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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 4

Fort Worth, Texas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

14 I btfuit suen JUh Jim Jum Jun Jun rid Inn lim flrJtf MaitaaMHalaWliyMMlttMBiMrM Hi tin fclnC Jtojfri i THE GAZETTE foiit wonTir tix IublUhed hrery Day In Year by STATE PRINTING COMPANY 0 It WIIIIAM9 1 WA1HO lrrilUwul VIce rroltlen srtAnT Brcrelnrr 9 niTIUM General 3lnnitRer ttTiiI Mnynnlnit IMlMtr LA UGH ST CITV CIHCILATIOV inonsr TnA9 ciiiciiatios XAItGI2ST KOlTHUItV ClHCl LATIO Entered at the poitofflce at Tort Worth Tox as second class mall matter Traveling Atnl The traveling agents of The Oarelit are Terry Vf Iutman A 11 Rogers 11 Inffalls Jan r0 Letters of authority nro Klvn to all other parlies specially acctedlted ta repicseiit this paper All postmasters in Texat Oklahoma and the Indian Territory are author IztJ to reecho subscriptions lantern Abb This paper la kept on ille and advertising ratin may he ascertained lit the ortlc or The American Newspaper IuhlliihtTit Association Temple Court Nw York or from Its Eastern busl nt ofQci 4 Tribune building Now Yvi Western business omce tot The It i kery CMcneo lit Heckwtlh sole agent for foreign advertising icum or hi uschiitiiiy The Dally and Sunday Gazette delivered by ctmler or suit by mall Oiw DoUat rer month The Sunday Ciazotta It paces one 3 ear 1200 The fc5ml Wofkly Haxette two pa Ptw a wc ok pages each ono year II on uemit by rmnK uran express it monev order Dj not nend In vidua chrrk Addrotn 8TAT13 ITtlNTJNCl COMPANY Jjjrt Worth Tx ptiiLiHiinitf jim pun ixu can swn Mom having thoi straight compostttip work Untie on Iti Uatettes linotype mat him titl in promptly submitted or niAnpti nnrnphlft catalogues lawe brl etc Address MllfM DKtMllTMENT STYTI3 IlllNTINO CO Port Worth Texas mn in mat In ip fir to lit Imtvitscd palron rcr ue vd hy the Dallas clientage or The On we Have establish clat aga there In charge of llr It Ituthcrf ird Omce Melnd hotel I 111 ST lilltMn UnMUlAU Friends of Mil TIJUjY A IULLtUl of Ban Antonio nnnnuiK hltn a candidate- Tor tin Democratic nomlnn tluii for AtlomeyUeiwrnl of the state rii it tint rtN io niiMiu Wo aro nulhoiUtnl to fttinounte OAMP of Tort Worth it uandldiitn for the Democratlo nnmlimtlon for Lieutenant Qoternor of Texas Vnr lfni 1 nml ruiitmllnnii We are auihorl7fl nnnounco WM IIHAMLITTW of rtlt nmnty ax a candidate fnr land rommlMloner fr Texna euhject to th nitlon of the Demacratle state convention Thf nn wn Avlll renrh thin me rldlen onl ha nthr rfuinKen notd It tir at npc within 10t mlln it ii li uMhln twnnty fuur houm art itutmtit on lh dnter nd tloaihiB 1 In i 1 AOp i a i itlnn annn ii it on thU me It would Int UhiliiR to know Rnt UVn divided tin pmllte Vith innt lio blutultrlngly sent that toll gram Iho Liubtanit cletnturo in stniff gllnn MM a ballot forrn bfl ns bady needid tally In Iho cliy uf New frl ami Nw Orl wn at thins by wtyiic etlo An ln eetlKaUiut hy the ex aucM of that city wording to th jtem win rnuntotpn1 J4K iroM atandard Why should the cow ernment pay Intertet for twenty eare merely to tratuiTr gold from the bank tn tho treasury mtwiiiT of imtitiidi Probably never In tho hlftory of letters naa the marrUse relation so wide ly dlecuiuted as now A woman writer In the lrtnlhtly a year or so ago set the ball In motion and essayists have kept It rolling and sometimes tossing our slnw without arriving at ft enn elusion whether or not marriage maA failure In the Juno number of the Vorum In a discussion by Labor Commissioner Carrqll Wright It op pears that mo far as the United Btates concerned marriage Is not a failure for statistics he sas plainly point that this country Is a fmortte report for matrimony and a poor country for dUorce Married people says this wrlUr aro far more numerous In this country than In Uurope and this difference Is attilbuted to the fact that It Is eoaler for the average young man of average ability to support family In this country than In older ones There are fewer women In this country engaged In manual labor and consequently women hae more time to bend their energies Koclal life The result li that American girls nre more fascinating and attractive women than their overburdened European slstem Industrial conditions in this country tend to make married life possible A young couple by the aid of building an I loan nocle tles can with ordinary good fortune become home owners and a young man rightfully feels that If he can see waj to secure a shelter for hla loved ones he hna a right to assume the responsibilities marriage entails The mot encouraging fact brought out by this urltcle Is that only one third of ono per cent of our total adult population tepresentft the divorced 1hro Is ubout one divorced person In low marriages Certainly then Mr Wright 1 Justified in aailmj that In this country mnirtago not failure UllMtl It lI5HHt tt After the mvtt state convention there will he a huge number or Tt xnn politicians In a statf of mini otosely re SMnhllng that of the gifted and genial Henry Wnttersou at tho present time Henri tired of elections Worse than that he Is disgusted with elections thinks they are a nuisance and gives ent to his feelings on ths subject as follow This Is a dreadfully dlsngiesnble eort of a wir anyway Weather nnd weather nnd elections and electlnhs until It has sltnply bome xrtperat ng It may be tho making of black bet lies hut It Is rough on Democrats Tift up on election Unyeoit flections Abolish lit Lions Itlot elections out of the constitution nnd swipe the word out of the dictionary Homo peopje not or know whn to top Nothing Is tnor disgusting than earning things too farcarrying elections especially Hay whats the pond of elections anyhow Tlioy nlnt so all tlrcd funny ai some ijiots seun to think Them are nodllna of things that aro just ns comfortable and a heap more amusing Theres a hund organ for Instance or a flchtiolciimuiencement or a report of a ball game by the Iouls Mils club or Senator Stewarts stiver speech or etn Just plain unpre tentlous funeral with a free hack rile to the graveyard Any one of these can bnnt nn election out of sight for reit satlfnctlon comfort entertainment and pleasure UUe tn a handorxau ghe us a ball game cle us a funeral give llbfrty or death gle us anj thing pro Mded jou gle us rest on elections out mime i iiin North American ItsMrn June nfllee or publUuitiun No 3 iast Pciurtcenth street Nw York Thn three art Idea which will tho most read In the curnnt number of the North American are thusn which come under the general had of Urn Menace of Coxejlsm They are written rospecthely by Major Oeneral HiiwwiJ who dlscussta Tho Slg nirioaiice ami Alms or the Moement by Hupurlnteudent llyrnes of the New Yolk polico department who denla wllh the Character and Methods of the Men uiul by Dr Ahnh Doty chief of the bureau of contagious dls faa who dwils with the Danger to lilt Publlo Health Two ftriUlea on Woman HUffrago In Practice wilttcn respktlti1 by the gorrnora of Cut- uu niiu icornBKit possess special lbw llie lt scnt time Tho Po- lirlbws lH bj hlr IJlll AdtinFiid Uinlrit tnaur trtinwnt IikuI on Jun 1 iM thnt eng Jlny llir wn In tl rpurv nnl nntlunul linnki nl cuuntr ii udonoo ur fcnlil or tHI niniunt ftexf Ima HIBSMi Two dttw In Iho VnUnX stiim in orad their hunk clrarlnfc lait vttt oer th vorrpondlna wek of lait ar ToprlaH incrmm nna 1T iwr cent and Tort Wonha incrriaV tl 5 per cent Inrt Worth la allowing hr hla to lue entire paik An ntirral will probably mule to th onurta to actla th OlaputM ou tlon of tho rlalit of tha htiuao of li rtacntatuca to deiliict from tli aalorsf of fonirtaanitn for lim thty ere ab Mit utthnu li ave Home of tho ilia ttitlaDM mnnkera luna oonaiiltml ut ttinHa nml It their ciilnlon lafAvor bH ault will ho Inntltnteil at one The New fork constitutional convention haa vtin properlr imored the mandate or the rourt hlch sought present the conenilon from paialnt upon the rltht or 1 deleirate to alt a a member There la no power aftperlor to constitutional convention aave the people who weaLd BubJt to the approval of the pople can bot lah the very court that aeeUa to control It Tn a lonc wliiifcA adltirlal by the New Tork Herald uttinj tin Itauanre cf more bonda bv the coiornnmrt for tle purpoaa of atrenittliotilnB the gold rtnrve In tho tiiaaurj It taKia the position that there la enouffh uold In the country and the unly nd fur an iau4 of bonds la to transfer tho fcctd ixom tht hank to the treasury No itryrger ajuoint could aduca Atalnst tha Uhmj ot cJIdeIuk to a neinber or parliament lllohop Uoane or Albaii wrlua on Th New Vork mnto Unliemltv nnl 11 truMLi iHacuases 1aalilon nnd Intilleci in niot entcrlaliijnc maiinpr What Should Doctor bo 1 aldT la nuestlon hleh la answered In a mot auxireii IU MKr Dr A lMmmond 1rlnoo Auiiuslln Uo Iturblde contrl hutea a jlejirou arrilisnnioiit of the vreai nt Mexlcnii enTcrtiiiunt In nn nr VS Hli Ml0 Under ITt eldrnt Maa and Harah tlrand fnrnlhea an SWr IKII1 Paper on The Jlolern nrL yT ptln of Our ram Ily Mkelelnn John je llumo deal with the repudiated or nrglMtiHt Oehia or the Koutheru state other topic treotet I 10JIVlin Bn1 AmeHenn Ito man Cathollca by Troreisor JinT1rro11I Inclnit Mht hy Oeorito A Blew art i Con- iiLULIVnlA by lall How to ltellPM Comrrea by lilward Cry ot Women by ciiaitieth niiiand and A Tale it To Caplula by II Uroune IJterary Dla est weekly Tunk Wtvg lulls compans vubllsheia so Lafayette plsce New Vwk lrloe per jear IJ In one of the latest lesuea of the Bl real the following atatement of the Position of the treasury deportment Is not It ISO 0Wvgo with no prospects ot a turn of the tide from apart the cold reserve the balance In the treasury department to meet current obligations la Wely tsooooow Klpert vatlmate the prr1if Sldncy for the nscal jear 116000000 A conservative etttmiv pacea the deficit fnr July nl Jltoouooo the Increase bring accounted for by many oblla atlona Including 7S0OOO0 Interest The balance or trade- conttn iiea In our faior but the railing oft uiwi venue eonsftutes the prim Item of dnclt in our national revenue The Natlm haa not seen way tu retrenchment and th Issue of a nawr loan can hardly be long post poned Woe hnd Gray June The Patriotic Amsricon company lhlladelphln IMce to crnla a copy or hy the ar Jl ilSl lrtptve of the re HLot tn Ivors redrat and Ct 4rat of the batik oJHhtleh THE GAZETTEt TORT WORTH TEXAS COyPAY JUE 11 1804 tblrtytwo yeara Afterward April and 7 18SI there arc excellent portraits of Oena Albttrt Sidney Johnston nnd lat Cleburne who lost their Jives In the battle A daughter Cot Pcrrln who was at the time of the aurrender young girl glvca a reminiscence of tt luat meeting of the Conftdrrnte inblnet to which attnehea tKnncwhal of Iical Intereat She aava We vrcro expecting Iedcrala at the time and at nrat we thought Mr Da via and his men belonged to the Ted cral army but as Boon na wo saw Mr Mnllory wo knew from his uniform that they were Confederates Messrs ltrecklnrldce nud Denjamln were well flrcssed but Measra Mollory and Ilea Kan looked na If they had been meeting with tho hardships of war MessrB llrecklnrldgc Mallory and Jlcagan eeeined to realize that a grcnt cnlum Ity bad befallen us but Mr llenjamln was more Jovial and did not seem tie pressed The last named apent a good while out In the gnrden admiring the flowers A cabinet meeting was held In the nfternoon ut Mr Hurts and that night discharges were IsBued to nuout HJOO soldiers Mr Ltenjamln and his secretary giving these discharges In my fathere Ubinry After tho lost soldier left father went Into tho library where Mr Den Jatnln waa burning hla omclal papers The latter pointed to the sal which was Ivlng on the table and eiid he did not know vvhnt to do with it as he could not burn It nnd yet ho was un willing for tho lederala to gel It Ta thtr suggested thnt he throw It into the Hnvannnh which he had to cross and he aald he would do so Mr Ilenlnmln father handsome Inkstand and gave mother smnll box of lonf sugar ami also about live pounds of lea In a littlu tin box Mr llenjamln nnd Mr Heagan left thilr Iruuka at our house Mr llenjamln afterward hud his trunk shipped to Unglaml und Mr Heogaii camo for his In person a few months later The Iellneator July Hutterlck pub llshlng company New York IMce 16 tents iter number Jl CO per annum The midsummer number of this estimable periodical abounds In admlrablt suggestions for the home the toilet and ror the proper treatment ot the body In addition there nro nrtlclcs destilptlve and Bllmulating Employ mrnt for Women No 3 of the series disc ils teh gtlphy In this The writer spcaka of It ns a Inrge field of labor open to women but one requiring deft ness oulcktiiii nml close nttentlon to business Willi little reeientlon and not large remuneration tho nyerago salary being nhotn tin per month It Is stilted thnt women of education unit swift intelligence readily find good positions Mlmt Dnlley In 1870 vvaa op pnlnled chief ot tho New York II line and now has UO woinni lu hir employ The urtkle thin month of tho series on Iho women colleges of America Is ilesulptlvd of life lit Wellcalej wilt ten by Mary II Damon of tho class of 1SS0 While the paper bears evidence of a lovers hand it It faithful In de atrlptlon and cxtrelnelj Interesting to those who nie not of the alumni Uncial Economist Juno offlco of tiublliallon Union Hqiuir rjew York Turns 2 a yiar The Socio Economist opens with nn nrtlile on rallnele In Purm Prlc a In width the writer takes the ground th vt tilt law of supply nnd demand does not explain the rlie In values In farm landi within tho lust ten yeara An olher article deals with Coveylsm nnl Ihe Intrust Question Prom the editors crucible the following la clipped In relation to politics As nt prtsent constituted the Democratic ptirtv appears to be losing nil truly IKinocrntlP characteristics In the Houth It now tepresents me dlacwillsm and mob law in tho West Hat money free Bllver and Populism hi tho East Hlum Ignorunce political and social snobbery nud English middle-class economics It seems to have nelthei economic pilnclplts political Integrity nor national patriotism Onca a Week An Illustrated weekly newspaper published by Peter Fenelon Colllor Terms 0 fio a year In tho issue of Junn 2 there la the following on tho motie question It Is no doubt hard to believe thnt a government can pay Its debt and not ply it at the same lime ltut figures especiallv the flguiea of finance never execeoi ins mtncuioiis wnv You icmetnher the thrifty Tuton who wanted his money at tho bank until he was told ho could have It when he nil at onte wnn afraid he would lose aoino of the Interest nd did not vvent tho principal nt nil It Is the same the worn over Nobody wants money Everybody wants to maku money Thousands of men nre now looking for work find spending monev Irving to get It and while they are walling for It thine good honest mm would rather have work than monev Iho rtuaon for this is nobody can keep money and save It it must earn something Ilka the rest ot us or cat un Its own substance Pierre and ills People by nllbert Porker is the latest monthly fiction or tho Once a Week seml mauthly II brari bubscrlptlon price to this It brni so a jean single numbers fVt i01 eng imhll hcr 013 tvest Eighteenth street Ntw York Claudia 11 de by Trances Courte nay llaylor Is a well wilttcn lore story The acvni is lotJ In Virginia and tlm time Just attei tho war Tha leading iharaclela are Oerald voung Englishman who waa reared In luxury bv a pnrllal undo who disappointed This nephew by an 111 advlaed manlage Tho nephew in hla chaciin was St tioited by the advertisement ot a cliwJn1 nm 0 Virginia to farm mid build up fortune lie found soon after hi arrival that ho had Wind cvlvwl and after Oulxotlo ndventuro became a member of a Uwmm vir glnla family The chnracterlzatloiia adnllra de Just rrough al SmVIi alct Vthora de Milrllon or scenes and perAiingeB I admirable Tho story enda pleasantly In tho restoration or property to Hniflshman ami hla marrla with the daughter or the ImpwerUh iwiJ ol v- Bentleman lUhlrtfce nwnea puft llshlng house of Houghton Mifflin A Co Is quaintly bound In blue muslin he pile 1 jim and will bo round ft most ogreejbla aumm roadlng 1111 11 JtCKUTS AS HVIlUtilIiia A 5UI HeturlnPron riilna i Vliieh Dutiable tiootls jlty Associated Press New York June lO Th customs ot flclala nt the larg onloea were notl flcd today that men In the United Btalea frigate Lancaster now lying oft Btnten Island had been caught amug gllng dutlabla good The ship haa Juat returned from China and tho aallora brought homa many curlosltlei for their sweethearts and wives Some ot tha articles are liable to duty and the nichmon county customs omcers aelied them A few doten clgara wer also aelxed but they are auch that no one but a sailor man can smoke Tha blue Jackets will probably allowed to tnke away the curiosities without the pjjment of the duty The cigars will confiscated Mar By Aasoclated Press Nw Ytirk June Arrived Campa ESrVi tunow Uveniool ocandl from lUmbure uifei OUR MERCHANT MARINE siivohitv unroitT aoaist tiiu rmn siiirriu mu It Would Sot Help Oar fffalpiilnff Chttft Woold Ii Iloalnnil It Is cd Appeal tn Congrens Dy Associated Irfs Washington June 10 Tlie Itepub llcan In 01 Ity of the house committee on merchant marine and fisheries has submitted to the bouse a report against tho free irhlpplng bill introduced by RepresentntUe Flthlan of Illinois which tho Democratic faction of the committee has recommended to the house Itcpresentatlve Perkins of Iowa Is the author of the report and it also bears tho signature of Itepresentatlves II I let to of Massachusetts and rhllllps of Pennsylvania The measure Is mors fitly entitled to designation as a bill to destroy American ship building In tne interests ot foreign countries sajs Xcrklns Tho report uf the majority Is wholly occupkd In placing the worst possible istlnmte upon the prtsent condition of our merchant ma tine The minority uie not disposed to accept no Oark a Ttew nor disposed to make argument wholly on the darker side Won Id Aot Ilrlp Vbipiilng The majority confine themsehes to the most discouraging view of American competltlc efforts and moke this the only excuse for an abandonment ot a distinctive mtlonal policy that has been undliturbed throughout all tne succession changes of the party and administration slnco Its Initiation at the ery threshold of our government No attempt Is made to claim Unit tho passage of this bill Into liw would proe helpful to the gu eminent of the United States or to the shipping Interests uf nil cltlzms Tho proposition Is for nt unooudltlonal surrender to foreign powers both of the pioHts and BatfguiiitlH tmolved In the main nance of our Independence as the builder of our own ships sutIsrtiLtiTj lit KiiKlnml That the adoption of this course would prova highly satisfactory to tlreat iJrlUlu and important marine pow xrs ntHl not be questioned that it would prove other than humiliating to this republic a ceitalu Ulsgtuce and a possible disaster may bo ac ctptcd as equally probable The discussion ufthe iuestlon con tlnuis the report may be carried on apart from the matter of bounties and subMdks ti which the majority of the committee devote so much attention It Is Improbable that ft bounty sjs tem lu tha sense pulnted out would be resorted to and jet the statement of un American -shipbuilder that steamship owners who perform publlo ser lce by transporting ocean malls Undoubtedly expect pay for It and there Is no reason whj thN countiy may not pay for such sen Ice as well a tounti lea with which It Is cblelly in competition During the year 1893 Kngland Trance Germany Itussta and Italy paid roughl J1CW78C5 for trans portatlou of mulls by null ftlli lliltWn England Is acknowledged to hae been bo entltely successful In Its maritime policy that It Is now urged as useless for the United States to stand out longvr agulnst the complete domination by Knglaud of thn shipping of this country The question is asked whether If wo are to depend upon for tltfii Bhlps because they are cheaper foreign iuuii tries should have been depended upon for tha new nay and an I nft i lor line secured and thus retard the development of establishments which aro able to propose to the Jiilt lsh admiralty for the contracts It suld to be settled that the United Btates can build ad good ships ns any country und build them cheaper than any country save England But for the law of 1714 this country could not have dreamed of competing with Kngland for building htr own ships Thcte Is said to be less reason now for nsnault Ing our navigation laws than at any time since thu war particularly since the Held of profitable employment Is now greatly reduced Apiicnl tor Cliiuiuf The flrst cost of the ships Is said not to be the ton trolling consideration but Its profitable employment So long as foreigners protect themsehes the carrlng trade cannot be taken away by the expedient of fixe ships It would be roily to abandon building Iron ships when tho work has Just commences That the wag of American seamen are 30 per cent higher than those paid abroad Is said to explain why ao many forelgnets ship with us It Is hot so desirable to havo the cheapest ships as the best ships The extension of free registry to essels engaged In coastwise trade If held to be the natural consequence of the proposed system In conclusion It Is noted that no appeal has come from shipping Interests to congress for the Lhange rnlr Kitty Married By Associated Xres Nashvltle Tenn June 9 Miss Kitty Chcatem until recently a member ot ChArles rob mans company and Mr William II Thompson of Uerpool Kngland were married this afternoon at E30 In this tity at the residence of Mr Thomas Flitter A recepilon followed the ceremony and was quite a society event Mr and Mrs Thorn son left tonight for New York and sail for England Wednesday next A Jablle By Associated Press New York June 10 A Jubilee serv Ice ot the Ilttletlt anniversary of the organization of the Young Mens Chris tlan association was held thla etter noon on Twenty Uilrd street and Firth avenue Prof Jaaper Goodwin chairman of tv wmty thlnl street branch of the association DresM Moruay viuiaras director of the New Ynrlr city Heritage of the Fast and the Ilev If Vandelfp read the letter he wrote In Ma 161 suggesting the organization of the American branch of the association The Tlov Dixon Jr and Austin Abbot dean of the New York university law school also made addresses Shot Three Time Special Dispatch Thorp Jprlntf Hood Co Tex June 10 Your reporter visited the ground where Mr James Parker was killed pine miles west of this place Deceased was last seen In Totar a lllage near by on the 2th oi last month Nothing further was Been of him until last Thursday two weeks later when his remains were found not far from his house Nothing was left of his once robust frame but the bones He lKed the life of a hermit and was supposed to have considerable money He was shot three times The plac selected was suitable In eery particular having a dense undergrowth and being Isolated From appearances there must hae been at least three persons Implicated Husplclon points to one who is highly connected County OBItier Itemuted Special Dispatch Corpus Christ I Tex Juno 10 District Attorney John I Klelber who has been here for the post two weeks for thn purpose of procuring ths remoal of certain officials of Hidalgo county recehed nn order from District Judge llussell last night for the suspension of County Judge William Dougherty nnd County Com mltf loner Mnnuel HlnJosa both of Hidalgo The charges ngamst Dougherty are malfeasance In offlto and misappropriation of public funds and those agalnrt HlnJosa nre Incompetency and malfeasance DpLsrlna has been appointed temporary Judge and Champion temporary commissioner Mr Klelber leaves for Hidalgo tomorrow to Install the new omcers Conftrierafr Heutilun Special Dispatch DelCulb Tex June 10 The Confederate reunion here jestcrday was a glorious success It 1b estimated that C000 Usltors ucr here After the multitudes had been filled there was at least 30C pounds of barbecued meat left Everything passed oft nicely at the grounds but seernl hundred of the crowd got drunk up town later In the eenlng nnd a few fights was the result DcKnlb yesterday was tho scene of the largest crowd ever assembled In Howie county a mro DtMiioerntlc Laaue By Associated Press New York June 10 The negro Dmacratio of New York state win convene In Syracuse on Tuesday July 10 The only business to be transacted at this contention Is the selection of two delegates to represent New York In the national contention which will contene In Indianapolis the second Tuesday In August 1895 and for the selection of the standing committees ns well as to prepare a plan of organization for the rail campaign In New York state rienernl oxer Out of Jail Hy Associated Press Washington June Id Coxej Jlrowne and Christopher Columbus Jones were this morning released from the II They were met nt the door of the Jail by Oklahoma Sam Driving four horses attached to CoxeyV phaeton The four proceeded to the National hotel where they shook hands with the clerk nnd a few friends who happened to bo prea ent After spending a quarter of an liour In the hotel they atarted for the Coxty camp In llHdenaburg I he TovTiiNeiiil Prise Ily Associated Press New Haven Conn June 10 The name of theTownsend speakera In the Yale law schools have beep announced as follows Percy rinley Memphis Tenn II Graves llurllngton Iowa and a It Montgomery Adana Turkey The Townsend prize of 100 Is awarded annually to that member of the senior class who shall write and inner me uesi oration at the graduating exercises A BuectNHfiil li By Associated Press London June 9 A hlchlv iei trial was had today of the torpedo boat nurati ui tne mouth of the Thames The trip lasted three hours and the boat made twcntyseven knota hnOUr Sh Uchve1 aly welt throughout Commander Cowles naval attachee of the American em bassy captain Lord CharlVs Beresford IlornVt uay boaW the Switchmens lleeetver By Associated Press Chicago Juno 0 Wilson haa been appointed receiver for the Pwltch mens Aid society by Judge Huthlll upon application of George nutter creOltor of the association sir liuu a ijr hola nn nallncd Judgment or Jiom against the association The iiAw i jiuWt Tvtu 111c iJiHed By Associated Press Guthrie June 9 -News reached here from the Bemlnole country or a desperate atlte between deputy shals ot the Port Smilh court mar i i1 norao levs In which one of iouly ounded Ina John Pletcher nnd Perry Nwcomh wcomb thieves were killed Coneelon Cancelled By Associated Press Buenos Ayrcs June 8The national government haa cancelled several cessions which severely burden con exchequer ot this prov he i V0 able that the provlnw otBuenn i rob Will cede the port i nS lo th republc In exchanae settllngJhpXinclai artL cot llaio but an trecenoion5JrttmtnJ due to small agent tvti smaller agents and Vbrnlnff I0 peddr rhne SV nfcl well aa Iron clad contraef 01M as ottering only doubtful exchange Whr ntres in WjLm1 association spoke on n4 reliable h0ui ot M1 MUKKUl a Hf 1IUU Thoa a Footpr ints Sandll 99 itt mcenturyk 1k BOOK I Our ambition to be creat may some day be tsstef Will live forever It emblazons in inerasablq charade the Scroll of Fame the names and achievements of thssi lot only fought the American Civil War but wrote itsK Generals ol the North Generals of the Squth Wf icit ineir jootprinis on tne sanus ot time Live of great mind all remind can make our lives sublime And departing leave behind Footprint on tao lands of tlm us profit from the experiences of the truly great Ihat be better able to achieve fame We need the Centmfe Book iK It Mny Bo Had Upon lhesn Terms Oiily Two coupons of different dates clipped frtfc the editorial page of the Daily or SemiJafe Gazette with 10c will procure each part XW irl series nana or mail the coupons to IHE GAZETTE itcititMiu ins iiTn Cluvernor McKInley MeTerety Roast el by HlrlLlnir Vtlners By Associated Press Cincinnati Ohio June 9 A special to the Commercial Gazette from Mas slllon Ohio BnyB that today the miners relief committee of that place returned to Governor McKlnley the S1Q he contributed to their subscription for the relief of the unemployed miners which he apoke or In hla letter aa his mite Here Is the letjer pr the relief committee vrit10 un8 IVIIllam McKlnley Governor or Ohloi Dear Sir sou will nnd tld donation hMe Iner Masslllon They emphatically refuse to accept mite from Ihe hand that assisted In smiting tliem our donation was solicited because the miners believed you were J1 sympathy with them oa I the ordinary every day clt Izen but since you have divested your self ot sour covering and jour true SL R1ni1 in glowing colors i coiiiaminatlon of your nmbltion In a political way bo far as the miners are concern- firth YouV etc blgned JOHN WILIICLM President ITALY AT TI1I1 TAIU The Itesults nerlnreil Sntltne tory Ihe Dculiil By Associated Pi ess Home June 11 Tho chamber ot deputies toda debated the ngrlcutural budget An exciting discussion arose as to the results of Chicago Columbian exhibition for Italy Slgnor Adolfe lngle said that tho results were nega tlvo arid In the course ot his remarks strotgly ciltksed the Italian commli sloner to the Worlds fair MarquiB llrrlco Ungare -who was one of the commissioners defended himself against the nttuck of Slgnor Engle He declared that the rtsults of Italvs participation 111 th fnlr considering the Binall menna that had TVn conunnna of the Italian aectlon 1 fCava minister cf commerce defended the action nt th 5SendclocdWhCh Clet rir Herts of rttnnma By Associated Press Paris June Tho government has decided to ask the chamber for a rtidlt of J30OO00 In order to Bend troopa to Protect the Trench frontier In Africa The cnblnct has decided to proceed with the trial of pr Cornelius Ilerx the Panama lobbyist lr Hera for a long time past lias been a fugitive In Kngland His extradition has repeatedly been attempted by the Prtnch government but uvvlng to conditions ot hla health the fugitive ha aucceedlng Is escaping being brought to trial Ordered to teiive Ly Associated Press Berlin June 9 Eight artlsta from the Ilojal theater at Copenhagen arrived a revy class ago at Haderleban Cnelswlg for the purpose of giving jo 111 mo iamsn language The werea rrested and onlered to leave the pine notwithstanding the fact that the yi1 wlnt the use in Chelswlg SfiIri Danlth language waa recently Wz Fort Worth Texasfc CUT THIS OUT eooeoeeeoeoettiiwI THE CEHTURY imiW no a umw HnliM wwJXirtts IOIIK UUIV jZV lannn WAS IflM 1 watch her all the Her arms legs anua Ullil jciniiiB in ninntiirv mOUOlo was painful to wltnr cav her did her any rB ploved Dr re Sfijl and hi medicines helfMj pcglnning ijI not been treoted Mgjffi 410 Clara streets May 8 18M send tn I Call on or patient cur 1 DIsnASES OF is KiLinr1 Ncnvotis rSS iinnpuv BWDlT COREA St VltoI m2 1 of Chionic anu TliCBBtcmotiSti by Dr Dr Jm nol results wk their cases through Write for iJTl describe rmTOiiif No I for 0fiAl ness strictly evnaJt Cut thla cut ni reference vv By Asm11 among inf 1 1 mimviiici caioTallroad ovrtnw haa bean irlt 1 tti aKjJil lWt djw LtW9imisu Th fifMTlnfll TlPTiarilPRt 111 il fwwflu tlll amm lu a 11.

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