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Oakland Enquirer from Oakland, California • 7

Oakland Enquireri
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a i 3 I i i VOL LXVI NO 8 ft i OAKLAND CALIORNIA SATURDAY EVENING JANUARY 9 1915 4 i 12 PAGES 4 A 1 1 I I 4 A I Ss Terms I Chief Clerk Mahen of the municipal ingv west side Thirteenth avenue 320 'J :4 $feS i IS UP TO AVERAGE Sixty xA orty several 31 for the gMj 53 gSSSMjg 1 7 room brick 1 8500000 Total Cost and 1 MINNEY SEARI ES i REPORT MANY SALES 4905635 xft: $27889155 $229835 20 4905635 Total 228 $27889155 of ourteenth 521 Eleventh Oakland ave Almond Acres 4 4 4 '7 3 I 4 WS88 construction alterations construction alterations Total cost i acres con of of by Norris Residence property at street Modesto consideration resi street store south I construction alterations Total cost of he 5 1 $1600 Santa iv i Land acres con Mrs Have you an experi enced maid The employment I can send you one had so much experience she can break steel enamel picnic dishes Puck MARTINEZ Jan 5 The construc tion chiefs of the Lacy Manufacturing company arrived in Martinez Wednes day morning and preparations are be ing made to start work on the erection of the first of the ten 55000 barrel tevnks contracted for by the Shell com pany as soon as material arrives and the condition of the weather and ground will permit of the work The first tanks are to be built on the hills just east of the residential portion of this city the bulk of the grading for which has already been done by Bros Lakeside 1000 4 Ten 55000 Barrel Tanks to Be Rushed of the construction alterations Total cost PROTESTS AGAINST PAVING SUSTAINED 200000 310000 150000 810000 20000 30000 5000 452000 5000 1 story 6 room resi south side of Carlton Mabel street 2 story 9 room resi east side of Oxford 1 BERKELEY Jan 9 Building here started the new yearby keeping up the same average of the other winter months During the past week per mits were taken out to build eight new homes while permits to build small garages were received The building permits issued week were as follows: Shellander 2 story on the north side of Oak vale avenue west of Claremont ave nue $5072 Charles Hasse 1 story 5 room resi dence on the north side of Ashby ave nue east of San Pablo avenue $1800 Carl Euisson dence on the street west of Page on the street north of Los Angeles avenue $5000 George Rodehaver 1 story class garage north side of Berkeley way east of Shattuck avenue' $8000 Martin 1 story 3 room side of College avenue of Russell street $3100 Ray' Kabeuh 2 story 7 room dence south side of Shasta i north of Rose street $3000 Mrs Hawley 2 story 14 room west side of Scenic avenue south of Bay View place $8000 0 'dM A REPORT OR DECEMBER The following is a summary of building permits issued by the building depart ment for tne montn BUILDING IT I rtlKMUb 152: 155 307 Afe A $2350 $100 cash and $20 month ive room bungalow on lot 32x100 near local A good place i A BLODGETT 4622 East ourteenth St 4 Mclntier Opens Suite Mclntier the local rear estate and Ioan broker" located for the past several years on ourteenth street has ust taken a lease on a suite of ropms in the new Thomson building at Sev teenth and Broadway He reports havingihandled many important deals during the past twelve months in cluded among which are several sales of residential property in the lake section as well asv other properties in the city Mclntier is very optomistic for' 1915 He is of the opinion that the county has recovered from the first shock and scare of the European war which fact will con1 tribute largely to good times during exposition year he says Business Opportunity Broker Opens Branch business opportunity brok ers Pacific building ourth and Market streets have opened branch offices on the seventh floor Syndicate Broadway anid ourteenth streets Oakland 'This firm reports that thir sales for the month of De cember exceed any month4 of any previous year Business has? been the largest im the past year'in its his tory George Lubeck president and general manager i states that there will not be enough hotels? apartment hopses restaurants and 4 conveyances' to take care of the thousands of visi tors who will attend the I NEW HARRISON HOTEL WHIG HAS JUST OPENED AT OURTEENTH I SON STREETS $2250 Lot 225x125 2 story house of six rooms and bath well mill and tank barn Elmhurst near cars Hugh Caemron 1605 Telegraph Ave HI $50 Cash 1 5 Month Vt acre improved house barn chicken houses ruitvale $1500 A 3 room bungalow with' lot 50x150 Only $100 cash $15 month $6500 8 acres improved and modern une nour auto to or ex Turlock Cal consideration private To Atwood Twenty acres of land 2 miles from Atwater considera tion' $3500 To 219 Linden sssnn To 239 acres of land 2yz miles west of Modesto Cal consideration $50000 Minney Searles company have closed a lease of the property at the southwest corner of Twenty third street and Broadway fronting forty nine feet on Broadway and 1696 on Twehty third street for a term of fifty years for a total consideration of $90000 A portion of this property has been subleased for a period of five years at a total consider ation of $12000 We Plant the Almonds Cared for 4 Years REE 1 No Interest Nd Taxes for 4 Years? Manufacturers Plan Home Products ight The committee of the chamber of commerce and Commercial club will map out a plan of campaign this year with the object of educating the retailer and the consumer of the east bay cities on the consumption of products The committee will also advocate better streets and bet ter fire protection so that the various will be amply protected At the meeting of the committee Secretary Jones read a report on the recent 7 Interstate Commerce decision with regard to terminal rates in the San Jose case stating that the decision was of much importance 4 to Oakland as4 this city comes within the six recognized ter minals of great ocean lines which the decision indicates will be entitled to terminal rates' IO Classification 1 story buildings 1 story buildings 2 story buildings 1 story" stores 7 story class 4 hotel 2 story apartment stores (add cost) 1 story theater 1 story foundry 1 story schools 1 story machine shop 1 story Elmhurst A Bargain 5 room and sleeping porch all 'modern up to date paneled eell elec $500 See of December 1914: JNO ot Permits Cost" 8567500439000 3475000 20000 Work on the Harbor Canal Being Rushed RICHMOND Jan 9 Work on the Richmond inner harbor canal which was undertaken some months ago by the Western Reclamation company whose bond was declared forfeited be fore the work had hardly started is now nearly half through Estimates are that a few weeks more time only will be required before the work is completed Richmond dredge No 1 owned by the Richmond Dredging company which has Jthe contract has encountered none of the troubles formerly reported and has been more fortunate than the successor Los Aberoles RICHMOND Jan 9 Protests made by Main street property owners 'over the standard macadam paving laid here has been sustained by the city council by a unanimous vote Attor ney Lee Windrem appearing for the contractor said that the work would be gone over and finished up in a man ner that would meet with the approval before payment would be asked Attorney reudenberg ap peared for the protestants who were present to the number of twenty five many of whom were women yv Bixler a paving expert was placed on the witness stand and gave a result of his inyestigation of the paving which he said is not up to the specifications City Engineer Chapman was verbally by Mrs Hand one the protestants but the official said was not on trial Councilman Ludewig chairman the street committee said that 1 paving had been reported5 in' as 'ac cepted by the committee whereas he had not investigated the street before the protest Councilmen ollett' and Willis both spoke of seeing the street work and both agreed with the other members of the council that the street should be relaid 12 1 store house 1 1 pergola 1 Garages sheds stables 29 Barns 1 Alterations additions and repairs 119 inds ings 4 fireplace and mantel tricity and gas Lot 40x120 cash balance $1500 a month RY 9213 14th St Oakland The heavy increase in California ex port busiqes and 7 placing of many shops and factories on full time has' favorably affected the demand for high class orchard offerings as evidenced by reports coming from leading op erators in Oakland Almond land in particular seems to be in strong demand In'Yolo county alone there are now over 5000 acres in almonds a California monopoly ac cording to an October issue of the Pa cific Rural ree Press and in this line Yolo county now leads all others red Reverman 1421 Broadway Oakland selling agent for a large almondZsubdivision in Yolo county states that planting is now under full swing and that 1915 should see the subdivision sold out ac cording to present indications and marked increase in selling operations BLRKEI LY BUILDING Terminating a suit that has been on the calendar in the superior court since June 20 1911 Superior Judge Everett Brown today decided that the Broadmoor Improvement 5 company more than fulfilled the terms of its contract with Samuel Manning rela tive to the purchase of property and construction of houses in the Broad moor tract The winning defendants were represented by Attorney Breed Rinehart handled the case for Manning According to the original complaint Manning alleged that he purchased six lots in Broadmoor with the under standing that the company would pay him $6000 to be used in the con struction of six buildings on the tract only $5000 of which was paid He asked judgment for $1000 with interest In 4ts answer the Broadmoor com pany produced copies of its letters to Manning showing that it offered the money as a bonus to the first fifteen purchasers who would build homes upon their lots a number of conditions among them one to the effect that the buildings would be completed without lien and according to the specifications approved ty the Broadmoor company being stipulated Attorney Breed argued that the con ditions had not been fulfilled by Man ning but showed that the Broadmoor company paid nevertheless $571743 ad vancing the money as the1 buildings progressed gnstad of upon their com pletion as originally agreed Attorney Rinehart was unable to convince the court that his client had anything but the best of the trans action and the decision was given in favor of the Broadmoor company Costs of the action are also assessed against Manning $150' CASH AND $20 MONTH buys a new 5 foom bungalow hard wood floors on lot 50x125 feet with 15 large fruit trees berries etc only two blocks to Melrose station This must and will be sold See it Sunday DEMAND OR ORCHARD CT! INCREASES i 1 I 1 4 4 i Minney Searles report the following recent sales: To Sequoyah Acres company The Hewston ranch 5 in Brooklyn township consisting of 500 acres of land considera tion $210000 This property is to be sub divided for suburban homes To Crane Lot on west side Broadway beginning fifty feet south Twenty first street and fronting 856 1005 deep consideration $59850 To Dr Evans The Arco apartments at 1438 Madison street consisting of three story burning containing sixty nine on lot 50x150 consideration $85000 To Dudley Moulton Residence property at 5510 Dover street consideration $4000 or the account of Panama Pacific Land company to Andrew Johnson Lot 4 block extension con sideration $1140 or the account of Panama Pacific Land company to Cross Lot 12 block 14 Iveywobd extension considera tion $805 or the account of Panama Pacific Land company to Kula Kelsey Lot 12 block 15 Ivey wood extension considera tion $1510 or the account of the Baker Land company to A Hoag ourteen of the Baker colony near Oakdale sideration $2380 or the account of the Baker company to I Neilsen Twenty of the Baker colony near Oakdale sideration $3234 or the account of the Baker Land company to Charles Wiren Twenty acres of the Baker colony near Oakland con sideration $334730 To Gilbert orty acres in the Hammond tract near Stockton considera tion $7000 To Wu Bailar Twenty acres in the Hammond tract near Stockton consider ation $3500 To Elrod Thirty four acres in the Hammond tract near Stockton con sideration $5950 To Peter Stumpf and wife Ninety seven acres in the Hammond tract con sideration $1699250 To Ed ward Miller and wife Eigh teen acres in the Hammond tract near Stockton consideration $298156 'To A Rudolph Seventeen acres4 in the Hammond tract near Stockton consi deration $281094 To Meek 108 acres near Livingston Cal and 562 acres in the city Judge Were More Than ulfilled 7 room house etc Oakland 4 very easy tirms change ALDEN CO 1007 Broadway feetnorth of Wellington $3000 ibush roof repairs southeast corner Twentieth and Telegraph $60 Bunker 2 story 10 room dwell ing west side Walker avenue 100 feet north of Cheney avenue $4563 Louis 1 story shed southwest corner East ifteenth street and Nine teenth avenue $65 Hai Chong alterations 812 Webster street $25 Maxwell Hardware Co alterations' 1320 Washington 4 street $50 Pauline Bruening alterations 61 Webster Street $1875 Brewin 1 stcry garage 729 Center street $75 Charles Pedersen 1 story 4 room side Lyon 150 feet east uiiimiy eigntn avenue J850 George Hollidge 1 story 6 room dwelling north side Manila avenue 155 feet east of College $2600 Havens: 1 story brick stores south side Eighth street 60 feet west of Broadway $5000 Levy Estate alterations 372 Seventh street $100 Parker alterations 613 Washington street $15 G' alterations 1331 Peralta: $50 Blayney 1 story garage 5314 Lawton avenue: $100 Charles Ratto alterations 701 rank lin street $10 Pauline Luttrell 1 story 6 room dwelling east side Chestnut 158 feet north of Twenty sixth street $1900 Mrs Gardiner tank frame 1254 Tenth street $100 Strang 1 story 5 room dwell ing east side Elston avenue 135 feet soutn or rast rnirty eignth street Joseph Kaelin alterations 401 Clara avenue $1200 A Alder 1 story garage 2463 second avenue $100 Armanirro alterations 896 fifth street $200 Side view of the artistic bungalows is building These arebeing erected iri the orty first and Webster streets district where the price of land has increased in val ue 30 per cent during thepast two years owing to the recent construction of the new polytechnic high school Almond Land in Pafticu lar in Strong Demand BROADMOOR COMPANY: IS WINNER IN SUIT 4 red Re verman i 41 Broadway 030 November Permits 126 construc tion $23712750 permits 118 altera tions $4464150 permits 244 Total cost $281769 December Permits 109 construc tion $22983520 permits 119 altera tions $4905635 permits 228 Total cost $27889155 Permits 1810 construction $404172620 permits 1839 alterations $67579380 Total permits 3649 Total cot $4717520 Gand total including $500000 auditorium $5117520 1748 BROADWAY Phone Oakland 2900 KllEto nOdDSITlZILDBV WEHEffi) 7 'rv '7 i I I SECOND SECTION I A V' 'i A HOME TO SUIT YOUR PURSE I am building ten modern bungalows in Central Oakland which I am going to sell at price of $350000 on terms These houses are cement exterior have hardwood floors 'tapestry paper rench doors sleeping porches and breakfast groomstogether with all other modern conveniences 'Lots are' 37x110 feet allowing room for driveways Key Route trains and electric cars easy walking distance Call at office for fur ther details and bring deposit with you bureau of permits and licenses today filed his report of building activities forr the year 1915 showing a total of $5117520 The largest single item in the 1914 building operations is $500 000 for auditorium construction The for the year 1914 showing a total of $910619140 a largo portioq of which was for schools The following exclusive of the amount for $500000 above referred to is a summary of lt14 operations: 4 January Permits 98 construction $21332150 permits 128 alterations $4446490 permits 226 Total cost $25778640 Permits 152 construc tion $387929 permits 127 alterations $4126320 permits 279 Total cost $42926320 March Permits 209 construction $56929150 permits 179 alterations' $56616 permits 388 Total cost $625 90750 Permits 149 $33814250 permits 151 $67398 permits 300 $40554050 May Permits $317198 permits $4953050 permits $36672850 June Permits' 157: $396048 permits 155 $55185 15 permits 312 $45123115 July Permits 162 $300 Cash The following is' a summary of build ing permits issued in Oakland for the week ending Wednesday January 6 iedreka Schmidt 1 story store south side Penniman avenue 50 feet west of Short 'street $200 Estates of Witter and A Gooding alterations 825 Broadway $40 Klotz alterations 3813 Telegranh avenue $200 Emil Christensen' additions 3906 Pen niman avenue $200 A Morse 1 story 4 room dwelling south side East Thirty eighth street 300 feet east of ruitvale McGuinness' alterations 1507Washington street $500 1 leischman Co alterations 320 Twelfth street: $200 Young 1 story 4 room dwelling east side Brown 250 feet north of Cal ifornia: $1600 Yosemite Laundry Co alterations west side Grove street 50 feet south of orty seventh (add cost) $4000 Emmons roof repairs southwest corner Seventh and Webster street Alfred Hopper i story 5 room dwelling outh side Pleasant Valley ave nue opposite Moraga $1950 Elrod 1 story 4 room dwelling east side Seventy sixth avenue 150 feet south of East ourteenth: $1000 arley alterations 1396 ifth street $5V 4 irst National Bank alterations our 4 teenth and Broadway $400 Dr Baird £tory garage west side Oak street 518 iect north street Barlasini alterations street: $245 Bishop additions 554 nue: $750 Morrill 1 story garage 5336 James avenue: $50 Laymance repairs southeast cor ner Thirteenth and Jefferson $50 Elks ChibXalterations 420 ourteenth Street $500 Ng Poon Chew 1 storY 6 room dwelL ''J i Total 228 SUMMARY New construction 109 Alterations additions and 5 repairs 119 construction $363746 permits 154 alterations $66 91980 permits 316 Total cost $430 66580 Permits 194 construction $337786 permits 163 alterations $74 10360 permits 357 Total cost $411 88960 Permits 146 construc tion $284524 permits 188 alterations 5 043880 permits 334 $35456280 Permits 156 S56K 777 normife 9Ao $56578 permits 358 Total VH Mclntier 310 Thomson Bldg 1706 Good 5 room cottage in North Oakland near cars and trains easy terms 508) Two story 6 room home on 24th ave north of Boulevard great bargain worth at least $4500 (E 451) $1500 Lot 40x125 on east side of Park blvd between Everett and Wellington sts (4th ave Hgts) easy terms (EiE 1054) Nothingdown if you will build lot 40x125 near Vernon and Moss aves high and level (CC 691) $2000 Lot 34x130 1 story 5 room cot tage on Apgar st near Grove this is a Mclntier 310 Thomson Bldg 1706 Broadway 8U ILDING 0PEH1TI0N5 OH 3 1314 TOTAL 15117520 Man Hangs Himself rom Sign Board RICHMOND Jan 9 Alex Borges 29 years of age who lived atr 994 Page street San rancisco committed suicide here yesterday afternoon by hanging him self in the rear of a signboard at San Pablo and Cutting avenues: He' had' $8 in his pockets He leaves a4 widow in Courtland Sacramento county? if I 1 M4 Taylor 'Bros Co LAKESIDE LOT $1350 for two 76 ft 1 block from lake full open view of the lake and its parks also entire business district the view can never be" obstructed fully developed district' ELEGANT LATS Large pair flats on N' cor ner room for cottage on lot In rear $3500 Large modern cottage on prom inent side 1 street near Tele 'graph ave cost owner flat loan just 44 made for $2000 must go this is' a beauty TAYLOR BROS CO 1512 Broadway Oakland Calif Phone Oakland 950 ID HARRI vJt A.

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