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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 3

Fort Worth, Texas
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Df Ayer Smapanlla fact that it meets tin Pat llATOTO PARKER blnraliubleror 3cOnr OiMs if an A rim uH i oosess due uuts SPECIFICVgm katftfnl MOHTEELTT Hip the Jieople being economical to use anil always reliable and effective Its ingredients are the best and their combination the result of rofoumt stud and skill Thus for all diseases originating in impure Mood ers Sarsaparilla stands unrirah is a bloodpurifle general builderun of tho syst anJ savs Kttgene I Hill SI 381 pShd New York I have never fcgtStram thing to equal Ayera SarsapariBnV Mrs EliKJfATciougli Matron of theM Sehlary Tilton writes Everjjfu inter and spring my family inejttaing myself use scveral bottles of payers Sarsaparilla Experience has convinced me that as a powerful blood purifier it is superior to any other preparation of Sarsaparilla Aj exs Sarsaparilla gives bettor satisfaction than auv other blood medicine I handle GeoAV Whitman Druggist Albanj Indiana Ayers Sarsaparilla Prepared Dr IC cr Lowell Mam fold 3 all ti iii tn Inic lzliattlt KABEiELIlS FEMALE SICKNESS If taken durlnjr the CHANQE OF LOTS gru inn will avoided Bwid for book Vault woiux mtilea iw Biinrma Uwitulto Co At rrruinjb WEAK UNDEVELQfcfiDP ARTS Of tin Body enlarged iraij UJWistnened Full particulars sent eesled meMtUftR MhU t0 HorriLO SUFFEaEB KERVOUSHESS orK rciltofTovcrWori indiscretion rtc addrcts soots DR HAMMER cure of Gonorrbrea and Gleet Iprcscribeltand fed safe In recommending It to all sufferers AJSTOXEltMD Decatur III PKICES100 Sold by Druggists HENERCORNS The only rare for Corns all pain Ensnres comfort to UMfecS atUroaj HsooxCoI Ast ama Indigestion I Vsa OHIO without delar It of tne Throat and Brealh mumiiJHjj EOUNDUPS An Exchange Fxplant Why It Sup pirts th9 Bntitta of Animal Industry Urass on ha PUlns Fine Gattl trtm the Peoog Bonn try The Loc Market for Live StockTbe Excursion to Denver Sheep and goats are in good demand on tbe local market White a stockman of Colorado City la in Fort Worth The Crosby County News says grass is beginning to grow on the plains Berry and Merchant stockmen well known throughout the country ore in the city Andrews agent of the Bareau of Animal Industry has returned to Fort Worth from a fortnghts absence In New Mexico Tnere was a shipment of flae looking steers handled at Polks yarea yesterday Thev were going from Brenham to Kansas City A conplc of carloads of horses and Durham cattle passed through Fort Worth yesterday en route from Kineas to Louisiana 1V Hunt ataIiicaoffn stockman of 3 er came lhe city yesterday with a bunchpf hofjies 4fnd mulesfViHe reports everytblngprosrferous ia tSe cattle business lme westy ar jg JjjTCsl Sngg prominent cattleman oRine Indian Territory and a member of he executive committee of the State Cattle Growers Association was in Fort Worth yesterday A Piper of Uvalde county has sold to Captain Sampson for shipment 840 head of muttons at 2 25 per head Four hundred and twenty have been delivered and the balance will be delivered In a few days There are some cattle coming to the local market from the Pecos country that are about as flae as one could wish to see though they have been led on nothing but grass Their condition speaks well for the Pecos valley grazing Quotations werejobtalned yesterday on actual sales made during this week at Polks yard on stok lor the local market Sees averaging 750 pounds are worth 32 50 averaging SS5 ponnds 92 SO Sheep for which there is reedy sale bring 4J Cows are bringing 315 and nd three calves during the week sold for 321 When Animal Industry Bureau was doffithated and inn by charlatans jStfo dead beats who knew little and feared less about western stock Interests this paper slugeed it silly But since such men as Colonel Coleman Colonel Cunningham Thorp Andrews and Harry Taylor men who know and care something about the Interests entrusted to them boss the affairs of the Bureau we are in favor of the in stituton and dead down on the consolidated scheme hatched at Kansas City San AntoEio Stockman The cattlemen have already begun to gather for the excursion to Denver A large number of gentlemen arrived In The above is the picture of the tern grandest Fort Worth vesterdav whose hoIb hnsl reformer Jiwo tnn IL pcrance ever Over two i thousand honorable men In Texas alone bear ness la the8e Part8 was t0 Cltca tne traln witness to his remarkable success In curing tbe disease of Drunkenness for It Is a disease and san be spec ily cured and Dr GHam ner ts the only man in tho United States that alwat scans it So man that has the disease folly developed has tbe power to ga himself to be cured his friends must do It or htm Practlco what yoi preach and If you want your friends to leave oS whlsty lake them to the doctor at tho James hotel Dallas and get thorn relieved i crnanentiy and safely Treat alone In person GLIDDEN WIRE CAUTION Dealers In and consumers of BARBED WIRE are hereby warned aoalnst purchasing any style of wire represented to be the genuine GtLTDDElV WIRE Excepting that maiufnctured by WashflOTn Moen Manufacturing Company tWOrcester Mass and sold by their agents A IS Sr AR tlouston Tex Wc arjrfnformed that other parties are manu facturing and offering for the sale an lmlta GLIDDEN WIRE And we take this occasion to state that such manufacture and Bile li unlawful being an ln rrlnccmem upon oar patents and that we have orooght enltagalnn he manufao urcrs and shall be obliged brlrgsnlt against any dealer or consumer who purchases cucn unlawful product styles of Dabed Wire other than thoGLIR DEN are manufactured by a large number of our licensees an fiora ihsm such styles of Barbed Wire can safel he purchased but the rlsrht to manntacturs the GLIDDEN style for tho state of Texas belongs exclusively to tbe Washburn en Manat icturlng Company of Worcster Slsss and no purchase of this stylo of Barbed Wle can safely ha made except from Smbtrn Warner their agents We deem It but fair to tiO public to make this statement In order thu fall Information upon the snbject mi be had WAsnucRN Moex fg compact tm1 SASHOIC WaBHUB Mttjh 151SS3 Klcrncl WE UjintTEKTO laEbTthiiNrmjiiEOTZD IUPMISCPWPOW CCBZOS which will bear them to the range con vention and many names were added to the list of applicants for appointment as delegates thereto There is yet room for a few more passengers on the train without taxing its capacity but it is best for those who do not wish to get left to send in their applications for berths early Tbe list as it now stands contains the names of many stockmen of prominence In North Texas and many outside of tbe state as well as people engaged in other industries and there is no reason why ny man who has a desire to go over the great Panhandle route on the first through train that passes over the road should hesitate to send in his name Many ladles will be in tbe party Bold His Interest Special to the Gazette San Akgkjlo Tkx March 23 Miles 6olAoiSnils entire stock Interest of hqrsefljjscks and cattle this week to It fBrownof Coleman for 310000 The Cattle Queen Correspondence of the Gazette RiciiMOxn Tkx March 22 Mrs Mabel Day the cattle queen of Coleman county has been spending several days in town but left this evening for Dallas thence she goes to Fort Worth to join the excursionists for Denver Col rwe rt 2ed rsaaaSetlc iap SAHDfAELfCTRICC02lfH cthrtWuTu fr inp Big ohtUfaveJi ntTer saUgStlsiactlon Ip the lonld all rolnsand disorders i JJ at JrugEUU Clarendon Notes Correspondence of the Gazette Clarendon Tex March 22 Cattle during the past two weeks have been badly pestered by heel flies and reports from the various ranches show that the number of deaths was greater during that period than during the whole winter All the hotels in town are making active preparations to receive on tbe 26th Inst tbe excursionists to Denver who are expected to stop here for supper Qalte a number of prominent cattlemen Including Colonel Charles Goodnight will join tbe procession at this point THE AMENDED PALMER BILL LETTER ON THE SUBJECT TO TEXAS qON GRESSMEK FK01I THE NORTHWEST TEXAS CATTXE KAISERS ASSOCIATION Special to tje Gazette Dallas Tex March 2316S3 ItQ Mills Hon LW Moore Hon Dl Sayers Hon Charles Stewart Senators and Representatives from Texas In Congress Gentlemen By direction of the executive commute of the TexaB LiveStock Association and by resolution of the Northwest Texas Cattle Kaisers Association In annual meeting at Gainesville Tex on the 14th inst we are directed to address a letter to each of tbe Texas Senators and Rspresentatives in Congress expressive of the views of Texas cattle raisers on what is known as the amended Palmer bill nowpendrfg before Congress By unanimous vote of our association this bill was declared to be menace to our Industry and all our representatives appealed to in the strongest terms to prevent Its passage The measure is apiece cf treachery snd should it become SHE GAZETTE FORT WORTH ffiAS SATUBDAY MARCH 24 flaw would do Incalculable damage to drees Governor 8S Superintendent aotthwestern cattleinterests Cooper and other dJJDStilshed visitors Vnnial meetg of tbe are ixpected dated Cattle GrowersAssociation of the United 8tatcs held in Kansas City in November last the comatuee on legislation was directed to work for the Dass age of the MUlerCary bill so amended as to make the Commissioner of Agriculture a member of the commission sought to be organized and exofllcio its chairman It also provided for the retention of the Bareau of Animal Industry as at present organized not this legislative committee headed by Dr Azal Ames goes to Washington and in direct violation of instructions and pledges given secures the Introduction into the Senate of the amended Palmer bill This bill leaves out the Commissioner of Agriculture the man In whom we put our trust who is our true and tried friend and In its closing section repeals the law creating tbe present Bureau of Animal Industry The friends of the measure are posing before the public as striving to carry out the Instructions received at the Ksnsas City meeting Yet their every act shows us that there is a scheme to defeat the compromise referred to when viewed in the light of history and that the people are being grossly deceived Originally Texas was opposed to the creation of the Bureau of Animal Industry because of the fear that its rules and regulations would be used to prevent the movement of Texas cattle to the markets of tbe country under the pretext of disease where no disease existed But the bureau was created and for over three years we have been watching its action The result Is that we are now satisfied that the bureau has constantly endeavored to secure the greatest possible freedom of movement for our cattle consistent with safety and beyond this no honest man can ask for freedom All of the actions of the Commissioner of Agriculture and his assistants have demonstrated that tbe bureau is run in the interest of the whole people and free from the interest of locality or clique Hence Texas cattlemen ore the friends of the bureau and propose to up hold it On the other hand some of the men who talked loudest and longest in praise of the plan of having a bureau connected with the government whose duty it should be to stand guard and protect our herds against disease have attempted to stab in the back the child of their own loins Why this effort to strangle their own offspring The only answer to this question is that when the swaddling clothes were removed the infant refused to obey orders growing out of sectional animosity It the bureau cannot be used it must be destroyed and a commission of willing tools be substituted The fact that the men who are now pushing the amended Palmer bill are traitors to their own compact is sufficient evidence to condemn the measure but the evidence does not stop here Some of them are the men who brought about the stoppage of all Texas cattle on the trail near Camp Supply in the summer of 1885 For proof see pages 318318 in the report of the Bureau of Animal Industry for 1885 Some of them are the parties mainly instrumental in the pro mulgition of a quarantine proclamation by the Governor of Montana in 1886 pro hiblung the movement Into that territory of all Texas cattle either by rail or trail until the expiration of a ninety days quarantine on the oorder Texas is not only willing but anxious to have a well equipped department at Washington kept up for the purpose of Investigating the diseases of our domestic animals and enforcing such rules and regulations will prevent the spread of contagion and destroy the germs wherever and whenever they secure a foothold In our country But It wants that authority vested iu some of the regular depart ments so that it will not be influenced or controlled by local prejudices There is no doubt in our minds but what the ruling motive with at least a portion of the workers for the amended Palmer bill is the hope to get in control of the quarantine powers of the government and bar the movement of Texas cattle northward and possibly manipulate the movement of cattle to market in the interest of the combinations which have already nearly sappsd the life out of the cattle Industry of the United States Such a consummation would cost our people millions of dollars annually and is so outrageous a proceeding that no xan can tamely submit Had the compromise made at Kansas City last year been carried out in good faith Texas cattlemen would have stood by their agreement but they object to the attempt to destroy the bureau undercover of action taken by the Consolidated Cattle Growers Association The papers of the country are flooded wltn misstatements to the effect that the pending bill is tbe one endorsed at Kansas City and on this is based their hopes of success But the Palmer bill as now before Congress Is not the Palmer bill as first Introduced and is an insult to the intelligence of the men who were parties to the Kansas City agreement In cpnclusioi allow us to assure you that ninetenths of all the cattle owners of Texas join us in the appeal to you to defeat this bill and in Its place provide an appropriation of half a million dollars for tbe present Bureau so that the work so energetically begun of stamping out bovine diseases in the east may be carried to consummation and our southwestern herds be preserved from the scourge which threatens the destruction of our cattle Interests Yours respectfully Slaughter VicePresident In behalf of the Executive Committee of the Texas Live Stock Association Slaughter Lindsky Herring Committee of the Northwest Texas Cattle Raisers Association Mr Stevensons great story begins in the Snnday Gazette of March 25 Every lover of Action should begin with the be ginning of The Outlaws of Tunstall Forest by the charming romancer Robert Stevenson Snnday Gazette March 25 and Weekly Gaeettk of March 30 Lunch and Market ISniKclrrfujg A new lot just recelveV the Tort Worth Grocer COjjftSSmiember picnic time is not rar o2 and you will want a niceJBteb basket 48am 8am Hontton Normal Commencement Special to the Gazette Huntsville Tex March 23 Bishop Garrett of Dalles will deliver the annual commencement sermon for the Sam Houston Normal Institute Snnday May 27 and Hon Simpklns of Corsicana has Mr Stivensons great besins in the Sunday Gazette of Msicb C3 Eery lover of Action should begin witi tne De glnnlng of The Outlaws of Taj 11 Forest by the charming romanct ri Robert Stevenson Sanda GizniTZ March 23 and Weekly Gawttk of March 30 Weco to Have a New Bask Special to the Gazette Waco Tex March 23 Mr Sllgh for many years cashier In a Galveston Bank and Texas Insurance Company Is in the city today for tho purpose of organizing and getting capital for anew bank tor Waco with a capital stock of 5000000 He comes highly recommended by the business men of Galveston and 100000 subscribed stock from that city Subscription books for stock will be opened in Waco for a few days for the benefit of those wishing to take stock He will then go to Fort Worth Dallas and the east to have the balance of the stock subscribed and as much more as deeirable Blare Hotel Boom Needed Spcclsl to the Gazette San Anoslo Tex March 23 The hotels here are being so crowded by strangers that the citizens find another hotel will have to be built and steps are belnc taken to put one up to accommo date 300 guests Subscribe for The Gazette Mr Stevensons great story begins in the Snnday Gazette of March 25 Every lover of fiction should begin with the be ginning of The Outlaws of Tunstall For est by the charming romancer Robert Stevenson Sunday Gazette March 25 and Weekly Gazette of March 30 She Very Bast News and family paper In the state is the Weekly Gaibtt price reduced to 01 year SHOTGUN TEAGEDY A Citizen of Armour Pours Hot Shot Into an AbnalTa end Insulting Intruder Tne Inquest Results In a Verdict of Justifiable Homicide but a Charge ol Uanslanehter Is Laid Special to the Gazette Mbxia Tex March 23 From parties who came In after a colli a your reporter learss of a terrible tragedy at Armour twelve miles west of here which was enacted at Dr Hoopers residence this morning about 9 oclock between Hooper and his soninlaw Cul Mathews and which resulted In Mathews being killed The particulars as gathered from Dr Hooper are as follows Cul Mathews his two brothers and cousin are living on Dr Hoopers place and had rented and were beginning to work the land Some five or six weeks ago a brotherinlaw of the Mathews named Wyatt came with his family to live with them Hooper opposed his staying on his place as he Hooper was furnishing them supplies and as Wyatt was not dispose to do much worn or permit the others to labor as well as they should Hooper In sisted on Wyatts leaving but he refused to go Hooper told the Mathews and their cousins they must make Wyatt leave or he would be compelled to cease furnishing them supplies and they must ceaso to cultivate his land This seems to have Irritated Cul Mathews so he went to Dr Hoopers residence last Tuesday morning about 8 or 9 oclock while Hooper was absent at Mexla amf indulged in considerable abuse of one of the hands on Hoopers place and made threats against Hoopers life and then went off He returned that night about 9 oclock and challenged Hooper to come out Into the yard and drew a pistol partly out of his pocket and used violent and abusive language towards Hooper Failing to get Hooper to come out Mathews then went off Hooper saw no more of him until this morning when he came to Hoopers residence in company with bis brother and cousin whom Hooper had sent for Seeing Mathews approaching Hooper told him he had not sent for him and that he wanted him to leave his premises Mathews replied with an oath that he would not do so but assumed a threatening attitude having one of his hands in his pocket and the other holding an ax and approached the fence Hooper then went into the house Mrs Hooper insisted on Mathews leaving He replied with a curse he would not go Mrs Hooper then be songht the brother and cousin to Induce him to leave They both replied in the same rough profane manner they would not do it At this juncture Hooper rushed out with a doublebarrel shotgun and fired upon Mathews the charge of EIGHT OR TEN BUCKSHOT taking effect In his breast and killing him instantly Hooper shortly after sent after Constable Ogilvie and surrendered himseif to him Justice Collnm held an Inquest over Mathews1 remains and from evidence deduced during the trial pronounced the case to be one of justifiable homicide Officer Ogilvie called in three others to act as guards to protect Hooper who feared violence at the hands of Mathews relatives and brought Hooper onto this place where one of the guards made complaint against Hooper charg ing him wltft manslaughter A warrant was issued by Justice Doyle and Hooper waiving examining trial his bondwos fixed at 2000 which was readily given and Hooper was released from custody Hooper is a prominent physician and has been spoken of as SUITABLE TIMBER 5rember of he Legislature The affair is Indeed a sad one and Is deeply deplored Only a Temporary Suspension New York March 21 Mr Freelich of the firm of Walker Miller Co cotton brokers who suspended yesterday got a little mixed in their nccountff ol our suspension It is only temporary and Is caused by our clients being afraid to put more margins up owing to the recent decline In cotton As soon as things ore straightened out we shall go been selected to deliver the annual ad right along as asusl SEWER PIPE Considerable Commenlla Kfjard to Contract Closed by the CKy Cenn ell at a Special Meeting An IaterTltwwlih AldsimanDarSer Qlvlrj theFlgnrcsand Facts About the Oon tractThe Vote Wedv e8dsy night there was a called meeting uf the City Council to consider closing a co ltract for sewer pipe to sewer the Third warJ acd a contract was let There has been Ereat deal said about the matter and understanding that Alderman Darter opposed Closing the contract with the bid before then 1 Gazette reporter called on him yesterday Mr Darter I understand that the City Council on Wednesday night voted to accept Mr Lakes proposition to furnish sewer pipe to the city Yes At what prices was the pipe to be furnished Well the pipe was to cost at Chattanooga Tenn 18 Inch pipe 79 cents per foot 15 inch pipe 53 cents per foot 12 inch pipe 391 cents per foot 10 inch pipe 374 cents per foot 8 Inch pipe 19i cents per foot Inch pipe 1 4 cents per foot What amount did the city propose to buy Some 6000 feet of 18 inch 600 feet of 15 inch 2600 feet of 12 inch 6500 feet of 10 inch 1800 feet of 8 inch and about 50000 feel of Inch What do you think cf the action of the Council I think it hasty I think system should be put in at once Third ward but the City Council should not have accepted Mr Lakes bid until the sewer committee had obtained bids from different manufacturers and thek we could have accepted whichever biS City Attorney Warren was seen last night and questlened in regard to the matter He said he had not been at the meeting not having been notified as the law provides shall be done It wis doubtful whether the meeting was a legal one CENTEB Lost His Left Hand negro Hoy Accidental Killed Correspondence of the Gazette Cknteu Tex March 21 This morning one of our best citizens Judge A Chandler bad his left hand cut off by a saw at his mill near town He fell near the saw which was moving rapidly at the time and sustained other but slighter Injuries He is being treated by the doctors now Satnrday evening as a negro boy about nineteen years of age was playltfg with a negro girl who had a gun In her hands the gun was discharged killcg the town of Shelbyvllle At the Inquest Thursday it was clearly shown to have been an accident The deceased was a stronger having comefrom Louisiana a few weeks ago A stock company has been formed to erect a telephone line from this place to Teneta our shipping point on the Houston Eist and West Texas Railway distant eleven miles It is expected to put it up in three weeks and to have the wire In operation at once thereafter ANOTHER BALD KKOBBEBOS TRIAL A Sensation Created When Charles Gravis Is Put on tne Stand St Louis Mo March 23 The trial of John A Matthews another Bald Knob ber was begun at Ozark yesterday In the testimony of Charley Graves was the startling announcement thatDave Wolker said in the presence of John Walker on lhe way from Edens house after the murder If any one will take my boy to Douglass county I will go back with the rent of the men and kill Mfe1 women and children and then burnSthe house so as to leave no trace oMtae work At this assertion Matthews became greatly agitated A severe cross examination further developed the story thatlfc was the intention ol the Bald Kcobbers to administer a whipping to Judge Stone and others of prominence The above testimony of Graves is looked upon with much doubt as It follows closely upon Matthews denunciation of him WIT HOME TO ME In the spring of ISTSIwas taken with sharp pains in tne lower part of my bowels in the region of the bladder Shortly blood appeared mixed with my urine and a few weeks later I had an attack of brown gravel I tried a num ber of doctors One eala It wis gravel anoarsi said It was Inflammation ttin BUmrTrVT and arother that I had a stone IrjajrTet kidney For three months Lwssg aader the care of an eminent peclallsy aeAlbany but con stantlylirTOwlng wowsVtgave up In despair and went home to de Relatives heard of Dr Davtd Kennedys Favorite medy otKond out Nyiasna urged me to try it Soon the med dne began to help me the pain and dls rrtSslessened In two months time I left my bed and in six or eVe months iw aV robust said today Some of the papers havtfie and strong Many witnesses will substantiate what I Bay Aremey whlci cin do this for one so near death as I was should be known everywhere I hope this statement will cause others afflicted as I was to find relief In tbe same source WBEOWX Petersburg KY HJBDKESHEDrS5FAV0BITE EEHEDr Eondout2 PriceJl6for5 ffi Wiuaui co waolcsals A ts A CHILDS LIFE SAVED nttj SJiIuS 0h8 0I thelefthsndof onr randchid hwan to swell Rnd hud every put ail to no pnrrose About Are months after Itibccamo a innnlmr oie ion other sore formed He tlrn hid two of thtrn on esch mS2i a 4booa Uf tio more aud more a 2xooi lcsf tlme t0T lhCa break out Mn ihSSfi on lhe ebJn beneath the under 5 8 offor91 llls head was hti 3iV Kre deal This wasnls condition at twenty two months old vinim careorhlm bls ther IiD KJe wllcnhunlja 9 more than a I iVf 2n8n mpoa crriala of coarse eSVwalka lebntcould not get ap if lo rell duwn and cou not move when In bed bsvlnjtio use of his hands I Immediately commencsrt with the CtrriccaA It mil Bits using tne CnricniA arid Ccti cora soap tteelr and wheir he had solext hla headhvas complettfr cured and he was lmprovod la everyjray Ye were very mnch encouraged and contimted the use of the Kempdlcs for a year aid a bat One soro after another healed a bonjtmaUfer forming in each one of these fire deep otthFjitt before heallnir wnicn woald Anally rppapose and were taken out then they wonl 6al rapidly One of these ugly bonefo naWonsi preserved After taking a dozen antfdr half Udtt cs he was com pletely enred anaua now7at tha ago of six vinrsastrongarfrfhealjhychJid Tboscarson land wealrne 5 ThefaitTan was the best considering price terms usfn iumg Plaster 25c Wfl etc I find from a telegram just received jft i v2n from a Kansas City manufacturer that we could have bought the pipe delivered here Mr CarS UUabhOUUUgS 1CUUCB9UC ti What amount do on think the citf will lofe should they go on with this trade I am certain lhe city will lose between 4000 and 83000 Take just the 1 inch pipe it weighs from nlnty to 100 pounds per foot Now Mr Like thinks he will be able to get a freight rate of 35 cents per 100 pounds Now add 35 to 79 and you have 111 cents per foot and tne Kansas City firm agrees to furnish the same pipe delivered here at 75 cents per foot so the difference per foot will be 39 cents and 6000 feet of elghteenlnch pipe will cost the city 82340 more than we would have to pay the Kansas City firm So you see my estimate of the loss to the cltv Is not too much Have you spoken to the Mayor in reference to the matter Yes What did he say I asked him if he would veto the action of the Council He said he would if five members of the Council desired it Who voted for this measure Daggett Hill Reiley and Cooper Haymaker and Ward were absent J1111 ala no 3 All hawthe child before nstg the Cuticuba RtUEpihsand see the child nWcocslder It a wonoetOrlcure If the asoTe facts are of any use to you yoiaro at liberty to use tnem Mils DniGC3 il0 S8 bl2E Olaybt BloommgtonlU The child was really In a worse condl Ion than he appeared to his grandmother who be Ing with him every day became accustomed to the lseasc MAGGIE HOPPING CUTicuitA the great skin cnreand CUTictniA Soap prepared from it esternally and Curt Cuba UKSOLVtST the new blood purlllcr In ternallr are a positive cure for every foim of skin and blood disease from pimples to ecrof ulaSold Sold everywhere Price Cuticuha Mc Soai 25fl EK 0LVENTl Prepared by the Porrxtt Daim asd cuehcil Co Boston MnsJ i SenrliorUow to Curo Skin Diseases 6f pages iqlllnstratlongandlCOtetlmonlala the Sewer RARVQstnaul3Ca1PPrStrvcaandbeau in the Poai ifle 1 by CDT1CDI t1CATi i vtitv fltUioLaTJuaKs Sharp aches Dull ttatns Strains and weakness relieved riune min ute by the Oatiennt tAml fain ioster yiperfcct antidote to pain only for Sale VciougfyagratiteJ BH NEBglEfcCLTJItB CO A BONANZA Arizona capital stuck wK0 shares Jl each non assessab and full psldwlth headquarters atForiWcrthand Pallas TcxareoflerlBgfor afewdatsonly a limited number of shares at tho very low price of 15 cents i er share A 20 atinprulll all complete with the latestlni proved machinery has been contractedjjf3t the machine works of Joshua UcoriCo San FranciscoCaLsnd will bacftneproperty within lhe ne ISO days ajhomeln Is a tine fissure and free mllllngattrlmn average 7 feet In thickness and MKfer In length and Is be tween solid granitewalls there la ore enough exposed and LsSilgnt to run a 20stamp mill for ten yeas Mr I lloaz of this city who Is one oftJSfflargest snare ho ders has been atihe mlneand examined the ledge and ho says It Is stfflply inethsustible ho has a quantity of tho pelmene which he took from themloe thoy Ban be setn at his oltice on Main street this city or at Handle Main street Dallas There I plenty of wood ana ater convenient for the working of tbe mli and Ju tas soon as the mill can be put In operation and the first shipment of gold bu Hon there Is no donbt but that tne shares vclV jump up to par If not above Parties wan lng to get In on the ground floor had better send in their order as tbe price will be put to 25 cents In a very few days Ad dress Ohae 15 zettsecrctary and treasurer City National IJanEf or Handle MatrS5 street Dallas the boy instantly This occurred ne tiov Inrso noSESfVid other PXulXTS will rral A luplay in our garden nt once We sell no sieger rooted cuttings Immense stock of fresh gsnd Vegetable SEEDS for all cli mates a3 j1 situations Thousands of testimonial atest thj erior quality of our Plants and BacdsS5oU6c stampsforourmncrniflcent JATAIX pfF for 18SS Most complete and valuable evtl Odtliahed with colored plates and new engravings SJsVEJE to al 1 who mention this pap For Th ebus The EfSiJilitated ORES EostritfbnNervous Head acheNe JgiaaervonsWeakness S25h rAkfvDiseases and all aBeeras the AS A NERVEVTONIC It Strengthens Bd Quiets tffi NerveiSj torfr3 the Biaid LAJTtfE It snielj oa he Bofels acts mildly but XA8 yR It Regulates the Kid qm Jd Cirfe their Diseases Banmended rprofessional and business men Pncerco Soc druggists Send for circulars WELLSRICHAWSON CO Proprietor JEgatoNGTON VT FORT WORTH IRON IRKS manufacturers of the Celebrated fuRTiWORTH WELL DRILLING MACHINERY Architectural Iron Work a speclaltv Indian Depredation ClaiasS It Is probable that the preee lc roeswiU Establish aS FSS Cdurt to hear and detenaUdtKese claims I will nn 1Veatake the ColieotiofioTlhis Character of Claims CaoSjOiiccCPollclt a AiMrws 0f Xf 11 jeoPE Marshall lex MggPCjJa tWlr i rfnt rVi raM lr TODle2r mmrm rirtlVtoDei formTlt3rdnty1inI snoviugconnteneivtuonari Traicu i i Ii InH.

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