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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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I Kiiti-rixl seoonil-oliiss mutter lit tin) Lognns- rort I'tist M-brimryb, itSiS.1 SATURDAY MOKNING, AL'RIL 21. SCHKMKlvS AT WORK. Soriio of tho papers, notably Henderson I Son; OF FURNITURE UPHOLSTERS. So. 320 Fourth Street, LOGAN3PQRT, IND fAOTOKV: 5,7 ana 9 FHtt Street f.

M. BOZER, D. D. DENTIST. na "Hale Painless Method" used In filling ofteeth.

Over Stare National Bank MFner Fourth and and Broadway It's the Part of Wisdom. Times ma? hard anil money close bn tbme thlD((8 have thwir comppnsntlon. We can Mil jou watcbei and will, lit very clone lleurei t( money. Come nnil see wlmt you can ifltb llttlp money. I anxlrms to sell no watches but other Diamonds, Ciockn Spwstiicles unil I KI t(ani (ortlip l.jtlc Sure and I.ncHCo., Clnclnmit 1 Cnllaml smull I).

A. HAUK, AXD OPTICAN. DOUHDi Warne eioptSandsj H30 a Clt7 A Toledo exopt Bandar 11:16 a dallr 4:57 pm UtommodaUon for East 1:16 WIST BOUifl). for Wwt tfflU ltr ftL.exoept aundftj 1'jS. 1 11 dally hocaniport, side, IionMiuport and Cfclll.

BOCHV. iwmocutlon, Wm BOUHI). srtim. raoept Sundwr, arrive, 10 i'JO a 9-JOam The Pennsylvania Station. Trains Run by Central Time Sunduy, 1.0I1ANHV011TTO I.BAVK Columbus a in 8.00 a and New am 8.00 -bmond and a a.60 Ilinapolli and a li.lB iwn Point Chicago B.16am 12.208 -timondiind 5.45am tll.aopm iwn Point and Chicago fl.OU a 7.16 aer Local Freight am lli anl idfotd and Colniubns 6 and Effner 8.21 in 40 l.SO imond M.SSpro 1 1 iladelpbla and New 2.20 in 1.26 itlceJo and Bffner.

18.20 .3,30 1.80pm and ilO ra 20 Richmond 8.80 pm tH.ODmii 1. I "iimnc Accomodatlon ro MB Acoomoiintlon J. MoCULLOUHH, Ttckpt Agem. 0.40 Ii in Ind. WALL STREET! DPKRATK SUCtKHSFl'LIiY IN WALL STBKKT ord DP to date 88 tothciubMrlbers.

an the result of operations December, 18M, WinnUN A Bankets and Broken, a BrortWW, New York CUT. tho hiifOn. h'ivi! been cncrajrud very in up dust. Tho of this ii ni'iitifriit. Tho eyca of the public nui-t blinded to what Is reiilly on.

Tin, Journal tins conlidrnco in tho mid wifdoiii of tho people. It duos' noi buUnvu that thoy will fail to soo thattbe old gas company and its trusted ally, the Pharos, have jjoUen rid of all but one of tho democratic city ollicors. Never wns a plan moro skillfully laid. By a pretended attack on Buyer so thin a disguise that everybody saw through enough demo c.r»tH woro misled by their purty or to accuro tho overthrow of all tboi candidates for oxoop tbo treasurer. A grost many of thea democrats woro innocent tools in tb matter.

Thoy did not realize wha they wore doing. When it was dou thoy stood aghast. Thoy had boon told one thing' and another about th candidates or had blindly followei their party organ. Tho gas company's assault upon th republican primaries, resulted In a din aetrous rout. The fight against C.

Hadley was carried so far that an emissary another ward epen tho day preceding in an effort to create a break. The primary was tho largest in tho history the ward over 250 present, and Mr. Had ley was renomlnatod by acclamation In tho First ward Charles Ringlebon is a trusod officer In the now gai company; in the Second wart George Haigh was a dtreoto in the first citizens oppositioi gas company, in tho Third ward William Kelser osened his doors for the citizens Third ward mass mooting and in tho Fifth ward, Joseph Kinnoy Was one of the first signers lo tho now company Their opponents for tho eouncl wero tho choice of those who knocked out tho othor oflicers acd this fact alono should put tho people on ihoir guard. Tin-; Pharos entered into tho interview style of defense and tho Journal is anxiously awaiting the treasurer's reply to its last questions. Ttiese questions were based on the first point raised in tho interview and the Journal wants this settled before proceeding further.

The interview indicated that the treasurer was ready to explain and tho silence is surprls- tng- Tho Journal is ready to explain the Johnston and Hadley matter as soou aa tho lirst question, that of the brewery is answered. Why this silence? asks the defeat of the democratic ticket. It does not ask this on parly grounds alone. If Delleves the defeat of tho democratic landldatea for re-election means much. believes that hostile Influences controlled the democratic primaries and convention.

It believes that those nfluences failed to accomplish thing 1 in republican meetings and that ihe republican candidates are entitled the support of every oltlzeni rardloss of party. EVEKY democratic candidate for re ilectlon was strongly opposed to the ild gas company. Every democratic nominee in place of those defeated is urrounded and governed by influences rhich make him weak on the gas uostlon. Is It possible that any dom. docs not see the point? Is it josslblo that that any true citizen does lot see what defeated the democratic andldates for renomlnatlon? THE Republican primaries will bo leld this evening in the various rards to select delegates to the State nd congressional conventions There hould bo a good turn out and calm eliberation.

Tho official call in nother column gives all the detail nformatlon needed. THE Pharos cannot hope to make much capital by distorting Journal tatements and misrepresenting the ournal. Such things may Influ enoe a have weight with NO LIQUOB FOE THEM. Odd Orffanieation Among Congressmen at Washington. i'li "I Tcm- SIIIIH- Morn ous nil IU l.lHl.

of A temperance society composed of odd paradoxical. Midi an iiihi ittition (loos ist, however, anil has I'murishcd for more century. Webster a member of it, altiiouyh there is plenty of evidence i.luit he didn't always live, up In principles. The history its which by Ibc Slur, timely iind interesting just now in view of the recent celebration of the ninetieth birth Unit, old man of lie temp (u-n. Nun! Dnw.

ciclv was Kebriijry M. three months before the first national t.eniprninee convention ever lii-hl in this country, which met, at 1'liilailcl- phia nf that, year. In the old senate; chamber, now ucciipie.i by the supreme court, under leadership of Mich meu as lOvereU. Daniel I luriuUi Sey innnr, Lewis Cass, I'VlixCriindy, (icor-ce. M.

Dallas. I ieor-x- lleiuirieks, the society sprang inlo be- Lewis Cuss, secretary war. V.MS chosen president, and Theodore. senator from sev, a const iLr.Uon, wiiic was Adopted mill sij-l'ncd by Inn dreil iiieinbers of 1.1 iu senate and of ivprei-enlatives. following the preamble bis constitution: "As tin: use of ardent is in- only unnecessary hut.

injurious: as tends lo produce pauperism, crime all wretchedness und to hinder the efli citcy all. means and mora i benefit to endanger tin; ncncu of our free for tlie intelleotua of society and al purity and perma institutions, and a LEWIS OASS. one of tho best moans of counteracting its deleterious effects is' the iniluonei of united c-xiimplu, "Therefore, wo, members of con press nnil others, recognizing the prin ciple- of abstinence from the use ardent spirits and from the trafiio ii it as the basis of our union, do herflv) to form ourselves into a society and for this purpose adopt the follow ami so forth. Tin- object of the society is given, "to discountenance by example and bv kind moral the use of a.rdenl spirits and the l.rafiie in it tbroug-liout the. community." On tiiis basis the association carried on its wor'iC with more or kiss activity for many years.

J'n 1S70. under tho inspiration of such men as Vice President Wilson and Senator l.lnckinshani. of Connecticut, the society became spc ciall.y ulivc to the grout purpose of. its existence, and has enjoyed increasing usefulness and prosperity since that time. On its roll from the beginning; appear such names, famous in history, as George N.

llriggs, of Massachusetts; Thomas W. Oilmer, of Virginia; Joshua R. GiddinKS, of Ohio; Kufus Choate, of John Blair, of Tennessee; Henry A. Wise, of Virginia; Millard Fillmorc, of New York; Thomas of Kentucky; W. W.

Ellsworth, of Connecticut; Felix Grundy, of Tennessee; Franklin Pierce, of Now Hampshire; William C. Rives, of Virginia; Thomas Hiving, Ohio; presidents of the United States, signers of declaration of independence, justices of the supreme court, cabinet officers, senators, representatives and heads of departments. Among Inter subscribers and active workers in the organization may be mentioned Thomas W. Ferry, Henry Wilson, Schnylcr Colfax. Windom, Lot jr.

Merrill, John Logan, William IS. Wasiiburn, James Monroe, Hiram Price, James A. Garfield, F. T. Freylinglmysen, Henry W.

Blair, Alfred 11. Colquitt, Henry L. 3awes, John D. Long-, Elijah A. Morse, I.

U. Taylor, Nelson DingTcy and icores of others well known to public ife. THE DEMOCRATIC TARIFF. Incapacity of Dluuacrlnic TnnloM. The tariff bill as finally reported to senate is a ridiculous ti-nvcsty upon democratic theories and professions.

In many points it directly antagonizes tho undamental dcalaration of the party platform. That platform aflirms pro- ection to bo unconstitutional. The jill, as reconstructed by the senate Committee, adopts this unconstitutional principle ai to certain preferred iu- lustries, extending to, them a protec- ion which is arbitrarily denied to other nterests equally important and de- erring-. These concessions are made, admittedly, for partisan reasons, and ndependently altogether of broad con- iderations of public policy; they are made to conciliate special interests and ppease tho hostile sentiment of spe- ial localities. Thus we have a bill which is inspired on tho one hand by motives of hostility to groat national nterests, and on the othor by solid- ude for interests which are largely sec- lonal and hold no vital relation to the lational bill which is for protection and against it, which embodies both a constitutional and an unconstitutional principle; which proposes, accepting the claims of its fram- er.s as sincere, to promote the national welfare and at the same time encour- uyu national disaster.

as we do in the protective policy, wi! of course regard its application as to any interest or industry as a matter for haws in) dorlbt that tile discriiniualions of the amended bill, mado in the interest oi 'localities, will in some sense inure to the public advantage, lint tliis docs not alter the fact thai the bill is dishonest and incoherent, utterly lintl in morals, and Ilia 1, us such it must brinff legislation into contempt, a country lets down the standard ol In the level oi exocdicney, and its laws come the prejudices or passions, or relluct the selfishness and vemility of tim ulace, or any of in a word, it enacts its liy a process of bargain and sale invites the derision of all 1 peoples and lilakes it inevitable that iu own authority will cense, sooner or later, to command respect. The of the democratic party in tins matter of the tariff ilhis- afresh its singular incapacity for I dea.lin|, iu a statcMiianliki. 1 with I of concern. It had an opportunity siicb rarely comes to party to ami carry uiit a disliiicuvo, eoncvele and policy, Tlie country had lieolarci! in favor. Its power, wilb all departments of the government in lute and compU'lc.

Acting in honest I conformity lo the piri'o and demands of its platform, and stantiiux 1 unitedly for principle, it cirild commanded I popular respect befause of its linearity of however much the results I Of its action have been (iepre- i cated. Instead of this has by its in- competence and timorous insincerity deepened the distrust of the people, lost its opportunity, an.l brought upon the country fresh confusion and apprehension a.s to tho economic policy of the future. Instead of settling, it has unsettled financial and industrial conditions, and thus has uffjiravatod the dilliculties, already ominously tfreat, tlnoiifr'i which we must make our ivay to tiiat clear, and permanent national policy which can alone brinp g-enuino and abiding 1 prosperity. Weekly. Highest of all in Leavening U.SLGov't Hepo.r<: sslt-ps to adiinl.

their business to ilie new order of things. So, tin; ley law is in force to the e.xtcir^ that the reduced quantity of dutiable imported must pay the ihitics tixed by the law of the protective elVn-ts of that tarilf have disappeared largely. Every prophecy which tlie republicans made in IW'J as to tin; consequences of a democratic, triumph been fulfilled. The democratic prophecies have not been. The republicans make another prediction.

It is that if the democrats will drop the bill will jump up forthwith to the old standard, there will be work for every one, and the employers of. the men now on strikes, boinj; able to g-ive what they demand, will tell them to come back at once. The voters lire so well satisfied that this is what would happen were the I Wilson bill thrown into the waste Mcet that thoy arc pix'parinpf to dec; a republican house this fall and a repnb- I lican president in IS'JG. They have i learned at last that protection is not a failure, and far moro intelli- (font t-han they were in they will restore it as soon as they Tribune. WORKINGMEN IDLE.

Imlufltrlnl Conditions Uiuiur Democratic Supremacy. A local democratic, paper says: "All these tlio republicans have been promising 'to full employment lo all ut hlRh wagub by Uluir Urli 1 method. Thoy Imvo httil tlio to UieiiisulvL'H. In 1S9J they curried protection lo tin: extreme. Thoy guvo pYcry unpliiiiuit all ho dcniiiuduil, to some they fiivo moro.

And JLS tliii fruit of tills policy tlioy prt-mlsiHl tli(j Industrial millennium; plenty to do for ovuryboJy and princely WHKUR. Imvo of liitti forucd to confess (allure. T'juy (hid numbers of men U.T employed and labor to account for tlio phenomenon without admltllns' any fault their Ryslciuof 'reuipruciil The republicans not merely promised to frivo employment at £0od wages to all whoeliose to work, but tliey gave it. Such was the prosperity of tho country up to March of 1S1W that the man who was idle was the man who wanted to be idle. The wape average was higher than ever before.

It is unfortunately true that the condition of affairs to-day differs widely McKlriU'y of tho MrKinIoy HIM. The west lias seen ils error. The farmer has learned that selfishness as between sections of the same country is short-sighted. He has learned by bitter experience that a provrrnnv.rnlal policy which closes the facl.nrics closes the markets to which he must sell his produce. He lin.s learned Ihnt silent looms in the cast mean fields without fruit in the west, ile has learned that the blessings lie enjoys as citizen of the United States, over the citizen of ar.y oilier country under r.lie sua exact their tribute, and can be preserved only by a sacrifice of self to a No event could so thoroughly test the sentiment of the west a.s t.ho coming of Melvinley.

The protective principle was before the people in the person of its frreatest upostle, the author of the law which gave the nation its Greatest prosperity. It was not MeXinley, the victor in two of the most remarkable campaigns of political history; it was riot McKinley the statesman; it was Me' Kinley of the MclCir.ley bili. The cheers that smote the upon his ap- proach were no mere personal compli- i inent. They had a pfraniler meaning'. They were the cry of a people in bondage, forck'Hvcraneo.

They did honor to the man through him to indorse the doctrine for which lie stands more distinctively than does I any other American. i when it ii impossible for pie in this to all is actions here. llepub- emoeratie V. to i', 1 I reeept mcinbevs of til" hcad- i the two houses ili. bU closed of the uic in the Wilson are not intended measure any less hurtful, in a way, but pass- ir.

terests I Tho cliaiiipliin rrotccrlon. I William MeKinley, the peerless cham- i pion of prolcet.ion, was the one jjrcat republican leader who stood firm as a i rock while others foil or fr.ltere:! and proved false to Ilie )ii-st prin- eiple of republicanism in that day from that of 1SUO and the years imined- of republican which pro I -in 1 sa vs. I their thev i'oly --rot most to suffer until a a iinld I if and smnu? dep'-Tid very much OH I but I think 1 would bonks, siili-crjbe for H'ood lit! ie livnts for the tin- family. the or v. I had in tlio I uould pn: ir.ymu.-iry in tlic until had enough to fjn oJT to school, if this privilege were otherwise this 1 do not necessarily nicuii 1 would take a eolleffe.

lir.t, if 1 were to be a I would take the eourse in apr- olTered by many of our schools now; or, if a dairyman, attend dairy school: if a veterinarian, take a coiM'sc at veterinary college, and soon. I would know to do well whatever 1 undertook to Agriculturist. Noted Physicians lately following. Work is scarce, wages lower, and for one strike then there- arc scores now. The republicans have not been "forced to confess failure," however, so far as confessing failure implies that they have lost faith in the efficacy of protection.

They are forced to confess that they do not have quite as 01" claimed the decree of people surrendering to control every ilc- pnrtiiiont of the of tho United States. The brief experienc" of little more than a year, with its general widespread ruin, starvation, ami disaster, has vindicated justified Meivinley as no other statesman ever before was an opinion of the intelligence of eated and justified, even by his political tho American people as they had prior to November 1892. When they saw tlie majority of the voters casting their ballots free trade after it had been explained to them just what the consequences of a march toward free trade and away from protection would be, and when thoy saw the readiness of the pcoplu to discard a system under which they had prospered for a third of a century, they wero willing to con- less that there was a failure of intelligence. The republicans are not surprised that great numbers of men are out work now, and they havn no trouble about explaining 1 it They predicted lack of work in. ISOC-'O-J if tho democrats were successful.

Their predictions have come true. They said democratic success would lower wages. It has done so. They said that there would bo innumerable) industrial conflicts while the country was trying to itself to the new democratic wage scale. Those conllicts arc going on now.

Of course, it is not the "fault' 1 of protection that these phenomena of scant work and low wages are visible everywhere, for, while protection is btill the aw, that law is practically a dead letter. It has been known for months that a low tariff bill was to be passed. The mintitu tho people made up their minds that such wo.s to be the case they preparing for it. They did not wnit for the day when the bill was to force to take the necessary enemies. The people, by overwhelming-majorities, have voted their confidence in Kuch day's progress in the legislation of the democratic factions in congress has served to show that the only safe platform upon which their party can rally is the principle of McKinleyism.

Toledo Commercial. F. HliOVTX. M. D.

Recommend Prescribe SWAMP-ROOT It Never Fails to Cure. "Dr. Kilmer's is a preparation discovered by an old scientific physician, whoso vide experience extending over many 1 ycnrs, hns. given him exccpiionnl advantages fortwaiiiiindiseascsFUcccssfully. Jhnvepro- scribeil Dr.

Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot in a groat 1 ronny of the kidney, liver and bladder ami nlw.iys with the most gratifying therefore it affords- I mo great pleasure to most cordially rccom- I mend it totuilTcrine humanity and the medical profession, us I fee) sure that It will compllkh nil that is claimed for it in every instance. It In beyond question the- ercalcut discovery of day." OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. ItSTTho deficit created by the Wilson bill will not be only in the treasury. I twill cause a deficit in every workingman's Ulade, the Wilson bill" is the cry of the country. But tho way to kill it most effectually is to vote to return the republican party to State Register.

GsTThe Wilnon bill is tho penalty which the south imposes upon the north for havinfif made the republic tho most prosperous and progressive nation on Y. Press. ia tho season of criminal mysteries, but the biggest mystery of all is how the democracy is going to crawl out of the hole in which it lies so (jc.cp.-N. Y. Tribune.

great need of the democratic party-Is a new assortment of profane expletives for in talking about the things that have happened to it in tho past year. Louis Globe-Democrat. GgTThe London Times is unable to understand the action of President in the Sandwich islands. This Suspension Bridge, N. Y.

will return) to yuu ConKuItAlion fruo. itr. Kilmer IHncliluiitoii, N. Y. At MMg.

Dr. Kilmer's PARILLA LIVER are the best. 42 pi Is, 25 centB highest Fair. RICE'S Baking Powder: The only Pure Cream of Tartar Ammonia; No Alum. Used, in Millions of Years the Standard WHAT DO voi; WANT TO KNOW ABOUT I GIUIX, PROVISIONS and STOCKS, bought nild on UTOlWd margins.

We accept discretionary orders on abovo anil will Klve our liners who have ml the time to look after their own Interests tlmbenellt of our SO wars experience In Hulsss Mnnnnl for speculators sent iree on receipt of two cent stiimtf. Cnrrospomience solicited. JAMEb b. HULSK A Rookery. Chlcngo.


The fork Success. SIDETRACKED Si'iisatloiial Meclianlea) Effects. MR.JULE WALTERS iel NEW THAMP IN TOWN. A Positive Koreltr. The Sun Dance! The Serpentine the Tramp get Side Tracked Usual FrloM..

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