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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AINT It often costs more to prepare a house for rrpai.nrin^ that Veen the place than cc DAILY JOURNAL. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 8. to k.vo ly p'jre L' linsecU oil. tncti- (v to be fonr.s I 1 1 iny and r.e-vu' i- scrapud oil 0:1 or and clean. strictly pure any oi'lhu I "Anclior," "Eckstein," l.c.l.l to kt--r "i' l.t-;i:! paititp.

ahiuk-s. ii vible to oil Send jinints mid "NATIONAL j( Scve-nLh and Avtni.t;. Kl THE VENDOIE 1111.1. UK K.I UK FOB SUXDAV DINNER Cream uf Fowl, SIlcoU Tomatoes uml Celery Jliuikln.iw Trout, Genniui Ktlwl Potatoes UOILKD. Breast of Lumli, wllli French Pats KO.VST.

Prime Boast or Beef, with Mushroom Sauce Chicken, with French Dressing KNTHIKJ. Croquettes, Cream Sauctv BuimniL FrlttorH, Lemon Saucn YKGKTAHLKS Boiled Pointers Buttered Beats Jersey Sweet Potatoes New Beans Plant Pie Cortet) Sllceil Lfinon Flo Carinipl Cake ii Milk Ice Creiini Buttermilk i-i'uunrauuniijiiniininj i am And it will Keep You Cool I Drink ItwUen you art- UilfHty; when you tlrtrl whfn youuruovvrhni'tftl. When- evor you fi-vl that ftt'iiUii-stvlin; ttrrnpvriiijct) iooJ drink drink will do yuu i Rootbeer Ailc. gtttul 2c tot The ClHW. K.

I ony. Sold everywhere. Mil picture aurdj mul rxn-k. riiUmlHpliin. DR.

TRUAX, THE SPECIALIST. OVER STATE NATIONAL BANK. After fourteen yours of sclentllln study of Xoso, Lnnn, and nil Dlswixus of a Chronic Niiture I ndoptMl my form of treatment, mid have co nducted sncciv.tfnl pnictlco In tliBiibovn clans ot Ktws. I eordl.illy Invite you or jonr WnniH, If ntlllisted wlthnnv Clironlc Dl.snn«e. to consult and my method ot trcutnivnc anil Us Olik-e linnrs: 10 to 11! a.

'i to -I. 7 to 8 n.m. All culls promptly attended Kotice of Street Improvement. Notice of hear of report of city civil engineer ol estlm iniide for cost or Iniproveme nt of the unimproved portions of Ottawa street from Pwrl street to north Sixth street In tlie city of Lorainsport. Nonce Is hernby clven to all persons In Interest tnat the common council ot the cltr or Loimns- nort, CaSH County, Indiana, at an adjourned ses- dlon thereof held April a).

IXIM. llxed the 16th day May, 1KM. at the hour of 7 Jill o'clock n. m. us the time, and the council chamber of.

mild city as the place when and where a committee appointed by laid council will consider the report of the city civil engineer of said city of the estimate of the costof the Improvement of the unimproved portions of Ottawa street In saldlcltj from I'earl street to North Sixth street formerly Pontlac street. In city made hy (iottlleb A. ochnefer under con- trac with said city, and any person teellni; aggrieved by said report mny appear before sucli committee then and there, and make objections thereto, and shall be accorded a henrlnd herein, and nil persons In intereBt will tike notice thereof and govern themxelves accordingly. Witness my hand and the seal of said city this 33d day of April, 1894, AI.11H11TSWAHKKKR, Cleik ol the city of Logansport. FINANCIAL.

WALL STREET! IOOPKBATK KUCCKSSFI'MiT IX WAU. STHKET Join H. K. Stock 100 to500 percent, perannnm easily made, anil without risk. Send for "Prospectmand Dally Marked Letter." mailed free.

Highest Reference. Out record up to date per rent. 88 percent. paldtothesulHcrlbers. as thn nwnltof operations from December, 18:13, to April 15th, 18D4, Stocks, Grain and Provisions.

No. 41 Broadway, New York City. Acute and ohronlo catarrh; diseases of the throat and ear treated by Dr. J. H.

Sbultz, 412 fourth street. Telephone 157. Grover'n Moltloquy. And It came to pass, that, In the days of peace and plenty, came I up to be ruler over tbla Nation, and moreover there poeth one out before me who walketh not after my weyB, tte latchct of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose. When I journoyd hither I lifted up mine eyes and beheld the "While House," its fat ollices maketh me exceedingly joyful, so I sallh to my heart bo merry, for will not I and my party wear purple and flno linen, and faro sumptuously every day? For my parly prnyeth unto me, yea, they did most earnestly seek me they communed with mo want a behold! we stand- oth so long; at tho outmost gate that our upparel weareth shabby, and when wo become athirst DO ono asketh us in to '-drink." Likewise, the Old "Mother Country" wlnkolh at me, saying, "thou urt tho one we have doueht, and mourned because wo found ttoo not," If thou wilt do this thing wo will buy thy coiTer.i fchn.ll bo lilled with silver and was I bouffhi its with a price have cold my birthright for a mess of pottaffo.

I hearkened their teachings; yon, wo will go la possess the aboundoth in postolllces and llowoth with good "Old Kyo," from whence comotb. our strength. So I made haste and chose me servants, even ty the south of my kingdom picked I of undoubted alter my own saith will I rule this people, I will relieve rights have I set at will deprive tho poor of their the laborer of his hire. Factories will I cause to be no sound of the hammer hath been heard, only as the autlonoer knockoth doivn property; want and ruin shall walk hand In pride will I humble as a national honor will I cause to be trailed In tho dust. But woe unto me; "For as a man soweth, so shall he reap," because when I gooth to tho Senate Chambers there is contention and wrangling, and when I lift up iny voico in the appointment of my chief openly they kick viciously; "all is vanity and vexation of spirit." Likewise have I another burden too griovoas to bo borne.

Those mon of respect mo not. for in liuius past when there was "Rebellion" in tho I hired mo a substitute, and because forsooth, my spirit was too weak to face cannon ball, and my body too ponderous to lleo they laugh mo to scorn. According to tho customs of this nation, they do them too much honor much speaking and flower offering, which Is an abomination to soul doth abhor it. In tho beginning I would have wooed them with soft promises, and my countenance bocoma as smooth as oil and my voice sweeter than honoy gladly would I have gathered them as a hen doth gather her my they would now verily, would I wring their necks, ovory ono, but dare rot! The time draweth nigh when I must hie away to some secluded spot, yea will I go Usbing. But my sin will Qnd mo foot have become entangled in a tho zeal of my house hath eaten me up and I am a man without honor in my own that my name hath become a reproach to all loyal people, and although I have become possessed of groat riches, yet llavalleth me nothing 1 Oh! that I had heeded the warning that a "good name is rather to be chosen than groat riches, and loving favor than silver or gold." And moreover could return as the "Prodigal Son," I have become so plastered over with "vetoes," and blackened with political corruption that the eyes of my own mother would not know me.

Tnorefore when mine enemies shall have overtaken plunged me into tho slough of oblivion, I fain would have them warn my brethren, that hey come not hither lest the tribe of Grovor forgot its cunning, and bo wiped from off the face of the earth. Truly i he way of the transgressor Is hard. LACE mm AND SILK AND CHENILLE PORTIERS Cleaned and thoroughly at moderate prices, by the Old fctaten Island DyeiFg Establishment, of New York, oa short notice. Leave your work at THE BEE HIVE DRY GOODS STORE where prompt attention will be given it. 1SKTTKK THAN Asuporlntondont of rnotlvo power says all the suporintoudonts of motive, and master mechanics he knows are in favor of strict discipline to prevent trainmen visltinp drinking places; skill, ho thinks railroad companies should provide comforts and attractions In the way of reading rooms, etc, to take the place of the saloons.

EofrinecneEi and train crows are quired to upend much of their leisure hours away from home and its restraining-in ttuenoes, and were the companies to pay more attention to providing plain, free, clean sleeping places near the roundhouses it would, in connection with reading rooms, have a good influence. Where suitable buildings oinnot be secured the plan of the PlHsburp. Cincinnati, Chicago Louis could'be adopted to advantage. At Chicago, near the round house, an old passenger coach has been placed and fitted up with a stove, bunke provided with mattresses and blankets, and a crew, when cominp off the road with a few hours to spend at the terminal, goes to the. bunks and Kets a good rest.

On the register opposite his bunk selected the name of the occupant appears and also the time ho la to be called. By this arrangement the caller is saved many hours of search for crews and this saving alone largely offsets the cost of maintaining the alecpinj? place. Similar accommodations at every division point would ho appreciated by the mon, would enable them to render better service and go a long ways in prevent- inp their leisure time in saloons. 9100 The rmder of tills will be ploased to Icnrn that thure at least one dreaded dl.iBO/ie-i ttmt HclencB has been able to cure In all Its ataees and thai In Caturrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive care known to the medical fraternity.

Catarrb being a coimtltntlerml dlsetun, rnqulrea a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cme Is taken Internally, acting directly on the blood and mucux Barracks of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the, and giving tne patient strengtn by building up the constitution and nulstlng nature In doing Its work. The proprietors nave so nmeh faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. for lint of testimonials, Address, K. J.

CHENEY A Toledo, 0. Vdold by druggists. Quaker keadiohe oapiuli give lief In ten mlnutei. The abash will have a nsw time card out next Sunday. Sells I3ro'.

advertising: cat 1 No. 2 came in from Lafayette over the Wabash yesterday. Superintendent Peck and Trainmaster May of the Richmond division were In the city yesterday. Wabash earnings for April foot $872,881, a decrease of $12,418 compared with April of last year. A number of Wabash officials were in the city yesterday attending- the funeral of Mrs.

W. S. Lincoln. Earl Cook of the R. R.

Y. M. C. A. was in Columbus, Sunday ad- dresBinp the association of that city.

John McGlllen returned yesterday to his work at the Pan Handlo blacksmith shop, after an absence of two weeks caused by sickness. The Vandalla northbound evening train will bo several hours late today on account of Soils'Bros, show which exhibits at Torre Haute today. Dr. Barnfield, formerly relief surgeon at this place now of Fort Wayne will be married tomorrow at Richmond to a young lady of that city. A oar on the gravel train was derailed at Aylosworth last nlpht by a stone which fell from the car and dislodged the trucks.

The accident caused no especial delay. It is said that the taking effect of the summer time table the Limited over the Pennsylvania lines will leave New York one hour later and reaok western terminals the same hour it now does. The sanitary inspectors of the Pan Handle are now on a sanitary Inspection trip over the lines. The State Board of Health has asked all roads to make similar Inspection of their lines, especially looking after the surroundings of stations, shops, etc. T.

R. Sewall will probably have but one opponent for re-election to the advisory board of the Pennsylvania Relief Association for this district. So far the names of Mr. Sewall and Mr. Lyman Buah have been mentioned.

Mr. Bush IB a paisenger engineer of the division. Commencing today voter will be taken and every ballot must be in by May 23. Mr. Sewall will probably be re-elected.

An Interesting family passed through the city a few nights ago on an emigrant train bound for Chicago. They had thirteen children, the oldest but five years old. There wore three sots of triplets and two pairs of twins. There are but few families that can produce a hotter record. Word was received here yesterday that Geo.

Patrick, many years ago a resident of Logansport and one of the first engineers of what is now the Pan Handle, died at Louisville, on Sunday. Deceased was about sixty years old. No cause of his death Is given. His aged mother still resides In this city, at No. 222 Broadway.

Phil O'Mara, of the Pan Handle round house force was circulating the latest libh story yoitorduy. While taking a. the banks of the Wabash rivor on Sunday evening- he noticed a large bass close to shore. His cat wniuh was following him spied it at iho same time, raado leap in the water, caught it in tho buck of the neclc and dragged itaohoro. Phil took tho fish homo which ho says weighed (ivo piuiidn, Chief Sargent of the li.

of L. F. is at Terro Haute where an investigation regarding hia ruling in tho C. I. vote matter will bo hold tomorrow.

It will bo remembered that tho firemen decicJed almost unanimously to strike when the wages were reduotd and that In spite of the vote Chief Sargent declined to junction strlko. This cause many llremen to oponlv charge their chiaf with corruption and the investigation is self-sought by Mr. Sargent. The New York hotel men's train which passed through tho city Sunday Is said to have been the finest train that ever was seen here It consisted of six Pullman cars veslibulod and was fitted up with the latest improvements, including electric lights. The steam to run the dynamo was furnished by the locomotive, the boater hose being attached to the dynamo.

The cars were furnished with a cooking and dining apartment, bar, barber shop and the entire train was a pal. atial hotel on wheels. Nearly every passenger was supplied with a stock of the floest liquors and cigars and the train crow reports that the Now Yorkers enjoyed thn trip immensely. Poker was the main past time and betting ran high. At one time a jack pot of was on the table and at another a single bet amounted to tG 000.

Money changed hands freely and was won and lost without any outward signs of emotion. This does not look like hard times at least not for New York hotel men. Tho usual treatment of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, as thousands can testify. Proper local treatment Is positively necessary to euccess, but many, if not most, of the remedies In general use afford but temporary -relief. A cure certainly cannot be expected from snuffs, powders, douches and washes.

Ely's Cream Balm, which Is so highly commended, is a remedy which combines tho important requisites of quick action, specific curative power, with perfect safety and pleas, antness to the patient. The druggists all sell It. A Coilr.liiNtou. WEST CORINTH, Maine. doctored for years for bllousnets, but nothing ever helped me like Simmons' Liver Regulator.

I shall take nothinp else hereafter. M. Oakman. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid The powder is to be taken dry or made into a tea. ADDITIONAL LOCALS.

25 cents for summer underwear at Otto's. Leroy Fitoh has accepted a position as bookkeeper at J. Hildebrandt's plumbing- establishment. House for Salo Very 808 Sycamore street. Inquire of A.

DeLong, No. 402 Market street. Regular meeting of the W. C. T.

U. will be held this afternoon at the Baptist church at half past two. Ready made wrappers, shirt waists and chlmisetts at prices so low you cannot refuse Palace. For accident tickets for twelve months for $10. Houses to rent, No, 319 Pearl M.

Clos. son. 2 hats still proves a winning card, and 50 cent ties for 25 cents is boosting iho Otto Kraus furnishing department. The severest cases of rheumatism, are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. Now is the time to take U.

Hood's Cures. For rent, flood front room, down stairs, suitable for two, in good location on Market street, five minutes walk from court house. Inquire Journal office. The saving of one store rent enables Otto Kraus to sell shoes still low When Your Watch or Piano NEED5 REPAIRS Do you let a blacksmith or carpenter tinker with it No. Better lei it alone than do that! How about your very life prop? This delicate niechauijjin gets out of order, and who shall repair it There are fine mechanics who cannot repair there good physiciacs who cannot fix up tlii; nerves.

Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vital- izer is sttfe nnd positive cure for every form of nuivi; ilehility nerve exhaustion if used faithful!" to directions. Be It's Just What You Need It is, if you suffer from Chronic HcadacVa Sleeplessness, Debility or Prostration Tliesc are warnings it' neglected inn- CO Paralysis, Kpilepsy. Apoplexy, or I- Our does not stupify it builds up cures 1 tt UKtnvonc wlio shut We UirCi. im.i.'by analysis OJ i cocJiiiu-, 01 opium, di'ii; 1 in IhiMvmedy J.V/.

Brant Co. AJbion, Mich. JVi. New Yorlc. Free sample for convincing trial of any dreg- gist, or direct from us 0:1 receipt of 5 ceti'dt (stamps) for return The doctor will jjivc free advice to any -VDIS ask it.

All are welcome. One dollar a bottle at druggists. found write us. For Sale by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St. To Special excursion tickets to Indi- aoupolis will be from ticket stations on the -vivania lines in Indiana at reduced roucd trip rates, as follows: May Cth and 7th, on account Musical U.IHM returning unti 1 May 9tb, Inclusive.

May 13. 15 nnd 16, acount Re bekah Lodge, I. O. and Grand Lodge. I.

O. O. of Inciana; valid to return up to and including May 18. May 14 and 15, good returning until May 18. Inclusive, account May Musical Festival.

May 21 and 22. account Grand Lodge F. A. of Indiana; good to return until May 24, inclusive. May 22 and account People's Party Convention; good to return until May 25, inclusive.

For particulars and time of trains, apply to nearest Pennsylvania line ticket apent. 10 Culll'oruln Ureiitlr viu tlie I'oniiHj Iviiula LlneH. The Mid winter Fair at San Francisco and tho numerous other attractions in the Wonderland beyond th Rocky mountains can be enjoyed persons of limited means as the roun trip rate has again been materially reduced via Pennsylvania lines. Pas seniors can select any of the sevora routes from Chicago, and tho retur limit is ample lor a satisfactory so journ. For details apply to A Me Cullough, ticket agent.

Logansport Ind. mid Tho unequalled success of Allcock's Porou Plasters as external remedy lias Induced un scrupulous parties to Imitations, which the endeavor to on the reputation of Allcock's It is an absurdity to gpeuk of them intliosam ciUepjr)- as the genuine porons plaster. The: aliened equality with illcock's Is a rilse pretenn The ablest medical practitioners and chemists and thousands or grateful patients In dc clnrliic Allcock's Porous the best exte nal remedy ever produced. Ask for Allcock'H an uccopt no other. Brandreth's Pllis act upon the whole system.

A Votu'or for Whllo Mr. T. J. Kichey, of Altona was traveling in Kansas he wa taken violently ill with cholera mor bus. Ho called at a drug store to go' some medicine and the druggist recom mended Chamborlain's Colic.

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy so highly he concluded to try it. Tho rosalt was immediate relief, and a few doses cured him oompletely. It is made for bowel complaint and nothing else. I never fails. For tald by B.

F. Kees, ling Druggist. La Grippe Vanauished. 4 SUBE SP BCI fie to this dreaded disease, as most any resident of Arkansas Cltj can testify. er.

The great crowds that fill mammoth itore daily attest the ot the public. his ap Santa Fe Railroad Boys Heard From. MR. R. R.

PHKLPS: DKAK take (jroat pleasnre In recommending your for conglm and colds. Having given It a trial, I could recommend no better medicine for my friends. Very truly, KKNNKDT, Stutlon Baggageman. A Santa Fe Engineer's Story. 1 contracted a bad cold; was so hoarse I could only speak above whisper; the congh was very distressing; purchased a bottle of sour Kour-C; It cured almost from the start.

I take emit pleasure In recommending It to Engineer, PUUT PC A Is sold nndw rnliLro give perfect iatlsfactlon or money ulirays returned by I BEN FISHER. and Surgical Institute Chronic and Private Diseases, Diseases of Wouieo, CatarrL, Bronchitis, Consumption, Tumors, Stomach ami Lniij? Troubles. 5,000 cases treated during the last three years with a success that has never been equalled outside of the large eastern cities. We have all the new methods and all the apparatus with winch to apply them. We will tell you just what we cnu do for you.

and charge nothing for the examination, Prs. ClIKISTOrUKIl LOSGKSKCKIIl 417 Market Logansport. Notice. The first payment on subscriptions of stock to the Citizens 1 Natural Gas Company of Logansport, is now dun and should be paid at the company's cilice, corner of Market and Fourth streets. Shares of stock are twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each (two shares to a fire) to be paid as follows: April 1 00 Mar 21.

IfiH 1 June 20, ISM 1 OB July 20. 1894 'i 00 AllKUStai. IMH 3 09 September ISM 3 00 October 2'l. 189) 3 00 November 2li. 1801 Drcember W.

iwt 4 00 January 400 (2500 JOHN GKAY, President. C. W. GRAVES. Secretary.

Notice. To tho stockholders of the Citizens' Natural Gas You are requested to meet at tho Council Chamber on Tuesday evening next, May 8, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of recommending to tho Board tho name of a President and Vice president to fill these positions until the regular election In August. By order of the Koard, C. W. GRAVES, Sec'y.

A Dalirmmn'ii Opinion. There is nothing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that gives me as much relief as Pain Balm does. 1 have been using for about two bottles In occasion required, and always keep a bottle of it in my borne. I believe I know a good thing when I got hold of and Pain Balm is the jest liniment I have ever met with. B.

Denny, dairyman, New Lex- ngton, Ohio. 50 cent bottles for sale by B. F. Keesling, Druggist. A Popular Remedy.

The promptness and certainty of ts cure have made Chamberlain's 2ough Remedy famous. It Is intended specially for coughs, colds, croup and hooping cougb, and is the most ef- ectual remedy known for these dls- ases. Mr. C. B.

Main, of Union Cilj, says: "I have a great sale on Jhalmberlam's Cough Remedy. 1 warrant every bottle and have never eard of one failing to Rive entire sat. isfaction. 1 50 cent bottles for B. F.

Keesllnp. Druggist..

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