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Amarillo Daily News from Amarillo, Texas • Page 8

Amarillo, Texas
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PACE EIGHT. AMARILLO DAILY NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1913. Notice to the PUBLIC 1 have nothing whatever to do with my old stock that was in the (ire, and am in no way connected with the sale of same. The insurance companies are to pay me (or the stock. But I am doing business across the street from my old stand with a complete new stock and guarantee everything that I sell or money refunded with pleasure.

PHONE 27, 28, 29 FOR THE BEST MEATS AND GROCERIES. FARMERS INSTITUTE TO l'ot'r County runners' Mil hold it firm rr-KuUr I ii.k slii'- oryHt.lzuMon toiUy l'i a. I.i In I'nlt- I farm, two irill-rillo. I u-r-Bt In ud-'inriii' nf tin- meeting bit tiiHrk-'-. ri -1 fit? it I a I -ex- today.

ii, lit made Lift ni(ht by rctatv that jirovNIiitl III tin- av of hcd been at ii I'n1 farm, wlil'li ill Sil.ciffr In 8'- mlaii' In of rain. All h' I ii r- i'Vi" I' ll to I'TlliK basket Im.iI.i-, at, 'I lli In If In be- ml J'I1 -I i.N iiM r- to tt.e rn tii tr I'ruf Miit'r of tli" Win-1 li'xax Normal at ii "ii to the lnlltir- and John In liai of tin' iIiikhi farm, ill plw liraitniil i 1 fn orif a of tlii" of li ntirii i.i.i'lim, vlth In- 'Id I ill-' Hull I U'i-hMht fa. nihil'. It I- nu iiil'i r- of oiln-r 1'at, Man-lie RJFF1N rocery J. E.

GRIFFIN, Prop. it tlillilren lime Wonim Many mother think their children i.n niffiTlnv from iiIIk-hI Ion. I'l In ncrvoiiMiii'HH, Wellklll'Ml, OrtiV-tl'i-l. licn they ijn" vIcliniH of that moM roininon of Mil children' ailment worms. I, ill tempered, fr'tflll liililrii, who torn grlml their I with i I Vnath mill colicky Pain, have nil I 'I In the pyMiptolim of hrfVlliJC worniH, and A in fltoulj lf KlVfll Ki kllpoo Worm I Killer, a I'li aKiiit r.iii'ly in 'i nvi', i llii i ih-, riT'llali'H till' IlilHM Hp Ihi' -1 1 1 lli nil' k.

i Ii I'll i tt i ll Ii i ll li i I Wo in Killer Is an nr mail l'i I' Kli k.i In llan Mi 'III Hi'' Co I 1 1 I Wi'lMa and I aiiiii AM miii.i.m fin I In. iii.iIh' lii lii i it il. 1 at Hi'' r. iv. HHilitV ill li' tern of tn'it'lil in.poi tain it ill la- on-l Ii I 'I.

'flu. iin-ftoi, i.f li.unlir' i to the Slat'- it'll'' a' i Ion, Jul) A i i- -r I. will a ri a ii'l home 'I''1 I ion ma In In il If tlii- in ''in I -hip ll-t in Inn i a il. a- te't, lln' I'oller I'liiinl) llitlluli- lll la- elilitli'il III flw ii.i',,ili- In Hun' ililiualeH, free mi ill he iirti Mh-iI I. the rallroa.l iiii'I' an aiio'inl-mnit to tl" antl la I hl-anieinlHielil will i.nt allow nullity ilUlllil are llienlierH the lli.tll'ile to ll.ii.

free I'lhili'i'' i nii Ii of III itk an I.n I' 'I tin i -f I la 'I he I'otier mint Infinite now ini I'I'len a.ini. III. all lilln lv lli' lll-lieis id a 1 1 1 1 1 1 in tin- original ll-t Willi II llin ale, in the Sewn, the following new imMiheiM iifflllateil I'll the III tlt lti Mr h.iili" liaii.inii r. Mr it ml Mi Ii Mit'artn. ia.

I 'it Til iiin r. Waller I laintiiii lio ham it I' r. I.lllv I in iii let JnMe M'f'art-iiey, I'reil sunn 's. It Siitnr, .1 A Willie Mr Hllll 'Mm 1 1 1 i-r Waller I If l.l'H er. Nellie lil'i' nr.

Mr ain Mri t' tinnier, 'irun it, tinnier. Mi mnl Mrs .1 Mi'ljiil-t'iin. Mr ami Mr- IJ I'oni Kuril. Mr mnl Mrn laiiieH Ford, tail Kuril. II I iiveiiiurt.

Mr mi'l Mis W. r.ellt'ill. Sun-oil, Mr an, Mm l.oih-liilce, John l.o. In dip'. I'red l.m I 'ike, Itelnii I.O.

Il I i II II mm, .1 II Ii liyiium. II Knwl'i. I II liaul, tl Kl.inl,"in.hli. Ii () Kurintl, ('.

liU'i'K. .1 F. Tartar Itemntnl Not tec I r. M. It ll.irrln, Onteoiiatli nd Surgeon, Im4 rtioveii Ti Ih offieo to tlio new Fii'iua l.ulldliiK.

Kooina 17, IS mnl 19. 1C7 tf PTTI Tl 9 Tl days Specials $1.25 and $1.50 Corsets (or 9Sc Corsets which are guaranteed to give you satisfaction or you get a new one free, American Lady Corsets included, long hip, medium length, low bust or medium bust, any kind you want, sizes 18 to 30. Cash, That's Why 98c Today Only The Fair Received by yesterday's expre ss-Balkan Dresses, Bulgarian Dresses, One-piece Dresses in Silks and Foulards-just come and see, if money is anything to you. SIIS PIPE II HUIIDIE WIS H. J.

Klada rturrid from I'ftrolla wlnri? Ii Uan n-n 'ti frvlniti th rtnktriK of tlir now on liln holdltiKi in tti' oil und tun field. "On, well flown ft'oi feet, and mil an h-r )ik- Jh-i l''ii ntnrterl," aald Mr Slad. delay Ima in jy til Hllipn( of riinlnit. hut in noon an In In flnheil out, thp ork will -oiitlnu''. Tli'-re in reunniiriiifr of a larjtp ntrlkf.

Tim f'etrolla flld In ImtomiIhk reroKnlet a on if the n.04t ttniortant ami produM Ive ir the mini went, and ileveoinient In ntlll only fairly Ik-kuu." Mr. Sladf) together with outlir Ariinrlllo (Itlzenn la Interested in the tioldltiK of the Arnarlllo Oil ft ('n Company. Thin couipatiy own the. icrentent nag well In the fei to date. It Ik entlniatei) that hp have a dally of feet," naid Mr.

Slade, and thin la half mm an In kiik taken from th fit Id dally. Thf xperleru of Wit Ita I'all4 and other pointn whliti use Kim for find nliown that Antarllln and I'Hnhamlle town could nave the iot of a pipe line to (fan fleldn within two yrarn tiiiH- Th- dintafiie t(l I'etrotla la 2 iiiII'-h und ho i'n-llinateil rout of plptnis tulle. Tint Mini neemn rolonnal, but when thf redut-d prire of fuel for home and fai'tory purpowa I ron-floeri'il. It may readily la- t--ll tluit he I'anhanillo people woul, profit largely from ronin-ition with th siih fleldn. The hTH'T iltien and townn alotiK the Denver rould well afford to Interent thonint-lven In the matter and are nleepliiK on their rltlil not ii dotliK.

We ari' now I'Oiihl l'i Ini; a irano-line proponltlon, (hoiim that a Goodly per rentaKe that aluahe proilmt ls in evideiiie in our well nt I'elrolla. Operations rontiniie Mead-ily In the field and uloinj a Ii'" tal Mm M. A. Ilrown. aired ejirs.

lie, on (hp Houthtionml Fort Worth lienver panneni'-T train, yet-tenlay uiornliiK at a point nilN's north of Ainarlllo. Mr. Itrown, minni-piinled by Ihm tlrtiiKhter. Mm. Ira Smith, and K.

Ilildieth, was en route to her old home at San Saba. Texan, from New Mevieo Mm. Itrown I ail iieen In III health fur mime Hint anil the fatal attack ni ini while nh" was traelini toward a lower altitude In M-anh of relief. The remain were hailed at Atna-tlllo. and wiT'' taken In charge by the K.akle ent ilillnhnicitt, where the body will prepared for shipment San Saba, If you huve the Itch, don't hi rat' li.

It doc not rw the trouble and makes the akin bleed Apply It SNOW LIXIMKNT. Kuh in gently on tlif pnrtn. It relieve Itching Inatantly and a few application! inovra the i-ntine thin per'ormlnK a ppnnnnetit cure, l'rbe Tiftc mid U.00 per bottle. Sold by O. Tlion inon A Co I tillMKK STI I'rof.

We-i-v IVacock. prenldeni of the I'eari" Military Institute of Sun Anton!" I cxax, will be in tna-rlllo for ei al dayn at the home of ialH Tn and would be ul.i'l to inert fort! frtrndn and Mr. Tudor'n lephone number Is Hi All IIIK KlliNKS. I lused ill Willi I have been i eanea If iU II." nymploinn now. lire; net in Iceroun.

1, ninny I Mra. Jul. I'rof. Wenley I'earork, head of the peacock Military Inftittitc of San Antonio Amarlllo yenterday atterniMin from Colorado, where ban been for neieral tn eekit, and ill remain here for evera dayn. I'rof.

peaioi camo overland, bin niieedoineter recordlm a tour of approximately 2, bill) riillen allice. eav-iliK San Alitonto three weekn a'). 'The oenery in Colorado nuperh he naid lat nlsrht, "ari.j autoins wan a pleanant and matter with us The Colorado load win, are kept In niendl, coiidition, but I want to nay that nicinbern of niy party, were ciuiManlly referring to the htretcli of natural highway between Amarll lo and Claude. I am free Mate Hiat we em ountereii no roao wnn.i i an compare to thin leading from Ainarlllo couth. It in the fmeM whlih I have ever encountered, and nhoilt'l be mure liberally advertised to the world.

The Panhandle of Tctan a in. it ion of i limate and road that hIioii'hI be capitalized. It all nnvet of lin iiiiahe value. 'Colorado Sprinirn In keenly Intcr-e'tiil In the hlvhway movement In-aiiKurateil the I'aiilinudie and many iUentiiins were asked of when it was learned that I had ilrnen over a greater port of the proposed route. TIm- orKani.a- tloil lecetltl) perfeileil hhoilld result III loiicerte, effort, and the build- Inn and uialntalniiiK of an auto high way hecoiid to none 'n the

The natural roads need but little attention tu make them perleet, and within ii comparatively nlmrt time after completion a tide of tounMs will turn ti this direction. "I like Amarillii. This city ami section have a treat future ahead, and ciiernv and vision will aicom-ilNh luarveloiiH development lure within the net few years." OS. GET! ROBERTS IS CALLED BY DEATH Mrs. Huberts atied l'i yearn, wife (if ItobertS of Tcxico, died inornlnK at at St.

Saiiltarinin where hhe wnn in tin t. Ii i roin New Mexbo Tor treatment several day a'i. Funeral will be conduct-el by liev. Warll'k of the Church nf Christ at Sunday afternoon, at the home of the ilecedelit'M fath er In-law, .1 Kohertn, I Van Itiiren Interment will be made in l.laim cemetery. Mm.

Huberts is survned by her huHband, and her molher. Mrs. Iiora Went, of Lindsay, Oklahoma. or m.i i ion HiMPI Ilil'S AlllMil TsK After belni; In n'si in for the fieater part of the week an a board of the commissioners unit adjourned Mterdav atternoon '1 be ta-k of llispei lill the tax roll was an unions tak. but the work was pro-eeutcd to conclusion with bi'slnevs like dispatch.

Statenx nt was made yesterday that but few rhanven in assessment were necessitated Children that are affertei by worms lire pale ami fit kly und liable to contract Home fatal disease. WTIITKS CHKAM VKHMIFI'CF. expels wonun promptly and puts the child on the road to lo'iilth. price per bottle. Sold by L.

O. Thomas Co. English Oxfords Im il lieliimrr Life When an AMiarillo i it tarn Mmw the Way to Avoid It. Why will peonlo continue to auf-fer the moiit-s of kidney rnnpUint, liaikache, urinary dinordern. lameness, headai (, laneour, why allow thetUMh.n to beeoine chronic invalidi.

hi it a tested remedy i of (i'red them'' lioan'a Ki ney Pilli have been trouble over years ted In thousands of I any, even one. of the kidney diaeasen, act or HrlKht'n disease a id make tu elect thla Amarlllo tenti- Uilvln. ltt'tl llarrl- ison mIIo. Texan, h.ivn: "I can reconni Ionn' Kidney Pills ihltfhlv. an hav been used in liny family in th nuwt natlsfac- I tory resultn Rrcently tny husband priM'iired -upply of Ioan' Kid-1 ney Tills v.

-n I. t. mompnon Co 'a lriir S'orf. 1 am pleaned to endorae tins that my n' kidney nufi-r, FiT sal- remedy In the hoie nint will lad other ra to plvp It a trial." all dealers l'rbe Ru 'II rent Fo-'-r-Mllbnrn Co. lo.

Sew Verii, agent for the I nlted Ueniemh. thr name Dean's and take other. I Attend i North dry ood m1 at th Not tun Co.t Saturday. Fittingly Fit A certain cIas of men ways wear vests. For this particular class we have made preparation.

"In ye olden days" and up to the present the white vest was and always will be considered quite proper for summer uage. Nothing will help so wonderfully to top off the new coat and pants; nothing will assist better for that old suit Within the reach of all. Priced $1.25 The Louie AMRIGHT CLOTHIER. Crow Over. You want your ahors to express your individuality, your character depends upon it, your friend? and newly made acquaintances look to your feet and if they are "styled right" you are sure to make a good impression.

These ENGLISH OXFORDS with that swagger look, low heel and broad tread, express the latest style hit for spring and summer wear. Ladies Priced at $4.00 Men's Priced at 510 Polk Phone 544 New Store and All New Shoes. CLARENCE M. EAKLE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER ALL DETAILS CAREFULLY ATTENDED 608 POLK PHONE 21 Accounted For. "Yoa." said a grocer tn liniisewlfo, "111 mliriit that there in roimidfr.ible.

water III the butter I Mild lull it jin.t cam'; through the wctt' rn lluoiU, lady." Home-Mads Orats Polish. An unusual, but very Rood, Ilitdi can be made by allouiiiR a but-tl" of any nort of ketchup to ferment. Th' fomented ketchup vlll iolihh brass or tinware with laae. fifty IVfei Am fll 1 0 ml I I Co i II I "villi WW ir 7 DO you know much about textures, fabrics, wearing qualities or tailoring, or do you take the dealer's word men and young men who fnvor us with their patronage tell us they have no desire to know the ins and outs of clothes. They seem satisfied to depend on us.

That's a pretty good way to have customers feel, and it is to make you feel precisely the same way that we would like to do business with you once. Visit us once we'll take a chance on the future. Saylor Kendall 'f.

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