedding, cooking utensils, and consider able money.

The whole company went est some to Kansas, some to Nebraska, and others to Minnesota. MisF.HAnt.KN ess. The most wonderful and marvelous success, in cases where persons are sick or pining away from condition of nuserableness. that no one knows what ails them, (profitable patients lor doctors), is obtained from the use ol Hop Bitters. They begin to cure Irom the first dose and keep it up until perfect health and strength is restored.

IV boever is afflicted in this way need not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters. Sue 'Truths" and Proverbs" in another col- mcnts ot that ilk were indulged in by the umn 3 iiuiigei oiiea. i.ocusiciicr, ivcgg. Hudson. in- VOTIrR I ll attention of iu.

auu uiuer 01 me managers were 1 1 1 i. 1 1 1 I I'uiim. itb null I I'unjn auU um cverviuinc Koesio 11.. na ii.i sj 1 ,1 anii 1 ink 0iirm iiiiui make the time pass pleasantly for the guests. 1 he gambling fraternity was rep resented uy several wheels ol lortune at winch the unwary were relieved of their spare change.

All-in all it was an enjoyable affair. Daiuy Makkets. Butter Receipts ior ine past week, twenty -eight thousand one liuiidreu and hlty kegs; Exports, six teen thousand one "hundred and ninety eight kegs. There is more demand lor cieaincries for export, und the market is lully one cent hitrhcr and firmer at the close. Creamery butter takes the prece dence and lead in the market almost as much as factory cheese, and the uniform ttyleand quality ot it enables shippers to pay lair prices, increases the volume of ex (Mils and steadily stiffens the character and rating ol American butter in England reed throughout the New York butter district is good; the flow of milk keeps up almost beyond precedent, and the market so far is Urge.

In this State tbe flow of milk has decreased. In this county it his fallen oil lully one-fourth. Fresh creamery sells at to 23c; lresh dairy, 121s to 15c; early made, 5c to Sc. hecse Iteccipts lor the week, one hundred and lorty-tive thousand three hundred and twenty boxes; cxiKirts, one hundred and twenty-lour thousand seven hundred and sixty-live Ixixea. A large business, firm feeling, and the tendency of I lie market continues strong.

Uuotations same as last week IIiot. On Saturday last Michael Far- ev, Patrick Sullivan, Win. Henry, Peter store Solomon Ubl. I will continue the business at the old stand, where I will be glad to see all the customers ol the store, and the public generally. I will conduct the business strictly on the Caih Suitem, and will under no circumstances vary from the rule.

1 will sell all cily made limits and Shoes rout for thirtg diiy. Shoes and Gaiters made to order on shortiotice. Geoiic.e Ssyukr. Sumkksft, July 24. 1378.

The Uniontown Dollar Savings Bank suspended last Friday morning. Tbe de mands on the tntnk were heavier than it could meet. It waa compelled to rcluse checks In-cause of lack of funds to pay them. The liabilities are estimated at 1135,000, and the assets at The latter consist almost exclusively of notes, which, with few exceptions are good. AH doubttul ones have been charged up, and outside of them sufficient can be real ized from the assets to meet all claims and leave some over for the stock hold ers.

The time designated for the meeting ol Agricultural Societies of Western Penn sylvania lor the fall of 1879, arc as lol low Pennsylvania Slate Fair. Erie, Sept. Sa-27; Indiana County Agricultural socr ctv, Indiana. October 1-3; Monongahela alley, Monongahela city, September lo ll; Chartiers alley Agricultural Society, Cannousburg, Septcmlwr z4-s; Mercer County Agricultural Society, Mercer, September 9-12; Somerset County Agri- marked, lions be sent to the bereaved uuilies. and Oh no, that can't be," as the answer, that Ihcy be published ia our count i.

A gOfc Ii 41UIU Jll. mentioning the name of another merchant. The storekeeper quietly went to his till, brought out a genuine coin, and asked his customer to sec if he could note the difference in weight by balancing the good and the bad in his hands, when the latter at once acknowledged thai slight as the difference was he could detect iu Almost every day a new batch of these bogus halves find their way into circulation, and it is alone tbe ordinary person, not familiar with handling money, is taken in, but even those who should be considered as exiHirts, are sold very frequently. The counterteit is a dangerous one, and irom the number all oat it would seem that some person or persons are engaged in keeping up the supply. The greatest care should be exercised in hand ling coin of the half dollar denomination, and we write this lor tbo purpose of put ting our readers on their guard.

have not noticed any gixxl lmilulions ol a lesser denomination than the halt, but it would he well to keep a sharp lirokout for all coins purporting to be silver. Johnntvicn Inbune. NEW A YEa USE UEU TS. HEKIFF'S SALK. virtue of un try writ! of Fisri Faelu.

Levari arias awl Vend. EijvnnM, Iraawl out of Hie Ooartol Common Jleas ol Somertct county. and to ma directed I will expnae to mle ly iobllis outcry, at tn lnrt House, la Sooter-ael. on ix-rs. The above are the first deaths that have occurred in this school aim iis org'inizi-tion, over eight years ago.

Joskpii Walker, Simon P. Fritz, Amo3 Walkeb, Committee. What tub Marshal of New York Says The following indorsement will be ol interest to many who have not yet tested these essential aids to the full de velopment of the speed ol a trotter Ben TON 8 SPEED ACCEI.EKATOKS IUC pHCC ol which has been reduced to 3 per pair or for two pairs Office of Patrick Daily, City Marshal, New York, June 11, 1S7S. W11.11EU C. Bkxton, Brown town, Indiana Dear Hir: 1 have given your Si'tED Accelerators a thorough test, single, double, attached them to the reins, to the saddle, overdraw and check rem.

In my judgment they are the most excellent thing ever invented to pnxluce speed and comlort lor horses. Horsemen and humanitarians have Ior vears sought to invent attachments lor horses' mouths, the former looking prin cipally to sped, the latter seeking relief lor the horse from the strain ot checks and bits on mouth. The Accelera tors accomplish both, Ior they remove tbe lxrniancnt strain ol checks and bits Irom the mouth and head ot tho horse bv lei- parting the projx-r elasticity, which the horse feels immediately, and improves at once in style and speed, iwners ol horses. whether trotters, roadsters, coacli or busi ness horses, shtuild use them. Any horseman who gives your Accelerators a tri al will not only indorse what I say, but recommend them to every one ow ning horses.

Hoping you will succeed in establishing what I firmly believe to be the best thiug ever devised for horses, is the wish of one thoroughly convinced of their usefulness. lours truly, Patrick Daily, City Marshal. Send for an illustrated circular. Donnelly, and one other, hose name we cultural Sciety, Somerset, September 21 27; Westmoreland County Agricultural Sxiety. Greensliurg, September 24-.

did not learn, were arresled on a charge ol riot, and taken before Esquire Wolf, of Meversdale. The three first named were con 1 11 till eel to jail, and the other two ad m.ttd to bail. On Friday night these phi tun got into a scuttle in Iront ot the Dale House; pistols were drawn and "bil lies" used. Policeman Lcchner was hit on the side of tbe head in such a manner that Lis eye was jarred from the socket; Farmers Look to Your Interests. It you need a carriage, buggy, spring wagon, or tarm-wagon, betoro throwing your money away on shoddy work, go Curtis Kcoscr 1 shops and examine the ma terial he uses.

His stock of goods and finished work are cheerfully offered to the At tlic end ol ihe (Trst year corners the "on wedding." "Yes!" exclaimed a V'ong man who has been there, "that is 'lie inly thing that comes at the end the first year. Sometimes poverty iimies, sometimes the mother-in-law, and tains." School. The undersigned ill teach at iloovcrsville, Somerset coun-J'I'a, beginning Monday, Augusts. a session ol nine week norma! Tuition three to five dollars. J.

W. HiMLK. Teacher. Tin- harvest now being gathered in this -wv is an al undant one. II next kanksgiiing will be celebrated in a proportiiina'e the weight and mcas "ire ni the crop now bcine stored away.

will lie a jollier season thankful litan ever indulged in since the dajs -lie l'ilL-riiii lathers. k. IJaving sojU my loot and mk Ai'tk to Geeirge Snyder, I am In se-tllc'np Ixx'iks at' once, and I'inies having bill's ith me iil find it "Uieir iiiu-nt 'to e-ail and fettle without he was also badly cut about the face and inspection of every one, and examination he id. Mr. Lcchner 1 son received a num- will satisfy you of their superiority.

ber of serious injuries, and several othei Besides the stock of buggies and spring- persons were ldly cut by being struct wagons on hand, the demand for the cele-w ith billies." The matter will come up bratcd Chamfiox Fasxixo Mill for adjudication at the August terra ol has induced Mr. Kooser to build a large number, hich be oilers for sale at the shops, at prices to suit the limes. Court. One of tbe ludicrous things that occur red at Meyers iale on Friday was the'nva- si. of a bumble bees' nest by the military companies while engageu in uie compcu- Send in your orders sixm Nothing is more surprising than the 4 1 live drill.

The urays ran into me nest nrsi 7 and made just disturbance enough to get seems alraos certain that the rate of inter- tbe bees' mad up. followed and the iw- dow to bua ness. Olllcers sltuUed at them ith their swords, men charired bavoneta an them, and oneaer-i ireant was compelled to resort to a hand kerchief to check his pesky assailants. The crowd cheered, the bees got their work in, uud tor a short time there was a regular monkey and parrot lime. The eiunded numbered eight.

Republican Administration, which was never dreamed or in our puilosipliy. and never promised in the bills. Il is peculiarly the work of Haves and Sherman, for it had been tried by Messrs. Grant and Morrill without success. So triumphant is the measure that we sec it stated sever al Stales and city governments are about to try the experiment ot relunding their bonds at four per cent.

Now that Sherman has demonstrated he it can be done we do 11,4 doubt their success if their 111 On Monday evening Mai. James Trcdwell received a letter from Harmon 11 -vilirsnman savini that on Satur day he had arrested a roan who gave his nicipal credit is wortu anything. i.vtrirA KAvninniiA a 1 ui un-n 1 olierir." a lot er jewelry, the description 1 ooeoi iuc uugca uu iu-'iinc of which, given bv the Cumberland Daily light bouses ever erected by the lmtcd AVrx. tallie-s exactly with the property Stales is now in process 01 construction stolen from "Fashion Bazar" on the night on rowey nocks, on uie nonucrn exirem- ot Saturday, June 8, 187S. Itaymonds uy 01 me loriua imwik.

11 is a aaiiie, iu.xl in i 1 C'umlierland to I itv 01 luese reeis mat mey are no orcei i.inf understand that lous inai ineir Hicaiiiy can scwrwiy uc uu in to Cnmlx-rland for covered bv the most careful soundings. t'hc mirno-ic ol identilvinz the jewelry and This new light-house is composed 1 I 1 1 i having ihe man brought here lor How Scalp Level Got Its Name. A "llesidenl" of Scalp Level thus dis courses on the origin of tbe queer name by which the romantic village is known: The ground upon which the place is built was owned originally by Jacob r.ash. and is situated on the forks of tho Little and Big Paint Creeks, seven miles from Johnstown, and is thu terminus of the Sealp Level and Johnstoan Turnpike. Iheicwas a custom among the eauier settlers, and in fact is still kept up by some ol tbe people, to make a party, or what they call a frolic, which was to invite the community on a certain day to come to help chop down trees, roll leigs and clear off the land.

Tbe one story runs thus Jacob Eash made a frolic, and while some of the men were engaged in cutting elown small trees, Mr. Eash came along and told them to scalp them low cut them close to the ground and there arc some ol the old men who claim that from this the place got the name of Scalp Level. Others say that at one of these frolics two men got lighting, which was a very common thing iu that day, the one who got the best of the tight jumped up and veiled out, "Hurrah for Scalp Level Which is the correct one of these two stories the riter can't say, but one thing is certain, that from one or the other, the place is called Scalp Jevcl. Juhuttoirn Irihune. siusr Cciir that Couou.

With Shiloh's Consumption Cure you can cure yourself. It has established the tact that Consumption can be cured, while for Coughs, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all diseases ot Throat and Lungs, it absolutely without an equal. 1 wo doses win relieve yonr child ol Croun. it is plcsant to take and perfectly harmless to the youngest child, and no mother can afford to be without it. You can use two thirds ol a bottle end if what we say is not true we win reiund ine price paid.

Price ana 1.00 per bottle. It your Lungs are sore or chest er Imck lame use Shiloh I'orous Plaster Sold by Geo. Beulord, Somerset, Fa. Have you Dyspepsia, are you Consti pated, have you a Yellow skin, Iss ef Apx-tite. Head Ache, ilso don't fail to use SHILOH'S SYSTEM VITALIZE I It is guaranteed to relieve you, and will von continue to suffer when vou can be cured on such terms as these.

Price 10 cts. and 75 els. Sold by Geo. W. Benford, Se'tn crsct, a.

Wells' Persian Perfume "HACK.ME- TACK" is rich and fragrant, try it. Sold Geo. W. Benford, Somerset, Pa. Tiiisk for Yourself.

Thousam lead miserable lives, snilering from dys pepsia, a disordered stomach and liver, producing biliousness, heartburn, costive ness, weakness, irregular appetite, low spirits, raising lixrd after eating, and often ending in latal attacks ot lever, llicy know they are sick, yet get little sympa thy. Ihe unlading remeely is iULosta liadtcal cure. For sale by G. W. Btnlord, Somerset, and Mountain Confluence.

A 25 cent bottle will convince you of its merits. Don delay aiother hour after reading this, but go and get a bottle, and your relief is as certain ts you live. Will you do it or will you continue to sufler I hink lor yourselt. Trial size 25 cents. Large sizes 50 cts.

and One Dollar. Al- Agents for Prof. Tarker's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which is perfectly sate. Extremely palatable. No physic reqmrctl.

Cests 2j ceuts. 1 ry BIAKICIED. F1UTZ MILLER. July 21, 1S78, at the Lutheran parsonage, Berlin. by llcv.

J. W. I oIliubcrilT, Mr. John Fritz, to Miss Rebecca Miller, both of Somerset I a. Whenever ajjo Wherever Diseases ol a cliulcratic tvte prevail, or there is cause to apprehend a visit from them, the system should lie toned, regulated and re inforced bv a course et Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters.

Perfect digestion and a regu lar habit of body are the best safeguards against such maladies, and both are se cured by this most inestimable tonic and The bitters are also extremely serviceable in remedying such disorders. It promptly taken in bilious colic, dtar- rho'i and cholera morbus, the disease is usually frustrated. In diarrhica cases it is emly necessary to restore the tone of the relaxed bowels, and this is one ol the spe cific effecls of this medie ine. Wind on the stomach, heartburn, biliousness, nausea, headache and other symptoms, of dis-turltance iu the gastric ami hepatic regions are also speedily relieved by this excellent remedy. As a family medicine it is invaluable, since it promptly and completely remedies those ailments which are of most frequent occurrence.

July SotIMOX lfl. Ynu 1. ii ii I. 't jj.m fin- iiiy pu4or. the 1 Mr.

Tu itelu ll' Harllord, to join iu a Inur through Switzerland and my ut Mark a expense-, and tins Ucv. Mr. Twitchell. will go. This re aid held 0111 to the ru-ln? ce-ncr- Aiueriean humoiists ihe nicevas- li' riv only 10 palor, but to take him around uud bang Ihe xpe The i however, be careful that his dot, no uje unil, i tul lur sotp I1CW Abroad." ausc it mitjt nu.n out tua, t'ip as at tlie.ast Dsc alier all.

Stale IX rrgulalion "i 'rc fal.his year. Be side-s the 'ni a nt. orws Dl. i tin Las aih-ui 1. The suit consists cadet fray coat 1.

Ml dhiiiuiir The me in art.m nlitlirecrowa "ai. aiidthe t-kirts an sirt.vei with black 1 he pants have a bw aid band, 'lie lap 1 the regular The Ulu arewLe aitogeib-niog it a neat and of iron, and improved methods of illumination render it, jierhaps, tho most perfect in the world. 1 he light will be visible in clear weather about eighteen nautical miles, and is compoaed of both glass and constructed, so as to send a blaze of light along the whole horizon of the ocean. It is estimated that this structure ill last three or lour hun dred years. Judge Dean, at the recent term of the In this and adjoining counliet the weather, except lor heat, has been Civnruliln fur harvcstinE Ibis Sea- Sou.

The hay. wheat, barley anu rye meiaiic have all put up in excellent condition Farmers inform us that all the will Yield mt sbumlanllv. This is; riallv so ith the wheat, with the ex ception some ofthe earlier fields, which were injured uv tne iroen uc j-i-f Ty isalit ready to cm. ane, me lor Vluaof -aithout 1 1 1 1 il- I iic'j t- c.nse. look occasion to remark suuoun 1 tiallv aa follows ilur renoiier savs a ternuic unum ne.

He com in I vrugBiwa --j ror medical purposes, suiueci, nowever. 10 to the cilice numerous timet throughout 1 L-. nreacriI)tion he day with bis fact! as long as a stiingie, (l A. ha 1 as uui -tw-t- --r and reaU no deiau. no Utte, eTen on- the preacription ol a runaways ol man or iteasi.

uo sun atroaca, 11, to nersons r- 1 1 intemperaiP uauits, 01 to tnose lu use luuor as a bever- 1 1 n- si'Tva nOlirtS. DO BCVlucLne 1 rations or elopement, and not cucumbers ft eusunpntfucelbe ordinary qUmg lift, One dav of last week the dwelling. house Mr. Ed. Shafer.

in tie northern of (Minicraet township, was entirely destroyed by lire. Moat ot the household giaals were saved. We understand that the iota is cut very heavy, and that the 1..010. in an old one which Mr. Shaffer had intended Kit move eut of as soon as he I could finish a new house now ounuing.

1 that Hon. John U. Eilie. Hon. W.

H. Koontz, and Josiah Keller, have Iieen appoiuted conlerces to tbe Con- liable to indictment, and if found guilty will be punished to the extent of flu- law. In abort, in the opinion of the court, a druggist who sells liquor for any purpose whatever, or upon tbe prescription 4 the most eminent physician in the countv. does so at his own risk. Body Ssatouiso at Tbe lirookville Dtmotaat of last week says: ve learn upm goou auiuorny that ibo liody of It P.

Montgomery, who was killed near liulioi. several nionllis ago, was stolen from its grave in the Bel- view ccmeiery, lureeuajs uur tut inter- this diatriet bvlnienU It appeara that upon the third I 1. tbcpnuNT air.honty. mgui iuC uu. 1 1 t- 1 1 l- I luoit I lio X.

1 1, li. Hll.14 1'-" Cb. Rep. Co. Com.

and this coming to the cart of Montgom- I cry 11 lends, arouse ineir suspicions, hen a Main street joung lady loses a cordingly. me loiiowing nigui mey uu curl, hadn't she lielter wail until elayugui covereu me eouin oniy 10 unu 11 uniairaa. to hunt for It, instead sUrlilig out on a uiuking uiai uy raising no wir auoui tuo search with a coal oil lamp matter, they were more likely to obtain 1 tome ciue 10 uc tuej aej-i Aitornev announces that me aecrei 10 inemseives, 0111 as several there enough criminal business on band months have passed by without any deal present lu occupy the entire first week Telopmenta, tbey have evidently allowfej ol the August term ol Court. I the facts to transpire. Shoot Tne Prophet.

Some wretched Canadian named Yennor has assumed the roi't ol weather prophet, and announces a cheering programme of atmosphere as follows: He predicted that July would enter with intense heat, which would prevail until about the 1Mb, lien a cool and cold change was to set In, with, probably. frost at night, end heat again during the last lew days ef the month. It strikes us there was no frost last Thursday night. and we arc willing to be qiialitic-1 there wasn on tbe following one. He says August will also enter exceedingly hot and dry, and continue so up to the mid dle of the month, after which cool wealh-er, with frosts at night and northern gale's, may be expected Ior a large portion ot the remainder of tbe month! This, he informs us will end the dry term.

Let some rifle tiiim consider it their business to make a target el that prophet distance, ten pace-s. He id a right to throw in a little snow. As Astosisiiixo Fact. A large proportion of Ihe American people are to day dying Irom the ffocts e.f Dyspepsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseases upon the masse-s of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead of a pleasant existence of enjovment and useluluess as it ought to be.

There is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take the advice of Druggists and your lriends, and try one bottle of Green August Flower. Y'our speedy relief is certain. Jlillions of bottles ot this medicine have been given away to try its virtues, ilh satislactory results in every case. Yon can buy a samp bottle lor 10 cenU to try. Three doses ill relieve the woivt case.

Positively sold by all Druggists ein the Western Continent. Dit. Van Dtkk's Sulphur Soap. Dr Van Dyke, whose lil! long fjiecialty, and world wide reputation for curing skin diseases, ha endeavored lor years to combine an external treatment, "lie has accomplished this desirable result in the preparation ot his compound "Sulphur Soap," the nu-ritii ol which are spoken of by thousands; it is highly recommended to all our readers. Price 25 cents, by mail, U5 cents a box: 3 cakes CO by mail, 75 cents.

Office 50 N. 5th street. Wholesale Depot, 400 N. 3J street. Philadelphia, Pa.

Isold by all Druggists. DIED. SPENCER. At StfUbenvillc Ohio, on Monday, June 18TS. Miss Jane Spcn cer, aged i3 years.

1 BROIGH. At Iter husbands resi dence, near July 4, Lizzie A. Brough, agci! 2D years. 'Yet, again we lupe tiimect tlicc; WUon tiie day ot lifoia fled Tfci're in Heaven with to greet tliee, Where no farewell tec sued." HEIPLE. July 23,1878, Rebecca eldest daughter ot Franklin and Anna Heinle, aired 7 yean, months and 2'J days.

HEFFLEY. In Bulin, July IS, 178, Austin Glenn HeWcy, aged 13 years, 11 mouths and 1 day. BITTNER. July 15, 1S79. Isabella, wile of Aaron aged OS years, mouths and 25 days.

PICKING. July 4 ol diphtheria, Marian younge-st duaghtcr ot Worth and Dorathea Picking, ageel 1 year 10 months and 8 days. Marian was a swtet and lovely child; one of those blight and sparkling gems that light up the shadowy pathway ol we. She was olx-dient and warm-hearted, and her overflowing allcctirms won the hearts of her parents aud of all whom she knew, aud entwined around Hiem ith such ten derness that this unexpected separation caused so keen a wourd that more than human sympathy is needed to sustain and comfort the hearts of die parents in their sad and unexpected lo3. But there is no shadow so giiximy mat the comforting light of Gxl smiling countenance cannot dUpel.

The submissive disposition nnd jious turn ol her bright little mind seeiicd to indicate tue caretu: training by her parents, and luai the grace imparted by Holy Baptism was already developed in ai loving life. Seemingly too pure lor eartn sue was transplanted, a benutiUil flower, in the spring-time of lile, ioto God's celestial garden above, to bloom forever in the paradise of heaven. Tbe parents of the deceased have the sympathy ot the people in thu community in general. 11. r.

e. Friday, Au-jud IS.3. at 1 o'clock p. ihe Mlowtnr described real estate, Tii All Die rucht tide inlrre.n and claim of William FbtHT, ol, iu aud to the foUoKtug di-scribed real estate, tii A certain tntet of lund alinate in Larimer S'Hnorsjt eountjr, Pennv, containing i aerea, more or lew, ot which there are about arret cleared, ol which ahout a acroe are ia meadow. wi a a one and one-bail nlorr (raise dwelling h.m.j and Ion utile thereon erected.

Ailiotaing lauinoi e'hri'tlaa Mlnkemyer. Auxniui Siraup. Jacob Zufill, John ll'Uucr au.I otliera, with the npfunen'ta-e. likn in as the proiert of William Fisher, at the u.l ol lan Fuller, ih ul IV-- ter Mcyeia. ALSO.

All the rljjht title Interest and claim of Oennre W. Aiidenion, ot, la and to the following described re.i 1 csiato. viz Two certain lots of ground fitatte In jmerset county, jntaininx one fourth acre, more or 1cm, with a two story frame dwellioa hvUM and stafile thermn erected fnintlnir nn Park nreet, and adjoined by Henry Zlmmermaa on the east, alley on the north, an 1 alley oa the Lite aiiunenances. Taken in execution as the property of George Awii-iwii, hi iue sun 01 j.r. tinier use ol itiuici Augustine.

ALSO. All the riieht title Interest and claim of John lliltiicw. ol. In und to the lulioainx described rca estate, vit A certain tract of land situate In Shade Twn. somerset county.

ta. containing loll acran, more or lem. ol which there are about acre? are clear ed, with a two tory ulank dwelling houne, and (table thereon erei-ted. AitjoinlaaT lands or Frederick Smith, Jonath in Dull, Ketiuuiia Hcnier, and otliera, with the appurtenance. Th ken in execution a the nnuiertr of John Hitahew, at the rait of David Hitshew, and lor uscoie yrus j.

A USD. All the rixhL title, lnterc-'. an I claim ol E. 1 lhiuvher. ol in and lo the following dcsiritied real estate, vii A certain lot of ground situate in Kueghey't oi couniy, I'enn'a, cmtamlng one loiirtii acre, moreor lea, with a two-story Intme dwelling house theivon errcted, Imntlng on Kuehley utreet, and adoln- cu oy ijsi j.

jotier on tne toutn. alley on tue east, and Second slrcct on the north, with the appurtenances. Taken In execution as tho property of E. Itauuher. at the full of W.

li. use ol I'. Meyers. ALSO. All the riuht, title.

Interest and rl iiui, ol Samuel Wsgncr, ol, in and to the lollowlng described real estate, vis: Two certain lots of grnund, sltu-ite In Ursina Nirough, Somerset county, containing one fourth acre, mora or less. Irontlng on Water street, and ad joining Wd. J. Hucr on the east. imvu Umler on tue west, and lllow alley on the north, with the appurtenances.

laaen in execution as rne proiierty ot imuei Wagner, at the suit ol Simon tklc'r. lor use ol Jacob Seybert, use of Ainos Steele. ALSO. All the right, title, interest an 1 claim of John 11. Klinmcl, and lavld F.

kiinuiel, ot, in aad to the lolloaing descrltied real estate, vis 1. A certain lot of ground situate In Mineral Point, MiUord lownshiti, Somerset county. eouuiining one lotirth acre, more or less, with a two story Irame dwelling bouse, Irame stable, and shoemaker shop thereon erei'ted. Adjoining lots I ot John il. elriihth on tho west, alley on the south, and fronting on Main Cruns street, with the appurtenances.

a certain lot ot ground situate as atore- said. containing one hall acre, more or less, ad- joining lots ol Hulus Hull on the east. Main street on the south, alley on the north an I west, known as lot No. on the general plan ot said town. wit tne appurtenances.

No. A certain tract of land situite In MllforJ township. Somerset countv, contnining twen ty-nvc acres, more or less, ol which there are acres in meadow, with a one and a hall story Inline dwelling hous frame stable, woolen lactory. and oilier out bniiuings tnercon erected. lands of John I'richiield, Wm.

Baker. Franklin Pile, Franklin Walter, and others, with tne appurtenances. No. 4. A certain tract ol land situate In Mld.tle- ereek township.

Somerset countv. containing jo acres, more or less, ol which mere arc ariout lo acres cleared. lands ol Kit Sayler, K. McMillcn, Iiietrick Triupy, and others, with the appurtenance. taken In execution as the proicrty ol John li.

kiiutnel and lurid kiiatncl, al the suit of Jesse ri'-hlicld, of e'. larteeny. FUzatielh Hum- nert, an I m. uncuueid. A LSI I.

All the right, title. Interest and claim of Henrr Italttcr. ol, In and to the following described real estate vii A certain tract el land situate In tJueraahoning township. Somerset county. containing 3s-i acres, more or less, a 1 -out lut acres of which are clcareil.

und 15 acres tn meadow, with a two story pan tog auj part plana uweuin nou-f, on mill. water power saw unit, siawc, ani otner out duiui- mgs thereon erected: also a large sniir camp uercon. an oinmg oi jonn neim. Frank kiiumcl, Alliert Wrluht, aud others, with the appurtenances. taken in execution tis the property of Henry iiaitzer, at the sun oi iiaviu ALSO.

All the right, title. Interest and claim of Sarah and Jesse Weiglcr, ol, in and to the fol low ingdcscrilied real viz: 1 wu certain lots ol ground, situate tn Mineral Point. Miltord township, Stimcrset county. each iiO by 150 feet, 31in street on the north, street on the east, P. W.

tx B. K. K. on the south, and alley on the west, on which are rced a wo and Imll story lilunk house, anil Irame stable, with the appurtenauces. aken in execution as the proiieny of Sarah Weiglcr, and Jesse Weigley.

at the suit of Peter hlllippl, use ol I lulltppl. ALStl. All the right, title. Interest an I claim ol i'harles II. Bauu'her, of, in an I to the following described real estaie, viz: A certain lot or ground situate In Meyersilale rough.

Somerset countv. containing one- all acre, more or less, wiru a largo two story lank dwelling house, thereon erected, and knewn on the general plan of said tiorough. as lots TU, til. nd V-t of lot Aii. s.1.

Ironting on Second alley, and Stetihen Jones on the west, t'row alley on the north, and Peter Meyers heirs on the east, ith tne appurtenances. linen in eecuii'm as uie property oi i-iwrni liauglicr. at the suit ol J. Meyers, Admmis- rator ol Peter Meyers, deceased. ALSO.

XE WAD YD II T13 Ti. NEW A YE TIS EM EU'APYEIlTI TV? Sf-e, at the suit of ktircr. Frank Sij-e, ALSO of Harts All enght, title. Interest an.1 claim of Dequllla Keiem an-l Henry Keaui, oi. to anu 'jt inm leuow ina descrilied real estate, viz A certain lot of groand situate la the town of eiirree Saminlt Two- Somerset euataln- big 'i acre snore or teeei.

with one and a half story frama dwelling boasa thereon erectcl, awl known the general idan nf said town a lot No. 147. awl adiolninir lot fio. 1 on the -aih. 'berry alley on lb west.

Walker alieet on Iho col. with tbe appurtenaaces. laaen in exermioa as me pp-peny in Kram and Henry Keum, at Ihe suit of balizer Waller, et al. ALSO 4 li oil. bums claim of eieorue Garlitz.

of. iu and to the following ilejcrined real estate, viz A certain tract of land situate In Orecnvllle Pa coutainiug 71 acres more or less, of which there are about S3 acres ilearesi. and about 5 acres In meadow, with a one story plank dwelling house and li stable tbereiin erected, dotniag land of Beninmln Lowry's heirs, Peter Allller and lianlel with tne ajipur-tenanisea. Taken in execution the property of Ocrge Oariiiz. at the suit of Samul K.smlz and Mary koontz.

formerly Mary (jtarlitl, his aite, for the use of stid Mary Koontt. ALSO All therl-ht. tpl interest and claim of James Pugh, of, in and to the loUoviOf ueacriucu real estate, Tiz Two certain lots ol ground situate Ii Sehell addition to Somerset borough. Somerset beginning at an alley 1:3 leet east of the corner of furkeyfoot and tiaee streets, inence a ion sain alley south 1 leet, thence east 10O feet, thence north. ISO feet to Kace street, thence east by laid street lew leet to place ot beglnuing.

having thereon erected a one and a hail utory Irame dwelling bouse, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution as the property of James Puah. at the suit of Henry F. Schell, use ol SclieiL ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ltvinia J.

tox, ot. In and to the loiiowing descrlb- ml mil Mtnrw via A certain tract of hind situate in Somerset Tp. Somerset containing 43 acres more less, mil cleared, with a Iwo atory frame dwelling house, small Irame bam ami otner ouiouikiihu thereon erei-ted. adlotning lands of Hanie Khoad heirs. Henry IMuxin, now Michael Slpc, josepn anaiier an otners, wiinj iue appuri naeees.

Taken In exei-utlon as the propeny or i-iriLh J. For. at the suit oft'vrus 51. Sliarer, ailtn'r. ol lianiel A kh ads.

dee'd. TKKMS. Any person purchasing at the ninivi sale will pleasetake notice tbat ten per cent. the purchase money must be paid as soon as In nrooertr is knocked down, otherwise it will agai be eissc4l to sale. The residue of the purchase money mnst lie pablon ortietore tne snn iia Anuust.

istm. the dae bseil be the Oiurt for th ackuowleilgmcnt ol Sherilt's deeils: and no deed will lie acknowledged until the purchase money Is paki in. w. riLE, July St SheriXT. AT TEiiTION FARMERS AND CITtZEHS! THE OLID IICXjIkJBXiE ARRIVED AT LAST.

Owing to mysueeess dnrieg set my lutura te-uie, an I iveo, irt s'-y witli 1 Wei no I up Pi ihs I 'rlv I li ie -In I- I ike S.ti.r-lel i ii P.xr IFFM-'K. COOK BEERI7S' BLOCK, with the Urgost an I ho-. ii; of aol Gems' fomM Ever MM io Smersei EXAMINE OUR PRICES. A S3ICJXEES' ACCOUNTS. Tua lidlowlng accounts have been filed In ottii-e and will be presenteil tor cimhrmation ou I nurtay oi August, in.s: L.

Morrell, Assignee ol IA. Border, Wm. Assignee of Neheiniah Milter. W. B.

Mcgahan, Assignee of Frvid Naugle. J. M. dinner. Axsigneeof W.

f. Hicks. E. M.St-hrock, Assignee ol Jonathan J. Wellcr.

W. II. Har, Assignee of B. F. Johns.

J. L. Pugli, Arniguee of Daniel Mostoller. J. H.

I hi. Assignee of Daniel D. Miller. J. H.

I til, Ai'igneeol J. N. hmer. F. J.

kl KiSEK, July 31 Prothonotary. riuBLiFc I By virtue of an order of sale issued by Ihe ejourt i ejommon Pleas ol somerset ounty. and to me directed. I will extnee to sale by public outcry, at the Court Houw, ia Somerset at 1 o'clock P. on Friday, AwmM 23, 1373, all the following real estate.

Tlx A certain lot ol ground situato in I'rsina Bor. Somerset known on the plan ol sai.l towi as kit No. 1(1. having a front el (eel. and a depth of lio, ami Is hounded on the south by Park street, en the west by Majile alley, on the north by eieiiiiralley, on the east by lot No.

14o. and having thereon erected a dwelling house and outbuild ings. It being the sme hit. ground which Sebastian IteUler recovered in an action of eject ment against Samuel Bookman, to No. Atf Nov.

term 1S7j, on seteinlier lSTO, to lie release.) upon payment of lu I -il on April 1, 1STT, and -11 Octolicr 1, 1S77, with intercct on payments Irom squiiiiiirre. li.o. Eli CASH. VALENTINE HAY, July 31 master in Chancery. A SSIGXEKS SALE.

By virtue cd an order Issued cut ol the Court nf Common Pleas of Somerset countv. tue un dersigned Asslgneeol Edward kelio.wiil eximse 10 aaie ny puoiK- outcry, on iue preuiises, on Saturday, Awjmt 24, 137S, at 1 P. M. the following real estate, viz io. l.

A certain lot ol ground Uti.ite in Salis. bury borough. Somerset containing ol an acre, tiounded ou the cast by (Irani street. ontbesou li bv land of Altre.1 Wagner, on the wet by tract No 'J. and on the north by land ol jonn Bi-aciiy.

with a bnt-k house or tavem and large Ira addition, a lanre stable an 1 ot her outbuil tings thereon erected. 'i A certain tract of land situate as afore said, containing acres, adjoining lands ol John VA.lleachv. AllK-l Wagner. tr.u-t No. 1 ami others, being in a state of excellent rultlintion, and having a large steMe thereon TEKMS.

one-third in hand oneonnrmation of sale, unc-tnird in six months, and one-thirl in one reartr.itu llii.l:if. (Anviol-ll iw-u i.iihlni.n..i on derci red from day of ale. w.u. o.i KjidiKin, July -1 Assignee ol Edwanl kelm. )TI)LIC SALE Pursuant to an cr ier of the Orphans Court of "nicrsct there will lie sold S.smcrsc sale, on the premise.

county, on at iuhlir Friedcnsiiurg, ui said Saturday, Auyusl 2t, 1873, KOSEKttET MAHIttT Correctoil by Coos 4i Ekikits. DULESt lt CHOICE GROCERIES, FLOUR FEED Apples, dried. A) )) liran. loo a.s Butter, (keg) Bulicr, a (nil) Bu-kwheat, Tfi 4 uteaL, 1 Aa Beeswax, "jl Bacon. ahouldcr-S sides, couDlrjliialiiS.

Corn. (car t-uehei C-oru, ( fl bushel Corn meal 1 a Jail skies, fi a args. i doz Flour. bbl Flaxseed "r1 (ie .) liams. (sugar-cured) liar I.

a Leather, red sola, a up)ier 44 km. Middlings, and chop lats, fl bu Potatoes, sa bu Peaches, dried, I've ybu Bags. a Sail, No. 1, T4 btit.exira Ufiun 1 Alum, cr saca. Ashton, ier sack Sugar, yellow a white Tallow, a neau Wool, a 4-; tnie iiftiSJC il -is Lie Iuc SEw: to Toe "ii itie to7c to loc -HHi jC oi-e lo 1M ie Me loc Oil lit ae ii iue SKfJIlO 1 to 'oe ajyjioe 10c jc to 70c lie 1 7..

il is! 4)4 00 a 10 Je 1 1 34U10 ir A I YEE TIS EM EX TS. JEOAt NOTICE. Catharine Walker, by her next Iriend, Samuel Sheets, vs. Alexander Walker. 1 dit Tc Friend, a word with you If you arc troubled wilh any skin disease or other cutaneous irritation, use Gless's Scl-fiivk Soap.

Do likewise it your complexion be pimpled, or eallpv. You won't legret it. Sold by all Druggists. Hill's Hair asd Wiih-kck Dte, Black or Brown. 50 cents.

In the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset Co. I'a. ISabpeens in Divorce to No. 44 Jany. T.

IsTs. Alias subpu-na In ivoree to No. sj. April Term. 1ZTS.

To Alexaader Walker, the uefendent above umtsi You arc hereby notified and renntrod to in ani apH-ar at the next term ol the Court of Common Pleas, to lie held al Somerset, on the 4th Monday, C-tlth davlol Auzust. 1n7i. to answer the complaint oil be said Cathari Walker, Ihe piainllit here named. Shoriirs Oitlce. 1 3 EO.

I'lLE. July 31, ShcritT. Juljlil. Q0UUT ritOCLAMATION. HraiAA.

the Honorable Wi xi am M. Hat.i, of the several Courts el Common Pleas ot theCountl. composing tho sixteenth Judicial District, and Justh-e ol the ourts of Oyer and Ter. miner and IK-neral Jail Delivery, for the trial ol all capital an-J other ohvaders la the said District, and Ds-iiel Sn rrr aud C. Mt8BLWA Es-iiuircs.

Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas. anl Justices id the Courts of Over and Terminer, awl General JaU Deliverv, for Ihe trial of all capital oiherodcr.ders in theCountTofS.imerset.have their precepts and to me directed, tor holding a of Oitnmon Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Deliv ery anJ Courts or Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset na MoaadwT. Aaswat 20. 1S71, Konm is ere five to all the JustleeJ of tbe Peace, the onmer ami Constables within the suW of Somerset- that they be then and there in their proper persons, with eiaminalliihi, and other remembrances, to do th: things which Ui their oflices and in that behalf aiierialn to be dona: ami also, they who will prosecute against tbe prisoners tbat are or shall be In the Jail of Somerset to be then ami there, to prosecute against them as shall be just. July Sheriff.

All the right, title, interest an I claim (f Jl. A. Sanuer, ot. iu aud to the tollowiug described real late, viz No 1. Tho undivided one half of two certain tracts of land situate in Lower Turkcyhiot Somerset containing three hundre.1 aud rtv-six acres, more or less adwtnicg lands ol David Ankenv.

Israel Weliley, W. J. Baer, It lielng ihe tulanco of the land eonveyeil by Samuel Harncd and liurnworth to John Davis and M. A. Sanner.

alter deducting the plei-es or parcels ol land suld by said Davis and Sanner to other jiersuns, having an orchard on the premises, one two story irame bouse, one ono and a hall story Irame house, one large barn, also a stable and other buildings, lt eonttilns also a large numlicr of fruit trees, plenty of coal and lime stone on the premises and now open tor use with the appurtenances. No. A certain lot of ground situate in Somerset horouuh. Somerset county. situate on the southeast corner ol the diamond, bounded on the east by lot of M.

A. Sanner. on the south by Pa-trii4. street, on the west by Main Cms street, and on the north by Main street. Numl-ered on general plan of said tmrough as lot No.

and known as the Elder lot, with tne appurtenances. Taken In execution as the property of M. A-Satiner, al the suit ol Edmund Kb num. ALSO. All the right, title.

Interest and claim of John Claycomb, of. in and to the following, described real estate, viz: A certain tract of land sltuateln JcflcrsonTwp, Somerset containing 7 acres more or less, ol which there are ahout 35 acres cleared and acres in meadow, on which there are erected a two s'airv irame dwelling house, a bank baru and other outbuildings, adjoining lands ot Jacob Ankenv. Levi Shaulis. John kimmcL, Henry Gardner and others, with the appurtenances. Taken In execution a the pi-'iierty of John Claycomb, at the suit of Henry Shaulis, Jr.

ALSO All the right, tide. Interest and claim of W. H. Riley, ol. in and to the following described real estaie.

viz: A certain of ground ltuafe In I rslna Bor Somerset containing acre more or less, wilh a one storv frame dwelling house Iherooa erected, ad joining lot ol J. R. Coder on the west, Pnrk street on the north. Maple alley on the east. Willow alley on the south, lieing lot No.

S14 as known on the general plan of sai town, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution as the pmierty of W. U. Kilev, at the suit of Davie, Coder Co. ALSO Allthe right, title.

Inierest and claim or Alt-x. W. Shultzol, in and lo the luUewIng real estate, viz A certain tra- tof Ian I situate In Milfor Somerset Co. containing 17 acres more or less, about. 40 acres ol which are cleared, with a two story frame dwelling house and stable thereon erected, adjoining lands ol Geirge Daniel Swamer.

Simon Snyder and others, with the appurtenances. Taken In execution as the projierty of Alex. W. Shut-a, at Ihe sull of John A. FliltlippL ALSO All the right, title.

Interest an.l claim of Jacob Levlitgstou. ot in and to the loiiowing desciibed real estate, viz: A certain tract of land in Jenner Somerset Co.Pa., containing li acres wore or less, of which there are about In) acres cleared, with a two story log dwelling hou.e. barn, water-iwwer and other uutbiiildlujrs thereon erected, adioining bands of. lacob WollorJ, Jacob Roddy. David Hammer and others, with the appurtenances.

Taken in execution as the property of Jacob Levlngston. at the sull of Alexander La mils use of kiernan it EaiL ALSO All tho right, title, Interest an claim of I). J. Bvrkey of, In and to the following descrilied real estate, viz A certain tract ol land situate In Paint Twp. Somerset eoulnlnlug Irs acies more or less, aU timber, with a two atory plank dwelling him.i stemm.iiiiwer saw mill thereon erected, ad- lands ol Chrintain Pcnro.1.

a on Berkcy Samuel Bcraey, ienemian win muvio, with the appurtenances. Taker in execution ai tho property of D. J. Berkey a. Co at the suit of John Custer, nso ol Eiwoud Swank, adui'r.

ol Susan Swaiik, ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim or John A.Slie.ot, In ami to the tollowiug ueseribed real estate, viz No. 1. A certain tract or land situate In Jenner-town Somerset containing 41 acroa more or less, with a two story frame dwelling bouse, stablo and other outbulldlnga thereoa erecte-l. adjoining lands of Henry llauch, Adam Friedline.

Philadelphia a. Pittsburgh Turnpike, and Somerset a. Coccmaugh Turnpike, with tie aapurtenances. No 2. A eertala tract of land situate In Jenner Twp', Somerset cuu.inTig tsu acres more or less, with a water lower raw-mill thereon erec cl adiolring latkli of Henry Siue, Joseph Wsetsworth, Julia raw and others, with the ap- partenaucvl.

No. 3. A eertatn lot of ground sltnale ht somer- aet Somerset containing acre more or less, with a two story frame dwelling ai.lde ami ne her outbuildings thereon erect ed. Ironting on Patriot street and adjoining occupied by Koi-ert Laugblon on tho east. Curtis Kouecr on the west, aad i street oa be soatb, and known as lot No.

1.7 on tho general plan ol said borough, wilh tho appurtenances. Taken in execution as the property of John A. the following descrilied real estute, viz No. 1. A lot or piece of ground situate in the town of Frcidensbiirg.

Somerset hound- on the north by land of Samuel S. Snyder, on the east, south an I west by public roads, containing about 60 perches; the Improvements are a one and a hall story dwelling hue. stable, wood- house and otherhuildiugs: late the residence of Gabrbl el. Walker, dee d. No.

A lot oridece of land advoinlnt. the Lutheran Church lot in said town ol Fried ensburg, containing about 1 acre. No. a. LotsNos.

11 and 12 In Ihe western of said town of Fricdensburg, oomaininir about 4 No. 4. A tract of wood-land situate in said town of Fried, nshtirg, adjoining lands ol m. A. Harn- nan, rreiietick smith ard otneis, containing 4) ace i.

Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. 51. of said dav. TERMS. Ten wr cent, on rf snle- mi thini ol latlance on tho 1st of April isi oi April ar.ii one-ttirion tne 1st ol April 1-H.

O. p. SHAVER. July 31 Adm of Gabriel G. Walker.

dtcM. GomI Suits -jil 2 Worsted ilrcss suits Fine cass suits 7 -jOJ Scotch iiv5 suits '23 Workinir coats Extra tass suits 10 0 Fine dress pants 3 Fine diagonal suits 11 01) Worsted dross pants English diagonal suits 1( Union cass pants 1 Custom-made suits '21 50 Working pants 7- Custom-made from 1 7 up Overalls Dross shirts 7-xts to 1 00 0UII HOYS' DEPARTMENT is complete. Suits for hoys from 4 to years of age, and at prices from $1 oO to $10 00 per suit CALL AND BE CONVINCED. .1 Friendly Call Will Cost You Xo(hin-. Strictly One Price- SAMUEL S.

FELL. July Pittsburgh Female College, A SI) PITTSBURGH CONSEEVATORYOF MUSIC. Elegant Kisht departnunti. Twonf v-f liree" Tafherv. .,1 vantages in Music in the OiNSIiKYATOI'Y OF Ml v.

Special elepartnienu, for Drawing and Fainting, Wax work clc The College owns "the largest and rand Ortan lor educational pui-po-H'S ja America." Charles less thai axy st ii.hil, f.hi-w. accommodations. Send to the Frtsidtnt. Kev. I.

C. I'KIfSllIM: I) I l.ttai...e.,k Ior a entidoguc. The fill torm Septetii'ier July 2-1 THE ON EST WAGON WHEELS IS MAXUFACTUIiKI) IJV FISH iiitoa "WIS. WE MAKE EVERY VAP.IETV OF htitt VmPMV A Mil vDBT ii hi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i hi An II .11 1 1 I I'J IT mi IT i oy wnuning ourselves strleJy to Cc of work by en-ptoyln- none but the rsioir iv.Lliiiia: but IUST-CLASS I.MIMIOVED MACIIINEKY and the VEUY DEST OF SELECTED TIMHEII, by TUOUOt'CU the we have i jtlv r.irnr.l mn-iMfi. a.r THE BEST WACOM OU WHEELS.

Wo give the following warranty with each Wo Henly Warrant Ihe FISH BKOS IVlilnv mi i nd of nil tens I. and that the of he i. i. should any breakage M. ur within i ne year this date by reason material or work'-manshlp.

icpairs lor the same will be luniislicd at pl ace ol sale, tree of charge. the price of sn.l repairs, as per agent list, will he paid In casu by the purchaser I rs! ing a aajnphVoi the bn-ken or delccute pans as eiileuce. 1 liuiiu-, Jan. 1, IS.s (FISH BEOS. CO.

Knowing we can suit we solr-ir ii ir.n tr Prii-es and Terms, ami a cpv ol AGKIe'l LTCH crysceti. of tlic I nited IL IMl-I to Stales. Sen. I 1 ISTtl AT0 'S N0TI CE. Lctatoof Catherine Phillippl.latcol Mtliord deceased.

Letters of administration on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given lotti.ise Indebted to it to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against it to present them duly authenticated lor settlement on Saturday. Sep. 7. I171. at tbe late residence of said decease.

1, when and where he will attend lor the purpose. GEOKGE W. Cl KLEY, July 31 Administrator. jQIAMOXI) HOTEL. SrOYSTOWX PA.

This popular and well known house has lately been thoroughly and newly rentled. with all new anl best ol luniiturc, which has made It a very oesiraoie snipping place ior tne traveling puouc. His table and rooms can not be surpassed, all lieing first class, with a large hall attached to the same. Also large and romy stabling. First class boarding can be had nt the lowest Doo- sible prices, by week, day or meal.

SAM 1 1 EI I HTEI 1, 1 Vop. S. E. Cor. liiamond, Julr31.

Stoystown, Pa. LIST OF CAUSES for August Terra of Court beginning August C6, 1371. i'fiSr week. Keniamln ousel vs. l'ittiburgh ConnclK-ville K.

K. Co. Weed Sewtiuc Mae-hme Co. vs. J.

N. Fkht nvret al John I. Rixldy et al. vs. a Iielf, nian In in Executrix ei at Frvlerick Just nse vs.

11 even Iale Borough. Chcistua Pahlva. Augustus Me.lary. Joseph Hoilman vs. Isaac Kaultman.

Josi ph HoBman vs. Hiram J. Boyts. Joseph Hoilman vs. Conrad Foulk.

HeiRi-augh vs. Wolt, layer Co. Jeph Alwine'sadm'r. vs. Kavid Went.

Josiah Keller Treas, vs. A. Mciaryetal. L. A.

Smith va. Independent Printing Co. C. P. Lenlmrt'sase v.

E.lward Mostoller. Freilerick L. Just vs. S. H.

etarey ami wile. J. W. Ji li. C.

Van Hani vs. Jesse las tun et ah SEC0XD WEEK. Anthony Growall Trustee vs. Ilavid Cri-seen. IK-orge K.

OuSroth Jt Co. vs Isaac Flick's Administrators. George W. Flk-k vs. Josiah Brant, f.

A. Friedline vs. Brant. Stevenson a Cartwrlght vs Jisiah liranL Martin Connolly's Exieutifx vs. Jacob I.

Miller el al. Lewis Sailer vs. the President and I II rector- ol tho keystone inlng Co. Jane Mageeva. E.

1. iutiy. Jane Mageo vs. Noah Scott. G.

B. King's use vs. W. II. ltr.ks.

G. B. King's use vs. W. H.

Brooks. Isaac Wcn.110 vs. Lemuel Aunun. Jacob J. Jleycr's Executrix vs.

JacobGlesa. nor. Iavtl Caaebecr vs. Abraham Beam et aX William Ware vs. pi.iriuh.

Elizalieth Kendall use vr. Fie lerb-k Purr. A. A. Shumway la Co.

vs. W. W. bavlselak A. A.

Shumway Co. vs. W. W. Davis Thomas Heard vs.

Noah KiJ-erta. Ann Maria Zerioes Executor vt Jolin'Shal- ler et at Ann Maria Sterb-aa' Executor vs. John Sh trier et al. Cuder fc Davis vs. G.

W. Lenhart. I nloo National Bank tl. Somerset A Mineral Point K. at.

Co, JosUk Miller vs. John D. Rok'y. Il4xury Thomas WelJ vs. Savage Fire lirk lj Co.

1. J. KHOSEB, Julyil ProtboniHary. S3 a tbo known world, tfonpte uaicMrrn as JtStsU. AOslreaa.

A. Coui. na G2500L-: A in In wanted. BnmU k-rinmati. Partlealars 'ree.

a4ainJ.aoaiitat-a,ti July 17. JJEli I ST IIS I IT I E. Notice is hereby given to all perms as legatees, ereilibirs i otherwise, that the loiiowing aeivunts have passed register, and that the same will lie presented Ior connnnation and allowance at an Grphans' Court to be held at Sum-erset, on Thursday, August jt, W.u. First and tlnal account of John H. Snyder.

Administrator of John D. Keese. dee'd. First and hnat account of George Hun-lav. Administrator and Trustee of A-lain Flick, dee'd.

Account of lianiel Shaler. Guardian ol William and Agaves Karndt, now Agnes Baker. Account of J. C. Barron, Guardian of Peter Shjlti.

Second ace. mnt of Airon WUf, Administrator of Jacob Gross, dee'd. Account of F.phraim lllough. Administrator or Susannah Beejihley, dee'd. Ai-count of James li'Coiiner, Administrator el Samuel Kiltie, dee'd.

First aceouut of William Ilr-'tutii, E-eutor of John ltP'tsn. dee'd. Scewnd acc.sunt ol Monr-s and Ki'isni Mason, Admlniilrators. e'e, of, dee'd. First ami tin if K-cjint of illiam Kover.

ol Alexander over. uee'd. First account of llliata i'-t, A.luiiuissrit'.r ol John Foust. dee'J. Ai-oount of Henry F.

Schell, Onarlianof Eliza J. Berkvy. Account of Henry p. diell, of Lo. A.

Berkey. Account of John Shafrr. GuarJlanof irtha J. Dillon. Aeer.unt of F.

A. Smith. Administrator ol I'm-lei Bainl, dee'd. Account of David C.t-eascr, Administrator ot l-aae hYtk. dee it First anu hnal account of John Suder.

A.iinin Istratoraml Tmsteeol Henry Suder, dee'd. First ami bnal account ed Alexander KIiomiIs. and Levi Berkey, Admiuistratorj ol Samuel J. Klmads, die d. First ami llnal account of Emanuel SiMM-bt, Ad-minisirabirof Josetih J.

Ziuitnennan. dee'd. Fi-st and partial aceouut ot Cyrus Kaymun and Samuel Xarel iss. Executors of Ann Maria Zare-loss. dec ,1.

Second John Siel, her and Wm. M. Sthni-k. Ailmiuisirators and Trustees of Tobias Speleher. dee d.

Swin.1 account Wm. H. Ki.ints. Administri- tor ami Trustee of Cyrus dee'd. A.

111! KM. July St. r. FISH BROS. Racine, Wis.

Doyou want to a ke some money II so hero Is your chance Competent Agents Male or Female want tn sell the Kwlztry M-IV4-. I he Convenient Article lor Immesiie use. fcir the purpose designed ever invenle.1. It scoop-, silts, weighs, mi-acurrs and mixes. Atsj 4.r Fruit.

Washing Ktcectr. tKer l.o 4 Agents are now In seltimc them in the west. Territory eagerly taken wherr-evemnered, so applv early. F'-r part leu lar zyi-'ret. ft.

WIIITK. Gtn. Agt. West. Penna.

Pill.bnrcli. rat. pui: LIU SALE. Iuc- A DMIXISTKATOU'S NOTICE. pursuance an onler granted bv fn Conrt ol eommon Pleas of s.

mersct ennty. tiie uml.r- slgncd A-signee ol Valentine J. Miller, will ofler lor sale on tne premises, on tract No. 1. in towuship.

on Saturday, 21, ISIS, at 1 o'clock P. the following real esta-e, viz No. I. Home larrn containing lftl acres more or Ws, si'ilate tn adioining lan.tsol VT. 11.

Miller. Samuel j. Miller. II Siiatierand otliers. with Swiss barn, dwelling house and other outbuildings tncreon u-ie i.n-har lol iruit trees, with eo a re lo meadow, in ai res clear ami in gil sta'e oieulurailon.

N'. i. A alarm kmiwn km an as tho Wilt tarm. containing lv.1 s.tcs. adjoining Jainb S.

Miller. Hurry snalei am! others. In if nema honing township, which 1'nl acre arc clear, iare. tn meadow, with house and barn thereon ereoiot. No.

3. Also a larm known as theSpanglerlarai. In etiemahoning township. emtnlning 11a acres, adioining lands of Franklin Barnbart, Jacob S. Miller and others, ol win.

-h 1-jd a. -res are clear. Ji a -res in meadow, with bouse and ham thereon, erected. No. 4.

Also a farm known as the Smith farm, ha Somerset toansliip. containing acres aslainiog Un.lsol Herman Sliatlcr. Franklin Bamhart ml others, with dwelling house, stable ami other bntliiiugs thereon erected vu acres are clear ami lo acres in meadow. No. Aiso a tract or land taken from the Ephraim Shaller larm Somerset township.

efiutailiirg 4- acres, asiloinlng lamls of Josiah G'l, Harry Shaller and the Wilt farm, all which is clear ami uiel.Tag'.el state ol These larms are within ue mile ol the Clioe'is Sage. Borrell A Co. TEKMS line-third in band, on ci.f.Iir'BalU ot sale, one-thiril in six months ami o4ie-ierd n. ntie year Inn day id sale, with interest oo del rre.t pa ments ln-m day of sale. The Assignee will give additional inloriantloa to persobs desiring to lun-fca-e.

W. II. M1IJ.EII. July Stoysb.wn. Pa.

Estate of Catharine Lohr. lato of Jcftcrson Jeceasel. Letters of administration on tho above te bavin gleeieratte.l by ihe proper authority. mti -o Is hereby jrlven totboeelmlebted lo It loinake Immediate i-ayiuent, ami tboso having claims agsinst it to present them duly authenticated ur se' lenient on rsatuniay, August io, at ine rosaae lieury Lohr, In said township. DAVID B.

I A HI K. Julys Administrator. CLIC SALE. EGAL NOTICE. To Manonh T-toie.

Sarah Lingeetii Eliz il-eib. interuarrieil with illiam shaw, TatnclulL all "I Ssoaersot Margaret Harriet, Minerva. Jam 4 an Ctcman-tlne. children of Alpheos Tanoehlll. siding in itotaiville.

Stale of Iowa. Wm. Tannctiill reski lug in the State of Missouri, ami Catherine Beverage, residing in the Stale of Maryland. Yon are hereby notified to appear at an Hrphan's Court to bo held at Somerset, uo Monday the -jOb day of August 17, to aot-pt reiusc. the real estateof Josiah Tannehlll, dee'd.

at Ike price, or show caaee why ibo be sold. Sheriffs Office, I eE. W. P1LK July li. lit.

Sherill. itv virtn-? of an of sale, awanled by Ibe Orphans' Ci urt ol Siwierset the nn-dersl'aol will otter lor 'ale. on the in Friday, Awjutl 10, 1873, all o'clock P. M. the real estate cf SIver Wambuugb.

deceased. of a larm situate in Alh ghssi Somerset adjoining Limis of 'Henry, Sarver, Jacob V. Smith. Franci" Wamliuugh ami others. UMUlaicing 1 acn-s.

with two dwelling bouses, bam. tan yard, baiblings lor tanning about li acres clear. U4 acres in measlow. with pieaty of Iruit trees and, line iirin-gs ol never tailing water on the larm. TEKMS rcasoo-iUie.

I'll masio kmiwr. day ol sale. A I WAMBAt KM. Jts'iy Admiaistraiiix. A VDITOUS N0TICII qTRAY STEEIL etamo tresasslrg on tho pitmlses of the run-arritier, tn Ituewahoniog toanshlp.

S-merset county, Pennsylvania, a red and white spotted steer. I wo years old. No ear The owner is rci'ucsted to come Hirward. prove property, charges, and take him away, or he will be ed ol as the law direi-ls. Jl i II n.itLna..

July St. Having been appointed 'rythoerphan I'ourt ol Sowers, county ra-, on motion ot jonn II I hi, to distribute the tttml in tbe hand ol W. A. llarnian. ami Trustee las sale of the real estate ol Adam Slilsler.

lato sabl cunly. deceased, to ami aiavaig tmsso tegaiW entlticl tnereto; mstico ia hereby given Unit will attend to the duties of sail appointment, at, tfjmthes. In Somerset. on Frt-lay, Aaatast J. A D.

when and where ail parties interested may attend. VALEXTINK HAY, July Aadif r. ft 1 1 II At" Inclixllem Shoetlntt Outfit. II II SnEnrCun Warranted, it wJ 1 1 ilxana. au a Hru ac.

i 1 .6 eiSft-, -er II.

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