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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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HOW SHE HAS FADED! How frequently, my onco fair sisfcr. the above remark has been dronped aboil yuu, whose was once the pride of yom of the fearful hav which the Ravages of Time havt: COMPLEXIONS FA-SI AND BEAUTY RARE, tot vou will Hnd thorn cvcrv nfop tl.u path life, and their number keep iiiulMrncss, by tho use of thai most healing 01 all lotions lor tnc Empress Josephine Face Bleach. It the roughest skin like velvet, dmwing out the impurities from beneath tlie surface, and leaving the skin soil mid liiir. The most obstinate Freckles will be removed by the conscientious use of three bottles; the most torturing Eczema will bejermanently -ured by the use of two bottles Pimples, Acne, Blackheads, Tan ffih Patches, and Brown Spots, by the use of from one to two bottles. SOS Fourth W.

Porter, Knr -M'. hy V. "nrk-t B. V. Xvt tfiretf- Kiiystona DruK Wtoro 538 Broadway.

IWOLfl nf ttADtf" GIVES RELIEF ft JS 3 Cure for all Diseases of the Heart, Kidneys, Liver and Blood. It has no rival and is found in every home, BEFORE AFTER. ave "received our Seeds for the season of 1894, anc, have them ready to sun- goods. We have a full variety of Gar- vvc Turf anri Geo. Harrison.

The Best Shoes the 1-casl Money $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. 84 and S3.BO Dress Police Shoe, 3 $2.60,82 for Worklngmenr $2 and 81.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, $2.50 52, $1.75 If any doalef you W. L. DonglM yinced.

The stamping ot W. uarantees their.value, snvea 1 line of to those who wear them customer, which helps SStt ffW The art of horseshoeing is first of all 0 so attach the shoe to the hoof as to the latter from wearing away, 'his should be clearly understood be- ore considering 'any influence tho blacksmith may or may not have in pro- any ailment in a horse's hoof. It should be borne In mind first of all hat the secret of treating the horse's oot lies in the fact that, unlike that of man and many other familiar animals, it is constantly changing its orrn. There Is a constant growth of he hoof. Now the hoof being merely 1 protection for the real foot or inner oot bone, it follows that the base of he foot bone may rest properly on its J.

B. WINTERS. Regular Goods, which are now coming in, we bought some goods to piece out. These! latter will now be offered at Sacrifice IPrices until closed out. WftLKER RflUGH LAME HOUSES CURED.

By David Roberaro, Sboer of Nanoy Hanks and Bonner'a Horses. The MuRlo of ft A Fortune Thrown Feet of Groat or one set of tendons. Tne principle is. then, to shoe alike feet made alike, but to shoe diil'erently feet formed differently- It matters not what names are given to the various lamenesses which are so common among horses. They all spring from one hecdlessness in shoeing; to the form of the foot.

The veterinary Kurgeous, 1 know, give all sorts of medicines and liniments, but they do not reach the evil. It is all in the shoeing. As for the names of the evils they are legion. Some are called spavin, others ringbone, splint, knuckle curb, bowed tendons, navicular disease, founder, lamianetis, contraction, thrust quarter or too craclc, grogreness, stumbling- and what not. But they all have the same origin.

Now it stands to reason that tho remedy is not in bandages or liniments, but in removing tho cause. Shoe the horse properly. 1 will venture to say that if the high priced horses now idle and useless were only shod properly and their limbs and tendons done to. they would immediately be oot) 4 Mf.tatanclM.hoe tow control sensitive roclilug shoe. Spavin ahoo, center of gravity at one time but may rest outside of its center of gravity at another.

It is very much like a person juttinR a thimble on his or her finder, ho pute it on close and tiffht the will be an aid or a supporter. Jut if tiie finger will not extend to tho end of tho thimble there will bo a breaking or a looseninff somewhere. Now a horse's shoo is very much like a thiinblo and although it may be in position on the hoof when first pat on, is likely to get out of position with ihe growth of the hoof. To this fact a duo tho extent and nature of many 'oot ailments in the horse. It is ordinarily allowed that tho horse should be shod about once a month.

But naturally if the shoo is its right place at the beginning of that month how are wo to be sure that it will bo in place at tho end of the month? The fact is that the tondons In a horse's limbs beintf designed to control the action of the hoof are so adjusted, like pulleys or ropes, if one may use tho comparison, that when they arc not properly balanced by the center of gravity of the hoof, there is sure to be some disarrangement or other. That is, tho weight of the animal, instead of being evenly distributed throughout the anatomy of the leg, da thrown all on one tendon or part as a result of the unbalancing of weight due to uneven shoes. This fact explains many obscure ailments of tho horse's hoof. It would surprise the generality of persons to be told of the immense sums of money lost every year through horses going- lame. The amount in well.

I advise all horse owners TO throw away their medicines and have a talk with their blacksmiths. Yet the blacksmiths must be consid ered outsiders in this matter from point of view. Their function is in tho 'majority of cases to execute orders. these orders are often most contradictory. One owner wants his 'horse with a-hoof practically pared oft off while another will-not allow it to be touched for anything that could be offered him.

The blacksmiths are always ready to do as they are told. But there is never any common principle laid down for them to go by. Now for the shoeing-. How is it to bo done? Herewith are some diagrams of shoe shapes. Any intelligent man can seo that they are designed to restore the functions of nature by bad work in shoeing or in growth.

Some are for overweighted fetlocks. Others are to regulate tho ankle movement. The idea in all is to help nature along. The fact is that there is no reason why a man should not be able to tell from tho mere way in which a horse stands exactly what his trouble is. It is just as with man.

If wo put uneven soles to our feet and stand all on tho instep or on the heel, there is trouble, and the trouble is told by the way we stand. Women are laughed at for having high heels to their slippers. Now horses are suffering from a trouble that is very much like tho high heels of tbe ladies. So let every horse owner who has an animal that sulfers from a complaint baffling all the remedies conclude that it is in shoeing. The cure is very easy.

Find out what part of the hoof is unevenly balanced, as shown by the diagrams herewith. Then remedy it by seeing that the weight is evenly distributed and that tho tondons have equal work to perform. Then the horse is cured. It is useless to give each, complaint a different name and then ask a different remedy. AH comes from tho same cause, as I have already Give the horse a shoe that adjusts itself properly.

Then the trouble is gone. DAVID EOBKIWE. DAVID BOBETtGE. dollars would equal a colossal fortune. Now every one ol the horses, or, at any rate, three out of every four, goes lame before its time.

To-day thero are thousands ol horses useless because they tire lame, ami the work ol the blacksmith is responsible in a p-reat measure for this. The shoes aro all put OD so as to throw the tendons out of plooc. If the reader will look nt the accompanying illustrations of hool formations he will get a better idea of the state of tbo case than any amount of words could give him. Therefore, the countless ills and lamenesses from which a horse suffers in its limbs are due to the way in which it ia shod. If you have a horse lame it is because its shoes do the damage, In all probability.

In the average blacksmith shop a man brings in his horse. Tho smith turns tho animal over to a youth, -who knows DO more about the horse than the horse knows about him. The blacksmith says: "Take down that hoof," and the apprentice cuts away the hoof, the shoe is burned into place and nailed on. The result Is, as a rule, some malformation. is, the tondons are thrown out of Roar because, being like a they no longer balance.

am luboriure. on. THE NEW STOCK OF BIBLES. It the Drummer'! to Not to Expound, til. A San Francisco youngr man was commissioned by his father to go and look at a new stock of Bibles which had been sent out as samples by an eastern firm.

Tho young man was told to examine tho assortment carefully with a view to purchasing a quantity for the house. Now tho young man in question was an excellent fellow and pretty well informed upon almost all subjects except Bibles, So he scrutinized tho collection with genuine interest and curiosity. "Are Bibles used as much now as they used to be?" ho inquired with a thoughtful air, turning the leives of one with respectful curiosity. Tho eastern firm's representative, who had been expatiating upon the superiority of his goods and had been bringing to bear all his power to effect aTale. hastened to assert that there never was such a lively demand for them as at present.

"But," interposed the young man, a dreamily retrospective way, I think you are i little behind the times. I notice that you have a ot Old Testaments. I thought that they were quite out of date now. and that only tUe New Testaments were used. Ind what does this mean?" to ued, quoting a -wU.

drummer, "you don't expect me to know what's insidu these books, do you? My business is to sell them. I'm posted on the covers, though, and when it comes to elegant, durable binding I'll be hanged if this collection isn't the finest on the Times. WILD HORSEMEN. The Gaocliot of South Amcrtcn and Their Untamable Ferocltj. The love of bloodflietUeems inherent, for even boys will draw the faconupon the slightest provocation; 'and, as the throat and abdomen are the parts which are generally aimed at, the wounds are usually mortal.

Murders and homicides cause little or no emotion. The man who respectfully salutes the stranger is more likely than not a hero who has cut many throats. It is believed that upward of one-third of the young Gatochos die a violent death. There can be no doubt but that this disregard for the sanctity of human life is largely duo to the constant disturbances which arc fatal to the prosperity of the South American republics. The Gauchos are the wretched shuttlecocks which are bandied about by the battledores of rival politicians.

The selfish adventurers who may succeed in grasping, for a few brief bloody months the reins of what passes for power, find among them the rough material for an army. It is a matter of chance to what party the wild horseman mav be compelled to attach himself; but, having- joined one, he becomes forthwith involved in Continual bloody feuds which constitute an unending vendetta. The recklessness which this engenders becomes sucli a second nature tlmt he grows cruel from a sheer love of inflicting pain, or callousness to the sight of sutTering-. From his infancy he has used the lasso and bolas, has dragged the agonized animal at a gallop from the terrified herd, laughing as he hamstrung it, and mocking- as the coup de grace was g-iven. His later indifference to the value of human life has been but a stop in advance from these.

Even his horse tails to kindle one spark of affection in his tinsel-covered breast, while his dogs, though of value for driving cattle, are only tolerated as watch clogs and The lot of a Constantinople- dog is enviable compared with tiiat owned by the Gaucho. As a natural result of the neglect or indifference with which they are treated, they become dangerous to strangers, wkile their combats among themselves are so desperate that many lire left bleedingordead upon the 'IVmplc liar. Dower Ghouls of In Holland the dower chest once formed a part of evory bride's equipment. Less portable, but more sightly than the -'Saratoga" trunk, it fulfilled its purpose with grace and dignity, passing down as an heirloom from generation to generation. The modern chest is an easy thing to secure, but these the up-to-date girl holds in disdain; her chest must be really antique, of carved oak, of English or Flemish make, or slaborately inlaid with nmr- queterie of colored woods and dated or initialed with figures and character eloquent of other and manners.

There are very few of the genuine old- fashioned "dower chests" to be seen on this of the Atlantic. One of them in this city is a very massive affair, weighing several hundred pounds. Commercial. ANIMAL EXTRACTS. FBBPARKD ACtOBDINf, TO THE TORXDUS OF DR WILLIAM A HAMMOND, AND BIS SUVJ5KV1SION.

TESTLNE. In exhaustive Matcn of the nerrotu ro- sultlne from excesslTOmfiiliilwork: emotional excitement or oilier causes ot lessening the Torcen il endurBBfeofthP several of the bodr; depression ol spirits, nielaiichollii, and certain types of iBsanllj-i In awes of muscular weakness, or of dftblllty; neurasthenia, and all Irrtlablc stales ot the brutn, spin cord or nor- TOUS system In nwvous-nnd conitwtlve uriiditcue; In and In nnrvous In weak atiitesot the gonurntivo srstem-ln all ot tbe above named conditions, Testlne will found or the greatest service. Bono, Fl" Drops, dratlimi), Where local drugzlsts not with the HSondAnlmafKxtTacW. UIOMVIU ta ma led, toEether wltli nil oxlstliis literature on the sub. ject, on receipt of price, by THE CIIESIICAI- WanhlnKloi.

C. Agent for tORsnspurt, Ben Flsfier. 99 FRIEND" HIKES CHILD BIRTH EASY. Calvin, Dec. 2, Mr vif used MOTHEE'S FRIEND before- third confinement, and would not without It (or of DOCK by express on receipt of price, J1.SO per boc- Book To Mothers mailed free.

1 fntariCLO HCQULATOH mi AU. ATLANTA 3 For tale byBan Fisher, JOSEPH CILLOTTS STEEL PENS Nos. Anil other styles to suit all hands. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS, FACIAL BLEMISHES I will remove, other skin blcmUhe LOLA MONTEZ CREAM The great Skin food uA Tinsno Builder, will von Beautiful cents and this ad, for a box Of fckln foOA powder, Free, free. Free.

MRS. NETTIE HARRISON America's Bcautv Doctor, 26 direct, jSmn FrancUeo, Ctol. 801 Elm St. Cincinnati, Ohio. superfluous Hair permanently iwnowi, VITAL TO MANHOOD.

Dn. E. C. WEST'S XEBVJ5 AND liKAIN TREATMENT, a Rpeclllc for Hysteria, Ulzzinnsfi, rnlRlii, Headache, Nervous PrortrnUon aimed pf alcobol or tobuccn, Wakotulncw, Mratnl DspressBra, Soltfluinit of Bviiiu, cnusitu! insimily, misery, Atatj. donih, Prrnmiture Old ARO, Burrormw, Lowxn In mac, Im potency, Furrmln WunkTiosMW, luvolunury SperWa- torrlKi'ft enticed over-exertion of brain, Holt- nbcse, over-lndulponeo, A'6 tTPntinent, 5 forfS, bj- mail.

With oftcb ordur forC, ft wiU xen nTltten (njarnntoe to refund If nnt onrM. OnnrantoenlMued by Bgwnt. WEST'S LIVER PILLS cures Sick Hoadnebo, BiliouRDosn, Livor CompUint, 8our Stomach, and ConeUpaUon. OUj-LEiNTEES Issued ouly by W. H.

POBTKB, ncaggtot, 323 Market Lo- LADIES DO YOU KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S sim FEHrom PHIS are thoorisinol and only lUblocnro on the market. Price aeat Df Genuine Bold only by W.H. P08TS8, Druggist, 826 Market Lo gBnB port. Ind.

PILES ITCHING PILES OINTMEMT Lost Manhood rigor fifckt An aitrfleable Laiati ve and KRV TONIC. Bold by sent by moll tod $1.00 per free VTA Tbe Favorite lOOTt POWIU HUfortkoTeethindBrettli.tta. For Bale bj B. t. FOR In win "end A Kainplo Knvdopis i WHITE, W.ESH or BBUSETTB OZZONI'S OWDER.

Yon have seen it advortiscd.tor years, but have you ever tried do notl-now what ml Idol Complexion Powder POZZONTS besides being nn ncknowfcjJgodbeMjtlJjr, hunmnnyrcrro-'hlnKnws. It lnfnct.ltli<tiniostdcllcatewidd»lmW» DruioctJon lo tlio fuco durlnl II I. Hold Everywhere. For nnmplo, IJ. A.


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