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Lebanon Daily News from Lebanon, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Lebanon, Pennsylvania
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ffifftlf tftffeL LBBlKOff NEWS, LEBAHQK, ftfc AFTER EASTER SALE Buy at Rntenberg's and Save Money Girl's Spring Coats all sizes. Values $4 np to $12.00. To close out at Ladies' Silk Dresses. Values np to £15. Special at $598 RUTENBERG, 711 CUMBERLAND ST.

$4.90 Highest Price $4.90 Highest Price Give You the Full Value in Every Pair of Shoes You Buy Here. The reason for oar Low Prices is plain. You pay no middleman's profit because our big buying power enables us to troy direct from the factory gaining special price concessions from the manufacturers. Men's Oxfords and Shoes Larpre assortment in the latest styles and leathers, all Goodyear welts, English or Blu. in tan and brown calf skins.

ts Wonderful for Sick Stomachs 1 whnt every sufferer Says after taking ono or two doses of Dr. Orlh's Great Stomach Prescription and fourth niorced a bins. Everyone who trleo it acknowledges that it does cura liuli- kOHtion, and certa.uly banishoa dyis- and other Stomach distress al- nj'u-t instantly. Here's one letter that will give you an idea of just how good it is: Wm. Starkey, Hock Crank, Ohio, was sick for several years, went to hospital after getting no relief from Doctors and many other remedies that I tried.

Unable 'to work, and confined to tho house. I was advised by a friend to try Doctor Orth's Stomach Ilemody. I had no faith in anything any more, but I tried It and to my happy surprise 13 5t did me good. I am now perfectly illon. said well and for six months havo been -Jit i day in tbo blacksmith att n( thmg 1 Want and OTnr th Rev.

Father Chas. Dillon TELLTALE SYMPTOMS OF Shot By His Assistant WOMAN'S ILLS (SpeclaJ to News by United Press.) Every woman who suffers from Kailamaaoo. Rev. backache, headaches, dragglnE-dowu Father Char 16.3 assocliito pas- pains, irregularities, tor of St. Augustine's Koma.n C-atho- displacements, irritability, or do- 5 He church, was held at policn h.eatl- spondency should recognize in such quarters today for the sJioo-ting to i symptonis some derangement of her I (loath of Hcv.

Fataer Hen.ry O'-; system which should have attention i Noll, pastor of the church, which before seme mure serious ailment ig Uc confessed to polic officials, These conditions are of ten 5 Tho shooting took place at the evidenced by a sallow dinner last night. Four shots 'dark circles under the eyes, lassi- ci- wero fired, all of which took effect, jinde and sleeplessness. For nearly Ono p.ori-fxl the abdomen, another icty years hydla Pinkham's Voge- entored just above the Iwart, the tablo" Compound has been pre-emi- ttiird poti'titrated the right temple, aently successful in overcoming such Boys' and Little Gents Oxfords Brown, Goodyear welts. GENTS 7 BOYS' $2.69 $3.29 Men's Tara Heavy Working Slices Scout and Other Styles L8H2.9H3.98 Ladies' Tan and Black Oxfords in calf and vici kid. Special for Ladies' Grey Buck Oxfords Pat, trim, rubber heel, also grey $4.90 Misses' and Children's Brown and Patent Oxfords and Pumps $1.98 to $2J8 Infant's Patent Sandals with straps 98c to $1.98 A great variety of other styles in low and high shoes for the whole family.

A trial here convince you our quality is of the highest our prices the lowest. Street 3 1 condi'tions, and it is now recognized According to the confession Father everywhere as tho standard made to the chief of poMco, 0 woman's Ilia. DUlon he hod been driven to fury by al-i" IcgiM ill treatment a-t the hands of the pastor. Cj. OlOFG from berland ra we Mrs.

Inrin Keller. Mrs. Mary Brown, srtwnoct al- Mra Misses: Alice hero from Enima Mincrva uirich, iso, RlUh Moyerp Slc a Mover, HinnorshiU, Annie Ueber, Kobecca 1 K. filer. Charlotte Hoffa, Fern Hoffa.

Horbert Hoffa, Paul Sohn, Souvcnir8 Given 23 South Eighth Street 3rd Shoe Store South on Eighth from Cumberland KALEY B. ZIMMERMAN, osocwcHXtoa wcwaaiaw of a practicing physician wbo used lo ul mom. i ratowiea ioi wan pi sllnr nollin Ornmbine. Howit with great auei-ecs in exactly such 0 Mm chance to co-nCoss ami in llrey an Curtis Smallz. -asas as yonrs during a period of tiO repont before 1 kiMod him but as 1 atlvswioficl Jivto the room, wiith the Snavely Drug Co.

can supply you. holding tlwj pistol extended, 1 Raw lilm grab for a shaker to throw at 0 and I firod onoe and; tnci1 CC After that I do At Reacins tne Jvancaj-ier rwa 7Qry we jj wna happened." Market. Luke S. Kramer. Harry jru tihor McCulloiigh, who was Hartman and Jclrn U- Ha in wore at dining tafokj Vho ahoot- etuih fined $50 and costs for soiling ing occurred, wag too nervous to "tale eggs.

make any statement. Prioetg who knew Faithcr Dillon of Voters Next Wednesday Evening An mcetinc of of Voters will be held on Wcd- Give a Guarantee of I'Orfcct Satisfaction. ho suffered spoils of Insanity ucsdny i-venlng April IS, in tile Wo- were free to doclair thoy believe roan's Club rooms, Market Square. DR.H. tho shooting of theoo spells.

JSTKSIGHT SPECIALIST Eighth Willow Streets DROPS FRUIT Hrapc Fruits Each 2 heads C'nions Bermuda, eacli COFFEES Blend, Ute best the has 1 45c per lb. WEDD1G RECEPTION HED AT HARRY HOFFA HOaiE AT RIOILAND during The speakers will he Mrs. John O. 'Miller, chairman of the Ponna. State ilxiaguo of Women Voters, tuid Miss Thomas, treasurer of the same organization.

They will explain in dotail the Rd- monds Art and the school code. Matters which am at present of vital importance to the people of the State. Elmer PlaMz Purchased Chandler Touring Car for our "CLEAN-UP SALE" bip; combinations sale. them our Union Tea CUMBKHLAND PT, to the Capltor KfhuHz. Mrs.

Frank Moyer, Mrs. 'Sarah nehor, Mr. and Mrs. AlU-n HinnershUz, Mr. and Mra.

Paul Deg- Mr. a ml Mrs. Sherman Hovortrr. and Mrs. Adam Keller, Mr.

and Out Goes All Rheumatic Poison town, is ono fully equipped. L. Urlch, of Wfint Myers- salfsman, sold a An enjoyablo gathering took at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F.

Hoffa, at Richland, when a reception was tendered their daughter, Anna, the recent bride of John H. of thla city, and her husband. A large number of friends 'were present to loader thoir fellcita-; "33 tourlnK car to Llraer Itions and to hope for their successful P(1 1 464 Ncw Btveetl journey through lil'p, and theso. jtiments were emphasized with somo pretty and valuabla gifts. A sumptuous dinner was served.

Tboso included: Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hnffa, Mr. and Mrs.

John Sohn, Mr. and John IT. Sohn. Ilov. and Mrs.

Uarvny J. Miller, Mr. and Mrn. Adam M. Moyer, Mr.

and Mrs. Frod in tho audience had to think of as a proud Southern sirl, indu- cut in thoughL, and unuccd to Hilda Vox. Much favorable comment was oard after tho performance relative the acting of Ml as Hilda Fox. She ilayod Mra. Faulkner, a schemi.ij;.

r.o'bliish widow lady. Stager. Mrs. Faulkner had a daughter named Cora. Thin young lady was impersonated by Blanche The laughter i subject to her mother's will but in love matters ibeycd her own impulses.

Miss StaR- -r played the part of tho beautiful laughter most commondubly. Alma Kreisor. Thon canif- Olivia's black mammy, old bent with work bnt original in lomely expression and southern no- dialect. Alma Krciser was ce- out of tho entire student body carry this role. She added to the of tho company.

Charles Charles Weary was a veritable scream as he played Charles Loffcrts. statistical poet. He it was, who loved Cora Faulkner but ho bad to contend with poverty as well as the opposition of the future mother-in-law. Young Mr. Weary provided more than one humorous situation.

latMt moduls and irst Appearance of High School Stu- as Thespians One) ora rnmcmbor Mif.r, Clark's portrayal of Olivia Diingprnc-lil how nmusins how wonderful It wrts but as fur an loenl folks aro ponnerned thoy would rather see and il'KAU Miss Harntah. She was truly ex-rollout last night when it is romember'd that sho ia high school girl with IKtle or no expoiienco in (i von amateur perform an coo. It ia a difflcult task to take kHase at half past eiKht and actiu? and Rlietiir Acts Ridnpys, and the Very First Day Orow Stronp, Thick and Thousands of men and worn on nrt tmirlc'H nvory 'lay. 'L'lilB If bulrlnews uxtiall.v comt'." froTi) iicelect unit sinyono who llic scalp a little nt trillion slio-iifl nHvny: an abunrtiui'je of fMnd-lonWnn, i DanilrnlT run! dirt nans hairiness." 'iy cloKKlng in tlio ami siv- ii rr Ecrnia fertile ground for iirollflc lirceillnr.

Tho irealme-nt Is, vory romwn llio dirt bv shanipooiiiR and dcslroy the ilandroft nenna by apply In jf r.fMrlrnt everywhere aro ono of ihn 1'arl-Hian a liquid lhat dru nmv and satcst Ireatm-onta to surely stop tmnlp anil falling lialr, remove dandruft an-l In properly nourlch and nivlporntc thfh nir rontp. I'arinlan Is In pnat rtrmanil by women It la daintily porf timed, not culor or strocJt ih; InUr anil glvea It a and lus- t-r that and comprln artnilra- tlon. SnnvnJy PruB Company will it to you. it until after talking almost continuously as did Mies Harnisl) well. Moat of tho time it was work to assume the brogue of an lass and this sha gaw through wlUiout a single noticeable break, Get a bottle of Rheuma today and wr-ar a satisfied smile on your face (hat ia p-ctonlaning (hard a part and xvhole country, and it's Just ns' do and pay as did Arthur Kuiory, Talcine the part of Kolon attoruex, Arthur Emery had one of 'he major parts considerable acting and talking.

His uiaUe- was origlual and his linporsona- 1 ioa Darkes Alhrlirht. In "Coma Out of the Kitchen" Smlthfit-ld is i.h older 'nrother 1'aul tho proud Uangorfleld initial of play Involves poverty of tho AN lie falls in with the plaM of his sister -o up (lift work of a to C'rnn'- 1 does lo.ugh at all times. of their of the father the Datigerf Uilda decide lease t'hni-r home to a rich Northorn Millionaiipe. At tlio last niomoat tli sorvonitjj fail to appeal 1 Haul becomes imperative for tie tour DajiKcrfiold children to take thiilr places. Tho millionairo Hko cvoryo-no PaJl" in 1-ovo vrHU the cook.

Prniso for Prof. Beatty. To Professor lioabty much credit ia due for the remarlanblc perforto- a.nco ovf a l-offlg and liaril play high Dtudemts. had them toidn- ed to the detail. Hopple IlccilxU During ono o-f the intennftes'mffl, ic Kev.

Charles dter took tho aad talked in tho interest of iho IlaiTy Hopple recitaJ -wliwch fe to bo given next Thursday. of Clvarnctero OlTivtia alias Jane ITwrniah. KlisabeUi aJlaa Kroifleir. Mra. FoJkenor, Tucker's aiater H-Jlda Pox.

Oora Ffelkwner, -her Bkniche StiUKor. Amanda, OHvTa'a black Alma Orane, from the Nortt Bond for sout. eciatlra, lumbago and kidney as for rheumatism. It drivfw the poisonous waste from Joints and the Fprri't of hen ma's suroess. Jlut wo don't iipk you to take our ivm-d fr-r it, 8" to tha Saavely Prug or any druggist get Hottle.

and If doesn't do as we promieo get your money btcjt. It will be wottinsf for you. DiUlftr ns llurtr.n Crano, millionaire Nnrtheruor, nearly as UH much to HanUsb. In and in action appearance, in he played part porfertlon, measured by the stan'la''ds of aiua- tetiv acting. In rustainc-d play it is not to imaciiiod that hitfh school DON'T LET HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE SHORTEN YOUR LIFE Tboso who havo suffered from i'cneral -weakness, dizziness, palpita- Uoii and other symptoms iff iilood and who have that thoir trouble might even end in -uddea doath, will bo delighted with opjiortunity for quick and health.

An eminent physician has been so successful iu treating high Wood uresaure that physicians everywhere have been prescribing his treatment. Tho use of his prescription haw become BO widespread that It has now bean placed iu all good drug under the name "Bi-a-lin." It is absolutely harmlotm and contains uo habit-forming drugb. It acts by driving out oven from thn most remote corners, which most treatments do not reach, (lie polaons that clog the system and briug on blood pressure. Patieutfi report that their distressful symptoms btop almost Immediately and there comes a power and vigor that makes tliom feel younger and look youngor; every vital organ funcliourng with tho vigor incomplete. Act i days jater.

Act dintog before dinmer on itSio aame day. po-eewnt. in Vireinla, Have You Then Ton Have Something to Learn Thousands who have plies baW not leartied that quick ami permanent relief can only bo accomplished with lornal medicine. Neither cutting nor any amount of treatment with olntmodta iLurl suppositories will remove the cauBe, Bad circulation causes Th4re Is complete stagnation of btood the lower bowel and a weaientnjr ot the partB. Dr.

J. B- Leonhardt waa first to rind the remedy. His prescription! HKM-noiD, la now sold by all Dr tried la 1000 cases with tbti marveloiu record of in 98 per cent, and then decwled It Hliould bo sold under a rigid bark guarantee. Don't any more ttnae irltk Clyd 0 Thorn KK befferts, ototistksal Oharlea Solon Tucker, Orane'a attorney -ind Emery. Paul Dan-gwrfiold, Sroithfiold rould than did the leading man lady Kwirter raster its to kt many owa- for .1 hearty H' 1 porior.

TKio well done Uarfccs Albrlglit. I'aul Paul had a brother Paul Ortsserl took over duly of bp-lng Charles. Hfi bpcnme iirlndnlbiiry wnen tho Danscrfield br-fame w-r- and In the dish washing in thP kitchen brought down thu did llVcwiBO whfn he op- Tueker'a makiuB Iov 0 to his Dangurf. e4d, alias Uamlolph Woekn, Ment of the Daugcrf iloke. fiynopniis of Sotrnc.s, Act.

room of the Dan- wfk'idg m-aneion. Note: Dtjr'uB the curta.u will bo lowtirod for four iRwirs' time. BANISH H-chard Without the Dan- sarflolds would hove no lk-'t to thorn with Crnne. part wuc taken by Itlcluir.J Ilokr. Tli S' liooi Any tto.ry.of st)o out fiv- en by High nehcol bund, undor th-o Uiroction of tnc'r tuarhor out-Bide Get A pcelaUra of HEM-UOID from Suavely today.

It has riven sifs and iMaiuc relief to tbonsauds uid nhould oarae for seldom faUa. f- GEHRET'S Special Rug Sale For Saturday Arth-ur 'several pre-curta. all of former years. You can get Bi-a-lin in convenient which received tablet form at ail good druggists, from pocked housf. as Rnavely Drug S.

Cor. 'also rcnde'rfd Wendell's PilU, Ambition Brand, For Run- Down, Tired Out People If 7011 fMl tired oat. out of or Btfp awty wiv'k too hi'rcl, iimoVe lea nervtiu. J'H) tf.ilHy and' r. wrj.ii!d be on-! toward foeHngr Tbo Played! applauseibnMfi- Music was tin? nets.

a Hranrt. will n-nke vou pr Cumberland sth Baylor's They played as f-he actors, liko pro Drug Store, near Pout Office; John rYl.oehle, Vth Co Tue play oomedy, There tor ef i.v«t«m. IHM N'ti Wilton, Velvet, Axroi Tapestry, Wool Fibre Ru Lowest Prices EXTRA SPECIAt SATURDAY 27x54 Tapestry Rugs,.

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