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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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Kntcrivl as mutter nc the Logana- port Post Olllcp, Kebrmiry 8, MORNING APRIL 26. PICTURE. MiMrr Hemming from the tow TurlDM'ollcy, There bus been much disputation as to whether the low tariff of 1840, upou which Wilson's bill is avowedly modeled, brought pood or bad times to this country. The following is a description of how New York city throve umlur the 1840 tariff, from Horace Grocley's great Tribune of 18C4: "Who is hungry? and see. You that are full fed am! know not what it is to be never saw a hanpry go and see.

Go and sco thousands, meu and women, boys and frirls, old and young 1 black aud white, of all nations, crowding and jostling each other, almost fighting for a first chance, acting more like hungry wolves tlum humnu beings in land of plenty, i voted lor 'state officers' lastNo- vember! In the special elections for of fconsress in New York and Pennsylvania the same thing was seen, and the canvasses for city and county officers in New York and other states a few weeks ago told the same story. Republican localities have rolled up largely increased majorities, and many old democratic strongholds which the republicans did not imagine they could carry have been captured. It will be noticed that the change in political sentiment which the results of these elections indicate is general and lusting. In the cast, the central tier of states and in tho west it is seen. It is found under all sorts of industrial and social conditions, and in agricultural as well as manufacturing and mining 1 localities.

The evidence that the change is not due to a sudden and transient impulse is proved by the fact Highest of all in Leavening U.S.Gpv't Report PURE I V. Henderson i Sons OF FURNITURE, rtND UPHOLSTERS REPUBLICAN TICKET, "It is only by the continuous efforts that it was more marked in the recent flo. 320 Fourth Street, LOG AN SPORT. IND. 5,7 ana 9 Fifth Street IX $.

DENTIST. fftt "Hale Painless Method" used in (He nnino or teetn. Mflee Over Stare National Bank Fourth and and Broadway For Mayor, GKOBKE P. McKEE. for Treasurer, ED.

BARNETT. For Clork, J. B. WINTERS. For Wiitet Works Trustees, THOMAS AUSTIN urn! GEOBBK LINTON.

For Conncllnien, First Warcl-CHARLES HINGLEBEN. Second Wurd-OEOlWE W. Third Wnrd-WItLlAM KEISER, Fourth Wnrd-J. C. DADLEY, 1 fifth Wnnl-JOS.

KENNEY. It's tbe Part of Wisdom. TlmMituiT be bard anil money close bnt VMM things have their compensation. We can TOD watches and will, at very close figures to the money. Come and see what jou can do little money.

I nm anxtooa to sell not onlj watches but other goods. Diamonds, Clocks, Spectacles and Novelties. I HID IfliDi for the Ljtle Safe and Lock Cincinnati QUO Call and see a small sample, D. A. HAUK, AMD OPTICAN.

A IME TABLE 3ARDYIKG PASSEUU1 LEM? COGANSPORT A'T IiproM, rarll am fl eicptSunilir 820 a Hba CilT Tolado eiopt aanlajf 11J5 Ktontt, dull' 4:67 pm iHomnodatlon (or Eaut US WOTT BOBS JOQfor West laoj wop tdunrtftj edOpm lOJSpm HlTW Loganiport, Side, and Chill. nOUHD. except Snndsr. 10:00 a 'Monodstlon, Leave 430Dm WKHT BOUHD. 9:10 A TYPICAL FREE TRADER.

Free tradora generally are theorists or else have all the protection they need thiough patent laws and are anxious to set the free trade example for their own personal advantage. The Indianapolis Journal exposes one of these. It says that "One of the men who has been the most persistent of free traders In this part of the country is RepreeentatiTO M. D. Barter, of Ohio.

Ho has declared for the destruction of the custom house and has caused himself to be advertised ae the one manufacturer who is wlae enough to ba in favor of free trade. Mr. Harter is connected with a company manufacturing agricultural implements, upon which, for the moat part, patents afford adequate protection. But now his company wants a retaliatory clause in the Wilson bill which will double the duties in case other governments Increase their duties because of tho passage of the Wilson bill. That bill destroys the Harrison reciprocal arrangements with Cuba, Brazil, Germany and other countries under which we get an advantage In trade by the favor of lower duties.

Let tho McKlnley law stand and the retaliatory duties will not be needed. The Harter appeal id evidence in favor of the reciprocity portion of tho McKinley of two policemen that Uio crowd can bo kept in order or mado to wait till the food is ready for distribution. Such nsuene nuiy bu seen clay between oleven aud two o'clock around the corner of Oranjjo and Chatham streets, where charity gives a dinner to the lioor, and soup and bread to others to carry to their miserable families. "On Saturday ive spent an hour there at tho hour of hijfh tide. We have never seen anything like it before.

Upward of 1,000 people fed with plate of soup, a piece of bread and a piece of meat on the premises, and in all more than 1,000. On the same day 1,130 portions of soup were dealt out from Stewart's 'soup in the rear of the great store, corner of Reade street and Broadway. "At the rooms on Duano street, for the rolief of the poor, on tho same day they gave food to 2,256. In. the Sixth ward alone over 0,000 persons were fed by charity on Saturday, January IS, And this is only one day in one ward.

Meanwhile Rcencs of a like nature are being enacted all over tho city. "A procession of several thousand elections than it was in those which took place lost November. Tho republican wave is growing higher instead of lower. The viitory in ono district in New York city and the reduction of the democratic majority in the other district in the special election for congressmen two months ago showed a more radical transformation than was revealed in the election for state officers three months before, while Grow's majority in Pennsylvania for congress a few weeks afro was far larger than tho almost unexampled lead gained for state officer! in tho same state last November. "It is a revolt," said Louis XVI.

to the messenger who had brought him the news of the fall of the Bast'le. "No, sire," said the messenger, "it is a rerolution." Here, too, is a revolution. America's bourbon bastlle fell when the democratic plurality of 47,000 in 1891 of in 1898 in New York was transformed into a republican plurality of 24,000 for some Ktato officers and of 101,000 for court of appeals judge in 1893. What 1769 was to the dynasty established bv Henry IV. is to ican people Have ha ine 1 democracy.

They hav under it now for about a. year aud they are cot going to vote for genuine democracy agnin or for democratic "protectionists in disguise." They will vole for undisguised protection republicans aud recommit to their charge the destinies of the Tribune. JSJTlhode Island and every northern commonwealth which lias voted upon the question huvu expressed unqualified condemnation of Grovcr Cleveland and the Wilson bill. The people have repudiated Clcvclandism and "tariff reform" wherever they could get to the polls. They have demonstrated beyond all doubt they are overwhelmingly opposed to the doctrines of free trade.

They have proved that they regard as an enemy and a despoiler every man who seeks to destroy protection. They have shown that they will punish by crushing defeat every politician who insults their intelligence aud assails their welfare by advocating 1 the confederate Y. Prebu- PURE PATRIOTISM. i the need ol respectful submission to suffered existing authority, and so to impress. upon their minds the principles of the I constitution and the declaration of in- that it shall become a part of their daily habit of life to insist upon their own rights without inter- I l'e ring with the rights of N.

Y. 1 Ledger. E3TTlic president has not shown himself wise during tbe last year. Headstrong as vain men are apt to be, ncking sympathy for the sufferings of the people or the anxieties of business men. alworlied in desire to impress his own ideas upon the history of the country, Mr.

Cleveland has alienated a great portion of his political At the same time his wantof American feeling, his hostility to an Amerean In-' dustrial policy, and his incapacity even to comprehend patriotism in thfr Hawaiian matter, have turned against! him multitudes who are not and have brought upon tho country diKjraco and V. Wtomodatlou, arrive, raroept Sundsj. The Pennsylvania, Station. THE turn-out of the young men Saturday evening is a good sign of the tines. The young men have not taken the intereet they should lu public affairi.

They have voted faithfully but they have not put into campaigns the enthusiasm of youth. There be a change in this respect, judging from the enthusiasm of Saturday, and tke Journal rejoices to see it. DEMOCEATIC Tribune. THINGS TO BE COMIKO MY WAT ennsyiyaniajrjns Yruins Run Central I HunJujr. IxXlASIPOP.TTO I.HAVI? AfthlYtt .4 and Colurabui 3.0Q ana New a in 8.0U a 2.60so: IIS SDd 8 8.14am ll'JO am bvondsnd Cincinnati B.40an tll.90pni 19olnt mid Chicago (1.00 a 7.16 Local freight ao landColnmboi 8.00am I S.aOpte Ktaet 8.21 a fiz a jlUsnd l.BO ond and 1.66pm land 2.30pm 1.96 pm his sad New 120 ra inner.

t3.20i T.tfipm 1.80 pin and and Btehraond 4 2.80 pm 9 Aooomodstlon THE democracy seems to have gone Into the knocking-out business to a large extent. First the country was knocked out then President Cleveland's policy met the same fate. Locally, Bead, McAliater, Peters, Drompp and Beam got it. Aoeonio3atlon 4. A.

MfCDLLOCMH. 4.00 A.45 5.53 i 9.40 a Logsnsport, Ind. Tm: republican city candidates are entitled to tbe support of every citizen. They are especially entitled to the support ot every republican and every one should make an effort to get to the polls. VAN DA LI A LINE.

Leave Loganuport, rOB THK KOITH Am. 10.88 l. Xl. For tit. Jowpb 8.40 P.

U. So-Jtn BenO FOB THJ SOUTH. fc. Son. 7.M M.

Vat Hanta Mi tDnndar. tniu ana I tor fall Information to ntai drep C. 1DGFWORTH, Affent, IRD AUK you going to Indone the nothing, buslnesi-wrooking policy of the administration next Tuesday? Are you going to vote for a continuation of the present national situation? THE DEMOCRATS HAVE FIVE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL AND WITH THE MAYOR'S VOTE CAN CONTROL THE May 6th. persons kept marching about the streets yesterday, with flags and banners which bore such Inscriptions as 'Hunger is a Sharp 'The 'Live and Let 'We Want etc. "Suoh are the scenes that are being enacted daily before our eyes, while the cry of hard times reaches us from every part of the country.

The making of roads is stopped, factories are closed and houses and ships are no longer being 1 built Factory hands, road makers, carpenters, bricklayers and laborers are idle; paralysis is rapidly-embracing 1 every pursuit in the country. "Tho cause of all this stoppage of circulation is to be found in the steady outflow of pold to pay foreign laborers for the cloth, the shoes, the iron and the other things that could bo produced by American labor, but which cannot be so produced under our present revenue system. "If we could stop the import of the foreign articles tho gold would cease to flow out to pay for them, and money would then again become more abundant; labor would then apain be in de- mand; shoes, clothing and other commodities would then again be in de- mand, and would then cease to starve in the streets of our towns and cities, everywhere crying: 'Give me work! Only give me work! Make your own wife and children have nothing 1 to From which graphic account of life In New York under the low tariff of 1840 it appears that Walker's bill worked just liko Y. Recorder. the party of Grover Cleveland, and tne 1703 which deposed the unfortunate Louis and established the republic will have its counterpart in this country in 1800 when the democratic regime will be overthrown and republican sway restored.

Democracy's blunders and iniquities hare aroused the popular wrath, and the day of doom for that organization in close at hand. All the political signs portend that the immediate future at leant is to bo placed in the keeping of the republican party. Louis Globe-Democrat. CCOMMENTS OF THE PRESS. great need of the democratic party at present is somebody to tell it how it can indorse Cleveland without denouncing St.

Louis Globe- Democrat wise forethought will lead a great many democratic statesmen now filling engagements in Washington to learn tome useful trade before next Tribune. jgrThe democrats cut appropriations at one session of congress and pass deficiency bills at the next session. This is economy as practiced by the party of free trado and Leader. tyOenuine democracy throws men out of work and cuts down wages. lie who, calling himself a democrat, tries to get men work at good waccs is denounced at once as a traitor and a "Drotectionist in disguise." The Amer- It It Not tho Klid That One to Sork Only I'emonAl Advantage.

There is much in this world whicli gees by the general name of "patriots ism," which in point of fact is little more thuu a habit of enthusing- over party ideas and accepting party utterances. While factions and party rivalry have a salutary effect in checking excesses and restraining unwise or extravagant legislation, the broad and important principles which are the basts of all political bodies must not be lost night of. As the body without the spirit is but a bit of useless clay, so a party organization whicli outlived its purpose or has discarded or ignored the ideas and principles which crystallized A into exintcnee is a worthless and cumbersome thiujj to which it is the su- prcraest folly to-cling. Partyism and patriotism are too often confounded by the unthinking and careless, and it is not unusual to find fairly intelligent men who Have no clearly defined ideal as to what constitutes either. The constitution of the United States and the declaration of independence should be part of the' education of every child who gets its tuition at the expense of the public-school fund.

The fact that it is so taught places it under obligation to the educating power, which obligation should be canceled inly by a perfect understanding those most interesting and importan documents. As the ease now stands the young people and children are allowed to learn that this is a free country, tha' the liberty of speech aud of tho press not be abridged, that they have rights which, everybody is bound to re spect, and that a telf-assertive spirit is most becoming in an American citizen. But what they do not learn, and what would be the most useful for them to know, not only for their own prosperity and growth but for good of the nation which is quite likely some day to requires their services, is their personal obligations to the nation, the state and their fellow-citizens. The rights of tbe individual arc but a small part of tho patriotic education of a child. As a member of society and a citizen, he is entitled to life, liberty, tho pursuit of happiness (so long as that pursuit does not interfere with the rights of others), the right to labor unmolested, to earn a livelihood whenever and wherever he chooses and at the wages ho may find it convenient or expedient to accept, and to do all this without the interference or question of the other members of the community.

Thoso who are not allowed to do this are not living up to their privileges, and those who prevent this freedom or obstruct its exercise in any way are acting in direct defiance of law and order and the principles and teachings of the constitution. Personal liberty is a very comprehensive term, but docs not by any moans include personal license. Liberty is by many construed as the absence of law, when it is, in fact, the presence of it. Personal safety and personal liberty arc almost unknown in communities where there is no law. Good laws, strictly enforced, guarantee the well-being of society, and the highesl degree of patriotism is found where such laws are enacted and respected.

One of the first lessons in life should be that the rights of every living being must be respected, but that there is no such thing aslieensc without endangering not only the safety of the individual as well as that of tho state. The best way to secure peace and prosperity in the community is to impress upon the, children and youth interminable conflict over the tariff bill has disgusted tbe country and paralyzed the democratic par-, ty, which, if it went to an election- now, would secure but a corporal's, g-uard of representatives in congreas. The spectacle of a party which came into power in 1891 with almost unexampled enthusiasm now in the slough, of despond because of the selfishness, incapacity and narrow miudednasg of its leaders in congress is not flattering to republican government The party' press, which so rigorously championed tariff reform, now importunes gressmen to do anything rather than keep up the Lc-dgcr republicans continue to win tha municipal elections in many of the nnrthcrn states where the democrats- everything before them last No- vcrjber. The conditions are extremely favorable for republican success all. over the union ncrt Bee.

ordinary locomotive is said to- consist of five thousand four hundred and sixteen pieces. TORTURING ECZEMA Editor Iowa Plain Dealer Cured of Insufferable Itching and Pain by the Cnticura Remedies. No Leas Than Five Physicians Consulted. Their Combined Wisdom Followed Without Benefit. lxty-aii years old In August, 7SS9.

wat tHiublcil with the peculiar sltiu djsease to which people of my ape arc gubiccc. known among medical men aa ccacuia. Ita first appearance was ucarthe ankles. It rapidly extended over the lower extremities until ray legs were nearly one raw sore; from lops the trouble extended across the bins, shoulders and the entire length of the tbo and arms ereatly swollen with an itching, buniiiippain, without cessation. Although tbe best medicaladvicoattainable was employed, no less than five physicians of the place being consulted and the prescriptions being the rcmilt of tbclr combined wisdom, the disease, Uiough apparently clieckcd, would recur In a fow ilays as bad as ever; during progress my weight fell awav about twenty-five pounds.

As an experiment 1 oepan the uscof Co-riccm, following the simple and plain given with the REMEDIES, and in four weeks myself well, with skin soft and natural, in color, thu Itching and pain entirely relieved. R. SlfiAD, Editor Iowa Plain Dealer, Cresco, la. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS cure evcrr humor and disease of the skin, scalp, and Mood, wltb loss ot hair, whether itching, burning, scaly, pimply, and blotchy, whctliersimple, scrofulous, hereditary, or contagious, when physicians fail. I was operated on two years ago foran abicem, which left a running eore, whidi five doctors, naid could only toy another operation.

I almost gave up in denpair. $340 worui of the CnncuttA REMEDIES cured me, and I am now- well and strong. ANNIE KtrtEN', 2101 Lawrence Denver, Col. Sold throughout the world. Price, Ccrictnu, SOAP, Kr.soi.vEKT, ft.

POTTIB Dana AND Sole Bonton. How to Curefikln Dlncaaea," nrnllrd froe. tjiajpLES, oily ikio IHI cured by MEDICATED SOAI-. FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. one mlnnle the Cutlcnmt AnU-I'Btn PlMter relieves rhon.

rnat ic.M'i^tic.hi]), kidney muscular pains and wcaknessei. THK city election occurs next Tuesday, Every republican ihould arrange to vote and every democrat should vote the republican ticket. Isn't this so? A RESISTLESS TIDE. Popular Wroth RecolllDg Itpno Blundering Democracy. The significance of the republican victories in the municipal elections in Ohio and Illinois lies in the fact that they are in the same line as the results in tho other elections, municipal and state, which have taken place in the past few months.

In almost all of them the republicans made immense and unexpected gains, They did this in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania. Iowa and tho other states rded highest Honors-World's Fair. PRICE'S The only Fore Cream of Tartar Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Years the Stanclsr" WHAT DO VOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT SPECULATION? GRAIN, PROVISIONS and STOCKS, boaght nold on limited margins. We accept discretion- air on tbe above and will Rive our Mrners who have not tbe time to look after their own Interests the benefit of our 80 yews experl- enco In "SPECULATION." Hulse's Hsnoal for speculators sent ireo on receipt of twooenf Ktamn.

Cnrreapnndpnce solicited. JAMES G. BDLSE A Bookerj 1 Chicago. STORAGE. For storage In large or small quantities, apply to W.

D. PRATT. Pollard Wilaon warehouse. FREE FADING ROOM, Dally and Evemm-, 616 Broadway. Welcome to All..

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