Indiana Theater Section- THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR. rV is I' 1 I 3- ' . - - . - ; V t - 1.. ..v- -j':,'--' r" - -Vj' r. ' ?4 J' K- J& --: 'Vr i ; yy. v ? t: :j0irtyi!m My i - . v' ; i v . - r ' " i su w X Vice President of The Clrcl V Theatre Company and affllUt- ( ed corporation. . I A. au I ' . ' r-- ;r--r ! ' r'Hi; yyry. yAb m hM:- --s hrii! . . r 111 U 1 Preahlent of The Circle Theatre Company and affiliated corporation. Ibc Gnnd Corridor is of Cathedral grandeur, tremendous in its proportions, with its lofty vaulted ceilings brilliant and alluring in Hunting, coloring and artistry It is truly the Grand Corridor. Indiana patrons need not await out-of-doors and be subjected to U s vagaries of weather the burning hut, the blizzards and storms but can enjoy the luxury of the perfectly conditioned air within the theater, in the palatial comfort of the Grand Corridor and the Promenade (via the Grand Staircase). Lea M . Secretary of The Circle Theatre Company and affiliated corporation. Fred Caraaer, Treasurer of The Circle Theatre Company and afflliab.4 corporations. P. UeWr. I . v " X4. O. Director af The Clrde Theatre Company and affiliated corporations. Mi iw Director of The Circle Theatre Company and allllated corporations. W f J I -IftrMtor of SI aire aa i v Director of The Circle Theatre company and affiliated corporation. Company eoraowtWai. Tts Clrale The- and affiliated The Programs and Policies of the Indianarnre crystallised into a few plain ivords-"Only the Best." This PiciwM Presentation the masterpieces of the screen. 8tge Production created by the PubHx oiTatron (Rerwes tiajed with all the lavishnets of a costly Broadway show). Musical Rendition Xjj the Indiana Concert Orchestrs, and the anuxinx Carton Organ. "Only the best" extends to every detail of the moacaental bdlding itsetffrorn the Bowunr Alleys and EZixrd Eoccns b the basement to the Uagnifleent BaS Boom ate? the Tcana, It expresses itsdf again and again fia cotuklerat&ei, ecafort and hospitality to patrons. More than $100,000 was spent on the air conditioning system alone. In a matter of comfort, well being and safety to patrons anything short of the best-was unthinkable! A fortune was invested in Uaster Paintings, in Bnmzes, Usrbles, Tapestries in Hand-Wrought Fnnitere and DesPCed Carpets. The stats for the Indiana are the best built text, roomy, restfd, beautiful. t every detaS at every point "Only the Best Jcxt as an enterprise Is bet the lengthened shadow of one man; the 'Indiana'' is just such a theater as one would expect from the directors of the Circle Theatre Company (who COBScred the Indiana and who wQ personally direct its Oivtties). Only a theater buOded and operated in accord with the high- est kleals would be worthy to bear such an honored as the state in which it stands, oar own "Indiana.' 1 t Jff ? ' f i .: ,. ! I S.i f ','',(",..; ,1 I . - V. ' ''' ' .. ' I 1 "A- iW 1 c -'i V :'' 1 I -! r , unit i :J tv- l f hr W;-'F7 (Of. ilSS M JtaMBataBaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,rfb' atra. at Tha . - - . - , - K.i'OTiiflaww"-''-- ri rmry'' A- fWu ' 'V:' o V' i l L. ".ry ; Slraetar at TlM Circle Tna- aire Cooapaaqr'a affiliated cor-fetmUa Mate Tkaatraa CnawMtaT. "BHfi fU 8wim$ mi fn bmutifi sB. Tfce rK?siity f eresiiag th gtckaia-teicr tecrcthrt ejects was estrcsted to an 7T rMi csa of natioaal rttxtka- HENRY RICHARD BEHRENS IZs mcri cf cimmcst b cviisssi a kssj cf fxrrrffr tzs dawstm tdii-fapbip!sdfesa. His dcptd fcrts hs ercd o fctri cTcct ef fcrrrsiis 7. camructrr ciuvuhdt hbvks cotf , n. y.