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The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 1

Wilmington, Delaware
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The EveiMog: Joinr oal. Circulation 1 Q1 Saturday LJfSJ TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. NO. 150. WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1916.

12 PACES. ONE CENT. AMIES III Now Deliver the Goods, YOU "OUR TASK IS TO DESTROY THE RUMANIAN ARMY" GEN. VON FALKENHAYN ADMITS WEATHER Fair td warmer tonight and I'resh and probably strung southwest winds. nnnnnrrn nnniu mm AT ill UBMFI H9IA1 IS II 8F IP Gonzales Hurries New Force Hope is Based on Lack of.rman War Chief on Eastern Front Says Nation Played Willi Fire Too long and is Now Gelling liurnedNot Bothered Particularly by Capture of Bucharest, He Intimates.

IS CERTAIN TEUTON ARMIES WILL FINALLY WIN THE WAR 1KB Hill IB 10 'till IS BREAK FR01 to Defense of Beleaguered City REPORT VIILISTAS By The United Press. EL PASO, Nov. 27. The battle between the Carranba garrison at Chihuahua City and 4,000 Villlstas, under personal command of Villa, was Ptlll iu progress early today Un'ted States department agents here declared. They based their statements upon the artlon of the Mexican de facto government authorities in sending every Carranziata soldier available in northern Mexico to the besieged city.

General Gonzales is hurrying every available soldier in the entire State of Chihuahua northward by rail to send to the relief of the State capital. From Santa Buena Ventura, tb garrison of 150 Carranz'stas is be'ng withdrawn together with the garr-rons at Namiqu'pa, Caas Grandes and Guzman, numbering about 100 men each. These reinforcements are being rushed north on the Mex'cm Northwestern Railway to Juarez where they will be transferred to the Mex'can Central and started south. Gonrtiles announced today that Gen. Maycotte, w'th 3,500 de facto troops, is making a forced march north from Santa Rosa'ia to aid the beleaguered parri'on.

Because every bridge south of Chihuahua City has been burned Gonzales it will take several days for Maycotte's force to reach" that c'ty. A band of Vlllfstas under the Mnr-gua brothers were at Bachlwas two days ago and are now headed for the border, according to a report made to Gonzales. EXCEPTION TAKEN TO atr IF J. H. DWNBEY STOCK Herbert H.

Ward, in court en banc today, asked that an exception be a j. it i a noted io inn orner oi saie oi siock oi T'lmAB Him Vr onI stsitiff granted the request. Monday next was sot by the court as the time for filine a bill of exceptions to Iho order. J. P.

Morean is the nlaintiff and about $200 000 worth of mining bonds is con- cerned in the case. jAKrnowsKi oots force. Desiring to devote more time to his bns'ness of cleaning and dve ng. with PaSaoht who has patrolled a ty po'ice i for e'gh'een yeers, surprised his fellow odicers on Saturday aftemoon bv reining. Officer Jakubowski la'd his badge, revolver anl other equipment rn t'e desk of House Sergeant Tucker, sav'ng he was fi rough.

Mr Jakubowski was the local police department on November 20, lS'ig and has been doing 'J i I I 1 a. KwlOlilliiLEJBLy RY CA IUj V. WkHiMAV, United Press Start Correspondent. IIKADQI'AUTKIIS OK (JKNL'RAL VON FALKKNllAYN IN TlilC THAN-KYLVAN1A ALVA, Nov. Ilerlin and Say villi Wireless.) "Our tank Is to destroy the Rumanian army and that wo are doing as best wo can." So spoke General Von Falkenhayn today -Mils brows wrinkled, but his eyes sparkling as he submitted to (liieslioiis concerning the victorious progress of his troops agaiUHt Rumania.

"Our flyers," he continued, "report I thp Kumanian roads black with peo- anu masons Dealing refugees I "cfi'iR from Little Wallaehla toward the Alt river. This Is the terrible part of war. Thut soldlerH should suffer Is war, but that women and children should be put to such misery -that is terrible. Hut It was Rumania's, choice. RuniHnla played iih lire too long uud is now getting burned," "How soon do you expect to get to Bucharest?" tbe German general was nuked.

")n we wiiii he repind cd iiiniK'iliiilf ly. We ore not by that ntirn'ionwc are sold (Continued on Page Ulflffl i'll. VIE DK John C. Boyer and Mrs. Dmicl C.

Mcars Victims of Pneumonia LITTLE HOPE TO SAYE LIFE OF MRS. BOYER John C. Boyer, a retired 1'. R. Rail- i Shot by Constable Tinsman After it Had Bitten 5 Other Dogs TWO PERSONS VTERE ALSO ATTACKED A large- blaek and white female dog, I supposed to have had the rabies, was oi Jrk, yesterday utter- "rion hvc other doS.

nd made savage a. -tacks on two pon the advire of Dr. A. K. Frantz.

pecretaiy of the State Board of Health. Tinsman has cut off thn honH of tiie dog and will take it to tfie State laboratory at Newark for examination, IDA (inp Rnln tn a Kolnn nA -o ui uviuniini its German' Claims of Large Capitis ARE PERMIT SITUATED By The United Press. BUCHAREST, Nov. from the Alt and also from Topolos, a little eastward, was announced in today's otllcial statement. fly The United Press.

LONDON, Nov. from German sources caused a renewal of hope here today thut Rumania may, ufitr all, extricate herself from the, precarious position in which her Wallai bliin forces have been placed by Von Falkenhayn'a conccdedly brilliant strategic campaign. Of prime basis for thin hope was the utter lack, in all the (Jernian otllcial reportB. of any claims of large captures of prisoners or war munitions. If the Rumanian army had actually been trapped by the encircling movement around Orsova and Turnu-Beverln, reaching over to Craiova, it was regarded as certain the Berlin official reports would have chronicled big captures cf men und supplies.

Furtheriuore, it is known here that the Itumanians succeeded in removlnir all of their artillery from Craiova before that city fell into the hands of i the enemy. I (Inn iithr nnrrA nf finm n-'in Vin report fmni German correspondents on Falkenhayn's headquarters further progress beyond the Kt delayed because, of the condition of the roads. Ur' w-n nc to reconstruct mnnian forces from the angle on which two arms of the Teutonic forces are now exerting pressure. There was no disposition, however, to diagultio the fact, that Rurannia la atill perilously placed. If it were summer weather and if the terrain.

wrrp not ram-soaKea or munay rrom balf frozen slunh, tbo crossing of tJ38 Danube by the Teutouic forces in an effort to turn the flank of the Ru- manians migiu prove successful. As if fs their presence on Rumanian ever present constitutes an menace. Rf Ports here say that, a number of Allied aviators have reached Buchar It Is believed also that Russia (Continued on Page Two.) I AWYFR VilTF TRIPIITF Ullll IVIU IUIVU IIIIVUIU 10 UIE F. H. KOFFECSER Wllinm P.

Smailcy and L. Irving Handy in the Super or Court tiday presented resolutions adopted by the Bar Associat on upon the death of Panels II. Hoffecker. Mr. Handy, in volced an a man and a lawyer.

'I aH upposei nn client ever went to h'm to find out how to walk crooked Mr. Handy ra'd of Mr. HofTecker. Mr. Smalley said In part regarding Mr.

Hoffncker: "He did good wiih no thought of recompense. Few men equal him in the beautiful kindly nua'it en of heart nd soul that go Chief Justice Pe- newlll also eulo- g'zed the life end works of Mr. Hof- fcker. Thp speeches of Mr Handy and of Chief Justice Pennewlll will he printed in full In these columns to- ANOTHER WIFE MURDERER CETS LIFE SENTENCE Joseph Lnwrence, colored, In Court of Oyer and Terminer today, changed his plea of not guilty of murder in to first degree to guilty of murder in the second degree. He was sentenced to pay a lino of $1000 and be Imprisoned for life.

Lawrence was Indicted for the murder of his wife, Mary Lawrence at New Castle on April 20 last. The woman had been shopping In this city and when sho went to her home Lawrence demand- .1 v. 1 uu B1 ner. TALK A6CUT TEE COST OF LINE! Refusal to pay for their meal after it. was eaten, cost Ji lui Conway, John Carr and Edward Miilhern, iirrnurned in morning on a elmrge of disorderly conduct.

and ensis each It was declared the men went into a restaurant, at Ko. West Second street, Saturday night-, and demanded food, which they fused to pay for. A free fight riveted which lnt hI until an oflicT appeared am! plsred th men under urrest. W. II.

X. ALl JIV1K MEETlXfl. biting load supervisor, of. No Weft. Ninth Farra, who pleaded frailty several h'n dud yesterday lmutiiiig of pneu- days ago to conspiracy la connection mourn, after a short illneai, and less with the Seventh Ward RepubUcan than twenty-four hours afterwards his Primary election case, were each sea-duiiL'litcr.

Mrs. Daiii 1 Mcnrs. wh tenccd to pay a fine of $250 anJ costa made her home their, Kiinnmbeii to lie ju-uu -Mdasii ror him as it ran along the age and has always been regarded as 8treet while Frank Hoffman. of Rich-nn efflc'ent omcer Severa' months PnrU wh on name uiimeiit. I lie mother ii rui ntMHious mis morning.

The fine death's door, and it is feared she may ro8ts in each case amounted to pas away at any moment. Arrange- $022.17. metits have Ivvn made to bury the The fines were paid and the men r-t'ather and daughter at a double fiincral leased. The defendants were repre-Wdnesday af ernoon. sented by J.

Frank Ball and William DIM IE Local Police Told of Escape After Lad is Caught in Philadelphia FARRA GOES AFTER AIT crm Tinuurc ALLLUftU 1 IllliYLo Ofilcials of the local Police Depart- ui were purprihfa yeieroay wnen ,1,1. II1V.11' I 1 the telephone that Onar n.v r. icjiuu jn wimr iw uu eHcapeu from a jail here on Saturday. A1-, though Police Cantalu Kelleher and1 0thf at l.he had heard nothing of any escape, they started sciosea prisoner held in Philadelphia was James Delisle, aged 14 years, of Phlwelphta. who "had been brought here on Friday with another boy from yiiewer, oy sergeant Francis E.

Green, on a charge of stealing a horBe and carriage. The tlnTJj'Z A'L Prfbai on of- ai wumnTion aireci. ami shortly after noon Saturday, they had climbed to the, roof of the building oy a trap door and escaped. The local police had not been in formed of the boys' escape, however, until thp Ptill'intii nil'' one of them. Kelly was also ar rested that city yesterday.

Pol'ce Capta'n Kelleher and Detective Srrgcant Green got into com-municat'on w'th Oftlcer Farra at once and learned from htm that tbe hovs had escaped, but that he did not. think necessary to report the case at that time. Mr. Farra went to Ph'ladol-ph'a this morning1 to appear against the boys. Effort will be made to have them returned to Delaware.

Automobile Races, Wawaset Park, Thanksgiving Day. Adv. LIGHTED CANDLE MAY CAUSE CHILD'S HEATH While playing with a lighted candle at her home on Saturday afternoon, Margaret Ha'nes. aged 5 years, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs.

William Haines, Af uc of No. 118 North Rodney street, was seriously burned, wnen her clothing Ignited. The child was In the cellar her home with Beatrice Krapf, who attempted to smother the flames and she also was slightly burned about the hands. The Haines child rushed to the tchen of her home where her mother was working and she, too, was burned about the bands and body In trying to extinguish the blaze. Dr.

II. Spruance and Dr. D. T. McColley ordered the Haines child removed to.

the Delaware Hospital The child has a slight chanco of recovery. NEW CASTLE TO DISCUSS THE BASEBALL SITUATION The two visits of the grim spectre have left a six-year old child mother less and plunged a father and son Into profound grief. Of the happy fani'ly of six, two have already pass- eon im Men Pleaded Guilty to Conspiracy in Election Case Sentenced PAID THEIR FINES AND WERE RELEASED Harry P. Bowers and William O. ny Judge boyce, in the Court of Gen- Jones, Jr.

1 The offense to which the men plead R-iHty committed at the Repub- "can primaries, last April. This elee- Hon was to name delegates to the Stat ma; nr OV. ii It-; ia accord C0 i Aii hV tiiCl cops auvo the VTuOM group towards tis-S it -i'Xk tier way. Tli-3 'txa Urtoa ami, Uusisfbult, ti ed away. If Mrs.

Hover's ll'nesfl re- Convention at Dover, whon delegate suits fatally It will be because of were elected to the National Conven-hcr devotion In caring for her hus-, tion, held at Chicago, band and daughter. Three nurses i Bowers and Farra were eleotlon of are giving the patient the'r attention fleers at the polling place. Eleventh and evervth'ng fg being done to pro- and Tatnall streets. In the lndict-(Contlnucd on Page Two.) (Continued on huge Two) Was Presented to Friends' School by Class of 1905 This Morning F. GILPIN, AND G.

B. MILLER SPEAK A bronze tablet plscM in tbe "jm namum of Fripnrt.v Kir Lobdell, 3d, a deceased mci .1.. C1 Vl, w-uum morning ey i-era fiilpin, presiuent or uie thm. George B. Miller, of tin-'school com-1 nuttee, accepted the tablet for the school The ceremony was held in the school' 1 1..

i iih iiiti ill ill' nri tw neun u'eu n00' wvcroi memoers of the 1' uu- ZSXZX" at the Aetna Chemical' Company, at i-iusmirgn, i oi wmcti lie wiu super- intendent, and spoke of Mr. Lobdcll's high rharae'er and accomplishments, the sincere esteem and alleoliim ft It for him bv the other me the. table. saidi, eT'tht ho So" OoThai done a very ful and appropriate aH in leaving to the school a memorial of Mr. LoMel's worth, and thanked the clnsi for its action.

DISMISS P.tTEXT SI IT. Judge Edward O. Bradford In the I'nited States District. Court today gave an opinion In the infr'ngment suit of the Standard Tobacco Stem-nier Company aga'nst the Tobacco Stemm'ng Machine Company, which was heard here early th's year. The suit was brought over the alleged In-frinemeat of letters patent on n'ne patents The court, reviewed the patents and the.

machines, and in the opin'on handed down today the bill is d'sm'ssed, it being contended that, the machine nsed by the defendant company not embody the patents al'eged to have been Infringed upon. WUGT0N IAD TAKES POSITION IN SOUTH AMERICA CLYDE IIAXPTOK I10YS. Clyde ILimpton Boys, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.

T. Boys, of No. 1208 Maryland avenue, sailed from New-York on Saturday, fot Cerro De Pasco, Peru, to accept position as stenographer for tlie Orro De, Pasco Minlne Comnanv Clvde. who is, 19 years eldL is (Continued on Tit Two) 1- i i 1 It I i I of i J. I ago became interested in The Eagle Pye 'Works, operated by his Hons.

SANBUSK i -DUNHAM. Dunliam, formerly of this city, but now of New York, where ho is associated wiMi Ceneral T. Coleman duPont, in finencifll transactions, and Mins Getieva Sandusky, of Kentucky, were married on Saturday in New York. The cerpmnnr was performed In tie Christian Church, on Eiphty-first streot and was attended by only a few close friends. The proom" Is a brother of Russell H.

Dunham, prefddent of tha Hercules Powder Company. ill-- Automobile Races, Wawaset Part, Thanksgiving Day. Adr. CHRISTMAS BOXES FOR DELAWAREAHS AT BORDER The Military Tte'ief Committee of the at everything that came in its way. A dog belonging to Joseph Rhoads was attacked and its eye bitten out; two dogs belonging to Mr.

Beste were bitten as waB also a dot? owned by John McKeown and one belonging to John Faulkner. Mr. Beste's two dogs were shot John McKInney a 14-year-old boy, narrowly escaped being bitten when the dog raado a uviviiirtuilCU 1 ill's man on the hunt for the supposed mad dog. had the leg of his trousers torn off by the canine as the creature sprang at him when he and Tinsman cornered it in a meadow, near Richardson Park. Tiiisman was notified that a mad do? was rnnniep at large shout the seu'h-western section of the city, and enlisting the services of IIolTman, he set out to find the dor.

Coming upon it near the Cliritiami river, t.lio two men prepared to shoot when the dog sprang for Hoffman and tore his clothing, the teeth narrowly missing the flesh. They followed the dog out on the meadows, wlirr'e a well-directed shot, by Tinsman put an end to the dog. The dogs hittnn am being watched. CR WELL KNOWN FARMER, BefflRT VICTIM John Gam, a well known farmer vular heart disease. Although he bad been In poor health for some time.

Mr. Gam's death came as a shock to his many friends. Funeral services WU be held at 3 0cw Wednesday afternoon at the residence In charge of the Rev. J. R.

Milligan, pastor of the St, Georges Presbyterian Church. Ttlfltrmflnl tt'lll K. rv. Ai In Qt lAAWAa He Is survived by a widow, who was MIkb lOmmn Duncan, daughter of George D. Duncan, keeper of the liner lighthouse, and four children Misa Johanna Gam, aged 18: John, aged 15; Georgo, 12, and Joseph, years old.

Mr. Gam sened an member of the St. Georges Town Council at one time. MODERN WOODMEN TO JiM0K. Jacobs Caui ol Modern Woodmen of Ainerira vill hold a mnoker vlncb rerresiiiuienu "in rt served, toliowmg the meeting tomorrow Bight, Red Cross, of which Mrs.

H. F. Brown, 0f near st, Georges, died suddenly at is chairman, is planning to send ftejn o'clock Saturday night from val- Delaware troops at D-ming, New Mexico, a Chriftmas box which will contain tood and dainties of ail kinds, and clothing. The public is asked to hWp. in this movement, for the women hope' to be able to send several noses to the, troops.

Those who want to donate foods, raRT en r.v: a t'i tur 3, A,ts. tic jr ivt dainties and the like, should send them Cemetery to the homo of Mrs Brown, at No. 1407 Mr Qam wa oll Hc Gilpin avenue not la. er than December formprIy owner' of Augustine Beach Ihow wishing to contribute money lf) conrtucted thc hotel and park th which to purchase articles for the tt box make cheek, payable to S.jtimo ag0 mA mflde hom0 0Q IK Jownsenu. nno froa ti tcrtiM tainczt lamU a-raiy gjyaacss KcffiMtfaa wJ5lat.cft Automobile Races, Wawaset Thanksgiving Day.

Adv. LOCAL TEMPERATURES. At tho Ecninj Journal Office, 8.00 A. P. 10.00 A.

42 I P. M. SUN AND TIDES ftnn roo 7.07 A. M. un sets 4.2S P.

M. Mouth of Christiana, llijrii water 1..17 A. M. 2.0.HP.M. low water 8.1.) A.M.

P. uttay isiana, miifii ana low vriTt cms hour eirlier. The regular meeting of Iho Alumnae A meeting of the New Castle Base-1 Association of the Wilmington lilgh ball Association been (ailed for School will bo hold at 8 o'clock this Wednesday night In Mayor Rodney's evening, Jr. the HigL School, The office to discuss the baseball situa- meeting will be featured by an address Mob. One of the subjects that re- by the Rev.

Mabel Irwin, field secre-qulres lmmdlaU consideration for the Delaware Society for tbst of grounds for the ensuing sea-: Social Hygltme, and also by muslo ion, should derided to put from members of the High School team 1n the 14. Mandolin Club..

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