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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 5

Logansport, Indiana
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On account of having the Foster Lacing Hooks, many Interior Gloves are being sold as the "Foster "to parties who believe to ba the Genuine Foster quality, which Is superior French Real Kid Glove, made with special care In our own manufactory at Grenoble, France. To'enable purchasers to distinguish the difference, we nave changed our trado mark, and shall hereafter stamp all of our bisi quality We will offer all the desirable colors. Foster Kid Gloves at 89 cents, SOCK NAME IN PKDiT. MANUFAOTUHIR8. FOIl SALE The Hatter.

COME AND SEE US NOW'. You must have a Spring Suit. Come to us; we make them from $20 to $60. Tucker Young, THE PEARL ST. TAILORS.

CLIMAX PUREST AND BEST, LESS PRICE OF OTHER pO 5' i3 SOLD IN CANS ONLY, DAILY JOURNAL FRIDAY MOKN1NG, MAY 4. JDetorinlued. The Frankfort News says that tho lumber is being hauled from Frankfort to Burlington with to rebuild tho saloon which was destroyed by mob's fury few nights ago. Bert Wills la determined to maintain hia ground and with tho law ou his side will probably yet see some mem-, oers of the lawless mob brought to task for their unwarrauteo action. The people of Burlington have on Severn! occasions shown themselves all too hasty to act.

David Xarrel, the Royal Center broom maker, is looking for some clue to the thieves who entered his factory a few nights ago ind stole a gross of brooms. Ho looked in among the city stores for somo of the stolen property, on the presumption that some of the brooms might have been sold here. The nine republican councilman were elected by majorities aggregat' Ing 1142. The one democrat by a majority of 65. Thle la a singular situation in a city 395 democratic having four or five wards democratic by majorities aggregating about 500 but It ii condemnation of ring rule and boiiltu.

MlchUol MUlako. Our good friend Michael Martin who is an expert juryman and also a proficient gutter layer was put on one of tho Fifth ward election boarda Tuesday, When tho counting began Mr. Martin watched tbe tickets with unusual interest, finally breaking into a broad smila as a certain tickot was unfolded. "That's it," said Mr. Martin, "1 stamped it that way- so I'd kcow it again," we can't count it, Mr.

Martin," said the inspector, "it has a distinguishing mark." "And do I lose my vote?" asked Michael. "I guesa you tho Inspoc tor, "that IB tho law." Michael looked glum and lost all interest in tho oloction after that, Ho had put a star in each corner of tho square around the rooster 80 that he could identify his ballot when bo saw it again. Unniutt Oeu Tbo jury in tho damage case of Atwator C. Barnott vs. the City of Lo gansport, retired just boforo noon yesterday to deliberate on tbo law and tho evidence and ai 2:15 brought in a for tho plaintiff awarding him damages in tho sum of $900.

This was tho brought by Mr, Barnett claiming $2,000 damages from tho city for tho tearing down tho dangerous walls and chimneys of tho ruined hotel building, alleging that the building was damaged to tbe extent of $2,000 by the act. A Damaicu Salt. Rochester Republican: The case of Richard D. Bell, of Cass county, against the C. E.

railroad company, was begun yesterday before the jury and is not yet determined. The plaintiff seeks largo damages en account of an accident ocouring at the crossing of the highway, over defendant's track near the depot, at Akron, October 22, 1892, when one of defendant's engines struck plaintiff as he was crossing with a horso and buggy and seriously injured him, The company is trying to escape the liability by proving contributory negn llgiunce on tho part of the plaintiff. Columbian Expedition Will bo of value to the world by luetratlng the improvements In the mechanical arts and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress in medicinal agents, baa been of equal Importance, and IB a strengening tivethat Syrup of Figs ii far In of all others. Iieiui oraPononal Clmracter Concerning Logaunportcrx nnd Their Friend. Mrs: S.

L. Holvio is quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. C.

Graves went to Chicago this morning. Miss Nellie Moredock will go to Kokomo today on a visit. Mr. 11, Stevens has returned from a few days trip to Detroit. Cecil Jeannerette baa returned from a winters eojourn at Denver, Col.

Howard Henderson of the Kokomo Dispatch wag in the city yesterday. Dr. Truax le confined to bed at his rooms over the State National bank. Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Winklebleck, of Chicago, are vUltlng in the city. Motticello Herald Mrs. Frank Berkey was at Logansport last week. Mrs. Walter Moore and little daughter went to Dayton, yesterday.

Mr. HI White and his sister Mrs. L. W. 1'llling will arrive homo from the South tomorrow.

Mrs. Cyrus Tabor of 1'arkersburg, West Virginia, is the guest of othe family of Mr. Paul Taber. Mrs. Conrad Spltznaglo, of Peru, is in the city called hero by the death ol her sister, Mrs.

Scbwolsstbal. Felix Morgan departed yesterday on hie trip to the Pacific coast. He ex- pecta to be absent several months. Kev. D.

P. Putnam was at Cincinnati thia week attending the commencement exercises of Lane semU nary. Mrs. E. B.

Welch, Bister of W. Henry, and daughter, and Miss Flory, who were callod here by the death of Miss Maggie Henry, have returned to thoir home at Argentine, Kana. Burnettsvllle Item: Kose Henderson went to Logansport laat week to visit her eleter, Mrs. Mary Wiley Henry Sands and wife of Logansport, spent Sunday hero with relatives. Mrs.

Gustavo Burgman and Mrs. Andrew (i-Biger will depart next Sunday for New York whence they will sail for Europe, expecting to make an extended visit with relatives in Germany. Idavlllo Observer: Miss Clara Rathfon of Logansport spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives Chas Zook went home Tuesday to exorcise eovoroigu rights as a citizen ot Logansport. Misa Carrie Shaofor was pieasantly surprised at her homo on cast Broadway Wednesday livening by quite a party of her frioads calling upon her to colobrato with her tho anniversary of her birth. Tho party was pleasantly entertained.

Mrs. Elkin, wife of llev. Elkin and her mother, Mrs. Michaels, have returned Hemingford, whoro they havo lived for the paat two years. Rov.

Elkin will also return hero at tho conclusion of his pastorate there next fall. Dr. and Mrs. H. Shultx are tortalnlng Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Kendall, of Duluth, Mr. and Mrs. Harris McDonald, of Washington Court House, and Mr. Wm.

Kendall and daughter of Monticollo. Mr: Howard Kendall, a former Montlcello boy, la oaet on his wedding tour. Lafayette Call: J. D. S.

Neeloy of Logansport. superintendent of the Indiana Ohio Pipe Lino Company. Is in tho city Col. T. S.

Dunn and two daughters Misaos Jennie and Ninah, who have beeu guests of Mr: and Mrs. S. Vater, went to Logansport this morning. Isaac N. Pratt, business manBger of Pair of Ktda," Ezra Kendall's play, is in tho city making arrangements with Manager Dolaa for tha ap- poaranco of Mr.

Kendall hero next Thursday evening. "A Pair of Kids" la in its ninth year and ia a favorite with Logansport lovers of comedy. C. B. Landis was in the city last evening on his way home from Craw- fordsvillc where he had been to attend a special meeting of the trustees of Wabash College, he being a member of the Board.

He reports that the business depression has had a marked effect on the colleges of tho country both in the attendance and the finances but that Wabash college has the largest attendance in its history and while greatly In need ol funds extending its usefulness its financial standing has not been seriously affected by the depression. John E. Hayes returned yesterday from St. where he has secured an excellent position in the Hotel Whltcomb, owned by Mr. E.

T. McClure formerly of this city. He will leave in a few days to enter upon his new dutioa and his family will shortly move to that delightful city by the lake. Mr. Hayes haa h03t8 of friends in the city who will wish him unbounded success in his now location.

St. Joe IB a favorite summer resort for Logansport people and "Jack" will always be found at the Hotel Whitoomb with hia well known pleasant smile to welcome the old home friendi. BENEFIT OF LOSERS TODAY. Continuation of Otto Kraus' Hat Sale; $1 98 for $3.50 Hats; $1.60 for $2 00 SsL Latest styles $1 98 for $3 50 Hat. Latest styles $1 00 for $2 00 Hat.

If you have lost a $3.50 Hat be can pay it at Otto Kraus' for $1.98. if you, have lost a $2 00 hat bet, can pay it at Otto Kraus' for SI 00. Pearl Hats, Mocho Hats, Mode Hats, Black Hats, Straw Hats, Manilla Hats, Harvest Hats, Boy's Hats. OTTO KRAUS. WAIT FOR OUR SHOE OPENING.

The Foresters Kntortalaznont. The social and entertainment by Court Noblo Independent Order of Foresters at Musodoon hall last oven ing was one of the most notable of a long series of lodge entertainments given in Logansport during tho past winter. The crowd which poured into tho ball was a surprise to all and the room was quickly packed and standing room only was in demand. There were over six hundred people present and the room was too crowded for comfort. At the close of the program which had been arranged Tor tho occasion supper was served in tho G.

A. E. Hall, adjoining which had been connected with tho other hall by a platform erected over the area at tbe rBor. Tho task of taking care tbe big crowd at supper was no insignificant one, and by tho time all wore served there was little remaining. Over six hundred persons were fed, in four relays of 150 each.

Following tho supper there was a dance in tho G. A. R. hall. The crowd Insisted on all tho numbers of the dance being followed ard as the number at supper exceeded all calculations the hour for tho beginning of the dance did not begin till midnight and as the Journal goes to press the party is still dancing.

A very entertaining program was offered at tho beginning of ho entertainment, as follows: PROGRAM. Overture Orchestra Sons Mr. O. E. Mlclmflls bs Bi 0 1 Recitation Miss lilanclio F.llloit Mr.

Bert Walter Selection Quartette Messrs. Sclilelger. Koust. Roe nnd Instrumental Selection Miss Oracle BnltiirSolo Miss Ropy Cornell SOME iflisNcilloKulRlit MlaMIerinulc Carroll, Piano Accompanist.

11 Hoosler described playlm; Miss SolJniario Violin Solo Mr. Jolin Miller. inn, Piano Accompanist. An Attempted John Yost, an tigod Gorman citizsn. on.

the West Side, attempted yesterday afternoon in of despondency, to end his life by cutting hie throat with a butcher knlfo. Tho i blade proved too dull for his purpose, and the only damage done was the inflicting of an ugly nnd painful, though not dangerous wound on hie neck. Dr. Buejahn sowsd the gash up and tho injury will probably heal all right. Yost is possessed of considerable property.

His wife recently secured a divorce from him togethoi considerable alimony, and his domestic troubles have apparently pressed heavily upon hia mind, causing him to become low spirited and despondent. In a fit of mental depression he made tho unsuccessful attempt to end his life. Wednesday evening at tbo home prepared for their occupancy. 818 Race street, Mrs. Arabella Halo, compositor on tbo Reporter, wasuEltei in marriage to Mr.

W. H. Biggs, shipping clerk at, Quigley CoV wholesale confectionary establish, ment, Kev. H- J- Norris officiating in the proeenca of a small party of friends. Notice of sale.

Commencing Saturday morning at MoTaggWt'a block, corner Fourth Broadway, public sale of bed room leti, chairs, stores, carpets, new Do- mettle sewing machine and other homehold Conductor Married. Richmond Telegram Wednesday: A very quiet wedding tcok place at the parsonage of Grace M. K. church last evening at 7 o'clock. Mr.

John B. Keys, a very popular Pan Handle passenger conductor between Logansport and Cincinnati, was married to Mies Catherine Ella Shofer, the well known milliner on Main street. They will bo at homo to their friends in a short time fn an elegant suite of rooms adjoining tho store of Mrs. Keys. It may be somewhat of a surprise to their many friendi.

and yet we know they will all unite in wishing them the prosperity they so well deserve in the future. Tbe newly married man wont out on his regular run this morning, just as bo has been wont to do heretofore, and seema satisfied that he has mado no mislako in his choice of a wife. And as everybody who knows Miss Shofer-that-was, believes tha same, he may consider himself confirmed In hia opinion. Few ladles in tho city are bettor known, and none is more popular than is the new Mrs. Keys.

And among railroaders the traveling public there is none a more general favorite than 'Johnny" Keys as ho is familiarly called Jby hia more intimate acquaintances. So a multitude of warm friends unite in wishing the newly married couple long life and happiness. Renl Entato List of transfers of real estate In Cass connty reported by Vrank H. tibstracter ot titles, conveyancer and notary public, Insurance nnd loan Kent, titles to real estate examined nnd defective titles perfected. Honey to loan at lowest rates, Office 206 Konrth street directly opposltnConrt Honseentrance, Locansport, Ind 0.

FJjvm to James fiandy iot I Hattiaww-t Noel's Wilton 35000" S. H. Wallacx to W. Connell nnd wlfo lots and a) Kill- vesion itW 00 Ida B. Evans to Sophia Allen and lut ii Anderson's add lioyal Center to Ellen (ioldsberry et nl to MnryJ.

Kor- illney pt Vj secSOJacksriii 1000 DO Kllen (ioldslwrry etnl 10 Thos. (Jolds- berry nt ne Li sec 80 Jackson tp a 10M 00 Kllen Holtlsbery et al to Win Wadkins ne 14 see 80 Jackson tp x's-a a 10IW 00 Mary.I. alto Ellen (iolilnberrf pt se Vj see Jackson tp Disjoining naive 1011 IOIWOP EUen'iOidsberryot al (Voids- berry pt ue Vi sec 3fi Jiicltson tp j000 00 Kllen (iolif.4lierrye.tal to Millie A Meelc pt ne ii see Jackson rp 1000 00 Kllen (lOldtherry et al to Simon M. (ioMfiberrs pt ne Vi Jiicktyu tp New Bridge at Mexico. The bridge crossing- Eel river at Mexico will bo torn down next week- The Goodall brothers of Peru who have charge of the stone work, have nearly all of the stono for tho piero on the ground and have half of cut.

As soon as the wooden bridge down their men will remove the old piers and begin the new ones. 10 California Tin tbe Fcnnoj iTBiila Linen. The Midwinter Fair at San Francisco and tho numerous other attractions in the Wonderland beyond the Rocky mountains can be enjoyed by persons of limited means as tbo round trip rate has again been materially reduced via Pennsylvania lines. Pae- eongers can select any of the several routes from Chicago, and the return limit is ample for a satisfactory sojourn. For details apply to J.

A McCullough, ticket agent, Logansport, Ind. A Ualrvniau Opinion. There is nothing I bavo ever used for muscular rheumatism that givea me as much relief as Chaimberlain'B Paiu lialm does. I have been using it for about two bottles in occasion required, and always keep a bottle of it in ray home. I believe I know a good thing when I get hold of It, ar.d Pain Balm.

Is tha best liniment I have ever met with. B. Denny, dairyman, New Lexington, Ohio. 50 cent bottles for sale, by B. F.

Keesling, Druggist. vandalfa Lino To South, Southeast and Southwest will run on various dates from now until Juno 5, 1S94, inclusive. Ona fare round trip. Call on or address any Vandalia line agent and ask for information conlain-ed in circular No. 327 Of January 20.

189-i. Balmy odora from Spica Islands, Wafted by the tropic breeze; in healthful fragrance Cannot bo svirpasbsd by these. Teeth it whitens, pui-ilies; You will use it if you're wise. D. A.

Millet to K. M. Todliunter imd (if a In nw sec Deer Creeic tp Jas(iny to Wnsli Sinnll re Ii se Vl 20 Wash tp Don't Totir co Spit or Smoke Tour Life, Awuy 00 1 Is tbe truthful, startling tlt'o of a little book that I tells all abont No-to-bac. me wonderful, harmless. GBAIUNTKKD tobacco habit core.

cost oo IDS'i 03 Is and the man who wants to quit and In John C. Dempsey and wife entertained quite a number of friends at a "hard times" party at their home on Twelfth street Wednesday evening. runs no phydciil or liiumclal "Xo-to-bacfc" Sold by Ben Kluhcr. Book at store, or by nmll tree. Address, Tlia Sterling Btmedy Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind.

Dr. Holloway'sollice in the Frogresa block, corner 4th and Market streets. Another Envious Competitor Says he is "still in the ring." Don't be misled by the idle vaporings of would be tailors who profess to cut clothes that never got above making pants. We have a practical tailor who does bur cutting and we carry the only high grade class of woolens in the city. Bring on another "horse." CARL W.

KELLER, Leading Tailor..

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