floating Christmas Tree to " Be Dismantled Today ' fioHne Christmas tree. tkf"dr-MaUtjr of Bobby H1U- oacav- ' - . . t temtjorary reHremeri at midnight tonight, and retlrem""- ... hi? this tuns l01""" ' . ... dismantled and removed -.atersofl.keMer Whether tne uw ... airland' Institution of a meTm.mory is still a. moot ques-tTon to members-of the seneral .- thev agreed today. Much replTi""PP'" feeling for coraing ul.e lia'?h0FbrSidust'today of the prog-11)0 W'"" ,, ,.f tV.o nuthnard Tee",JtJt races on the lake was motor boat r.i extensive to brln? tnvBlvand other holi-progrann oi i rrm n racOTnc. beiVrtber 14. the onenlng nig"1- Numerous letters received by the Forum department of The TRIB UNE have urged the continuance of the" floating tree Idea and the perpetuation of the dream of Bobby Hillback. Variations of the Idea, such as the transplanting of a. huge tree to duck Island, have also been received. This latter suggestion was almost immediately abandoned when park officials announced that such a'move would destroy forever the duck roosting places there, made possible through years work on the part of park employes. The task of towing the floating "Island" to shore, lowering the tree and dismantling the float, has been undertaken by the Thomas Rigging company with G,- L. Dalzell fh charge. The removal and packing of ornaments, wiring, cables, and other equipment will be handled 1y the societies and business concerns that furnished them. 1 0