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Ukiah Daily Journal from Ukiah, California • Page 8

Ukiah, California
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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1055 UKIAH DAILY JOUHNAL. UKIAH. PAGE THREE News of Upper Lake lly Tliclmii firliiiT, I'luiiic UPPKR LAKK. Tlio Women's Sofik'ty of Chrislinn Scivico of llie Mrlho(lls( Community Cliuich riicl Woilnosdny nriprnoim In the riiui'cOi pnrlor with Mrs. I.llliun Cooper pro- RirtinK over Iht-- business Mrs.

Fred Johnson, pro- Rrnm chairman outlined llio pro- Kvnm for the ne si.x monllis nnd the liiRhliKliI is tlie Sul) Oislrict nicolinK Oclobei' (i witlt the Upper Lalte society iiR Ihts hostess cluli. The September is llio IStli anniversary of the elub anil new meni- bcr.s and charter members will he honoi'ed. There will be a proKrarn and refreshments. Mrs, Wilfred IJoardman closed the meelinK Willi a short devolional. 5trN.

Fred OIIIINOII, Mrs. Kred Midrahy and cldldrcM uiul lidhnsdii 'H hiiiiMC ciicsis, David Ki)reniiiii and rhlidrrn of Oakland, and Mrn. I.llllari lOlk- Mns i)t Fairfield, enjayed ii picnic on Clear Lake Triday. Guests at the home of Mrs. Cora Gauslin from TJiursdny in Monday were her cousin and family Ircim WilminKlon, Mi', and Mrs.

Les Whelchel. Mrs. entertained the Whelcbels. her dauRh- ter and family, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Crablree, and her son Jim of Ukiah and 'Mr.

and Mis. Charles llarvllle and daUKhler. The cbels wore on their to Canada for vacation. Sirs. V.

K. Dinprniin ne- i'liinpanled ICIder and Mrs. ISlun- den (if Itucklnf In I'lirl- lam) hi week to attend llie Hay Layman's ennventlnn for one week. honored with a bridal shower ill the Upiier Lake Dnllg Journal Newspaper 11. A.

COHKIl I'lddishcr HAKCOMIJ ICd. II. M. IVICV City lOditer VntillNhed Dally except Saturday, Sunday and eerlnin holidays at KM K. StAiidley Ukiah.

Mendocino County, Calirornla. rji'ered as Class Matter April am. ill the Post Office iit Ukiah, Californiii, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Court Oecrte No. 9267 Suliserlptloii Kates by One Year, SB; Si.v Months, $1 per month.

I'IT Ic Telephone UOmesteiul saofll Law Church Wt'dnosdny evening with Lillinrt Vemco, Mrs. Frank Mnnniiig and Mrs, Sam Henry n.s hostesses. Esther is in the and stntioncd at Wn.ih- inKton, D. nnd wns married August 20. The gifts were ot)ened Ijy h(o honoroc's mother, Mrs.

Clarence Sylnr, nnd will be rewrappcd nnd mailed to her. Ciuesis were Mesdnmcs Arnold Campbell, Thelmn Ward of Santn Uosa, Jennie Sylnr, Lon Jones, Norman Jones, Unlph Glb.son. Sending gifts were Mr. nnd Mrs. George Foutch, Mr, nnd Mr.s.

Gilbert Dcmco, Mrs. Jnmos Gentry, Mrs. Laurence Story. Mrs. Sam Henry ha.s boon enjoying a visit from her daughter and fiimily.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Bowen imd si.x children of EI Cnjon. They itiso visited relations- in Potier Valley. Ann Smith, daughter ot Mrs.

V. Chapmim, and Eddie Myers of Nice, son of Mr. and Mr.s. Alfred Myers of New Jersey, were united in niarriange at Cnrson City, Saturday, August 20. After a short honeymoon iit Lake Tnhoe the young couple will make their home in Nice.

The groom is employed at Masonite in Ukiah. Pvcv. Arthur Bnwden of llie Upper Lake Methodist Church ilniled in marriage Lloyd W. Card and Mrs. Minnie D.

Coleman, both of Upper Lake, Tuesday morning, August 22. Mrs. Coleman's daugh- Mrs. Wesley Warden, nnd Joe V. Santos were attendants.

Mr. and Mrs. James Fenton ot Kviu-t, Michigan, spent several Isiling their -daughter "lind fiimily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lowell Is Effective September 7th California's litter-strewn i h' ways arc to be targets of a new motor vehicle law which goes into i effect September 7.

After that date the "Lilterbug" will be guilty of a misdemennor. according to nn net which passed the legislature at its recent session. Enforcement of the new law. Sec-' lion 600.5 of the Motor Vehicle Code will mark a triumph for inany i state groups which have for years sought monns of keeping the stale's highways clean. 1 Women's clubs, g.irdon clubs.

Parent-Teacher A.s.soeiations, Call-' tornia. State Chamber of Com- merco, ninny public officials and i numerous private enterprises are among those seelting cleaner bigli- wnys. i "We have asked the public to' practice the same good housekeeping in their cars that they do at home," says William J. loish, chair- 1 man of the R.indside Cleanup committee, Cnllfornia State Chamber of Commerce. i "OlJr program includes educating the motoring public lo curry a trash bag in the car, placing in it all litter accumulated while driving and finally disposing of it when proper receplncle is reiiphed, or cnrrying it home.

Placing trash cans nlong state highways, and strict enforcement of stale iind local laws." Average American Can Expect to Live 15 to 20 years Longer by 2000, Says Prominent Physicist TIMKS M.WK the lOth nnnlvi-rsnry ot the slgnhig of the surrender aboard the iMlssourl at Tokyo, the two principal signers of the document, Korelgn iManiorii Shigenillsu (left) nnd (ieneral Dinighis meet In York on somewhat more trlendlv terms. Stage Set for Battle Over Desegregation ATLANTA (lIPi Tlie stage is for the legal ballle of the century. The case: Public school segregation. The demand: That the fully integrate schools l)v Sopleni- ber, The court: Federal (district, circuit and Supremei. The counsel; The National Association for the Advancement of Colored represented hy special r' 1 Tliurgtxid Marshall, as the i)laintiff.

The southern stales, lepresented by an array of attorneys general luiil sjie- cial I a including former Georgia Gov. llernian Tahnadge. as defendant. "The year ot crisis is upon us," Attorney Geneivil Ktigcnc Cook of Georgia says. "1 think we are readv nnd we are going to the fighting within the framework States and on a Guggenheim Fellow- SAN FRANCISCO (UP) A promineni physicist slatislieian predicted today thai the average American's life expectancy will be increased by ITi to '20 years by the yeiir 2000.

Hardin H. Jones, who recently completed an e.xtenslve study on longevity and disease in this country and Europe, saiil that barring an unexpected reversal in the present trend many Americans could expect lo live until age to i)0 hy the turn of the century. Jones Siud that if general health conditions continue lo improve as ihey have been, Amcricaiis can expect not only to live longer lull will enjoy their years in belter physical Jones, who is of medi- ral physics at University of California, jusi leturtwd from six months of research on population Pair of Potter Volley Horses at Big Fair Marsha Tomlin of Potter Valley has two horses entered at Sncrn- niento iimong the 285 animals listed in the California State Fair and from 34 counties of this stale from the states of Arizona, Nevada and Washington. The Potter Valley horses are Ixith jumiiers names, Noyo and Legal Joy. September Uklnh Klvvnnis Club piincake breakfast, a.m.

to noori, in Bank of America parking lol, SO cents. OOOOOeOOQeOOQOQOOOODDOODO Hopland and Boonville Residents: YOUR INSURANCE AOEQUAIE? 'Bob'Jardine will be in your areas each day to discuss your needs with'you. HOPLAND, 9 to 12 noon. Porno Inn BOONVILLE, 1:30 to 4 p.m., Presley Bidg. I'll, IK) for anpoiiilnient other limn these liniirs.

Kxlstlng insnritnee jirograms analyzed at absolutely no obligation I'KliSONALIZKD SKIJA'ICK ON (JKNKU.VL INSUItANCK "BOB" JARDINE INSURANCE UKIAH rmnnraTii a a a ga a mt'yginrti is irn'tui ti'mnrc AmNTION VETERANS! Select your lot now See plans at Tract Office Model Homes Now Opt'ii Be Our Guest SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. 3 NOW STARTING S-Bedroom Homes $9950 No DOWN PAYMENT Closing- CoaLs only $59 per month, includes taxes and insurance All Homes with Hardwood Floors All Homos are Fully Insulated Governor Urges Volunteer Driving Pledge Governor Goodwin KnlKht today urged every Californian to immediately pledge to themselves to abide by the California Council's "GnUlen State Drivinc; know and oiiey all traffic laws, lo mainlain nioloi vehicles in safe driving condition, and to practice courtesy at idl times. The council is a 2n-year-olil volunteer organization currently engaged in a strong Safely Driving Pledge program to immediately reduce and eliminate accidents and traffic deaths in California. ProclaiminR the good value of a "volunteer safely program among our state auto drivers," tlio governor said: "During ins.l, death came to 3371 people in California as the direct result of accidents involving motor vehicles. There were more than UO.OOO injuring accidents thai year, and the economic loss lo the peoplf the state has been estimated at "If criminals and outlaws in our Tiids; were to such a toll, an aroused citizenry would undertake a crusade lo stamp out the roots of such activity." Endorsing and the volunteer project are' the executive committee of the California Publishers' Association, the governors' traffic safety commission and Uid Junior chambers of commerce, and the state junior chamber.

Instruments Recorded -2 Full Baths $11,959 7 Plfins to Choose Frorn NO DOWN PAYMENT Clo.siiif,'- co.slg only (about niiintli, hiclvRloa taxes iind insurance FHA TERMS AVAILABLE Empire Gardens Srt' Us AI Tract Offifi) OAKLAND, (UP) A conscientious Greyhound bus driver kept a load of passengers siranded for Iwo and one-half hours at a railroad crossing yesterday because the warning signal wouldn't quit blinking. "Sorry." he explained. "Public Utility Commission I you know." The bus finally resumed its trip after police and railroad men found and had moved ii that was l)arked on llie signal switch. TIIK WAY IS TIIK I'AYIXt; WAV AlKilLST Heeds George Daniels el Ifi s.iiiie prop 'n2n U15w MDM Anna Merideith Brown to Kejr prop ITis niic IIM. Northwestern Pacific RR to Stale of Calif prop Reeves Creek.

II et ux to George Lake et u.x prop Ukiah. George Galpin el ux to Reno Ri'dding el u.s prop 'n4n Rlhv MDM. Ford nnd Sherburn lo Mendo Co Title prop S2'2 'ran RHw MDM. II A Johnson et et al to Mendo Co Title prop S22 Tl'4n iUlw MDM, Robert et ux to Mendo Co Title prop Hl'i T24n RlTw MDM. Co Title lo Frank Mul- tle et ux prop S22 T'2-ln MDM.

Mendo Co Title lo A et al prop S2'i T'iln MDM. Cake et to Harold Casteel et ux prop Ijirkin Youiice. Dicks et u.x to Albert II Robert et u.x prop dose Vol 104 pg OR. Charles Ballou el ux ot al lo Robert Groves el ux prop TI9n RMw Cahio Lodge to Cemetery of the Redwoods proji SI I T21n K'I MDAf. Mason Clink lo Benjamin Clink el ux prop S17 T18n RLSw Co Title tr lo Donald 0 Nnssie et ux prop Rogina Subd.

Niillces 01 2 iiolices by Fl Jiiagg I'nioii I School Distr to Purbeck Paiiil Co for' (iroi) Fl I3ragg. AuiiUST Oi'i'ds Walter II Tock et ux lo Helmut Rehder et ux jirop S12 Tlln RlGw MDM. Don Lee Kmerson lo Kiwanis Club of Ukiah prop Yukayo Uaiicho, Bay Western fnveslmenl Co lo George et Olx prop Willlts. fi.iy Western Inveslmeiil Co to Reno Sanchez e( ux prop Willits. Brooks et ux lo Glenn A Oakes el ux prop desc pg Robert Morgan et ux to Ida prop Rlli'w lulwood Ellis et ux to Vollweiler limber prop S23 T22n RKiw MDM.

Peter II Tock et ux to Clifton Thorpe et ux prop SI2 Tlln IlKin Waller II Tock el ux lo Cliflon lliorne el ux prim S12 TUn Rlfiw MDM. I II A Tillingliasl for pioj) Pk. for prop Nob Hill Subd. Al'til'ST 2fl, lll.V) Deeds Barrows et ux lo Robert .1 Cahill el ux pror) T20n iUiw MDIVI. Arlhur Kessinger et ux lo A Webb et ux inop Ukiah.

Bay Weslcrn Inveslment Co lo iCfhv.ird Blunt et ux prop Willils. William Ailon Pierce lo II prop ITln Rir.w MJ1M. Kllon Uurning I'l ux to of slate and federal constitutions. Says Marshall: "We do not under-estimate the job ahead. Whenever local dislricls ask ihe na- lional NAACP lo step in, we intend to aid them." Legal action by Ibe NAACP lo force the lo fully inlegiate sclKKils during ibis next year will be slepiied soon.

Marshall said the stralegy is for local groups 'o the first action. "When a branch is told by Negro parents in an firea thai lln'v will no longer put with si'gre- gali'd schools and we are cun- vinceil that Ihe local school hoard is nol iiroceeding in good failb. the slate conference will then decide whether lo ofler assisl- ance," Marshall said. The NAACP presently is flooding the South with peiiiinns Irnm Negri) groups asking local school boards lo eliminale scgregalinn Failure lo comply would be used in an effdrl lo convince ciiurlf that the Suprcmr- Court's orders lo'r inlegralion wiih "leasonable speed" were being violated, (111 I and ship, lie made his prediction in nn Dr. Swain Appointed To AOA Legal Board The American Optoinelric Association announced the Jippoinl- ment of Dr.

Hoy M. Swain. Ukiah, as a member of Ibe association's DeparimenI of Affairs, for inriri-KiriC. Dr. Swain is active in local and address before Hie first nnniinl Gerontological convention which is meeling here lo discuss problems of the aged, elaborating on his theory in an interview, said thai he found Sweden to have the highest life expectancy of any other country, but be predicted thai hy 21100 the average Swede could expect to Jive even years longer than they do now.

The UC proli'ssor said the average life expectancy in now is nnd in tlie next half century it should shool up to a variety of factors, including improved heallh grams anil better diets in younger years, accounted for the life sjian Increase in most covmlries. He said the average life has increased four years since liWO compared lo an increase ot eight years for the Sweih? in thai period. "Our ratio would be as high as if didn'l smoke so much," said. "But that's a personal inejudice of mine." was Ihe anlhor of a con- Imvcrsial reporl befoii- the American Association lor the Advancement ol Science earlier this in wbicli be said other studies he made sliowed there a definite link lieiween cancer and re.ieded ihe iheoiy that naliiMial affairs of his profession, tlte fast pace ot life in ibis country The purpose of the DeparimenI of, reduces longevily. Legal Affairs deals with li-gisla lion on licensing oplometrisls and Ihe midnlenance of liigh slandtirds in Ihe of vision eare.

('LASSU'IKDS I'AY "Loolt and Mexii'o," he said. "Their way of life is nuich slower than ours and Iheir life ex- pectancy is much lower. H's more I a mailer of disease iliel than 'of hypeiiension." Kniglit et UX prop sn Tltin RHw taken diaslic slandby sleps. including machin- Mendo Title lo llaistead -'lose public schools lo pre- Councilman prop TlSn I ul ran be jj endless hligalmn before thai sle Richard II el ux lo en Kmidsen el ux prop Uk.ah. iif ('(ini I I.

Pac Tel and Tel Co to Alfred .1 lloi)per cone prop Fl Bragg. to reslsl ev- P. Coleman, governor ol pii'pared said .1, i-ecenlly iiominaled Mississippi. "II a local board is sued for refusing Ir. inlegrale schools, the I school dislrid could be abolished lone day aiitl recslalilished Ihi I next under a new irusli'es." I Georgia's iiosilion in ciwiil will be that the Supreme Courl acUial- 1.

Fault el ux prop Yokayo Rancho. si'iiregalion per Francis Goss lo Mendo Co Tille eslablisbed a prin- ciliie thai a child cannoi lie licpl oul of a particular school fur race plop L'kiali. reasons only. Lljiyd et ux lo may Ukiah Union High School Disli to Smyihe cone prop Ukiali. Deeds Betlie Holt to FrnesI Caller S-l TlOn RlVw MD.M.

I) Faull Constr Co lo Donald prop Co Tilic lo Goss Litldsey et ux pi'op SeJby Lee ilulsell el ux to (ieojge Ci S.eward el ux prop Ukiah Village. Gene SIrickland to Ralph I-: el prop Ukiah. Lola Wil.son lo William llendrix et ux Ukiah. Benjaniin I'" Clink el ux lo Benjamin Wallace Clink et ux Willils. Notlci' Porter Smith for proi) Willils.

lil.M I) IK Jack Toiretta et ux lo Harold Pvke el u.x prop Tliln R17w MDM. Carrie A Smith lo Anne Clark prop Willils. Mendo Co Tille lo Auld prop Yokayo Rancho. John el ux lo II be Ji hundred other reasons why we cii legally the r.ices segregjited," AKoriiej Gener said. Cook said Ihe slale would ballle inlegralion efforts of where ihey iwcur in Georgia.

Thai means, he said. Ibal even should a cily such as Allania decidr' on its own lo lo Ihe Supreme Court. Ihe slale ol Georgia would inlervene. icrcvcr ine Ken tuck LoiirL bon IS cn el ux prop Willils. Laura Long to I) Brown el ux prop desc Vol 321 .307 OR.

Preslon Sharp et ux to Aine Jaeobson el jirop S17 TlKii Rl'w MD.M. II 1. Allyn lo Louisa Allyn piop Lillle Lake, the call Is for. rook Cj /ir.i:)/i (C OJ KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY' Aho KtNTUCKY HLKNDFH VVHIt-KLy 5qt. Sl.N\TJ5l{00K KIVriTKVMKAlClII I WlllSKlY Old (II voiir (iivdiUf Inrcni! OLD SUNNY BROOK OF NATIONAt DISIIUCRS PKOD.

LOUISVILtE, Kr. BOTH SO BUNDED WHISKEY CONfAIKS GRAIN NCUIRAL SPIRITS Sehnol nnil I'erUlns The Gateway Realty A 10 A IS South Slale HO 2-3357 FURtllTURE Desks Safes Filing Cabinets Lamps Plus A Mac of Office Supplies and Equipment Far Voiir Uushiess Agent for IJoyal Typi-wrllers Sales Service licnlitls EMPIRE OFFICE EQUIPMENT Kermit and Esie Owners 'm North Stale, I'll. IK) I I 'ltDiie IK) OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. PLASTIC TILE DEMONSTRATION Wednesday, Sept. 7 Come In and see a factory representative install plastic tile you'll see for yourself how easy il is lo apply.

He's here lo answer any questions you may have about Words Plastic Tile, and lo give you tips on hovr to do an experl job with Ihls Inexpensive material. SPECIAL DURING DEMONSTRATION REGULAR 27.98 TILE KIT Complete kit with all the tools and li'i needed lo tile- in Ihe average recessed j-fl. tub area. Would cost dollars more if bought indl- viduolly. Choice of colors.

Covers 43 sq. ft. Now only 24.88.

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