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The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia • 12

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

unerals mt IE I TNEHYLof the 1 It'll Al' ITZ 11 TVIHICK Km) NM will Ulis PAY Mmdv hl Ute r'sidri'c Crenel ii itt lu the wnctvry tMi i i'ltlis milE I'lUKNDsf Mr CHARLES AVEKYnn rf tpirttii'ly in iicl siltrnd tin 1 at hl iltwily i veil WIE A i move fr i hi ire fir Itnwninn Mrett Pymionl Tl MllUlunV MUKNLM the Ulb luMuul nt i n'rlicK Nwrupuli Mrs THOMAS uxl Hex inier taker 1 11 York strnei THE K1ENOS of Mr 1H COLLINS nrc Trapcrtfiiltv invite! to ntien'l hi i'nncml io re imm his 'bi" ici Gleniu lutrv il nriuv fiwl KtehrnttiT Rin Ttl MORHOW (TuKdov) Ai 2 tor rJ Crr owi LnderUker bo 3 Bnlan Slu i I uueluoi fte OxfntvWnvt Meetings T6 TnRwdnMinri toe mayor of WAVKl KY Tllr nnrtrrlrnert rdnihi nt Wavttler end limit re pxti'uUv i cqur tbit it un carlr date 'on reill mil i public held in the Wivcrlee I'lmneil chtmtar the tibirct of which shall be to urge upon the ttovroiiO'enT the eliiiCnj nt al once 1iplieatiua the Tram Line tv UuimpuiUuit SuLaib and extending a Singh Line to ll' nili We bare the honour to rciuula Yonrs fie Alfred Allen Mriltn Htt rtnct O'Brien lkndi Jiu Green 'V a verier Jno Rtng Burrow and Gletwm Wrterirj It Whelan Wavert Thnmas Read Wtn Hderscn Bondi James MuOony Griffith Geo req fLC oltck hus Tucker IL flunpwut Jruncs Tlfninpecm tn Maclt od JonnD fria tarn Johnston Allen Robert Morgan John Allen Jno Wiley fed Thome Robert Itawson Beniamin 'Hurtin Itobt Newman George Wiley December 6th 1SS1 tn compliance with the above Hrtjnlritton a public MEETING Will 1h hold in the Chamber Waverley on TVbDAT bext the ISth Instant JOHNMArTUERON Mityor YDNT BALLOT will be taken oft lltbiimtMt between the hours of 10 ara and Ipn i in the Veibuleof ttMjTown HaH tor ibo election of Ten folUKCTOlW The following gentlemen haw been nominated via Mnssra 11 A Alton Sydnev Uunlekin MP Alfred Cane Alderman Chapman Hr Janie ft Cox Alderman pnwh Jo eph Griham a'luiUams (the Mayor of Sydney) Ahhmian Hordern 1 iosentuton Larkin Alderman tecs Montspnn Is vey Dr fchaih a Kav Alderman ulmer Penfold Alderwm fi brrtB Very Rev Dean Sbcri'lati John Ptrwkcv and George 1L RUSSELL Reerrtnry 'A UTlLft! OETfNG RIENDS ofl Mr IAME8 MADUI'N frtmrilrof the LinirrieklloUhwill bo ln 11 in the I tape room aa the 'urn ncv Lw Hotel earner and Hunter streets (kindly by Mr John Tigbc) THIS EVENING IJth IccembW to express practirid sympathy with him and confidence iiiitigrilj' notwiUlBtaDciiiitf thft Lftte decision ci Ibc Equity DWYR Hon Seo CIIIPMABIERS'AND oi'iCEHS' ASSOCIATION AUSTRALASIA i tn Ordinary MEETING of member if the above Aesnetnrion Mill bo held THIS DAY Monday 12th December at 8 o'clock Busjnna of Importance RLIX ficeretary xa malgamatkd jorilN en tai lors Regular fortnightly MEETING to rdght o'clock sharp Slater's Town Hall Hotel onHISTOPHEH M'DriHAGH Pceretnry CommiUue MEETS To Entruw up to o'etoek IL Puecy bcm SCHOOL ARTS DEBATING Subject fnr discawtfan THIS (Monday) EVENING "Thu the ertMitm of Crown land by auction antes sbnnW be abolUbcd" ivtirur at 7 30 VWtots invited TAYLOR Hon Sce LEINSTER MARINE lAJDGE 111 AUSTRALIA No Monthly MEETING Masonic Temple Ctarcnce btrvet THIS EVENING et prompt LEE Secretary liCwffl tn Jrl tniiirc nuet ut the Mesonic Temple Clareuoc strcct on the second TUESDAY in the month JIVl ASbNlCiiobc rt Hum 1 wliP'SiV Ketfuitr jlL J1KTING TO NIGHT SHARP NO The regular MEETING THIS I'VllNING Bub1 trcc BurwoM1 JIHf UL Big IOS AlT" ORANGE 1NHTITVTION The Montblv MEETING of the Grind Lodge Will be held TO MORItOW (TueMliir) EVENING at T3Ufhan Ihiiiy Hkkxlt WGM A Giicliriet See I A No 16 The tnilar MONTHLY MEETING will beheld fnlhcLrlcc ItMmvn WEDNESDAY EVENING next ilieitb (US o'clock rtu ipL Buslnc ss: Llrctl of otilccra fur 1SSJ By order oi the JVTO 18 Bayno MEETING THIS (Mondnr) NIGHT at PwweetajithalL Myrtlcmtteot Darlington st I'cloek xhaei' Bmlnisa Election officers A full ittcndnnco of members requested Visitois kindly Invited In Ilina officer A Gilchrist Bv order WT Jaccmbi tvrtari UJDWIG LOYAL ORANGR Lx Annual SUMMONS MEETING THIS EVENING ToiCHtaut Hall Cu itlen agh street 1 30 sharp Us alton of Milters for 1883 Members having Lodge plaaac brimr miuc with tlunt Viitiug Brthii a cordially invited and all uumbwsarc pwticuliuly raiumdcd to attend By order of theWSC WITHERS Secretary hvr uTfi'cROMimXto Yal orange lodg IM Aicb purplo MEETING THIS EVENING in HiU Ortlari alioetat Brethren kindly invited li JCILVEN WM lnJ2LN0 Secretary TTO S3 O7L7 PREN TICE DKKRT IN Regular Monthly MEETING THIS (Monday) EMMNG kt the oMter' IIML Botany at Waterloo Election of OKki rs for 1882 Veiling bgtbrcin eordtatly Invited By orocr of (IW'EKIIIGA MINING COMPANY Ltnrttrd tn Wxtrwrtnnorv Genera) MEETING of Hharehoidcra wtH be held nt the Company' offices S12 Gcorpe vtreet Sydney ou MDNESDAY 2ist December instant at 330pmtoconsldcr fen peudtioo of bo Company and itosisiiiaed necessary to take for winding it up By order of the Board 8 MAC DONNELL Secretary Sydney 1Mb December 1881 EiYDBY MERCANTILE i tLOVIDEMT ASSOCIATION TUo AnnwalftancralMLETlbG at Ute above wfll behold in the yDnumeIaU OB WEDNESDAY KVSNfiiU UeHtil the flBn doujeo Watson MLAa will toko Cbo tbair at 8 The meetiiif wiU boaddrMtcd by leadiajf mcrafitlto tntt M'buamms: AAkpticm al Report and Maoco sheet and Election tf ltte bsanrs for the ensuing Ir The following Directors rarirw nut are eteffiblc for reloetlon Ms Mtws Trotter ChrisSs nuiter WhitffiR Nlekltm GEO hlJiPEON Hon See Books PubHcations TB13E CHRISfMAS AND NEWIT YEAR CARDS JOHN SANDS in Gewfc rtmt Sydney The AMigns oeleetod hy Mr Sands from the ClnWmas Card jCompeutfon tnaaguratMi by bta in May 1astarc now ready and be obtained al ell bootaeDer and cUUmi in Australia ThAi are ementtally Auatrousn tn Aaractta being do bliroed bvAustealtan artists drawn on stone by Mr Mt'tr own litbographorv and printed st hb works as i lifeg to obtain samplm of this new oplootal indwtry rc nurstea Io observe that each card hears on Mr btuidP trade EmiIc Hoar gUss TMswutioa is nectary ns numerous £srdmbeM oflei cd to the public which although Australian In character areof European production In addition the cards of hta manufacture Mr Sands boa jm tioriial the moot varied collection ever seen tn the colonies rnoec JlesiMOB of I 'T oorda oeteoted with artistic taste cannot do foucrlLcn Tnspeot stock which include the designs from the hosne competitions together with the tat pp auctions from the principal Engltah Continental and Amercan niMrf8widarhaa also an view the pictures gaining tho premiums of Oua Humlrvd and ifty Guineas st hl lute uMupctiUvu exhibi tion al the Art Gallery of Now tiouth Wates nyrROMO LITUOUHAPHlC WORKti CftKfBTM AS cmiimW once a year And when it cornea it brings good chwr I 4W and MT Georgc stroet Sydney Xadtao and Gentlemen Sydney SuburM and In Inviting yoa thia year to visit my great display Cbrlsffitas nod New Year Card and Pawcntation Noroltiu I hove tho eon LoL iiec thin lean do you even greater jmtiec than I have hithertotane b' tho irw few yearn you have acr oroed mo a most libi iwl iMtrrmago and I have had the congratulations of you all L' to the rfrenc though tho season is only just nlting in a uitec hurv urumisc" roc This rear I have greater confidence than ever Inviting yon atteiitwn the wantsof uy customers 1 am now utarm stock greater variety and uiiuv wuliludiiiuusM richer urtand greaup Th few days my lurg ball win prepared and 1 shall then dirttav th unaferi multitude of card evtv wttnwd Aos In lulu At piesent I aw nting the capwcioui ruuuw which you vLlud last year but in untieipailon of the great crush 4 people Zilrer te Christmas have opened another Urge hull wilh epuce to accominoiinte thousands A The curda will bo displayed on row of eounteru with prices BTingMl tn suit the eonvenience of oastomga hfeKnO mistake about gwantee to exhibit moro than other house in AnsttnUa end tv fdl cheaper than anybody With many thanks tor port I SUM LediW tad QcnUntf Yours truly ULLEB ZHEIBTMAK New Year vniLBirthdayTards Albums Cj Chromo Olros A Artim lGrorg reeti materiola of every ATTONAitelMBeLl GauMttect THE SYDNEY MOKNING HERALD OR CHKtNTMAri CARD? I I I lor rilliHI MAS CAK1 1 1 1 li' tor UKlsni illl'S lor CHHlSltiAs rMlliS lLEIt tor CHRISTMAS AHUS 11 1 1 1 B's ii litil I AK'S Tl 11 (or i banning ft'ROS lTU'Jl's for Lnriv CHKlsI CARDS H'LlK'S for Clinu CHRISTMAS CARDS 1 TLIEH'S vI CHRISTMAS CARDS I 111 tor I'ainticl HRlsl MAS CARDS I tr Auxtixlitn IIRIsfMAS CAKIR I tor EngHeli i llKHTMAs I for ivnrh A CARDS ULLER'S tor dermtn IIKHTM i CARDS tor Aineric in CHRISTMAS CARHS TUI for itntml CHIUS I'MAS CARDS ILL for Swnlotl CIIK1STM is Ct DS for Ivorr CHRISTM AS I A RUS 111 1 1 h'S for Gelatin Cl 1 11 I'M AS A HDS II 1 lrirs tor Kilin CHIUSTMASCMUIS Il 11 lor (kl 1 ltMffl CH HIS TM is I ARPS II 1 1 1 ICS lor Cl I HI STM VS CUIUS I Ul LHl'S for adorn CHRISTMAS ctllDS 1 I'Ll it's for a dozn CHKISTM AS Mills LlER'S for ladoxencnillsiMAHCUII'S for Id 3d 5d id 6d9d I HBISTM AS CARDS for 2s 3 ta Jh6s Tmb 0 1 CARDS I LLER'S for Hundred und Tbouaanda and MlUunu of CARDS CBRTfiTMA8 CARD EXITITHTION HH5 Mid 887 inert fjYirEEfii'USCANS: JL ere tiu Celt I or The Ce'iic Ek ment in the I mynacr and of Etruria Greece and Rome by JOHN RASER BA Detegm1 General of the InatilutiuD ElbnoKiuplikine Demy gvo price 15s A utarvol ul learning and ingenuity Scoinuut (Edin) GEORGE KOBI RTKGN 361 ttarojr Uvct 'BOOKS in Handsnmn Bindings Nowonvtew TURNER and HEN PERSON and SCHOOL Liberal i'lteounir TURNER and nUDNON and and Pru fiVNuoal marks' and Writing i'ads HE UHlilSTMAS CARD BAZAAR 24 tmtei ti vet I VEsKB for t'H ftlSTMAS CARDS Je only Sl IIunter tre T' CilKiirfMAS BAZAAR Millions oftiandome WlitTSn reriodienl per Urhmt nt B2d Book and iterd Depot IM WilUam atroO CnilTSTMAS CARDS equal to uaytme st Depot lL WUUamtetrveL Como and arv my window hl A A 'O tf The ringed (knb Hnto Cardo Batin Cardi Mmhanieal Card anti evriy eonerivubic variety at BEGBIE'S arc acknow ledged to be unsurtMd Pitt eirrot two dour from Hnntev etnvt CARDSof AnntruHao lowera and CbriMtnn Soonw at RKGBll' Pltt atroel near Hunter atrort rillTE Taxt Bank Birthday Text Bortim Wed JL ditiff day Book tec nt BrGBlE'S Pitt near Hiuiter vt CIAl'HOLIC A inaptf Scent Hindu mitaMe for SCHOOL PRUES Cbririms and Gifts tobebad chfwptrf DWtMO LANAGAN WhulcttiraiMt He tntl Utrokerllcr 586 Qourgwtrett MUSIC Instructive SalecUons fivm Bu? cauipcwitiurw of ilay'tesMoaurtaatl Brothowv amngMltn progressive order Edited by IMnnorlHarnnv Muric Rcbuotaeries) prteo HeuhbocA ISCHER M4 Goorge atrort IliwrctkilJege MUSICAL ALBUM con taining the popular piece eolo by KW Gcorgar price So ISCHER 6U Oeorgc rtreet SECOND TO tTRNRB awl HKNDEff new prembaw 16 oad IB Ilmitorrttrvrt the ebop tor Chrwunm Hirttalnv and Wedding CARDS Cremation Itook Album Herap Roots and aecy Goods otevvry drocriptien USTKALlAN 'uraf Uhrfetmo CARDS 3d 4d fid and I web port 2d estra Turner Henderoim Hunter at OTTH la fti'riM of Atutraiian loral CARDS aro un rnualted 10 do port tree TUKNVB and HENDERSON CHRISTMAS CARDS from fid donn Mrs Abbott Mntionrr IM OxfordtetrecL SCHOOLPRIZES'fe Grwt'Vwict? Liberal Reduc tion to Teauhcra Uh ABBOTT Bookseller and Stationer )07 Oxford rtrvrt Miscellaneous VELOCIPEDES 22v Porambnhtinti 16a CarrtKci from TO Robert Anderwn PnrramattaMtruA CASES far SALK A' MESSMER and 2d CO 78 Pitt stmeL WASTE aLK Apply 8 Julaon llctald OflJeo to drew and andreea Boots aafl urniture Hotktng Horww Han end Basket Album Clnk tnias Canto I'rcwut and Novelties at lowest ratea Central Buar 4S4 George atret oppoitr Market iu Georgb Xl tre Market dec the grand dup1 of DOLLS TOYS for ChriRtmae Tree in gnu bov fa and 10a at 11 Iareure Novelty Ship 66 Oxtcnltetrecti 1IIQK SALE jiwt kidded Mrs Condon Sitanttowlroet Muctonaldlown 1' jVdlfSALK itid MiicbCOW 12 ijiurtu daily quiet just rnlvril Row Urorcr stri' IL'ilforn (TREY PARROtS CANARIES EtiglMi 0QU1RBEL ox la Hogue 8 Mark mitt ROYAL CRNISIIINO ARCADE EXPRESS JL Turn to the urniture Column for'SALEl 10 fcetYii feet Lascellv lobueconht )i4 WiRam trtel 17IARM Wanti'd to buy fir cash or ninL a ARM of from 200 to 406 rnns Addrrwi etati nf ulf particular to nrm care of Mr John Guild SC IVreou tn Adopt poor tittle motherless bar 4J year old bcaitliy intelligent utd table Hutte addruw ta the firrt Instance to idet Herald Office IRE Wanted by an English Corn tunv a YOTH accustomed to office routine Apply by tetter urily to Inuranca Grattan's Press Ageucy GOOD CARPENTER wantaC'D Gaile Wdlerttireet Weat RMfrrn A Sydney SoHottor ia drolrona of manning with a Bolicltor in good proetieete purotoaoa portaor ship GAhO PO TtrACHINIST for driMiaktBg MrB oU Am JbR Htmoe LvadtauMMKnaL ofl Gioba tood Professions Trades COMPETENT Young LADY roqttmid for eney Shop The Gift Depot Klog etrvet rood DRR8SMAKEK8 wanted aiw wren MlLIANKUS Cell early Ik fore we get busy end ffirpfe to hnidf at drvsrtnaklng and millinery departments llurdcm 211 Pittrttrew AGENTS wanted incrativoTiuHfraiw snuriT enpftai re quired American Noveltr Company I'iti rtnet Sydney 'A We require 2 Youths MtAPRBN'flt'ES David June sad Co APPRENTICES and IMPROVELiN to tiio making orbes 495 GeurgtxtewL ASSISTANT SURVEVOK wanted iuuat young active and fair drughtaianAply J'angrni Bortmoro 'A YUUNU a thorough knowledge of A rtnunry wonted fnr the country ApplySaun Thoau eon and lemming Wynyardrttiw A COUNTRY 'Brewer with about CTOffil reqirftt a rAHTNBR with tike amount Prinalpti miy dealt with ConfldcntidL Addrcoa Mtn Gibba Bright and Co 83 Bridgo tnx BOOTMAKERS wanted for nttd liodts Chas Hunter 888 Ctoticrragh rt Wanted a cood Machinist Boot actory 88 Georgo wreet WeM TbOT Wanted for Orange firot dass MACHINIST wage 80 18 York rtrert BOOT TRADE Wonted MAN Constant work John Gtewino 186 flwggrtrcct et BOOT vi'anlud a GeuertJ WORKMAN Mangan George itrert Camperdown BOOT Wanted a GIRL te'fie off Daniel 443 Elisabethrotrort near Itevoitahtrertreijt Shop Gerson 7M Geonro rtreeL BO ffT'TRAD'E Rxpeniswed oretnan wanted taunt be prutieal rough stuff enttet Crispui Herald Office BOOT racUad PRESSMAN remiirod uood wage Joint A Todd Week Waterfoe 1 Wanted a MAN" peg work JJaecHatutnedtohlKhbeeto No 11 ArgTle tMillrJ total Wanted for a leading mercantile houMt an efficient BOOKKEBl'BR ymngcd mrmtie Apply with complete ntitrenera and copire of teatimautau to ro'hunt Hrmld Offtro DlPA It I Men's and Latiie' vasaaotes fur 1J AflMSTANTB and 10 JUNIORS Gnodaatarireto I0 vatwncie in various dopart meata Good telario to persons ot experience ANCY 1OY Ac Voeaaaiea now open tor two good BALSSMEN ANTHONY and 8ON8 PALACB EMHHIIUM HAYMARKET CarvrNtkrs and Venetian Blind Wanted a MAN to plane up JackMin 10 Gtebcrtuad wanted to lay flooring and Joisting Apply early Graham Wuitmereland eircct Glebe Jobbing HANDS wanted Brown and BtiawlfL ltt Mreet WanteOhwo to the body making all new work GreenffeW and Ctilawar bodybuilders to the trade bttara Works 131 Liverpool ftrtute Wnnted 2 Andrew and Son RognM sUW South ttedfem Wimted 2 or 3 BOYS Apprentice Marwten TM Qrorgo rtrect a competent perron to Join anutber tor ftrvLolUrt bnainms Herald Office Wanted a good Body Hand 471 Jj Nt Gi'oigeto tcrrace near ChrlrtChnrch Jitt rtrcot DKESBMAKlNG Wanted ASSISTANT Drew niakero Mi Hall J6U Klisebetb rtrret Wautcdi a mart ntivT" Man7T country store near Sydney mnrt be able to keep tcck weiland drm window Apply wlu referoncoa on Tuesday Tillock and Co wholesale groeers Ueuigewucua near Chrut Cbureb 1C1KNC1B8 wanted Apply early GahamTWaet Jj mordaadrttreeti Oleh Watifid SfnTt's alo 20 tvwfnr Rl IILIM'UY Wtvt Mil llNKlib 27OGtan)ra J' rtHHi liuniei treeti Ml LEICHHARDT will lie rre iv hI until M1THIHY the 15th tor 111 nffie nf I'oonlkerper for thLi Municipality i'arttciilari on appKcatuil at the CouiK ft ehaibT JIMKN WILLIAMS Navor rhmnht ri Dervmlor a Di "TV It i A I El fr ilio Ipgwieh Ilnapitnt 1 Qm lli hJidu qiiuhlici Iti' ldent Ml Heal vigour mi lit bv thr year iibli cl ti thrre '3) month lrr with ln il i Tinitl but no urivit piiutii lnry £iii jk annum ub Ikmu imd re'denrv Apply lutin 1 irci i ht JI villi atiuiomuls to the utnlvr iu iH JAMI ilJTovU cr liuy MOL'IDEHS want lor Qip ntu laiid Reuben Wood 3ta ieorgo etri rt few loera north of Wanted 2 PAINTERS Pitt imd lit)iiirt rtnvta job Cook Bru buillcrx JAIN 1 hits imd I RS wanini A Robbie Ghuleturi' Dirk KsUilc L'fehhirrlt prniiiinent ptaee llnrge s' vt Son'll PLASlKlii'RS YVaitod2 g4 iilb irartln i Cook lire hnibU 1)LUM Wanted g'xl HAND ovproaee tnmin i buik Sidney paid Mana ger rogmvreC Mine Burroan PAH IN Eli wanted viiih ISionshin guuuino paying iriita guemnueil £1 tn fa per eieh no risk nuine ini ur piitieulam pply Union Otllev llf6 Hlibetb tTcct iiEQU IKED for lbeoff and wurrhooeo three well XV ixlucuk YOUTHS Apply by letter ouly to Ball Price anj Co Box 211 licn ml lut office SMALL BOY for errand alro nn Improver tn wat making YVitcbmkkor ml Market al avt near litt ti SECON I) Wallerawang mid Mndgce ante I HI AV Kite for bridge Umber Apply on the work i'hburn nnj Morton rontrikctorii SI Ll'HURlC5 ACID Wanted a MAN who has hid p'ACUra cxpcri'iii in tbv manufacture i( above Manager rrovniurcC Mini HuTowa SIDNEY Wanted iiiwIifled Gentleman itesi lent MEDICAL Application vrh ili aud cntienlknl' to be itenl in iit later ttian 10 um ot 'AU iil'AY 17th mutant adilreMi il to the undersigned from wuom all particulars as to cmoluoieut tee tiui) tie obtained BUSSELL Sroreiary TAllAIRESSES also improvers and Appren tice 370 corner Ompar ul EUnaboth lrccts TAILORESSES Wanted Coat TrooMro and Vbrt Hand out dour constant Joe Mrh 733 Grorgv otrccL Wanted good Tronam HANDS also IMPKOVRBlh Wright 24 SusHOS alreei North THE ROYAXtfRNlBHlNG ARCADE EXPRESS Turn to the urniture Column TO Wanted competent and robcr Small gr1 IN i can erveabnp 21 Grorvv atroet nfoc RM fzTTdn entTO ilaitia Arl to leatn as awiLuiL Quirt Herald fllO WauUrl gni HairvuttorL rind Shnri Apply tool Muunl rUeel North Bbnre fl(J Wanted yrung tlirh1 apprcntiri to vet making JJ SutnmerflcliL 8w Pitta 1V) Wanted gnud Mourning Coat anil TsounaaH ANDK Millett 317 Gewge urorL A good (lent HAND wanted Ik Dougtar 12 Band rirr ct Wantod Coat HANDS also Jobbing I HANDS Uoulston 33 Market Wnted 30 Coat MAK ERS In or out donra PttUlip nd Morris next Laraotur' GrorgMtrt TO Wanted good Trourora PRESSBH eonrtant emptoymewL Phillip and Miwtis next LMrttar'a Wanted fiki firrt daaa Tn nstr Handi itwl py constant TUllUp and Morris Georgv nL mO Wanted mud Vent HANDS in or out rbuirworfc II Sninnicrtl ld MS ffill Ktrert TO Wanlxl BiHi HanSs owtant wi rk good pay IL Suiuuierhcld 233 lAU Wanted a good Hand eunnbiut No 461 Kimt rtrcct near Druitt Uni mo TAlLOlVs Wanted 'Trot and Trouser HANDS JndUn 128 Oxfordrotreeti viwt und CU Hunds wantedL thvt data A inlayson tffi (2arcne stn i't IIAWO wautod to cun on trisL Hordern in Pdt atrert 110 Vit HANDS wanted I In and cot door giod aagvL constant ampl nincut riedman anil Izirking Linden clvlbiim actory vemcotre plocc Giorg ttoot near Uuutar trxl WANTED flist daa Angle Iron'SHITHS highest iges Gh rx oundry Glcbo VAf ANTED six UHN en and a tfoy Apply 1 Craaley 11 Morehead treet Itedfcrn WANTED HaHNESSMAKEH constant work Campenlown WANTED Good MACHINIST" Apply Mias Cosgrove 7u rt I dror from HuuM WAN TED looring HANDS Apply Buildings Kcjil htrcuti newr lUarkrtulrnc WANTED twogool JOlNEttS Apply now bmlJ irg iirinr ul ('ii dlei cagli and Hnnti street WANTED? upjoii also Itoprovvr Apply Heart and Hand Detel Glebe rand WANTED JOINERS on Mondor early Apply LonJvii nd Dublin Hotel Ginree strvet Haymarket JwlNEil Apply i Winkle builder lua urraio nn rd Pcur biuu WANTED Matias Geui ral iJUTi'HEH none but a sober nnc rd apply Hnyinarkrt Dot) WANTED DHESSEKS and SETTERS for Cnnipta Htown Tophatn Angus and Co jOP WAN TKJ) good CARi'ENTEJlS und to bridgu work Vulcan Brick WortoEt WAN TED "good "BRICKLAYERS Grafton Wharf Store twit ta Work WANTHD a TjUARiiY MAN Apply to Gcorgo Tiiurne North Shore Hotel Blue Itoint iwt nnd Improrar Apply 4 nw house Norton strret Kbwick Estista ANTEft athoniiigh SALESWOMAN Mi lbourno Bort Company Georgisotrvetop Central Police Court WANTED a BODYMAKER must be good jobbing hand Apply Willliuu and Co 'rli strcrt WANTED 6 BRICKLAYERS Mwiday nrar St Thomas's Cliurnli North Shorn WANTED "2'Cemcnt HANDS bring tools Apply between and Singleton ro Crown and Gipp strei i WANTED OOACHPAINTER GKvaniooach btiiklcr idd south llrod mad Paddington BKlUKLiYKtttL Appfy Gioiis Steam Jotaery Workr Darling Harbour WANTED good BRICK LAYERS Standard Bridt woru Canterbury New road Pouraham WANTED a 8HU' CARPENTER Apply curly 11 short Limctrevt near Er kitKrtroot Wanted good Wortman for country mart be steady Barens and Co York rtrect WANTED a BOY tothe plumbing trade A Wmti 201 Campbell ilTtot Mirry Illite WaKtKD iuunediately 0 Pod WHEELEU8 con stant work Apply Wheel actory AtrererombieHiU XXANTED PLASTERERS Apply Muty streot near oal office Ncwtowu WANTED a firat etavs MAN for nfnntng njacluno Apply Chspraan and Co ucillotmary Druitt atn ct XTANTED2 PLASTERERS Apply'to Steel Rcnny atreat Paddington for bnneh and Uxiug Apply early 11 Newtown roiML VMTATRi) MACHINIST ChruUr Saw and Wood Working Machine Giaaacow Darling Harbour WANTED Bttireiw'BAND Apply '12 Rnndlo street or Now "Building st JohnlMvad ottol Lodga ANTED an ASSISTANT to the Millinery Mien Data No 62u Ueorge atrceti WANTED two Rottgh Carpenter none bnt good bajult need apply Brenchli near tollbar XS TED for tho connUy GilOU with a know ledge ot iroiinwngery Apply Kingsboroagb 129 creet VMTANTbD'a iirt 6iaee CUACflbMltU alroa goodV and a VTCU MAN Apply by kuur to YVilktee Kennedy and Rponc couch btlifrh Diihbn WANTED a duly QiraJitiad Medical TIONBH tor the Heart and Hand Lodge Nundle a prosperous dirtrict for medical man or parttaulara to the unduraigned Jno Powell jun secretary WANTED CARPENTERS and Jofoero on the job treet near ublic etiool North Shore or Broagbam rtrect between Burton and Liverpool streets Darling hurst Gould builder WI1EELWR A Blacksmith In an establinhed llarium would cake a AUTNEB to reliable mau no po requlrai in nsk Apply by tetter or pereonally to IMucksmtth care Mr Lang watobruakcr 617 Gooruvstreet WANTED COACHSMITHS Bodymakers throe Cart Dodymokcra rtniths' strikers Coach alatere and CoucUpaintenfi lAoaurers at John Hobi Btoem Coacb ac tory 417 i'itt etrect South near Haymarket WANTEDi by the Port Jackson Stenmuhip Co Limited a competent MANAGEH an engineer wHb thorough buomew oapa iry prefenvd Application with eojura of testituonlata to be sent in nut taler than Tbuday December Ifilb tabtant addreMti to Garay chairman of directum No 1 Jetty Circular Qoay SituatioM Wanted LAUNDREBSwiintaSlTUA TIUN intown Addrete Luendnna News Agomy Darling road Hahnaiu A qxi ei ouoad Gardrour wants SI I UA T1ON stogie nulk groM bighret 11 York streD A 8BAKMAN assist waiting by voting man good referee oe JjUildOffieo a KCounterlUml growry draperiTTfr Man goy! referenoe for mmw wages mod 6 110 Marlu tt AS Gtewal Servant HandP by a few young Qtete rewnto Bog 223 Carttereagb tnt AT the Ilnnie Want PLACES generally useful Moe iu or out door work winter moderate reference AWELL KDVCATED yoang Mau deairta eyoniug Employment of any kind Hugo Koebcka 37 maRRIEdIAN firet idaM gnSunar groom and ehmen test dtuatiau good family 8 ware 6 months MONDAY DECEMBER 12 1SSI DRENnMAKEK gwd flttrr ran work tar lady for a few days Xeta offiar adiUnglun ilN hPu' highrot refs wanti Kngagemient po ciably luiniBg mariM Engine ITv Airencv 1 EXCELLENT Men Cook Waiter lliirttawo ann i mg Dairy Men Kiiiimomte Ueg fTlUST CLASS and Laundress DISENGAGED1 th vr' reference Double IKy A tnarriraJ gemtlranen twenty yease' nokmtal eipcri ne i and hor hiuid reporter high neial rt uh i ptHiiiidAe pi diri aUiti would taie the Wi nt Miniu mg lit rr'f a good paper country preferred Address ir i ri i dl i nlire IJARl'NlJl in importing drapery Ann Melhnnron hritr iitriung Iuhik having thorough knowledge cvlonnd lrili amt clicip English and ot ign markets si to indrrtal Cuiunnaeions for goods ot ampkw from flrat cta hi iia ii Nioii ipouingnp mure direct trade or further piiiciitars nddrew II nine enre of Gordon and (lolch Melbourne Respectable young oroon (2S) would fake Sil CATION se Nurse to mv1ld Indy esalst In bouse duties nt niaJd Alice llreidd Ofllec The royal furnishing arcade express Tnm to the urniture Ootamn WANTED SITUATION tor an experianccd eoq brttvr RHersM WANTED SITUATION by a mffier tea good stonunan Apply Ilcrald OlUoo WANTED by a SITUATION to an otiefe Address A General Poet Office Servants Wanted A CROOM Coachman Ac wanted £1 Omdottor milk Ac iita Boy 11 Mmmnnita' Reg 821 Ctferesgti A RESPECTABLE young Giri about IG wanted NURSE 6p Grorgt otevei Hapnartet A YOUNG GIRL wanted of good appatraaoo to owlet in waiting rouin photograph Apple 6'M Grosgrortrtrt ALL cliwMW of nwpectable SERVANTS wanted at Mr Andrew's Rcgittry Office Wslkcrt Mewtown ALL Cteaetvi of tint cliaa Situation waiting to good fiuniliiM tor good Servants Mr Crafg840 Casttef'gtu vt yN Kmnd BOY wanted 215 Lower Goocgn rtreoL wanted to plan email garden Apply 361 lUurke trevl A SMART BOY wanted Blind actory ill OlwdtreU AT once Groom and Cooehman Dr fo toarn Roodwagwi ringii man pref I'riit Res M0 CsrtlrragTi At TfNCfi UanMU gorti Utmoral SEUVANTn njunpetead terraee Good tlapetreetf7kMioreNaA nwectahln GIRL wanted for homework Apply early Mr laroclklM WHnam rtrcm A STOREMAN wanted one used to hardware trade pnfenud Apply with references to IQrchnerand Cfaa lWyriyarfertrert OY TsktenirMir7X plumbers braaa foundira and gasSUera 18 Kint rtrcet near HowtreeL BOYS wonted Boon and lxng account bock tnakma 87 Market treet Cl ENERAL SERVANT 'wanted at on tn Mrs Long RMtmoad camae Demaia Bjvarv GENERAL SERVANT: reference riiired 'Pro imtmt Apply 78 Oambridgterrae NewiewnrtoaA tYOUD COolfTor country 2S wref77I Gtmeral NtIBNEN Veroiti Williar trU GOOD Uennral 'sRKVaNT wantedT: nuehUdrrts Glbren'Mmwca MfiaenN Mat GVNNKDAir TO Wanted BAL1AHT HLLKR8 wsgre te psr bow JeMto Mflntgunaml Ck oontractora MAN osd'Wil 'wnntedTtboufStiMrwi raa Tandy re pairing property woman cook tee good wage Io ri itpectnble couple wiib good reference Apply both togeUkiv tbtx morning at 10 O'Brien 88 EUiabeth tre rt "ISTBKVR'S LABOURER wanted New bond ing Mvrtleand Smithers street Chippendale RESPECTABLE CASH BbYS wanted Apply early tliu morning Hordern's Pltt rtreei Boy wantedfe CAaTTfElT Way draper Piiirceti UESP1SCTABLB and stuart BUY wantetfTTteiJeaisii Co Wenhcim Sewing machfoe Depot 8)2 Groewe rtrexA The royal PtUNisHlKG akcaDKIXTRKw Tur tn the urnllurv Column WANTED fev rehoonw Zoe Seymour Wharf two KRAMEN oneORniNAMitbiraoiitaearlj WANTED respectable General SEKVAN Meo Housemaid Apply 7 Urosraorrter Cheriotspiare WANTED a arming MAN Apply Mtmagfaaa Camnivrefal Stares 1 urf 123 f'U'sax tt 10 so WANTED Whlto Shirt InISHERBJ o6Tiiita Ni nltowoman Cte Georgr uresd iseendwme WaNIED a Mtong active YOVTH Jurtua Scharff Ycrkrt'rwti WANTED spectabie nuddle agedWnman to General SERVANT 481 Crown etrert Surry HlUa WANTED a few email end tidy GIliLs and BOVi Jstn actory AUcrestreet CamdenviDe WANTED Men for tip rarte Meo and Bon for milk rm Men for butcher Boys tor buggtecUO WANTED manned Conplea for roantry and enburbo taiU te and private Ignis Walter tee DO Market eti WANTED married arming Man married Gardrau bouses lire in single farming Men eoaatry 110 rt ANTED General SERVANT Mr George ntt ft I lillllVBiriTh awr raa WANTED a Udy GIRL about 14 to aeaito in house work A Lefts Botany road ANTED giri preferred good honm (Mid wajeta Vctrdl CO wniiinMnTU Apply Dfagte ncUlotibur WANTED 'a smart BOY for office StanJey rtrect nar Dourkc rtreet WooDnomoolno "ANTED "MAN todrive hone aodmake himerif otherwise usutul References 11 Batter to art et WANTED a rwipwfeibteYtiVTtl to Biorii billiards linch' Hotel King and Pitt sliwits WANIRDriri AXEMEN for erwabbing AppS HJteibefore 10 WANT ki7 Youth as Light 'PORTER The Now SbopWl Oxford treet Peter Charter ANTED "four Pick and Shovel MEN Glaaooowo Steam Joinery Works Darling Harbrtir WANTED DRAYS for onrting day Andy Warti rtreet near Railway Station Petersham WANTED a rospoctable BOY to make htourlf gene rally useful Kxcctaiar Clothing Hath 9 Markctartrert WANTED a onrepotent steady Man ao Coaobman andlrdenerttev Herat Burwood near Ibe station WANTED a BOY about 14 nut read md write LfGrsveur bookseller 196 Geosge itrert WANTED a tidy GIRL to be aJMp at btaBu IS4 trert Worth WANTED a HOY Apply wrtnT 17 treet Wydnef WANfEliTTroipioUble Generel skUV ANT Mia Hodman DsrilMtuad Betaeta WANTED a General SERVANT another Otte fajrt Rod Lion Hotel Burwood KoSerta Crown end Anchor Geocgv and Market street XNTEi) a General SERVANT two ia good home 72 Macquarie street tenth trert ANTED General SERVANT do washing to be done BoUny treet Hurry Hills WAITED trapectabte'OTRL'ftw hwsowort and make herself gortorallyuefulOA Woollm'too WANTED Ta BO about fat shop also Improvw Lacerdahairdressgr ulmer end Wootjoomooloo streets YTlTANTRD a GIRL to mind baby and be asAl Mr ueeble Punch's Hotel Woolloomooluo Bay WANTED mate and female Servants good sftaatfcms Mrs Donnelly MBre trert IM (testtareagb WANTED young GIRL to tad In houaewortc ufeienes Apply MUpwerJPort rtrset WANTED STEWAhLKHS for a eaaatfeg ttramtr Join Ultehle Caledonian Whsrf thte mening 0 tonp WANTED a Gotunl SERVANT Apply No i South Kingston 'VMTANTED a useful GIRL about 1 Glen Cottage VV Trogood i treat Msoteooldtown WANTfifX a good General SERVANT ApjAy W5 teeet near William strert WANTED two and one MATE Applyiiy abort LhiMMtrvet near Brstine rtrerL WANTED good WASHERS Lon Laandty 9 11 rod 15 Ynrrmg etreet Wooltoomootea WANTEDTVTeneraTTEKVANT Apply iff WcxiUoomocloo strert WANWDTeoowMsnt "bouse and Psrinr Maid Thu sttaraoon Catholic Hows 117 KUxabcth street MT ANTRIM Girt as UlUiB MtaTK Beaten ung ctreet Newtown WgyTRI) a good General SERVANT 1h Trethowan tenure WANTEDTTSlRt about if to aUHfa'KEr Apply 0M Boasae street 8wry HBa WANTED a Gownl SERVANT Apply Mra MedeaK WUttsm streeq North teore WANTED smart tOlffH Apnlv to A Rook Mrant etroetJA Leeaards North Shore WANTED a votwg MANaofliitomtri toTmtehertUff Tanner' I'vnnrnt Bridge rood Lyndhurst YAStBKoHTtellTinM WANTED good Gmtenl SERVANT Good wngeo VMoriu Inn Bay street Globe WANTED Yotmg Man Galloway's actory EUstetb treat Dear Devtmehiraatrort WANTED a eober young men a CARTES Eenvy work reforenoes 40 Burtmreetreet near Palmte Sttert WANTED a good IRONER also a Woman to wash 67 Kliaabeth street North WANTEBT a strong to help at carocmtertng Stade 8)5 Upper Dowllnwetreet near Gsd 2 in family Apply Mra BHwn Pnblte school Radfem between 1 rod 2 WANTED General SERVANT Contain Herd Qhscrver Tavern Georgo ttrert North WANTED a campetnt Perron as Nurse and Needle woman refs Victoria Dtalnq ftomns 48 KiugMHreek WANTED a respeSSIe young wurami as HpUBR MAID Charlton Hotel MarkeC WMrt WANTED a reaprvfeibte LAD for tumttare shop fair xholar (huh Hras 1 1 srriisirret Ultimo WANTED a rwpertablc II1HL about 18 fn assist tn light houteuork Mr Hillier BIO Ueurgisttroet fioulb WANTED a rrfereaww erry reL Mr AUl Ihirhsm Home Nleholn Balmain WANTED SERVANT to assist with children and housework Mrs Alli Durham Hoose Halrasta WANTED a Geueral SERVANT 7 St John's ii rrerc St JohnVroad orest ixige WAN1KD arrapre lableGirl as BobE and ltM'HM Ain CarlUm House Wynyard oqutre WANTED a youn GIRI to mind children and asatat wiib housework 28 Willlsm street WANTED a House and MAW foMaoly Apply 6 Barrack street WANTED "Tgari Restaurant Wi wtt tret WANTED and'to aaairt tabor White Horse Hotel WANTED rtwpectabte Apply Housekeeper No 8 Coffee Palace Ctrontar QuayANTED intelliirent BOY aged 12 to "yava Apply Impwisl Hotel Wynyird eqaare WANTED a gram! usofui MAN Wiakfe bulkier iTreimaartd Prtmham cpp rtereb irn Inn ANTED a GIRL todo bouaework good references rojiiired 471 Piti etreet near Refuge WANTED 20 MALES affN EM ALES Apjdy Rlehwdwm and Go IP7 Piu etsert WANTED a respectable Youth os' Light PoRTkH Apply between ft rod 10 a tn with reference to Bmith end ManndL 268 Geargv otreot near IlMter rtreet WANTED Hotumnald fer hotel Wtadror Bar and Hoaee MaH Neweaatte HMmraald prlrate oowotry 110 Market street WANTED a thoroughly oompctent COOK and taunlrrue mart have good referenoee Apply at No 8 Iyons' terrane Liveipool streot ETNURSKWanfed a ano retadrot WET NVRAR yoang women Intheneigbbnarbonrf of 8tanrooro to assist in neretag Apply Dr Atherton O'Conni'U rtrert WANTED for town a rospectalie MARRIED COI'LE Wife a Cook Mu as Gardi ner and geaeniliy ucfol None but thoroughly competent peraons treed apply Itafa ng Apply from 10 to 12 Tuesday Ktracten Dsrlingbortt WANTED a nnng Giri aa moral SERVANT I two to family: raftrmree: tavy paid Mr Henderron WnterwUttA appreite to Milter sad lurelaaa'e timbm yurd MltemP Point WANTED Married Couple la tdaiUe married Gsrdmcr Grawn far a station Mllktnea farming Mwit panCoui tor hotel Yeath for farm werkj lemste Cook general Servant Chie's Labour Ageecr 44 Runr trwl WANTBD respe'tabfe yong Nil BAR to aoeoemaay tody aad tour yuoK ebildiwi te Melbourne and back Referaaaee indispensable 110 PNaroy etnifa Moore Art bafant 1 atetoak thu day WANTED and IaH and Pfo tome tamOiea £1 General and NurscmaM cult mother and ywuf daagb'or tor country Nureegirle Gen fcrvo high wages Iley native IJI useful fibeppurd'o ItathursLetrrrt ROOM moderate Postroffioe Oxford etreet Aptrtmente Board and Ensidenca A RONT ROOM to LET suit two friawto Apply Na IS Qerea'e ptaee AobM to L1T stdfaHe Ibra lady wire gee to Iwahme 28 MUiy street toutll BtDftOOM to LET Apply 13 biUip etwet betwera kmgMHl Hate streets a ite45ff A OMHierahtil tolRTralt twn single ladtes XX or grotlemea 14 (Iptou street off Maeswtewtreet A PTRNfSHWHEDHUOM suit taro friead ao other boarders A Newtown eet officu A81NGL1: vacant furnished 0 bawd optloanl weehiag bath Ac 49 Bntburst etrert APARTMENTS vacant 223 Manquarie atreet North Tenue moderate ATftSTHRVlLLE48 Elizabrth ettwrt North op Australian Club near Bridgwstrect APARTMENTS AT'Teiubroke Hoore liid Macquario etreet NorQi opposite nritoaeent Heusea APAUTMthTS vsrani AT TENBY HOUSE Wynysrd Sydney Jtesldrtrttei arnfty Three private tttttea snd to feeble and eingfe bedroeto Separate teMre In drirtng romn for partier of two nr owe foeolal faeillUee to parties travelline through Sydney fa 8d per day Uberaiterm to weekly reriderrt iSdiCoNRliOMT'enit mniiii eoapU Gath JCj aad ge vtew of harimar aad step 1 Upper artweet One or two urnlahed or Uafaratabed ROOMS Alpha Burwood BOARD aad RESIDENCE in psi vote vaoan ete atoe bekrey room eptartM bartamr view guod fable Lotas comforts UioArati tense Mr fooho lltawem House 40 Cutoberiaodwtrewt Dewre potot Hrelthy totality COMORTABLE HOARD and RESIDENCE or for ttished ROOMS to LET tertnftmod 107 LiverpfeMtrert COOGEB BAYurANd'HOTEL Suite oaPAET' MKNTBaow vaeeatSea bMbta CHANGE Al Privsteand superior DA DON for visitors Woodford House Woodford plet'ortn Bine Mountains 8NK fret tkratlua 33 mites from town sets bathing ptaee for lsSet snd children st the lulls on the estate Choice fruits and vtYCtaUce from the orchard al table Terms strictly modcrata Apply Limb wi airfax flanier rtrect anSAlARTMBNt8 eecast rankfort Hoose 31 Bridgaetrec DURHAM HOUSE 120 Palmer atre docri below Wilhsnset Vacancies ladtea and gvntlmira moderate 1jlQfR8'LlKlIOUiiE20 Wynyard equare Vtmf for on genttauu ptoao oath ttrvus8la PURNiSHEBiBEDKODff for ringie tedrlxtard7f required no ether todgvra Ito Wooneomooloo strart RN 'SHED BOOM to suit married canpta or ram Meeds ee httebew end bats 188 MneeetgeeA URN ISHKD'kOOMti a 90 end 92 Elixabeth etreot between King aad Hunter atrerta ODOINGB for two etogte nxm fa per weak and Li washing Apply No 11 Martri rtreet Weto M6VNT Stewtlotd Cottagfa Mra Atkin has private accommodation for visitor Tmnsmod MR and Mra Laaerilea Lava APARTMENTS Us Please mil irumedlstely OxfordwtteaU NO 175 MoMuario efreet overtaking Dotmfb APARTMENT meant for Vbfton ot Permanent Bawdcm BonwstenUy rituated for bnstocse er pleasure Bingte and feublo tedded rooms Terms moderate ESIDENCK with board ih privstolluuflies Baardiiig XV estebllshments ke elra flultee sad B(teeoov Preens mutrtna temporary er pre wait aeemumodetion will get wdl suited bv esDiag st Apartments Agency MM ti net ge street SEPARATE APARTMENTS or Boardand ReeMenraj bath toteh every attention IM Regent ter THE ROYAL BURNISHING ARC ADfc EXPRESS Turn the oraKere Colesm riO LL'l' two good suitable Mfleae Apply the United Insurance UompanydU George ctreet rTUTLETra very TargeTKOOM first floor SfiA George street opposite Huntor street Apply (tret goor MflnrrMBJUAt htyrsirouNir'Victow to In tbevictnttv cd 11 tbit to worth metoff on theTMne Monntaine: magetiKvnt scenery beautiful welks and art era myriads of ferns Every eomfort: ehareve strictly moderate Leiter end tetevraai attended to John Consins proprietor VACANCIE8 for aiagie Men Maryville House 166 VletariMtreet sear WiUlam strert ANTED a young tody to share wMh amHier a bedroom IM QwnpbeO eteert Map street A RESPECTABLE yous Maa requlrea Board and A Berilnce in Cbrtettan famly both mod 8HUesM REQU 1 RED by a ladv two imfurnished Eooraa with board Point 'reds exobrogod 4 Herald WANl kb thia month targe HOUSE Darliugiuind or town Apply Cabinet Paddiagton Poet offlee ROOM moderate Write tesw A4 Postroffloe Orftwdwtreet WANTED toUENT PamfiyUE8IDfiNCEof atet 8 rooms and outoffices wtth gardwi aad piewada wJs to or 10 mites at Sydney tmmwttate posseaaton reqiuajl ar tfoolere to be acet to Arthur Oatdtt Lease nffoca Waterlero rhomhera Obm efivrt Rydaev 'I'1 To Let A CONVENIENT wniehad OftlCft to LET Watmtoo abambers Georpe treei nemMarfcrta AHOUSE to LET Jtewtown hall SrwmaJWA copper te ffi 4 MrabtortillMermre MrodopaMtosm A To LET room an3Tkltehi 249 7 Palmer street near Berioiwtrect WocBnomtwHate SiWLf ftAlNTED HOUSK 4 roamkttfa riewted position Hriruyd anA Oa It Kteg et A NICE 8 reoraed HOUSE suitable for a boarding estaWhhnrent Apply Kept stemt A SHOP and PREMISES to LEdM Huuik DeM A read Paddington opperito Pnddtey on Im I an exseilrot npaniar for ehemtet mtlonsr Jeweller ptoeer foaey goods te Apply Bohmaann It oJtedrtiert A7 RO0MKD Houm with thop baKTgafa LET nrar Town Hull Ms Zlon 4T Oeoracelreet A Victoria Howto 80 Wynyard aquarm Aparteent 2Xjorladv sod grotlemsn or twe gentlemen Ttetoe moderate A CHlifiUPTTL amily SRB1DER0E bo LET OxfordA tetreew Moore Part Op Captain Cook Rotel partour rod dining room (fort doors) drawing room 8 bedroom 8 batotmiea bath servant room kitchen gast taxes paid MO Oecrge stA HOUSE to LET farniabed water ferriage and ess A bathing boating see bath and piroo wtth ail eoe vgL ence Apply Ere Mala1 store corner Ktag etreta ted Blreh Qrove road Balmain TKlHTlf detoAtJ COTTAGE near Enmore rioee to A end rail 4 roam kitchen etabta A beet rod treat ptenty ot water Hctroyd aad rt KiM treet HOLME fl roonwscfato toDari 1 erry Ito Harbour View ter Preaoek's Pt Key No 3 BOWOOD To UJT OOiTAGh 7 room tawdry kttehoa paatre Aead tend Vtetorie etrert owodta AW1f Mr DeaiNs Borwoodj er to Wtaabeth etreet awfata Bubinrss KeMIses MaRket CSnsK5 ttoea eommodtou BUOM and still ICT Apply to Artteff Onbitt boro agent Waterloo TRtlSfCST near I COTTAGE i abn llcnwe furnished RamsayagwL PAMlLYTiKsrOENCE romnj OT bm tithe QRIEN dfopeleli tanteera taotUA fBTlASTERJI foanfflee ttemcnit tate (a WMDAT npu uo miLiA onorifE' OlUJtDlA anopffi kteateAai ran ct AM MTdl twygdatit JkdKyayi wnu Cotasei toBffia Ishr (KMiad1 for all li Gatytettsr tdtlHfa WDER CtdMM difttai ternate fro orplaMU UiDEHKON is the height or rpwe IffOaVVM QKiBNT" asm an fietehtre CbccLar QI lox of eat fourth dita KSffiX QUBEN81 WRAM Ito Hasners fataf the) Mt Steamer OUKHAM CMPTA KiKA ll MOIU Tltoe Stremeifefoleudid taino fare to ntiakt fa cstoeasialU particular A GEN AGI I1MEY Atartb inr viirrf DR WO Cbietei BOLT augM nCHAB Baw gorss Uuaa JOLONO nrt fAYUffi tiedai nrrwb a a Aliena graiM The follow OtIENT ST the AC11C SYDNEY on td LONDON (Stopes! taau pAClri N7ASSE jtiwti 111 Igurie Aid the ten teonb ofaf taMopewe fat Said ami aattfctattai pEND TV Car BortnBRi ante hrfeylon foul Handsome cottace faroihs rvounti mar sub tation ltti Hi'USK 4 ronmm ktaffien verandah Urge vlni i7 ibrotrret Ahrpfart paddock Mi pherdaM l'L 4 RKJ' Uocl Redfern near Wlte Ton Ull LAM) ESTATE INSURANT GENlllAL HMINA AGENT tetahUteH KM Rents n1lceit from vitv snd suburbs It nncs RAUSX' romer Grottresad luaairwt ARGhttdomveniontMOKEb to LET in rtmri App Howard Rnth and on8traih' Wbi' MACQUARlE stliEET lamilt KESH1I XCEfo LET now in the oreJSfoiH tunu Alpvr Esq posM wion January Apply Ptimer Thrl aixl Denoy ill PittMtwel 1 MOORE PARK KOAD nrer'Ilmt str1 i LET fiUDttU ltYa family residence containing 3 ram arcnen WMhhouse every convenience Apjfe oa to Allunt Rdcy and Church streets farry Hills ToLET in Wflion 6 roomn rod water Tbotnwn plumtar NORfll RORH HOTHKS to LE'l oronahs views every oonvonknoc Thompran Mouawtreit North shore To let house nm wiad herboar vi wWJtarT Wharf TV OHtII STiORE: To LITTWalkreatii op and Dwelling large yard 181 GrnrnMtnvt Sorth sH0Kt Tf i i TrcorrAGErt Xe kitehen end etow to erry 87 8ytfL OKI 11 BUORE 'lo LEI' HOUSE 4 room Im kitebrtt Ivtndcr Ray Wm Mnswy tanc Coro rnslt PIANO for SALE grrat I'argain superior rtnnfti5 Cottage teteberd oblique 431 Ulley etreet Surry 11 NO 614 Ooorge atrcet at corner of Unton laae iL siclcof Rrickhi lu bill nw cupi byMrClarr eloihi tenucy expire bt June IU2 Tbear wl frontier feet to Greree eUret hy a depth of 83 feet alnt nkmlarn 40 fret width to a tone at rear upon wiii is a shop num! kitchen and store at rear Tliit pleodid property ate Ler 4 Wwte OfOKH to LET middle of ebruary nos orem bv Athrna uum CTub private catruee 33 Ctlrrtit OlCEtl to LET lir and unnd Hour frtui lus wivk' I 87ft PUt strvet I f'hPfCBR to LE? 2 rooms ground Onor Apply us' I Vz Lyea (a tirmih trrei North 1 I ZteVlUErC Ext hauw LK l' AppIpHTlfami Corporation Ntores Ilayniarkct I OICE to LET very i enlral upstairs IfTluniir I I PARK HOAb to LET KARA VI LUESE a rooms bath wsshhonsr large vnrd sntry water snl I tald on ovcrlouking oricket and ride grounds busrl I builder Park read I PllT stEKKT HESTArRANTTtmfli! I inti To LT far a rm the central i'KEXl'it I snown as Korea Rrataurant oMxwtte Inc lau Dctorti rtioira I with bar end gestlUng throughout will be lcta rtole jrti I porta er alten to suit an Incoming tenant Apply 1 Ind Co Wrnyard strevt I SHOP and bweHinpto I large yard and stables lphinstooe DcrvmMtm 'I Top LOOR of Store to LET tore uj I Wotl lighted hotel te 17 Piw etrtrt Clrtsta Qwr I STORE to in Ctarvnco stroel North Ately toMt I Potter ertjrtrtng nrarMsrgarvtwtnrt ToLRTfl Ratarnnte ter street nw Ctatetand aUret 3 room shed hsttwriu SHOP Andl WELLING tolU Genree stnei Wist I with fittings Vox t7' Gcurge ctrert STORE end ffOUM'auitaVle street Wharf foot ot street Apply oa the premia I te Mr rt Hvrmw or Jouh vt THE ROYAL URNISHING AKCAiiKEXPKEslB Turn to the umilnro ('olinun I fTYO LET 270 Victoria stioel Itarliugbunl rasand Water Infil on II Newniui llrnUnSe I TO LET detached ihiTTAGE 4 room knetat ystdh shed Itiiaox and toze nt itrovis Nevtues I IlW LElVAahttaM I'art liaure and GmuhIs to pwftd I Order Thompson Vlrkry'hMiihersjPUt trtt I TO 79 torrace keut street 8 rooms I kltrben batliroosu te Crair Brothers itrelderetoet I alO LEI COTlAGE aod Stablee alm amaUCoU a Be 6d pi week Apply lloeklnp liarlsB dreatKakrta I TO LET 8fl6 and DWELLING lunUi glam Apply 81 Martet Mrroi I frftTLIPfrSHOP mJ DWELLING? 83 LlwpollL street James Little acvnuntanl J67 Gtwrgratn rt TO LET 9 rroutod HUf'sK both stable Apply Nt I I tiak lcrrace l'nrranjtta rodGlU TO LET a I1OURE 7 twm 19 Key st 108 iwl Inurtdreet Wooll moolno a IO LET si Ntinitner Hill station CUl'i'AGK 6 ruuatl pantifes tank large yirtreat 21 Mra Copr rest TO LET 6517 Bonrita t' ixre srk Hotel bdl 8 rooms kitehen pantry laundry large yard So fllO LET 2 IIUL6E3 fnraubed or mfaraubAl fl Apply st Lucas's Mart No 231 Pttt strert TO LET HOUSE Cartlereogb street 7 doors sorlhifl Uvorpool rtrcvt near Protestant Hsll Apply CKtitaal llO LET HOUSE trerara Apply Kidmaa't! 1 Oxfuni wtreet fllO LBT fletoched COTT AOB'4fooau shed gsrisJ 1 water Pawley Cetndenrille Ketct TO LETHOUbtS i end reotne Ila 18 Bros narristerect Ultimo rwyf suifabio for procure store or takM 1 Cook Brut Hsrris atreet Ultimo fl SQ rfe lTa shop and ROOM good rtsnd gsiftB 1 Us Bellevue strret burry Hills tEtT or for SALE sh ll iwuwd HOUSE vij aare Lend 2 minute from trembcMUtaOytUusMifWM tnvmunent Utoham Darlinguret Btiiuaui Tj LET Maximum terraro Glebe read flroe bathroom washing copper gas and ibroagtout eonvemenre Apply No 1 mme terrace mo LET iniuodiotelg Commodiob RflSlDEYL I thorough repair Apply 2) MacqusrWUwi njipofltte or Ur mo LETrHOU8E ix room kitchen wshluw 1 1 Mlhteme ynl rod oovtaH stable QawyitruO Ultimo Key next door XI llO LET 59 Argyle street near Grorge etreelmdCfJ I MtlarOuav targe eowaimt HOUCK aniubletortosrenM fejnre Ycumro 130 lltl etrert TO LET COTTAGE 3 room kifehen onttafldnM about 2A acre of had nuitsblc for market sanies or pjtB ton plenty of water Hotoh Terrace road opptote btarkeyM MatTickvOie fllO LET PREMISES suitable for fclltnonprmg woolwwbiag purpose good faw reside sbeta the Cook'S Biver road Apply Cooper and Uta TW62Tg STORKS wralv biilLVSB fTlo'T'MRCHIKLDCdTTAGKBB A off Pltt vtroet Ife dhru 4 loom and enpper gas Sod wafe taw yard end ITOOd atiStay nertfeor A Tewke tniry TO" LET Nortan etrect LdoMmrit new H0vSKM roumsand kitobea ebUou iMttiu taul on four mtoutee frost roti mO LET Jw'ffnSer'i nSTVork streets Tcentral Kxchange buildings suitable tor to biiatoew number of room if required adtorP" erephlc Galtery in the city CKidmao TOlakT ta Artbur etreet nrer SL Double ownitatebte and water balks copper and every puowB rad Its 6d Apply btepfieoa plumber MrWMiW riltTLET UN lABBfor'a term A LARGE 8HtP newly fitted with targe yid at rear of pretniw central mtuaitan BLPWNON 5 35 1 MIOP GrorgreetrecL trear I 7 looms week: Oortags targe rocB I 14 Acree Laud end Dwelitag it weta UOLEMd CO WAGES Surry unMj72VrwH Botany strwt 4 rooms Its week Balnuua raas Woutioosir 4 Ttnut II week MilkandU wry re Bednerefoth alty a Cratiereagh etreet near Batburot strtrt I IL VAUGHAN BstateAgeufe tree tetter tent Itadive! farLO Dul lata of tefdvere BrtuM 1 dwtwafre iCTl'RN SYDNEY MORNING HEBAW flcicairrtwe: 18 per Annum This raw to for toedray or er the eborgewlU be if per AU odrettieensarte under six Ifae adverttoerS account if booted aymoatbfH Advertiser to tta country can remit pay" Orders or Postage teW mtebtafcd AuvasTiMMiuru are ctarefficu tat fee iti vcnicace of readera but no guarantee is fr appear under special hwsdlng dlM inrfdei White ewtvy eare to exenieed tn regard advertisements the othCTOSu of non mwtiua through 1 proprietors reserve to sitW ments that they may £id for to MR adverttoemeots may have been received ana 1 course of bustn rn sdvrrtteR or the eocveetence at edverttoree rep" a mbe tte Lier Offireibut IM arfpt say responsibility i this repert JJff BlrthiTiteataa aad Marriage 8 nTja fl fiTieeJof BIRTHS rod DBaTUB cannrt jouraal uatem Indiwacd with the name and eddne i and mnitatoee notlcre bnng been ee? for pubM" 1 parpoee ot annoying rrepectah1ejrwihMWggg pedal An toed and fttnJ Sndawdnte fcd 1 otMb to Kooa the Wshtoiakydi I li.

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