Spring Heeled Jack was a curious figure from the Victorian era, who terrorized English society. Thought to have a goatee beard, pointed ears and horns, claws and flashing fiery eyes he was feared by the public. Accounts mentioned him leaping from rooftops, and some claimed he fired blue and white flames. The first sightings appears in the late 1830s, following attacks on the public. The last sighting came from Everton in 1904. Who is Spring-Heeled Jack?
Discover more clues, and uncover the mystery using newspaper archives. We’ve put some clippings below to get you started, or start a 7 day free trial to dive deeper into past accounts.
Articles and Clippings about Spring-Heeled Jack
Spring-Heeled Jack last sighting, 1904 21 Sep 1904, Wed Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, Merseyside, England) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack, Nov 1872 16 Nov 1872, Sat The Strathearn Herald (Crieff, Tayside, Scotland) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack, 1841 11 Apr 1841, Sun The Examiner (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack, 1838 04 Mar 1838, Sun The Examiner (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack retrospective, 1997 09 Jan 1997, Thu Star and Merseymart (Liverpool, Merseyside, England) Newspapers.com
The mystery of Spring-Heeled Jack, 1985 14 Nov 1985, Thu Harrow Observer (Harrow, London, England) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack, 1838 25 Feb 1838, Sun The Examiner (London, Greater London, England) Newspapers.com
Spring-Heeled Jack, 1838 accounts 03 Mar 1838, Sat Cambridge Chronicle and University Journal, Isle of Ely Herald and Huntingdonshire Gazette (Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England) Newspapers.com
"Spring-Heeled Jack," Newspapers.com Topics (https://www.newspapers.com/topics/new/spring-heeled-jack/ : accessed November 11, 2024)