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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
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ft YOUNG GIRL'S FORTUNE. AN INTERESTING SKETCH, Nothing nppealrt no strongly to ft mother's ns liar dungruer just tmddmK into womanhood, following Is an inscnnci 1 "Utir daughter, lUauclic, now yours of ago, liud been terribly tUUlctcd with ncrvousnewf, and had lost the cntiro nso of her right nnu. She waa in such ft condition that wo had to ki-cp tor from school and abandon her miwlc fact, we feared St. Vltua daiice, and arc 1 positive lull for tin Invaluable remedy she would have hid that terrible. nnUeiion.

hud employed hut shu received no benefit frooi them. Tho lirst of hut weighed but 75 and although lias ouly thriM) bottles of Nervinu she now weiKliN 106 pounds: her nervousnetw r.nd symptoms of St. Viius dimco nro entirely attends school regularly, and studies com- forl find uu-e. Miy recovered eomplete of her nnii, appetite is ypU'ndid. and no money could prncuru for our daughter the health Ur.

Miles' Nervine, hus bniught her. When my hrother reeoin mended the remedy I had no in patent medicines, and would cot listen to him, but IIH a lust retort he seia u.i a lu'L'an fjivttiK it U'i liluuche, and the, utmost Mrs. K. Bullock, Brighton, X. Y.

Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nen-lno is sold by ail druwjldtfion positive guarantee, or sent direct 67 the Ur. Mile.s Klkhart, ou receipt of priee, per bottle, six loules for Sft, positively free from express prt-piiid, It or Is THE iENIUM ItllOADWAI. BILL OF FARE FOK 9BBDAY DINNER SOUP, Cream ol Fowl, Sliced Tomatoes and Celery Mackinaw Trout, German Fried Potatoes HOH.KD. ot Lamb, with French Peas KIlAsT.

Prime of Beef, with Miwhroom Sauce Roust Chicken, with French Dressing Rlcn Cream Sauce Banana Frlttor.i, Lemon dance VKfiKTAIILfa llnshedland Boiled Potatoes Buttered Beets Sweet Potatoes Now Beans DESKIIT. Wine Plant Pie Sliced Lemon Pie Ice Cream Caramel Cake Code? Tea Milk Buttermilk Of all human troubles, Sleeplessness Is the most distressing! Hunger, thirst, malaria and bodily injurj may be borne for time, and. while borne may be over conie.butsleepless- ness crushes its victims it kills a scourge kills. Just as there is nothing that can take the place of sleep to restore energy in the human body, so there nothing that can take the place of Dr. WHEELER'S NERVE VITALIZER In making sweet, refreshing sleep possible to nervous sufferers.

If you lose sleep from any cause whatever, you cfcd it. PRICE, A BOTTLE Inquire of for free sample. If not found, write us enclosing five cents (stamps) for postage. The doctor free advice to any nerve disease sufferers. All We offer $500 to any phyflclan of cbemlsl who can otherwise.

UKttliU Mmerty con talnn morphine, opium ocaine, or welcome. The J.W. Brant Co, Miken ALBION. MICH. rMwVork Sold by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St.

DAILY JOURNAL SUNDAY MORNING. MAT Quaker headache capeuls jflve re. ten mlnutea. for Sale Very 808 Sycamore street. Inquire ot A.

DeLong, No. 402 For accident tickets for twelve months for $10, Houses to rent, No. 319 Pearl M. Clos. and chronic catarrh; diseases Of the throat and ear treated by Dr.

J. H. Shulte, 412 Fourth street. Telephone 157. For rent, Rood front room, down suitable for two, In gooA location on Market street, from court house.

Inquire Journal office. THIS IS A GOOD ONE. The End of llio World Predicted bra Prophetic Larnretto Hi'ii TV hone Startling Ciirlooltr. About three weeks ago, says the Lafayotto Journal. Edna Chamberlain the 11-year-old daughter of John Chamborlin, residing on Union atroe near Ninth, returned from a morning visit to tho yard with an egg In her hand.

She was examining tho egg Intently and there was an expression of surprise on her faca that at once attracted tho attention ol her parents. A.S soon as she reached the house Bhe showed them tho egg. It wns of ordinary size and speckled in appearance. But hero It lost all resemblance to an ordinary egg. On tho side was tho following Inscription In letters and figures.

END 1907 Tho lottord and flffurod wore im pressed in light brown and cun not bo rubbod, washed or scratched off. Two light brov-n spots about the size of a dime also appear on tho shell. No one who has seea thoeyg can account for tho inscription and tho family can not tell from whence tho ogg came. Mr. Chamborlin has a cumber ot chickens and they are in tho habit of depositing' their eggs in tl33 yard.

Tho egg now attracting so much' attention was deposited In tho yard some time during tho night or early morning prior to its discovery. Miss Chamberlam prizes her find highly and, although tho weight of tho egg now indicates decay, uho will not permit it to leave the house. Quite a number of neighbors have examined it and all have boon mystified and amazed. Kokomo'i IiKtvHt Venture. Kokomo Tribune: Tbe passing of tho last Morning Times completes another demonstration of the utter folly of attempting to overdo the newspaper business.

It was clearly apparent from the start that it could not possibly meet any other fate than the bankruptcy into which it has plunged. Theao isn't a business the city who did not comprehend from the start that it was a venture which could not hope to succeed. This city already bad two well established dail- and weeklies which are conducted and on business principles. They have been hero a long and have taken that firm grasp upon the Cold which only ago and character can give. They hare ba- como household necessities in their constituencies.

They can not bo undorminded or struck down so ong as prudence and energy attend Another can not gain a foothold or win a living support. This act has boon proven before and this atost demonstration Is but an aocumu- atlon to proof already positive and ndubitable. AGrtMU Ulryclo Tour. Messrs. Chas.

Locke, C. li. Coulter and A. T. Ksynolds of Toledo, representing tho Yost.

ManTg Co. of that city arrived in tho city yesterday afterrooa overland from Wabash on their wheels and are quartered at the Jotinston hotel whero they will remain until tomorrow afternoon. They oft Toledo last Tuesday morning on an extended trip through the western country and will strike Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, Francisco and Tucoma. returning through tho north- They are advertising tho Falcon Whool hlch they ride and establishing agencies for the samoln cities through which they pass. They are energetic, mstiiog young and show evidences ofonjoying tho trips to Its fullest extent.

Clrcnn, About seventy-five Logansport people attended Wallace's circus at Peru yesterday. The show was well at. tended In spite of the pouring rain and was fairly good. The circus of '94 does not materially differ from thoBe of former years and the crowd seem to enjoy the clown's stale jokes as much as ever. There were how.

ever, several specialties introduced which were new, and altogether the performance waa a creditable one. The circus is traveling westward and later In the season will show In Canada. 1100 Benard, 100. The render of this paper will nn pleased to learn that there Is one dreaded diseases that science tins been nUle to dire In all Its stages and Sl5 Catarrh, Halm Catarrh Cure Is the onlr positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh belnij constltutlenal disease, requires a constltntloniil treatment.

Hall's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally, acting directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the ijstem, thereby desteO)lng the foundation of the disease, nnd giving the patient strength bj building up the constitution and asulsting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so mueh faith In Its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fulls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, K. CHENEY 4 Toledo, 0.

Rydold by drngglsts, 1 the lovely wash dress goods at Trade Palace. Finest line we ever have been able to show you. See our trimmings. Stevenson Klinaick tell men's Congren dresi ihoet for $1, boyi Congrew dreis 95 oenU. LACE GURUS AXD SILK AND CHENILLE PORTIERS Cleaned and thoroughly reriova ted at moderate prices, by the Old fctaten Island Dyeing Establish ment, of New York, on short notice.

Leave your work at THE BEE HIVE DRY GOODS STORE where prompt attention will be given it. THE ONLY GREAT SHOW COMING. Sells BrotlierM' Knormonx 1 nlti'i Coming to We can oou- gratulat al patrons of tha circus, which moans nearly everybody, upon the coming to Logansport on Wednesday, May IGth, of Sells Brothers' millionaire amusement confederation, as that means we are not to have oue really big show with us this season, but, la what goes to make up rare variEty and recreation for the masses, the beggest, best and oldest show on the road. The prepress toward the stupendous made by the Sells Brothers in the past twenty three years has been somewhat marvelous. The small show with which they made a timorous beginning has grown to boa genuine public Institu tlon of the first magnitude, well and favorably known In every section ol the country, and everywhere patron.

izod by the best people. It has even more than kept paco with tho unparallod general development, and ranks first among tented exhibitions. Its tremendous spread of canvas covers a regal Roman Hippodrome race track, monster fifty-cage Mona gerie, triple circus, huge elevated tapes, Australian aviary, Arabian caravan, African aquarium, epectacu- pageants and Trans-PaclDc Wild West exhibit, and hundred of exclusively exhibited features, brilliant performers, and startling and ludicrous races and acts. Several huge special trains are required to transport this enormous melange of wonder and fun and how BO much can be exhibited for the one price of admission, 25 cents to all, is an enigma which can bo solved by visiting the Greatest Show on Earth. Don't fall to see the grand street jarado and judge for yourself as to ts magnitude.

Two and a Jmmt. George Ross son of Judge Geo. E. loss, and Ted Murdock, two thirteen- rear-old boys, were missed frooa their lomes Friday morning, and tnvestlga. proved that they had not attended school.

Tho boys were great 'ricnds and their parents supposed had taken an early start to "foot to Peru to take in the Wallace Judge Ross went to Peru yes- uerday morning to bring homo the and waa disagreeably surprised to find that they had not been seen in town. Taking a horse and carriage ho started over tha road home, thinking to pick up tho boys on the road, but -when within a few miles rom town was mot by his son on a bicycle. Tho boys had returned home and George, learning where his ather waa, had started to relieve his parent's mind of apprehension for his )odlly welfare. It seems that tho boys Instead of walking to 'fjru had found an oldi oat in the Wabash river near St. Joseph's Hospital and, having It up and conveyed a supply if ifood and clothing into it, had joarded their "find" Friday morning and drifted down the river as far as Jolphl.

They had made preparations or a stay of five or elx days but booming homesick and tired of sleeping the boat returned home by aaln yesterday afternoon. It Is bought that they will not go boating again without their parents knowledge, the near future. Home Excnrf May 8 and 29, 1894, the Wabash Company will sell round trip ickete at greatly reduced rates to irincipal points In the Northwest, Vest, Southwest and South. For of which please call on or address C. G.

NBWBLL, Ag't, Logftniport, Ind. Freight agent N. K. Donaldson tho Pan Handle went to Maxinkuckcc last evening. Pan Handle fireman Gas tee! will shortly remove his family hero trom Richmond, Wallace's circus will pose through the city this afternoon going wes' over tho Wabash.

The Pan Handle will carry Sousa's Band from Chicago to Indianapolis on a special this afternoon. Tho Now York delegation of th National Hotel Keepers Association will pass through tho city today ove the Pan Handle on second '21 destined to Denver whore their convention takes place this week. Tho general olllcers of vho Wabash road have sent hore as a token respect a floral tribute for the Inlf Mrs. W. S.Lincoln.

Mr. Lincoln whc Is chief engineer of tlio road is held in high esteem by his superior and follow oilicinJs. A number of changes will ho today among thy Pun Hund'o neors. Harry Si. ClAU- will take the 'merry go round' and Thus.

Lonffii- baugh will go on the State Line lues. Pitman will go back to through freight service. Mrs. Harry St. Olatr, grand secretary the G-.

I- U. and Engineer B. V. Pitman delegate of Div. No.

20 of L. will leave for St. Paul todaj to attend tho annual meeting of the brotherhood. Mrs. Pitman will accompany her husband.

They will be gone about three weeks. OlMliniry, her home 812 Market street, Friday, May 4, 1894, at 2 o'clock a. Lida Higgins Lincoln, wife of Mr. W. Lincoln, aged -16 yoara.

Lida Higgins was the third daughter of thelato A S. Hiegins one ol the ploueer residents of this city and waa united in marrlivse to Mr. W. Lincoln, Dec. 1-' 1S72.

Hors was a noble life and tho announcement uf her death causes a great sorrow to fall upon her frionds in this'city where she was born and roared and in olhor cilioa where she bad temporarily made her home during the past twenty years. Although of n. retiring dlspo billon and not prone to make many frionds yet whom she loved were very warmly attached to her and tho friendship was of more than an ordinary character. To those is left the enduring memory of her life and friendship. Her character was a remarkable ono.

While evor of a quiet, unassuming manner yet was she always the acknowledged leader of the circle of society which she adorned so jracefully, and was over ready to lend a helping hand and kind suggestion to all. Her last years were full of suffer ag which she bore with a resignation and heroism unparallelled throughout. The funeral will be hold from tho residence at 10 o'clock tomorrow conducted by Rev. Rosowell O. Post of Cormearat, Ohio, and Rev.

E. S. Scott jastor of tho Broadway Presbyterian ihurch, of which she had for many oars boon a devoted member. ADIMTIOlVAli LOCALS. The latest in millinery, at tho New fashion store.

oil clothe and linoleums, see the Trade Palace. your shirts made by Patter- ion, the Haberdasher. regardless of coat Monday, It tho New Fashion store. store Is full of now novel- prices was never lower. "Lace curtains and draporlea will be ilaughtered this week at tho Trade 'Wo can suit you with a beautiful ine of neckwear at Patterson's, the Haberdasher.

'Lace and chenille curtains sold at a reduction Monday, at the New Fashion store Stevenson Klinalck can suit you in Oxford ties when all others fail In iuallty and price. f'fhe old reliable Emerson piano Is as gold, has no transposing non- ense to get out of order. For sale at rifle's muaic store. A large number of Logansport clt- zens went to Maxlnkuckee yesterday spend a few days fishing and enjoy- ng the spring breezes. Hood's Sargaparllla Is absolutely unequalled as a blood purifier and trengthenlng medicine.

It Is the deal spring medicine. Try it. President S. P. Sheerin of the gas ompany and Editor B.

F. Louthain the Pharos went to Maxinkuokee esterday on a fishing excursion. See our lino of lawn mowers; they re the best. We hare a very fine mower for $8.50. Don't fall to oee it; then tell the same for M.

EaoDft. America's Oldest, Largest, Richest and Best Show on Earth. ITS RECORD IS UNIMPEACHABLE, IMPERISHABLE, UNBLEMISHED, ABOVB THH RKACU OF RIVALRY AS THE STARS ARK ABOVE THE EARTH. SELLS BROTHERS BIG SHOW of the WORLD Presenting all Exclusive Features, Three Circuses, in Three Separate Fifty Cage Menagerie, Real Roman Hippodrome Races and Gala Sports, Gladitorial Elevated Stages, Australian Aviary, African Acqiuirium. Aral)ian Caravan Grand Spectacular Pageants and Trans Pacific Wild Beast Exhibit.

LOGANSPORT, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16. Vi'' SELLS ISltUTIIKLJS Inaugurated the novelty of commercial integrity, bur lionise advertising, moral and chaste performances andtilgh- t-j'iH- HIM! than was ever known before iu the show business It. Ims always been a clean-cut, fair and square venture, uottid for its meritorious magnitude and magnificence. Its twenty-third year will mark an epoch iu i's history never equaled on eithor side of the Atlantic or Prtuitir; CMWUIC. Having "doubly increased their Gigantic Aggregation.

while otlji'i- shown Imve fallen by the wayside. Soils Brothers, in keeping with'tho of the times, have revolutionized the Circus World the present si'uiion bv reducing their price of admission iroHi OO to which has been a whirlwind innovation, astounding the largest everywhere. The press throughout the country eulogize the incomparable and absolutely world-famous Sells Brothers' Greatest Show on Earth. Two hundred startling acts iu three rings and elevated stages, an army of all star artists, equestriernes, bareback riders, racers, gymnasts, acrobats, aerualists, chirioteers, bicyclists, trained horses, trained trained'elephants, trained pair Hippotomi, educated seals and sea lions, equust.riun Lions,, clowus and jesters, champion performers from every land under the sun. Real Royal Roman Hippodrome Sports.

Thrilling and spirited races of every age and nation. I'I FT f-folclen filled with rare wild beasts embracing every cap tive animal known to exist. Exhibiting more exclusive features than all other shows combined. THE OUVNO, GOKGKOUS STREET absolutely eclipses any paeenaut ever seen in the public streets, take splace at TEN OCLOCK A M. on the day of the exhibition.

3 performances daily, atter- DOOU and evening. Biggest show iu the world. Prices within the reaeh of all 25 CENTS ADMISSION 25 CENTS Special Excursion Kates on all Lines of Travel. THIi UCI1ES. FlliST PmWHTTEKIAS Bev.

D. P. Pllt- Services HI tlie USIKII nours totiny bythopnstor. Sunday Sabool at Acordliil welcome lor all. EVANOKI.ICAI.

Cuimcit-Hov. S. J. Mplnl. piis- lor SsrvlcBS today at iind 7:30 iirnacMiiK reistor.

Sabbath scbuol at a m. V. S. C. E.

al I 1 CIIUHCU OF CHRIST (Self Services will lie In new rooms In tl-e Miisen bloclt, cornorof Sixth itnd Hroiidwnf. Rlljli 1 Class nt morning. All arc cordially In- vltrd to attend, MVHKKTSTHKCTM. E. CllD)iCH-RoV.

W. It. woni-s, Pastor. Pn-nchmc at 10:45 a in. mid 11.

iii. Siifobiilh ScUtK'lat m. Junior I p.m. Kpvvorlli Li-aK'io at in KypnliiK at in. Class andOiiUlim.

All are cordialh- Invited. THI.NITV Ki'Kroi'Ai, Rev. I. Hobbs, Kftctor. 11:30 a in, Sunday School; 11 a inornliiK prayer, Holr Ci.inniunlcn Subject.

-riio ol'CIirlst" in. evening prayer and sermon on election. A welcome for all, CiiCiiCH-Corner of Clcotl and Markrt stn-ots. L. Uatllll, pastor.

Services at 10:30 a iiniiTSiO p. m. by Hie pastor Jlornlns a subject Professions oil Obedience." salilect "Tlie Union ot Israel an aunday school at 3 p. m. C.

S. Jones, supt. All are welcome. Cuuiicn-Rev, T. S.

fiuthrle 1'iuslor. Services today at tills nt 11 a.m. and T'M p. in. by (lie pastor.

Sunday school at 10 a Edward Cauls, supt. Morning subject, union ot scntlnunis ot Kellows and the church." In tlie CDvnlnK "uirlsc a All are cordially Invited to these services. BliOADWAY PitKSniTKHIAN ClITTKCir-Rev. E. S.

Scott, Pastor. Sunday School at JO. a m. Mrs. CnarHw Clark, Hunt, Congressional services at 11 a inn.

P. S. C. K. meetlni! it Loader, Paul Scott, subject: Lessons from ureat missionaries, btrunnars are cordially Invited to attend these services.

JIIRISTIAN CocHCH-Cornft Ninth and Spoar streets. T.S. Kreeman, Pastor, services at o'clock a and 7:80 p. in. by the pastor.

Sunday School ut (KM) a G. N. Berry, supt, y. P. S.

E. at 0:15 P. m. Morning subject, "The Lamb of God." Evening subject, OojU litiUntlon to SInHers." All are cordially Invited to these services. BBOAUWAT M.

E. CHT7RCH-Bev K. J. yottb Pastor. Services at 11 and in preKch- InKby the pastor.

Sunday School nt a a. Kpworth at 6.30 by JIlss fiellle DeJtSss. Topic "Excellency of God's Law" Horning theme, "Strength Kqunl to tho day." Evening IT Sometimes Glorified by the Wrath of BAPTIST Cironcn-Kev. W. n.

H. Marsh Pastor Services today at 1030 m. preach nR the pastor. Sunday School at 12. Mee' 1 thoB In the lecture room nt 030.

Lea-Tor, bus Sublect, "Tfie StmwW of Jesus" Tl SJ-30. Mo rnlnu with mind of Clirlrt." Ing at 7:30 the subject will be, "Tfie 1 Heaven" being the last ol the lerles on the "Future Staie." Canton AttcnfloD. All Chevaliers of Canton Logftns' port are ordered to to meet at their tall at 10 o'clock this morning in full Jress uniform for escort to church and eturn. D. H.

CHASE, -We can iult you with a of our most lultable underwear juit to hit WMther, at Pattvnon't. Notice. The first payment on subscriptions of stock to the Citizens' Natural Company of LopaESport, is now duo and should be paid at the company's ofllce, corner of Market and 1'ourth streets. Shares of stock are twonty-fivo dollars each (two shares to a fire) to be paid aa follows: April SO. 18'X ISM June LU 18UJ July AiiunstSO.

min 3 JO Si'i'teiiiberai. 1KU 3 00 October i), ISM 3 November 2ft, 1S94 00 IVcemuerL'o, isai January 20. ISio ..100 f'2608 JOHK GHAT, Froeldent. C. W.

GKAVKS. Secretary. NOUCK. To the stockholders of the Citizens' Natural Gas You are requested to meet at tho Council Chamber on Tuesday evening next, May .8, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of recommending to the Board the name of a President and Vice President to fill these positions until the regular election la August. By order of the Board, C.

W. GHAVES, Sec'y. La Grippe Vanauished. PtICI P'Q A ls 8 SURE SPKCI- I ntLl T-U Ffc to this (Jlsoase, n.i most iinj resident of ArkanSM Clt7 Citn testify. Santa Fe Railroad Boys Heard From.

SIB.R.R. PHKU-S: DKAH I take (freat In recorninondlnit your Kour-C for coughs ana colds. Having given It ft trial, I could recommend no better medicine for my friends. Very truly, L. KKNNITOT, Station Baggageman.

A Santa Fe Engineer's otory contracted bad cold so bonnet oould'only speak uneven whisper; the own was very distressing; purehsjed a bottle ot TOUT Kour-C; It cored almost from toe start. I take great pleasure In recommending It to BEN FISHER..

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