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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • Page 6

Detroit, Michigan
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-1 PERFORMANCE NOW, THERE'S A HEARING AID THAT CAM HELP YOU HEAR v' BECOME A problem? Troy A. Burns, M.D. Founder Medical Director 6A DETROIT FREE PRESS MONDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1997 Tough activist takes charge of Latino issues Ml NOZ, from Tage 5A Detroit. Her family lived in southwest Detroit until she was 3, when they moved to Livonia.

Munoz's college days at the University of Michigan mirrored her Livonia childhood, with only a few other Latino students. But Munoz also tutored Latino inmates at the state prison in Jackson. She says it BETTER IN NOISY SITUATIONS! LET US PROVE TO YOU THAT WE NOW HAVE A HEARING AID THAT WILL HELP YOU UNDERSTAND BETTER WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING IN THE PRESENCE OF BACKGROUND NOISE. PH0NAX AUDIO ZOOM MAY HELP YOU! COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT YOU NOW WEAR AND PH0NAK AUDIO ZOOM. CLINICAL RESULTS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST ftl The inability to sustain an erection (impotence) is a problem faced by millions of men of all apt, t-orttmaiely, it can be treated iiiclfy.

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StDVICES COVEKCD If HOST MIVATE KSUtAHCl I MESICAIE. I COUPON SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS BEST BUY IN U.I. brought her closer to her culture. After graduate school at the Uni versity of California at Berkeley, she $699 $1295 ARGOSY AUDINA AUTHORIZED BERNAFON BEST LABS DANAVOX ELECTONE FINETONE GMI LORI MAICO OMNI PHILLIPS PHONAK QUALITONE REXTON SIEMENS SONOTONE SONAR STARKEY TELEX UNITRON WIDEX SAVE DOLLARS WITH THIS AD! Please Call For An Appointment Offer Expires 11797 JMmmiM moved to Chicago. She worked for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago and helped legalize undocu mented immigrants under the Immi gration Reform and Control Act on COMPLETE IN CANAL HEARING AID ffiIBm the mid-1980s.

"I was working 14-, 16-hour days. iirf i in. i 1 1 i It was intense," she said. "I had a real LIST PRICES UP TO $1000.00. COMMAND SAVE DOLLARS! FITTINGS AVAILABLE UP TO 80 D.B.

LOSS WITH OPTIONS. FREE HEARING TEST FREE VIDEO EAR INSPECTION. SIXTY DAY TRIAL. sense of obligation not to mess up." Then came a hard lesson: that sexism, like racism, can be found anywhere. "I was dealing with priests, some MM COUPON MMM rmm mm COUPON aaa -m mum mm I COUPON mm 1 HEARING AD 1 I IICHllUVti Mil of whom I respected but some of All IU-EAR 1 1 HEARING AID I I niiSTRM pauai A'fffskin massaging EXTERNAL ultrasound reduces the fat beneath the skin.

Call today for a free consultation with Michigan's experts in ultrasonic cosmetic surgery. No Incision No Scars No Pain I I REPAIRS ALL BRANDS IN-THE-EAR RrMiKin.TUP.rAD I I I Reg. $798.00 I I .4 CUSTOM FULL SHEU. Reg. $698.00 I $398 I WITH COUPON eSK.

$498 I I with SCQ95 I I coupon 39 I I I Model CANAL I Except Programmables Model FULL SHELL G.M.I. whom didn't treat me very well. "I still consider myself Catholic it didn't shatter my faith," she added. But the sexism forced her to examine how she could best help immigrants. Nine years ago, she came to La Raza.

"There's a reason I work at a Latino institution," she said of La Raza, stressing the word Latino. "I decided I wanted to be part of a 800-403-0060 Li mm Epires nrrl9Tmm mm mm mmmVlmm jj ma Expires 11797 'cosmetic surgery center Why Pay More for Hearing Aid Batteries? COUPON i SAVE $5.00 OR MORE PER PACK OF BATTERIES latino institution. i "I can work in an office, switch $100 around from speaking Spanish to pa I speaking English, go to a meeting on HI Four batteries per pack made in U.S.A by Eveready Battery Co. Inc. Pay $6.00 to George Iwanow Hearing Aid Centers, Inc.

for three packs of PER PACK OF FOUR the Hill where I the only Latino batteries and receive a $3.00 cash, refund (by mail) from Eveready Battery I iuit i DAf if uitui 1 au Dm iun null Co. Inc. Zinc air cell 230, 10, 312, 13, 675 have someone say something awful to me, and when I come back to the office, I don't have to explain why it Expires 11-7-97 Jj i.i.-ij.-j..i.-'MM.i.'MiM.wM.'.iiiw.i.Mvr ra was oftensive. Colleagues describe her as mod GEORGE IWANOW HEARING AID CENTERS, INC. I mm mm, mm MMMa mm mm, mm a a ihih mm.

ihi mmmmmmmm Mmn est, but intense. "She's been a wonderful coalition STATE OF MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED BUILDING OFFICIALS, PLAN REVIEWERS, AND INSPECTORS RULE Please take note that pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act of 1969 (Act No. 306 of the Public Acts of 1969, as amended), and by Section 5 of Act No. 54 of the Public Acts of 1986 and Executive Reorganization Order No. 1996-2, A public hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 3, 1997, at 1:30 p.m.

at the offices of the Bureau of Construction Codes, Conference Room 3, 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, Michigan for the purpose of allowing all persons an opportunity to present data, views, and arguments relative to the proposed revision to Rule 37 of the Building Officials, Plan Reviewers, and Inspectors Rules. The proposed rule clarifies existing language relating to qualifications for provisional registration of a building inspector, identifies the type of documentation necessary to show eligibility, expands the criteria to include college credit, and identifies the time frame in which experience is accepted. Copies of proposed rules are available by mail from the Department of Consumer and Industry Services, Bureau of Construction Codes, P.O. Box 30254, Lansing, Ml 48909, or may be viewed at the Bureau Office, 2501 Woodlake Circle, Okemos, Michigan. Telephone: 517-241-9311.

TDDVoice: 517-241-9300. Persons unable to attend the hearing may submit comments in writing to the Bureau of Construction Codes at the above address no later than 10 days after the hearing. Hearing facilities are barrier free. Arrangements for sign language interpreters will be made when requested ten business days in advance of hearings. Michigan Department of Consumer and Industry Services Ronald M.

Basso, Deputy Director UUIdlANUINU dtHVlUt: ANU INIcuKIIT dINVt 1934. We are providers for Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicaid, and most insurances. ROCHESTER HILLS REGAL OFFICE PLAZA partner for consulting on strategy, especially in this town where people can go off on their own and not worry too much about keeping their ties strong," said Jean Buttcrfield, executive director of the American Immi EASTPOINTE 21261 KELLY ROAD 1-800-448-HEAR 2494 ROCHESTER RD. ROYAL OAK KALT CENTER 30301 WOODWARD 1-800-982-HEAR (248) 435-8855 Ground Floor SOUTHGATE 15830 FORT ST. 1-800-862-HEAR (313)285-5666 Ground Floor LIVONIA 10988 MIDDLEBELT 1-800-831 -HEAR (313) 261-6300 Ground Floor (810) 772-1700 1-800-824-HEAR (248) 853-2268 Ground Floor Ground Floor gration lawyers Association.

Munoz spends most of her time focusing on a federal commission's recommendation to abolish the Immi gration and Naturalization Service, and on a section of the federal immi gration law due to expire that allows immigrants to stay in the United States while applying for residency. One of her hardest days when BIRMINGHAM'S PREMIER BRIDAL SALON a. volunteer for one of La Raza's GET Y0UU toro California affiliates committed suicide after learning his government benefits might be cut off. One of her biggest pet peeves when Latinos from border states living on property in their families for generations, property that was once Mexico, are treated like foreigners. "It gets old," Munoz said.

"We're tired of being treated as if we don't belong here." But Munoz said that's why she does the kind of work that's helped her learn "hugely" about herself. "I'm doing the work I always wanted to do," she said. VV sr ail fBLJ rrnr dawcdi itc Ik A SO rL flFFllF 3 HP Ennine W)t Galina Trunk Show Bridal Gowns and Bridesmaids for 1998 November 6-7-8 h. If Light Weight -38 lbs. Throw 16 Of Snow Up To 25 Ft.

SJ mm i fli If us Compact Stores Easily Folding Handle Versatile Ideal For Walks, Steps, Decks Small Driveways. A Durable 2 Yeai Warranty 1 4 PPA.9?9nn fila Dnira i. pre-ssason Why Be Bald? i.iiiirMrav Thursday Friday Saturday 10-9 10-6 10-6 Rose Sirico from Galina will be present to assist you. Appointments Recommended, Special Prices During Our Trunk Show, 3 tkmmmmtmtvn Ml. mil mm WKinnin Stale ol-ttn-trt hitr pi rtormrt by i Board CtfWiriPlKtkSgrteiHi.Ctll Miff PH ttmWinWBtory cmwIUIim mM iitniMtaN.

Hair Loss Treatment Centers Troy: 755 W. Big Beaver, Ste. 246 i PrfSE3scn Price (248)362-729 95 a '439 249 PIERCE ST. Ml lDOLL WEEKLY SPECIALS 'I 48009 IOSHTAI. Also Available (248) 644-7492 (248) 664-7200 Hundreds of dollstoys on sale throughout the store.


DAYS LEFT SALE ENDS 113097 PLEASE CUP AND MAIL WITH YOUR GIFT TODAY 1 TO QUALIFIED BUYfFU -Mfg. suggested special pnee. Subject to local dealer option. Sale Ends 1 13097. See Your TORO Dealer For More nl i Complete Thanlisgiving Dinner $1.57 We need your help to provide hot meals and other 4 Star Lawn Equipment 22310 Harper I IAMB 0 Garden Center 21980 EcorwRd.

MQVJ Cougar Cutting Products 46845 12 Mile Rd. PLYMOUTH Saxtons Garden Center Inc. 587 W.Ann Arbor Trail REDFORD George's Lewn Mower Sales 26118 Plymouth Rd. BIVEBYIEH Riverview Lawn i Snow 18639 Fort St. ROCHESTER Rochester Elevator Inc.

412 Water St. IBEHTQN Carefree Lawn Center 2805 Van Horn essential services to hungry and homeless men, women and children in the Detroit area this Thanksgiving season. For just $1.57, you can provide a traditional turkey dinner with dressing, hot vegetables, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, and a giant slice of pie for dessert. Please help us feed and care for the hungry and homeless by mailing your gift today. $15.70 helps 10 people $31.40 cares for 20 people $47.10 helps 30 souls $62.80 helps 40 people $157 provides 100 meals and more Other GARDEN CITY Town-n-Country Hardware 27740 Ford Rd.

GHQSSEPQINTE WOODS. Nelson Frolund Inc. 19815 Mack Ave. HOWELL M-S9 Sports 333 E. Highland Rd.

UVONW Commercial Lawnmower Inc. 34955 PtymouthRd. Power Equipment Inc. 27430 Joy Rd. Wright's Hardware 29150 W.

5 Mile Rd. MACOMB Bourller i Sons 22230 23 Mi Rd. MADISON HEIGHTS Southiane Outdoor Power Equipment 27400 John R. WILF0RD Peter's True Value 3501 W. Highland Rd.

BELLEVILLE All Seasons Landscaping Co. 8124 Belleville Rd. CLINTON TWP, Bourller Sons 35850 Utica Rd. Remson Equipment Co. 22250 Hall Rd.

COLUMBUS Blaz Services 10228 Division CMMEBC1TWL Wheels Blades 8055 Commerce CEABBQBN Chase Road Hardware 5918 Chase Rd CEARBORSJitlGHIS R.H. Brooks Senice 25516 Ford Rd. DiTROlI AAA Lawnmower 15042 SchaelerRd. EASTPOINIE All Seasons Outdoor Equipment 15130 Ten Mile Rd. FARHINCTON HILLS Welngartz 39050 Grand River mm 4 -V" I 5 x-" I I Rochester Lawn Equipment Ctr.

94 W. Auburn Rd. Name Address. HOY Treverrow Ace Hardware 97W.LongUkeRd. UTICA Weingartz 4606)VanDyke WAR RIM Bid's Service 11276 E.

10 Mile Young's Garden Mart Christmas Fantasy 7825 Ryan WESTLAMO Oaves Engine 1 Mower (513lnksterRd. Wayne Lawn I Garden Center (103 S. Wayne Rd. WYANDOITE Hood's Do-It Center 1M4 Ford Ave. (Northline) ROYAL PAIS Billings Feed Store 715 S.

Main Menus Power Mowers Inc. 30642 Woodward Ave. SQUTHF1ELD Arley's Firestone Inc. 27000 SoutMieW Rd. SJMIHGHE Southgate Bike Mower 13563 Northline MLGkMENS Service Hardware CityStateZip Costs are average and include the expense of preparing and providing meals.

If gifts exceed expenses, extra funds will be used to care for the hungry and homeless throughout (he year. DETROIT RESCUE MISSION MINISTRIES P.O. Box 312087, Dept. SI 103 Detroit, MI 48231-2087 Location: 150Stimson Start 328 Lass Ave. NJJRTHVJLLE Mark's Outdoor Power Eq.

16959 NorMe Rd. I fiiM a Thanksaiv'ma dinner to a homeless oerson. mm OUR 89TH YEAR OF SERVICE.

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