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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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1 RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN, A Page From Her History. Tho Important oxpcrlcnccs of others aro Thofollowlnp Is no exception: "I hud injon troubled with hcnrt disease Si ycurs, niurh ot that tlmo very seriously. For jlvo yours 1 ivastroated pliyslemn continuously. in liur.incsw, but obliged to rcttrt) on account of my health. A physician told my frluniln that 1 couUl not.

live month. My root and Huibs were badly I indoccl lu scrloux comlliloii when it directed my nttnrition to Dr. Miles' Nmv Heart mm said llutt his sister, wlui hail twan nllllctod with hciirt (lls- eusu. had been cured by tlio remedy, and wus ji'iain ft strong, hoaELhy wornitn. 1 ii of Uoart Cnro, nnd In than mi I'Oiir uiklns tho llrst doso I rtiiilcl luo! a ili'cliluil Impnivnmcnt In Uiocirculation ot my blood.

When I taken throo (loses I ccuiit uiovu my tinklost, eomotlilnR I not done for rcy llmbM hud been nwol- k'li tluir, f.hcy almast putrlliud. Before I taken ono tiottlo of tho Cuw tlio hud nil Kono down, I so much bottor that Idki my On my recommundiitlon six otticrn uro I his vjilnable Alorjran, COfl W. llarrlspri Chicago, 111. Miles' Now Hoart.Curo, adlscovoryof an eminent specialist In heart dlsousu, Is sold by nil (Irnirplsts a pnsltlvo piiaruntee.or sent by tho DI-. alllfs Moflloiil I on receipt of price.

per liottlo, six bottles for 85, express prepaid. It Is nosltlvcly Ireo from all opiates or uaUKeroua uruga. We can accoroodate a few more day boarders and we wouM call the attention of those desiring table board to the fact that we are iDg meals that are not surpassed in the city at prices never before attempted. We will give you good food well cooked and neatly served, and endeavor to conduct a first-class place such as the size and importance of our city deserves, and ask your patronage as an appreciation of our efforts. 320 Broadway.

DR. TRUAX, THE SPECIALIST. OVER STATE NATIONAL BANK. After fourteen years of scientific stntlr of Noso, Lnng, Liver. all Dlsoasea of Chronic Xiitnre nUoptecl my presant form of iiiul have Co oilucteU 11 sncoosstul practice In tho tibovo elms ot CHSIS.

I curdlHllj- Invite you or jonr trlenils, if ulll Irteil wltn ivny Chronic Disease, to consult ra? and roy method of twitmetit and Its results. Otllce to 12 it. ni: 2 to 4. to 8 p.m. Residence ut oftlM.

All culls promptly ut- tendecl FINANCIAL. WALL STREET! TO OPKKATK WAM, STBKKT Join oar l-o-Dpfrutlni II. II Mock Sfnillrulc, 1UU to aw cam. i-nHUy ule, uml ivl til outrlsK. SBmllofProJiiecttwand Dally Itarite Letter." frn-3.

Holiest Ueferunca. Ou record up to ditto rtnt. 83 cr ccnl paid to thesubscrlbiira. the result of operations from December, U-A to JOta, ISO-l, WE1NJIAX Jt Stocks, firuln and Provisions. 41 BrOMway, New Yorn City.

DAILY JOURNAL FRIDAY MORN1.NG, MAY 4, Quaker hoadacho capsuU give re. lief in ten minutes. For accident tickets for twelve tnonthi for $10, Houses to rent, No. 319P earl S. M.

Clos. eon. Acute and ohronlo of the throat and ear treated by Dr. H. Shultz, 412 Fourth street.

Telephone 157. Perfect health Is seldom found, for Impure blood Is 80 general. Hood's Sarsaparilla really does purify the blood and restores health. Prof. Battis who It eo delightfully remembered by many In Lopansport will give an entertainment under the auspices of the R.

R. C. A. on the 20ih. For rent, good front room, down suitable for two, In good location on Market street, five minutes walk from court houue.

Inquire Journal office. President MoKeen of the Vandalla railway, hat added $5,000 to his donation in aid of CoMet'i College; the PrwbyterUn board of college aid ayproprlated $10,000 and Of the Institution at Terre Haute have that entire of 160,000 will toon bo lilted. VOK ESCOUKAGKMKNT, Indianapolis Journal: James Me- Crea. first vico president of the Ponn- sylvauia company, in conversation last oveninj; said that in going over thoir lines ho could soa some grounds for encouragement. One was that peopJo were investing- monoy more freely in real estate, and this would load to a loosening of money, for speculative purposes, but the improvement In all lines would be s)ow.

The Brat three weeks In April business with tho Pennsylvania linos was better than in tho first three weok of March, and he thought this was truo with other railroad systems. Tho strike of tho coal minors had given roads another set back. Ono large coal operator had said that two wooks would end it, an- othor four weeks and othoro seemingly equally well posted thought It might continue indefinitely. He thought tbo minors had some grounds striking-, and this tho coal operators admit, and both aro anxious to adjust the matter on a reasonable basis, yet tooro sro features which prevent a fair adjustment a tthe present time. Somo of the coal operators have large contracts to and wero the cost of mining advanced thoy would lose money.

The demand for coal Is far below the capacity ol production. There is ono feature of tho strike that may lead loan early break; in the Cumberland coal mines the miners are at work and show a determination to keep at work. If thoy persist the minors in tho Gloarfleld mines would become unoaov and go to work, and if the break once sot in the strike would be short lived. Freight business was unusually heavy on the Pan Handle yesterday, Pan Handle engineer Andy Miller, has resumed work after a year's ab. SCBCO on account of slcVness.

The shops of tho Peoria division of the Vandalia are being moved from Peoria, 111., to Terre Haute. J. L. Head, Assistant Claim Agent of tho Wabash, has temporarily re, moved hla headquarters from Peru to Detroit. Albert White, gate-keeper at tho Pan Handle shops, Is still at St.

Fran- LUCE CURTAINS AND Sir.K AND CHENILLE PORTIERS Cleaned find thoroughly at moderate prices, by the Old fctaten Island Dyeing Establishment, of New York, on short notice. Leave your work at THE BEE HIVE DHY GOODS STORE where prompt attention will be it. JJECOKATIOJi DAV AHRAX6EMEKTS G. A. tt.

and AiixllllHiry Socletlc atnlc." for tho Ob- Norvmico or the Day of tlio Honored Vend, Last evening at the residence Capt. Frank Svvigart, the committe on arrangements for the obssrvanc of Decoration to appoint sub committees and set the plans ii motion. This committee consisted Capt. Swigart, B. Winters, J.

E. Ir wine of the G. A Mrs. Fitch and Miss Cora Marshal of the Ladles the G. A.

Mrs. Louthain and Mrs Brown of the Ii. and George Chase and F.B. Livingston of the Sons of Veterans. It was arranged that the flowers are to bo made into wreaths, crosses and boquets and are to be carried to the cemetery by the children.

The committee consisting of Mrs Loulhain, Mrs Fitch and B. Winters were appointed to make arrange ments for an Ice cream supper and en- tertalnment at the rink, May 29, An admission fee of 10 cents will he charged to swell the flower fund. The memorial services will be held at the cemetery at 2 o'clock In the afiernoon. The following- committee on Invitation was appointed: J. Irwine, Geo ran nanaiu snupa, IB sun ni ot.

sinu- els Hospital, and Is not greatly 1m. P. Chase and Capt, Swigart. TKo frtllnwinnr hn'iris nf proved in health. Thirty-seven tramps were dislodged from ono box car in the Pan Handle yards Wednesday evening.

Unlike most aggregations of hobos thoy were not poing to Washington but to St. Louis, at least they said so. According- to tho terms of the lease the Wabash company pays to tho Eel river company a cash rental of $75,. 000 per year until April 1, 1895, and after that date $90,000 or a little leas than $1,000 a mile. The distance from bere to Butler Is 93 miles.

General Superintendent Elliott, of Vandalia, and party have just finished an inspection of the Michigan Division. Mr. Elliott expressed himself that In a few more yean this division will compare favorably with the main line as far as the physical cenditlon and Improvements are concerned. Telegraphic advices from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, state that Chief Ramsoy of the O. R.

T. has boon acquitted of tampering with tho wires and con. spiring against the Rock Island company in tho Jato strike. Tho case was stubbornly fought on both sides and the jury was out twenty-two hours. Joslah Bazlne, gate-keeper at tho Pan Handle stops, has developed into quite a florist.

During his idle hours he bestires himself and haa created quite a nice little park on tho lawns, between th9 machine and paint shops of which he is justly proud. In the flower are rose bushes and her plants, and in a short time the men going to work will be greeted by beautiful flowers instead of oln-. ders as heretofore. The Milwaukee members ol Ihe American Railway Union predict that now the union has won its fight with the Great Northern railway, steps will bo taken to bring about the restoration of wnges on the Northern Pacific. All that IB being waited for la order to open hostilities, it is claimed, IB tho report of the oongres.

eional committee which came to Mil. waukee and Investigated the strike orders of Judge Jenkins. This report Is expected to score Judge Jenkins and will protect them in their com- binlig to restore wages. Members of the union who claim to have inside information state that tho outcome is sure to be the same as in the case of the Great Norttren. The American Railway Union men argue that If the Great Northern employee are entitled to have their wages restored there no good reason why they should not be treated.

House for Sale Very 808 Sycamore street. Inquire of A. DeLong, No. 403 Market itreet The following- bends of committees were appointed from' each ward to appoint ladies to assist in preparing acd soliciting liowors: First Cora Marshal. Second Herbert Brown.

Third J. E. Irwine, Fourth B. F. Louthaln.

Fifth Fitch. A committee of four was appointed from thoW. C.and Ladies of the G. A. as a committee On cakes for tho yipper on the evening of the 29th.

This committee consists of Mrs. Her. bert Broivu. sod Mrs. Loutbain of the W.

R. and Cora Marshal and Mrs. Fitch of the Ladies of the G. A. R.

Geo. P. Chase and B. Livingston of the S. of were appointed to district the camp for the 'gathering of flowers on tho morning of the SOth.

Adjourned to meet next Thursday evening at Capt. Frank Swig-art's. CAIT. FIU.VK SHTCAHT, Chairman, F. B.

LIVINGSTON, Sec. $100 Reward, $100. Tlie reader ot this pnper will be pleased to learn that tiiura Is iit least one dreaded science tins teen jiDle to cure In all Its utagra and that la Catarrh. Hull's Catarrh Cure is the only positive curs known to the medical trutprnity. Cnturrh constitutional (Il.s«i»«, reaulriw constitutional treatment.

Uiill's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actltw directly on the blooa mucus surfaces of system, thereby (lie foundation of the disease, and Riving the patient utrenetb by bulldliiK up the constitution and aBslstlni! miters In doing Its work. The proprietor." hnve so muoh ftiitli In Its curative powers, that they oiler One Hundred Dollars for any case that 11 lulls to cure, Send ror list of testimonials. Address, V. J. CHENEY 4 Toledo, O.

Hf-sold bj- druggists. aud linpoHtern. The unequalled success cr Allcock's Porous Plasters us an eternal remedy has Induced unscrupulous parties to Oder imitations, which they endeavor to soil on the reputation of Allcock's. It is an absurdity to speak or them In the same category as the genuine porous Tfielr alleged enualltr with illcoclt's Is a filse pretense. The ablest medical practitioners ani) chemists nnd thousands of grateful patients unite In declaring Allcock's Porous Plasters the bust exter na) remedy over produced.

Ask for Allcock'n ana accept no other. Brandreth's Pills act upon the whole system. A Valuable Ghent. TACOMA, have used your Simmons Liver Regulator and can conscientiously say it is the king of all liver medicines, I consider it a medl. cine chest in W.

Jackeon. Your druggist sells it in powder or liquid. The powder- to be taken dry or made into a tea. A physician Inexperienced in nerve troubles may doctor you for the wrong thing. Dr.

Wheeler's Vitslizer is made by nerve disease Bpeclallst who knows what Is needed. Sold by Ben Fisher. For court has ordered me to sell the Button homestead at the nortbent corner of Eighth ud Spear Geo. W. Funk.

UTILIZING THE OCEAN WAVES. Water Pumps Opomtml by (Mil Fonui on the Jcrsiry Coitnt. Now Dint entL-rprisiiifj 1 (jenins has proposed to press into Mirviee'the wuvt: power of the Dosphorus for inp tin; Turkish capital it mifrlit not be uraiss to cull to mind least one or two of more of puwov lluit have actually boon culled into cd'oct, that huvo pi'jieUcully doinoustnUed wave motors to possess elements cidcd value aiij usefulness. One of these schemes, as inuti-rialized at ono of tho resorts the Now Jersey const, consisted in Uie use of thick wooden blade, built, iibont five feet wide and eiR-ht which was hurifr from ''pivots at its upper corners, between two pHos of the dock, and was free to bo swung 1 to and fro by the waves. Project: from the upper oclffc was a rod so connected as to operate a pump which raised water to a tunic, lo it delivered, to ClU'tsfor street sprinkling.

The it. will be under- Stood, depended for its action upon the progressive action of u-hieh swims' tbo pivoted tin 1 Cnuie as this appiirntus appi'ared to fl'ivn satisfactory results, and led to the use. a short time laier, of a second motor of the, same genera! though essentinUy ililTercnt in manner of operation, as it did, upon the rise and fall of a tlout acted upon by tho waves, and upon the to- aml-iVo motion of a vane. A timber frnir.e was pivoted at one end between tlic piles of a dock, and at the other end carried a which, of course, was free to rise and fall ivith the'c.s. A n-ira rope extending from the float passed over two sheaves and carried a weight ivt its other end.

Attached to this rope was a second one, which passed over still another sheave to the plunpor of a pump, the water from which was delivered to an overhead tank. The float -weig-hed about two thousand five hundred pounds and the counterweight two thousand pounds. As the lloat rose ou a wave this coun- descended and lifted the pump plunder, which performed the return stroke by its own weight the counter weight beinf lifted by thefallincr float. Allowance could be made for the rise nnd fall of the tide by changing the length of the rope leading I'rom the counterweight to the pump plunfrer, and provision was also made for lifting the float entirely out of the water when the waves were running unusu- nlly hifjli. The pump used had a six- inch bore and a six-foot stroke, and ordinarily iilled the twelve thousand g-al- lon tank in about seven JUST IN TIME, A Narrow Kscnpcfrinn Hclutt Iturleil Dn- dcrii Htimilnyuii Avalancr.

An Eng-lish prcntlcman and his vcifc were in the Himalayas on a bearshootins: had encamped on the snow-line. It at a time of the year when there was danger from avalanches, and in crossing 1 the narrow parts of. the mountain valleys it was necessary to hnvry. Human lives are often lost, and great numbers of animals are buried. ivere lucky: but we had one narrow escape.

We had jjonc up 'a fairly broad valley, on the lookout for bears, and no danger beins 1 apparent, had sat down at twelve o'clock to eat our tulicheon. When we were done, we moved on about fifty yards, and thc-n sat down y.g-ain to have a look with our binoculars. 'We had not been seated five minutes before we heard a tremendous roaring- sound above us. There was nothing- to tie seen, but 0. guessed what wascom- 1 as we were sitting on the of an old avalanche, lie shouted to mi; and the coolies to mnke a run for it, and we made off us fust as we could at riffhl, anprlcs to the spot whore were sitting.

Fortunately tile snow had melted in direction in which, we ran. so that we were able to 711:1 kc pood progress. Hail we been obliged to run. or rather te try to rnu, over soft snow, escape would have been impossible. As it was, we were only just in time, Au enormous avalanche, thousands of wns of MICH', came swoepinp- around the corner, on the very spot where we lad been sitting, carrying- everything- before it.

It brought up on the opposite side of the valley and the or forty feet which we iad eaten our dinner were buried out if Companion. A The Terrible Experience of the City of nbnil In Turkflntan. At Askabad, Turkestan, the cholera had almost disappeared early in Aii- and the event was celebrated with imicli rejoicing on the anniver- of the emperor's name-day, which occurs in that month. The g-overnor a dinner, to which lie invited a inmerous company, and the various regiments were granted extra rations, they might rejoice on the occasion. The day, which began so au.spicious- amidst general rejoicing-, was des- to have an ending without a par- lcl in history.

Of tho numerous guests who attended dinner, one-half died within twenty-four hours. A military band of about fifty men who played during fatal dinner lost forty of their lumber with cholera, nnd only ten ot he men reached camp that nig-lit. regiment lost half of its men and ilno officers ere the suu rose the fol- owing- morning; and within forty- light hours thirteen hundred people Lied with cholera. The cause of this outbreak was clear- traced to a small stream ol water which suppUed the town. Four authorities were In- HJslenS from the of Progress in the treatment of conies the echo, "Curable." Dr.

Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer ir: progress. Ihecciio, "Curable." to every sufferei Virus o.ince. or niiier nerve disorders, because it it cured Mrs. Leiui Cooper, of 1554 Street Or-o, of the to better at once. The improvement was niv ir.e.

until feel like another from birth. It yielded to no medical I'y she became 16 years old. a Bottle Sample for convincing or if not 1'uinJ dealers obtained by writing us. ii d.niht 1 your trouble, state your case fully, Address BRANT Makers, or 42 Dey Street, Kew Yor't For Sale by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth St. formed tluit cliolovu lirokon out.

at small Tiiykomiin on tlio bunks of stroiim, four miles Askubiid. Tho inbubitants of tiiis viUnffu were oniurcil to move Lhoir tents several buck on the hilis, which they did. On tlio before '-he reappearance of tho cholera Abkabacl ivvury hoavy occurred, which washed the banks of Uie river and swept, refuse aud other matter from the, abandoned village into tho nnd this matter carried by the water into the city ivnd distributed to all parts of the town by the numerous open canals through which the inhabitants were supplied with water. It was this contaminated ivater which caused the reappearance of the epidemic and the frig-fitful mortality which followed. The population of Askabad was not more than thirteen thousand, of which ten per cent, died within, fortj'-eiifht Sanitary Era.

TRAPPING BIRDS. In. of tlio Wild Life of an dtiin I am sorry to say that we were merciless toward the birds. We often took their eprjfs and young ones. A companion and I once had a experience in this way.

We were accustomed to cateh in our hands younfi- geese and ducks during- the summer. While thus o.ufras-ed happened to find a. crane's Dost. Of course, we were delighted with our pood luck. But, as it was already midsummer, the young- cranes, two in number, were rather IsirjfC, and they were a little way from the nest: we also observed that the two old cranes were in a swampy place, quite nearby; but as it was time, we did not suppose that they would venture on dry land.

So we proceeded to chase the young birds; but they were fleet runners, and it took us some timo to catch tip with them. Meanwhile the parent birds had heard the cries ot their little ones, and came to their rescue. They were chasins us while we followed the yoiinpr ones. It was a perilous encounter! Our strong bowsffained the victory in a ha.nd-to-hand battle with the cranes, but after that we scarcely ever hunted a crane's nest. Almost all birds make some resistance when thoir cuffs or young are taken, but very few will attack man fearlessly.

Our devices for trapping small animals were rude, but were often successful. Vor instance, wo used to pather up a peck or so of sharp-poiutci' burs, and scatter them on the rabbit's furrow-Mite path. Of course in tho morning we would find the little follow sitting quietly on his track unable to move, for the burs stuck to his feet. Charles Alexander Eastman, in St. Nicholas.

WoDilcm of "What an illiyant nrrangemint, Biddy, when told that the "horns" of a snail were really the creature's eyes; "what an illig-ant ar- rangemint for hiltin' throng-h a kay hole!" Indianapolis Journal. To 1 Special excursion tickets to anapolis will be sold from ticket sta. lions on the Pennsylvania lines in Indiana at reduced round trip follows: May 6tb and 7th, on account MusU Festival; good returning until May 9th, inclusive. May 13, 14,15 s.nd 16, acount Rebekah Lodge, I. 0.

O. and Grand Lodge. I. 0. 0.

of Indiana; valid to return up to and including May 18. May 14 and 15, good returning until May 18, Inclusive, account May Musical Festival, May 21 and 22. account Grand Lodge F. A. of Indiana; good to retura until May 24, inclusive.

May 22 and 23, account People's Party Convention; good to return until May 25, inclusive. For particulars and time Of trains, apply to nearest Pennsylvania line ticket agent. Nonce. The first payment on subscriptions Of stock to the Citizens' Natural Gas Company of Lopaneport, IB now duo and should be paid at the com- pacy's oOJce, corner of Market and Fourth streets. Shares of stock are twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each (two shares to a fire) to be paid as follows: 1S94 1 May Hi.

ISU. Jiinp'JP. 1st! 1 00 ISU 2 00 Four Nothing in the 'whole history of Medicine can compare with the success of "FOUR It is the ONLY KSOWS specific for LA GRIPPE. It removes all Its DRKADKD and EVIL effects, inducing restful, natural sleep. ONE DOSK will frequently remove Pleurisy pains.

OxE DOSK has time and again, relieved a child suffering with CROUP. Four has cured Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Ulcerated Tonsilitis. In composition it is DIFFERENT, Is MORK POWERFUL and ACTIVK, in fact it is as DIFFERENT from any other lung remedy as molasses is diffirent from vinegar. It Is a REVELATION. BEST OF YOU TAKE NO RISK.

The KSSBNCR of the contract IB, Four MUST GIVE SATISFACTION or money will be refunded BEN FISHER. October aJ, 8 flfl November 20, 1WM 00 D-a-mlier L'O. WH 00 January 20. ISM $2500 JOHN GKA.Y, President. C.

W. GRAVKS. Secretary. A FotiHor for While Mr. T.

J. Richoy, of Altona, was traveling in Kansas he taken violently ill with cholera mor. bus. He called at a drug store to get some medicine and the druggist recommended Cbambprlain'o Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy so highly be concluded to try it. Tho result WM immediate relief, and a few doses cured him aompletely.

It Is made tor bowel complaint and nothing else. It never fails. For said by F. Keesling Druggist. For the relief and cure of a cold 'n the bead there is more potency la Ely's Cream Balm than in anything else it is possible to pressrlbe.

This preparation has for years past been making a brilliant success as a remedy for cold in tho head, catarrh and hsy Used In the initial stages of these complaints Cream Balm prevents any serloui development of the symptoms, while almost numberless cases are on record ot radical cures of chronic catarrh and hay fever after all other treatments have proved of no avail. A 1 The promptness and certainty of its cure have made Chamberlain's Cough Remedy famous. It is Intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the most effectual remedy known for these diseases. Mr. C.

B.Maln, of Union City, says: "I have a great sale on Chalmborlam'a Cough Remedy. I warrant every bottle and have never heard of one falling to give entire sat. isfaction. 11 50 cent bottles for sala by B. F.

Keesline-. Druggist. Vmdalla Line Excnnloft May 6th and 7th, good to return to 9th. to Indianapolis account May Musical Festival; and will sell May ISthaod 14th, good to return Inolud- og May 18th, account I. 0.

O. F. meeting at same rate. J. C.

ElNJEirOBTH, Af't..

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