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The Somerset Herald Archive


The Somerset Herald in Pennsylvania was the direct successor to the Herald and Whig and the Somerset Standard and a more distant relative of the Somerset Herald and Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Register. The Herald was a weekly newspaper from 1870 to 1929 (including a daily edition also called the Somerset Herald which appeared for one week in 1889 while court was in session) and a semiweekly from 1930 to 1936 when it ceased publication. Its nameplate carried the legend, “Established 1827”--perhaps a reference to the earliest Somerset Herald which began publication September 16, 1828, under George Mowry and which was also issued in a German edition.

Archive Info

Paper History

  • The Somerset Herald and Farmers and Mechanics Register

Source Information

The Somerset Herald, 1845–1900 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2024. Last updated: December 10, 2014

Recent Article Clippings

See All
Hanna-McClintock Battle

Hanna-McClintock Battle

The Somerset Herald
Somerset, Pennsylvania
 • Page 3
The Somerset Herald
Somerset, Pennsylvania
 • Page 3
Marriage of Biker / Horner

Marriage of Biker / Horner

The Somerset Herald
Somerset, Pennsylvania
 • Page 3
Obituary for Elizabeth D.eeased

Obituary for Elizabeth D.eeased

The Somerset Herald
Somerset, Pennsylvania
 • Page 3
Critically Ill: Sem Kaufman Sr.

Critically Ill: Sem Kaufman Sr.

The Somerset Herald
Somerset, Pennsylvania
 • Page 3

Archive Info

Paper History

  • The Somerset Herald and Farmers and Mechanics Register

Source Information

The Somerset Herald, 1845–1900 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2024. Last updated: December 10, 2014