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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 1

Fort Worth, Texas
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DEMOCKAT PUBLISHING COMPANY lunwuiv Uorrt Woi Ik TEexae TAlLOB President CHASKls YleePrMldent BO8AJT39KS8 SdTlcePrealdeBt A SHI1H Caahler iv The Merchants NationsBank of Ft Worth Capital Paid In S50000Odd Surplus Fund S557066 DnrECTOBS VY rightMorgan Joces Evans awneoy A Huffman I Bash Wynne EUlnRto Newby Taylor Ohaee Page JCt Uartln A Smlthi i 3Tranaacts a genorilbanMng baatnoes in loans discounts and oxnhanBeifaTBlgn and domestic Oorrrt8T md mne nolClted Ollctlnnn nnrtn and romotl etnlttBdV HARSISOH HIEATT SIDHEY HAHUS JNO HABRISOH President 1st ViceJ resldsnt 2 VicePresident Cashier THE STVATJE Pj EilDNAJLi 33A1NTH Cornor SZalxi txn aC i ourth 8 troots Cash Capital dti000 Surplus Fund 50000 DEBECTOBS ILfiarffaen Sidney Martin Hieatt CT HoClellan GecW BlVer 8B Balny Jr Biteman Cooper and Jno 0 Harmon jj jjarOolte lpn ecelve prompt attention and a general banking bnatnpsAtransacted a SAHDIIiU President CHAS SCHEDBEE VieePresidenC MAX EL3EB Cashier City National Baok otlortWorth Tex CAPITAL SI500OO SURPLUS 530000 Safety Deposit Bqxes Fire and Burglar Proof FgrRenftf DntEClOB iQ SaadfdEe Crane Herd Chaa Sohenber Hazier a L07Dpfejideat 0 BESHKTT VicePresident BmrvuM EB HABEOLD Cashier Coraer Second aid Boiuton Streets i Fori Worth Texas Cash Capital SaOOiOp Of Jtlrplus 8125000 DIBKGTORS JohnBHozie UB Vdji iC Sigiie Zone CetU 0BenaettGsore Jaeksot SB Bs ett Earroldand WHarrold TranaovstS a General Banklne Xtvuslnoss VAHZASDTlvPris1dTat THOS A TIDBALL VicePresident SABDlHCtOishier XHE fOfiT WORTH NATIOKKBMK Bneoessors to Tldball VnZandt Co Tozi tShiiTax Capital Stock Paid Up 12500000 a plus Fund 3000000 A general banking business transacted OoUeitloaJ made and promptly remitted Exchange drawc on al the principal oltlon of Baropn DIEECTOBSE vanZasdtThbs AfEdtan Bardlns Herd Jarris Beall Pfaeffle TTEOLBSALX AXD RETAIL QiHitunit and Jewelry Solid Silver and Flue Watchwori ai Eipnii 605 Main St Fort WqrfhgreK rWICK Corner Main and Kettrti Streets Fort Worth Tex RATES 250 Per Day BCTTI C3I3Xrs Manaser LOOK AHEAD Cease to Buy Recklessly Have a GapBrorcue ture and Buy JudicldTip Fa Ton can do so It tou come to us V7ei8JastfldTrclearlDg out onrmldwinter stock of Dress hoods FlanntIs Blankets PlusV Wraffs Shawls Cloaks and all Woolen Goods and In order to move ths goods peedHywe7e made a bottzontal redaction all nnd Prices have leuid a level and the firm tuafcuHto goods cheaoer ihan we do will havo to sell below cost Depend upon It our prices a tirtlowest and quality the best RTH MERCANTILE COMPANY fm Mala Street MINSHALL Manager I perlect foaawrclalf flnhexationlioEtgt FORT WORTH TEXAS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 15 1888 AM BABBITTS Great entertainments which are to be presented in this city on the 18th this month would indeed create a lively sensation among the masses here and as snch an occurrence is hardly probable we shallj ss to it that the people shall not complain of dull times this week We are doing everything in our power to keep thlsrcity on its boom and we know of no better plan by which to accomplish this very desirable end than to sell goods so low that the people from every section of our country will do tnelr trading In the city of Fort Worth Prices on Ladies and Misses Cloaks have been CUT half ift two Or in other words a StO Cloak is now 20 a 880 Cloak IS now 15 a 20 Cloak Is now 10 a 910 cloak is now 5 Now dont wait for these prices ire for thi week only 36inch plaid Tricots reduced from COc to tOc S3 inch all wool dress flannel reduced from oto 85c fitinch silk and wool plaid serges reduced from 31 75 to 135 BtIrch pl ld English suitngp reduced from 91 25 to 75c per yard Special bargains In black Moire silk at ll25 150 and 8175 per yard Our present stock of goods must be reduced in order to make room for our spring purchases and for this reason we are willing to dispose of the residue of our winter goods at very low prices If you are in ned ot Carpets Clothyig Blankets Cloaks Dress Goods and Hosiery You will never hare a more opportune time to buy than we present to you this week We have the pleasure of announcing the arrival of a magnificent st ckjr WHITE GOODS comprising beautiful plaid nainsooks at 61c 10c 15s 20c 255 and 30c per yard India liens lQs 5c 20c 25c 30c S5c and 40c per yard Victoria lawns at 10c 16c 20c 25c and 30s per yard Lnen lwns at 15c 20s 25jS0c 85c 45s 50c 75c and 1 per yard and a fnll line of Mulls Swisses Linen de Dacca and other White Goods In altgrades at popular prices flTerguoyeaw gig EXGEUCEWT FARE Pleasant rooms Klia attention LocAtlon Heart ot Cltyl All sti cars pass In one block of door Ton get yonr moneys wurtb and thcrajs no mis ake abont It Troi ic aatr e3ool OH PUBLIO 8QDAU rDET WOBTH TEX Street oars trosFfUiilon Sorot past in rront of HoteL Sitlefactlon guaranteed riJaaABC ADSrLV Typewriter ArblU Dallas Tex Last or the Ganic Who Mnrdcrad dotlln AwAlttnic Trial Hal Special to tto Gazette Austin Tkx Feb Attorney General Hogg has demanded of Mayor Nalle of Austin by what right Austin rents ont certain state property in the city cityHenry Henry Clark alias Jim Dltson last of the gang who murdered Hal Goslin some years ago was brought to Austin today to be tried for mall robbery before the United States court Governor Ross was notified today that the managers of the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Bryan had put on duty the promoted students abont whose promotion the recent rebellion occurred IX WOULD BUN DKI fk Bson Wbj Austin Irrigation Behemo Is Not Feasible Special to the Gaxotte Austin Tex Feb It A big irrigation tcneme is being agitated A prominent engineer was Interviewed today and stated that to turn the water of the Colorado out of the channel above the city to irrigate 40000 acres below the city as proposed would cause the river to run dry opposite the city in the summertime To Create a Oorncr on Sugar NkwYoei Feb It The Sun says The men in the sugar trade were excited yesterday over the report that the members of the Sugar Trnst had decided to ship large quantities of the best refined niar to London in order to keep up the prices ot sugar in this country by relieving the market here of any sirplns and creaticg a shortage or what would practically be a corner in sugar All the members of the Trust here absolutely de cline to give any Information on the sub ct but in trade generally the story was oelieved This news had evidently been cabled to London as the sugar quotations in that clt received lateln the afternoon show a falling off in prices there A Tonne Millionaires Gift Chicago III Feb It Martin A Eyerson aged thirtythree heir of the millionaire lumberman Martin Eyerson who died recently gave In trust today property worth 82JO000 to eight charitable institutions tour Protestant and four Catholic The gift was a free one on the part of young Eyerson though in lice with his fathers olt expressed wishes The real estate Is in the heart of the business portion ot the city and will net each of the Institutions 920W per annum jC a Senator Coke Hopeful of the Success of His Measure for a Public Building at Fort Worth CoBgrmman Martin of Texas Hakes His Maiden Speech In ths House and is Heartily Cheered Iho Jadlclary Oommltten Takea a Fevor Bble View ot the 13111 to Protect Offlceri la tho Indian Terrltoiy rSDBRAL BCILDINQ FOR FORT WOBTH Special to the Uaxette Washington Feb It Senator Coke has Introduced a bill asking for an appropriation to put up federal bnildlog at Fort Worth wortay the commercial importance of that rapidly growing city In speaking of it to a reporter he said the chances of getting the aid sougat was very good F2RS0NAL Prdfe ssor Hogg of Furt Worth is herewith the superintendents ot city schools ond is billed for a speech on the Blair bill Thursday night Tne gentleman has attained a wide spread reputation for his persistent advocacy of this measure bnt msefioris and thoso of his coadjotors will certainly prove faille Too more the matter is discussed the greater grows the opposition and If ever it had a imce ot passing Congress that chance has gone by fcrever Hon Bill Pope of Marshall is here looking after the states big claim for frontier defences and thanks to his eSorts ably seconded by Saycrs Lanbam Crain and others of the TcXis delegation the state will soon have paid in its coSirs by Uccle the snng sum of nearly 91000000 martins acaidev trsxea Special to tht Gazette Washington Feb It Howdy Martin delivered his maiden sneech today on a resolution to print 700 copies of a special report on cattle and dairy products Although he failed to wait for recognition by the Speaker being per naps somewhat nervous yet be made a most earnest speech and declared that every farmer in this land should have a copy ot this valuaole book As Mr Martinis himself a practical fanner his views on this subject met with respectful attention and at times he Was applauded VKDKRAL rNTKRXKRBKCE Washington Feo It Glover has been directed by the House jadiclary committee to report a substitute for the Jones blllintended to prevent interference by Federal courts with stite ofllslals in the discharge of their duties The substitute is a declaration that nothing in the statuses deQolog the duties of Federal courts jmall ba go construed as to antnorfiVany cflher of the state to perform any duty upon order of Federal authorities not Imposed upon him by the constitution nor laws of the states of which he is an officer FORT WORTHS PUBLIC BUILDING Special to the Uazotte Washington Feb It Congressman Sayers introduced today a petition from the leading cltiasns ot Fort Worth asking Congress to give the growing city a public building If the Texas delegation stand by the measure and puh it earnest ly there is a good Drospect for its success Smaller and farless Important cities all over the country have succeeded in getting their claim recognized and favorable reports from the committee on pnblc bulldngs and grounds clkvzlands trip Washington Feb It Tne President expects to lea Washington next Tuesday for a short visit to Florida He will be accompanied by Mrs Cleveland and the Secretary of the Mivy and Mrs Whitney and Col and Mr Lmont Tne party will go by special train and no stops will be made unless it be an hour at Savannah for a drive through the city One day will be spent at Jacksonville and San Augustine The party will return to Washington Saturday INSTRUCTIONS OBSBRVHD Washington Feb It The Secretary of War today made answer to a resolution passed by the Honse at the Instance ot Representative Grosvenor calling upon him for information as to the scope ct the compilation of the efflcial record ol the rebellion particularly all changes made or contemplated whiie the publication was in charge of the late Lieu en antColonel Scott and since his death and the reasons and authority formakitg these changes In reply Secretary Eadi cott encloses a report Irom Cjlonel La Salle in charge of War Becord Pnblica ttoo office Tne Secretary says that since Colonel LaSaile assnm the cfthe June lS18s7no changes from the instruc i in and plan adopted In 1833 and re qnlrtd she provisions of the act ol July 8118SC have besn made ordered or contemplated either in the method or Wjts sofaras relates to the arrangement or in subject matter to ba pni llsbed but on tne contrary the Instructions and requirements have been ngicly oberved necbssitt op dkbp water Representatives Gulbrrson and Sayers of Tcxis addressed the Honse committee on rivers and harbors at some length today on the necessity for an appropriation for the Improvement ot Galveston harbor Aransas Pass and otner Texas harbors confirmations The following confirmations were made today Wade marshal of Northern Ohio Alex McCue assistant treasurer New Tork The Secretary ot State has decided the establishment of a United States Consular agency at Ninaimo Taccouvers Island for the benefit of American commerce which is said to be growing in that vicinity Tne President has approved the removing ot the political disabilities ot Marmadnkeof Missouri Today the desk of Senator Blddleber ger was covered with a handsome national flag ot flowers sent by the Clan naGael ot New York FAYORABJJC AND ADTSBSX WASHiMOTON Feb It Tne House Judiciary committee has taken favorable action upon Mr eers bill for the pro ttciion of iled ates officers in the In1 dian Territory in the discharge ol their duty Au adverse report has been ordered on 1 Putlans bill for the appointment ot a commission to Inquire wnat legislation is necessary to improve the administration of justice in Unte1 States conrts FAVORABLE REPORTS Washington Feb It The House committee on judiciary has agreed to a favorable report on tne direct tax 111 which has passed the Senate It was amended by the committee to as to direct the parties who have the disbursement of the money to mike payments direct to thosotn titled to them and not to attorneys or agents Severa members of the committee were desirous that the committee should inclnde in the bill a provision to retnnd the cotton tax This desire finally took the form of a motion which was voted down by a decided majority but Mr Oitea will in all probability present a minority report on the sub ct A favorable report was also determined upon the Hoar resolution to amend the constitution so as to change the icangu ration day ot the President from March to April Asnb cemmitteoot the committee on banking and currency will report to tbe lull committee with favorable recom mendations the bill au horznt the issue ol not mnrfi that 8300000000 nor less than 20000000 ot fractional currency in denominations of 5 cents 10 ceuts 25 cents and 60 cents ROOF FBLL IN Washington Feo 13 The roof of the ordinance building at the Washington navy yards fell in this morning being nnable to support the heavy weight of snow on it The damage is estimated at 330000 TEXAS POSTAL CHANGKS Special to the Gaiette Washington Feb It Rtllrnad ser vice from Longview toTatum Galveston Sabine and St Louis Billwsy twenty two miles from February 20 extend service from Tatum to Beckvllle increasing distance seven miles Mount Vernon to Peun from February 20 to embrace supply of the office ot Parley Franklin county increasing the distance two miles Route Linden to Gilloway from Feb ruary 20 unbrace supply ol therfflce of Almlra Cass county increasing the distance one and a half miles tkxai pensions Special to the Gazette Washington Feb It The following Texas pensions were Issued today Mexican survivors Lonidas Martin Dallas John Duff Brown AUanocri Jos pa Broaahesd Sin Antonio James BJ it Allen William Lard Mnbee tie Milton Bindwortb Victoria MfX lean widows Gridalda widow of Leroy Pearce Vansyckles TEXAS PATBNTS Special to the Gazotte Washing on Feb It Tho following Texas patents were issued today Walter A Crowdus and Sutton of Dallascurrent regulator for dynamo electric machines William ucCaslasd Temple washing machine jDun bar Warfleld Brownwood assignor toW Morris Sidney brace for bad st ads UST PUBLIC RBCKPTION Washington Fob It President and Mrs Cleveland this evening gave their last public reception of the season Mrs Cleveland was assisted by tbe ladies of th Cabinet The attendance was one ol the largest of tbe season C08TE3T TOE SEAT Minuter Jaiva will Ban Againit Hansom for tho gecntn to Nith Carolina Oxford Feb It A personal fritnd of Minister Jaivis says that he will In a few days oGer his resignation to the State Department and return to North Carolina to make the issue with Senator Rinsoin for a seat in the United States Senate County convrintlons have already been called and an attempt will be made by the friends of each to control the delegations Mr Jaivls friends Insist that the office he now holds was conferred at the urgent request of his state and that it was not a personal presentation of Senator Ricsom So they hold that Mr Jarvis is under no obligations to refrain from making the contest against the pres eat Sarator Mr Jarvis while Governor identified himselt wltt the material interests of his state He can make a strong fight if he is so disposed COHLllOHISEO rumination of the Suit to Break tba Will of lh Lata IV DePanw LouirviLLE Ky Feo 11 Tne snlt of Mrs Sarah Mclntosti wlto of Deputj Collector rf Intsrnal Revenue Alex Mcintosh of New Albany to break tbe will ot her father DePauw the great glass manufacturer who died last fail has been compromised Mrs Mcintosh Is to receive property worth 8200000 as nearly as can be estimated DePauw left about 10000000 in manufactories Iro works stock and real estate Oj tnis nearly 51000000 was lttttotbe DePauw Uoiveialty and 8500000 more to various charities Mrs Mc Int sh a daughter by his first wife was lets property worth not more than 20 000 and the remainder was divided between the widow and cbldren by a later marriage Mrs Mcintosh brought snlt soon after the will was probated asking for an equal divison STRUCK A ROCK Ths Antl Povity Society 8pllti an the Ap polo me1 tf KiccaUT uammltte Nkw York It Ihe Aniipoverty Suciety has struck on a rock At to nights meetlrg of the executive committee Dr McGlynn as presldentjof the society annouicsd that he had appointed the remaining members of tbe committee This was regarded as an effjrt to pack the committee in nis favor in order to stave eft possible censure ot himself for hfa great criticism ot Henry George A row ensued and the factions separated Each ot them reorganized and read the other action out ot the Iso clety 7W it rS tVd 2te YOL XIII NO 197 The Crescent City in Holiday Attire Invaded by the King of the Carnival and His Followers Ho Cowes as Iho Elng of Flowers Snr rennded by all th Kprpgrntstlvea of the FlotfYTj Kiigdom The Boyal Farads a OurRsons Aftlr The Day PTfect Tha Ulty Vrowdad to Orerflawlnic wttu vuiion THE DAY A PERFECT ONE Special to tbe Gazette New Orleans La Feb It The carnival today was Messed with the best weather New Orleans ha9 ever known on this occasion The sky was cloudless and a warm breezsblew from the gulf all day long The railroads brought in between 10000 and 12000 this morning including stveral Urge excursion parties from Omaha St Louis BostOD Viw York and Philadelphia They came In trains composed wholly ol Pdmn cawwhich were sidetracked and will fie occupied by the xcuraionlsts during their stay here The Boston New York and Phlladelphii excursion parties leave tomorrow for Texas and California While the crowd in attendance on the carnival Is probably as large as in previous years the proportion oi visitors from ihe south is much greater than usual in consiqaence of the lsrge number of veterans attending the Confederate Civalrv reunion The day was unnsmlly tree from disturbances and arrest and there was but one fatsl accident As the procession passed the corner ot Stlthard and Jickson streets it frightened a horse a tacnpd to a carriage waerein sat a lady Mrn Rjsa Simbour with her baby in her arms She sprang from it and fell shatterg her skull and spin causing instant death The New Orleans carnival was cele brated today in the presence of an audience ot fully 800000 people Irom all portions if tne country It has been usual in the past to celebrate the arrival of Rex the day beforo Mardi Gras oat he arrived too late yesterday for this and all the testivlties were therefore confined to to day For a year past the carnival societies have been preoaring fortheir display decorating their floats and tableaux and making their costumes Since tne week began the city has put on a gala holiday appearance Tne carnival colors and banners of gold purple and green hare decorated all th ouildlncs the balconieD in front cf the houses have been strengthened and fortified to support tbe large crowds which from them view the processions In the street below and the hotels and boardlflehouses have been filled to overflowing with visitors to en joy and TAKE PART IN THE FKSTIVmrB Today is a legal holiday in New Or leans when the banks public offices and most of the stores close when the city is given ever to pleasure alone and the King of the carnival holds sway From an early hour this mornlnc crowds have filled all the central thorbnebfares par ticularly Canal and Cnarles until choice seats or galleries overlooking the strtetsor stands erected for the occasion commanded a handsouc premium The morning hours were given to the promiscuous maskers and for a time Canal street looked like Sr Marks place in Venice or the Corso in ime It was a constant panorama of passing maskers some on foot many in vanB and wagons Troupes of wandering troubadours and negro minstrels discoursed music hordes ot monkeys clatcbeied Into the trees acd froge nymphs and all tho costumes most common with tho Mardi Gras mummerlesever passed to and fro Until twelvethe streets were thronged with tiese maskcrp but at a signal most of them disappeared to fall into line in the several divisions and the noise of trumpets and htrns announced the ap proach of the royal parade of Bjx It was led bv the Be 3f Gras the largest and fattest one to be found in the city with GILDED HOOPS AND HORNS and decorated with wreathes ol 11 jwera A corps of butchers in mtdeaival costumes witn naked axes walked beside the animal doomed to the Kings banquet Tceu urrounded by his guards ana warriors the various militia companies and mounted knights clad in tho armor and mail of ancient times came the King of the Carniv representing this year the king of fi jwers and surrounded by all the Dre entatives ot th flowery kingdom His throne composed of the petal ol an immense lily with a canopy of violas and roses Interwoven ovtroead rose from a garden tilled wi beds of pblux verbena and other plants flitting among which were gigantic ontterdies of gaudy cniors driven by the flawermaldens Sutfliwer Daley Wild Rose Peachblossom Hyacinth and others clad only in the leaves these several flowers Tne King woie a wreath of flowers Instead of a crown and waved as wand and sceptre a 1 ly stalk Tne second ia Ian hiweri the Queen are the Save Continued on Fifth Paae SLIT lave sldSi the yearti paatalx the best fvr neft 0i mons Liver It will cure all cl4ea es utftiliv raairement of the Uver Kidney a KStomach EFFECTUAL SPECtiQ orao By lerplnjcSu vlo uS 2le iiwavite ana xccepuui ana Sy 0nnot a JnarQ wfcL ve Kejtnlator for mer Pronocnee It iniJr 0O0r health was ih a iintoSSiS toR Irom a very bad Sator a SSS OjtptpiU uted the Beit vo i Taf 11 ce to sm that JraMlU VSlMn DI 08a ned from til Mar5mf i OI Traae Marroa front of Erapp aid on tno ldit aeal and Uaar ar jfttziii4 Co ILL a fV.

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