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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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1 The most oertalu and safe Remedy In the world that instantly the moat excruciating paina. It IB truly the great CONQUEROR OP PAIN and has done more goad than any known remedy. FOR SPRAINS, BRUISES, BACKACHE, PAIN IN THE CHEST OR BIDE, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, OB ANY OTHER EXTERNAL PAIN, a few applications rubbed on by the hand act like magic causing the pain to instantly stop. CURES AND PREVENTS, Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Inflammation, Bronchitis Pneumonia, Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Influenza, Swclllnir of the Joints, Palna In Duck, Client or The application ol the READY BELIEF to the put or where dlfflcultj or pain exlau will tttota ease and comfort. ALL INTERNAL PAINS, PAINS IN BOWELS or STOMACH, CHAMPS, SOPR STOMACH, NAUSEA, VOMITING, HEARTBURN, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS, SICK HEADACHE, DIAR- BH03A, COLIC, FLATULENCY, PAINTING SPELLS are relieved Instantly and quickly cured by taking internally a half to a teaspoonful of Ready' Relief in half teaspoonful of water.

MALARIA. Cbills and Fever, Fever and A0ue Conquered. There not a remedial agent In the world that will core Fevetand ASUS mid all other Mataxleas, Bilious, and other Fevers, aided by Rwhray's Pllli, 80 qnlcklr Radwaj's Beady Relief. Price 50c per bonie. Sold by druggists.


Sold by all JUDW IT ft CO Wsrren N. sure uk tor BADWAT'8. Catarrh AND COLD IN THE HEAD relieved Inltintly bf one of Birney's Catarrh Powder IUV. FAI-IIKR CI.AKKR. to tho Bt.

Kev. Bishop o( Columbus, Ohio, writes; hl for tin ninety to I0 M.F U. S. Appraiser's Stores, hital to rftliovn. TOLL SIZE bottle of powder ilnU blowor COnPLETE.po»tp<«trf.

Sold eTCrywhoro by or direct bv us, 8old by B. F. Keesllng, J. L. Hanson and Ben Fluher, Ind.

WANTED. eKNTS make $5.00 ft day. Greatest kitchen A Qtenoll ever Invented. Retails S5c. 2 to 6 lold In every house.

Sample, postiwte paid, IB e. Foiismot A MCMAKIN, Clnclnnnttl, 0. EN to tnko orders In every town and cltr no dellverlnit; Rood wflROS from start; puy.weekly: no capital required: work jenr ronnd. State OLEN Koiilwster, N. Y.

wilarr from ntnrt, permanent iilnce. Brown Brow. Nnrsen- men, 111. GOI to take orders by siimplii; will nay experts') and salery or allow libe- mmission. Samples wnt on apliltoitlon Address.

() New York Cltr. GIVE every an opportunity to make from twenty to thirty dollam a week quietly at her own home. For further particulars ail- drets. "THE STEVENS CHEMICAL Jollet. Ilia.


Write lit otice tot terms to The Hawks Nursery N. Y. ANTAL-MIDY Thoswtlny Ccpwles ana superior to Baliam of Goptdbn, ICubebe and Injections. They cure In 48 to" 18 tho liame discuses -without Imleacc. SOLD BY ALL DM RELIGIOUS MATTERS.

A BLESSED THOUGHT. God known host, ble.sso.1 thoucht, Tliinwiii full anil peace, Tiiut tliu torapusi in our hourU Aiul tlio sLorui to const). God kiimvx Wily should Attnmpt 10 our wuy. Whuti u-i; 1 He Icucl.s UH on Unto purreot day? God UtioWH linMt. Increase our falta, us, dour Lord, to come; Anil bowing liuuibly ut Thy foet Tosuy: "Thy will bo done." And when at last lire's troiiMcs o'er Wo rciu ihe land of In HumMi's dour llctu wu shall Aiul own Unit Ood knows best.

II. 11. Hooker, In ClilciiKO Standard. BUSINESS AND RELIGION. Id It to C'ODd ct HuiiIneiiK Successfully on Strictly Chrlntlun The above question recently came up in a Sunday-school class of young men in one of our larger city churches, and was answered by a number in the negative, allowing this dangerous opinion to have considerable currency.

To obtain the sentiment of tho business on the subject, the Chicago Ad- addressed the question to a of leading business men. Among those addressed was ex-Postmaster-General Wannmaker, of Philadelphia, who said: "I have never seen dishonesty or deception succeed in business. The gain of a temporary advantage -was always counterbalanced, and in the end netted a large percentage of loss. I took the stand -when a boy that it was not necessary to lie to sell goods. It is a slander on the mercantile profession to assert or argue thivt It is founded on un-Christian principles and practices." "In my experience," wrote E.

G. Keith, president of the Metropolitan national bank, Chicago, "I can not recall an instance where in the long run strict rules of equity as laid down by Christ Himself would not win success, and I feel sure if you apply such rules, no man will ever regret it, even so fai- ns this world's success is concerned. Of course the better rule, that it iJ best to do right whatever the results, should be the standard. "I answer your question," says Elbridge Torrey, of Boston, "with an emphatic Yes. If tho Bible is true, it will ever be true that 'Godliness is profitable for the life that now is as well as for the life to come.

1 Facts for a long term of years in any city will show that while there may be temporary success where there is trickery fraud, permanent and true success must ever rest on permanent principle, and that is always the principle resting on the Word of God as a foundation," Albert Shaw, editor of the American Review of Eeviews, wrote: "I wish to reply yes, with emphasis and without qualifications. There te such a thing as Christian common sense, and it Is not difficult to find it embodied In business men whose careers are successful In the estimation of the business world, and whose consciences at 'the same clear in' a sense of upright, manly und generous conduct The rapid acquisition of wealth at a dominating inuticc and'an end in itneif is wrong. Hut to reganl the rapid acquisition o) wealth as synonymous with the successful conduct of business, is a false view from any legitimate standpoint, whether of economics, of business ethics or of Christian principle. We live in a country that affords opportunities such as the world has never seen before the development of very large enterprises. The American people, now numbering some set-only millions, possess very much tho highest average purchasing power that any people have ever possessed in the history of the world.

Consequently, success in a business enterprise may mean the growth of that enterprise to very largo porportions, and the consequent acquisition of very large wealth. The one paramount human possession is character. The existing industrial order affords abundant opportunity both for the development and acquisition of high character, and also for the constant daily exercise of Christian principles. The business world than ever before in the history of trade, commerce and the binding character of the essential principles oi Christian ethics; and the business world is full of successful men who endeavor with clean hands and a pure heart, and moreover with eyes wide open and brains cleared of the fogs ol self-deception, to act upon the principles of the golden rule in all their business transactions." "I answered the question HO thoroughly on my editorial page," wrote Edward W. Bok, editor of the Ladies' Home Journal, "that I do not think I Can do better than to send my comments there printed.

To my mind, 1 cnn not see how the highest attainable business success can bo had apart from Christian ethics. "It is strange." ho comments, "how reluctant young men are to accept, as the must vital truth in life, that the most absolute honesty is tbe only kind of honesty that succeeds in business. It isn't a question of religion or religious beliefs. Honesty does not de- oend upon any religious creed or dogma that was ever conceived, it in a question of a young man's own conscience. He knows what is right and what is wrong.

And yet, simple as the matter is, it is astonishing- how difficult it isof understanding. An course in business seems too slow to the young man, 'I can't afford to plod along. I must strike, and strike is the sentiment. Ah, yes, my friend, but not dishonestly. No young man can afford to even think of dishonesty.

Success on honorable lines may sometimes secru slower in coming, but when it doos come it outrivals in permanency all tho so-called successes gained by other methods. To look sit the methods of others is always a mistake. The successes of to-day arc not given to the imitator but to the originator. It makes no difference how otlier men may success ia theirs und not yours. You can not partake of it.

Every man is a law unto himself. The most absolute integrity is the one and the only sure foundation of success. Such a success is lasting. Other kind of successes may seem so, but it is all in the seeming and not in the reality. Let a young roan swerve from the path of honesty and it will surprise hun how quickly every avenue of a lasting success is closed against him.

Making money dishonestly is the most ditlicultnthing to accomplish in the world, just as lying the practice most wearing to the mind. It is the younf? man of unquestioned integrity, who is selected for the position. No business man ever places his business in the hands oi a young man whom he feels he can not absolutely trust. And to bo trusted means to be honest. Honesty, and that alone commands confidence.

An honest life, well directed, is the only life for a young man to Icud. It is the one life that is compatible with the largest and surest business success." UNCONSCIOUS INFLUENCE. Tho When tho Llclit Shown Ttuxlf. One of the greatest tributes one person can pay another is to say that he led him to do this or that good deed by his unconscious influence. Most anyone can appear good and earnest and sympathetic when he tries.

But it is quite another thing to show that goodness, earnestness and sympathy without trying to have these beneficent influences flow from one's life because the heart overflows with them. The people who are good only when they make a special effort to be BO are likely to be caught off their guard. It may be doubted if such people are really at all, but put on their goodness as they do their coats, according to the character of the people with whom they associate or the thingto be g-ained. David Livingstone was one whose character ever shone, even though no human hearts were to be cheered except the dark-faced Africans. Stanley says that during the four months he was with him in the dark continent, there was such a constant stream of good influences flowing from the great missionary's personality that though he went to Africa "as prejudiced as the biggest atheist in Ixmdon," he returned a Christian man.

"Little by little," says Stanley, "his sympathy for others became contagious; my sympathy was aroused; seeing his piety, his gentleness, his zeal, his earnestness, and how he went quietly about his business, I was converted bv him, although he had not tried to do it Christ truly in the heart, Christ animating all one's thoughts, Christ the motive power of all one's acts, Christ the aim aud purpose of one's life means Christ always and everywhere. Just as good breeding makes a man a gentleman under all circumstances, just as careful nature gives the rose the beautiful tint it desired to have, just so, except much more surely, the human character, molded by the Divine hand, shows the effects of its training, and, without exercise of the will, sheds its influence all Young Men's Era. NUGGETS OF GOLD. Home UrlKbt Bltii of Truth Taken from the ICiini't Horn. Truth is the strength of God.

It never helps sin any to wash its face; All offers of salvation are in the present tense. Bad men hate the Bible as rogues do the police. Sin is a groat always "spots" its man. No man seeks his best who does not seek God first. If we obey Christ it is proof that we know Him.

To say yes to any kind of a sin is to say no to Christ. It is a long step toward God to forsake bad company. Praying at people is never prompted by the Holy Spirit. "The labor of unbelief is to make a stone look like bread. We all hate self when we see it crop out in smnbody else.

Too many divisions in sermons subtract from congregations. The only freedom is to be in full accord with God's purpose. The sun is always shining to tho man who walks by faith. Most any kind of money, held close ZOA-PHORA, "DISUSES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN," a worth dollars, isitt itated for 700. Secures to I a pilnlcsB, perfect development and thns prevent! Uie-long weakness Sustains and soothes Overworked Women, Exhausted Jlotlieret and prevents prolapsus.

Cures Palpitation, Sleepltst- ntw, nervous breaking down (often preventing Insanity), providing- ufe of Ufe, and a Halo and Bender, suffering from any complaint peculiar to the ftmale ZOA-PHOKA ii Worla evorythtaB tojoo. Irttor, for advice, marked by onr physicians only. ZOA-PHOEA H. 0. COLKiN, Bee'y, Katonatoo, Miclu to the eye, will shut out Heaven.

The only cure for unbelief is the knowledge of God's love. All true prayer is anointed with the blood of self-sa-evifice. An oatli is confession that tliedovil is served from To seel; God is every man's highest duly and greatest privilege. A mini ma.y havo deal of re- lipion and yet not have Christ. Try to keep God's law and you will soon find out that He made it.

keeps the devil busy to hold his own against a prayhiff mother. All (iod-t'ivcn rights slop when they touch those of a neiprlibm-. To say "Our Father" with the heart is a prayer for the whole earth. "Ho, everyone that tliirsteth" is the call of the Spirit to the mull who knows not God. Uecause, Jesus Christ has been in the prave, every man who will may have eternal life.

One of the hardest thinprs the devil has ever tried to do is to put along face on a happy Christian. There is nothing- like the love of God for puUinjf true courage in the heart. Every deed is the child of a creed. When the multitude followed Christ it was generally out of curiosity, or because they wanted something to eat. The devil loves the man whose mule has an easier time than his wife, no matter whether he belongs to church or not.

The feels free to walk in to the house of the man who does not put up a fence that tells tim to keep out. One reason why Rome preachers do not reach the musses is became they get up in the church steeple to their sermons. ALASKA FOX-BREEDING. The OominuiKlor laliiiiil" St. George the Sent of the Imluttry.

For the purpose of perpetuating the fast vanishing fur supply of Alaska certain enterprising persons have gone into the business of breeding blue and black foxes on uninhabited islands along the coast. When tbe seals have been finally the world may still look to that region for some of the most valuable and beautiful pelts known. The Smeda Propagating Company has recently stocked a number of islands with foxes, and the investment is beginning to yield handsomo returns. The lands thus employed are valueless for anything else, being wholly barren. The breeding of blue foxes lias already been made very successful on one of the I'ribylof that of St.

the Itering Sea. Of their increase ten thousand have been killed and skinned for the market. One advantage of this industry is that it involves no expense for the care or feeding of the animals. All that is required is to let loose a few pairs. However, it is very important that they shall not be interfered with during the period of reproduction.

Those of them which are taken must at all times be trapped and not shot. Thus they become exceedingly tame in the course of a few generations, hi the same region there are red, white and "cross" foxes. of the last- named variety, which is supposed to be a cross between the red and the black, quoted at from five to eight dollars wholesale. The white and red pelt's are worth only aboulone dollar apiece, because although they are very beautiful, they are much more common and more easily obtainable. J-llack foxes are so rare as to be hard to procure for breeding purposes.

The breeding of blue foxes is a business regularly prosecuted on the Commander Islands, in the western part of Tiering which belongs to llussia and have the only fur seal rookeries besides those of the Pribylof group. When the explorer liering first landed on Hering Island, which is the larger of the two isles referred to, he found it fairly swarming with these four-footed beasts. They wore so tame and fearless that they could not be driven away. They ate up his provisions and even attempted to devour the men, who were helpless with scurvy. To get rid of them bits of brush wore tied to their tails and set afire.

Groat numbers were killed with clubs and all sorts of expedients were tried, but it was impossible to frighten them off. When Dr. Steineger, of the Smithsonian Institution, visited liering Island not long ago for the purpose of obtaining a skeleton of the extinct Arctic seacow, ho was anxious also to specimens of certain rare auks, which are washed ashore by storms, but the foxes were so quick to grab them that he could get very few. The natives there kill an average of a thousand foxes annually. They are all trapped, the use of firearms not being permitted.

White ones are eagerly hunted and destroyed, to prevent tlioiii from contaminating the blue N. V. Journal. JU-iiultd'or Sot M'orkinff at Mi-lit. An interesting thing to be noted regarding animals in Farly beasts of prey belonging to the cat that their habits undergo a complete change after they lose their liberty.

Visit the animal houses at Central Park and you will find their occupants, almost without exception, wide awake. They do their sleeping at night. But in their wild state these, tigers, lions, panthers, cougars and so on rested in the day time and went ont looking for prey late in the afternoon, and often not liefore- sundown. Their season of activity terminated with tho passing of the darkness. Then they sought their dens or lairs unless hunger remained unappeased.

As caged specimens of their kind they reverse the natural order of rest and exercise. They secure their food without effort and lead an aimless existence, longing-, doubtless, in a vague way for the jungle and the prairie. For them the inspiring struggle for life is at an end. Save in rare instances tho captives soon die, mangy, old before their time and without Y. Herali DISHONEST PASSENGERS.

ITIcka by Which liiillrcm.l Corporation! Aro DufrAnilttd or Money. "Would you like to get an idea of how tbe railroads are victimized in all directions" said the general passenger agent of one uf the leading Chicago roads. "If you would, here is a report which is fair sample of what we receive every day." The report referred to was that of a spotter who had been sent out to make a trip over a certain hcction of the system, ami find what, hu could of any crookedness that the employes of the road might be indulging in. It read in this fiishiun: "In a-ccordanei! with instructions received, 1 tills clay made a trip over division, in train I took a scat in till' smoking car, beside a man whose appearance indicated that he was a commercial traveler, into conversation with him I found that my surmise in this respect was correct; he was traveling for the house of Presently the conductor came along and asked for our tickets. While he was examining and punching mine my friend, tho commercial traveler, fumbled in his pocket and pulled from it two dollars in silver, which he handed to the conductor with a peculiar kind of wink.

'Where are you the conductor asked. 'You know my usual run." 'Let me see. You generally get off at 'Well, you must have made a mistake. The fare to that point is three "'Oh! to be sure. I should have handed you this up with the money, and lie passed up a mileage book.

what do I want with asked the conductor, holding out the two silver dollars. 'Don't you want me to tear off the full 'O, that's all right. You know what I "'No, 1 guess said the conductor; 'not this and he tore the full mileage out of the book and passed it, with the two dollars, back to the drummer." "Do you know what that drummer was up to?" asked the general passenger agent, "lie wanted to save a dollar on that trip, and to do it he was willing that the conductor should have two dollars. The amount he handed that employe in the first place was intended for the conductor's own pocket, but it was also intended to pay tor the drummer's transportation that trip. The railway company was to be frauded of three dollars.

Of that amount two dollars was to go into the pocket of the conductor and one dollar into the pocket of tho drummer. That is the kind of thing we have to contend against all the Post. MOST BEAUTIFUL OF FEET. of Modern Amofleann Ext.rimiltlrft of Statunry. Tho Greek statuary, much of it dated centuries before Christ, seems to prove that the Greek had feet much like those of modern Americans.

The most beautiful of the Greek feet are hollowed out well, both inside and out. They have short heels, high insteps, and long, straight toes, slightly spatulatc nt tho ends. This is the type of the most beautiful foot. It is, on the whole, a fool not frequently seen in'its perfection, for often one or the other elements of beauty is wanting. The rarest point of beauty is the hollowing of tho outside of the foot It used to be that the shoemakers' lasts were made upon Greek principles, but for scvernl years lastmakers havo been making a lump on the outside of the last just above the point where the slight hollow should be.

If any one would convince himself that the hollow on the outside of the foot is rare let him watch tho prints the seaside bathers leave when they step on a dry plank walk. Most of such footprints show a greater or smaller hollow on the inside of the foot, but nearly every one shows a straight wet mark on the outside. The sandalled feet of tho Greek goddesses in marble are much like tho feet of the modern any rate of the modern infant before the feet have been modified by leather shoes. All of the goddesses havo the fifth toe much smaller than the others, and, in every instance, this toe shows the snail-like twist so often ascribed to modern pointed ehoes. The ancient statuary, whether male or female figures, shows of ten that contraction of the toes at the joints usually ascribed to the wearing of short shoes.

Even the easts of ancient statues of athletes show this peculiarity. A few mummified feet arc modern in form, though they usually show the effect of the tight bandages wound about the corpse. Not only does art give small encouragement to the idea, that pedal deformities produced by footwear have become hereditary, but the modern infant bears testimony to the contrary. Perhaps the feet ot women sulfur more than those of men from injudicious footwear, but infants si-em to inherit not the peculiarities of their mothers, but only the structural A noy. Little hosird your mother tell my mother -Jliat you studied every night tik ever so late.

Little I'm tryin 1 to get my eyes sore, so I won't have to study at all. News. which beg-in in darkness and Btorm often end in a glorious sunset- Ham's Horn. HY HOOD'S? Because Hood's SarsaparilU the best, most reliable and accomplishes the greatestcuKs. HOOD'S Where Disease Is Bred.

When a sewer is clocked or cholced up the accumulations poison the atmosphere in its vicinity and bring about the conditions that breed disease. We all know that in time of pestilence every precaution is taken, not only to keip sewers free and open, but even to remove ail decaying from community. The danger of infection iV tlius minimized. How few of us who pay taxes for the maintenance of bureaus for the public health tiiink of an equal requirement for cur individual welfare. The alimentary canal is the.

Rreal sewer of ihc human system. AVIicn that is dammed up conditions arc gen- crated which invite fevers and such diseases as our nature inclines to. Constipation is a clogging of the natural drains, and nearly everything we suffer from follows this condition. It will not do merely to clear the drains from time to time. We must repair and improve the working power of the machinery function it is to perform this work.

Smltll'H BHe Oilfc-r from pills in that they are more than a mere cathartic They not only stimulate sluggish bowels and clear the system of all disease-breeding matter, but they remedy the evil complained of; they restore power and freedom of operation to the secreting organs, and they tone up and strengthen the entire system. They are cosy and sootbing in action. Try them. 25 els, a bottle, 5 bottles, $1.00. For sole by druggists and medicine dealers throughout the country, or by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price.

Ask for the "Small Size" (green wrapper or cartoon). Take No Substitufe for Bile Beans. per Bottle. One cent a dose. THIS CHEAT Couon Ccmi promptly OoughB, Spwihroat, Cwup, For ConBUmption it h-w no OTTOci chouoandD tiero all oti'-ti-e failed; will cc tou it: taken in time.

SoM by Drurpists on -tee Fw IJUIIB Jiick or Chest, PQEOU3 SJcto. ATARRH Kor sate by B. CATARRH JREAM BALMI la quickly Absorbed. Cleanses the faaal Passages! xuays Pain andl mnammatlon. deals the Sorei Protects the Hembrane from! Additional Coldl Restores the Senses ofTas and Smell.

WILL CURE. H'Al particle to applied into Met mtttll greeable, DraoUti or by XL? BBOTHBB8, Warren StVTNew Absolutely Pure. A Perfect Stimulant ft? Mediciuai Purposes. FBCC rr.ou; FL'SETL OH, AFJT I rtOAl. FLOVOR AK3 COLORING MATTER.

Vff. Jolir. N. I lurry, flio.iiiisf, this "OM r.rnj of HIP imrlty'f ill'' 1 wEitoltoy rwocil- it toi- wlii-it" 1 hccn warmly cn- iI.u-Miil i.iii::i>rr i'l' in il.i-ir Lractico. i'- Old fiuART, $1.25.

A. KifiiT A KL'M Druj-fisls, and Sule Iltors, S. BMisrs. LQRETTO, KENTUCKY. For sale by POBTEB.

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