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Amarillo Daily News from Amarillo, Texas • Page 16

Amarillo, Texas
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i THE AMAR1LLO DAILY NEW3, AMARILLO, TEXA3 SATURDAY MORNIKG, JULY IS, 1D50 Balkan Border Bullets Blase BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July (API--Bulgarian and Yugoslav frontier guardn exchanged in a series ol inci- dents yeslerday and a Bulgarian soldier was killed, Yugo- slavia announced today. Declaring i i a patrols had been sent across the frontier in an ollorl to capture Yugo US Insisting on stj Red Withdraws WHEAT GROWERS (Continued From Tngj I) tlonal Wheat Growers Association, also predicted a wide break between government and the farmer. "We have many growers who ho unable to make ends meet if they accept, severe acreage cutbacks," he a ft til. "Our fallow men won't be able to stay in the government program." Jt. C.

nuchle.1, Sr farmer al SlraLtord and vice-president of tho Texas Wheat Asso- Rre on the wrong trail and wasting our time," Durrelt defined two kinds cf one passed by. Congress ijnii signed by the President, the as 'bureaucratic edicts" handed down by government agencies like the Department of Agriculture. The audience cheered. KcndrJtk at one point saltl county PMA committees need more leeway to lielp fallow men, who may he hurt much they iv 1II lie tumble to earn a living. COSMF.TICS-- SECOND FLOOR WASHINGTON 1 July 14 The United Stales served nnlli'e on the world today that Its rtnk i bottom requirement for a sell In- tncnt of the Korean crisis is the of the Com mini 1st I Invasion nrmy from South Korea, A Ptate Deimlmrnt a i prompted by over the diplomatic nf Priinn i Ister Nehru India, plus infornm- tlon from other disclosed a i nnd i i American policy covering pninUi; 1.

I I CAN RK no compro- mise wilh in Korea its: far ns tins is con- cerned; in line with United Nations decisions, an end to ilni and tho return of North Korean troops to their own territory are the- Imiini si id Irreducible con (lit ions for a solution of the prrsent Ko- crisis." 2. THK i.s the proper forum for nnunlintinn nn -p i tho crisis anil the United Stales I i 1 will not i a directly witli lUis- fila. NfiMfii, BftnL nipsstiKPs to Moscow tmil Washington yr.stcrelay, hiir, offered to i a a Kornsn sottlrnu'iit, -felVs said ne Itnrc'd press re- AUBeGsted fallDW grow- nnnoiincInK the incctinv a i a i otner states might, be tflk- guards, Premier bron nnsloadinfi, that harmony, I Tcx Panhandle-South Plains Tilo's do- not protest, really was a better fa i i i i i of the assembly. MCM have a lSnS-40 mandcd a i a a a critreml loudly when hase hiMory of notirly four million thoso practices." HuruVs Iind finLshPtt. Some (jlweiv- 'Kcrdctl ncrcs, Carter said.

Summer The rlpmnnit nndp in -i or i i tliat amounts, only.V'nOO.flDp. TJ clnnnna w.vym.uiR .1 LOIO ininlltoM have inorft much -when, you handed the Huffman ril fid nulgarlA Is nn nctJvc mrnihcr In- a not, pn Moscow-ilirtrled Cnminfcrm. 1 th 1 a i ''sill YiiFioslavm WP.S cast out of a In- Thf i i that Icrnattomtl Communist f- i di.sriKtisfint. Iwo yrars firoundi' i i i i i i i i nppti Inyal thr- a Jino. The i i a ion (if a erratic, vYflVsinTiiil of HIP i i'f tiip first appeared Saturday.

That's wlirn i he i his i jirrili'ils, niusl nf I i i A a and i a i Onill i i i nf I A Tr fUwtl i i i i i nnd a IPH iBad Eggs Kept of Court two nations shore 300-milr; i i tier, laiKC'ly roc'ky, I and mountninous. i i repunlic i on pin of i nnd Mru'rpdoiiiaii rc- pul)hr on the (The sites of I a liirlgariun not spr- i ('onijiotciit iibsarvers In 11 Istanbul, hmvevp.r, have spceu- latcd I tn Ig a i la tn unite Yugoslav, Greek a Maretlonln i world iil- ti'iilinii is nti Korra. Tho arnij- cnntinaiul iins IK-CM i i Jn i niunllis, 'I ho ih-fonsr: iiilnistor is Lt. Cii-n. I a ranclLp.ivsky, 48- I a a Jio Mas an In llir Snvlot ai fny.

lliiv- 5.1 an vplerntis Inilil lilfili com- SAOllAMKNTO (J'-- A liiim has filmed ou' how to keep a bad fi round for Rood evidrnce. Soinotitno.s thoi'c i.s a a for KM Pt-t; io ho iaken into if the i i a process is de- layrd long tiio egg gets tnu i of PMA in Ama- llo. i i on an 'iprn res'ilnn. Me mo filing hrn i i county PMA end iUTAtui; Mrfiiiirp, top Thp the x-raymK the a bud 1 11 1 'hr: sn a biully. So i i i i i country built liis own riiiulMtif; nm- rhino for jiim-CKsinp: the When he (inrl.s a had one he a i ti'ifiKf'J' and colored photn- a i I nit a bart egy by i found a prr- action must Trimble, Out of Storage priority at Kelly Air Vovoc I of DIP M.s nppartmont Then hp thruws tho bad away to i Hm picture in a Tile until anr-apc a i law works.

I I i needs it. "Any inspec- Heynold-s'saUl Trxns i a or producer Is wclconiR c'mlncU'd GulU onlv a i copy wlmt I have built," ho aayi. loral PMA i i a insisird A ll Batter of fact I would be fallow could not be rlmiiRrd. to Kive Minn a hand." Ho j.nicl I'MA hern nlso In return for rtiis.slii]! i i to mil off the North Koreans. i i a I i a the United Slates vilfjht even usn Its vclo now to lilock ChlncRp Com- munist inrmlirrsliip on HIP ground that wllli Uie exlslcmo (he UN at slnltc In Krrra.

ihls (s ttnio for mprnbcrshtp quest inns to bo selllcd. State Department press olflcor Ijtncnln Wliitc rnnde tile statp.fnp.nt Io Noln'u'n to Kcc- retnry of Stale Acheron. In i RO he dccllnorl to dl.sclosQ what any actunl Nehru made or what answer Acheson would him. A I i i i of also are bfliif! pluced in readiness a Kelly. i Project as the F-M i Is ciillrd, to sviboi of IJii! San Anton In Air Ma- terial Area in four states.

i Irrlcvnu 19Sa lins Jorbiddnn i i of factor IPS With- out the consent nf the A MOD W. 81h I Phone Farmer Is Badly Hurt in Accident KVA 14 (Speirtft)) T. Tc, Gall, flO-year-old Hale County tartucr, critically Injured tills morning wlieii aiiiOmnMlc Jitr ivns tlrivlnp cnllld- cl with A cnr rlrfvcn liy lltnrartl Saundcrs nf M'aco. Tho ncrltlpnt occirrrrrt on (hn nortlirnst eltv Center. Gnlt suffered met HIT, frncture of Ills right nriii nnd nnd hniJsc.s.

lie is receiving i merit Eit Uio Hale County Cooper- RtEve Htrapilnl nt Hale Contcr. Mrs. Ffowdid other oc- cupant of the car driven uy IIPT husband, received chest injuries, a knco injury nnd Hr-r con- dition was not soriou. 1 Stnlc niglnvny Putrolnmn Dan Blunders of Plulnvlcw, invpsli- gEt'cd tho tircidpnt. riMd Cmlt wrus crossing Highway fll from a side ronri when the accident occurred.

I The Howard Saunrior.s were snr- I prised to find themselves Rmoi)g friends nnd rHntivi-a at tlin hospital, Tlicy found Dr. W. II. Stapp, liend of tho hnspltal iinrt L. R.

Bntley, bust now; both lonp (imp friends, on duly when thoy were i Patrol man Gaumlors nnd the Waco mnn raketl up irsslblo kin- ship after they lenvnod their families cflmo to TPXM from Hie Bcction of the country. Report 13 Fliers Missing in Action WASHINGTON, July 14 Korean Wnr Casunlty "List No, 31, JMUcd today by the Drfc-nsc Depart mpnt- reports 13 Air porjunn- nel missing In notion, ono A sol- dlcr wounded and ono injmoct. TTie misslnp airmen i i Hgt. Jose Apoclricn, son nf Mrs, NriJIe Apodncn, Denver, Colo. First Ll.

Dontilil Brous, husbnml of Mrs. Claire Brous, Otinnv Master Sgt. Willlnm L. I hiiBbimd of Mrs. Lola M.

Meridian, Tex. Fiat Lt. Horare G. band of Mrs. O.

Codlinp, HinitiiiRton IJeiich, Cnl, First Lt. Robert, H. Liiyion, hus- band of Mrs. Nancy F. Layton, Btlll- watcr, Oklcv.

Army PH. A i P. Apodara was reported wmmrlerl. He i.s Bon of Mrs. Mary P.

Apodaca, Los Angeles, EARL C. CAYTON Cahilliiitlc for County Commiiimnci I'cI. No. 3 COUNTY Will Apprn- t'latc Your Voln nnd Support "Your Newspaper--What Makes It Great' Ho. 8 "For men may come and men may go But I go on forever." WOMAN IN THH 7.UO CHICAGO Mary P.oleyn, 63 yesrs old, pot ii I a In new career, but she Is moving pret- ty fast.

Slip went to nt the Brookfleld 7.oo last yenr lirhinrl refreshment This yenr she llrui clmrso of Vi 'rinlmnls. She Is the only woman keeper At the 700 so far ns her hosset know, tho only one In any .,.00 In the US. CAM, OUT IlANTiKRS POKT AHTHUri, July J4 Two Texas nniiKer.s arc due here today to keep nn c)'e, on conditions flt the Blrlkc-bouiul Texas Comnnnv plant. Blazes! Where'd That Nickel Go? July (U.j*^--Connie Jean Jones, 9 years old, still was searching for her lHl nickel after three iruek- of firemen fuller! to flutl It, Connie Jean dropped the coin Into mnllrts5. She III a match to look for It, unit dropped that, too.

firemen on the run Mrf liflle flri consld How could circnnci bo morn roalisiically dramathod than by mudmm wlioso daily businoss activily is Itsoll a nevor-andlng diama? Thia is why millions look Io their newspaper (or tho groat drama of sports. Colorlul. exciting, dramatic, tho groat world of nports unlolda In Iho dally nowspcrnor Fresh from Ilio gridiron, Ihn basobcrll diamond, the tennis court. Ihn oolt conrao, tho finhtina rlnrt, and whorovor hnnian conlestnnls lot tho of viclorv. Ihoro la yotir Snorts Reporter, seeing and dramatiz- ing for yon Ihn by play account an It unfolds.

No armchair theorlsls aro these Sport.s Reportors. Thov crto soortsmon hom nnd brori. Thov themselves as have heard the deafeninq cheor.o c.1 the fans as Iri other rlnvs thev thomsolvos an plovers pUmqed 'nlo action. Thtiv horvo fell Ihn fhioh of victory and tho crrlm rnalilv defeat. Thoir lovo nf Is romnmlnrj.

Thov In It, not In tt. and sleep In Those ticrwkfl of Iho areal art of snorK bv sheer necossliv arowina out of Ilioir ImnolliiKi dMlrs Io sharo thrills with others, have developed Iho rnro art of mnVlna the IhrUUnrr world of snorts Uvo on tho inert paaos of fi Hero drama. Hero is color. Horo la all tho sparkling lingo ol thn wo'lrl of snorts. Millions roarh for Iholr daily nntwr, scan Iho headlines, and turn Io thn Bwirts sertlon Cnn'f pen them now as Ihny become ullorlv losl In what they are roadinn? vivid is i re-onartment that for tho lime thoy aro occupying a reserved seat.

Wilh Ihn crowd nf yonlorday they are living tho rTrrrma of a rrrear aarne or ronlonl. As they do this Iholr tired minds, drab and full from the streams of prosaic, monolonous application Io dulv. aro on vacation. As thoy finish tho snort? doctlon thoy are revived. Tho multiple cares of lifo for a limo havs been unloaded.

Yos, ths Snorts Roportor an oxnort, loo. Ho does not always call them right, bul ho lelln you who ant) why ho picks, and his average is ostromoly good Thorn Is something distinctly American about our sports. Wo aro a free people. Wo Uka fair play and good sporlamanshio. Wo may havo personal favorites but wo take off our hols Io Iho winner.

Wo admire proficiency, skill, nnrslstonco-- but most of all that Imlomltabls soltit Ihal mnlcos tho world of snorts and has made Amorica great, Iho spirit that nover says dio cmd can enolrh vlctorv from annaront defeat. Your dally nowapopcr Is truly American. It brirgs the world of sports to your homo and your office. Millions find II tho nows of Ihs world of eporls as thoy llko to road II. Elmoc A.

Milker i a is the only accessory that cools you of! while it dresses yon up. You may shed your jjcorls, or what-mive-you, but never your fragrance! a a adds so much to your summer charm, yet so little to your beauty budget. Measured dny-by-day, it costs less a newspaper, D'Orsay's Intoxication, the champagne fragrance, is yours to enjoy in so delightful wayj. Live in its romantic aura all ihrougk and let it whisper you go, "Someone lovely has jusl passed by." everywhere vou ffo Ihe cool I ol Sfilidctlc new iolii form pan dc lhal iniil. Perfect lor a or office.

Cliilcs unoolllly over your skin, fecenlinBt evcr- inch. $1,75 yr.jr fUky.Smnnih mR Pcn'iift heAvily laritu with Intoxication. Poul it on wilh rloud-Foft puiT --and leel rielirioiis all over. shaktr-klzo deliB-siie $3.50 every timo you nmko up the ceol refreshment ol Into.ticnlion i'nu lie Toilalt. for summer take tho Intoxication Puriftle iaceled iiacon filled Intoxication prtnime.

ao lislit to luck in your handbap, aiich pretty Kay to renew your fragrance! available In fragrance by D'GRSAY The American Women's Club in hns started rv drive to funds lo fight, Infantile par- For Pino Portraits by PHOTOGRAPHY CALL EDWARDS STUDIO Dili E. B. BURGISS At 5lh anil Tyler St. Ph. 2-mi Drj.

Blackwell, Gilkerson and Srnilfi Margaret M. Davis, M.D, Best Qnfillty American CARPET AND RUGS Any SExc--Any Amount COMPARE OUR PKICKS KHOURY BROS. 117 West 5fh Avcnuo ACCIDENT, HEALTH and LIFE INSURANCE wltti monllity Income for Hfe from sickness or accident Military and rolEo liisurnnce Mortgage Retirement Plan PIONEER-AMERICAN insurance Co. DAN C. nniFFIN, a Ascnt Polk St.

Mars Blilc. Tel. i 3-9112 Ara.lllllo, TCJSI Accnts A GLOBE-NEWS WANT ADS GET RESULTS! CLEM CALHOUN Aiinoutiec.s the removal o( his ofricca to Sulto 2 5 Amorillo Hold Off. Plionc 3-4-tnO. lies.

Ph. 1857 EARLY B. LOKEY, M.D. the openlpf at 906 West 7)h Ave. lltnlted to ftnrt of women TBI.BPHONH 735S Tlia DnKj Stoto H9KBERT DRUO Ph.

1-Jltl AMAKIU.O OHIO, feature MARIE EARLE COSMETICS fcttf ITPWf.ltRi'/HARTrogo^ SM AMAHLLO't DEASON'S TOM M. SEAY Attorncy-at-Lavr Announces Jtcntovftl of FUl to I 1 Bcrfleld Bid9, New No. S-5751 IT'S SO EASY TO Use This Handy Want Ad Blank Today Wonf Ad Doportment News and Globo Amarlllo, Texai Please publj'ih the following Want Ad. Number of Timn (In I run ni to oi 8ut ,4. in lvf Remittance herowlrt m(! a ptoni WANT diyi djiyi 12 dui dJijt AD CMue-- 11 MI word te wotd lie ward 15o word lit vtt word ttfi (xi word lie word Me fcrd City (PtMM DM wS GLOBE-NEWS WANT.

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