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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 4

Fort Worth, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I in li or ot iiproliiuili i and In it thu AHKitlpnal power of a Slrtfhl uulnejily ntted tu rtf jteiti rotes of tins iiattire utM4 Jklwcca was olber atid tikMUi i Taken ki ON WALL STREET The SWusk Market Was AilcrwUlrclr Str Dall 1 Weak Wool Receipts ntid Sales Yest nlnj 8 I JUIlwnjr Hoiuls Only Fractional flntus Jtojmrteil IVlmnt Unsettled TBXA8 HAILWAl IIONIM fipelltotne liizotuj Nkw Yohk Feb 12 The following railway bonds wcro disposed of todayi 10000 Missouri Kansas Texas general fltfnt 80 10000 do ntJfllt 23000 511s riourl Kansas Tews general Cm ot 13 10000 Missouri Kansas Texas coupon 7 at 11B1 C000 Texas FacMa IstltloGrando division coupons off at 531 80000 do at 58 6000 do at Cii 15 O0O do 18 at 6000 do at 621 28 O00UofltC3 10000 Oalvoston ItarrlO burg A San Antonio ts nt 01 10000 Onlf Coloindo Santa Fo 2s nt UCJi 80000 Missouri Pacific coupons at 115j 12000 Gulf Colorado Santa Fo gold 0BAt 07 6000 do at 0C1 10000 do nt Mi 10000 Oulf Colorado ASautft to ls nt 2i 1000 Houston Texas Central ls main line coupons off at tor 000 do at 10H 15000 Wabash Chicago division at 871 iOOO do at 80Jj 10000 Oulf Colorado Santa Fo 2a at 0CJ 7000 Texas laclflc Itlo Grande division oxcoupon at 5I5 10000 do 6 at 62 flOOO do at 58 1000 Texas Now Orleans Sublno division at 103 117000 Gulf Colorado SaUlu Fo2s ntofli 1000 Gulf Colotado Santa lc 1 at 1221 6000 Houston Texas Central general mortgage nt 67i 0000 Now Orleans Texas coupons ut lO 000 Kuiteas Texas general mort ato nt 03J i 8000 Kansas Texas ls at 116 1000 Texas 1aclllc lllo Gtamlo division cx coupon at62j 20000 do at 621 18000 do at S3 6000 do Gs at 621 02000 do at 53 15000 Gulf Colorado Sutn lo 2 at 00 Oil opened ut 7 and closed at iJ Wheat advanced aud fluctuated Cotton rose from 2 to 6 points OOVKIWMKVrS STOCKS ANII IIOSDS Nkw Yonic Feb 12 Government I bonds very strong The total sales of railway bonds today wcio 63112000 Prices wore strongbut thu gains In most eates were fractional except in tho early morning Stock were alternately strong dull amtrweak Tho opening prices snowed advances for most of tho net ho stocks ranging from to 1 latter Delaware Hudson Lackawana was up aud Louisville Nashville i Immediately after the opening the muikct became weak aud decllntd a fraction to oerl percent Dining tho afternoon the active stocks that yielded more than 1 per cent were Lackawana Delaware Hudson LakeShore Missouri 1aclllc Northern 1aclllc preferred and Union Tactile Tho lowest prices about noon were followed by small rally then dull licuv market until alter 1 oclock when there was sudden rlsu In coal stocks and I rlo later followed by a low decline and npurt ol activity In tho last fifteen minutes curving prices In many cases to tho best figure ol tho day The market closed strong Tho total business Was 103025 shirc ltiivirswov im vvooimaiimi bpeeia tu Ibe liauittc BoSiOtf MSH Feb 12 Tho wool market has been rjulnt Ttiu situation li somewhat unsettled and unsatisfactory onlug to tho condition of tho goods on tho markctrnnd tho labor troubles 1rlcos are ileady but lino fleeces owing to tho competition from fieo lmpurtatioiiH of Montovidlo and Australian wools arc less llrm and sales In other ninrkots have been undent lower prices There has been annuo pressure to dispose of theao wools hero to olosu up accounts There has also licfcn similar pressure to sell old lots ol California uptlng but wo hear of no largo Jules resulting There la somu In qulryforNo 1 combing and tho ofloilng is not large Fuw desirable tcirltory Wools aro offering Helling prices of Texas grades Tomis fiprlnjftraodlum twovo mouths 2t to 2 oj Texas spring line 22 to 2lo Texas spring line six to eight inonths 18 to 2 Texas spring middling six to eight months 10 to aie Texas fall line 10 to 21c Texas fall middling 17 to 22c The total receipts of wool at this port during the past week comprise 4200 bales domestic and 1186 bales foretell Tho total receipts Mnco January 118un comprise 27131 bales domestic and 8008 bales foreign against 2 60l bales domestic and 203 bales foreign for tho corresponding period of lass The sales for tho week eompilsu 1020000 pounds foi tho two unions im touts iotion btatkmi si Niv Yokk Feb 12 Tho Post says cotton luturodollvorleH nt tlistcall lost 3100 and nn additional 1100 soon alter then began an advance which carried prices i to 0100 beyond yesterdays olpslug and the third call sales made eonllrm tho advance Futures closed steady at 4 to 0100 higher than yesterday OOLH HIIIlJU NT TO liVHOPK Niiw Vouk Fob 12 Seven hnndicd ami tlilrtyrolght thousand dollais In gold bus been engaged for shipment tomor low to Kurope NiV OULKANS MARkUT Itlev CoOit Sueur anil liilii OlnrKet iidlnl to tbo Oniultil NnvOriLKNBU Feb 12 Illcoqulet and unchanged Oofteo steady ut former prices Sugar steady open kettle cholot to 5Ju 3tohijsu dull i nm Tinware cheap nt tho 5 aud 10 cent More Gcorgo Hetr 105 Houston btreet moYTUH UmimtltUuiorii1 Court Tlcltlu Wmilril VVlo Cuuuly running llvftlitf in blficliUo thu Uuottc Dicjtoi Tkx Fob 12 The commissioners court Is quite busy appoint lug road overseers opeulng new roads and eceurlng repotts ot couuty olllcers pivpaMtorjtodlstrlet court whlcli meets hero Monday February 15 with thu heav iest civil docket ever known to Wise voiinty together with six murder cases to tiv rutlier Benson has been with us two nights and dispensed Ida tvvcuty years ktiowlcdgoof niiruukards life uml his worfcFlltecu Years In Hell HewasRrvot wltUcrpwdcd homes herd ami carried i make tliN KlniiiK Midi tittjqiy Pivctai liffalr ile rve to imvo thi ifforlc crowned with tho lilghert micco it xtHloted that totllght fi very laigo ss Miihlago of tho elitCJ of ti city wll trraco the hall wlththxtrnreatfiice as thero wllland ho can rest wsured ol at crwfd ed home whenever be will visit DtcMur Now It wo can got 8 Jones Jo iomo over from Dallas ami give us a round upon tho nrmclntcb we will bo happy awlillo rarmltig Is beginning in earnest In wise county now A larger acreage of cotton will bo planted than ecr before In consequence of the lo to tho wheat crop The mad Henry Tickle whom your Waco correspondent reporta as being shot nt Waco on the 10th Is also wanted badly In Wise county for too much familiarity with other mens horses He was in jail hero onco and broke jail when Slclntlre did some twelve months since Tho famous Btillwells hams nt Turner AfcCIuros nfitiii Examine tho latest novelties iu silk and casslmere hats at Dahlman Bios Fresh and new spring and summer stvlea right from tho factories In tho Kast mim THJ1 SUPKCMB COUKT DutlnlniK Itrmloratlnt Hie lnl i Se Ion Special to trio latolle Gaivkstov Tkx 1ob 12 Tho su premo court today rendered decisions In the following casesi The Ueaumortt Pasture Company vs Preston Smith from Jefferson county reversed aud remanded 1 Ncal ct al vs Bartleson et al and II Uartloson ot al vs Ncal ct al from Colorado county This is suit whoro both parlies appealed Justice Slaytou delivered tho opinion reversing and remanding caso In favor of Ncal ot al Collins Douglas I Cooper from Houston county ulllrmcd II Oucken et al Charles Itlley el al from Colorado county nillrmcd Tho Gahcston llarrisburg Han Antonio Hallway vs ACauseyfrom Colorado county nfllrmcd Dorrls vs A Brown Co from Galveston county ullirmed The Gulf Colorado Santa Fo Hallway vs John McGowau from Galveston county submitted on briefs and oral ar time tits for both parties UonUiirniiK regulates the bowels corrects kidney derangements cleauses tho blood and removes fecal matter from tho stomach All complaints such as biliousness headache costlvuness Indigestion psln lit the side back or chest languldness llzlnefis sour stomach etc nru speed ily cured by this wonderful remedy Sold by Sill II II Williams a Co WACO Hobh Will Not Couto Down Until Ho ling Hccn Governor One Term Mujbo Not Then imiinent ipl i ul Dhliitu tit lronch In WiitoHUIl Aflor Ticklo fJiirloalllcH Hjicclal to IhuUazotto Waco Tkx 1obls Tlicio iscousld urabo talk hero over tho dispatches published In Tin Gauttkyesterday Insinuating that a delegation of Wacoltea had been to Austin to talk over the mattor of withdrawing Gen ltoss from tho gubcr uatoilnl canvass The Day this ovenlug publishes short Interviews with Messrs aurlcyand 15 Plgln tho only Wncoltos of iiromlncueu who have been to Austin this week Doth hoot at tho Idea of their bolng there on such a mission and Hay It Is absolutely untriio Mr Ourley says the only talis hy had about tho matter was with six prominent lawyois ot Austin who hornet In an attorneys olllco aud they told him they Intended to see that Travis county Instructs for ltoss Klglu says ho was chaffed about tho mattor by Borne ot the nertspaper men and told thorn tho minor was false Tho Day states that Gee ltoss Is In the Held will stay Iu It aud will bo out In a clearcut luteivlew within ti tow days defining his position This fact was telegraphed ou last night Tho iamlner is Indignant over the rumor and says The lliln roll leal doiljruof tpklng Uobii ilonn now UcliiB lacit liy tho Swnln inonns an noiuircU by ihu 8tulofman ami toloffrimhod to Ilia News and UAZfTtit la uunorth Ilia nmn npuneut ot uvdii tlml avtknurd enmnnlKii IlowouTtlnMvl libecm Ui bo but flUlllT 10 ilia UioiiKlit but Hobs will not conio iloun until lio lina md tbo etntu onu IcrmnsKov Irnor and ot Hint tlio swiu men may rout iicr lerllj nuurtd llmerson and Cameion tho burglais captured yestorday were arraigned be fore Justice Davis this nftoruoon on tho charge of robbery and burglary aud waived oxamiiiatlou In difault ot 81600 ot domestic ilceco ntid pu lled aud 50200011oml ea il tue vtro committed to jail pounds of foreign making tho wcoks 11 1 money found on them belug trausactlous foot up 1023000 pounds I fully Identified was retumud to tho own rtgainst 2516700 and 11141500 pounds il Iyeu anl Armstrong Tho klt0 weeks transactions burglars tools captured with tho I precious pair was complete and unique and attracted many slghtseers today HIshop Garrett ot Dallas Is expected to arrive hero Sunday and preach nost wcok HIshop Dlllott of San Antonio with buvcral piomlucnt clergymen or the dlo cese will arrive noxt Tuesday to nttcud a meeting to bo held during tho week In St Pauls church Dplbcopal Tho city today declined tho proposl lloti of the county commissioners to leaso the convict labor ot tho couuty for one year to vyoikon tho streets of tho city tho couuty jccelvlng 910 per month for each ablebodied male convict The county has no way of utilizing their con vlct labor bavo by leasing It to private parties Another sheriffs posse wuut out last bight to take unotlior hunt for Harry Tickle tho outlaw who has created bo much excttoment hero of late but have notreturncdjot The city has inado the watcrworka company a proposition to make auow contract ruunlng twcntyIlvo years and eoutcinplatlug nn extensive Increase of thu Kystem Tho proposition has not yet beeu accepted by tho water company Mlrnculmi lTUpe Heed druggist of Winchester Ind writest Quo of my customers Mrs IouUa llle llaitonli Kudolph xas btiouiu bo provided witn to the sea nod nowheiv Upi coast line of tho mate are so to be met with in ecurlng ii Pass nenison Nnws Jl nab 10 Jong iwurr i 8MK NWS DetHgs hbiI HflppenlHfcs tho Occurrences for Weal or Woo gan buying it of inu Iu six months spouial ba Oatctto time shu walked to tlilb city distance Pinsncno Tkx IVb 12 of six miles aud has now ho much improved shu has quit using it Sho feels sho owes her life to it Itco trial bottles at II Williams Co drug store 1 1 1 Wlndowbhades at thu 5 and 10 cent store George Hot IOC Houston street Gardtu did tlowers seeds on sale now oft mmijrjpf onr shekels and htnci good al Turner JL MeClure Dnj lnllierliR from Over the Stnta iior il Specially for tlio Ontotto bylll Uirn Corre ouiteut It IVnii Nolhlnff Strlon 8 PcUltolhoOa otto Pilot Point Tkx1 Feb 12 The cause of tho protest which was sent to Tins GvzrTTK last evrnlng ot Newbury Co was on account ot the date of acceptance being changed Orvrton Corrcipondcncoof thu Garotte Ovbhton Tix Feb Many ot onr farmers have tho blues On account Ot the low price of cottoti One of tho heaviest rain and thunderstorms that hasevfr visited this section was among tho features of yesterday Hope Not Special to tlio Oarcltc Miliums Tnx Fob 12 Frank Cho tor atiicmployo of tho Jefferson Lumber company of this place had tho two flrit Unguis on his left hand badly mashed this morning whllo coupling cars loaded with logs on tho Narrow Gauge railway It is to be honed that It will not necessitate having them amputated Wliltralioro Sprclat to tho Jaretlc WiiiTKsnouo Tkx Feb 12Jack Tllley Whltesboros butcher died yesterday at 4 oclock of pneumonia Hilly Walch died this morning at 3 oclock of pneumonia Mr Walch was minor and had been prospecting near this place for coal lloth men were burled at tho cemetery this afternoon Tavor who lived In tho neighborhood east of Colllnsvlllc was also burled today Kjlo Torrj ImllctvU Special to tho Onictto Houston Tkx Fob 12 Tho grand jury now In session has returned au indictment ncnlnst Kyle Terry who killed Policeman Henry Williams last Monday charging him with minder This morning his attorneys made appllca Hon for a writ of habeas corpus Judge Cook has flxed tho time for hearing tho caso next Wednesday morning Died lit Cllriou Special to the aazttto CLirrov Tkx Feb 12Qulle it Mil ness pervaded tho town this morning when the death of Mr A ONeal a young nnd highly esteemed gioceryman of this place was goncrully known Ho died of pneumonia nt 7 oclock this morning after an Illness of 1Hteen days Ho was an honest and energeticmerchant 1 good oiticn nnd a kind husband Ho loaves a young wife 11 little babe and 11 community of friends to mourn his loss lloHll Special to tho intclto Howiic Ti Feb 12 Hallroad mm ors nro thick If half the roads being talked of aro built Ubwle will rival Fort Worth In number of roads Id Iockctt of Ilatcman Bros ol Fort Worth Is In town and as Usual on his visits heiu ho has sold four cars of groceries to our morchants This shows a good business town nnd live meichanU Cotton Is still coming In Shipments to date 4100 bales on hand 700 bales A yuocr stnto or Affair Spoclal to tho Untctto JrriTimox Tex Fubvll Today II Waul assaulted llshtia Sutherland with knife cutting htm xerlously Wuul was nnosted for an assault with intent to murder and waiving a prellmlnaiy examination was released 011 a 5400 bond Siltheilund In tho meantime having mado filends with him went hls bond lloth aro strangets hcio attending federal oourt loor riillou Spnrlal to the iazctto CLAiiKSULtu Tix Fob 12 Zach Ward a joung man living two miles from town shot himself thiough tho breast with suicidal Intent last night lie had been to party and accompanied tho girl of his choice to htr holno nnd the report of his pistol was heaul before sho had fairly gotten In tho house ft Is supposed that she gave him thu mitten lie btlll lives but Is Iu very critical condition NmvCourtllouan SpeclBl to the Gazette Uiiliviili Tkx Feb 12 Tho citizens are jubilant here over the order of tho commissioners court In session to build anew com thouse which Is very greatly needed No approximated ilguics have yot been agreed upon as totho cost but it Is believed It will bo lu tlio violulty ot 950000 This It Is btronglv believed will be the advent of a big boom for llellvlllo Tlirro Uouurdly Ireniirn Special to tbo Gazette IiviiKi oTKXFeb 12 Antonio Hoyes JesiiB Farias and Cnllxto Tarda were brought Into town this evening by officers and lodged in jail Tho first is charged with seducing jouug girl thu tccotid with nssault ami tho third with shooting a twelveyearold boy It is thought mortally All done In this county Sen tlio Stntf Speclil to the Giuottc SANANroNioTKx Feb 13 Napoleon Walker a man of many aliases was convicted In tho district court tonight for horsuBtenllng and giv seven years In tho penitentiary Walker Is an escaped convict with tvvelvo years hanging oVcf his head tor the samo offento in Dallas county With this sentence ho will have nineteen years In which to Mirvctlic state and meditate on hlswlckod ways Kntertnlnmonl nt Mierimtu Special to tho Untotto Shkkman Tkx Fcb12 The mllltaiy minstrels entunalnment was well received tonight nutt tho participants were so frequently applauded that several acts wore cucored beforo qulot could bo jestored Tho play was a grand micccm financially At tho close 01 the play the military company gavo a hop nt the Itlnkloy house In honor ot their visiting friends ot the Dallas Light Guards nnd couuty Ind was long sufferer with this iimuseinent was continued until they consumption and was glv uu ii to die by I departed on tho JiJ5 train for home her physicians 8ho heard ot Dr Kings Now Discovery for Consumption and bo1 inner will reel Hurt Consldera bio Interest has beeu manifested hero to day over tho Farmers alllrncomovcment Mr II Hnllng ot Collin county mado a long speech at tho courthouse beforo noou explaining tho object nnd intentions ot the association In tus bpcech be said that thu laboring class ot people had suffered at the hands ot tho moneyed class and that when tho poor class ot peopio tmppoUttt and elected Cloveland than wboli yon began Mt tbo Tggs vWilpptitirght the mlk at last Uie flour Stir well put fl ho nilslns dredged thickly hid eat wh minutes upward kom hailow esrd orIn patl pans pleSde tvtbey expected blui to bo the protector of tho poor classes but ho had not done It He is no more than a He publican Seven lodges with the one orgaulred hero today have been organized in Camp county wlilchhave been joined by soma of tbo largest and beet farmers In tho county To lllilo Hlinmo Special to tbo Uaiette llnovvNwt ot Tkx Feb 12 Yesterday afternoon young baby which Was evidently born the night before was fonrd dead In tho lot of Mj Ilinkln where It had been thrown the night before The child was wrapped In an old piece of calico and was found by two children who were playing In tho yard A Jury of inquest lias been at work nil day on tho case but has as yet rendered 110 verdict Tbo childs head was crushed and a leg broken when It was found MrOrefior Special to tho Garotte McGhkooii Tkx Feb 12 Tho corner stono has been laid and tho frame for tho new Baptist church Is rapidly being raised When completed It will bo the most Imposing structure In tho city It will bo furnished In modern style with a capacity of seating 300 people Airs James Koyer the Inimitable friend of the young folks wlllglvon nrnnd Valentino reception nt her residence Saturday evening Tho weather is One and preparations aro making to plant tho largest acreage ever beforo cultivated in this precinct Court lit Denton Spoclal to tho Gazette DrNTONTnx Feb 12 Gcorgo Green convicted of burglary was today sentenced to two years confinement In tho penitentiary appealed Beit Atterberry theft ot horse tlvo years appealed John Sutton assault with intent to 10b granted a now trial bond at 8600 The evening has been spent In nrgu ment for a new trial in tho Freeman case The judge reserved his opinion till morning The commissionerscourt Is In session and has appolntnl a new set of road ovcr becra for tho county A Itcacuo Veined Special to tho Gazette Wills Point Tkx Fob 12 Tho sherff of Tims county was hero today after one Bill Boyd who Is in jail charged with disposing of a stolon horse of Mr Mellon living In tho southern part of tho county at whoso instance he was arrested aud committed last Monday He was brought to this city Tuesday for an examining tilal aud has glvon our ofllccrs considerable trouble a heavy guard being required to rctalu blm In custody For want of material witnesses ho was recommitted to jail nt Canton A young goutlomau who accompanied the sheriff from Titus recognized Boyd us ono Glllllau au old depcrado aud leader ol nn organled gang ot horso thieves who has through tho connivance of klu drcd bulrita escaped jail uo less than seven times Sheriff Meredith lefused to surrender tho pilsoner until the chaigo hero was snllsiled He Is reported to be a man of wealth and Influence A rescuo Is fctucd Ilonnnl OIlOIIIl lloycott Special totho Gazette PaiK8iink Tkx Feb 12 The follow ing printed notice was circulated In Palestine today 1 Notice to tho Public Tho Howard Oil company nt Pulestluo have locked out all the Kulghts of Labor from their works and refuse to entertain arbl ation about the mattor Therefore the Knights of Labor of this city iespectflly request every lover and frlond of lieo labor to glvo the Howard Oil compau at Palestine uwldobeith until tho matter If llnally settled By order of tho executive board of assemblies No 3711 and J7I6 With ouo of the circulars lu hand yourreoorter called ntthu ofilce of Mr It Catluirt superintendent of the oil works who In reply to that part of tho circular which bays that tho company had locked out all Kulghts ot labor from their woiks pionouuced tho statement as unqualifiedly false Ho says when a man applies to him forwoik tho applicant Is never asked whether ho belongs to tho Kulghts of Labor or any other organization aud that no discrim ination has over been against laborers on that account within the last two vears Knights of Labor ltavo approached him for work and he has always told them to como along and 10 would glvo them cm plojmcnt but uono of them came Iu tho meantime the works remain closed and Mr Cathcart says tho situation suits the company veiy well at this particular time and vvhenovcr they want to btart tho uinchitioiy they will have 110 trouble In iloln so PARIS Mna Hie Santa Vo llouglit tlio Muralittll Pnrlit Ss Korthuentern Hjicclnl to tbo Gazotlo JA TBXFciji2itlatdduy ibo fanta 10 olllclale that If Paris falls to ral 3000 tho Yctiulred amount that tbo rotd will then bo built to HonoyGror nnd on 10 lied river and mcotthoKrlcotliiro And In caso 1 does wo predict tbut It will ko a Sherman out of 1 aria and nunc another lltilo Denlsou on Hod river bo It tho IarM people will wako up to tholr of nonso they cant afford to let tho Sonta 10 go around tbora A commtltco was nt workyetcrUuyovcnlngrecclvliijfiubacrlptl us ai 1111 1 luml 1 about 4125110 uPl Ma PWHKwe to commence work In thirty doj after tho coutmct Binned nnd thu SJS 540UU t0 wlcn ho srndlnj Is commenced iu limnr couuty and thirty a altor that JMOU inoro and ilr tlojs after that JSO0O more nnd tho other JNf000 tobo paid when tho train ar running botwoon Paris and Uallar A few other ro maris woru mudo by sovcrat of tboKcntlcmcn and tbo racctluff adjourned il tonlshl TttiUona ad alleu mcctlnent ha vlow toreor Canlzlnir tbo lodge hero Only fowbcInK prcsenin small amount or buslncisvvnsnt tended to lTio minutes of tholr last cthiB woiu rend and approved A onimlttoo on 111 JlFi Holotfoto meetrcportod that tho library ball could bo secured by piyl 1 a 111011 li rent durlnR tlio winter inonib vvhllo ood lia to bo farnllicd and thatft could bo bad hcapcr In ihe summer Mill uima notion tontlnuis to eoi In Paris tank 11111 manaucif nt thu Texas lHiiresB company and lady to llonbamlblsu or nine larsliall Paris iVd superintendent of tlio A Nortlmoitern Itallitar com laaycjmolnfrom Marshall vestorday ovon Ininud ibis mornlns ho went out pn tWend ot the lino Tin lUiirmt correspondent had a short talk with MrUoyd at tbotlepo this mornlns a ho was Martins back to Marshall Ilo a Ibpro Is about ten miles ffrailed on this CLC lnJn Ivo In not naylns tbolr subscriptions and that tVou tl road vyonld bo pushed rlsut hrotlih Si flSn nnU ho tIcoTresl dent of tbo osd Is a Now ork iiow after money to go on with tbo work at hovrvvliMI er tbpoopt beropav or not lie mado an Its se jmoit of 0 miles today Mr LloyuI sivs bo will fo to ialvestnn Monday at tbo request of llioBantareoibclilsand Ve losrn ironfout lla SS rC0 h0 tlolr Colorado A SataKo has cllhcr bought or consolidated with tba Marshall Paris Ixortliwislcin lalk Stock Yard Augiy Hereford and whorthom bulls CljW lJiO Wrss Miss IMxIe wIlt lntr lV i Zr SPEING ELOOBS Tho Arkansas at Fort Smith onaBeem WMck Stops Traffic WflShlng ou Thrcntcncd Tlio Oorgo In thu DUnnUalppI nt Si Lout Ilalilnllll Trc Mont81111b Ollie 111111 linnince nAKoctt or a rioon pedal to tho Oarottc FoitT SMirii Auk Fob 12 The Arkansas river ut this point has risen four feet since yesterday and Is still rising though very slowly It Is filled with floating Ice rendering thu running of ferry boats impossible Several parties who camo over from the Cherokee nation In skiffs this morning leaving their horses tied to trees on tho other side aro uuablo to get back to their stock It will be impossible to transfer trains tonight on tho Valley route nt Van Huron Notwithstanding tho rise tho water is still considerably below the danger lino as tho river has been very low but the danger of nn overllow is yot quite Imminent as the ice aud snow have hardly begun to molt at any great distance above TUB CAPITA THItKATKNKI Wa8iiinutoVi Feb 12 A disastrous flood is feared hero There aro two lco gorges above tho city and ono below The Potomac la rising rapidly und it Is raining hard all along tho line filer1 chants In thu lower part of tho city arc removing their goods to places ot safety TIUiNTUV IffiDKK VVATKtt TitKvrov Feb 12 Tho rains of the past few days have caused tho lco iu tho Delaware river to break at Yaidley vllle Pa and tho lower portlonof Trenton Is submerged On Fair and Hrldgo streets tho water Is oven wlta tho second stories ot tho houses aud tho occupants have sought safety on tho upper floors Tho bridges across tho Assanplna have been carried away Thodamago to fuinl tnro residences and mills will be very heavy Tiavelon tho Pennsylvania railway bcowcen hero and Now York Is suspended Locomotives have been run on to tho bridges in order to prevent their being swept away Tho residents paddlo tho streets In boats In the vicinity of Washington aud Taylor Btrcets Such flood has not been experienced heie sluce 1R57 icis nonou in tiii HciivyuiiLt Hbaihno Pa Feb 12 Tho Schuyl kill river nt this point Is ten feet above lowwater mark and Is still rising nt the rate ot six luches an hour An Immense lco gorge formed about midnight at Shoe makcrvillc fifteen miles north of hcio Large blocks ot Ice wcro piled many feet lil The Water lco was piled on the adjoining lowlauds sweeping away tries fences and small outbuildings nnd flooding many farmhouses Tho gorge broke away this foicnoon leaving a vast stretch of country a great field of ice Tho river below Heading is twelve feet above lowvv ater mark At Leesport a dangerous gorge formed but a channel was opened aud the lco moved nvvay Mount Laurel a stream emptying Into tho Schuylkill was never higher than now IIIK SITUATION AT ST LOUIS St Loins Mo Feb 12 Tho gorge in tho river hero still holds fast although tho water continues to rise The morcuiy sunk below the freezing point last night which lightened tho lco some but tho temperature moderated again today and a breakup is expected at any moment About 1 oclock this evening a largo cake of ico bioke loose on the cast side of tho river and following the currentwhich has set across tho ilver from that sldo to tho Missouil shore it struck tho steamer City of Vicksburg lying at tho foot ot Chcsnut street and knocked a hole in her sldo but her pumps have kept her afloat und efforts aro making to stop tho leak Passing on tho Ico struck bargo No 40 ot tho Mississippi Valley Transportation company and sunk her It nleo pushed tho llttlo steamer Gen Mcado twenty feet up tho river bank and pushed tho towboat A Baker and two coal Hats out on tho shore but they ran probably be got Into the water again The largo wharfboat of the Mississippi Valley Transportation company which was stove yesterday sank today and two htcam Arcengines have been sent down to pump her out If possible They are now at woik on her T10 condition of things In tho harbor Is qnlto critical nnd considerable apprehension it felt ninoug steamboat owners that a good deal of damage will bo done when tho gorgo gives way and the ice commences to move All tho steamers anil other crnfts have up steam ready to take any posslblo advantage that offers when the gorge lets go nnd all other property In tho harbor is being caicf nlly watched KLOOnitl AWAY IHiLADKUiiiA Pa Feb 12The rain pfycatcrday and today caused a big rise In the Schuylkill above Fairmont and several mills aro Hooded Large quanti ties of lumber and several canal boats and scows wcro carried down and out Into Delaware bay Kupturc ladlcally cuied also pile tumots aud fistula Pamphlet of partlculuiH 10 cents In stamps Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Uuffnlo BAIItl Tlio KnlBhtH jMhor nt Work for Jhe IIoycottIllB Mnslncss Special to tho tlazcltc of Knights of Labor ilvo in number headed by Mr Jeff Tompkins wait on the business men of tho city yestorday evening and succeeded lu getting the ell vUo kcrt four citizens who were not disposed to thih tU0 CO CO I the boycott or qJ Il0ry llne cmax tobacco fac lr ltQbei tson signed tho pctl on by tho Knights allovviu hlni tho comI1 ii l0 0d thcn h0 W0lW boy Thn tar i ll nW ha them S1 3 wh0 tatM imtrnn sign the petition did io because thoy thought it upon that liberty al owed him bv our govcrnincnl None of tho four would have felt any material change In their business by signing Uw potltTon Lt as understand retuaSl It as a uat of cold wlJT1 scs 8eeS to bo SVnnnan carn tbo roa1 made nearly 6100000 the mouth just ended more S0 urK January ol 1S85 There loaded one full jraln ot sixteen caw1 an wlthpottoi paused here ihis morning for inllls VpnbW xioo Th wl coKeVToJ Wil PebruaVgJ8 Visit a town IV lWj one that Is iLi Prises i sec for jottWlluSf kind is on tho always to the next move mtooi forvvhlchthecUvilfeUii the city Ins with paufadiv th the leadingrn03 i Dougherty stock of i2 by tho Abilene KiUcJB nkandvvlltdobnXsr Thohonso fomieriT Dougherty wWSH oro Mr AM nent merchant of thj Special to the aaw 1 pr Haniia Is tmttit paint on hi drug ffi Improves tho loolioiV very much WK 3T Jrac Pafiu fiir Gober lato oi UjZ ban Ithomo stock of has bee Mate Iosh2l i Special to the Gazette DkCitijii Tux Fcb1 23 and may not Uhomels now InNevvYort ftcompromlscanilKiier1 that he ami Mr 0 Can the busluess consolulatloglg vV I I Sold Umler Ui iJ Spcclalto tho Gazette A1111KVK Tkx Feb lVD smith stock of groceries ImwL ary 3 by United btatcs Msjfisll In favor of HBCIaOlcUtJ ork was sold today bvtlitvjJ marshal Tho sale was nufctl for 10j0 A Cotton llrm Tlfl LivKitpoor Feb lSHlis that a largo llrm engaged A trade in this city has failed AiltlcetoMotsNi 3Ira Wlnslows Soothing Sw always bo used for children tit soothes tho child toltcm ays till pain cures windcolkJ best lemedy for diarrhea Xa bottle THE PIKE KECOftt1 Almost Humeri tfpccialtotho hatiitic Pilot PoinT TkxPel fa of Dr Iirown Btin biuucd this morning Sheivmm front of tho flrcplact atrl what exhausted from low Ol 1 tending to tho sick in her I fell into a sound slctp Asputf Was thrown out aud lighted quilt with which she soon incienscd to a blaze 4 sumed tho wiapplngs rh 9iS was aroused and quickly fire with blankets thu wrir from a horrible death Stej some Injury but will rkover DnelltiiRllonss Btrttl Special to the Gazette Paris Tkx Feb llAbo afternoon It was discovered house occupied by JIflJ CaopM corner of Grand nnd TrarlJ ttW on fire TIip alarm was soon la tho peopio turned out lagresls tho fccouo of the lire The a story and a half framehow or six rooms aud belonged Murray It was Insured for lHna company Oi Hartford tw contents of the house saved InscwtMA was fumlture Tho loes irlll 1200 Almost 1aak Special to tlio Gazette SiiKiiMvN Tbx Feb 11 about liSO oclock an alarm sdunded from tho resldcne Banks or West Tones atreet slstauco could come the hoa lyall Its contents was coaMf Hanks was at his place oPja his family wcro at trcoperajr tho fire started Is only a conj loss is probably 82500 near creating a panic at tie which was packed to wltacft minstrel entertainment Tlio Losses nt Brnlw Corrosponilcnco of tho Gatettev TMi PlSKCKKSltlDCK broko out last night lu tl resulting In tho burningot tel Webbs bardwjrtJ Pros furniture andwr occupied byGarnorBmiP ner Bros saved moit Webb and Vcalc BroSfiM They did not savuatMofr Insurance Angostura Bitters is knoj regulator ot the digestive tho world Jlaveit 7Lt your grocer or druggist urtlclc manufactured 0 wTj Sons a cjiwf lied rasiibcrrics Turner JIcClufo8 novelties Braml now summer ISSGln stiff hsw Dahlman Bros ThcvttK and esamluo Iliuel fj 4 ltound Itock and manufacture whito Hm sllct quality Orders i etc address 51ABTP Konud Itock Tex For sale by GW VpitfWorth tei THEg 1 Ki.

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