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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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MRS. Wife of the Great Republican Leader Adds Her Testimony to that of Thousands of Others For Paine's Celery Compound. Among the testimonies received year by the proprietors of That cst of all remedies. P'nlno's celery compound, nre found ninny, as usual, families of National reputation. One of these is the folio-win? sincere statement that bears the signature of Agnes B.

Quny, the wife of the Hon. Matthew S. Quny, United States Senator, whom Pennsylvania so urgently named for the Presidency at St. Louis: "Washington, May lu, 1SOC. Mess.

TVells Richardson, Burlington. Vt. "Dear daughter rind I have been using your Paine's Celery Compound this spring with most beneficial results. "Those in an over fatigued condition will find It a gentle stimulant, and nn excellent tonic, and I add testimony to others without reluctance." The relative merits and efficiency Paine's celery compound in making people well is clearly shown In the character of the people who today rely on it to cure insomnia, nervous debility, persistent headaches and a rundown condition. It is the power of rapid repair of the tissues that makes celery compound the great saver life that it is.

It brings just the needed nutriment to the distracted nerve tissues all over the body and increases the volume of healthy blood so that a "breaking down of some vital' part Is averted. While taking. Paine's celery compound there is a general building up ot the deep- lying tissues nil over the body, and a throwing off of unsound elements that clog and interfere with its healthy activity. The story of the discovery and un- parallod success of Paine's celery compound is the story of a high purpose, steadfastly followed; the reward for the life-Ions study of the nervous system in health and disease. Prof.

Edward E. Phelphs 1 discovery-in the laboratory of the Dartmoum Medical School proved a monumental work in the art of all dealing.successfully with many diseases that were lip to that time held to be obstinate or cure. Today rheumatism and neuralgia, heart palpitation and; nervous dyspepsia-are taken in hand by Paine's celery compound with the of freeing the system of them.entirely. In this greatest of all remedies there is hope for every person distressed by symptoms of Impure blood, failing vigor or low nervous condition. OLD PEOPLE.

people who require medicine, to the bowels and kidneys find the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicant, but acts a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the aiding nature. In tie performance of the-functions. Electric Bitters au excellent appetizer and aids digestion.

Old People find It just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at B. F. Keeping's drug store. Company Eighty-fourth Indiana, held an annual reunion at Farmland.

Forty-six members of the company are still living, headed by vniliam Burricr, the original captain. i Poison. Ivy, insect bites, bruises, burns, nre quickly cured by De- Wltt'a "Witch Hazel Solve, the great pile Eighty old comrades attended the annual reunion of the One-hundred-and- twenty-fourth Indiana Regiment at Centervllle. visit me a few years since, and before. leaving home wrote me, asking if they were sold here, stating if they were not she would bring a quantity with her, as she did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Cham- berlaln's Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of colds and croup: Chamber- Iain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame 'back, pains in the side and, chest; and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dl- 1 arrhoea Remedy for bowel I These medicines have been in in Iowa for about a quarter of a century.

The people have learned that they are articles of great worth and merit, and unequaled by any other. They are for sale here by B. F. Kees-: ling, druggist. In a recent letter to the manufacturers Mr.

W. F. Benjamin, editor of the Rushford, N. says: "It may be a pleasure to know the nigh esteem In which Chamberlain's medicines by the people of your own States, where they must be best known. aunt of mine, who resides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to William Reek, a farmer near Midway, In Spencer county, attempted to drive across -a trestle with a load of wheat.

The wagon fell a distance of twenty-five feet, killing him. Theories ot.cure may be discussed at, length physicians, but the sufferers quick relief; and One Minute Cough Cure will give It to thsro. A- safe cure for children. It Is. "the only harmless remedy that produces Immediate M.

Johnston. Bessie, daughter of O. F. How-- ard, of Bockport, was betrothed to commercial traveler of but yesterday she married M. Nixon.

i over again proved by its cures, when all other preparations failed, that It is the One True BLOOD Purifier. TWO LIVES SAVED: Mrs, Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, her doctors she had consumption nnd that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. King's New -Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Jlr. Thos.

Eggers, 130 Florida San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching consumption tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's Sow" Discovery and In two weeks was cured. He. is naturally thankful. It'is such results, of which these are prove the wonderful efficacy of this, medicine in coughs and colds.

Free trial at B. F. Kcesllng's drug- store. Regular size 50c and if 1.00. D.

'ton, Imagines that ho has seeu a heavenly vision, and he believes that the world will soon come to an end. "Boys will be boys," but you can't afford to lose any of them. r.eady for the preen apple seasin by bavins DeWltt's Colic Cholera Cure In the -M. Johnston. Three thousand people attended the annual picnic of the Bed Men of Randolph county at Lakeside park.

Don't trifle away time when you hav.e chblera morons or diarrhoea. Fight them. In the begrnniflg with DeW.ltt'* Coilc Cholera You don't to wait forreaulte. They are taneous and It leaves the bowels In healthy M. Johnston.

A PLEASURE-LOVING PEOPLE. Lutl Vet tho IIuQicnrlun FenHMU ainko Good SolJlcrn. Vi'riting- of "Bung-ary's 1'icturesquo Peasantry" in the Ladies' Home Companion, Dr. Edward A. Staino-r Kays: "They are all a 'pleasure-loving- people, and the roving- g-ypsy, if he can wield a bow, finds'a welcome in every hut.

The csarda (inn) is filled every night with villagers nnd shepherds from the pusutas (plains). The wives, babies and sweethearts come, too, and over a glass of palenkn. (whisky) or Doer (wine) the evening is spent, never ending- without a dance or a fight; and good lighters they are, these Hun- £2rians. They fought for their liberty, nnd retained it, an did no other of the Austrian provinces; and if Austria lost her battles with foreign foes, it was due to no lack of bravery on the part of Hungarian soldiers. Though hating- the German tong-ue, which is used in the army, when the call Vor- waerts' came, they unquestioning-ly obeved, and shed their blood upon the battle fields of sunny ItaJy and in the forests of Bohemia.

"The Austrian empire, once the holy Roman-empire, has lost her place in the front ra.nk of nations because of her dccayingairistocrncy, which yielded only cowards end weaklings for the captains of her host, and because of her narrowing- which kept alive the spirit of. and which hindered any real progress. ButHungary, though under Austrian rule, has steadily been, and her progress, as I have said', is due loxgtly to her brave, industrious a.nd liberal-minded peasantry." IncrcciBP lo Infants' An infant weighing- seven pounds at birth will weigh seven and onc-hnir on the tenth day and eleven on the thirteenth. OF THE VENOMOUS BREATH MALARIA. Docs not infest the system of those who use Hostettor's Stomach Bitters a.s a precaution against it.

Nor is it less useful as a remedy wnerc intermittent fever has fully established itself, in consequence of a neglect of preventive measures. It checks the paroxysms with astonishing certainty, and eradicates this type of disease even in its most inveterate form. This madicine is an especial boon to the emigrant population of the far west, where fevers of a malarial type arc particularly revalent, but the recognition of its merits is so far from being limited, that it is known and appraised at its true value throughout the length jlud breadth of America. Travelers by land and sea, miners and sojourners in unhealthy localities, esteem it highly, and are its most constant purchasers, and In many a rural household, far and wide it is the chosen family specific. The Nineteenth Indiana will bold a reunion at Farmland on the 17th Inst BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVE.

The Best Salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fpver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures.piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. cents per box. For sale by B. F.

Keesling- The ministerial association prevented a professional base ball game at Ft. Wayne last Sunday. Many a day's work to lost by sick headache 'caused' by Indigestion and stomach troubles. DeWltt'3 Little Early Risers are the most effectual, pill overcomlmg such Johnston. The American wire nail works at Anderson will resume work tomorrow with 700 men.

From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Godsend to the afflicted. There is no. advertisement about this; we feel just like saying It. Democrat, Carrol ton, Ky. For sale by B.

F. Keesllng, druggist. A new opera house has been erected Franklin. Tie whole system Is drained" and undermined by. Indolent ulcers and open sores.

DeWltt's Salve heals them: It is the best pile inure Johnston. Jolm Klugc; of Ablhgton, born In iSOG, is. an active man mentally physically. It doesn matter much whether, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion and constipation are caused by. neglect'or by 'unavoidable De- Witt's'.

Little Early 1 Risers, will speedily "cure them M. Johnaton. colored, of Anderson, died while undergoing an operation for hernia. If yoti have ever seen the. agony of summer complaint, you can realize, the danger of the trouble and appreciate the value of Instantan- always afltordea by DeWltt's ft Ciolera Cure.

For dysentery and diarrhoea It Is a reliable remedy. We could not afford to recommend this as a cure unless It were a M. PUT HIMSELF ON ICE. A Chicago to Get Cool C'tinio Him Trouble. John Eoooh, a Chicago man, was hot the-other night.

He couldn't if he tried. The (harder he worked trying, the hotter he got. A man. on the him jced lemonade, and iie, melted in perspiration. A boy rathe alley sold him ieecrcaan, and it hissed us boiling- lamb stea.ks.hiss when he ate He bought a fan, but the labor of wielding 1 it produced more heat than it banished.

He g-ot on a Cottage Grove avenue grip car and pave momentum a fair chance, but nothing- helped him. A man crowded himoutof his seat, and it didn't offend him. fio knew he had previously been as hot RESTING OX ICE. as he could be, and nothing- could make him any hotter. He thought of thfc lake along- about Kundttwn, lind paid the turnstile at the railroad ten cents to let him through.

Then he went out to the cooling- waves ami pushed himself in. Buta.watchman going- along- the track chased him out, for ho would damage the breakwater. KoacJi looked back regretfully as he crowed the tracks, avoiding: the incessant trains by a luok whioh would make a man rich at a liorseracc. Ha remembered one day last February when ho saw the ice heaped up here almost to the tics. Ice! That reminded him of something.

If he could lie down between two big- cakes of ice maybe he eould get cool. He would try it. He went out to Cottage rove avenue. At the corner of Twenty-ninth street he found the- big- grocery of W. Bxiiawa.

At the rear of the room is a mighty ice c.hest. The door was at the farther end. There was a houseful of ftooch walked around the big.ieebox, opened the door, walked in, closed it, nnd found the Ico in. the dark. He climbed up and lay- down upon it.

It was cool. Presently it was cold. After awhUe it was freezing-. Every time Booth waked up it was more frig-id. So he climbed down, opened the door and walked out.

Tho clerks were just closing 1 the store, They asked him if tiny-more tramps were on ice and then. Baked the police to lock him up. OF A HORSE. Dot If More Mldaet of the pony bora, on the farm of Israel Hunter; in Orang-c county, is re- as one of the most-remarkable freaks of the world. While now about two years old, this interesting- bit of horseflsh is only 13 inches high, and is.undoubtedly the smallest equine earth.

"Dot," as tn 8 m' et is called, has a remarkable history; for, unlike other dwarfs of her race, she was the product of an ancestry of ordinary, everyday horses. Both her and sire were of the usiialsize and appearance, ind so far as is known there is no reason for her re- TINIEST.HORBB IN THE markably diminutive form. She is therefore a bora fihe was'not much: largervthan a kitten, and had to be fed by her owner from tho, beginning. Great core- was.giyeji.tlxe, tiny oolt in the effort to raise her, and, cow she is full grown, almost perfectly; "formed in health. Many offers of largo eunis.have.been, Mr.

Hunter by museum and circus, managers for "Dot," who is, of course, much wanted'for exhibition purposes. There have all been refused, because. Mr. Hunter has two IHtle daughters who ore so much attached to the family, pet that he able to secure their consent. 'Being wealthy himself, It Is probable that those Ece the tiniest horse on the globe will bave to sec iton the farm of its owner.

Cool ol Hlnwrtf- A Jtassocrrusetta' congressman who B-aa on wrecked at "Hyde Park, last shock came pfiasengenr pitched beats just in time to receive the can; t-'iite of the water-cooler, which tipped soaicedvhta i-vcr-and soaicedvlito water:" 'A tiig-hly' rushed up to him and keep, tool. "Go away," said'the'wet am the coolest man in, the car. I just bad two buckets of Ice-water (mptled down my back." Talk With Hood's Sarsapa- rilla," Sales and show that this medicine has eb joyed "public confidence and patronage to greater extent than accorded any other proprietary medicine. This la 'simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla docs, that tells the story.

All advertisements of Hood's Sarsaparilla, like Hood's SarsaparilU are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have abiding confidence in it, and buy Hood's Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It Prepared only by r. Hood Lowell, Mass. are the only pills to take PHIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.


30tb the steamers ot mis line will make two trips each way lilly between St. Joseph Chicago, ju the following schedule: Leave St. Joseph at 4:30 p. to. an4 p.

dally. Including Sunday, ueave Chicago at 9:30 a. m. and 1130 D. daily, Including Sunday.

Extra irlps on Saturday leave St. Joseph at 4 and leave Chicago at 2 p. m. Running time across lake 4 hours. Trl-weekly steamers to Milwaukee, St Joseph Monday, Wednesday Friday eveniugs.

The equipment of this line (he side wheel steamers City of Chicago City of Milwaukee (the largest and Unest west of Detroit), and the newly tbnllt propeller City of Louisville. Service first-class. Connections with all randaila Yalns, Tickets on sale at all randalla £ine stations. Chicago dock of Wabash avenue. H.

GRAHAM, Benton Harbor, Mich. S. P. KLOTZ, PASTOR U. B.

vYtttenoo. Sept. 8,1888. Syrup Dear have been afflicted over twenty with, dyspepsia or soar rtbmach. I have tried different reme- 41M.

I tooght a 10-oent bottle of Syrnp Pep- ila tnd found that It benefltted me. I convinced that It- will do what It recommended when taken according directions; I have taken nearly one hottie and feel like different person. 8. p. For Bale by BJ F.


cured us. R. C. Taylor and wife, hmcl, BfebeV James ier, Dave BalL Ind. i i are purely vegetable.j; Pat up in capsules, sixty in a box.

days' treatment in a box. Trice box, or six for Ma nufactured by H. C. ConnersvIHe, Ind. For sale by all druggists.

liriutioa. ot of 1 1 Son-M OP Hut In at, la I on reg.

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