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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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of ECZEMA And yet lives in Ignorance of the fact that a single appllca- tlon of the CUTICURA REMEDIES, will, In the majority of cases, afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep and point to a speedy, permanent, and cure, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. CLTICURA Works Wonders, and its cures of torturing, disfiguring, and humiliating humors are the most ever recorded. Sold throughout PnTTni: Cm; ncMtuii. About 'Jiii IjluoU inut nmilud Tire. F'nolnl falling hnlr plu bliby Uy Ciitlcum NervOUS Imtnntly relicvuil liyn Cntl- cimi I'liistff, iK'ftiuso it vi- tuUntt tlio nurvu iunna and niiu uuivf, iit-vvniirt nainji, THE VENDOME.

.320 BROADWAY. MEALS, CENTS. Bill ot Fiire for Sunday. DINNER SOCP. Consomme Roynl F1SK.

BHked Wblte Fish. Egg Snuce IIOAST. English Ribs of Beet, wltli Horseradish Prime Bonsts ot Beefjwlth Mushrooms Baked Chicken Pie, Southern Style KXTBIK3. Omelet, with Jolly Apricot llerlngue, with Lemon Sauce VEKRTABLE3 Masheil Potatoes with Cream French Slaw Candled Yams DtMKKT. Botton Cream Pie Apple Pie Icecream Assorted Cuke Tea Milk Buttermilk 3 home circle complete.

Temperance Urlnk ploas- uro ancUiualth to every member of tno family. A 25c. pnclniee makes 5 callous. Bo sueo aud gut tbe genuine. Sold evorywbero.

Made only by The Chas. E. Hires Philada. 5enJ Jo. "Minn frf I'lnlnm AIL! Hoot.

Anldrosis Sanitarium "Heowlif'Knn. Malno. will nmll you the truu health and In jrntlvo. humane oractlco. WALL STREET! TO OPKRATK IN WAI.I.

STRKKT Join our Co-DpernllveK. It. Slm'k Syndlnito. 1UJ to 500 per cent, perannmn easily ute, and wltti out risk. Send for -Prospectusami DallyMarke Letter," mailed free.

Highest Reference. Ou record up to date porcont. 83 percent. paid to the subscribers, as result of operations from December, 1)03, to Aurll 15tn, 189-1, Stocks, Grain sud Provisions. Xo.

-11 Broaaway, New York City. DAILY JOURNAL. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 28. Full seta of teeth for $5, at Clark's, the Dentlat. For sleepless nights, uae Patterson's night shirts.

Quaker headache capsule give re. lief In ten minutes. See beautiful line of umbrellas and Palace. pood lady agents. Address letter to J.

this office. House for Sale Very 808 Sycamore street. Inquire of A. DeLong, No. 402 Market street.

Acute and ohronlo catarrh; diseases of the throat and ear treated by Dr. J. H. Shultz, 412 Fourth utreet. Telephone 157.

A iklllful physician originated and uied Dr. Wheeler 1 Nerve Vltallzer during many yean practice. No opium. Free of Ben Fliher. NATURAL GAS TERRITORY.

Ill Extent In Indiana Greater In Any Other State. A Washington special says that the growing confinement of the oonsump tion of natural caa to domestic use noted in the annual report of spoola agent Joseph D. Weeks, of the United States geological survey. The only State in which its use for manufacturing purposes increased In 1S93 Is Indiana. The total value of natural gas consumed In the country In the year was against $14.800,71 In 1892.

Higher prices charged for tho gas in 1893 was the cause of the decrease. The greatest value of the gas consumed In any One year was $22,629,875 In 1888. Since that time there has been a grodual decline with an aggregate of about less for last year than in 1888 All States show a falling oft In the value of coal or wood displaced by the use of eras. The amount of this reduction in Pennsylvania was In Ohio, 18,000, and in Indiana about $1,300. The report shows that the number of feet of pipe laid increased during the year to 11,989,657 In Pennsylvania, In Indiana and In Otiio The largest production of the caa In Pennsylvania wae 82,375 In 1SS8.

since which it bus fallen to $0.488,000, Ohio showed tho largest falling off in pro duction for tho your. In 1892 the amount was $2.136,000, while in 1S93 it wont down to $1,510,000. The tuodt important gas field in any State ie shown to ba Indiana, wher the ostiruiitud aroa of productive gaa territory Is about 2.500 square miles. While tho supply is falling far below tho demand in other large gus lields, it Is declared to bo well sustained in Indinna, and supplies nre being obtained from the State by factories located in other gas territories. The value of tho produce consumed in tha State in 1893 was $5,718,000 against in 1892.

Gae consumed In Kentucky was valued at $68.500 and In California $62,000. The report shows In addition to tho throe States Is found in commercial quantities in New York, Illinois. Kansas, Missouri, West Virginia, Texas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin. POINTERS FOR IRL 11ICKS. Anybody Can be a Weather Prophet If Ho Will Study Little Bit.

"People who are mystified at the ability of so-called weather prophets foretell tho weather for weeks In advance should remember two or three things," says an exchange. The first and most Important is that about once in every seven days a storm starts from tho northwest Rooky mountains and moves oast and southeast. Fix the date of one storm, and with reasonable accuracy the time when its successor Is due can 00 ap- There is a change of weather about onoo a week. Every clergyman knows that one rainy Sunday is almost certain to be followed several others, after which the weekly storm moves up on Monday or drops back to Saturday, and no notice a taken of it until it again falls on Sunday and puts people to inconven- ence. Now all the weather prophets themselves a margin of throe 'or our days to allow for possible miscalculations, and when you have such a margin as this in tho period of a wock IB not a difficult matter to got up a considerable reputation on a very imitoti capital." Careful and continued observations jave shown that the nearer the time of tho moon's chango, in the first quarter, full and last quarter, are to midnight, tho fairer will bo the woathor during tho noxt fisven d.ays.

Tho epaco for this calculation occupies from ten o'clock at night until wo next morning. Tho nearer to midday or noon tho phases of the moon happen the more foul or wot weather may be expected during the next sovon days. The space for thie alter calculation occupies from ton o'clock in the forenoon until two o'clock in the afternoon. These observations refer principally to the lummer, although they effect spring or autumn In nearly the same ratio. The moon's change, first quarter, ull and last quarter, happening dur- ng six of the afternoon hours, 1.

o. rom four to ten, may be followed by air woathor. but this Is mostly de- upon the wind. Though tho weather, from a variety or Irregular causes, is more uncertain in the latter part of autumn, the whole of winter ind tho beginning of spring, yet in he main the above observations will ipply to those periods also. To prognosticate correctly, especially in those cases whore the wind IB concerned, observer should he within sight of i good weather vane, where the four cardinal points of the heaveni are correctly placed.

We received a nobby lot of neck- weir at Patterion'i yeitorday. IT IS TIME TO GET WELL. All Nature Takes a New Sap Runs in the Trees and New Blood Courses Through the spring Take Paine's Celery Compound, the One Remedy That Cures. Everything la upward striving. 'Tin as easy now tor tho heart to be true As for fields to be green or skies to be blue; 'TIs the proper way ot living.

All animate nature feels the touch of spring. Nature has her great spring cleaning days. The birds get new plumage, the fish put on their fresh, glistening, soaly armor, new streams of freah water start from the ground; there are new buds and livelier sap, and in the human body tho heart throbs with fuller, stronger beats. It is a season of groat changes. At no time during tho year is tho body so Inclined to get rid of old, diseased conditions, chronic sickness, and deep seated disorders of tho vital organs.

It is for these reasons that Paine's celery compound, the most famous nerve regulator und blood purifier in the world, has acquired tho name of the great spring medicine. There Is not a single village in the country large enough to boast Its regular physician or drug store where Paine's celery compound is not being used more than any other remedy. It is known wherever progress and enlightenment have pushed the railroad or the newspaper. Paine's celery compound is the very utmost tho medical research of today can do for the exhausted, badly- nourished nerves and thin, impure blood. It goes straight to the causes of tho mischief in tho many forms of disease resulting from nervous debili.

ty and insufficient or vitiated blood. A thousand painful symptoms arise from these two prime causes. Correct the nerves and blood with Paine's colery compound and tha entire system must got well; dlsoasp.3 of particular parts disappear, and strength and health by day and sound, invigorating sleep by night, return by an unfailing natural process. Patne's celery compound drives out diseases of the liver, heart and sending pure, sufficient blood, loaded with reconstructive material, through those vital organs, instead of a watery, impure fluid that can Doitber nourish nor invigorate. Dyspepsia, neuralgia, rheumatism, heart dlsoaeo.general nervous dobtlUy and loss of strength cannot remain when the nerves and blood receive their dally reinforcement of rich, abundant nourishmuat from PaineV celery compound.

Moat diseases are signs of poverty, either of blood or nerves. Paine's celery compound malms people well because it feeds starved corves and blood and regulator their functions. Try it und be convinced, nre thousands of men and women and chlldro.i everywhere. THE EEL UtVGR CASE. Regarding the decison of Judpe Capron in the Eel River Wabash receivership case, an official of the Wabash line expressed himself as being not at all alarmed about the flnal outcome of the suit in the Supreme Court, stating that tho company did not care to make a very strenuous fight in a lower court.

He claimed that the Wabash had adhered as closely as possible to their lease and can prove by competent and trustworthy witnesses that the roadbed is now in aa good, if not a better physical condition than when they accepted It from the Eel River management. So confident are they of winning the suit before tho higher tribunal that Attorney Harry Crawford, the chief counsel uf the Wabash telegraphed to General Manager Magee the evening after Judge Capron rendered his decision at Rochester that he was not all discouraged, and that ho felt sure of success. To an outsider it looks as if either the officials vlowa were correct or as if the company were willing to relinquish the road without making even a show of a fight for It. Supt. C.

M. Bennett of the C. M. V. la in the city.

Excursion tickets to Lake Maxin- juokee will be on sale by the la commencing May 1. The Pan Handle steam shovel from Dennlson has arrived and will be put in service at the Curveton pit. J. G. Heslin.

a brakeman on the Dunkirk short local was badly squeezed about the hips while making coupling at Dunkirk yesterday morning. Railroads are much alarmed at tho coal miners strike and but little coal being transported. A railroad official remarked that if the strike continued much longer coal famine could bo expected in which tho ds moro than any other Industries would sull'er. Already several linos lave begun confiscating coal in transit. The West Side heading works havo been shut down on ac- of a lack of fuel.

At the last session of tho Illinois a measure was passed prohibiting all roads in the State to make use of locomotives whose boilers tended in the cab more than eighteen nches. The Pan Handle, among other roads, is affected by this law v7hlch goes into effect July 1. This road has three classes of locomotives whose boilers are longer than permitted by law namely classes P. R. and the fir.t a passenger and the two later freight engines.

It is said that these will bo used on other divisions and that locomotives from the eastern divisions will bo transferred to the hlcago division. A beginning of the exchange will be made today when mgine 611 a class passenger engine will be sent away and it is supposed others will soon follow. flOO (100. The reader of this paper will be pleased to earn that there Is at least one dreaded i diseases hat science has been able to cure In all Its Mages and that Ic Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure IsThe ml? DOfiltlve care known to the medical fraternity. 'atarrh being a constitutional disease, requires oonltltntional treatment.

Hall's Catarrh Core Is aken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucus surfaces ot the system, thereby destroying he foundation of the disease, and giving the patent strength by bolldlng up the constitution and ilstlnii naturei In doing Its work. The proprle- rshaveso mueh In iwcunttw powers, hat they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case Sit It falls to cure. Send for list ot ddreSSr f. 3. CHEMBT4 Toledo, 0.

-dow by droggfaM. Grand bargains in umbrellas today. Silver 60 oenti, at tha MEX. VETS. ANNEAL PIC-NIC.

The Kcinimiil of tho Hardy Hand of VotorauN will HUTU Tbulr Annual Plcuic ui Lako Ctcott. Last year the rsgular annual picnic of the MexicanTeterans was omitted, much to the regret of the thousands who have come to look upon these annual outings at pretty Lake Cicott as a invariable feature of summer in this county. This year, however, tbo Veterans will havo their picnic and annual celebration of their departure for Mexico so many years ago, and preparatory arrangements have been made for the holding of the regular outing at Lake Cicott on the notable anniversary, June 8. This will bo the 48th anniversary of the departure of that bravo band of 96 hardy spirits from Cass county to Mexico. Of the original 96 tnere now remain but 15 to loll of the deeds of that period, and these fifteen wfll celebrate with their thousands of friends at Lake Cicott on June 8.

Major McFadln Is particularly solicitous that this date be not forgotten. He personally guarantees a big crowd and a rare good time on that day. Put a rod cross on that particular date on your calendar. Ail Imperative Dnty. What duty is possible than the care of our health? Until recently it has been impossible for persons living at a distance from large cities to obtain the best medical advice without great expense.

This is now obviated so that the poorest persons, in any part of the land, may consult the great medical authority on nervous and chronic diseases, free of charge, and without leaving their homos. Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th Street, Now York, the most successful specialist in curing all nervous and chronic diseases has lately adopted tho plan of giving the sick everywhere consultation aud advice by letter correspondence, free of charge. Write him a description of your complaint and he will return you an exact explanation of your disoaao, with advice as to its euro, entirely free of charge. He gives most careful and explicit attention to all letters and will make your case so plain to you that you cannot fail to understand exactly what ails you.

Dr, Grcono is tho discoverer of that wonderful euro, Dr. Greene's Norvura blood and norve remedy. He uses nothing but harmless vegetable remedies in his treatment. What sufferer can resist suoh an opportunity as thie to regain health and strength? Write him about your complaint and you will never regret it. II Id Good.

The more Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used the.bolter it is liked. We know of no other remedy that always gives satisfaction. It is good when you first catch cold. It is good when your cough is seated and your lunga are sore. It Is good in any kind of a cough.

We have sold twenty-five dozen of it and every bottle has given Frledma-j druggists, Minnesota Lake, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by B. F. Keesllng, Druggist. VMdalla Line Excursions On May 1, the usual variety of commutation tickets go on sale to Tickets all now on sale to Chicago via St, Joseph and Lake Michigan.

For any further Information see J. C. EDGEWORTH, Agent. We are prepared to show the best ihlrt itoolc of our lite at Patterson 1 the Hftberdwhor. Notiru.

The first payment on subscriptions of stock to the Citizens' Natural Gas Company Lopunsport, is now duo and should uu paid nt the company's olll'jo, corner of Market und Fourth tnreuts. Sbare.s of stock ar twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each (tw ebart's to lire-) to be paid as follows 3). 1 Derby or Fedora HATS Pearl wiili Black Band, Moclio, Tobacco, Black and Brown. $2 Hats for $1. $3 and $3.50 Hats tor $1.98 OTTOKRAUS yji.

JtCH a). 1S'J4 1 1 i 0 3 ai. OctolxTlN. 1804 3 0 Nuvpinbor 20, 3 0 n-cember 20. 1K1I1 4 January 20.

1SJ3 4 JOHN GRAY, President. C. W. GRAVES. Secretary.

Notice. The veteran meat man.JoeephGoldy has purchased tbe grocery store Charles Green, No. 1302, Broadway and will move bis meat market now located at 419 Twelfth street, into thi building and conduct both there. HI Invites all his old customers and many new ones to call on him at his now place of business. JOSEPH GOLDY.

IVJio Smyu Hlieniuatlam Cannot be Cured? My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a severe attack of rheumatism. We could get ing that would afford her any relief, and at a last resort gave Chamber. Iain's Pain Balm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using i' regular she was boon able to get up and attend to her H. Johnson, of C.

J. Knutson Co. Ken- slngton, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by B. F.

Keesling, druggist. Vmudalln JDIno Rxcnnlon May Cth and 7th, good to return to 9th. to Indianapolis account May Musical Festival; and will sell May 13th and 14th, good to return including May 18th, account I. O. O.

F. mooting at same rate. J. C. EDGE WORTH, Ag't.

Mrs. Dr. J. A. Butterfleld, Till! WORLD'S FAMOUS HKIIIOI.

Becognized by tlie press, medical faculty am scientists generally us most ci-Iebmted medium ami of times. I look Into tl'o future and Now do caatmy horoscope. liny bo consulted on all afliilre of life; numbers lottery drawling; every bidden mystery revealed; coses ami prescrlbus lar tliem walla umler control; locates minerals. treasures ana stolen property. All business strictly cunlldenlial.

In writing send plioto or lock of luilr, botu If possible; all will bo retailed. Always send stamp, ouerwlse no attention will be paid to Al- wajs send full uddtou. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reiunded. ABANDON DESPAIR! GOOD NEWS! GOOD NEWS FOK EVERYBODY Mrs. Be.

Butterfleld, 459 N. Clark Chicago, Room 4, the noted Clairvoyant and famous oracle of prophecy, is permanently located in Chicago and may bo consulted on all past, present and future events. She gives advice on love, courtship, marriage and divorce. Her counsel Is invaluable in lawsuits, business matters, speculation and investment. She setcles love quarrels, reunites the separated, locates and settles old estates, sho tolls of your friends acd your enemies, removes evil In fact, ovety- thlng.

Tho only Clairvoyant who can and does do all she advertises. She ie the only one who can give assistance a.s- well by mail as by personal Interview. The only Clairvoyant in the western world who prepares and thoroughly understands the workings of the real Oriental Egyptian Charm. All confidential. Letters with $2.00 answered.

Positive cure for catarrh, rheumatism, all pain, all dlieaies peculiar to women. Mrt. Dr. Butterfleld, 459 N. Clark Sk, Chi- cage, Hit.

To Special excursion tickets to Indianapolis will be sold from ticket stations on the Pennsylvania lines In Indiana at reduced round trip as follows: May 6lh and 7th, on acsount Musical Festival; good returning until May 9th. inclusive. May 13, 1-1, 15 and 16, acount Be- bekah Lodge, I. 0. 0.

and Grand Lodge. I. O. O. of Indiana; valid to return up to and including May 18.

May 11 and 15, good returning until May 18, inclusive, account May Musical Festival. May 21 and 22 account Grand Lodge F. A. of Indiana; good to return. until May 24, inclusive.

May 22 and 23, account People's Party Convention; good to return until May 25, inclusive. For particulars and time of trains, apply to nearest Pennsylvania line ticket agent. Heeling. Notice ie hereby given to the stockholders of the Citizens' Natural Company, of Logansport, that there will be a meeting of said stockholders, at the Council of said city, on Monday, the 30th day of April, 1894, at 8 o'clock p. for the purpose of electing directors to fill vacancies in the Board of Directors, and such other business as shall come before the stockholders.

By order Of the Board of Directors. JOHN GRAY, Pres't. C. W. GRAVES, Seo'y.

HtllouK Colic Prevented. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost Invariably tell, by their feelings, when to expect an attack. If Chamberlain's Colic. Chelora and Diarrhoaa. Remedy is taken as soon as these symptoms appear.

they can ward off the disease. Suoh persons should always keep tho remedy at hand, ready for immediate use when needed. Two or throe doses of it at the right time will save them much suffering. For sale by B. F.

Keoslicg, lloniCHephettt' Kxeurnlon. On April 24th and May 29th the Wabash Railroad will sell homeaeek- ers excursion tickets at one regular lare for the round trip to many in tho States of Missouri, Kansas and Texas. Tickets will be limited to thirty days from date of sale. For further particulars call on or write G. NEWELL, Logansport A MIRACLE.

What Pliclps' "Four cdy Did lor Miss Jennie Basset. Last Friday, Dec. 19th, my attending physician tated unless I was better by morning he coold nothing for my rellet That night I commenced taking Phelp's "Four remedy; stojt- led all other medicines. The first dose stopped ny cough; slept rested removed all soreness from my the second I was up; the third day I was out on the ponb and today was up town purchasing holiday MISS JENNIE BiSSET. Washington Ave.

and Summit St, Croup Cured. One ot "Phhlps 1 Cough, and Mre" Rave my child Instant rellet when with the croup. E. MOORE, of 1 Grocery, Ariuuuai City, Km. I guarantee PhelpiT'Wur Comlu, eta.


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