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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

m.YTHEVn.LR LOSS 0 )Cl CVt)l1 Against Census Questions i I 11 i k( I Vi-Vv 1 lib 70 I )fficials Say Picture Nol As Bad As i Pairil WASHINGTON, 3. tome Owners' Loan Corporation ins Ittkc-n loss of W.OG6 on the sale Us foreelojea lomes lo date, raid the lews cven- unlly may be three tiinr-s thni Yd HOU; miihorltk-s In- 1st that, (lie picture isn't us tail those figures Indicate. For otic they say, HOI.c set up to make money 'lit to ollizons £flve their For another, the Indirect 0 Hie nation become of Hie HOJ.C nogram, it is aro many lines jjrenter than the book lossss nrarred. For still anolhs'i-, HOI.C ms pretty record of c(illpe- ions anyhow. HOLD was set up in June, 1933, 0 grant lona-tcrm.

lew-Interest onus io persons who were in diiu- er of losing their homes. It mncle oaiis for three years, then quit. rhe record to date slacks up Ills: More tlinn 1,000,000 clltons trowed about S3.000.000.tiOO Ivom IOLC. So far, (J5.000 borrowers have ia(d In full, for a total of OO.COD, una a total of $700.000000 if the three-billion dcbi has been Nearly C40.COO borrowers nre up their payments, and 35,000 more are making adjusted snow i.OSS ON BOOKS So so Booil. sometimes nakes.r-.HOI.C look like a nioney- osing'outriit is the fact that when la loans went sour It had to ilo vhat any mortgage company would lo foreclose.

All in all, it took over some 157 1)00 homes, II is in getting rid of liem that it, takes its losses. I So far, it has sold slightly Inorc than half, on these sales it lias laken an average loss of 5975 deal. But this, i-iiy HOLO officials, bcok loss and not Ii cash-out-of-pocket, loss. Into these losses are figured accrued and and the taxes uutilly run Into hundreds of dollars -costs of repiir and re condition cn cn. mcl in N.

to take broom lo nny enumrnuor who came cnllli Speafi ef minor ni mir lull', nils lltthlCvl I) Utcy IWH. rlt'lit, who shuuled "Do you tt.inl; lo mleriiiin a for two hours these fool questions?" NewNoziE'dicIs Will Hit Czechs Opinions Foiiixl Contrary (ioiu'val Public At I if college students ibuii coinms affairs PACK TIMER Km NI i- 4 CO, and ''-moil J8 Wolf Aflin, CJHOKAHAWIU ADDITION 'j. I III fi 10 J.US .41 0 1.) Al IMVJB SECOND WilT'V il ,1 n.i,, ADDITION i KM jn I I 3 27.13 11 "ni.fn 2.i)l in Sew OTi knuws ulmi rolii-Ri- liilinc. I II pi'iMHi ciiii do thin it. Is jloe BI( TL umdmue student nil ni 'IVxns.

Hi- Ls Miuli'iu opinion weeklv and ti-i-m will HUM- to BO leading nuerles wwi-n iinnle (ill first noil us nlJioi- of Hit- Unh-c'r- "I -IVxiis dully Urn mpiis van over proposed addhum ()f uv luiitilnti, 'iiM vein- lie lnti.ri.sli.,i 8U ol icx-ns Ktuiient I'ubllciillons Arc of ibe imlldimliiig TO pnys a numlnnl ice to caver MSI ol iiusuiuc mul tabulation Cl nbovi'. for llolu-mln nn.l 17.70 11 JO on I', 1.75 l.llli 1.20 1.17 I U.i!'. Ivfcl 0 II 10' 4i r.i i.os 1.119 HM7 ADDITION (v.x'i,,;^,,;,,, jis W. K. I ''-I'' -''I i Mi'iiim C.BO I 'I.

8.1C I .1.11) .,10 3.2:1 11.3(1 3V.HI 1 lo democratic, countries mt Jiol lu (lU'lnlor coitulrlw. Teuslons Almost ihrce fourths of Die: titudents opposed old axe polls fnr themselves when they rciu'il Only 10 per cent H'lioitrd Ihey hnii IIUIIILANfi l' cr leportrd they hnil even- s'i'i, 1 lL vl "PwlciK-c- wltli lu-tl piojm- uil A stvinpllnn system Mundu on the but ti iiuiloi- Of olilcr l(y VCCM1 voted lo coHllmic the nationul ijoJls. rt i Her Honor, The Mayor IS BUDGET' the cost of foreclosure, and of At Least That's What New the unpaid balance of the 'oatis. HOLC is getting rid of Us real at the rate of sales per month; nl the same time, foreclosures have dropped Vay froin 8000 a month, bask In I to about 400 a month today. England's First Woman Mayor Thinks By NBA WEBTFIE1.B, Feb.

iiuuuu ivj mown totlny. Massachusetts' first woman mayor. To offset the or actual wll llils lice 1 ''nnning lier home" on fl llllllonl fnr a budget, for a goad many venis, expects lo apply that budge! ex- to ilie job of running tliis -on sales. HOLCJ makes money in two ways. One is on the difference between he Interest.

Il receives on its loans of people witii anneal and the interest it lias lo pay OM approximating a nvl- ts bonds. Its loans bear, from lim Cellars. 5 pel- cent; on Its bonds, it piys Elle is Alice U. from 2V, to 4 per cent. Burke, 'housewife nncl for 20 years The'other source of profit is from 5Cl te.icher.

In third ry rentals of homes which it holds, mayor's job last fall nese being more thnn-cnoujlr-to ilcfc c'j three men in the primary arry the" properties. lliese two protiu nra pul into to cover-losses While HOJ.C's capital stosi- shows ft $67,000 cro dcfi 1 01 th! in the reserve fund. ii iniuai ai On top of erarychlng else. to General M.inaijer Charbs A 'm a budget Jones, Is the fact that' KOLC bor- don't'believe In and then won Hie election bv r'7 voles. Mrs.

Burke, entpred local politics In IMS when a ban on married teachers ended her public school career, says she will frtntal attack on municipal imM'I'S tll'C 1C- qiili'fd 10 include minivers from trcslimeii. soiilioiiiorcs. Juniors seniors and iiriuiunle co-cjlMMtiuiiHl colh-xes Die polls must Include both men niul ivomru On some tonics, student opinion runs mmilk'l to Hint or lliu public Ecnerully. churls show an siniltiiiily in nit sludciit poll mid other pulls on popularity of President Roosevelt nt, vnrlouii nut Mtidcius were strongly opposed lo revision of the neu- trnllly hiw.s wlicti Hie country jjeii- ernlly the plim. 'ni inr Be number ol students who are of age Is a Ml eel ex.

planiillon, polls show 80 i collide students would while 0 Dies coiit'TOisloiinl Invcstlmillou into un-Aitifi'lenn activities. They voted 78 per cent ngnlnsl reliirn of while (J2 cenl. believe drink too much and more Ihnn 00 per cent siiitl they personnlly drink, Tlicy coinpnlsorj 1 blood tesl.s bi'- forc nunrlaiie and opposed cslnb- llslinienl In the United Slnles ol a Imvcn for Jewish from Europe. On college problems Ihe polls fiivor rompiilstiry xcx educnllon oppose coinplihnry elass iitti iliince, do not tlilnk ediicnllou meeting present driy needs, nn believe professional footbul! even lually will eclipse college foolbiil Stitre Tumi (lir Iliecnn ASTORIA. Ore.

"'j IL i.r.«i,.ii Mt.i. ii. i i.ji .00 1.12 l.fl.l SS.f.' 17.IH 400,1 1911 Wn.liiy A. 2 joiii'y' Kcnliy I'M. IMMi'll fiirr Idlvi'll fun II I Ill 1 .73 cent of fov nn- few yoirs loll 1 nc Wnshlnglon poiii.

WARUINU OIlUBn I'nviiiit I'lnlnllllii housekeeper and i. mat IIVJLAJ uor- borrowing motley hnve saved upwards of 53CO- eteeiit for relief projects ard 300,000 in interest alone. Ihst other WPA," she says. Firs lvomnll have saved similarly i reccntlv elcrlr AliC isco Bllrtu oecause HOLC has "helped reform Mr. Mrs.

lunke fo hn Wcstfiekl 'Hie mortgage structure" nd that, stamp clerk ilie Westnrid post- lcn wit Sl Wn tdlls Her general olT.cei are familiar neurw hor William. her's will 0 a-pcttlcoi' lt ft lB ami tiial. stamp clerk in Hie Wcstneld he real estate market In general are familiar figures on inl rro olla r- tire fOV IS Lot Blk. Tnx Pun, Tax ADDITION LJI.LY ADDITION in 1:1 ii 1 't BLYTHK ADDITION NO. a IMlty Tot.

VI.CIO 2.1:1 43.1: 3. 10 an. I2.HI) of and Prosecution Is Waived .1. K. rl .1.

K. I j. K. I J. K.

c'rnfim rl ft J. K. Oratio .1. K. CrAMm I) is.

OD itvoii M. HOLD EVERYTH8NG By Clyda Lewis i No' smi.l| of ELPU1A (UP)-The U. innyor's l. ti, tl)at has 13- will heart the school depavtmrn, to this comury jlhul employed her for vc-irs mim J' refugees, i since Ihe mnym- cx-ofricio chair-', tl1 of the soliool board Ara money and "When I wns in my twenties, l' nmler often wondered the forties Coltcclo nct accol to I'm! be like," observed the mnv-i Rnymond Rnll. I ilslnn I'.

Uallat Mnrrli, llufnril Winl, W. Smith in. HO I7.r,2 1.20 I.21> 27.IIU I.OX 11.11 11.If i.Tfp :n.oo 32.JI in.if "Yoii can the world 1 found liieni te the- most inter- Esllnj nf jny life," WAPvNixc IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF BA Ma Plalllti(r Na 7128 BritMi Hern U. s. Citizen AKRON, (UP) A British World War veteran who vas for lime chauirciir and Interpreter to t- General John J.

Pershlng. fi a naturalised citizen. Frank Elii5 mlitlcd to three wound chevrons timctl lioUler of the c-ve(cd Vir Ic collr( t'' toria crow, lock the oath of a l- lcr eof a nd "swcr the com- logiancc before JiKfge Hay (crs. cfendant, Esca Hughes is wlthin plaint of the id a II "7 2 1.1 -2? lll.siv -10 1 l.l.Mil IS M.IO 1:1 20 ai I a.or. 2.00 1.01) UK IO.KII I.Iirt HI.HII I s.i'O 'I l.f,8 1 3.00 10.50 O.fiO ii.78 2Z.S7 .0:1 .0 1.05 1:49 n.on WAHXI.VG OKDKK THE; CIIANCER CHfCKASAWBA MKSJSSfPPf COUNTY AR KANSAS.

Bruno Plnlntiff vs. No. 7127 Marie Mnrnzlno, Defendant, The difendnnl Marie Marazino, is warned to appear thirty i UaScti this 27 day of Jan 040 HARVEY MORRIS' Cl-rh By Elizabeth Blylhe, Ciaiulc l- 1 Coojicr. Ally, for pltf Percy A. Wright.


CO. I'lliST ADDITION l0 IM Mi.nil 'JOI BLVrilEVILLE LMBH. CO. SECOND ADDITION aK vvnl 7 ls 1 5 "'3 I''' 1 1 1 1 S'-i .1 i .1 s'nj 20.1U Zfl.OI "It's IicadqitQi'ters li )e Major snys for us lo over nd jniUloNvn llialjrtillery Jlrc, He con'i sleep!" Ttofrd i his 27lh JS C0 rl 111 the Dated of January, captlcn hereof and answer (lie 'plaint of the plaitHIIT, KARVM MORRIS, Clew Jones. nnttd this 27 day of IDIO HARVEY MORRIS Clcilc ))y Dlythc, D.

C. Claude p. Cooper, Atty. for I Percy A. Wrljht, Ally ad Lltccn, I By Blytiie, c.

Claude P. Cooper, Atty. or Plif. Percy A Wright, Atty ert Lltem. Read Courier News want ads.

GOOD DEMAND FOR 60VERRMEHT LOAN COTTON i'honc or Us Now Geo. H. McFaddcn Bro's PATTON, Agent Box 218 Grand Lender Rlttg. Phone 248 1 A. Slublu tiliililin I'r.

W. Dr. W. A. SIr.i.

Hill 11 M.rm 0 It UI.OK i.ui si.aa IO.IUI V.l.tlfl u.mi H.l'i 1 0 17,01 1.711 t.ll uuuvnr l.v:l 2H.KO 2.K.1 lii.Ul) l8 00 i Il 1 J'i' 10 ID.IV! A. K. llarlmm .1. K. Marjiiiri'l H.I H.

II. Hull .1. S. Hiirliuri, Co ii. lUrliinu A.

U. linrlmro t'n .1. IllllrtlniJit)' J. Dilliihunly 1.87 is.on I.IIT io' ADDITION" HIOIIABD3 ADDITION ADDITION J'J 'J LOTS SEC. "Jb-lS-U u.

in 0.7 ir li.OO 11.JO Art 1.11 .52 l.tll I .01 i ao.r,n' 7.31 S.I 7 :ii.iu) 11 li.Oii 7.30 I', K. Mrt.m.1 A 1 J' 6ll l. 'is II.SH NEt SON SUB-DIVISION mnEoi.uAn LOT I-' 11 iio US' 0, Illyllir Aililltlim, ttir-tin. r'' cvr tiiKi.tli,, 11V ji.ij-mcnts fi'fl an I rosu iiil)nil fil njaiiia wi-l, Intel. IIAUVRV MDIIIIIS Clerk snul 111': Klinlirlli lllyll.i-.

I). 0. ARKANSAS MISSOURI City LOW INTEREST RATES EASY PAYMENTS-LONG TERMS Fastest closing service of any Joan company doing business in this state. FLORIDA BROS. CO.

Life Insurance Fire Insurance Investment Securities Osceola, Ark..

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