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Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas • Page 4

Fort Worth, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I Si II Nfr II W1 iM Qtf WALL STREET Yculctdajti 8alc of Jtnltira iJonds Slotks Develop Marked 1 ward Tcndencr Humor nWarrlki Nnliro lVom tli KiHAfl cltlxiVVliriitMr rkrtritir inuiloniiiviiie TBXAfl JU11MAV tlOVMS Special to the UatoHc jtf YoKKKet 8 TlieraUwayaecurt ties 61d today Included JOoOFort Worth 4 Denver City la at 8741 JOOO do at 88 1000 do at 881s C000 flu fcCMottilo Baiita io sold WIj O00COn II Colorado SautaFel at 120 1000 do at Willi V000 Houston 4 cntral lS main line coupon off at 184 ip Texas Pacific Income land grants at 40j 10000 Texas lacllle Is lllo Grando division coupons off at 514 5000 dontGtJ 000 Uo at OSt 13000 do at BSl i 000 do at 554 13000 Fort Worth ADcnvorCttylsatSStaooO Houston Texas Central mortgage at to i 5000 Missouri Kansas 6 Texas general 0h at 781 i tOCO do at 76t 10000 Missouri Kansas Texas general Cs at 024 i 000 Port Worth Denver City lfl at 881B00O Knii sas Texas general mortgage at SDOO Missouri 1aclllc coupons at 1104 1000 do at 1101 2000 Texas 1iclilc Incomes at 41 6000 Texas Pacific coupon of 1901 at 71 15000 Texas 1a clllc Klo Orando division excoupon at S4 6000 Texas Now Orleans Sabine til vision at lOJAi 000 Tort Worth Den vorCHy ls at 80 000 do at 881 000 Kansas Texas general mortgage at 0 4l 7000 lort Worth ft Denver City ls at SSlj 20000 do at 884 100O do at bJ 6000 ICansns Texas general mortgage at 924 i 5000 Gull Colorado i Santa loot 28 at I24j 6000 Texas Pantile Incomes at 111 1000 Texas ti Paelflo Klo Grande division excoupon at 5fi 2000 Texas New Orleans Sabine division atl624 15000 Tok ns Pacific Incomes at 41 4000 Missouri laclilo coupons at 112 Wheat opened about the closing prices of Saturday night and was quite strong for tho first few minutes selling up i to Tho market was then dull and weak until near tho close when prices advanced on rumors ol a warlike nature Irom tho Fast The cash market was cry flat and only 0000 bushels were reported for export Cotton declined Irom a to 5 points after the opening prices Oil Opened at 824 and remained unsteady during the day with no significant change up or down nOVilRSMKVrft WtWK axi itoxos Niw YoiuiFcb 8 Oov eminent bonds julet but strong ltallroad bond active with sales widely distributed lrlc a generally higher stocki1 were active and strong all day Tho propo ed reorganization ol Heading and with It the settlement of 4hc trunk lino troubles furnished the chief ele ment of strongth In the general market At the opening prices were generally tc i tower except tho coal slocks which wuru fractionally higher The only dull period during the day Was between II and 13 oclock There was a lull tor a short period at two oi three other times durlug the day Hut the market closed active and stioug at or near the highest figures of the lav and wliheAinaof fractious ot a per cent the latter Delaware Hudson which sold ns high as 1004 and closed 1001 Lackawanna whoso llrst figure was tho liestof the day is up 4 Jeuev Ccu trnl cloveloped very decided strength In the lust hour ond closed with a gain of a Nearly every thing on tho list Is higher Imlihe udvancos for the other active stocks uro for fractions to 18ruko Shoio fchowlMtft ain of tho latter amount while Voik Central Is tip Among tho Kraugars Northwestern gained 11 St Paul and Omaha lj tho preferred 1 Iaclawauna contributed luaoo chares the next most native stocki being inko Shore St 1aul Northwestern and Krlo In the order named NKwonrKiNH uwihin Special to tho aazotto NutV Oituuxe Peb aSugar steady molasses weak Sugar Openkettle ehokcG to 5 UtCcj strictly prime 41 to 4 11 Uo prime 4a fullytalr41to ilalfioi fair oio to i 0 common I to 44os Inferior 2 to 24c CflutrlfUBaN choice white Hi to iitdut choice yellow Cos prime yellow aloioiTjellow clc seconds It to 54c Molasses Openkettle strictly prime to 870 good prime 10 to HSct prime ill to 2io good fair 22 to 21c fair 20 to 22c i gool common 10c Centrifugals 1rlmc 21 to 25o fair 18 to 20c common lit to liic Our local refineries quote us follows for round lots add I cent higher for small lotsCut Cut loaf No 7 powdered iat 71 Maudirtl granulated fi 01U to ti con fectioners A ti 7U1 lo flji standard A jU Coffee steady cargoes prime 91 good fair S4t oidluary 7h common ujt job bin 4 higher liimii Starch For a cents per pound at the Fort Worth irocer companys WN i i i The Kuverest chemical test show the purity and uillcnoy ot lted Star Cough Cure fcMiuHin i gfr mm Fresh vacclno virus tecelvcd dally at Welts drug stores POi Houston nud Fifteenth and Houston I ML i i lllllSlt010 A fliy Unit lulln Unite lltuamit iiU rllitumtnt Tlie trlc HpottlallotboUatelle Htusuoiut Tux eb 8U tbo last meeting ot the city council a resolution was oftvud and granted to bidhl a town hall costing 910000 not Including architects fees This hall to bo made of brick and will bo used also for free School purposes to havo a capacity ot seating tiottoss tliamoo pupjls There was a Utile squabbj the mayors eotitt this morning between City Attorney Jones and Marshal Johnson So farn wnnroablo lo learn however not much harm was doue A fpeclal train northbotind pa cd over the Missouri Paeltlo railroad this morning buarlng tho railroad oulclals I ltarteij au HerrluantlT Hay tJulio a pleasant party was ulvcu to Mr illugton and hts bride at the residence Dr WUUam IWud ou night before last Thoso wbo were torttwata enough to he present will Ion Tcinembcr tbo occaMou as a raost enjoyable one Two dramatic companies have cnRa0 mcnlf in HtlUboro this weeks lccfc Bad Hoy tonight and tbo Clifford company Friday and Saturday nlghta One hundred tons choice baled hay at Talbot Want Co a JiEMSOV lnllirr UoTi tlJi31nrtlHO er tlimnnnr Couple Sommom St cell to tlio Gatctte DKvtSos Tkx Teb 8C Sandlfer and William Uartctt came lb from rlano yesterday accompanied by Miss Campbell Thoy took a Hying trip to the Nation MAltSHVLli dlfcr and wlfo Piano Tex Tub Ovkttk Wishes them ft long Wo of happiness A Daffon trainmaster on the Houston Texas Central Is In the city The many friends ol Miss Julia Scott here in Dcnlson Will regret to learn of her lllnosi with pneumonia at her father rcsldencSlu Sherman AI Williams foreman in the car department lor tho Houston Texas Central was summoned to Houston to attend tho fnueral of his brother Henry Williams who was shot and killed this morning in Houston by ono Kyle ONESIDED Ulicii the Stockmen Call for Hungers Subdue llio Jinn with the Hoc They Arc Quickly Sent Wlioii Cdltte Huron Illegally le aM llon uf Acre tho CJmeruor Iltndu th llnliy Act 8iecltt tothecaetio Avails Trx Ieb 8 Tho chlcl matter of Interest In the departments today was tho application Irom HUnnels county forraugers to keep rtown disturbances there during the approaching session of tho district court The governor today received letters from prominent stockmen of Concho county calling attention to depredations In tho way of fence cutting and Uiata number ot persons who had been indicted for the offense would bo tried at Jtunnols court and that there was a necessity lor tho presence of rangers Gov Ireland referred the matter to AdltOcn King and In his absence Capt Sllker acting adjutant general has ordered a dotachmont of rangers now In Concho county to go to ltunnels A few nights ago six miles were destroyed Following Is an explanation of the report that two negroes were drawing cteran pensions from the state government on account of services In the Texas war of Independence Somo time In tho year 1881 four applications for veteran certificates were received by tho board from veterans of Brazoria county The board with Col Vrauk Johnson us chairman considered them but not being satisfied thoy were tiled away to await further noof In the meantime tho capltol was dcntioyedby Ire and among its contents all the papois pertaining to the board of veterans and last fall through an attorney ol Hraorla comity the former applications wero re uowed und at the last session ol the ct eran uoaid were favorably acted on and CouimlHsloner Walsh subsequently issued tho land certificates required by law and turned them over to Stewart Hablcht who had powor of attorney lo sell and remit the pioeccdx to the attorney hi Urazorla county Now It turns out that the applicants are colored men and It Is bulletrd thoy nio finiuls as the olllclnl records show that only two colored men bore arms In tho Texan anny and they havo Ion since received their ceitlflcates and one of them now draws his pension regularly every quarter while the other has been dead somo yearn Commissioner Walsh will probably Institute proceeding to declare the ceitlflcates null and void or take stops to have the patriotic applicants Indicted for porjury it they do not bring some very strong evidence to show that thoy really wore soldiers nud boro arms in tho war ot Texas Independence rnslt vacclno virus received dally at Wells drug stoics 60 Houston and Fifteenth and Houstou A HilKlitur May Imwnlnpr lror lliu Oily In torentlnsKnllriintl Ne special Id tho Clatctta Maiisiivu Trx Feb 8 A white man ol tv truiupy appearance was caught In 11 Lanes grocery stoic last night He refuses to givo his namcbut says ho halls from Memphis Mr Charllo Thorn has been appointed division superintendent of the New Or leans division vlco Ii Magce re signed Dalley late of lllo Grande division has been appointed general road master ot tho Now Means division with head quartets at Uoyce Ja Daveys resignationas division roadmaster of the New Orleans division takes effect March 1 Mike McDonough an old Texas 1a clllc man but late ot Waco has been hero bovcral days and his friends hope to see him located hero again soon Ills Wlfo nrrlvod from Waco yesterday PIvo engines and crows horetofoic stopping at longvlew wore sent hero Saturday The orassmoldlng department of tho Texas Iuclftc has bceu brought back hero horn Palestine Miss Claude llaker of Carthago Is visiting Miss Hello lloqucmore Tho Misses Pennlngtoni of Dakota territory aro visiting Mrs A lgln TomClawson also nn old Texas laclilo nau is in town Tho appointment ot old Texas laclilo men and tho gradual bringing back of such things as engines train cruvvs brass department etc together with tho MarShall CarWheel and Foundry company having been awarded tho carwheel and soltcastlugs contracts havo tended to put everybody In a better humor and all aro of thu opinion that thoro Is a better daycomlug Xedernl court meets at Jefferson today nud soveral of our leadlug attorneys aro over there One hundred tons choice baled bay at Talbot Want a aIW IW Fresh Alfalfa seed justrecehvd by Uio WA Huflinan Implement CO THE HiTIONAl CAPITAL Undo Sam Will Have to Fight to Secure a Clear Title to the Fort Brown Reservation A Hill To Uo Ileportcil Favorably for Si 000 rnbllo JliiUdingnt Houston Tex A emfoiifr iiik In lilt lteilKiintli An Opponrnt to Kc Cnn lnlir lnt Cniuuiercn Hill Washington Note Bpevljl lo tho Uatctte Washington Feb 8 The attorney general has notified the secretary of war that the title to Fort lirovvu reservation in Texas Is clouded and that it will bo difficult for tho United States to acquire a good and Rufllclent title Congress at tho last session made an appropriation of 100000 to enable tho secretary of war to acquire a valid title to this property and pay all claims for use and occupancy ot It by tho United States It is likely that tho question will bo referred to tho court of claims The secretary of tho Interior has received tho following rather curious letter from a man now on tho pension roll For good ami sulllcleut reasons I here tender my resignation as a pcnsloucr of the bounty of tho United Htates government Tho programme for this week In the house suggests that pension sliver and FIU John 1orter will each receive a liberal share of attention In the senate The educational and bankruptcy bills arc llkoly to take up considerable time Senator ilntt will endeavor to presi the admission ot Washington territory Tho secretary of war has decided that he has no authority to Interfero with or regulate the construction ot the stone arch bridge over tho Mississippi at Minneapolis It Is thought thai about twentylive naval cadets will bo bilged this year the largest number as usual comtug out oi tho fourth class The failures In tho second and third classes this year wore very few as compared with former examinations All of tho ilrst class aro bcliuved to havo passed successfully Mr Stahlman vicepresident ot tho Louisville Nashvlllo railway appeared before the commorcu committee today in opposition to tho ltengau interstate commorco bill Ho opposed any commissioners but favored any rigid law which congress might enact to prevent unjust discrimination In railroad rates To Increnie Our Iornlen Trmlii Washington Fob 8 Senator Came rona bill Introduced today to promote tho foreign trade of tho United States and encourage tho Increase of the American merchant marine provides thatvessels having an Ameilcau register and owned and controlled by Amerlcaus shall receive from thu secretaiy ot tbo treasury us patt compensation for carrying malls sums ranging from to 53 cents per nautical nillo for each 100 tons the rates to bo paid In accordance with tho classification ot vessels their size speed etc and the payment shall be made at the end ot each trip and for all vojages beginning after January 11887 and whatever moneys may be needed make such payments ure appropriated Ko payments for ocean postal service shall bo made after January 11887 to any vessel other than those covered by this act excepting Incases where and so long as such vessels cannot give scrvico as efllclcnl as that given by other vessels After Jauuaiy I 18HC rates of compensation shall bo reduced annually by 10 per centum so that by January lPli such compensations shall entltely cease Loral OjJtlou lit tlio Onpltiil Wasihnhtox Feb 8 Senator Col quitt of Georgia will introduco In the senate this weok a bill establishing local option In tho district of Columbia Tho bill provides for a vote by tho people ou tho question and Is extremely rigorous Under Us provisions no Intoxicating liquors can bo manufactured within the district of Columbia or Imported there in and If It becomes a law no wines can be used at the Ktute dinners of the president Tho bill has been submitted to several senators and representatives and It Is said Its main features havo been opposed by many of tiiein Senators mall ei Now Hampshire nud Hoar of Massachusetts aro quoted as saying that thoy will favor It Capital Uniting Washington Feb 8 Senator Ulair today from tho committee on cducatton uud labor reported favorably his bill providing that Instructions shall bo given In the schools of the District ol Columbia and the territories as to tho effect nt alcohol and narcotics upon tho human syttcin Tho senate committee ou public buildings and grounds today ordered lavorn bio reports ipon bills providing for the construction of public buildings as follows Houston Tex 87 0DOi pelou sas ln 50000 KomtuntloiM nnd Contluuatloni WvsillMiToK Fob 8 Tho following pertnus were nominated for postinatort lothij John MJtulil Ihmiorluui IlinliriimnTroj Ia A Williams wkor lmr VV Valolm I lEiltiiitlHcdallnMot lames II Kvms Wa ia liaMlnnj laroitc GreKorvMailUonVVU Alo A UnvfJoi Seymour 1ml GeurKO Klnnoy Columbus HpV I 1 Jarelv hand wkli 111 Ifo io Lour NiUmi HI llcnjamtn Tobias VVutlilngUin HI Willis Uilinos llatavlu 111 James Croly Oanllllac Jllch fames Winnfo uranil LoiIrc Mich Davldil llonnli oHloatcr MIrli Hjlvcslur 1 ItimtsunihConstantino Mich Ilmothy 1 lhirroii St lialro Mich John ZlllcrOt tnvva onto Hubert Hole GcnivaoMoiUU Haunon llmv Hampton lawn Ilycr Auftln NcK William lorklns Wluncmnrra Sell June Carl IlUIIalo VV Conllrmatloinby the scnato today were Mark bheaf reslner ot iho laud iiOtco al VVatcrtou 1 jU Zlcblacli rcrotvor ot publlo inonovs at Yankt DaV Kduard htov0111011 Rovcrnorot Idaho Joivpt rt Gil lefplcMitvcj or ot customs at Chattanooga ljnch 1rlnxlo nccrolarv qt lcgill tor the Oantral Aroorciu matos IlamlUiu Joins United stale attorney tor tho Western district of North Carolina Tho followingpostmasters nominated were ronOrmrd Jnstlu Maybrrry Haniuxame Kan Charles Lobow Wnmrcr Kan Inn II Ilaitlln KatoniiptdsMlrh i Ceo DHau fordUrandllavonlllchS Jlaltlc Char lnlto Mlchi Kherinan Ashtabula Ohio II II Gordon hi Marjs Ohio Isaac Kcllcy avcnns Ohio Jus MeUughlln SvUnoy Ohio II Ilollbcrir JaeVson OhioWlfson Vomer JcelouliOlilo Jno covnlMcou nletl niX Ohio I Koie IiOKan Ohio James 1rstch hlo I I Ohlbili Woostor Ohloj Johu MorrUTtoy Ohio Hill laln srlllo Ohio Win A Kchnal Oaolon Ohio llastanis A Vanhmn Now andon TTEATHKBrOlU Hurt orrtrevi nnil Director of tlio 1lrit Mnttonal Ttntili Special to the Oaiette WKAtnritjORO Tkx Feb 6 Kotlas was given in Tub OaukxtkoI today ot tho change ot tho First National bank of this place The following aro tho new officers AF Starr prcBldontj II Kddlcman vlcoprosldent and Davis cashier Tho directors are A Starr JIddlemao Davis Kldwell and A Simmons Under the present management this financial institution is sure to give satisfaction to its many friends Mr A Orant our Insurance agent and a very worthy young man was married to Miss Susie Couts daughter of Mr It Couta at the Methodist church this Evening at GsSO oclock Icv Wells ofllciatlng They took the eastbound train for an extended tour In tho Fast II llownc of Jack connty is lit the city Marshal DC llrattau lett for Dallas this evening Will Chow of Augusta spent the day In Weatberford to Tin rtuirjc Several of our most prominent and prosperous business men Saturday do cldod to Increase the banking facilities of Weatberford and thoy became ideutlllcd with tho First National Ilank of weather ford the oldost national bank west of Fort Worth nnd ono of tho most reliable In tho state This Institution has been a favorite in Northwestern Texas and uo bank can boast of a more extcn ve Texas patronage The following card will explain tho change and will bo read with Interest by the many friends of the bank WvATitiittrouii Tkx Feb in order to give ray private affairs the attention required I have resigned as president ot the First National bank of Weathorford Messrs A Starr Kddleman and Davis havo purchased a controlling Interest In tho bank and bring to It tholr extensive business experience and Influence Thoy have add ed to tho cash rcsomces ot the bank over 20000 and contemplate an in crease of the capital stock to 100000 The bank is in position to render faithful service to Its patrons la every depart meut and additional impetus will be given to Its prosperous career In withdrawing from the active supervision of tho banks affairs heartily and with pleasure commend tho management succeeding me to my friends nnd the public generally with the utmost assurance that the most careful and prompt attention will be given to all matters Intrusted to it ltcspectfully SvmHMilukpn Mr Mllllken will have his olllco at tho First National where he will bo pleaded to meet his friends Ficsh vaccine virus received dally at Wellsdrug stores 600 Houston and Fifteenth and Houston jEitftiiiL A Now Organ Hie Iytliliiu Kiilglitn Im pcrliiK Will Hullitllt Hir Waste Ditto Spuclal to tho Unzcttc TKiiitKir Tux Fob 8 Tlio Cumbor land 1rcsbyterlaus have placed In their church a magnificent now chapel organ Uov Watford will move down from Dallas this week The Knights of Pythias hv lilted up a beautiful hall in the new iraunun Muckclroy block and arc on a regular boom The now cotton compress neing built by Col Hardin on the Robads patent will ho roady for test In a ft days Ina short time the site devastated by tho fire last week will be tho scene of busy work In the construction of another handsomo brick block Several strangers over and above the usual number were seen on tho streets today OiKBUltXK SlKKiliiiK Alimit Spurs Two lliilslmlo Tim ntiijror Snj Varvlniitu lrrsmial Special lo tho Gazette CiiuritNi Tkx Feb 8 Mr Luther Dcnsou who delivered a temperance lecture at the court house in this place yesterday cvonlng spoko hero tonight upon tho same subject Ills address was quite Interesting and was listened to by a largo number of people Justices court has been hi session all day engaged In tho tilal of the caso of Hltratchor vs Harlan Tfte suit was on a contract for work done and a verdict was found for plaintiff Tho commissioners court convened today and has been occupied In determining whether or not they will open another road from Cloburuo to Alvando The court will not render Us decision until nest Wcduesday The mayor of this city has Issued a proclamation requesting aP persons to be vaccinated A probably fatal shooting occurred yes terday over on the llrazos river news of which reached hero today Two men GhulU and Bonnard engaged in a row about a pair ot spurs the result of which was tho shooting of thu former Dr Grccnwell was called to see the wounded man but has uot returned On Saturday night fcwo residences wero entered by burglars AOut clock Mrs Heard was awakened by hcailug a uolso in her diningroom Sin called to her husband who got to room just In tlma to catch sight oi the thief as ho scampered away On tho same night and about tho same hour tho resldenco of A Styron was entered but nothing has becu missed as yet tho burglar having been frightened away by tho awakening of somo of tho Inmates Miss Dea Black went to Jewett today ou a visit tihlo Havtd Stark Dotanare Ohtot a lo wasHmfbulhtlnRi Wonu nboimisoo John Hatrt Ohio Hoa partly Incited iMr 1 Baker of Granbury Is re is tercd nt tho Cleburne house Hon I A Patton of Alvarado Is In thu city ltobert Borry a prominent cattleman of this county is here Jiidjro Stephens of lllllsboro stopped over horc tonight to hearBensou lccturo It 11 Pidcock a merchant ot Granbury was hero today Miss Ivllcn Murray left this morning for Terrcllwhcroshe will assume the manage ment of the art department of a school at that place A GuntliW lliirned Out Spools to tho Gazette lKSt OKTiX VchR loHlKht at 1113 the Cm alarm sounded Tho scene of tho Uro bs alreslilenco bclonulnx toM McArthy nn North Huskavenoc and occupied by Iukoltunitra samblrr Ills wife hadlctt tiro In ttis movo and a coal dropped on iho floor Shu nnd ironu nvvy wlUi iho Intention or leaving onthe a oclocktrulu AlmnstDll of the tumlluruwu uddre idioth Wa lriStf VJ STATE MEWS Doings nud Happenings of the flflj Occurrences for Weal or Woo intlinrliiEi from Over tlin State Itejxirlmt Spoclnlly fur tlio OnoKo It Own Corrc onilenli WllbntS County to Unvo CourtHomo Special to Uio Garotte Vehnov Tkx Feb 8 Our county commissioners agreed today to build a 9B30OO courthouse Advertisements forbids will bo mado In a day or so marine Intollte ix Special to tho Gazette GaiaKstqn Tkx Feb 8 Cleared Schooner Anua for Wilmington Del Sailed Steamship Algiers for New York schooner llenty for Waddlngton Pa A Teuton TrouMoa dpcclal to tbo Uazcttc Houston Tkx Feb 8 Albeit Sellout ft wellknown German citizen of this city attempted sulcldo by taking poison this cvonlng Ho refuses to toll tho nature ot the drug ho swallowed Dr Archer was Biimmoned nnd used emetics upon him but bo now lies In a comatose state and is expected to die Schcuu is a married man and has two children llurglnry nt llnlrd Special to the Orotic IJAint Tux Feb 8 Saturday nlgbt last the Texas Kxprcss ofllco at this placo was burglarized nnd a number of packages taken out and opened but hiding them to contain mostly books wall paper and other articles which proved valueless to tho burglars they wero left near the ofllce and have bceu recovered by the agent except one gun valued at OO The thieves also took some candy and tobacco from tho grocery store of Mr Frank llettlg which Is In tho same building with the express olllcc There Is no certain clow as to who did the pilfering but olllccrs aro at work on tho ca Alvnrmlo Special to the Gazette AtVAitAiio Tkx Fob 8 Tho resi dence of Booth was entered last night about lJ oclock by burglars and his pants rilled of 00 In money His gold watch and his wifes diamond rlug which were lying on tho mantelpiece wero taken There Is no clew to tho robbers Mr Grogg has applied for and secured a patent for wagon and corn scales of which ho Is the inventor These scales aio placed on the bolster of wagons and tho Upright beams arc used as standards ami any sized load can be weighed without the removal of the bed Mr Grogg has doubtless a honanza leffcrmin Spoclal to the Gazettu JuiFEitsnv Tix Feb Hon Annistead who has been wandering around the city of Washington for the past few days returned home yesterday iooklug as pleasant and haudsomo as over Your correspondent approached him this morning to obtain his views about congrcs and national and stato politics but ho maintained a soieno silence ami declined to be Interviewed Mrs lamb wlfo of the paster of the Methodist church lev Chas Lamb left I this niorulug for Kngland on a Kit to her old home i Kcv Mr Gosdmc of Klldaro occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church last night and delivered a very good sermon Miss Louise Taylor who has been visiting Mis Koots of llttlo Hock Ark returned homo after a most enjoyable Islt AfleetliiB atcxlcnn SliinmetitH Special to the Gazette Hi 1aso Tisx Feb The secretary of tho treasury has made an Important decision that all goods coming heie irom Mexico must bo put In warehouse unless provision Is mado for their Immediate forwarding Hcictoforo there has been much trouble arising from the practlco of shippers sending their consignments forward without making provisions for duties and the forwarding of charges un til the goods havo arrived This has de tained cars in thayards and mado trouble for the railroad companies The secre tary of tho treasury llrst made atl order that parties might warehouse their goods under modified entry but they did not choose to do so nnd now the order Is given to tho collector to put tho goods In warehouse Immediately on arrival This regulations for carrying out the order will be arranged Immediately Forty MHof Itutlt Special lo tho Gnrctto San Antonio Tkx Feb 8 Tho affairs of the Aransas Pass railway aro in a very flourishing condition and work IS being vigorously pushed on tho extension Ou tho lJth the track will icach the point ot crossing to the San Antonio river forty miles from San Antonio Tho bridge will delay thu tracklayers for a few dajs but grading is continued bo jond 1 hero aro now live engines con tinually in use ou the said road when needed Somo Seveutyflve stock cats are eu route for the accommodation of stockmen nud stock shipments will begin from the time the road reaches the west bank of the river From present indica tions this trafllc promises to be very largo this spring Fvon with tho lino completed to Floresvllle tho business la freight and passenger trafllc Is above what was expected and Is increasing dally Ittlcntlmi Over llm Kmisiis lnlt Special to the Gazette Tvlv1i Tix Feb STho district court convened hero this morning and roncdlatoiy after Its convening a petl tlon vvas presented to the court by Hon John Duncan of Tyler and Hon Henry of Dallas who are attorneys for hS 1 iort holders of tho Kansas Gulf bhortrluo railway asking leave to intervouo In tho caso of James Douglass et al vs thu Kansas Gulf Short no railway It was granted Im mediately atterwaidrt Hon Horace Chil tou and Messrs Whltaker Bonner at torneys for defendant moved to annul the order qrsntlng tho prayer for Inter vontlon on tho grouud that defendant had no notice a spirited argument onsuod for tome time when tho contt dually nnnullcd tho order ami set Feb the application tor intervention The pe titioners excepted to the action of the court In aunnlllug the order Tho road In question has been doing a splendid 2 17O00 bae SeptemberlMt fe Jfl ttM linesleoutertE jM haulIn 8O00b8lcV Awu4 fecial tothr Albany Tia delegation ortf Mt the National Wl Col have letumS rftft In severaldaysin drjM Illv McArmitv nirfii jVDitcynold feC lato arrivals nertifSiSflB somewhere botwecrMw and that ItW M0flffn circuitous nt OTE condolence to iCl PSt that they would th thor uVday rsri boingaSCOeun aoM Wo learn that scverel deuces will bo bulllM Tho perspective ntn tlons for a cfcuwWV tho Cumberland ffi I tlou of Albany hu Tfc Thoplanisafferthea i There is an effort Sb paSn ThVo a his life ou salt aud making Albany water nu 1 rNntiif and is in session the year roticdi warm balmy as if yTT a dbCCat Srrav rave Go to A Huaraaa IimW for Alfalfa seed i Htf row snmit Tho Ioilernl CourtjtallroM 1 lubllc HiilldfngtsMl7 Special to tho Gazette Four Smith Ask rebj In tho United States courtiori district of oru of which extends oer a hr Arkansas besides nearly dlan Territory seems to fe i with each succcedlnc whether this Is to aa crime In the Indian coastr more rigid enforecmut otfc it is dllllcult to hj four terms each vear ttd always runs Into the next wis letup In business though 15s of each term Is usually lerowiL business Tho November IS however encroached toimdcnwi presont term The lsct naa docket which closed with tie January was taken up on fit 20th tilt being that ot I Mt Sunset Tex who waschiriKid crime of rape This case vm posed of until WcdnehSaj kit tukcu up the two first fiijj term Tlio dpfciularit was siqiiSsi During thu November WoJii there were ICi criminal casts sigi the docket by jury trial pleasd nolle prosequls ami ignoroltyfitt jury Of those convlcttd slxljCffigi to tho Detroit house ot eontcila Fourteen parties if ere tried te der four of whom were tel charged In ludictfncjit ttee to vlcted of manslaughter tiKtfi suited In mlstilals ami out ted Ono man clinrsedwllhrafsi In jail before his cafovyas ntdt two others died while uiMitJ i for murder At the opening of tho fn tlierowcie fiftyone caiciea I docket already under Mir over 100 on tho grand jmjl tbo latter has been constats by fresh arrivals brought by shals from tho Territory There are now In jail awaltlajt murder twcntytvvoi assaalfP to kill ten larceny thhttai1 one conspiracy to assist pni escaping twos tho lattercaj being tricdji a fendants is now lug and selling whisky la country thirteen i violatlogiw two The last two cases ones ccmlng from the 8tat Since court beAn on Mob have been eighteen cases four for larceny aud the troducing aiuUclllng wU toJW1 tlou Five of them go tho remainder will 2 In jail hero that is all bji cases were Ignored Jl 5 All but tlnco ol theiati Kullty iiAiuioiH and rtm The rlsco bridge at about completed and will cross on IttOH trains day Tho extension from this city to far thought to bo a settled fKk now twqor three men nnd teams whQJ WJ lino south and worfcitulw Tho completion ottbttW Arkansas river is a 8 Smithand will bo avast Unfavorable weather has work on the bridge or been completed before th lt 1UIC llfltPWil Sdmethlug long needed building i government Statcs conrthovse jail and as the site foT already been selccttd wu fora building been rtcofflw gross It looU very macw sary Improvement was Tho recent heavy covers the entire ton to twenty inches pro disastrous to cattle clally In the Indian county starry great mortality from Is feared among them Missouri rntW out chanw i 3 passcutrcrs f9rllSn JjttiS ami California wnneoJWW A AtAtchlwfStt jy nllllncs Kinross Trains fr all 2 3 cfiraska At Omf KSSg all linos leading perlor acv ainiod tlo iU Palace cars ran throM diUy For ii ASTUH on or address any OfVMitjjj rancogerVt.

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