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The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware • Page 6

Wilmington, Delaware
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 1 THE EVENING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914 TTFTTIVfi nin II OM wrvK I WHY A STRONG CUB OF COMMERCE? Ity John J. Sattcrthwait, l'retldent of Wilmington Chamber of the purpose of opening streets for th present year is not likely to be suf-iicient to allow for this work in addition to the needs of the entire city, particularly as a portion of said Hp-appropriation has already been expended." Business nun, ho are interested in the opening of New street, have offered to contribute their proportionat? share of the cost, if the city will du the work. when and where any money has been expended for the purpose of opening new streets, in order that Council might determine whether the department needs additional money. His motion prevailed. The communication from the Street and Sewer Department follows: "Gentlemen: The Board of Directors of the Street and Sewer Departent beg to acknowledge your letter of September 11th, requesting this department to ar NEW STREET HAT BE OPENED BY CITY City Council iast night received a communication from the Street and Sewer Department, stating that they will proceed with the condemnation of the properties necessary to open New street into Girard street, with the understanding that Council furnish the necessary funds for the same, stating that the appropriation for that purpose has already been What is necessary to make a com-1 ersonally give their time and atten- The Publicity Committee of the Chamber of Commerce has visited North East, during which time placards advertising Old Home Week veer posted.

The roads throughout the entire route which included Stanton, Christiana. Cooch's Bridge, Elkton and North East weer well placarded. The return trip was made along the Glasgow road, which received the same treatment. The trip was taken In E. B.

Grii-fenberg's car. tlon to systematic and organized ef merclal organlzatiqn a success from DELAWARE LODGE GAINS. Delaware Lodge, No. 1, I. O.

range for the condemnation of the necessary properties to open New street into Girard street, and I am dl- i Monday night received two candidates into the order. The lmlu'einen will visit Atlantic City next week. While there; they will top at the Hotel Castro. I partly expended. IMPALED BOY DIES OF BLOOD PCIS01G Death last night ended the sufferings of Harry Devine, six-year-old Fon of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Devine. of Xo. 1333 Clayton street. The little fellow died in the Homeopathic Hospital at 11 o'clock, as the result of injuries received when he was impaled on a picket fence in the rear of his home.

The lad was climbing a clothes pole tthen he slipped and fell on the fence. One of the pickets penetrated his abdomen. Supporting himself by bis arms, the boy called for. help, but bis cries were not heard. He tlica managed to draw his body from the picket and ruuning into the house informed his mother of the accident.

Harry was rushed to the hospital, where physicians found his intestines punctured. Everything possible was done to save him, but blood poisoning developed and relapse took place yesterday. funeral services for V-t lad will be held from tie Devine residence st 3 o'clock next Monday afternoon. Further than this plans for the funeral have not been made, but it is expected announcement will be made later. rected to say that they will commence such condemnation proceedings with the understanding that in the event of the awards being accepted, the Councilman Stover moved that the communication be referred back to the Street and Sewer Department for more definite Information as to fort in behalf of the'r town, it is bound to prosper and grew and improve.

When Wilmington prospers and grows, there prospers and grows with it every Individual interest in Wilmington. You Know what is required of you to make your individual business expand. You have to be at ork every minute. You have to maintain a high degree of efficiency among the help in your office or factory or store. You have to Initiate and you have to execute.

The name tactics and the same energy applied to community effort You can ive fifty per cent, by tin Council will provide the necessary funds, as the amount provided fori Want Ad method. 'Try it. Adv. DR. SPRINGER LOAN CC.

OFFICER. Hr. Willard Springer has been elected jresitlcnt of the InJiihtriul Savings ami f.oan Association in place of Caleb M. Sheward. resigned.

Mr. Shewanl will otitinue to be a mptnW of tlio board directors. i Jacoby Dancing Will open at Gen. Tulaskl Hall. Sec nd and Justison streets, Saturday, September 19.

under th- management of Thomas Haley. Mealey'B full orchestra will furnish the music. WOMEN'S SILK PETTICOATS. Made of extra heavy messaline, with extra wide pleated ruffle and under-ruffle, in all colors; value $3.00. at AMERICAN LADY CORSETS Of fine coutille or batiste; choice of medium, low or girdle top, long skirt, two sets of fine hose supporters, rust-croof boning and dainty trimming; special at $1.00 and $1.50 bring the same results to the com- niuuity.

You are one of the several hundred mm receiving this letter. I It indicates you are one of Wil- tv.lngton's hundreds of men who thould be more closely identified with Chamber of Commerce work. Y'ou I are going to be Invited to join with other fellow citizens In this new Chamber of Commerce movement, New Daylight Department Store. 224-226 Market Street We Give Sperry Gold md S. H.

Green Trading Stamps. Store Closes at 6 P. M. Saturday, at 10.30 P. M.

the standpoint of actual results is explained in a four pag-j Utter which is being sent out today by the Chamber of Commerce. All persons to membership will receive this letter, which is as follows: The worst criticism that can be mode about Wilmington Is that Its lusiness, professional and manufacturing interests are not sufficiently organized and working, in harmony. Were to harmonUe sufficiently, these varied interests that stand for the prosperity of Wilmington, combining Jhem into a central fvorklns unit, with the sole purpose of advancing the community's Interest, we would have solved Wilmington's greatest problem. We have never had the personal ii'terest in the Chamber of Commerce that is necessary to makt it as efficient as it should be, and as effective nr. similar organizations in many of our competing cities.

If a company of men organized a business, built a stocked Its shelves with goods, put a clerk In charge and then ignored it, that store would not be a very profitable investment, would it? Precisely these same principles apply to our Chamber of Commerce. A Chamber of Commerce Is the City's business It Is In the business of promoting every interest that leads to a better and more prosperous Wilmington. Support it. with the same intention, attention and interest that you would give to your own private business, and you will find that it will pay you community dividends Just as would a properly-conducted private coucern You cannot maintain an effective Chamber of Commerce with lack of interest, indifference and disinclination to give time, effort and service. The advancement of the community's interest by Industrial, mercantile, civic and agricultural expansion Is the biggest business that this Chamber of Commerce or any citizen within the co-operative limits of this city, can ever hope to engage in.

When business men organize and $2.00 Modern Dancing hotodui'ont MISS ALICE SmUX ASSISTED BY Mil. II 3PEWAX. Tea Itansaut Individual Instruction nnd Private Lessons Sat, Afternoons Classes by Appointment Strictly Private ALL SEWEST DANCES TELETHON HOTEL DITONT 3110 THL GARRICK and help to maintain a big, strong t-nd well directed institution with a big membership, plenty of funds and influence to support every measure ir may undertake for he welfare of Wilmington. There are two ways of doing this thing properly. Either the Chamber of Commerce is worthy of the support and cooperation of the business, professional and manufacturing interests of Wilmington or it should not bo continued.

The question of personality does not enter into the pre rent situation whatsoever, as Chamber of Commerce work must of necessity lean toward the advancement of all and not toward that of any class or group of individuals. This Chamber of Commerce question Is, because of the field that It occupies, a direct concern of every citizen in Wilmington. Upon It hinges lis future development and prosperity. With strong, efficient community organization, our city will go steadily forward, and its prosperity will be assured. Without such an 'organization, Wilmington cannot be expected to keep up in the competition prevailing rmong our eastern and western cities.

Mstlneen Every Day 10c and I'LENTY Or PICTURE 8 ALL COMEDY Enough to Satiety. BI'EOIAL FEATURE. PAUL KCETO'J of Uin Tour Mortoni ml NAOMI CLASS Cflr "AS Koma," a Ttotty Mutical Oinfly Plnylet. AiuiMitt Spoclnl of Note. MMF.

ADrLAIDE HI.KRMANN, "OAULiyTRO." The rrirr.e Minirter of A Beautiful Scenic Novulty. EVERT NIMIT--afic, 35c and 60c. Commencing Monday Matin, 8pt. 14. WM.

H. MAOAET fc CO. of 9 Comedlam. Present tbt Screaming Force, "Midnight Onil." KICK HUrrOKD AND THE LOCKHAET SISTERS, "The Colored Pron end ttit Creole BellM." BUD AND NELLIE HEIM, Anitrica'i Greatest Juvenile Start. FBEDEHIOK AND VENITA, A Novelty Act.

VIOLET CAELETON, Comedienne. EVERY DAT 10c and 26c. if Our Fall Opening Will Take Place Next Week Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 23, 24 and 25 A Magnificent Display of New Autumn Suits A collection that represents the choice of the foremost suit makers in America, with beauty of color and line. Our early showings: o.f the new Suits for Women and Misses reveal new fashion, new charm and new beauty, and cleverly portray the correct new styles in all the fashionable materials, weaves and colorings, and the assortments are quite the largest and finest you may expect to see in this city. Jacoby's Suits range in price from $12.50, $15, $16.50 to $75 I un.

fiv.i-r. fcfc. lion a vu aii of i Vim VP nnd ihn nlhpt fpllnu ti'ivA rmnuudt mam a responsibility In Wilmington's fu ture. This Is the time for every man in Wilmington to take stock of himself and his future; see how closely it phon. d.

a. Direction Wm. A. Bradv Phone v. sat i in identified with Wilmington's fu 1 i if rjt 1 ture; take Into consideration how little he can achieve as an individual, and how much he can accomplish by 'a vt hi thers, and all together working for TONIGHT Tomorrow Matinee and Night OLIVER MOROSCO lYcsents J.

Hartley Manners' Great Comedy Play. TO) MY KM! joining ins strengtn witn that or the development of ull our interests. Individual effort is too often lost, but collectively asserted with a united front, syndicated, as it were, it is resistless. Men. Plus Itrains, Pins Honey, Flus Interest.

The future of this city bo trusted to chance and circumstance, it. must te stimulated, influenced, directed and uplifted. Every citizen' should take off his coat, do his part. The active men of this organization have been giving this matter a great of thought and study. They are confident that this Chamber of Commerce can be so developed as to Bargains in Millinery Women's black velvet, untrimmed turban shapes, with soft crown, bound with grosgrain edges; also large sailor shapes in (ti AA velvet; value $2.00, at VlvU Working Hats small turban, in black velvet, trimmed with high feather fancies; A value $3.98, special at $'1 The New Autumn Dresses Our best previous efforts have been outdone this saason in the present showing of Autumn and Winter Dresses.

There is a wonderful assortment here, so that choice is unlimited. Every dress reflects fashion's most approved touches. The graceful lines, of the soft materials and the beautiful, new, rich colors are all fascinating; of -fine serges and silk dresses of all weaves, Women's, Misses' and Juniors' Coats IN THE NEW AUTUMN AND WINTER STYLES. If you have set a limit on the price you want to pay for a coat this year, come hereand let us show you our broad choice at your price, and what excellent values they are. The best coat manufacturers in this country have contributed to the great assortment.

Every new and fashionable model and the most wanted materials; A Sale of Fine TaiIormade Skirts; $8.98 Values at $5 For tomorrow, we offer 150 new Autumn, fine tailor-made Skirts the fashion's most approved styles in handsome new materials and the very latest pleated tunic effects; real (ftp AA values $8.98 and $10; special at. Ot)lU The Vky That Brought Joy to Millions of Playgoers. Mail Orders Now, Seats on Sale Today. DDirrC Matinee $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. 1 HlLLiJt Evenings $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c.

SWWPWWlM-'i'l'lJBWf 'M serve consistently the varied business Interests as well as promote the general welfare of the community. These active men aho realize that the Chamber of Commerce will rover reach Its highest degree of efficiency until all the men of Wilmington who have interests in the city and who are to be benefited by a bigger and more progressive city special at $500up to $25 Our Saturday Specials Hill's pure bleached, soft fin kaaaawuaWMeanaaaHMaaMiawgj ritirnst renin. l.r., ftOo, 25c $1.00, 25c. -Seats ow On Sale. I Women's fine all-wool Coat Sweaters, shawl collar Men's and Women's Umbrellas; sizes 26 and 28-inch, ished Muslin, one yard wide; or low neck effects, in all th.

allover 12c a yard, guaranteed rain proof covers; 834C are Identified with the Chamber of Commerce. These men must be more than members. They must be active, interested members. They must willingly work for their Chamber of Commerce as well as to readily invest in it. It must be understood, and great emphasis given to the fact that no man can cancel his obligation to his commercial organization by simply hiving It financial support.

It must have more than that. It must have of his. time, his effort and his personal attention. It will take men, plus lirains, plu3 money, plus interest to make this organization what should be. colors wanted; real $3.00 at $2 alwa ipl.00; special at values; special at Today Majestic Theatre PRESENTS 4 Jess ol the Mountain Country' In Four Reels "The Toll of Mammon" In 4 Reels.

145 Scenes. Featuring Octavia Hand worth ShowiDjj One Day Only Admission lOc Balcony 5c 79c Pure Linen Crash, 18 inches wide; red or plain white bor Women's finely tailored Skirts, made of all-wool Serge, tailored )1 Serge, Boys' and Girls' all-wool Worsted Coat Sweaters, shawl collars or low neck effects, in 9c ders; always 12- l-2c a yard, at in the newest long tunic effects; pffprts value special $2.00 rea, navy, Drown ana grey at Women's two-clasp fine Kid Gloves in all the new shades; value special $1.00 Sheets, full bleached, size ed, size at 81x90, "Linen known known 69c extra fine quality; value $1.00 a pair, at. 49c AVLNUL Today, Tomorrow Daniel Frohman Present! Mr. II. B.

WARNER IN THE LOST PARADISE The World Famous Drama of "CAPITAL AND LABOR" as the best; allover 65c, at Women's fine white, fleece-lined, ribbed Underwear, short and long sleeve' vest, Men's extra fine Negligee Shirts, coat style, cuffs attached, made of the very best Pillow Cases, size 45x36; very fine quality, hemstitched or very or riTY TO PAY INTEREST. City Treasurer Price will shortly notify holders of coupons of sinking fund bonds on which interest will be due October 1 to present coupons at the Farmers' Hank for payment, i Council last night authorized payment of to the sinking fund. This represents the amount due next ankle and knee length pants; 12c plain hem; always 16c, value 39c; special at 25c percale; real $1.00 value, at 65 at iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii minium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuii 1 iiffiHnutritifiiiittiiitiiiittitiiiitiitiiiiititiiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiHitiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuiiiff iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 1 1111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiii'; 3 I LAST CHANCE AT September I JMiOIx iCOolL September 1 At 2 p. Ram Shine OUR REMAINING LOTS Al 2 m. Hain or Shine I WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION I These beautifully located lots are as good as any which have been already sold, some rare bargains for the man who wants his dollars to do double dutyfor every lot is worth 1 I twice as much as it was two months agodue to the street improvements we have made.

We have re-graded and cinder.surfaced about one mile of streets and put in about feet of cul AfUAC Al TAI A 1, 4 I I T) a1 AT A D.a, li JSmM AAKMtfll 1 AX 'II I 1 1 1 1 I- i I'll I ft overlooking i ivtruiiuii lui junui i iiiiieic. lit ri liBjiA 1 1 if Mir ii Miviir if inn xiii i milium if iiiiimiiv rvMrv iiii uiii wiiiii in inu rnncr niniar tn inci Aom VMrxni i- tuv vwiMMMtv linn mum uiiuHiiuiu vvnnnjt I4T vl IUI TT 1 1 1 Pjv IV IIIW Ilii.lw3l U1UUW1 Ull Ca3T IC1IU3. JiiwUdl itl3WUU.IL ISJl LiJSil i Plots of the Property and Free Car Tickets May be Had at Our Office No. 6 Ford Building, fnrt mm 3 3 lenth and Market Mreets. Take Darby Car, Fivecent Fare, Free Transfer to or From Any Part of the City.

Four Valuable Building Lots to be Given Away Ab solutely Free, Concert by First Infantry Band. JOHN A. ACKLEY, Wildwood, N. MONTROSE Owners Auctioneer. fuiunraiw iiiiimiiiiiiiiim mmmmmmmJ.

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