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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • 10

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 10 MBRCANTILB Iw datiree CMpiteM nam oppnrteatty is a good ene inance eld SimtioM WbbUo iV 5VE ABE OPEN AGAIN Pitt hi uoOnwMt BUSIEST SIGHTS BOY to lean Um trade Itobartooa smd MAUK OUE CATALOGUE awMi Biejclet Wasted and for Sala mac Biron rtiaii IBCT COMB IRST REHVXD um BrM Servant Wanted crouch gK BMl aynka rm Att WBBB I comr lata ata from ssr 'ffIRA CTCLB Inswtad MOGeorge rt totodly £150 £100 LEDO clothing 81 Ibt COMBI OeLABGB BUYERS CLOTHING Mai S'vu ilairy farmmg lor tlQLBUJ wp tr pOD ANDI IB ELBCTRO ware ms Owe Anima HIBAt ONB ENNY 1'Ell WJT Bute How BARMAID (4) bars oily hotels Apply early san's Iff Imperial Arcade i OY tad ULkL wanted st cmoe Me rt bar bomM ir gold c5u bamglb byo oa Ka stag to 0 BALI rw 8Bs su a OLACD a tuuMi qjjtt Mt si Md lhart iwAlit 4 1: i il jootnc be Al Mte PARTNER requited £78 halt skate valaabk book' atteote profit Jtowefle PO Balmaia PARTNER Vow onltirated tmte sad Pm sad Haadmsaa's APBXOOT BHANDY We rtfll hate howerer a GENUINE BARGAINS ten THE ACBTBAL CYCLE AGENCY lAd1 GEOBGE STKEET SYDNEY The Largest Cycle Dsaten la AnstralHia WAY and COMPANY 213 213 nt iltaPITT fiTRKET MAN wanted for to day S7 ilirnirtit home Uy l' Kilvcr nwiiti S3 NtobtwrA taraM foody Head tarrwAY TEETH BOM A GUINEA A BET THE LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE SB KING STRUT fji stetsda BsteJ Depot 38ft nisi stunt (opp Strand Arends) IN lliauiuA THANKS 3a each HfctM lbs Hilar Boa st adrUse BSMad and we boRe on COUNTRY CuPary eigerated by out hospitality sagMBMnr will retammg etat sqf A little late perfcspa bid we nay add BETTER LATE THAN XEVQ 18 NOW BEADY sad awaits pour iwii As it la at Adeertisamealtd OUR BUSINESS la almost nnoeeeaaary lo lay it will teal you REE CBABGL To Let (Cao Ns sad row gee Al A pL'hNIBHED riouae or Cottags 5 rooms kilohen tar term no children Glebe tent Herald xsvteagq 0UUTM Bn BEAL" STEADY BTB8R1NG a stark af the perfect eltee mentwf (he MAB81Y ARRIS BICYCLE and a source of delight to Ila riders Il is tbe result uf the expert dsaignieg thoruugb and skilful ronstguction that always MASKEY T1 ARRIS CYCLES and makaa Ikea Run 1'aay and Keep Bua nmg Eaayrt MAaeeY BAUIlH CO IAd Toronto Canada EatablMhed IMT CLEAN mpoetabte rooag GIRL to aastat with baby Un Iedrtou Bun Atoord areaae Warertey and i1wuiiau wanted at es Apply after ls Point Hpee rd Paddington tVOWK LAUNba 4 IM ite gcnd platen tAdy Betyi IL lOGa 1 Ite Mra Galw IN Orona eL tThra DAftK Groud rUBbrtea stripes and Boni destena Is Dseaa at Edward Heedarn'a BM Wo Oeoegnwl IDXfCCuok ten 'Waiter Ito Laundrysian UaJ Japanese oe Portnyuteo sub 110 BathutssL WOOD AND COMPANY UNERAL DIRECTORS and RMBALMEIW Bmd Office HlU Guorge ctrest Hrtncy nrrnrbtt ell tmnetpal mtborbe Tmm Oflite sod I ivery Stahlrn 1W Caetb reagll wtrtet and 113 liubelh atteet Telephones ft 1M4 ATS Ar The Otar CiTdfl'atod lmbalmara I AJR MONUMENTAL WORK any rteoenpHon apply Edwm Andtewa Rooks Tel No Kookwruxl All tbe shore Bl ted With PnouteUo Tine end guarantoed in perfect order Mr JOHN SPENCER 44 MargareteetnnL Wynyardteoure iwanirri irst riar for ARTIICIAL TEETH WTKT WK Mdlan Now TEnmra mew teas' DAY TO COMB OPAL CUTTER and Lapidary wanted ftrt work' mag airfag and Robtete Hunterwt Bydaay LOhTin BCraihBeld Hdey Irish TEHIMEH aaasm name Mike reward Amjenl Angrl rd Burwood L' dsTrebixtoe lurfiii tfcl No 144 drawn by Jaa Kultnatt ta faruur Tooth aud Co Gteeoe Tooth's LUOTYeilow and white Puny brand RxP under mens inward loa Morrieoa 3 Detern rd AshlteUi Ot'LY QnnliAol MEDlctf MAN reqelrrd at onee to tosrel with flrt eiva Agent AUiT WIDOWS' I ND LIE ASSURANCE SOCIETY United Nt GeorgaMtmt A PH JCAT1ON8 are tented frw the POSITION of LECIUkEK oa AUKU MATHEMATICU at the CANTEBBUBY AGBIi L'lTCRAL COLLBGB Lincoln New Zeeland Salary st tbe rate 4 El per aoonn aCth board and rr el'leote al tbe College Daiiea to ootnnoeoe not later than ARCH IMh IM Do'ies anil ooaditiuna of sppointateal eaa be obtained from tbe endeesigwed to whom applKwUote togwtbm with testimonials require to be sent ua or before the Slat JANI'ABY IMW Candhiatoe nut be OBOtorrM BAYNE Dinetor Canterbury Aerieoltaral College Liuole NZ Deteiaber 1Mb IM7 Royal DI Towel THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 29 1897 ANTED iineriur Uiri a General BERT ART Dad I br lurid of elildr eu family ewd kaJ able peruli Write si'Ji cjiif rrfrtroce in TANTAI Wanted AWIKTANT to take Chugs Dental Deiarfmrat Apply atettog aes esperieaee nd eopiaa of toeUmoowl to lleotal Gurdon sad Uotoh Melbourne wba riday Rtoki hafr TMutlER from btaek buy an requested torstaon WOL AMERICAN HIGH ABT CYCUUJ Uueurpateial for Dr gaue Speed and DuraUhty ENGLISH BICYCLEB Bu Bns Models of luUaa' and Ggntn by rinuia atat dass Makers iaoiuduig THE INTERCHANGEABLEwwntty bought up by the New Rapid CM THREE HUNDRED CANADIAN WHEELA THE DOMINION GABDEN CITY and PERECT 1 OtfT two morning uaadacM now mac i aUee to DirkMi Wbiikyt a OBT Tuteday BaHeCollie white ruS answers Bea I reward rL Joba'a I'uaonago IknruuUa Toa can't So beittu than tbe following TTuaaallKl ia the City are oue Ladiaab volourwd Oepno Silk Blooeeeatda tld Ueequailrd in the City are oar Ladfea Gteea Kid Hutton sal Late Shorn at to lid UarquaUrd to the city Hour Ladin Morn a Wrapper I lepartateat Theas yon I Bod wonderful garmento at IBM 4a lldru lid and lid Unronalted in the City are one Ladien' Glaoe Kid Court blwua Oar vtoea are from la lid to lOafid Unequallrd in tbe City ars ear ladiee White Inwn Cwtutnei trimmed Valetw tonnae Lao at lUaed Uoeullrd io the CSty io our Stock of Ladies' White Undmkirta trimmed Beal ebon Ince to lid fee a really alee skirt i 'Unequalled in the Ctly ia our Stock of India' Bhirte at la Pjd We an odferieg won derful puael of Aldea emorted patteena Unequalled ia Value is our Display of Hain and Vasev srsehulee at to lid and Ta Od We have Mi dos to oeloM from Them are aaaorted design and ohoieo colourings AOENEUAL Beirut requires a SITUATION Tbe Manse WH Ut eL A MAllKIED COUPLE eaCOOK and Awitenl nettled fur hotel Hurt Harking peimaneni sltoatron Apply HAUN Angel Hotel itt atreel LMtUM J0 ADVANCEMENT or BCLEKCE sssOB HEB by ticket whxfi one bo obtained UVNU lady would like lare waitress dining tea roteu little exp A Uuna at Ulttu OVNG Woman like s' Pl a Oeneial good ref Mrs Jewdo uxtorduA Woollslira CEAMHC fopartedskMii BOTBwMtod Applr Co openUre Glassworks Abet icr road Balmalo WANTED by buaiowa lady end boy unfumlhed Itoom D'humt or Domain 4 to to fte'a id WANTED by goat Baknmy RtKIlf within urnrar city bath Ae lisas mable Herald Office rOY8' Bine' Berge "faitorHuttats 111 Bdwail Hog drrai BOtl B7U GeusTfe st IRST CLASH Ladies' Geailemsn's lhnde Keyrfu for Hire Sydney Bicycle Knebuage liapmtel Afed IMPERIA lUiVEB for BALE seedy new 18W aplcndid iDMbine Applv IMvi Bwwfl UPog EXP Rarmaid lte oHf ivb Maid IM Mb 11 Mart aaaht bar 110 BatboraUvt EX WaiUws ISi city and miburba Butler and ValaLffe YnuVi 1 hotl () Man 10e betel anK i Gcvnm and Ganlaa Ifei ftardwr fta boot ttaafol Vifa fan 110 RatburHai A BAKU (W vwrtaPlMa aka mtllwcdi tad own A yaM 1 yaart Njk aovntry praf a Bakata Cuter (W 1 yetfii1 vet ten oowotry a Hairdraa ar (99) a'uy aiar afoo food woiate Cbofra Barmaids Coapl BwteMta HninimaiiL Waitrw Kiichrwma Vbml Mf Hotfarkaapara Aa SIMMON D6 Cutteraaffb aL Al tba Berraato Hmb MarkH labourBorma ba Rmpluyar covatr and tam Tel Utt GRiOM fnoddiirff yardro Bilk gvoTtUy artful axpehrtev tisgla crfervnnra Apidy L3u 10 (4ajcl raet near Ki oitraet nKUDON SPA Nalorw't HoweUa any roe of tnma lucent oowpterijo and bbrb BMlth OtWKBKPU' rtatua Mouth line Ihachdor Imperial A road a II UUdEKEKPHU wrkiBK Nanabri family Uvc guod 1 b'nuf Niimut UrrtUd Office Hol'd Hand PAlWAHfR MUD vante'l Warrartaft 4 CaBtlt'HiigheBt Pt lure Alfred Park UUUbEMAN trperianMM! muM hava fovd fafa After 9 KuyaJ Hott! Geurr 'umptbUa I'roU LauL Ite luuakal iMbusJ drvDK llatiwAJiid IM lk IM Bouter at JaVnDUKMN ad IroMd hnuaa Swraute ctry and ub Xv 1Ufkk Kjqk 4 T12iC 1ADNDRM want'd Pr Mnra and Tosdaya Timrra Yl ivnur bJixaoafh Hay MA HUI HD CdiQple alatiun (Graftuu1 rfimjui uarfnl wife btaprh Koln lluurtg Blue at lv Bay ARMtKD PtiC ateUWn maa eGck wife buUMDaidp laund tn Ihttaam'a Imp A)i ttPltt MraM TJ1OUND Cheque on Nattoeal Baek NZ Partknlara Jr IWldiiurton Wteg Shop Ml Oxford et Paddington 1tOUND Tburwtsy Pabam Caleb AIIHOT Apply ntthdeterrlpUatt toAKB Box STB OPO 1j1OVNDtbatiiloaal unitetiuna Vends Brandy bring sold Avoid like potaoa IN Glebe Pniind bar How uabenndod star black Peer 93 hindquarter wo ahuea on MENN Twwd Tmumra strong tnaki7ca lid st Ed ward itdcrn'a am Bln lirukB ld hill im11 eloerly woman would give Boe rites for a Miall room city preferred Apply Eagine sL Ultimo Groom Coanhraaa garden reRk yearn refs Addrma Htnald AB Groom and generally aaeful abrmt hotel refs if re quired Herald Hoqbbb Land Wanted (CesUsaaf frfa Mgr 8 UBN HOUSE A lem bedrooms Plttwetrr easy sausm coach Apply at ewes PO Burwood NUKN HOUBR not lem bedeoome between Wor I Woy and Tugpygah Apply Pater PO Burwood TJWRNUhVji HiiVkK' near etty about 80a wwkly from 4th January Burftt io Mnrket at TDXP Cook RW Maid Illa Lsnedneei IM ran Cook 90s hotd anuB'ry Ida lh 14a laundnm HD ronnuy 1 Maid 4a city Maid 12a to Iletn Os to Nurse end 1 Ilia severe) Kervanta IO If sub and smmtry Mother and Daughter (Bj pa eounley IIP Bath ret ARMING MAN pood Bilker wanted for country 8 HeraUUiBlre IRHT CLAM Oliif nad Collar Iroamr constant work 4 day week Apply IM Bilry eL Hyde Park I'UEHT CIAm HMj atoi HaummaidrNmdlioman and attend daw Toaet)i Miaeion Glebe Poiat 1 TtRHTX'lAHd froners 1 Hra rehet also Girl foe bouae JP work rench tmuady 143 Weverley rd Woollabre (Y ENERAI for young widow lady IS also tor tw in famili Rowisl 1D 14a lb Id Hunter at (X RNKUAL 9 in family wgva 12a and 14a no hirta Mures want Davies Home Nortmrt I'hanlt tY IRLr Id or 17 housework small family Mrs Costa 4 Clfttou Reserve Ibowa st hurry Hille 1 C'ddDGHNKHAl WBpes Ite His th at aaee iluyd'a Regi try IM Kinr nt Newtown WANTED ayuug Imdrfcr the opoyt NEBB toaei OPU 1 pre rent WANTED a Medium Goisri PWLD 4 ebUdrem eldete IE tboe Ent tltettaDy wwlUM to mnru i uaVoar 'r'Ianatted YOUNG pewa would smut houaewjk a homely family Home Lltucr Herald Office YOUNG Man wanta HU Iran Inuunongi knowl grocery eruekry turn Hardware Nlwa I' Vrnl'NG IMteii wih7lle euKM b'k'per to widower mwLted Eiascuwal MIOU aimmaUa td KtAd AtlOEST Rtoek in Bydery of Ponitma Every eoncMv able Shade el Edaard Hur era's K0 tfoorgs ProfeMiou Tradei 4c a DDREBSINO and ijdinjr Young areoa 1 waatad also Canvoaoet fib tars No AM Pltt at A SMART nUTII acenatosae1 to Lutcherum Hataa Mb Bn as ex st oily A tbe Bctenune Dremeulbag BcboidTsH Geo at eity ar railway The tlystem Taught lwiau VT Reform Tailoring Co Mu Gwpwwt nr llverpnol st Huite to order and Tnitaremada Clothing Iteloeet AWAlriNO re eapugrermiL and rmjdYWCA tn Cuillipigt A YfWNG lady meka Enngameat tiellr fforeramia spr teaehag csrOflcaied Eooaaaim llorahl A IteWte' Ageaey I ChanpreblldiagsrPlitaate JVoCireu'ar Unar ollow ng await EnaagiiBsat nighty areacn Oliver alao Indy sides ref ataaait onsia plate trust up Utrl tea and teftwbmesx in A Pay" it or CS for 1 EMi6NMNbRBBSl CUT41NG erbon you ma have tha gamute of UM ago tor Cl I Call atJI Royal Arends A NY BUM TO LEND upon deeds of property or land In town oe count ua pre mat nLa temporary IX1ANH apon Mhre eeoonty MA8B1E and WADDELL 1 Caatlsreaghretreet Bvuuer ADVEll IldEMENTS All sdertuenunls ehargrd to anthoei ution imurtum Tbs JotoWW sppear mart be atatod othereue tbrewu tell ituntermraded No rerbal mmoisahaMi mre la exere red thenuehea rmpunmhle for ive? through accident or otherwise reivre lhe rurht of oaultaw gR nxid for ia t' usual oourre to Ceobjrttioiteble or the omrenlreico of JJbubM: meals niay be sent to the also to the Breach Office Kry yg do not eotept any Ocular Tew Wtule re iy mre taken UteffimUcatoW under btonwiUbrt til rtwunt booked to Adverusere in the untryeaareinPM Money Order oetal Notre or Bnsugsgg Death wl mag to! includes pnbbeaUoe in tbs intteMS NrtKes of BIRTHS and DLA1 U3 fc 3 andtoailelote notites hwrUut JUval and Kilitery Koticei MBH MLEB Mb HEGT? ECRUTnNG for tie Jboee ros WEDNESDAY EVENINGBat 0 lfvBBAy tnao ow Wmtwnvfhriilr Otovres read SINGLE or Double BOOMS vacant sitting room piano kitahra or board SBC' artlreeatrh st Jfedlero i ey a aamhec al ly furniabed and nnfnreiabed Bona city aad mtm tod et Railway cy lNCIEP71WM ACQUAItH' Itowblv front ROOM opp Gardena good table terms tie VACANCY gentlemen at Domed couple balcony riom orerlookiov the haibour 10 minutes Iream 0 ro Mrs QUICK IP MiBto terrsoe Dawes Punt oily give firs aiiuTsnmf HOME boaid VV Its good table 131 Dnriiagtoa rd Dldtu LADY With children requires BOARD end Bestdemw superior paugda UreiwinoyMiuef Moderate ROOM young ru Pymcnt pretend cheep Urgent Uual offire ex el tNOACBMAN youre but with eaprrlMum to drive a phardsm aad pair ut Apply with retewmeas BIDCUP OLRBR POINT Bight at Tram TMWttBus' XTOOK LAUNDREHS sad Hoorn aad Putoer MAID Lprtvato Mate tanet be Pruteatort aad folly msnpetent piramul rnfa A PO yUtUTMAB NUMBER RYDNMY MAIL" NOW BRADY BUlTANUt OIIK1BTMAB BTORlWt BEAUTIUL 1'IIEAENTATION P1CTUIUI AU News Agents Hiadtiffioa HU amd Hunter sUssto PRICK SIXPENCE rraa fl Stock of PRINTS la the atty to ttrnM Edward Eatdora's QwmioMt wawWjm 1 eOMM DnyBTABA A DVRRT18EH baa a raluatoe pstreu Mwpta suite wondeiful Want PAuTNKH with tai to work it with inventor gg to week each san Iw made actate also have half share nf all glita tar other colonies No 4 bwll cbambers tteond loor itt etrset ACHRIRTMAH GIT PECURK IT AT ONCE A BEAUTIUL HET ARY I1CLAL TEETH OR ONKUU1NKA tt and Material Appeareaere Guaranteed BETS ITT ED with OOLDLAlKh 445s Mr GEORGE Dentist Yrnra Established 081 Pitt street Bnulh Tram stops at tba dacr No ngteoa teams LKforitreet addiagtoa Cai OPERA GLABBEB Nik tarardwlU be given to who dtsaevered It on lfr asTT TOW QahaUnton'tuf NteihBydasy zmw sms Eva between teto nbd I A BaUtb atrw Batenin a Gold NECKLET wtth SMtkywt aad Iteri beart atefed Pen4aaL HaafoM BSa3rKtetBl Btetbatenefofa UfoB111 i Boom No ll andfc )usOte dMHkvsg oraMaBly O4 WATCH aad Boietegw PURBIi Ku A1TANTED tilTl'Al l'N Cook sad Itet'rre boV shifteA plyll IPj Mary sL 8utt UuH WANTED "IT as Hmisenoud good refs Mrs Bmadden Hagistiy Office Xi Bvltoorat Newcastle WANTEIijimfATION Goseraam by Unnveily Graduate Tria I Umdon Ben Hun English loUn Algebra Euelui paint draw dancing a piano sad violin Miss GarLaer guv eg lltthurel'et A NTED to lare superior Intis tirl wiihrednad people a Indy Help capable doing the work of family rrrv quick eherful strl willing well trained Truth t'O Wtlliam atnwt YOUNG Maa wants Situation In enimtty Station IIJ wages no beet giest bydoey ref 8 Herald imov pamnte PARTNER required io Graeral AgmMy Bmraem with duo £Ja wee guaranteed Apply 88 Roww uL Wanted Purebaae News and Jobbil Plant at ull partie to Wharfedala GPO a requires smart Maa with 11 capital aay to iat in Bueioew will be Uawoaghty laught the bnuem BPLKNDlli CHANCE Apply ARTHUR BROOKS Agent 149 King street DAINLESB DEN1I8TEY tM to iwdHmatf Crabbe aol PiUut'i Bt BfiVfifi R1N1 wanted kirttnt a juB Quarry Bay MiteAMO TKh fraa uoa ruioaa a art rood fit fuMoataadi work at luwart ponaibla prior AU rprraUinB auaruntcd tiaiakirt CMu1laUMi frrt Mr NO LAX Ustirt 49 Oafordtroat city rewac ai a i imucr" ubsrirlu roeiTioxs or warden and matron STAMPS Urtd AuoMiab Puatefla Stampa Bought Price list free red Hagen 74 Elis at OOK'8 ATTTheepskina all kinds Metals ic any qaantitiea Bought for rash Hl Qerelitad et city ECOND BAND Office urniture end Carpet wasted good aad ebeap Taylar Hit Pitt st ffKTH racurvton cth eolooiea jnrebsaed at full value HR itt st opposite GL'O ICKETB The InterMkmisl Tourist Agwney Purchase and Bell Paa agas to Europe South AfnjaaU parte eotonim One address to Spilney I'W Pitt atreet opposite GPO Tn Melbourne IB Queen's Walk Coll ins miCKHTB I'ARBENGRt TICKETS I ALL PARTS BOUGHT or EXCHANGED ULL PACE VALUE GIVEN IRKIN8 IV KING STREIT nr TARTB WANTED good straog UK I good older be ehrap Itos 838 tlO 1 urr Krwtosra td Tureday atenxyn PcRBK nn I joining money rings reward It Laurel newta WjrcuMPAGNlfl PABIslKNNR Rue 4 la Pnta I PARIS Higbraten MILLINERY Bydaey 10 Impend Araade Bte Bote nnt to A Ira vrri irnwul Trwia cm Bunday sHiannsi from iLtowSTto Sydney lady a UIUE gSrZX7 inder ipbatf noney retnrepw 7ifr Mm Puweil Bbef tasbary rd Burwood OSC butweem Cbtewood and LindBeld Eve BAG mniaining tvn ehaqua beak amnmvCtekHtewldOffire I OST Hornsby Jenteiam Bunday Gtod WATCH sad I CHAIN owner's anas tends a Tn IBT wmohtd a tens GLkLN AleVON al ort ta ferrr Apply Jvba Taylor Vafaraiah! lovely Muina VILLA iag id ita own frounda of nearly an mv rtrrouhdml wiVh thady rocvpUua brekfaat ruuna ait bed nMKD bathrum with hot au4 raid vatar tw an di o(Wr roawiifoori balrreiv book Mid (runt vwt nf tha omo aad bar 3 mieuta from pier Apjiiy lrlsruU Mealy or Jeweller 4U4 ttenge etnM Sydney puaieoGPO TaTloWNG CURRAN jut Ki mat ByJMTr mV EDICAL RAMSAY Medical AgwltW fotttot Hl PRACTIfiES for Rale Leena Isaean Ba rapRU anAM lawtnast Chinbrte fo 4 ata Edward HtedteW's BBS W0 ES uneTKlt ARHETT Tbe dereaeed Mr JOHN RABRKTT or kindly tuforned thatbW uwrnl 1H narthta late ear Auvvt4rtTwt NuvVnro THIS Wediwwisy) MUKN1NU at a quarter to 9 Cut X'Mtlown theooa to rioeropoli BOUTS and XcwUmn Tafrphone 1 The luMtai of tbe KU Mr CDAKLES GHAT will 1mv lint late rvwidw TH tfl Widnr day'i MuHNINQ at qmrtrr to 9 bwU Ct IMaraham totioe theoii Li iokwcM1 Ct'meiory CflAfl KIS tKIA 7ft Gonnr'treet Vhnat Churub aud lart hxm tt oruadq eterahacn T1 lM BVPHds'rrf wiLLiAMTllRhD HAH I end ISABElIJl GOLDSMITH are rrew tiilir tilt'd to attend th l'uftcmlof fbtir liekivwd (6 1 XH Ch to leate the Manly Stoat diw Whrt at TRIS DAY Mttt CrMn the Mrirtuary at 1 RAM VKJA ONrkH ThVrenn nf Mr7A WniTE MOXC RlJE ar kindlv inritod Io attend the ur: ml nf lii dearly belnvrJ WI)E Riimd ih ti move fritm h'T nMknoe GuulbumuvcL THIS LAY ni )4'i i Cr Necrupobt Mm KI Uli oa MiN 7 hMhcth'rtrect aad 61 foibd VTU rf MX' Mt P4K Tha Mr yf JAMKn PAIV' Invited to at tond tbe uneral hi beloved IMHTEIM LAW Mr Whito llirtken iffe num fnmi rraideaea (tonlbuni'rtTrtt1 HIM DAY WrdneiU at 14ft pm Necropolis Mr KHIhV and bUN Unt1rrtiik'r 7 Phuket Wt THE nendw'nf the bto WT A IU HJ LTUN are i mil invited In a Pen in neral tn move from hR lfr roHlenee 1 BUS DAY Wednesday) al 2 o'clock tbe ktauiy VrinHen NAVAH androf nUeiv Manly Hrl42 SECOND RAND CYCLES OE Our Stock of saetrndband KnakiMB ia bmiiic rabidly fileorodi more Nmn half tba number adrertamd brtmr already aald WANTED a'rrepectoMv ROY for dratwry Patching and Bond BrenV Redfera ANTEDr lpsid CARPENTKB Ailrasrib and TXiw WooUoumoul'JO xviTwri vremg lady to mind fruit and nmfietrew shop with knowlsdire 179 Kentwt WANTEDrilrete elaM BODYBUILDER Apply Brett Rossite Balmain ANTEiCpartorr fioespitai Isdyor gent rnffitbl weekly iarame 119 Prinre a smart lad used to liter VV smart 'G htebead Catfonnete hartL jotKR' Apply latter Crystal VV Hutel Geotgs siB'rlock "ANTED MAN with kit to take rarer Estate and General Agency £3 week clear proof and trial old estabibbsd bargain DAY and CO NW Pitt terete VT ANTEI'Qovrrerea ladte' Oohar VV Easlih Preach niMtesterttig and beedtowl Btat required sml Bm oBra ANTED fur eunatey test Maitland teach two ymmg children yrtl1 dommlic duties State salary Ref RESPECTABLE young GIRL atert honsewerk per ref sleep boms After I'G Vlcuwi A jilaPkXTAHLE htl as Oranal SERVAN nQI 2V family SO Cwignd i 1 Nsiliughursl Wanted rol Ilouac aad Iterluur Maid Mmaid kept itef Iafi Id lUand teMshld BMABT young II and Parlour MAID Mre Rethven Globe lntnt LramlormiO' Enmore w'raGdrS Uwea a hte meaii was biaginterview II ll'krepcr 3 trirl Mau Cook Waiter RC Workiii H'keepn 8 fiecieraJ HwanUsi Iffil HatborQ a te Cnksnd Hnusean1 I Mid fam prirale Nurse one child city hm hotel I'eeritb IL taurant Barman useful Milkers rnn Hands Men Ltd VRRRPBI YAHI Grateal REIIVaNT wanted aide to cook no children also a yooug ulRI to tram as Housemaid Mre intona tetel Pott Point Mrs IVterWe top Huntee slrett Huoackeepw A Ct stetton amale Cook cwiotrr laurel sub city aud Buwral Gen ilrarke £1 Gen 1 H'maid statirm fl Cfowra A Bute House Blue stnret lavender Bsy oe A Stettens Genteui Hervant (Albury Itodd General 0VamnL nuconktng I Maid ISs lad 17 to loam work £ti annum good hurae RO UG ff General HliHVANl small family mutt bo cswk od laundrem no sbirta Ailli refer OBort uftrt 0 1B Ctator EllubeU Bay opposite tba kaaarra SALE new BICYCLE twl fi to imnbto rfw refused Millard WO itt at npp YMC A Impceial Borer in Splendid order Min trame owner must sell £11 lira btokew W8 Gwago Vi anted Gent Heeond hand Bicycle high grade price sod full particulars Herald ANTEb bTcYCLE Humbar Rover preferred Herald Dffloe ANTED to tloy 7 seooodbnnd TANDM8 ebeap tor cash Moirsr SB Kiagte Newtown ENT'B Ties in great Vurtetr from Ud to Is dd Ed ward Hordern OU" U7i Georgs te Oanenl Wantad Mechanic must be good gnld wurker Apply 3 rvudc S7H Ouorgsret OENTISTBV 1 hare a Vacancy fur an Apprentice Aubrey Doris 4W Gwge sl Royal Arcade IKOGLLAHBA Ocean ateret VULA mm hall kitchen Ac garden bach and front baadr to park aad and tram ins WALTil RUSH and tXI 30 Qoeen st Wooltahta 17IXiKt'Ll ROAD WraUtere modern Cl1TAUE4 gwd rooms hall kitcheu bathruoni nb copper tabs gas and water harbour views clse to BdtfoiM aud Walter KUHH end 4Xi Wrad bra (YLEBB POINT OLBK and 'tHWT TT Cgfagei aad Houses detoobed sad otlterwwe all and rentals from a to 40s scene with stsblrs BTlMraiN and aONB 4A Uleta' nisd Glebe HOUSE 8 momekit every oimv min Balmain tenm Id ferry 'bus ins ILm a ii THOMPSON'S True it Curseto 3s od pair at Edward Uuedora'e OJi Bio George st AHGE Workroom 80 tn Krwrat late Cooper and ox saddlers Jub vl levetaadteM lledfera HOUSE 1 nxjtui every conveniencej etalde 'bun unit tram reduced rent U4 Cathrnae st Lj TcAAiogoo Boulevard Dulwich Hilf liewart IUSTTifonly PURSE eoat money half eov tenoch keys gd rew M'Carthy Walkor aU byd LOST Monday Uranian' or Ualmorte Munan Brooch toil at'd ta reward Ifnl'oiat Piper rL Paddingttm bT Ttrecihy'iMW rtug? PURSE aad Mimsy Orowb te reward I4i tnaowd cborehhill rOST lanreBAwKET tout crockery wad cut brttom Erekine te Haw Mra Prarwm Kuby te Botany GST St Bernard DOG nemo Laddie Reward gruitb Hexbro Obcrun et Randwick (MT COCKATOOnMah inder rewarded Mre Jaw lorawd Paddington 'B AIRDRBBBIMUL tEb my CQAIBB for saleT te good eemdttiiu Sully 1S Bagratte Mjjf jrTvnniaa wanted imated Hlii(ltti singlo ff ppjy Prtt te wttnnw maVaTEB should always tto on ito tide Dry eratre era porous APPLICATIONS for the above PnsittoM of Waste sad Matrim at a of gas and £8B per annum raspee will bo received by Uw undcseigirod up to tuo loth JANUARY I8W Testimonials abuntd oennmpeny all apnlimiMma ANDERSON Him tanwtary Brisbane associated fthfn dly bociETiEd MEDICAL INSTITUTE APPLICATIONS will be rreeiv be the wndiiaignud for the usrticm if MKDI 'AI OICER up to 18th January Eelimaled £300 Poll partieelaro oa application to ALLAN WTlIE Bwwtery Colonial Mutaal ebambera 4 i Quera slreet Bnshaae Apprentice req by Aral claw chemist I moderate premium Northern Suburb Usetid CnEMWTB Trestwwithy Junlnr veqM reg etigitde know! dentistry pref Terms todoora Ruburb Herald ONTRACTORrq ExGvil and I ag Dnetunged lnUrxi Kurdtt Market si tqlERK tor fortnight ahio use Caiigreph trpewrttor or bring own maebies Slats term per week Ils pi ost offim Geoewe steres West CHRIBTHAB NUMBER SYDNEY MAIL' NOW READY PUITARLE aiRIKl'MAM BTORfPA BEAUTIUL IlEaBNTATION fitUR Ail News Agents or Head Office Pitt and Bunter streets PHICB SIXPENCE pAJimiBUUY AOlflCU LT URAL COLLEGE LINCOLN NEW ZEALAND Affiliated to tbe Uaieersitr ti New Zealand has been swsrtcd irst riar far ARTiinALTirrn al fallowing Rahitutiiraa NBW Agrieultnral (fur eight oonMoutire yearei Sydney Interactional Inndon Inter national and Philadelphia Centennial Erfabliahrt 11 extraction by an entirely new aud gas daily tlliagv Piret Crown snd Bridge Work Bpaeiaite TERM" STRICTLY MODERATE ADIE Noted Curwtltonaertrite and st lowest Hordern's BQ" ffio GecrgeuA 7 BRAND HOY fraffire wanted low foe start view seluMit pfefsirvd Ite IYtt st EXP Eor irov teaching Gee InUa gratia all Eag desuia Pus vbll rei Btelia Glebe WANTED INGINEHRIYTPR for quarry Atly Kiana Quarry Office kto Geurge WANTED? 'single yming'Man r' al store Ida board I attar Sober Herald WANTED BRJCKLATEIIR early Btopbtttt Boyle and Bpotfiwlh ate bndga Dr LEVER and 8 ASHER lien Gets MODERN DENTISTRY Crowa aad Bridge Work a Specialty REORM EES Concnlteticms ine Telephone BBIS NOTE ADDRESS 08 KING STREET SYDNEY Ow Holtefdale and KtetL Jswelte 7ETHYB Shirts dremod 4s ad fast coloare at Ed fi want Horten's gal gft Geurge wt RBBWTABL Youth (IB) seeks perai Employment to oBtos ue light Irada Huacety eo YuroagwA EQUIRCD in ladm sehooCDeily GOVERNEM to sasiat with seaior pupiia Eagiiah tatin and msthi malice Apply coelueing eopire of teeUreoniels Pcot cAre Ema ore ENTS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED Ineiiraaoea Ktfeeted 88001 TRUST MONTY TO IEND TAY1ASR uni CO 181 TT NTHKET Write cell or telephone ((SHI) SADDLER'S Wanted YOUTH previous experience ary Salary Boe 408 SKOOL ov Bboethandand Typnting 81 Hlsbb Vartoua Mtuhmus foe Hiro or Seis Jonnon BLACKSMITH goud ehorr strong BOY strike Hubbard St Lroaarts steliun I rJ Bookmaker wants iartncr with halt progt Herald Office ng sl BOOT TRADE Went' R3 AIKER wsei to machine Kitpax it OOT WanteJ a Junior CUCKEU Apply Allen Ocean st West Kuenrah Winura ail sRvANl ismiir it Ism uto Villar Ooean tt vruUNO Girl General good pls A Jctie Haymarket V'oTnU 1 If nersl mtsryirw tMJ 14 Help IM 7 r1' OUTTRADE mart yvuer MAN for etork rtn prof Wilkinson and Cowan L'bartt Boot tkadkoo opkkauve sacii rvopi'jai MEETING To nigtH Train Hall o'tioek Lost Rua ound A HHCOTEUR" is the registered name lor the beet A APRICOT BRANDY BOY who was minding WATCH and CHAIN at Doable Bay oa Xmae afternoon ptoaso raters it st oace PALmB Caw v'a HotelLiverpool and Gvorgw tireeto (q rirn tta ND HANGTlt name Emily engraved Be Ward tlarcom avsnue Darlmghurel In tbe race ft public favour Page and "ande man's Aprieit lirendy has lost ail other liqueurs and while reward la I 1 Oar Brerwtxii GladravtUe or Tall' ch lluater 6stT llruwu Bac TAT on Xm Eve wuh pocket book new Reward Herald Office LUBT OoM BBOOCU Huroshae Pearl riday morn ing diy Reward Stanton London Bank Uworgu 1OBT PRAYER BOOK lev Park riday ward A Wood 81 Cuthbert Kraliworth sL Bwidt I' 'sfTGrtd'tblr'BANlIL'ETfrtatmaaEe Dtorot bet King Market sto Rew Onbbeo idBligb at Tww or Serge IMS ill nlendidly anisbed Edward Hordern's UBA gn Briekfleld hUl itrANTEli who hhadnmi ly neutv ra ourarae Apply by letter to 1 ruNtl lltfetHti SURVEYOR has Vacancy for a PUPIL well ep iaetbem sties no premium Apply A Cm Berald SMART lad wniedas Light POBTRR one ecenatomsd to drapery trade red WATERS and CO George aad King stetia ADIBS LaroCollsrettes BpweW Shapes la lid at Edward MK 70 Btebsid hiU rnCNDBli tor ainting "hop ront labour only Apply 1 ongb Hsjlway parade Kugarah rrto DretwaakMW Mdlinaro Ac Good Show or Work BOOM drapes' shop 7sl Gaugge' to LET rHAlKDREHSKR" Ca YoUnRi IM PA It WfH Mr tMufti ttoohaaM 1 teM DarbmrttirQnl has Vatecy tor PUPIL OUNG Maa wtth moteeto arttaltejTm MENT oa or sfop hre bad ores Arar ItaJST a Angty OUNQ lady (mg) 41X2 tab jSKgS? inw eatBBWWgwjg "1 WANTED TRAVELIRR to represent boot boom on tent line oa eomaiim ina Applf Bax ANTKDTinLLI NRK good trimmer Apply care Mrs Odqwboun Balmain Apartments Board ud Residence (C04tin root i'nff 0) "a KORPlI I ifltoUfttt JminKAHrtrek 3 ttioutn 7 walk 1 Jidlrt pafttu Had sup EngbaU nUJfiEg ikiaa airy rcoaw aaU very Tarowlrtaad tlOg ur per day Bymllrtl tUe kvpc A NKKPBKNf) adjofainr tba wcJIkooTD irttArtwa Waitv ami ciodrr the name oiaa jmueat Vritar ill dad a eumfitrtablr HOME vter fnmUfOg hatha eUest Ac or parUculara apply Wdvara JTaphoi 71 Nh Lavrtdn Baf aad Rcaleiro fur KesClasan IM per veak otMipJftq feper ck 4veCiaabt eMOKTAULE Hone KarrM fiwple pMtlcseai dnea Id 'ba tTMB Durhrirhurotrd iMr burrt or kiUhen? beth latcbkeyt? eut Married uuu pie tft UcdfenHeUp Redfern I APT raq Board and Residmoe Isrtehhnrdt ur vianii 4 pear tua Mata lroi A Z( Annaodalr IAVKXtBRftAV I no Jf Imhto Bslsmy ROOM euit to pea demon quiet private family bo Char boarder to wbntf ficevry Herald Ofiaa ACQUABIMT NOKtHTitAiSsMe nndtoffie R(X)M BOBU 8 fan ftedroaan hitting Ranta Hoard attends sods Kyaaiha ALHot rd Darley rd1 ANLV BOARlisod RisIDKNCK Svefe family petw or atberwiar WaturtbUeburierd BOY 8 1 arfy about taknp a nM bixi io pwtjix) will bv eui of KOOMh with nr wit nuut Enreto aUrndjUkcc reference from romo vf the eJjte of 5dn ull partj rolan LOST Gold WATCR Gold LMk CHAIN and LOCKET Rcwird GARDENER'S Hare George's Rivexnad teStid Rondwk l'r haads bay CUrrtogs SORBS branded Dll 1 white leg Bewnra WOOD and COMPANY 180 Dtnigh sfieei Sydney REWAHD LMT a Gold bar "RHOOfil (tetolla ftown ti Apply OT Crown urry Hills REWARD Trat Leura alla Pareti eon Puree and Bag and Muasy im Weotoa rd Balmain Wat I REWARD Lost Bunday ilrowa MARR branded MO leoqiuiasdl near shoulder near fravleg rhtly swollen 8 COCKING Australian Laundry MsrttoKville SIlvbrstream SCRNAPM EXTRA APECIAlQUALITY SMALL Black aari taa Tor Terete pqp Jut ar Uyoi and King eta reward Riley ha Uvwrpml et STRAYED from CanMa Bras st Waeriry7PUQ SLUT black le Rewart STRAYED from DM PuvbiwsL Dnrtlnghwnt bite Bkye DOG Reward returning STRAYED into my yard I font Biwwe branded ER acre shoulder 4 Ellsabeth at CITRAYn from BL IVtera Blrok" HOHBR with white lv biased taoe branded TV over I on near Hawaii II SCRUTTON and CO Iron Yard Ultima fflBKHB rs ao wreawolr selt rwrtrafat at tehto'tf I HELIDON 3A WATER is taken rpBB REAL MACKAV WHUIKY al Marnherera's arley Mow Hotel 4e per bottle House and Land for Sale (Coatartcow ZUp Here bin Chaatw to eeouro a Home clone to your work eheap on easy Ural New US Roos sttwr'l Dorbogtou dining eiltiog 8 bed rooms marble mantels tilad hearths large kitchen lovely bath washhouse Bited to perfection gas convenl ance £30 dep bal lost Inspection invited M'GILL MUUK1A A HEALTHY end PROITABLE HOMBHTBAD with DAlliY and emvenienere for 'LTKY 10 earn hsellby orchard full tearing trenched and nnderirtramd drained heavy crop of fruit on the trees grs and euluvatsm pedooeks purauutont watte guod CJTTAGE aad oathonera Owner wtabeo to retire man vUve life would pt £480 only a what rt has co him To insneot apply II MOBH8 erramatto er 101 Dartiagtoa rond Dnrttogtna ETEBSHAM Poe SALE Gent's magwihrent RESI DENCE sHuatfoa aboolntcly tbe best on btigbtn only 4 minutes from tation euatolaa 1 rams all mrdsru out nffire cnaeorted with sewer The Grounds are per fortly laid out in lawns and ganleoL aad money baa boon lavishlypent to make this an IDEAL HOME leering nothing to bedetiral Il is aow tn tbe market in queooe of the abroad riee £73 GREAT BARGAIN HARVEY and CO (lata owler aad Tel ria rrterebam opp BteUoa Splendid uZw Qoeen Anne COTTAGE cftiled rHif 4 lanre rooms klteben every iblemten cirareaience grand block land 30ft frontage buggy ent rance Torrens title price £3B0 barsaia HAIiVEV and CO (late owler aad Drive to inspect Petersham opp station or SALE boiutiful young tv ORCHARD 40 nene about It acres pleated assorted fniit tre ia fuU bearing with rattage thereon cuataiaiag 4 large rooms hall kitchen rant's room bathroura aad largo billiard room with foH slae table one of Roberts a best will sail cheap COHEN Melrose Mullan rest Balsaaln ORCHARD 8 Acres well cultivated about WO trait trees 8 acres be table grapes (proanlaUur heavy eropl cottage peckiag rooaL uibervbed7outKl9 run for cottie near Urerpoof and Caasula station £M0 Torrens title aasytmvs McBBH Parramatts or 78 Telupea rt Bwdf )B BALE ft mmotos from Belmore Btatioa GARDEN rich aud plenty £88 per acre easy JBETTB ive Doe gTTMBON'B LAND OB BALE NEAR AJUPHAAr Two BLOCKS No I WklOBacreaNolbluokllS aeree total 1 we fuaced into paddock good vste eupplv wily cleared The above gwti alevetod tendtaUeUratlr en'e Roridraeoe a Tbetyt train service aft misstas hydasy brings ITap tyIrene! within tbe suburtao area Terms pent drtt baluaee 8 aqoel yearly payments interest ft pre oral per annum or a distent of ft per ent wdl be given for moh within iol mootb areil ARM BLOCKS in WBtintaua'sssbdlri aiun (opposite above Blocks) from 8to 89 os at mot pnee from £9 per acre terms as above NB Orchards and Vineyards trera 1 to 1 yre old so be ste oo ths Estate Pxrtieulsri and ptena oa view at tTDUOlt sod BONB 4S Glebe road tttebs i or BTtMNoN alefiald WANTED BUT 14 to IS tire oo premia and wages Button news agent Neutral Bay WANTED tiylish young IADT for shop' ixperieoor nromwary Him Wngbl tn Alfred atMitem iWy ANTED GIR1B need tv ffiekte factory ftl Berren eti near station Macdonaldtown YkyANlEU Carpet end Lraoleuoi LAYER Apply 17 pg Msequanr iil? ANTED QUAMRYMAN Apply 188 Bustta sL VV bnnr IV ANTED good Engine KMITU Bennet sad If RpooehlryUd "uiwex at 7ANTBD a reap wmait pug Man a as TV Apply Madame Blsnrt palmit ftftiOsorg st ANTED White WORKERS pennaoeot Apply 88 Golden Grorw at Redfern WANTED rtroogOY ueed to butebenag baadr with borree Miller butebwr boexire rd En WANTED?" rrartkail MtNlt for reefing eblejake charge if req eopy refs Wood Hertid Office rsnart ynung man uwd to trade Wbatmore Militaryrt bydnry MAN areustamrd to botehre ing 10 ua Wed'dav Mason bM Itourke eL HANDS Harm and Ultimo rde quarter to 8 sharp Bring tools iono am iTURNE ami Ked)eweon uenw Girl able moke children's clotura gural place Mi" Ax In Ktrand I hANTH aad Kitehen vy ciwrienced Wailxeas I expenrneed hutel eily Gans ftl Huatrr sL HCUND COOK wanted tret clam mon for few days Apply st mrre Oily Bogut George and Margaret EVEttt (TgENKR il Kjtvod Waeee Mim Walea Meet Registry DSee Wabrounge SILVERSTtlEAM schnapps EXTItt SPECIAL QUALITY SMAAT elf inured WAITltRH" wont to s'art next Munday Apply Commercial Octa Macquans plsre TARCQ and tatn Irreen amateur dev Mre Wdsuo 8iri New booth Orad rd TEADY reliable Manwertrt a CARTER mut bs writ np io Customs work end know the town well fool references required state wages wanted Box 81 year's Edward nutdei n'r ikW GesrpesL "'to'nl Bowert MU Nevtev WAXTEO UM'ful aoMber cTcnrt Manttkvia WAXTB BtnnK Va'ithbut 16uvrt MlAb ycnog Girl Gterl ybl GwfMLlwb A S'TRI il on! '1'5 Appl af Him Wardell Grn(R AXTr'l' GRVHZAf femiklfiTMuMK Ms ft? Kint XeaUivn IM AbmmfiCu 1 1 A NTRI WdVAX tn wiK bjikeday lUKflP nt Mur Juihurtt al A STE1 rfuart mu I frfs" VV 0 a (knihrvlpc frlfert TA STKl middioMrii HmB VT children jMr Hutb owler CkarafimV AS'TKb youtuc Wiitnta rtRKEBAt vttk 9 Arthur Bt 4 dowf ham Mft tOfk WANTh iiartal GlkL fm ow hoar fibqy Tv Himkub nj Hreahtf Quay UT A XT ET wk 4 ynnne Otri RAI 113 VidUniwL KwtL WA rtmnv vdu rr vbw tt tha shof uGirU llrvTrrilfB lUnX Vfeva Vr wihmt i4v GtRI or hnuar a Wl intfwrnL WAMti' hUtr kMr pSm fUUNEfi fog' Bt I Hi liliehilTBt ANTEU tprth5p iHy Wina TV dalle cutuf Hmld WAM Ku a UM unrf beh ii'dix' 21 i'rTrufc('nl ItekbaraL WANT rbTTttiirt 1IUI li fr hnrkta' cookitu Hl lunr Gleb PuUkl ANT ymuKG nM7fVjKal' 8 to tfi hiru 41 Rt WANTED a stmr unf GJ HL nitot'4 tS'ra'Rrdquarr STE hd) HM ful CilKU flirtamwt AfW TV 3 city Urw KUVANT TV rufWirvBU i A NT i hmer I KHiVAT rJalo eaoMrtatt rliiMrvn hrinist JMI Oxford tt IXANT icIKI ti itre mmM drtOA A waeltlr ApjJ Js Wmeh am A LI our WtS TH Bffrci Nowim)' etitikti Lrtwanl hnHrruV UH MU OuuJg 8t TSTANlKli Du Hl Ikr foil rksrsauf 73 IT dm sura 'J il vraraUusMUre boomhdl aud neivllcwuuu6 Addia Mater kt flreltenlyBaaab MAN stei sulk ffisd ul cite an I enries' rqq refs to Mr MuNhs PO PsTnmlth for sroa'I family st CMtevred lata I'srlour it AID I ii fi nr re teh prefumd Mr I'H DAWSON 1 ores oiraiitl ik s' lirl'SK and PAkLOCfc TV MUI' next du Apply Ntwara 10 sad Walne day ml ihurrtey Mr YOUNG CUllajm I lasn "tiret UoullaPr for lireblutinU sutro rmala fooL (M VV li'lle as iOirire lautolr sl Huusensd SSfi i i Mi 1 Mutl "i idBee IT 0010 Ill 1TMANS'" Impensl ArtOfc I'nnk hotel '32 fnk mimin liot'1 3fo Noto Um Mio funk Hast leti li ui UwJ il HI I I MANb'a Irapareml taM Vv ANTED Uhin'dStrly ronair ffirle 1 TOOX I VV IHlUBiatAIP Mrs I'Elii'V KAMBAV br yd opposite Arnim arkrarraoMtteTai WANTED erenpeiiut COOK an 1 lAUNDRIra Enclose py ref AITU1 tl XTBKVL MAN ir Hofei and rk Hilliard Heweea 10 and 18 "unbeaas Hotel cor Riley aud Albion ata ItUlttAI Mllren every ouionr snd perfectly fast 4s lid (Irras E1 wart Kurdreo' him lio seorar af loading ritv a(e good waxen Apply early Hittmann's hi bnprrwl Arcade ITAiTHHW mart leading subnrian hotel IJronned VV Vietuallere Agenry 1 I lMheUi tboniugb ivuag fieii' gusl laruxlrrae TV plain rook 7 i'i DraffiiSid Ar adiwred Glebe It 11 a bl luik amid in light housework TV l(wi) nret Darhiu'liirat VAN I UdTso bunrwt' reepre tolde "BDY Apply lull gnirer II A beteroiul mst Hedlcra IRf a Third CilDK Victoria C'uflee alsee VV anHPitt'l nT riper Apply after sm VieVins i'alscr 'JW st ehirt i oner at Marrh reioatant Hsv Iteuuliy UHi si I a id Itserwi ka a Hen Be rani Iisln bjnsea 'irl fond VV ehil holsisy siren Will et Ktranbem II Servants Wsjitea A Home thnple Man ran do bowse retmtta drive bumry uoka Mtams and others AZ At tbe Bervsnts' iulor boys a Dairpuen Itoya Unxw garden eu alm all cup AA M0NEY to LEND land Broughton ktsi itt sl Gram Muodara till A At 13 goad Gem sob 1J no wash city ins oUmMra Andrews ACTIVE iliri 7e Brareal BRVRaNT good oook maall family refs IN Vieteeiawl b'orthj a GENERAUT wash'd good places Mre Aaprey Js Ia oe t'ove iosd N'irth lirdney "a Help wanted good eaokau wah Ing am ket 1 letter LlfUird a GtxiD General bKRVANT perasml refs rtuurred a Apply any morn Mountjoy li Virionu st AeUlebl tlRKiM and lisnU eer iaut understand gvss sad liusl house useful Devlin tounelly AshlM AEtit sE and Parlour MAlDwboran liable tel HavsweUwrd lierlinrbure Call early A REXl'kXl'ABLB'OJKI' to aaait with hmmewort alaop atbome peremal refelM're lterk rd A RRhl'KCTABLE Woman require! as Gsaruwl Servant 2AIU per wre 8 Wavsrley REaPECTABLE young WOMAN wanted boeisework 134 lAvrepmd st rooms shad large yard 800 Oowa et' Burry Hills A NKR OOi i AGE 8 rooiua copper hath rout ipht Ultbe ojp 'but oiaods NNANtiAlB Nreth Al position Johnston st Yitta hall 7 targe rms doors oral else balls bath tiled hearth and ver laundry gaa Ac Id ferry nd tram bus Pte Btinmoa 4ft Glebe rd Ay DOUBIE RAY cluse Cable Tram Detached VlUa Reaidenea A gms! room and ulofficaa servants nioms Stablirtg airely laid out garden with full grown trees fie alter Hush sod Co Woollahra RANDWick tTlKT AUHa7 ho kttraeto svervoimv stabling fie arre ground siilendd view near trara suitable as a ehnl or boarding bouse reot £104 per annum NAER Haadwiok gHO1 AIRIELD HTATION 8 windows oountre SgoOd toom at rear suit bootmaker no me to do repairs 6xl Dipulation real to 1 IIMStiN and bUbd 4t lebe rtiad Gleba ar STIMSON Airfield Thoas la search of first clam RA RHTIEH in this favourite district to Buy or Heat urnished or CnfurnMmd should call write nr telephone rel fW Cltenta driven AW Hlattou Ostia WVO LET Ito orbes 't Woolluorvcdixi ft rooms kit cheabaU fin tow rrat Chot plumlor TO LET a small BHO1 and Dwelbagrrant ns Lonic st Evrleigb TWO SHOPS good position in Regeol st RedfsraTlOa each Apply JalcB Nd Cleveland Hadfera WAVERIRV ehse to Vd trams and A superior MOUSE a large room hall kitboo bathrorun wh rower tabs gas and water un derit real WALTER RUiiB aad CO Queen arrest Wdlahrs To I route every eoavral" stsoe 18 minutes from stsliun "taoway and alack WANTED young 4XH1K and sundrww ears Cadurr's to Vrtoria North WANThl a thoroughly romp tent llutlur aud lodoit Hervaiit ipply taling roferauoa Cutler Herald fiRANTU a good IrtONElt n1 polishing JCsr nody No 8 Aubum Neutral llnv 1 for Kal unba Moure end allout MAID at rcrc relet ace UV PorKs sl Iiarlinburat llIANrI' re'rtreiahre QAHDKNK If week aud VV board lilt Sou and tladgcry IN inell al WANTEI' IIEN Tmuat nk well esnall fam pern ref 1 Up Iowling St li'hurt II to Id a VR7ANTH a Hni e)am General Bervaa Apply Gres Vv mere Ibrkwall crvs enf otta ool "ANTED youns General small tvttagr pcraoaal re fen ruw Tuorak Wellington Muaili W' I wo smalt OllilKS unnling trade eoo st int work Hol LW4 ggrANiEDTsiugle MAN ftrst la milker Apply II VV ooloeb Waverley Dairy ANTED a young Girl as GNEHAI no washing ur ironing tn shop SfiTCrown td UUiiuo WsM 1 i'll young Woman tl BEEVANI' 43 Mreriman oC Millet's I'omti 'ANTED Maa stronr fur earner P's found Man ley carpeta gtefound 7t CsaHreragh tt elty WANTED "smart traatwortby AN for tbreetaany bar most be of sober habus Appiy HMGvorge WAN'iEDNUK6k6tKL sleep at home references Mrs Itoim db As adia Pi yy MAN for kitebea work sasarx st WANTED a "rsspeetable Qanaral "EllVANT'Api el awe A 8 Hotel de rgvret North ANTED good IIKNUAL sleep al borne Apply before II 1 Oook el Glebe Poiat terminus WANTEDTowdiir gS HEL Apply after 10 Totem PigoUreb Dulwwb Hill ANTED satRhirl and iMHsr IllONKB no dnffira GKNI'RAL gd cook tare paid if retain'd Mra Logan Highbury Barn Hotel ew eat rd A'eilde as AB Toys Novelties fie eadltaa vanrty JAnrtuaand Co 74U Ge rge Hsymarkrc AXlIKfi' PGNUEE Mtulla BLGUbE light and oiiti fo lid teak Edward Hmdera's fttri d'u Geurge st HATING ictal many omdgwc and been dimppotatod try Pools and Balata's aisal Mani AUTUAT1ON waatod Groom drive garden milk wreful atagle good refs Herald Ofitoa A8TTI4HH young Lady requires KitaaUosi as Barmaid good ormaarttoa Apply It1 Oibba st Newtown A Bl'KRIOR young lady stake SITUATION as Italy Hlp thoroughly mwdral rampstent AnpJy Mira MEYEKB care of Mrs baisell Mtahop otrest Burwood IN the waahtoh or out tba wnluun the sama tn war Prints Edward Hordern's Gcegeret BAKKE waata dttaaUcm ttooteb new ehum no object tow or country Maryland TOYM and Xmss Good great variety suit trade aad fancy fairs Harris aad Co Aagsl place PiU at fnTlBTaad BHORTHAND WEJTER wanted tempo 1 rery btels ratary required and previous PW BteaograpIiCT Herald GBet' mo CArn'AIt orBAlETsiMire IN VENTION I nf great practwa! irat rtaure to Cyalute lutifit noplied fur in England Amers rance Belgiam and ynM ipal Bntirt 1 olonies Etrey infurmaUufi supplied Pries rineiials only Apply 1 ukoo aid Office kIl 1 I 1 GAIIMLNT DRAkTlNG MACHINE Auylsdy ran iwirw to cm perfeet ltturg garments frcsn mraure rt accwute snd tapvl mavb before tbe piibMe swards whviv 1 Waiaeito you to call aud uuuxrt uur system st 1 1 1 11 nl a "rt'Mfi kiltiM TH tfttuui cent on murfgsere of City aad Country ln taase1 uul I I' lAlWil lot 8 teflO of yer rolermabie bl in talmeida kwistmg aiortasem tat I iff MONLY LOANED l'UNltUKK witb three nir without fees oe rublimty alao on Itevermooary loteiroteorfireond Murtgege Persuns dmirmg areistatta to purcham Orchard itata HumnataW fir should apply to vs Pro Notes dwuMintal tk DKMtlUt BURROWING on so class ureiriiv save time aadsx rwrc by racing us first OPEN TILL EVERY A KN BUXTON Jnn end reel By dasy SPLENDID am! llsln ars NetHd yard Edward JLwdnra Ma bid BrtekfisId bUI YVAVDIlstaUt YOUTH for ths Growrv Apply VV betwwsaPMMl IO BjllwUt MsresckvUe WANTBD tin IMPROVER to tbs seabselas and gresral Blaofcamiihing rat well Premani Hills "ANTED wart GIltL for rash desk foto to ftp nr Own writing state eatery Desk Haymarket ANTED GLAZIER It glare stock asabss I Milteraud Cu Ihinma WANTED "a GIHL bo spmh reweh sad EagiiUi fiswnp Wine Bodsga 1 Kmg rt WANTED BRiCKIJkTERB aad lAbount Oa job Prel st Pitt et North bydaey VXANTBliTstrongectis HoYto team free?" Hamsaa nr arramattawd Lriebbredt day at two taxrt needtetaunan 849 orbes st fieri uurlinrit ANTED? smart wtil elwo BOY foe dtajn oe nos just Mt ariwol preferred Kt mate Herald ANTED to CIVI ia bwamewj with stow to employment Eosrgcue Herald Office smart YOUTH srcrnrtomed to VV ig Anffiy Wire aad Ooodwin Mibtacy ro Sb ANTED smart CARPENTER also Lioettad Drainer Apply early SIX hsat at ANTED Man and Wife with taSiKT small cash ssewrty splendid up A Co BeralJ WANTEd7 EMPLOYMENT far and £IA OIL Bydaey WANTED reaart' inteUiival Youth for bteynte rfiep must urwsl the wkSd Bicycle Extt) I lap Arse Ky'ANTEDVLAD weed to tbe telephows refseeasm required Box 4MirO ANTED avery' smart ttttesman one tor Apply 13ft a MEURAL ourned Cottage 're antteh back ly end front uioveaivaeE Key lu Bwimoawt POTTS' POINT ti rt 7 rw kitebro Store tube every euevnutaioa rednrad rent its BOUSE 4 good reruns ball kitebrw baUi wb rsipffir tubs was and good etebls and ooaebboure 17s week WALTER BUoH and Qsssn street Woullahra AN To LET' Csmegton rd Bishopa iurt gfo HOVbE 6 rooms hall ga bath laundry fined tuba stove sink in kiteben A imu Waverley tram 'bus to dour (3d) stable large yard red Ils Nolan MEN'S Btack Alpxra Craita lid at Edward Hoc n' tnoltror ge Wanted to urohate 1 ET HVYBBB Mr end Mrs BARNETT Extreme Value for dies' Greitlernen's Children's Ixtt nff nothing ort ma iteaus Old Gold Silver Artffi lnl Artidea of even daaerinrion bought letters punrtuuilattended lu by Mr or Mrs HARNETT 184 lteihurst trret ET CLOTHING BUYliBB In Large or taall Qiinntitios Wanted for Export Tbe Original Mr snd Mre W'lOLbexe unlimited commission for Liubea snd Oent's IEMH CLOT HING and can give the Hiebsst Prices ubteineble for Hoots Portman traux Trunks Itui Old Gold aud "liver Artiiielal Thetb Silver Plate Bed aad Tnbls arn and artlcln nf every dta rlptioa bou'xht Ix'Herasnd dis tance no object) nuni'tually attended to by urMrr WtkOL II? BATHUH 'T ET CLOTHING and Mis MITCHELL have a Brest draaand for all kinds LET CIAiTHING and supply other coloas Cut give wore than lajy deslere Indies ebsnirii'tf for rnourniiut Old Tenth Jewellery rorUMOtraua Bed snd Table Linen urniture tc Letts and Parcel attend Address 14ft and 147 Bathurwt sU ofty LDkrtiH''ial Teeth Old Artlfti isl Trotil Bought bigheel pnee given NitebeU Ito 147 Batburet st OECOND HAND Our xceedinrlv Tare' Oemaud coni pels na to PS VTIIK V11Y 1 1 1 1 1 kT I'BICKBfoi Ladiee' and Il 'If TUI NG Il and Telle Linau 011 Gobi Aitifleml Troth I'ortrciantnaus Bugs snd ever drerrintioaufNewaiil tOrond band Property Ws are pi iieui ment in the trade through sivius full value irase nil appointments promptly attended to by Mr and Mre ROHENTU AU HI aad 118 Pathurvl strceL KID UtrteeaoucuU make Is lljd pa Edward Hor derns M8 K70 Gtsinrosu EDOfT Bags Rugs be I Bought Write for Mre Boreosen 1 Balhurrt rt ADIES' Cnbmrs Hose Iljd pair special make at I Edward Hordero's MB 076 Gourfo st Bov far Cash no delay urniture Pianos hewing Msebinwi Brown Broadway Glebe 7ANTD rood plain (WK tfni Jsaasiy m'HBAY Antrim UijcbU I NfO CVANTED experi'i" 'I IATY IDLPallfcJitiW crp udi prn Abb vifttl WCD 0 aB 1 Mra IIEWCTT Awt awtrcet immediately iso euuniry 1 cKk ani laundrcw lhr train I'iCV HAMMY Dubroyd opposite AshUsM mmafta road mp I 57? 11 lwulMin 1 liue ircu nd rm femlly I ok an I is irt snl sub Nune sod Nfaliil Sfn Tiw taJIn WLH1 Ur I'l'l i ad Men wort lokw Iluri ou lhn lit upward willioul valuation "i luortitar' EltNKnf i' Blii't iHTON tiO Pt MIN WHITE VV bible lisB rsl House Servant xatUssgj Gardener mukb drive 1) rule lequirrJ WhitcxukO llarMtiU(Bce ft cbinam rouotry Butler £1 men It' Garten milk a Ito Lg ook fibAilconnur rt WHIM ANTED 7 maleL'uuksSU imrate country: 1 la snd llouenisid 11s etali Mothta tata Ira II Bild Msid lrinimiii i nvw GIHI kl 1 'J'ralay Victoria Club I li i2 Man milk and drircer XU Argyle Dairy Abald OEBED WHOLESALE TO TRADE BUYXBB Tbe greatest variety to be found ia suy tree etabUsh mnt and Uta beat value aayvbwe RANK GUMtKY S08 CUfttoe euvt arar Torn Ball SydaeT lrntnrtr of BICYCLE MATEltf AL and AOCEBBOEIBS rpHE BOYAL I'BOGREfil We have Just Landed eons No ft ROYAL PHOORRM ROAD RACERS and ROAD0TER8 Wsulweod or Warwick Blma Dunlop 1 ires Twin Chains 11 11 81 The Value od kt Il mraji Tfia Vnasvt THE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CYCLE AG1NCY CO 418 Georxe slrcet Sydney ADIES' Cambric loasrs well fiaiabed aad fart Colours to lid Edward Heeders' a fitB tPO Qao st I ENGLISH BICYCLE Boad rarer fitted as a roadster Dunlop Urea Wetiwwod rims turn duin 78 graiaadalai mlcrarter bell and btrek curt price fl4oaab 188 Maaquerie sirert North 7 ANTED'aseoml haod KTOVE must bs rlmap htate VV price Mrs White Newtown Pot offiew TKANTED quantity Peisifid band 1HAM RUMV State partieulare A ustooffice Pyrrotat aoetmd hand Marble italt TABLE cheap' Palfrey Great Kiseretone Meat Mar bsU sL VBTTBDTLMtbtWAGGONEiTE ebiap Appiy by VV letter EHsabeth st nr Belmrew Park Knfacgkp is tbe Perfeetiufi of Heverawws Btivaglfi anmg Cooling end laruroroung nOOL MM1 HOLMES'H Patent Meal the Moot Leli Bummer Purttdge kfiowa All Groeere CORSWW to Sd pair wotoferful valtre Edward Homlrt' MA WO Briekfieto 4U EXPERIENCED hardware Traveller wants ttomwite aiona Routh Coss fie Iroanwoger PU Woollabra ta ra 1 TUR House URNISHED snr lyl dBVBUBBS ithe EASIEST TIME SYSTEM io SYD NEY Good new faraitare KO 81 Tbe Strand (let toorl Taka Elevator a oVBRNBrtllmitideel reqnir i MTo Vr singing retehl ex Hsreld qOVKHNMB School rrolteprWerrel Govilutae Mft G7ReMi 'I? Mtho nta: Aastotaat Master glAgtaeji I gb street Sydney VUVEBNWW Statita Riverine district Bngpeh 4 mitaS vtolifi painting drawing needlework £bo Khgiisb muie tainting drawing Vttar 8 Wrioek MITTMAN N'B Impanel Arc owenuena Kae oh7 Latin nusu drew paint raita gig £44 English rch rnsnn Paging gs WANTED direp sreoed hand Tvrawrltios Machine Price stated Arolr liutinc a Herald Office "ANTED SAE Name price tins Box GPO WXTANTED to llar and cii Ironies Maobine sire VV Stager's Ontial Bobbin Jumbos Maelirae Herold HUMBER RACER 88 patten 0 GEN f'S UTAH tangent wheels 8 HENT 'SPHkMIBR worth 14 8 10 BAVtll with true tenant wheals 0 LADY'fiRTAU orw urea 0 POLL'S road racer I 0 The riends of Mr HAILEY benior are kindl' invited to attend the uneral uf his late doved 1VIL to move fnrttt hi sun's reaideucr street Wtllulurhby Hits Wednraiyl AVI RNiillN at 8 to arnve at lit Anae's Cbnrcb of England Cetne truj Bide at 431 im WOOD and COMPANY 'loeral Dm rlon and nibalinerv Sydney TONErtTbe riends of "5'1111 AM JOXES are le epecfnliv invi'i tra attend the uneral of his dearly be) ivy 1 anil only liRO Lll ER Alfred to move from bis late re nlenre Oerlrud Cntturc Angel slreel Newtown TBI" AITEKNO 'X at 2 o'elrak fo Neenqxitte Zqh" riends" AlKEli'l'oNKt! Jun are invited to attend lhe uneral of hi drailv beloved and only t'NC'LE Alfred to tnnvn from Hertrti'l Cut tifTC Angel sirveU Newtown THIS AH EHNOON at 8 n'llovk lor Neuropil STrLSri'Tbe rond of Mre ELLEN GIL LKSHE are rcspeufully invil attend her uneral to more front her late res idi nee Hora Ville tx wer Ocean street liouble Hay TRI" (Wednesday) ATRNOoN nt 83r for Waverfvv Cemetery CHAS K1NSELA uneral Dircrt Queen Crore Darhnghurst Tel ya Edreetiffe sod leer City lit! Oxford street Tv II1 rtC 'I KTbV A and Hire YT PlIGiBE il LESiE are kindly invitiul to attend the uneral uf their lte beloved MOTHER Mre Ellen tvmrnefroni her late re ilenee Rose Ville leiwvr Ocean street Double Ila THIS (Wednesday) AVTERNOON at KI NSELA I The Relalivra aid ricoils of the late Mr THOMAS 1IX1VD are kindly attend hie uneral which will move from hi tele residence Nn 144 hn vlreet Uymml THIS (Wednu! y) ATKRN'UON at balf part 3 o'et' for Bulinaio Cenetiry Leichhardt WW11 end CtlMl'ANY Undertakers aud Embalmera Bydnev Balmain I'eletham Bt Itainarta Re LOYD Tbe lonNTllHNRY end WTtlJAM LLOYD eve kindly invited to attend a uneral of tbeir late beloved ATHER Thomae Uoyd which will move from tlu ir rrajdnce No 144 Juho atreet yraiont TH IS Wednesday) ATERNOON at hall part 8 u'cliek for Balmain Leichhardt WOOD and COMPANY uneral Directors ant Krnha mere "10 Gooege etrert SHIPWRIGHTS' Tbe'Meiii beriMif the above are reiurat to attend tbe UNE RAL cf oir late member THOM AS ll OVDIl to move from his Info rnuAeon t44 Juhn rreel PynuoDi THIS (Tuesday) ATERNOON at Xm for Balmain Crmrterr HLNRV WHITE ftecretary rftnE riend of WILLIAM and LORENCE 8AW Ylt ar kindly invited to att nd (be u' cral of their fafnnt "ON Creil to niove frotn hi pareota' realdeore 19S Hridge road TH 1 Wcdn wlayl ATERNOON to tbe Cornell ry lookwuid Wool) and CO Undertaken ITCni Thiitelalive and riends nf tbe Isle Mr KOl'Eltr CliCHLE sin kihdlv ini'rt to attend hi uneral which will move from the Sydney Ito nilal ili main entrone' Mn''qmrie stn ctv TO MOltliOW (Thursday1 MiiltNTNtial 1 a o'rh'k far Necropolis WOOD end COMPANY Undertakers snd Embalmers Sydney Balmain Pet rahrvni I fie The remain of the late Mrs ROSANNA I GEARY will leave Ler Uta residence Albrrt strrelff Gnrton mml Im rail TO MoRROW Lbcrsdey) MollNINU al 9 cluck for Roman Catholic Cemetery Gore Hill Telbne fo" WOOD and COMPANY Undertakers! Tfo? E1J4ON The Ib'li tiv anil riend uf Mr PETER 11 NELSON are kiully invited to attend hi uneral wlil will move (rotn hi late re idenec No 1 r's dwell Mira Hlmain North TO MllR Ro IV (Ihuraday) ArltKNOON ni 1 u'clo for Neenrpolu WOOD and t'ndrrtekr snd Embalmers tun George st rest Balmain Kurth Sydney reterahsm The riendsnf Mrs BRIDGET HYANare I kindly ini ite to attend the uneral of her late beloved HUSBAND lame to move fairn Ler re idencw 83 Mew street ft Tliomaa treer TO M' 11 (Thursday' AI'ERNiTON st nuarter to 8 o'clock fro Bookwood Cemetery CHA" KINBKtuk Undertak 7M The Relative aid riend of the late Mr NEIL LARSON are kindly invited to attend hi uneral which will move frm hi late re idenre Nr 18 Chryvtal stroer Balmain West ftoselle TO MORHOW (Thursday) At'EKNUUN at for ield of Man Cemateiy WOOD and COMPANY uneral Dlreetrreand mbalmcra rity nj7paf opn sw The Officers end Mruiher of tbe obnvwnamed ftnnety tngwther wb Membereef kinlred Itatere are kindly in vited to attend the uneral of our is'e NEU InRRDN wbieb will move frrwn his late residence No 11 Hlmain Wrst Hnrelle To MOHHOW iThnnulnyi ATl' RNtMlN nt for eld of Mam Cemetery BOWAltD WM 1 lAWABee BY sxpsrisneed Groom drive milk fin good ivcal refs Mffi Kiag al Newtown BY praertoal Gartensr 1ft years colonial exp nerw takvr highest rwfa icae AaUeld BY good Gardener milk groom nsefol reliable tufa 1 Herald iffirc BY good Gardener gruum milk eteady Aft good city ref 1 yeare Heevdd Office BY an edtieated yonag Itad BIT as Salwnromao IhjeeriKta oe QM aood ref tna luatethret UY trartworthyy Mao garden milk gtuom wseful wages Ba to lus A Ueraid brunch King ret SEE our Display of PRINTS the value peaks for itself bind Hnedera a oas WOOeurgrasl YOUK and Laundrera public private good refs qJ kf VteUina terrsir Miller's niul YAllPSTKR sod lolee br groiraailv nrafol emtaientioua CARETAKER wage ereoodary eon udaraUvc Caryratec lledangora Station Cumu bells tVHRUTMAS NUMBER SYDNEY MAIL 1 NOW HEADY BUITABLB CIIU1STMA8 BTORIEA BEAUTIUL RUeENTATION PICTURE AU News Agents or Head office I itl aad liuatat strerta UtHE SIXPENCE REMMAKKR Diacngssred by day fofld good fit nna re A 8lanmro Steamers Italy 84 Take Charge Widower's Eatab higbeat per ratal ret a arret Herald U4DENBB exp ingle aircd milk tc goud refs frot Herald Office (V UNREAL age tt 14 mouths Cook and THoaaa arioanneid eeeb 78 Bun rt Helpa a Hisawki lady Qsirk Goan exerilsfit aad ftl at (' 'VMERNKBH Tutora B'keeprrs Hslps Oooha JT al) daaiea mate 119 SLENDID Range uf 8s Hd Dress Edward Hurtera'a (UM gio wrest OUbKEKJ'EU to gvntlevnca Eng good plain cook n'womaa gd rcf Wages partlrw GPO AD1E8 requiriaiT aist BERVANTIplMa tail aid Eliaabatii st Hallway lahdur Agaacy I AriTIlEijwUim(foawirtin dutisa Cooke awdlta A 11 aad Maids waitiag Mra Qua 188 ktrand 1ADY seeks He aog H'keepw lady Help charge children ex refs immediate 8 M'vule LADY tould like to doctor ref A Waverley PO IADY wil give services lady fleta re turn hosrs arrt vary smell salary 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