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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

We have had several things to com- ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW TO-DAY. ItOSt ADogr 4 ifH II fl IHN HI JFK? 111 i. el mm BUSINESS 1 OAKLMD.

Published every day, except Sumlay, Publisher and Iroprletor. Office 461 Midi' Street (p TUESDAY- 13, 1874 Served bjr Carriers. 10 cent per Week Foit the past week it has been found impossible to open the safe of the Colusa -County Bank, until an expert from this city -was sent for, who succeeded in get- ung ii tipeu. -f CARD TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned, thanking the public for a generous patronage bestowed the past ten years, would give no vi-oi ao pay must uuwuueous prices ior tice that they will sell for the their large and choice stock House Furnishing Coods at der to close out their business.

They offer for sale their whole establishment and bus- iness. Any person desiring to purchase a good paying -business, firmly established, the trade of which extends to all parts of the Coast, cannot find a better opportu. nity, or a better opening than To the public we say, call stock of goods. Now is the Great inducements offered to purchasers. GURNETT 1066'to 1071 Broadway, Oakland.

Parties indebted to the above firm are requested to cull and settle immediately. ment npon mr con nection with 'onr Oakland fire department, but it remained for last night's meeting, of the Council to develop the coolest specimen of cheek in the way of demand upon the public treasury, that has yet come to light. 'Ve refer to a petition of the lumber yard and gas people on First btreet, asking the city to furnish them some hundreds of feet of hose for their special and regular use! When the little military com-pany asked the city td gS to thousands of dollars expense to fit up the City Hall for its particular use as affairs are ad vanced, we were slightly amazed, bnt when it comes to a corporation, which lit. i i uuivg Jr- wnoie lire gas-light, asking for1-a whole' lire -de partment, with garden "hose thrown, in, we have a right to "ask What next? Perhaps there is a suggestion in this, after all, in view of our everlasting mud dle of a department. We were of the opinion that if the city were to disband the paid organization, and pay the loss by fires out of the treasury, that it would be cheaper for the tax-payers in the end In view of this petition, why not break up the and divide it-round among a few leading individuals and corporations, pay the losses as be fore mentioned? Donate the hose, for instance, to Doc.

Merritt'a lumber yard, and the engines to the Temperance Alliance for the purpose of celebrating Local Option victories. It is a gleam of satisfaction to know that there is a man or two in the Council who can see through the manifold attempts at un blushing and who have the courage to lay the schemes on the shelf onee in a while. The Transcript's account, of the acci dent yesterday near theBerkelexlirry wharf, censures the Ferry Company for me uuu conuiuon oi uie roaa. ine article in question was doubtless written by some frightened student who was aboard at the time of the accident. If any blame should attach to any one, it cer tainly ought to fall upon, the driver of the coach.

The road for several rods near the end of the wharf is newly made, having been tornpiked and graveled and consequently is soft and yielding under the wheels of a heavy Concord coach greatly overloaded. The driver knew the condition of the road and the danger of upsetting a top-heavy coach, and had he excercised ordinary care he would have unloaded while crossing that short piece of dangerous ground Any one who has ever drrvrn 'over a-Tiewly turnpiked road can readily understand how easily an upset might WhenJ the rains have settled and packed the ground, the thoroughfare leading to the Berkeley Ferry wharf jk ill be in good condition, snail expect to see th lranscript apologizing for its unjust criticism to-morrow morning. A A If one man had the managing and directing, as in the case of the corpora tion we mention, taxation would be al most nominal. Aw. The contrary ass across the way thinks we have "too much government," and thinks now that the Central Pacific B.

Company is a model of management for all other institutions to pattern after. We have been advocating'- Grant and the empire" ourselves, until we felt that we had a special claim on that hobby in this community. Xow that. through a Cabinet officer, has hinted that he doesn't intend to be an empire, theJVtfa it on theFsxuae, idiot, and not over-GVKXiatJdril'a Bliaxildera; he Chits enough to But it is well known and generally admitted that the Federal government is a very economical insti tution in comparison with the average State and municipal luxury. ssSasjBBBasiBnBBlBnBHM We are informed most credibly that owing to Mr.

Everson's taking upon his shoulders the entire reconstruction and management of the Are departmentthat there has not been a sincle meetincr of the Fire and "Water Committee "since he tTOk'his seat in'the', Here is business, for always knew that Conr.cil was fearfully and wonderfully made, but we had no idea that the heads of committees were so eminently select as au The case of the Oakland Railroad Companywith respecCto tfeeir lower -broadway matter, seems to be put in a more xavorable light by the "statement" -ounnhnan Knox, although if still wsems a nttle odd that a member of the Council, who is a leading member of the Company, fitmkl1be found pleading and introducing an ordinance on the subject at the same time. 8o lone as simnle justice is done, it does, not matter, per- uaps, who engineers tne case. The temperance people'of the interior generally are behaving in a somewhat childish manner over the defeat of. the Local Option law. Charges of corruption against the Judges of the Supreme Court and hysterical "resolutions" certainly not the best means to win con verts to tne temperance cause.

S. F. Chronicle. This can have land, of course. Metropolis.

no reference to Oak-l We are part of the Washwotos, October 11 addition to the cases involving the constitutionality of the Ouachita and Grant ransn (Louisiana) cases, which involve tne constitutiQnAiifTr r.t h. En.n.. law, there will come before the Supreme verm me case to te certi-nod from the Sunrema cnrt nt ru. fomia, involving the constitutionality of the uvuucao women Drought to the United States for immoral purposes All these cases will undoubtedly, incon-sideration of their great public importance, be advanced on the docket. At- NEU GOODS 4 J.

J. O'BRIEN Cor. 1 3th and Droadway, WIXLOPEN ON THIS' DAY tARGE VARIETY OF THE LATEST STYLES ENGLISH AND FRENCH 1 SUITABLE TOR FALL AND WINTER COSTUMES. EMPRESS CLOTHS 1 Front iO Cents a Yard Upward! In Cloth Colors, from Cta. Vpvard AlIrlflOL -DIAGONALS Xavy Bine, Dark Plum Grern, and Dark Brown Sbades.


1 3th and Broadway, I t- v. Tt; tax rpKE BOAKD OTCrRECTORS OTf the Berkeley Ferry and Railroad Company begg to annonnce that, for a texr days, until the Steamer jurcha6ed Iry the Company is in readiness ftrrthevente. the Stearaer-. 'CLlNTOH" Has been chartered, and -will ply between San Francisco and Berkeley as FmxSni TiUKdMco. XieaTieg Bulkhead on Treat near "Green Street lrharf: 8 a.

M. i ma.Ji. 3J P. M. ti r.

at. Fbox Bebkklct. Leaving the Berkeley Ferry and Railroad Company's whwf a. W. A.M.

2 P. Jt. i)i P. SI. SUNDAY TIME.

Feom Sax Fbamctsco 9 a. S)4, 6 From Berjcelit 10H a. 2 and p.M By order. H. T.

GBAVE8, President. WIIXIASI STUABT, Secretary, 113 Leides-dorff street. MRS. C. A.

WARREN, Brckdwty, Caiknd. MILLtNERY AND DRESSMAKING --'ft? ATTENDED TO. I PABTICTX.VB ATTENTION PAID TO MAE. ing Boys' and Children's Clothes and Underwear. All kinds of Sewing solicited.

A. 1.. NIWSOM. J. V.

GOWKf NEWSOM COWEN, Contractors Sc Builders Orders left at' the office of the Cetitral tin Company will be promptly attended to- and aat- isiactton gnaranTeea. 3.uraers sonclted. BK7 Materia i ck -fx. -h ALL-WOOL SERGES SaiFMcisraiBettr. OST-ON- WEDSESDAY, THE TTH ISST; a small black ami tan dog, answers to the name of "Tiny." Tlie finder will be liberally rewarded by retaining the aame to the Uankia House, opposite the Catholic Church.

East Oakland, to Mr. Fenaessy. JOHN J. SEWSOM. KAMX KEWSOM.

NEWSOM ARCHITECTS, 430 Montgomery Street," Over the United State Treasury, SAN FRANCISCO. Board tuid Room Wanted TOY TWO GENTLEMEN IX A PRIVATE FAM- X3 IIt where there are few or no other board ers; location must be in nel ghborhood of Broadway, within reasonable distance of Post-office References exchanged. Address. 'E Oakland, stating location and term, "it DRAYTON HALL! r. MRS.

ANN ELIZA YOUNG, Kineteenth wife of Brlgham Young, wnx DELIVER a UCTCRX ox SUBJECT: 'MY LIFEIX BOXDAGfi." rKS.YOCXGlS 29 TEARS OF AGE WAS born and rained a Mormon. Her first asso ciation with. Gentiles was about three year ago, when she was led to see tbe horrors of Mornionism, and fled from her home and took the platform to expose the- Tntqutty. 8 be has spoken in upward of two hundred Ejutera cities with the greatest success ever known to the lee- tare platform. 80 CENTS 6X.

Commence at 8 o'clock. "So extra charge ior reserved seats, wnicn can be secured at Bon- ford, Kclsey OLNEYS niDDLETOM, Real Estate Auctioneers For Oakland and Alameda, Office and fry street. Nib Francisco, wltli John Middleton Son. CONTINUATION i GREAT AUCTION SALE OF- Real Estate, Berkeley, ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, At 12 o'clock M. at Salesroom, 310 Montgomery street, Francisco, The rkelev Lajid and Town Imprevevect As-1 1 soelatlon will offer for sale, "by i I Obeys ICddleton, Auctioneers, 400 BUILDING LOTS In tbe STe Town Immediately contiguous to tbe Berkeley Ferry Landing And only AO minutes from Saa Fnuicleoo.

THE FERRY BOAT MARE ISLAND Hakes regular trips between Green street wharf, San Francisco, and the wharf at the foot of University avenue, Berkeley. For timetable see The line of the Street Railroad from the wharf to the University of California rung directly through the property. Free Commutation. Any purchaser of a let or lots who shall erect a house (to cost not less than tl.UOU) on the same, and occupy it through the' year as his residence, shall receive a Commutation Ferry Ticket for one year Free of Charge. Terms of Sale OXE-FIFTH CASH balance at sny time within two years, at a low rate of interest.

Title Perfect. For further particulars, see Maps and Catalogues, mhich, together with Verry Tickcta.may be had at Botescoom, or of Olney A 851 Broadway, Oakland. i The property may be had at Private Sale pre vious to tils auction, by applying to. 8. Pen-well, Secretary of the Association, at Berkeley, or at 607 Clay street, San Francisco.

i The Berkeley Ianil and Tovra Iin prevriuent Association. B. A. RAMMELSBEBG, President. S.

A. Pexweix, Secretary. OLXKYS MIDDLfeTOX, Oakland and Alameda Beat Estate Auctioneers. PURXISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD Apply at 064 Tenth street, between Brove and Castro, north aide. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS rpO LET AT THE SOUTH-EAST COBKES OF -Eighth and Clay streets within two min.

"ts walk of the cars, and but two blocks from Broadway. To Builders. POR SALE CHEAP-FIVE PAIRS OF SEC ond had Sash Doors xi2. Apply to STEPHEN TO WAS, Fourteenth street, near Franklin. Situation Wanted, T)Y A GEKTLEMAN OF CONSIDERABLE experience, as salasman in the dry goods, grocery, or liquor business.

Good references given. Address, 813 Folsom street, Han Francisco. MACK WEBBER'S 1 ORANGE FLOWER COLOGNE, Is nnequaled for the toilet. Corner Broadway 'and Eleventh' street. MayEreiiifliW3 Casey has turned up at last.

'Tbk Transcript's personal mention man is one of the features of that highly acquainted sheet. He runs with more 'esteemed'" or "distinguished" fellow citizens than any person in town, excepting, perhaps, the Chief of Police. "Our highly respected" John Smith, you know, just returned from Milpitas, and so forth. The Bulletin thinks it will require a century of climatic operations to 'test the change believed to be rapidly going on in this State and elsewhere on the coast. We never knew that old sheet to be so unconsciously radical in statement before.

What is a hundred years' time, anyhow? It takes nearly that long for a man to march from the cradle to the about the only thing he effects, to speak of. The first hard Montanya, our new Chief Engineer of the fire Department should do, is to ascertain how much oil it takes to run the machine how much kerosene, lard and sweet oH, say nothing of other fuel, horse-feed and that sort of thing, for which bills like advertising in the Xeas, are presented to the Council for payment. Mr. Montanya has a rare field for exerting his talent as a local financial statesman, rather than a figure-head talking through a brass trumpet once every six months or so. Mr.

M. has our most profound sympathy. God bless you. The scene in the Council last night over the fire department question, was no aiiogemer witnout point, he remark of Spaulding, in regard to Halley's Internal Revenue trouble, was very timely and more cutting than we supposed the anther xt St would have attempted. In speaking of defalcations, there were people living in the upper circles of Oakland, whose short comings in a financial way were 60 well known and extensive in comparsion with the worst charged against Halley, that the latter was an angel of light alongside.

Mr. H. being a poor man made all the difference in the world. There is no one to toady to him under such Mr. Halley has lost nothing in this last action, in the eyes of those who regard fair play, as jewel.

The capital city of the State has a Presbyterian minister by the name of McKaig on trial for not believing the Adam and Eve snake story. A full grown person," with the least amount of knowledge of the world, who could not swallow that serpent, apple jack and all, is more a subject for' the lunatic asylum than anything Get thee to Stockton, most reverend galloot! Hast never heard of "the great Are you not aware of the great reform under the spotted, striped, scaly serpent called Dolly Tarden And. jet cau't believe that Eve ate thaj little appfe Has the reverend McKaig never heard of Mrs. Fair? It is evident that no amount of church mauling will ever make a reasonable man a strright-jacket should take the place of his go-to-meeting garments. Ths law! Jo compel cHkljenrtoj go to to pnnish parents and guardians for not sending them, is another specimen electioneering buncombe: At least, there seems little or no regard paid to Its enactment.

In Oakland there is not good seating room for all the pnpils that Volunteer attendance at schools, and there may be some excuse for not enforcing the law in regard to the truants. ut that does not make the law a bad one in any case, and we hope to see it enforced here at the earliest moment. If the manufacturing in terests of the State are so limited-that the rising generation cannot be nnght trades, they should not be turned out without something of an education. It were better to have educated hoodlums than mere brute The thorough thrashing over i the jocks of Bernal Hights, which the gym nastic Daiioonaac of Woodward's Gar- dens received last Sunday, will tend to tafce a surplus of conceit out of that man. There has been a balloon mania prevailing over the bay the present vear.

resulting in more or less damage to a number those directive concerned. This is the only interest that has certainly attached to the business tiros far mo oraouii. uuui suiue new principle of jerial navigation is established of more definite usefulness, it would not be a bad idea to abolish these reckless performances. The fact has been dem onstrated that a man can go up a mile or two and hang by his toes, of course, but that the spectacle is one to be encourag ed in presence of ladies who love their lords, there may be grave doubts. It seems but little less barbarous as a public amusement than the old-time horrors of a Eoman holiday; t- 'Th" Organ.

Call and examine the Ester Organ at I next sixty days for CASH. of Furniture, Carpets and greatly reduced rates, in or this. and examine our superior time to buy cheap for $50 REWARD rOR A JOB. HOWEVER DIFFICULT, El their line of business, that cannot be cessfully attended to by KENNEDY MANNING, NEW CARRIAGE AND WAGON SHOP. Near Cor.

of 8th and Washington OAKLAND. 1 Vie are now Drerjared to contract tobnild in. thing from an infant's carriage to a hack. or. from a wheelbarrow to a lumber wagon com- Pesie.i i-ainiwg.

Trimming, sc. at the lowest possible rates. We have been backbitten and down trodden by our inferiors in business, bnt our motto is, "Labor against capital must and Kumn uacamen, expressmen, and stablemen are solicited to give us a call with at least one horse crippled from hoof-bound, quarter cracks or corns, which we will cure free of charge, and we are sure of success. We claim that we have learned our business from the bottom to the top round of the ladder, and with our theoretrioal and practical knowledge of the business we are second to none on the coast. Do not pass this by saying it is a bore, or that we are impostors, but come and test ns, and if we fail, of course we are the sunerers.

Born of poor parents, even as our Savior, in a manger, reared in a stable almost, we think ire are half horse, and able for anything that may come vpv We started our business on a small scale, and have sucked the hind teat long enough. We have now turned out, as it were, the runty pig, to root hog or die. Bemember the place. SEXXEDYic manning. DAVID AND ABRAM BUSH HAVE BOUGHT OCT Bxro-tKrer'aw 815 BBOADWAT, Bet.

Fifth and Sixth streets, Oakland, And will continue to serve customers with the best Bread, Oakea, Pies, etc. They hope to re ceive a eontinnanee of public- patronaoe. as their design and aim will be to produce as good an article at can be had this side of San Fran. Cisco. Tickets will be exchanged or redeemed for this week only.

I trust that a -continuance of the patronage heretofore bestowed on me will be csntinned at the old stand. BROWER. ENLARGED, At No. 912 "Broadway, Between Eighth and Ninth' streets, IS WHERE H. KONCE'S Ladies', Cents' sad Childress" Is located.

September 16th, 1874. Mr. Konerko enlarged his. store room to doable its former size, and is now prepared to satisfactorily serve the public in his line with either Custom or Sales' Work. Plaza Livery aMSale StaWr M.

M. HOWE 1th Street, let. Broadway and HAVE OPENED A UN'EET ASD 8ALE STA-ble, and will keep on hand the beet turn- outs to be had. They are also fitting up in coo. nection with their stable a HORSE-HiiOEISQ SHOP, and in a few days will be ready to attend to this branch of bnslnes.

Special attention paid to difficult and particular work inthfe UNION BAKERY CONFECTIONERY 008 Broadway, East Side, Between 8th and 9th Streets. JOS. BRANDBTADTER, Proprietor B9 Fresh Milk Bread delivered daily free of charge. T'ue best of Pies, Cakes and Confectionery constantly on hand. PAUL WEBER, TEACHES OF THB LdL Eesidence Southeast corner Telegraph avenne and Twenty-first street.

Lessons given at Pupils' Besldenc It desired. HENRY WEEKS, BLACKSMITH, CARRIAGE MAKER Avd MikmtVf-- Cor. 6th Avenue auad East 11th Street, EAST OAEXAKD. BtSk. The proprietor beinga practical man and employing only competent workmen, guarantees satisfaction in all eaies.


Wholesale and Betail Dealers is American ana French Caudles, Sat, Ete. Country orders solicited. S3 Broadway, bet. Sixth and Seventh Streets. Oakland.


All orders left at this Market will be attended to promptly. CTiATI HNUOJT Honse and Restaurant, Corner Broadway And Eleventh street. V-EWLY AND NEATLY FURNISHED Booms. Heals at all hours of the day. in fret-class style.

The BOSTON BROWN BREAD at this house cannot be excelled. The cooking st the CLABEXPON is tmdec -the imsaediate supervision fl the proprietress. Dining-roou! "on doors from the City Alarket. MISS 31. E.

KEEHAN. 465 Ninth Street, Nest door to Post-cffice, Proprietor. Constantly on hand all of Mr. Schntt formerly kept in the City Market. Be is now prepared to furniw to, his patrons the best Quality of Ftesn Meats, -delivered free.

A. GEMMELL, FAT.FR in --S- ir.iK LAUREL AND MEDALLION RANGE The Best in "Use, AlsoTin, Copper and Sheet iron Worker PLTJMBnfO, GA8 TTItlHG, and Mstal Roofing done td order Special Attention paid to Pumps of all ttod: 820 BROADWAY, One door from Sixth street, Oakland. FUR AND CLOAK STORE SLATE 1013 Broadway, Oakland UANCTACTUREB OF i FURS, FUR TRIMMINGS, AUfcrSscf CLOTH A full assortment of Cloak Trlmmlnfi kept constantly i stock. Fbtt cleaued. luierea ana -repaired hi less man Francisco prices.

Mei Mirtately A Gr.OT TO START ASD KEEP A Livery Stable at the BERKELEY FERRY LAUDING Must faav Carriage and acoxoinoda TWO STmEl) PASSEiTSISS AH7, For an energetic natn this is a splendid cpening Th Boat Coaimtacrd Raaaliic Oct. Std, so act at once. A suitable person can find a good chance to opens Coffee Stand and Restaurant At the same iice)To 'further particulars call on -T. CHAPPEULET, Oakland, Or 3, A. PEJTWELL, 007 Clay st.

San Francisco.

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