/ The Editor of the Barometer affelts to 1 take an expreflion in one of the advertife. ments in our paper, quite in dudgeon. The advertifer; (peaking of a negro girl which he offers for fale, in : a (portive manner, obferves that the " requires an attentive eye -being a republican of the prefent day." Notking is more common in than for ludicrous perfons of both pat. | | ties to indulge exprellions on the fubject of political diftimtions, and no man of any fenfe or " decency," ever regarded them as worthy of ferious notice. Such were our impreffions with refpect to the expretion in particular queition. If the and advertifet intended a - . allution, we might be allowed to explain it, we thould lay, that he had oh. | ferved, undoubtedly, among the loudett pretenders to republicanifm, a fet of abandoned teilows, whofe- only object is "to butter their bread," and who are hired to be re: license Thee men always up, for the to higheft bidder, " their require an attentive eye" guard againft treaclery ; they may, therefore, not improperly, have been allud. ed to--It's no wonder, then, that the editor of the Barometer ,winces. • See Mitchell's Proem.