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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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Co. Price per Annum PPICB pep Month $6.00 60 Tru: OKI-'ICIAL PAI-EH OF TEE CITY. POLITICS IN ENGLAND. Why Gladstone Is Still th3 Power Behind the Throne. DlHHolution of Almoat Iixwlta- bio-Lord 1" 1 iicomfortu- blc Kivrl of Klnilinr- Icy anil Sir William Ilumourt.

fKntered ns seeond-dass mutter nt tho Logftns- pott Post Olllce, Kebrnnijr 8, 1 I. Henderson SODS OF FURNITURE, flND UPHOLSTERS. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 5. Mo. 320 Fourth Street, kOGANSPORT.

IND. aios, 5,7 ana 9 Finn street, f. M. BOZER, D. S.

DENTIST. fM "Hale Painless Meinotl" used ID tne nillno of teettl. over State National Bank Fourth and and Broadway It's the Part of Wisdom. Times mw be hard and monej close bnt IbMe things Imva their compensation. We can Mil fou watenes and will, at very close (Israel to the tnonej.

Come and see what you can do money. I am sraloa.i to sell not onlr watches but other goods, Diamonds, Clocks, aiTtrware, Spectacles nod Novelties. I am for the Ljtle Safe and Lock Cincinnati Ohio. Call find see a small sample. D.

A. HAXJK, JEWELER AND OPTICAN, KET1UBUT1ON. The InJianapoUs Sent.lnel moralizes over the McHugh bill: "Amid the genortxi interchange of sootlment concerning the late oluctiona in Indiana." it says, "it may be worth while to remember that most of tho events which we now deplore would not have occurred but for the Imbecility of the legislature of 1898. But for that legislature most these elections would havo occurred in May, 1893, before the panic came on, and before the people had any opportunity to become disgusted with the national Senate, Of course no one anticipated these occurrences, but Mr. MeUugh and a few other slick politicians thought they could work a great scheme by extending the time of the democrats, who were already in office, and so a bill was prepared and pushed through providing that all city officers should hold until Sop.

tomoer, 1894, when they should be succeeded by officials to bo elected in May, 1894, This bill came to the governor and he had not the stamina either to veto it or sign it, and so it became a law by lapae of tlme.D Of course the law was merely a piece of cheap political trickery, and like such things usually do, it has como home to roost in the most startling and unexpected manner. Instead of being a polftical advantage to the democrats It has piven the oppos lion control for four years of a number of democratic cities with all the patronage and other rewards which the slick politician usually covets. And it is really singular how frequently just that sort of thing results In such ctiaes. Letter. 1 Although he has hung up the sword nnd retired from the field of battle, Willizun Ewart Gladstone is the prcatest man in England.

And it reflects credit on British judgment and pratitude that such is the cnsc. Gladstone has done more to promote the interests of the common people than any other European of the latter half of the nineteenth century. During the last twenty years of his pnbJio career he fathered cvxry important reform measure proposed in the house of commons. Ho advocated, in season ond out of season, almost radical schemes for the extension of suffrag-e. He succeeded in the establishment of a genuine common school system by taking 1 primary education from the control of the clergy of the established church; passed an act repealing- an ancient law which forbade nonconformists to hold services in public graveyards; was instrumental in securing the of for Jews, and abolished the pernicious system which permitted officers of the Kritish army to buy and sell commissions.

Gladstone's Early Political Life. To epitomize nil that Gladstone has done to earn the gratitude of his coun- trymeB would require more space than I have at command. In a measure his life is the history of Great Britain and Ireland from the year 1883 to In the beginning- of his career ho was a fanatical tory. When, at the of twenty-three, he was elected to the house of commons from Newark ho was considered one of the most promising young- members of the conservative party. In 1634 ho was appointed lord of the treasury in recognition of party dignity rarely bestowed on a comparu.tively inexperienced parliamentarian of twenty- five or sis.

In 1841 ho was apain honored by his tory colleagues and appointed vice of the board of trade. But as he grew older his analytical mind underwent a pi-eat change'. He had learned to study mankind, and found that legislation for a class at the expense of the hard-working masses was calculated to retard the real prog- our approval and respect, whatever may be his nationality; and, whatever may be our opinion of the Irish question, it is to be refrotted that Mr. Gladstone was not able to round off his career with thu passage of the homo rule bill, A Mont Lopwy. The question of home rule for Ireland is a legacy which but few British statesmen would have cared to accept.

Lord Rosebery, Gladstone's successor in the premiership, has faced the problem boldly, however; although he must know that his official career cannot be of long duration. The future of the liberal party depends on its allegiance to Ireland. If the voters of England can bo persuaded that Ireland's semi-indopendonco must prove of advantage to both sides, Kosebery's victory will be as great as any ever achieved by his famous predecessor. If not, he and his party will go down before the summer is over. The con- Highest of all in Leavening U.

S. Gov't Report Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE of Kir William Vernon llarcourt, a parliamentarian of the ol'l school. This choice was imperative by circumstances, altlioufi-h it does not promise well for liberal unity and success. Sir William Ilarcourt is not an enthusiastic advocate of Irish homy rule, nor is he in close sympathy with the people. Neither is he ia favor of the abolishment of the house of lords nor the other pet measures of the radicals.

)iut he is what we call a "good campaigner" and organizer, and when the groat political struggle comes -will be found in the van of the liberal columns. To sum up the present political situation in England, the conservative party seems to have the inside track, and if its leaders g-o before the country with a progressive Irish policy the liberal party will bo vanquished at the polls. But the victory will be ephemeral, as the torios represent a clash whose domination cannot be pro- beyond a few years. G. W.

WEIPPISBT. THE EAIU. OF liOSKDEKV. dltions are such that nothing- but an I appeal to the country can determine the wishes of the people. The liberal party and its Irish and radical followers constitute too heterogeneous a body to be held together by anything but a direct expression of public opinion.

TIME TABLE 'Mill CARBYHO PAS8EHQERS LEAI? LOGANSPORT THE Indianapolis Sentinel recalls some of the mlsstatemoots about the Owon-Nettleton controversy end attempts their useaa campaign material. The Sentinel evidently has forgotten that the Niedringhaus letter was written at the dictation of Bottle- ton, the superior officer; that tho labor leaders of the country asked for Mr. Owen's retention and Mr. Nettleton's removal; that Mr. Nottloton waa transferred to an.

other department and Mr. Owen ro" tainod; that a democratic congress investigated the whole matter and commended Mr. Owen's administration In the highest terms. Tbe Sentinel has hurled a veritable boomerang and It will discover that the records show it. A Really Nobleman.

When the time for dissolution comes Lord Rosebery will bo in a position to conduct an campaign, lie is a man of brains, ia the full vigor of manhood, and thoroughly familiar with the weakness of his opponents. Although one of the bluust-bloodcd members of the house of lords, he is a trustworthy leader of tho people's cause. He has frequently spoken against the reactionary spirit which permeates the upper house, and seems half-inclined to jrive countenance to Henry Laboucherc's agitation against its existence. This may be merely policy, but it has done much to make him immensely popxilarwith the work- infrmen of London and the manufacturing districts of England. ft Warns MoptSundw H-20nm Cltr Toledo eicpt Bandar 11:16 in ilUntlc Kiprew, 4:57 AMomniodatlon for Eaat, 1:15 WIST tftUo BipreiJ, dmir IDJiSnm Heommcxlfttlon for West 13:00 ra except Sundnj MS eiopt Sander liOKBDfiporl, We.t Nlrte, Jtctween JLogaiuiport miitl Chill.

BODHD. except Sunday. AMOmoUfttlOD, Leava ISO WHST Mtomodattoti, arrive, except Sunday, Momodttlon, wrlTe, 8:56 a in The Pennsylvania Station. HIE republican council will meet the expectations of the people only by careful business methods. It was put there largely by democratic votes and these votes are with tho members as long they merit commendation.

Tho city con be kept in republican control as long 1 the republican councilmen moot tho expectations of tho democrats who voted for them. RT. HON. WILLIAM EWAltT OLADSTONE. ress of his native land.

Instead of making 1 a rain attempt to convert his partisans, he boldly renounced his allegiance to the conservative party and identified himself with the liberals. ennsylvaniaUnes. Vralna Hun by Central Tlmp AM VDLLOWH: r. Suniluy. HTTO LkAVff And Columbus 3.1)0 a elpnlR and New am 8.00 ond ud 2.M IndlUMpolti to Otom Point Chicago 8.16 a Btahtnonauid 6.45am tll.aupm Crown Point Bnd Cnlcago tM a 7.15 re Mtatr Local FroiKht 7.1»am and Colarotras I S.riOam 5.

JO pro Montlcello KUner 12.4U a 1.60 pm Blebmond and 1.66pm Bradford and Colomboa 2.20 pm 1.26pm FkUadelphfa and New 2.20 ra Montlcello and Kflner 7 6 Ckituo i.supm iispm OhlMco and z.10 Kokomo and Blebmond 3.80 ra til .00 a WUwmnc Acconiodatlon M5pm MaHOD Accomocutlon 9.40 a J. A. JdaCULLOUHH, Ticket Agent. Logansport, VANDALIA LINE. ftaliia Iioave Ind, I'OB THE NORTH.

ML Jb. Son. 10.86 A. For St. Joieph, tt, P-M- to'Xh Bond FOB THE SOUTH.

Dt te- SCO. 7.84 A. M. For lem 3.60 P. noopt OQDdsj.

oi Time Card, pinnu all traini and neri, and for toll Information to tattf MSB tat, a drfM 3TC. EDGFWORTH, Agent, ftOQANVFOBT, HID IK the Pharoa can dlocovor any proat political advactafo galnod by misrepresenting the Journal and bollt- tleing Us editor in tbo four years past, it should keep it up. The Pharos has our most earnest assurance that can stand it tbo Pharos can. TUB Senate democratic caucus has decided on a third tariff bill. The first was passed by the House, the second by the Senate Finance toe.

The democratic position on the tariff seems to be uncertain, A KENTUCKIAN is going to Washington to join Coxey'e army in a balloon. We were under the Impression that the Kentuckian always traveled with a kite. ANXiors havo got things mixed. Rlngle Ben ia the councilman from the First ward, Bungle Ben Is tho editor of tho PharoE! Fonr British Premier. A chanpo in parties means a great doal to a public man.

His motives aro misinterpreted, his food faith doubted. Gladstone, when he severed his connection with the torius in 1851, after nineteen years of faithful service, was vilified by his old associates and viewed with distrust by his new friends. But he was true to his convictions; and when the famous coalition ministry of 1S53 was formed, tho aggressive convert was appointed chancellor of tliu ofllco to which ho was called again in 1S5S. In 1800 he became tho leader of tho liberal party and premier. Then began his pracd work for tho.

people, ln- he labored until tho people ot England were ffiven local R-ovorn- mcnt by parish and county councils and until the people of Ireland wore no lontfur compelled tocontribute their substance toward the maintenance of an establishod chnrnh in which bnt ft'W believed. Four times Mr, (Hml- stono was chosen 1800, 1SSO, ISSli and every time he occupied the post was done for the struffprlirtff workers poor tenants of (jreat liritain and Ireland. Cord HoBebery'9 Rcmnrknble The carl of Rosebery, whose full name is Archibald Philip Primrose, Lord of Dalmetiy, is a young man. He was born in London, May 7, 1847; educated at Oxford, and succeeded to his title in 18(58. In 187S he married a daughter of Uaron Meyer de Rothschild, who died in 1SOO, leaving: him a vast fortune.

He has always been a member of tho liberal party. In ISSli lie was foreign secretary, and with Mr. Gladstone's return in lSO'3-3 wa.s restored to the same office. IIo is lore lieutenant of Edinburgh and Linlithgow. Recently reports have been sent out announcing 1 his engagement to Princess Maud, daughter of the prince of Wales.

Great Brltalu 1 FarclKn Policy. Under Lord Rosebery's administration of tho foreign office Great Britain's interests in all parts of the world were well protected. While he never stooped to adopt a jingo policy ho wa: not carried away by tho moutiiinps ot agitators at home or abroad. When, the occupation of Uganda threatened to lead to a dissolution of parliament last year, ho mentioned his position in the face of fierce party opposition, thereby saving not only Mr. Gladstone but also his country's prestige.

It is not saying too much, in fact, that he was tho only liberal foreign secretary who ever onjoycd the confidence of the diplomatic world. When he withdrew from the, position, he intrusted it to the earl of Kiiuberlcy, an elderly nobleman who will conduct its affairs in accordance with his chief's instructions. Tho Loinlrr of tlio Comiuonfl. As Lord Jlosebery is not a member of tho house of commons the leadership THE trouble with the democratic tariff bill now Is that it has no political party back of it. Seo election re-turns, LET tho administration be euoh that no one who voted to make it will fall to vote to.

approve it. GILMORE'S band didn't out much of a figure in tho Fifth ward. Work for Uuorty. Mr. Gladstone's uncompromising 1 espousal of tho cause of homo rule for Ireland was not a surprise to close observers of his political development.

Home rule, was the logical result of his anti-landlord legislation for Ireland. JI is sympathies were use a slang 1 the under doff. When a very younf; man he saved from death or penal servitude twcntj' thousand political prisoners who were confined in tbo city of Naples by as petty a tyrant as Europe ever had. A soon) of j'cars ago, when tho Mussulman hordes were murdering the oppressed Bulgarians by the hundred, lie cmerped from temporary retirement and compelled the sultan to call back his turbaned assassins. That during 1 otir own ciril war his influence was thrown on the side of the confederate states is an anomaly which cannot be explained and for which the old statesman himself has never been able to g-jrea satisfactory reason.

people of tho United States aro too magnanimous, however, to lay much stress on this shortcoming 1 especiallvat a time when tho cable, almost daily, brings most discouraging reports of the "grand old man's" physical condition. A statesman I carved tho rceoplfl TIIJJ EAJtr, OF KI.MBEnr.EY. of bodv has been placed in charrn PHENOMENA OF THE EQUINOX. Popular lieltffi Thoorlcl of the Influence Exerted. There is a popular belief that the weather at the time tho sun crosses the line is an indication of the weather that may be expected for the next three months.

According- to this, for the next ninety da-3 Chicagoans may expect a temperature, with overcast skies and frequent mists. Being asked if there was any foundation for this popular belief Prof. Elias Colbert raid: "The notion is centuries old, that the state of tho weather at the time the sun crosses the line is an indication of the weather that may be expected in that neighborhood for the next sixty or ninety dnys, Sorae people think that the influence extends to the next solstitial passage; others that the influence cannot be depended on for more than one-half or two-thirds of that time. A smaller number of people think that an equal amount of importance should be attached to the state of the weather at tho autumnal equinox in September, and it may be confidently a fact tlint moro than one coal merchant of this city regularly takes the weather at this time into account in making up his mind as to the quantity of coal he shall order to meet the wants of hig customers during 1 the coming- months. Scientific men who have made meteorology a study donot think the idea of sucli a connection is warranted.

Some of them scout at the notion as being: evidently absurd when we ro- member that weather phenomena are continually flowing in waves around the earth; hence, that when the wind is in the north at one place it will bo in the south in another place a few Bcore miles distant on Vhc other sido of the area of low barometer, and similarly that variations of temperature with a change from clearing- to clouding 1 atmosphere, and the reverse, are merely shifting- phenomena, Hence the conditions noted for any particular place ought not to be regarded as an index of future conditions here; in fact it would be more philosophical to expect contrasted conditions as, for instance, a clearing 1 up of skies following 1 cloudiness or a lower temperature, due to northerly winds, following tho reverse condition, owing to the passage of a storm area over the place under consideration. The idea may be thought to have a little foundation in the fact that the trado wind system, the middle of which averages near the middle of the tropics, is continuously shifting back and forth with the changing declination of tho sun; that is, as the sun advances northward from December to Juno, the middle! of the trade wind system shifts northward and moves back in a southerly direction during the other six months of the year. Of course it is ensy to reason that the shifting back and forth of that comparatively steady ilow of n-ind tho tropical regions alternately pushes ar.d draws nortJiwnrd or southward the moro variable atmospheric currents of the temperate zones, and thus shifts or causes to vary the areas over which tho storm centers move in temperate latitudes, but there is a lack of philosophy in the idea of any special shift occurring at the moment that the sun is in tile is, pass- ng across the plane of the earth's equator. In fact, it lias been pointed out that owing to the irregular distribution of land and water on the earth's surface the average position of the madia) line of the trade vrind system is two or three degrees north of the equator, a position the Sim docs not reach until six or seven days after equinox in spring-, while it reaches or seven days before the time of the autumnal equinox, so that if anyi indications could be drawn from tho southward and northward movements of the sun it would be more rational ta take them for the latter dateg than thai former ones. This theoretical raason- inff is favored by the observed fact that our spring- equinoctial storms averaye- the last weelt in March, while those of autumn average about the middle of Chicago Tribune.

Eocomntivet. Tho Paris-Lyons Railway company- has followed the recent lead of the raris-IIavre company and initiated the use ot electric locomotives for running- its trains. The former company has. decided to abandon entirely steam as a. motive power.

The express trains ofT the Lyons company to Nice arc novr run by electric engines. One novel feature of tho engines is that the entire fore pnrt is wedge-shaped. SFThcro arc likely to bo many political changes this year, but there will be DO tracks leading out of the lican Journal What Causes Pimples? Clogjrtniror the pores or moutbs of the sebaceous Rlaiids with sebum or oily mauer. Tho of sebum in the centre of ibe pimple la calltid a blackJicad, grub, or cornedonc. Nature will not allow tlie clogping ot tic pores- to continue lonR, liencc, Inflammation, jmin, swelling: and redness, later pus or mittcr rornis, breaks or is opened, tbe plug conies out and Uie pore is oucc more free.

Tbere are thousands of tliesc pores in the face- alone, nny one of which is liable to become 1 clogged by neglect or disease. What Cures Pimples? Tbo only reliable preventive and cure, wncD, not due to a cougtitutj'onai nuiuor, Li Cuticura Soap. It contains a mild proportion of the great Sltin Cure, dissolve tlio sebaceous or oily cr at the- mouths of the pores. i It stimulates the sluppisn Qarl 4 tubta to bealthy activity, reduces ifillam 1 soothes and heals Irritated and roughcr-euyojijaccs and restores the skin to its original pun. This is tlio eco.ret of its vrondcrftt) For bad complexions, rcdy ind shapeless nailf, dry, UunfcnoVtWHnp'liair, Boaly and irritated scalps ami rimplc fiabibleuilrtes It is wonderful.

It is preserving, pnrUyinftjUid tc a decree hitherto unknown ainoug tiie akjn and eonipJoxJoa. Vi Sale prcater than T.Ue combined faifs of sdt other skin and complexion soaps. Sold throughout the world. j. I'OTTEii nnco AND Cuoi.

Sole Proprietors, Boston. Women full of pains, aches and weaknesses find comfort, strength and renewed vitality In Cuticura Plaster, the first and only- pain-killing, nerve-strengthening plaster when all c'se tails. FREE READING ROOM, Opea Daily and Evening, 616 Broadway. Welcome to AD. WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW AIJOIJT GRAIN PROVISIONS nnd STOCKS, nnd sold on limited martins.

Wo acwpt discretlon- nrr orders on the Hhovo and will Rtvc our cns- tiiners who liiive noi tho lime to look after their own Interests rhc btwlli 1 of our 81) j-wirs experl- pneo In Ilulsc's for speculators seni tiw on receipt of two cent stftinD. CorrcspfliKlencc solicited. JAMES IT. HULSE it 45M55 UooKcry. Chicago.

STORAGE. For Btorapo in largo or small quantities, apply to W. D. PRATT. Pollard Wilson warehouse.

ABUSEHKNT8. Awaroea Highest Honors-World's Fair. OLANS OPERA HOUSE. WK. DOLAM, MAKAOKB.

Powder The only Pore Cream Tartar Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Years the Standard MONDAY, MAY 9. TUe Eminent Tragedian, MR. WALKER WHITESIDE In His Grand Impersonation ol HAMLET MB. WHITES1DE WILL BE SUPPORTED BY THE SAME CAST THAT ASSISTED HIM IN HIS GEEAT METROPOLITAN SUCCESSES.

Prices: fl.OO, TSe, 50c and 2Se. SmU on Fattenon's..

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