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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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IN POPULARITY. has proven to oo i'ne mo-t satisfactory and popular "Book 01 the Fair" yet offered at the price. Everyone is Of its and elegance of design. As the weeks roll by and the series the demand for the parts constantly increases. The reason is work advertises itself.

is artistic in conception is accurate in detail is complete in design is the book for the people And can only be found at the Journal office. Those who have not been getting the parts as they arrive should not fail to call at once and secure the back numbers. Part II (Midway Number) now ready See coupon on 1st page. America's Greatest Actors AFJ all portrayed in The Marie Burroughs Art Portfolio of Stage Celebritiess. Such a complete collection was never made before.

Such an opportunity to portraits and biographies of the leaders in drama as that now offered to'the of the Journal has not occurred before. That IB why our Coupon Deportment is kept busy and our mails are loaded with orders from people of taste with oye for the beautiful. All are Eager To Secure magniflceet portfolios while the offer of them at the trifling sum aekod by The Journal still holds out. Each part contains twenty elegant half-tone photographs finished In two colors. Ten Parts Are Ready The last part is fully as interesting as any that proceeded It, with the portraits aed biographical sketches of twenty famous favorites of the American Stage.

Do You Wonder Is it surprising that the demand for "Stage Celebrities" should be so great as to amount to a veritable boom, when twenty elegant portraits and biographical eltetches such famous folks can be secured for ONLY TEN CENTS, with three coupons. That is the price at which The Journal offers them. CUT THIS OUT. AFBIL 26.1894 MEMORIAL WAR BOOK COUPON. at coupons and ten cents tliecnrrent number of the Mem- IWar book, If prpjentwl nt the folio Department of The Journal.

COT THIS OUT. Cl'T OUT. APRIL 1894. STAGE CELEBRITIES, This Coupon with two others of different dates, and Ten Cents, Is good lor one I part, containing twentr portraits, ol ihe Marie Bnrrough's Art Portfolio of Stage Celebrities. THE JOURNAL, OUT Many Flililng Milling.

CORK, April Kinsale fishing fleet arrived at that port in a very dilapidated condition as tlie result of recent gulus. Several of tho boats are missing and a number of men were washed overboard from the decks of tho vessels just returned and drowned. Search being made for tho missing boats. I'ny for Fourtoou Mlnoi. DuNVKR, Gnffgcn- heim Sons have bought the mining camp of Aguas Ciilicntes, Mexico, including fourteen mines, carrying copper, load and silver, for OUO.

MARKETS. Uruln, I-Tovlnloix. Etc. CHICAOO. April 2B.

In mnloriilo looal demand, with Boinu snipping Inquiry. Quotations riincu ui folio I2.8041UO; cloarM, ll.i-uia l.HU: low gnuius, ri.4Drf4l.70. Putoiitri, Kl utrulKliU, Itiilicn', nt.75 iu: low crudes, lied Dos, Kye. Pulrly uctlvo and unsettleJ. Cash, May, July.

CoaClc. gluudy. No. MJ.SlSS'^o: No. Yellow.

SBMttifflJiu: 3 i No. 3 Yellow. MuJa: Mny, June, 3SW. su.SWHl'Xc: boptsmber, lower, No. cawh, May, nsai34o; July, I'Biiaaito; Soy ifinbor, Snmplfttf In Tulr uud higher.

No. 8, No. 3 White, SoKe: No. No. i Whlto, mid easy.

No. casli, narapla May dollvory, 4Uo. UAIII.KY—Very scarce. Choice by sumplo, 68 (iifiytJ: lo good, oomraon, und low uriule, i'Xb-Wc, with scrofciilncs U6.00 Q17.50 pek- ton, MEHB ljul prl 03 lower. Quotations raiicted at for oush rcgulir; for May, ivnd 12.6S for July.

ratiior (julot and lower. Quotations ninKOd ut t7.60£t*-6-^i Tor caah: 17,50 for May, and for July. LIVK POUI.TKY—Por pound: Chickens, So; Turkuys, Ducks, OClOc: Gcose, Ja.00a6.00 per dozon. Dairy, 12(jB18o; Packing Slock, BOOc. Pvlmc White, 7W, Water White, MlublKiui Prime Wliltu.

8i4c; Wit- tor White, Co: ludluna Prime White, Wa- tor Whlto. HeuJllKliU test. Uas- ollno, 87 iloK's. 74 (leg's. Be: Naphtha, dog's, BHu.

spirits Ktcady on tbo bnals ot per Tor finished Koods. NEW Y01IK, April 25. rod. opened easier, but soon steadied, Export sales for two dnys here and at our ports have boon about 1,000,000 bu. Mny, July, 1-lOc; December, S.

good demand from local shorts. May, July, ffi45Ka. 2, quiet, bui somewhat steadier. May, Jjly, track white Sla'in, track while Western, 4021450. quiet.

Family, (11.60® 13.00: extra mesa, J8.00. Pork, Htoady. New mess, ODQ14.23; fumlly, J14.1K)ai 6.00; short clear, H4.002tlU.oa Lard, Qulot. Prime Western steam, 58,05, nominal. TOLEDO, April 'A No, uash and April, May.

Mo; July, August, 01 No. 3 cash, 40c; May, S9e. No. 2 mixed, 34c; Na 2 wlilta, Sdo. Cash.

Mo. CLOVEuanitD Quiet Prime cash, 55.85; April, asked; October, 14.85. Llva Stock, CHJOAOO, April 35. aotlvn. Feellnii firm, and and prlcew 'avorsble to sellers.

Sales ranged ut S4.W3B. Tor Pigs: I6.i»'<»5.25 for llnht; H. DO W6.05 for rouith packing: J6.05JW.S6 for mixed, and for haavy paeklng and shipping lota. rather active ami prices about higher. ranged at 81470 for choice to extra ahippluj? Steers; for good to choice ta.uoas.70 for fair to good: l3.OJiS3.85 for common to mfcdlum St for butchcra 1 Steorj; IS.80BXW forStookers; lor Ft'eJers: I1.904{8.«0 forCown; tt.OOa3.SC 7i'nr Heifers; for Bulls: I2.70®a75 lor 5.50 for Veal Calves.

seed to stop bleeding at the nose. Among' other curious thing's used for food aro acorns, seeds, flowers of cat-tails, moss from the spruce fir-tree and the blossoms of wild clover. The exhibit embraces a number of models representing- prape- secds enormously enlarged. It is actually possible to tell the species of grape by the sli.ipe of the seed. There is a jar of red willow bai-k, which Indians mix with tobiiceo for the suite of economy.

This, however, is only one of thousand plants that are utilized inn similar fashion. Star. A Mill Utirnnd. INDIANA.POMS, April Tho flouring mill and elevator of C. W.

Me- Daniel, at Franklin, burned, together with a large quantity ot flour and (fruin. With groat difficulty other buildings were saved. The loss is estimated at $25,000. Partially insured. Hrlbery Charged.

INMASAPOIJS, lad, April jury in the Indianapolis national bank case has been locked up by order ol Judge Attempts at bribery are reported and one arrest hai bae made, QUEER PLANTS USED AS FOOD. Little-Known and Edible In- lecti Found In Fralrlo At tho department of agriculture in Washington, hidden away in an obscure corner, is an odd sort of exhibit of queer foods eaten by out-of-the-way people. There is a loaf of bread made from the roasted leuves of a plant allied to the century plant. Another kind of bread is fioin a dough of Juniper berries. These are relished by Borne tribes of Indians, while otliers manufacture cakes out of different kinds of bulbs.

The prairie Indians roJish a dish of wild turnips, which civilized people would not be likely to enjoy at all. In the great American desert the "screw beann," which grow on mesquite bushes, are utilized for food. Soap berries furnish an agreeable diet for some savages in this country, while in California the copper-colored aborigines do not disdain the seeds of salt grass. Also in California the Digger Indians collect pino nuts, which are the seeds of a certain species of called kindling fires against the trees, thus causing the nuts to fall out of the cones. At the same time a sweet gum exudes from the bark, serving tho purpose of sugar.

The seeds gourds aro consumed in the shape of mush by the Indians of Arizona. In nddition to all these thing's, tho exhibit referred to includes a jur ol pulverized crickets, which are eaten in that form by thu Indians ot Oregon. They are roasted, us arc likewise grasshoppers and even slugR, These delicacies aro cooked in a pit, beinpf arranged in alternate layers with hot stones. After being thus prepared, they are dried and ground to powder. They are mixed with pounded acorns or berries, the flour madu in this way being- kneaded into cakes and dried in the sun.

The Asfliniboiuos usod a kind of THE BORROWING HABIT. Chuurful LfinillnB Ili-lpn to a liixl "He that sous it-borrowing 1 said wise old Dr. l-'runhlin a liunilred yeiirs or moro iiffo, "goes a-sorrowing 1 and the eminent, old-fashioned sajre's words aru true even to this ilay. It is such a little thing-, a cup of Hour, and one would hardly miss it; but the principle of £cttinfr something for nothing 1 in tho name of ncig-hborliness is the as if it weru a loaf of bruad, and if u. loaf of bread, why not next a barrel of The unintended imposition soon begins to be felt by tlio lender and then comes sense of tlie meanness of it all, and we beffin to make remarks to ourselves about our borrowing neighbors.

The lender very much at fault. It is not pleasant, perhaps, when Mrs, Smith sends over to borrow a ilatiron, to send back word that you haven't one, or that you want to use it yourself. But to be knon-n to be not cheerful lender will save you both "loan and friends." There is a certain suggestion of whole-souled, generous hospitality in being 1 always ready to shtire with a neig-libor that is gratifying-to the pride of some persons and that makes them feel the smallness of refusing- any request: but that is a inis- pruided judgment, for to make borrow. infrciUiy is to encourage sliiftlessncss and that is as bad as to borrow. IE I am earnest in denouncing 1 this evil it is because I have so often witnessed its unhappy eiTeets in the estniutrcjnent of friends who presently come to differences that end in quarrels, It would seem to be the plain dictate of common sense to provide one- snlf with what may be necessary or to go without.

One's resources may almost always be able to provide for any emergency withoutrecoursc to a neighbor's larder. Jietter, indeed, is a dinner of herbs where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith. There are two other forms of borrowing 1 that might be hinted at us equally unwise. Bon-ownd plumage is never becoming, is always ignoble. It involves a mean and unworthy pretension that, in its way, is as dishonest as pilfering 1 to use a harsh synonym for borrowing, and borrowing trouble is one of the commonest of small faults which neither "blesses him that g-rves nor him that takes." It is not so much a vice as a weakness, perhaps, but it curdles the milk of human Harriett If.

Robinson, in Chautauquan. HIS FEARS WERE GROUNDLESS. Aland Conducted Hct-nclf Lllro Own DtkllChLCT. "Mabel, my child, come here." There was a world of tendui-ness in the father's tone and manm-i'iis he caressed the dark brown wavy ij.iir tho potted daughter who came in force of habit. A widower is being married for the fourth time.

During the ceremony one of the guests is surprised to'hear violeut sobs proceeding from a woman in a corner ol tho church: "Who is that lady who is crying so asks of the bystanders. "Oh, it's only Martha, our cook," answers one of the bridegroom's children; "she always blubbers when papa gets married," Old bet fifty to one your father gives his eon- sent when I asked him for you." She he told me he was perfectly willing, but don't you let him hear you making a bet lilte that, or you'll loose your money and the girl, Detroit Free Press. to his summons and sal on a low stoo! at is feet. "You have always found me to make any reasonable sucrjllcc for your comfort and-happiness, liavu vuu not, my daughter 1 1 "Ves, papa." "Your home-is r.ot an unhappy one, is it?" "0, no!" "You would not turn your back upon it unless your calm and ilelilnHMtu judgment the impulse of your hear, would my child'. 1 "Why.

papa, what i "Pardon me, bill tho time has eomu when must spertlc of matter that concerns me- greatly because it concerns you. I have observed of late a growing inclination on the part, young Mr. SpoomiTnore to seek your Now, while Mr. rs harmless and well-meaning ynunjj I man, against whoin be said On the score of personal character, disposition or family connection, ho is hardly tho aort of man should select us lilting mate for you, Mabel. Mo is not your equal intellectually.

You must have discovered that To cli- courage him, my child, would be an act of coquetry to which hope you could not bring yourself. I think it best to speak of this now because he may presume upon his acquaintance with you to hint at a nearer tie has done so already, papa. 11 "Then my admonition has come too late?" asked me last night tc marry him." "And you, Mabel!" exclaimed the father, with an anxious tremor in voice. "Can it be possible that "Don't be uneasy, papa," replied the queenly girl. "1 turned him down in great Tribune.

Olio Thlnff Clumto to Do. "Lot me give you my dying advice," said Kufus Choate. "Never cross-examine a woman. It is of no use. They cannot disintegrate the story they have once told.

They cannot eliminate the part, that is for you from that wnich is against you. They can neither combine, nor shade, nor qualify. They gc for the whole thing, and the momenl you begin to cross-examine one of them, instead of being bitten by a single rat- tlesiialv-e, you arc bitten by a whole barrelful. 1 never, excepting in a case absolutely desperate, dared to crost- examine a woman. 1 Bag.

Rheumatism Cured Morbid Condition of Blood Causes Much Pain The Acid Taint Neutralized and tfio Vital Fluid Enriched by Sarsapariila. La Grange, Indiana. cun't bear to send a telegram!" Mrs. Mrs. you can't add a A N.

3. Bulletin. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrnp Figs. Ita excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation.

It has given satisfaction to millions and met withjthe approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the> oeyg. Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 50c aud $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of 1-igs, and being well will accept any substitute if offered TliCD ou Fire! Like the application of Ice to the small of your biicfc, is the sensation produced by tlie chill tliat precedes the fever of malaria. Then conies the roasting stage, when every vein throbs and Is scorching iis If with liquid lire.

Then you well nlRh dlsnolve In exhaustlnp: peralratlon that leaves you as limp wet Ttiese lfis torments not remediable permanently with quinine, which Is, moreover a most dummtlng cumulative poison, Hosteller's Stomach Bittfrs drives out tha foe and repels Its further attacks. It is the leading medicinal safeguard against malaria nil over the continents of North and Soutfi America, Kuatemala, ine Tsth- mus of Panama, Jlexlco and Australia. It regu- 'lates the liver, stomach, bowels and kidneys, enriches the blood, and promotes appetite, sleep and digestion. Is not only a medicine, but an effective cordial welcome to the most delicate Rheumatic tendency Is counteracted by It. Chunberltln'i ETC ind Ointaeit Is a certain cure for Chronic Sort Eyoe, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nip- plea, PlleB, Eczema, Tetter, Sail Rheum and Scald Head, 25 cents pef box.

For Bale by B. F. Koosltng, TO HOUSE OWIVEB8. For putting a horse in a fine heal thy oonditlon try Dr. Cady's Conditior Powders.

They tone up the syetem. aid digestion, euro loss of appetite relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old overworked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by B. F.

Keeallng, druggist. The breath of a chronic catarrh patient ia often eo offensive that ha becomes an object of disgust. Ater a time ulceration sets In, tbe spongy bones aro attacked, and frequently destroyed. A constant source of die- comfort IB the dripping of the purulent secretions into the throat, sometimes producing inverate bronchitis. which is usually the exciting causa of pulmonary disease.

The brilliant results by its use for years past properly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far tho best and only cure. Call upon your druggist for It. A Veteran of the Mexican War. OAK HARBOH, I met George O. Momeny an old veteran of ihe Mexican War on the streets today who told me that after reading about Simmons Liter Regulator he bought a bottle, and the first three doses gave him Immediate Geo.

Gosllno. Tour druffffigt sells it In powder or liquid. The powder to be taken or made into a tea. FondMtOM IHneonnd. Chicago citizens In their desire to excel, have lately accomplished a big feat, namely: in discovering by actual measurements that there are some lady residents who can wear shoef twelve Inches long.

Tour blood needs regulating it aprlngr. "Lafeld Cabinet Port" Is nature's own blood purlBer. Mild and mellow. Price, quarts, cento. For Bale by W- H.

Porter, pre- 326 Market street, I. Hood Lowell. "Gentlcnifn: It Is with pleasure that I gltf my experience with Hood's Surssparilla, For the last eleven years I have been afllicted more or less with rheumatism. It kept getting two years ago, when 1 was Helpless for Five Months. I tried everything I could hear of but of no- avail.

Finally through tho influence of a friend I tried one bottle of Hood's and before I bad taken It nil a.i able to walk several with tho aid of my crutches, an eier- I had not taken for somo time only as one would hold me up. I kept on taking Hood's until I had taken four bottles. At Hood's the end of tint time I was able to walk much farther. I then got one-half dozen bottles and jny wife and I both took it." My wlfo troubled with Indigestion and before we hid taken two bottles she was entirely cured of her disease. Wo kept on taking the by tho time wo had take tlio whole of til bottles she said she bad Never Felt Better In her life and I also was very much In order to mako sure of a perfect turo I got lU bottles more of Hood's Sarsaparllla and.

am vory sure it will have tho desired effect 111 flo By part in taking care of myself as all should who vo troubled with rheumatism. Vi'a shall Always recommend Hood's to woo mar be affected as we wcro." E.U&U- B. FORD, La Grange, Indiana. cure liver Ills, ttlllouiness, jaundice, sick hexlaclic, icrlptlon Logansport, Ind. Groat Triumph.

Instant relief experienced and per- rauceut euro by the most speedy and preutest remedy in Ifce Cure for lung and throat diseases. Why will you continue to irritate your throat and IUQRS with that terrible hacking cough when Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth street, sole agent, will furnish you a. free sample bottlo of this Ruar- antee r-emedj Its success ic simply wonderful, as your drug-ffist will tell', you. Otto's Cure Is now sold in every and village on this continent. Samples free.

Large bottles 50 cents. California Fruit Laxative is aature'i true remedy. It ihe nsodicinal virtues of California plants which are known to have beneficial effect on the human fcyetem. Although harmless to the most delicate constitution It is thorough anfi. effective, and will afford a pei manent cure for habituaf constipation and the many disorders arising from a weak or inactive condition of the kidneyt, liver, stomach and bowels.

For by all druggists at 60 cento a bottle. for orer Fifty- Mre. WinBlow's Soothing Syrup been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect It soothes the child, softens the gumi. allays all pain, euros wind colic, la the beet remedy for diarrboaa. will relieve tbe poor little sufferer Immediately.

Sold by drugglrta In every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Wlnelow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. Glad The grand specific for the prevailing malady of the age, dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheumatism, costive-ness, general debility, Is Bacon'fr Celery King for the nerves. great herbal tonic stimulates the digestive organs, ragulates tbo liver and restores the system to vigorous health' and energies.

Samples free Large packages 50 cents. Sold only by Ben Fisher, 311 Fourth street. Baby" Pert If you are reduced in vitality or strength by Illness or any other cause, we recommend the use of this Old Port Wine, tbe very blood of the grape. A grand tonio for nursing mothers, and those reduced by wasting disease. It creates strength; proves the appetite; own remedy, mucl preferable to drugli guaranteed absolutely pure -and over five years of age.

Toung wina ordinarily sold is not fit to use. Insist on- having this standard brand, it no more. $1 In quart bottles. Bottled by Eoyal Wino Chicago For sale Johnston Bros. Karl's Clover Root, tho new purifier, freshness and clearnow to the complexion and cures constipation; 50e.

and SoM by F.KeesHng.

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