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Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Altoona Mirrori
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE -LTQQFA 1 MJRRR CITY FURNITURE CO LARGEST STOCK ASSORTMENT HIGHEST QUALITY ME, consider, criticise and compare our TINTERESTING offerings, then npURN your thoughts in our direction so that X7OU may improve the opportunity! TSOLLOW the crowd and you will come to us YT will be pleased with our system of credit. Many EASONS abound as to why you should buy of us ICEST goods you ever saw, neat, novel and new. Next to TMPOSS1BLE for any competitor to keep pace with us. HOSE who come to look remain to buy. NANIMOUS approval has been given this establishment, because EASONABLE prices are quoted and always glad to show our goods whether you buy or not.

VERY sale guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money back. here at your disposal. UR method of credit the most liberal that can be made. TRIUMPH STEBL RANGE Our record for last month of- this Range--SO in 26 days and everyone giving perfect satisfaction. Triumph Steel Range still leads them all.

On every $10.00 purchase, $1.00 down and $1.00 per month. Should a purchaser desire at any time, to pay any amount over their stipulated payment, a discount of 10 per cent, will be allowed on each dollar thus paid. From $8.50 to $40.00. We sell the celebrated Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. If you want the latest improved cabinet, call and see these.

They are the leaders in this make of goods. If they were not the best we would not sell them. 0 CITY FURNITURE COM John A. Fox, Manager. TllC Reliable HOUSG Green Ave.

and Ninth St HELP WANTED. A i I r. 'VTflB--A at ti.e Hot i AT i i I i- i tfirl wjgo; no c-j. Ltxinglon avir.U' A I A 'ANTED--A 2ii-. hotel.

iuJiy at Magec's I1LL1NKKS nr.liiit* r-; saiaru-s J--. I IT KK-iTIIKRS. Market an'i 'ANTKl)--B v. 17 av TI T. Vam 7 i WANTED--A good grirt for general hoosework.

Appiy at 427 Spraye avenue. A gw: at the U. 5. Cigar Ot, HI and Seventh WASTED--Ererybody to try let Cream --better than ever this season--wholesale and supplied. United 'phone.

rr-tail. Private 404 Union avenue. for Mountain Goal--Locdon, Yon, I.itzineer and Buckborn--promptly delivered on short notice: lowest cash prices. Ev- emme is Bare that mountain coal is the best coal on the market today, and costs Jess. Also, all other kinds of banling.

Leave at 2531 Srtb avenne. IL McCnrdr. WAXTED Pub3ic Jo leave onkrs with L. lor the renovation of mattressei Cot pads ar.d cnshions made Jo ordr. All wort done promptly.

2512 Ninth avenae; Baop, 24U8 Ninth avenne- WAXTED-- Persons to ijf-ijta for sauary Sll vanw-d; prfvioas n.iarrl Hoiifie. unnecessary: linsi- envelope. WANTED--TEN PERSONS to art (cot oar competitors) today bow we can sell SO Iba of graanUted or soft A sngar for $1.00 or 7 Ibs Lion or ArbncUe'a coffee for 25c; or 18 cakes or Octagon coap for 25c; or IS Pxck- tffa Mail Pooch or Bear Brooking To- ba.TO for 25c. Do aak TODAY. It a straight, hosc3t propositioo end we do it EVERT DAT--Let a tHl you.

Staff BraT Baitaia Hocn. 1517 Fonrtb nene. Money to Loan on Fumilore FOR SALE-- Ten veiy dfsirahle nine-room hoascs witbont removal: also on real estate. Inquire with all modern improvements. Admirably of the Altoona Loan Boom 15, Masonic located.

Also several 5rn.i;l Temple, Kleventh street, near open now vacant. i Two fcrr desirable small properties just outside city. Trrms reasonable. J. B.

Raymond, Fourth strwt WANTED. For good Opbdstering and a fall line of materials FOR SALE--A pair of hoiris suitable for any you get the best at 1. WOLFBERG'S, kind of work. Green avenue. Every job warranted.

Prices' avnue BeD 'phone 47. i uu-nn Ice Sixth street. FOR RENT. FOR KKNT-- A st ami rwni fur move. of ame huiidin-'.

with se FOR SALE--Jnst receive a fresh lot of native i and general par: horses. All be as represented soJd. A'iso fcors-s bocght and sold oo i 'R'hite Hall Hotel Stables. KKT- CALF A ro SALE-Big B.y nro Milk i almost now, one one BuKEy. i the above, suitable hansj- Mi; horse for smaller one.

Inquire at iVir storapf- rf jrthxis or othor 1411 'Second strctt. Impure at avonne. i FOR OR K- S. FOKSEY, Real Estate Ixaa, Inisir- KMR RKNT-- A Baks-ry Ttr- n- laTf- t.r a Iwjrc-om. wiih us- of ahoui Inquire at IWPs MISCELLANEOUS.

l.STh an-1 ir.t^; WASTED--Ladies, try onr Hair Color Restorer. It is not a dyo, but acts directly on the rout-? of the hair. restoring it eradnaily to its orici-al color. It removes dardniff and promotes the frrowth of tiie hair; not oily or stk-ky. We hare Ojygen Toilet Preparations.

FOR RKVT -1 MKS. VAI'GHS, Manicuring. Hair and Facial Massage. 1308 Eleventh K--- in: c---. a 0 Auctioceer Storage Booms.

Agi-nt for Surety Bond Ox, So. 1304 Eighih avpcoc. Altooca. i i FOR SALE--Labnrat Lots. S5.09 down and Ni.O") rmmthiy payments.

Size 5Oxl45. Also. lot 50xl3 on Email aveiroe, between Twrnty- fifth and Twcaty-sixih strtet: prire. Also tots in monthly timber and coal lands. G.

M. GESSER, RoaJ i Estate Aicent, Eleventh avenue and Sixteenth in I i WANTED--Small second-hand Safe. In answer- ir-g gtate price and where it can be rw Mirrrir office. FOR RF.NT-S:xtf«n 1 Al U. Tivl at n.

FOR SALE--Wopwnonock Aiso EicavaJ- ing J. IIICHAELS, 710 Green ave- je. and 'Phones. i A wo A i i i F. f.

in a i nrm atii! i cliildrtn. T. II. K-, aro Mirror office. WANTED AND FOR SALE--Tonr Real for Contract Holders.

If you have a house or -a farm we can sell them for you. Call or write r-. or P.r- FOR SALE Oli RENT--Six of a small or; and to The Co-Operative Home Association. Rooms! and ill Morrow building, Altoona. FOR SALE.

1 OR Mr-. WANTED--Several persons of character and reputation in each state (one in'vinti: county to and old 1ri FOR SALE--Six new High Arm Singer Sewing Machines tsl'cl'tlv at a bargain. Hie Mfg. lolrt FJcventh arenoe. LOST.

enahl'ishni' wealthy business house of finin- FOR SALE OU KXCHAXOE--A farm on the Hoi-! cial standitiiT. Salary weekly with rr- lidayxiiiirs: I.ranrn of tl-o P. R. 12l) additional, all in direct each Station on the farm. is ever plenty of trom head Horst- and water.

I'nclcr ROOI! state of cultivation and fiiTT.ished when necessary. Roferences. new fences. Will sell cheap or will exchange for i i Mnek in front, i eflf-adilressed envelope. Colonial, Caxton Build- property.

Apply Co-Operative Home A9-O- If returned to this office a rtwan ing, Chicago. elation, Room 31, Morrow Building. will be given. 1T2. f-n s-tr-: -I -ir nt station, a IJiack S.Ik Caiw The Eatartata Hospitable Lots at Xew York.

Sept. Upton was tbe guest of honor of the Pilgrims of the United States at iinuer giren in his honor at the on-Asioria. Nearly 150 men. prominent In many valks of life, were present. For half an hour the gallant owner of Sham- ock HI.

received his friends. The ir Thomas, escorted by George T. Wilson, who presided, Jed the way from the reception room to the tables, either end of the hall was hung Sir Thomas' private emblems, the on a field of yellow, surrounded by a green border, while above the guests' table were draped he flags of Great Britain and the United States. Bunches of red on each table and greens on the walls -ompleted the decorations. In order to enliven affairs some- m-hat at the outset the guests sang a ittle song to the refrain of -Mr.

Docley." which told of the virtues of Sir Thomas and his enduring efforts the cup. There had been arranged no formal speeches, but the following were called upon: T. Wilson, Sir Thoaass Lapon. General Joseph Wheeler. General H.

C. Corbsn. Henry Watterson. ex-Governor C. S.

Thomas, of Colorado, and Senator A. E. Bites. Sir Thomas was given rainy hearty- rounds of cheers when he arose to After congratulating America on "aving the better beat and deploring inability to capture the cup, fc-J said: "America is a very hard country to beat, and I know it. I am a very disappointed inan, but I have consolation that both conquerors and conquered belong fo tbe same goo.l old race.

The cup is still in the fam- only is held by a younger and acore go-ahead generation." 170 LOTS In tbe Oid Show or Fair Ground Located between Twenty-sixth and Ttlrtj-flrR streets and Broad nenne tbe TMaa tbe P. R- E. Co. Tnis plot has water, abeet rice better than any part of tbe city and have all tbe city improTetaenta. Tbe ccntemplated large improvemeBts if tsv P.

E. E. Co. fa the western end of the eiti should make these lots for or apecala investments very profitable. PRICE OF aad onwirfi.

Tern 10 per cent oak and 410.UO a awntli. UkVnie ot GBO. F. 1122 Elereath aveaac, Or 7. D.

IAOPP, Pitbtwrg, Pa. FOR SALE The aoxt deciraMe Altcona tie soarket. t20 LOTS Foartb, Third and Second streets treat Srrace to Hierh avenues, direc-tiy opposit; UK a few minutes' walk from the P. K. Great Car Shops and the new St.

Oa Shops, now braiding. These lots are tbe reirfc. Tar city mss, 6Oxl2O feet and well adapted foe of tbe housekeeper cr ipecalitiTt PKICE OP to IS90-08. per cent cash and $10.00 a month. Four Houses.

3 to 7 rooms, on Out a betwtec Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth One Hcrae on West Cbestant a twecty-nintk lad TbirtieUi ot QEO. r. BTRET, 1123 Benttk Am ORJA. 9. CiSSmY.

The Mirror publishes more Want. Fo Sale and For Rent advertisements all the daily papers in Altoona pat to Why? Because Mirror ad are read by three times as many readers as those of any other' paper in Blair county. Unrequited Love Leads to Tragedy. Rlvertcn. X.

any apparent provocation. Kenry I5ui- cf place, fired at a woman named Isabel Simpson, both IwHets tahir.s elect, and then the revolver- on himself with fata! results. The woman will probably recover. The tragedy occurrer! at the home of Mrs. KiWarcl cott.

where Hull-ngs -s-as engaged as the gardener and the girl as the waits. Hullinga had been attentive to the and is believed that her to reciprocate his to the tragedy. Hullings was 13 ars cf age and the girl several years -FOR SALE, Grot Bargain for Firmer or Lumberman. Cost $1290.00, will be sold tor $500.00 to a quick" buyer. Engine baa been thoroughly hauled and is guaranteed good a new; and ready for immediate delivery.

It a twelve- horse power and was made by Farqnhar ft York Pa. Engine can be teen it the Hidden Boiler worts, HoBidaysbnrg. particular! call or addiuav. For W. EL 8LEP.

Mrror Lots. FOR SALE. Three minutes' walk from Bread avenue and Twenty-seventh street, ten from new shops at Burket; water, gas and telephone service; schools, churches and stores in immediate vicinity. PRICE--S200 to $600. 25-foot lots, $100 to $300.

$10 down and $5 a month. E. H. FLICK. Nicholson Building.

SE9MSY TO LOAN. flnt ortgageea for three to tre Bate of Interert. 9o tarn- DAVID K. ORTH, OotnJ P-CE'a Trait LOANS OB flat rnatalliarnt Mortgage, tc colt Low interact. tern, or on easy monthly Ho commiaBtaft caarges, BBB BO expense! or fees.

NEW PLAN, SHOKT TESH LO AX. Host admitageoos, cheapest aad be Bare money by repaying oU 1m BCW one. A. S. FISHEK, Atty at Lew, Booms 14 and 15, Hntchisoa Block, Avenue and Twelfth C.


i Hffli'S DRUG STORE nth Ave. and Itttft St lEWSFAPESr i.

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